Fill in the correct word what can we do to the environment



Вопрос по английскому языку:

B Fill in the correct word.
explore glance cosy hide initials famous
solve imagination intelligent compass
7. What can we do to ____ the problem of unemployment?
8. Sherlock Holmes was a ____ detective.
9. Jules Verne had a wonderful _____.
10. At first ____, it looked like a wolf, but it wasn’t.
11. Diane is an extremely ____ child and the best student in her class.
12. I love your flat! It’s nice and ____.
13. Let’s ____ the woods before it gets dark.
14. Where did you ____ the money? I can’t find it.
15. Let’s use a ____ to find our way back.
16. This is my father’s shirt. It’s got his _____ on it.

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  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
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10 class.

Test 2.


1.Match the words/phrases in column A with the words /phrases in column B.



1) environmental

a) change

2) climate

b) warming

3) endangered

c) issues

4) global

d) species

5) home

e) habitats

6) local

f) scenery

7) nasty

g) virus

8) annual

h) festival

9) spectacular

i) dishes

10) natural


2. Fill in the correct word.


1.Try to reuse things as much as possible so as to … waste.

2.Don’t throw this jar away; I can use it to … different things.

3.Here is the … of Pompeii .

4. There is a beautiful view of the snowy … of the mountains from our hotel room.

5. We went on a guided … of London.

3.Choose the correct preposition.

1. Polar bears are under/in threat because of climate change.

2. A lot of animals species are under/in danger of extinction.

3. I don’t think animals should be kept at/in captivity.

4. We usually go on/ in holiday every January.

5. They will arrive on/ in London at 10 pm.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct past tense.

1. Three weeks ago John …(return) the book I … (lend) his.

2. Yesterday morning I … (not/meet) my friends until after I … (finish) my homework.

3. Roy … (watch) cartoon while I … (make) a cake.

4. Kate … (paint) the picture for hours before he … (take) a break.

5. Mary … (work) on the computer for four hours before she … (start) getting ready to go out.

10 class.

Test 2.


1. Match the words/phrases in column A with the words /phrases in column B.



1) environmental


2) global




4) climate

d) change

5) home

e) species

6) local

f) comfort

7) endangered

g) dishes

8) nasty

h) scenery

9) annual

i) festival

10) spectacular

j) virus

2. Fill in the correct word.


1. Switch off the lights to … energy.

2.Unfortunately, there are still many factories that … toxic gases into the air.

3.What can I do to …. the environment?

4.This part of town is full of street … .

5.You can take the local … to get to the city centre .

3. Choose the correct preposition.

1. Polar bears are under/in threat because of climate change.

2. A lot of animals species are under/in danger of extinction.

3. I don’t think animals should be kept at/in captivity.

4. We usually go on/ in holiday every January.

5. They will arrive on/ in London at 10 pm.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct past tense.

1. Three weeks ago John …(return) the book I … (lend) his.

2. Yesterday morning I … (not/meet) my friends until after I … (finish) my homework.

3. Roy … (watch) cartoon while I … (make) a cake.

4. Kate … (paint) the picture for hours before he … (take) a break.

5. Mary … (work) on the computer for four hours before she … (start) getting ready to go out.


variant 1













1 save

2 release

3 protect

4 vendors

5 bus


1 under

2 in

3 in

4 on

5 in


1 returned/had lent

2 didn’t meet/ had finished

3 was watching / was making

4 had been painting / took

5 had been working/ started

variant 2













1 eliminate

2 store

3 town

4 peaks

5 tour


1 under

2 in

3 in

4 on

5 in


1 returned/had lent

2 didn’t meet/ had finished

3 was watching / was making

4 had been painting / took

5 had been working/ started

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 2 A (Module 2). Номер №B

Fill in the correct word.

• explore

• glance

• cosy

• hide

• initials

• famous

• solve

• several

• imagination

• intelligent

• compass

e.g. Jane travelled to several countries.
7. What can we do to _ the problem of unemployment?
8. Sherlock Holmes was a _ detective.
9. Jules Verne had a wonderful _ .
10. At first _ it looked like a wolf, but it wasn’t.
11. Diane is an extremely _ child and the best student in her class.
12. I love your flat! It’s nice and _ .
13. Let’s _ the woods before it gets dark.
14. Where did you _ the money? I can’t find it.
15. Let’s use a _ to find our way back.
16. This is my father’s shirt. It’s got his _ on it.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 2 A (Module 2). Номер №B


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово.
• проводить исследования
• взгляд
• уютный
• прятать
• инициалы
• известный
• решать
• несколько
• воображение
• разумный
• компас
например, Джейн побывала в нескольких странах.
7. Что мы можем сделать, чтобы _ проблему безработицы?
8. Шерлок Холмс был _ детективом.
9. Жюль Верн обладал прекрасным _ .
10. На первый _ это было похоже на волка, но это не так.
11. Дайана − чрезвычайно _ ребенок и лучшая ученица в своем классе.
12. Обожаю вашу квартиру! Она милая и _ .
13. Давай _ лес, пока не стемнеет.
14. Где ты _ деньги? Я не могу их найти.
15. Давайте воспользуемся _ , чтобы найти обратный путь.
16. Это рубашка моего отца. На ней его _ .

7. What can we do to solve the problem of unemployment?
8. Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective.
9. Jules Verne had a wonderful imagination.
10. At first glance it looked like a wolf, but it wasn’t.
11. Diane is an extremely intelligent child and the best student in her class.
12. I love your flat! It’s nice and cosy.
13. Let’s explore the woods before it gets dark.
14. Where did you hide the money? I can’t find it.
15. Let’s use a compass to find our way back.
16. This is my father’s shirt. It’s got his initials on it.

Перевод ответа
7. Что мы можем сделать, чтобы решить проблему безработицы?
8. Шерлок Холмс был известным детективом.
9. Жюль Верн обладал прекрасным воображением.
10. На первый взгляд это было похоже на волка, но это не так.
11. Дайана − чрезвычайно умный ребенок и лучшая ученица в своем классе.
12. Обожаю вашу квартиру! Она милая и уютная.
13. Давай исследуем лес, пока не стемнеет.
14. Где ты спрятал деньги? Я не могу их найти.
15. Давайте воспользуемся компасом, чтобы найти обратный путь.
16. Это рубашка моего отца. На ней его инициалы.

Control work №2     Environment                   

Variant 1

A.Fill in the correct word:
environment, protect, heap, recycle, rubbish, save, transport, is thrown,

1) Switch
off the light to ……………………energy.

2) What
can I do to ………………..the environment?

3) It’s
really easy to make a compost………….. in your garden.

4) The
public ………… this city horrible; it takes ages to go anywhere.

5) A lot
of rubbish……………into the sea.

6) Some
animals try to eat…………..,they die.

7) Do you ………….these
plastic containers?

Chemicals kill living beings and pollute…………….. .

B. Underline the correct item.

1) Your
hair looks awful. You … (can/should) get it cut.

2). I am
exhausted. I … (am able to/need to) get some rest.

3) When
they were rich they were … (able to/allowed to) travel abroad every

Visitors of our hotel … (may/can) use the car park.

5). Dogs …
(aren’t allowed to/aren’t able to) get inside.

6). I’m
not sure but Bob … (could/must) be in England now.

7). … (Must/May)
I use your mobile phone?

8). Tom
doesn’t answer the phone. His car … (should/must) be in a tunnel now.

C. Choose the correct answer. Future

1). Ted is
looking for a job. He is a good worker and I hope that by the end of the month
he …… a good job.

a) is finding

b) is going to find

c) will have found

d) will find

2). I
don’t know what he thinks about it, but I  ………him.

a)will have asked

b)am asking

c) will ask

d)will be asking

3)  Did
you write that letter to Jack? — Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me.
I ………. it in the evening.

a) will have been writing

b) am writing

c)will have written

d)will write

4. If
I ………… George tomorrow, I will tell him to come and see you.

a) am going to meet

b)  will be meeting

c) meet

d) will meet

D. Dependent prepositions. Fill in:
of, from, to, under, about, in

We all need to
protect nature ………. Pollution.

Plenty of
species are……….. danger of losing their habitants.

Cars and planes
are extremely harmful ………environment.

I feel very
strongly ………recycling.

My uncle is an
avid supporter………..Greenpeace.

Max 25

work №2 “Environment”                                                        


A.Fill in the correct word: save, pollute,
danger, heap, environment, jars, protection, harmful.

Oil from the ships, chemicals and waste………… the sea and kill whales and
dolphins, fish and sea birds.

People collect bottles, cans and …….. and put them into different recycling

The……….of animals is the aim of the World Wildlife Fund.

We should make a compost…… our garden.

Switch off the light to………

Throwing waste in the sea can be ………… marine life.

Lots of exotic birds are in………….of extinction.

What can we do to protect ………..?

B. Underline the correct item.

1). Women
… (are allowed to/have to) cover their heads in a church.

2)  I … (can’t/can)
speak Italian very well because I didn’t learn it at school.

3)  We … (could/couldn’t)
sleep last night because of the storm.

4). Sam … (must/had
leave the party early because his wife disappeared.

5). If you
train more you … (could/will be able to) run faster.

6). I was
(ought to/able to) buy a dishwasher with my credit card.

7). You … (ought/can)
to apologize.

8) We … (needn’t/mustn’t)
book a room in advance. They always have some vacant rooms.

C. Future Tenses.
Choose the right answer

1) I won’t leave the house before the
postman………….  mail.


is bringing

will bring

will have brought

 2) ………their luggage by the time the taxi comes?

a)Will they

b)Will they have packed

c)Will they be packing

d)They will pack

3) By the time you come home you ………….. everything I
have told you.

a)will be forgetting

b)will have forgotten

c)have forgotten

d)will forget

4) Ask Tom if he …………… in the chess tournament next

a)will have taken part

b)will take part

c)will be taking part

d)takes part

D. Dependent prepositions. Fill in:
of, from, to, under, about, in

1)We all
need to protect nature ………. Pollution.

of species are……….. danger of losing their habitants.

3)Cars and
planes are extremely harmful ………environment.

4)I feel
very strongly ………recycling.

5)My uncle
is an avid supporter………..Greenpeace.


work №2 “Environment”                                                        


A.Fill in the correct word: pollute,
packed, compost, danger, environment, harmful, decompose, throw away.

1) Have you…….your lunch for school today?

2) You can put things that……. , like vegetable
peelings, onto the 3) ……..heap.

4) Throwing waste in the sea can be ………… marine

5) Lots of exotic birds are in………….of extinction.

6) What can we do to protect ………..?

7) Don’t ………………..those glass bottles. They can be

8) Oil from the ships, chemicals and waste………… the sea
and kill whales and dolphins, fish and sea birds.

B. Complete the following
sentences using the most appropriate forms of the verbs.

1. I … sleep for hours
when I was a little girls.

a) could
b) am able to
c) can

2. Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game
yesterday because he was ill.

a) couldn’t, could
b) can, was able
c) can, couldn’t 

3. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We
… meet at 5 sharp.

a) were to
b) had to
c) could

4. Where are my gloves? — I … put them on
because it’s cold today.

a) can’t
b) have to 
c) needn’t

5. You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is

a) needn’t 
b) mustn’t
c) can’t

6. I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your
birthday party. You … invite me next time.

a) must 
b) should
c) need to

7. You … smoke so much.
a) would 
b) can’t
c) shouldn’t

8. We have got plenty of time. We … hurry.
a) must
b) needn’t
c) should

C. Future Tenses. Choose the right answer.

1) I
won’t leave the house before the postman………….  mail.




have brought

………their luggage by the time the taxi comes?


they have packed

they be packing

will pack

3) By
the time you come home you ………….. everything I have told you.

be forgetting

have forgotten



4) Ask
Tom if he …………… in the chess tournament next week.

have taken part

take part

be taking part


Dependent prepositions. Fill in: of, from, to, under, about, in

1) We
all need to protect nature ………. pollution.

2) Cars
and planes are extremely harmful ………environment.

3) I
feel very strongly ………recycling.

4) My
uncle is an avid supporter………..Greenpeace.

Plenty of species are……….. danger of losing their habitants.

work №2 “Environment”                                                        


A.Fill in the correct word: save, pollute,
danger, heap, environment, jars, protection, harmful.

Oil from the ships, chemicals and waste………… the sea and kill whales and
dolphins, fish and sea birds.

People collect bottles, cans and …….. and put them into different recycling

The……….of animals is the aim of the World Wildlife Fund.

We should make a compost…… our garden.

Switch off the light to………

Throwing waste in the sea can be ………… marine life.

Lots of exotic birds are in………….of extinction.

What can we do to protect ………..?

B. Underline the correct item.

1). Women
… (are allowed to/have to) cover their heads in a church.

2)  I … (can’t/can)
speak Italian very well because I didn’t learn it at school.

3)  We … (could/couldn’t)
sleep last night because of the storm.

4). Sam … (must/had
leave the party early because his wife disappeared.

5). If you
train more you … (could/will be able to) run faster.

6). I was
(ought to/able to) buy a dishwasher with my credit card.

7). You … (ought/can)
to apologize.

8) We … (needn’t/mustn’t)
book a room in advance. They always have some vacant rooms.

C. Future Tenses.
Choose the right answer

1) I won’t leave the house before the
postman………….  mail.


is bringing

will bring

will have brought

 2) ………their luggage by the time the taxi comes?

a)Will they

b)Will they have packed

c)Will they be packing

d)They will pack

3) By the time you come home you ………….. everything I
have told you.

a)will be forgetting

b)will have forgotten

c)have forgotten

d)will forget

4) Ask Tom if he …………… in the chess tournament next

a)will have taken part

b)will take part

c)will be taking part

d)takes part

D. Dependent prepositions. Fill in:
of, from, to, under, about, in

1)We all
need to protect nature ………. Pollution.

of species are……….. danger of losing their habitants.

3)Cars and
planes are extremely harmful ………environment.

4)I feel
very strongly ………recycling.

5)My uncle
is an avid supporter………..Greenpeace.

                                    Max 25

Страница 17 из 53

TEST 8 A (Module 8)

*A. Fill in the correct word.  Вставьте правильное слово.

• pollution • fumes • trees • station • rubbish • recycle • rain • clean out
 • загрязнение • пары • деревья • станция • мусор • перерабатывать • дождь • очистить

e.g. power station
например, электростанция


1. recycle newspapers and cans
2. toxic fumes
3. air, water and soil pollution
4. collect rubbish
5. acid rain
6. plant trees
7. clean out a pond


1. утилизировать газеты и банки
2. токсичные пары
3. загрязнение воздуха, воды и почвы
4. собирать мусор
5. кислотный дождь
6. сажать деревья
7. чистить пруд

*B. Match the phrases above with the correct picture.  Сопоставьте приведенные выше фразы с правильным изображением.

например, электростанция


8. toxic fumes
9. recycle newspapers / cans
10. collect rubbish
11. acid rain
12. clean out a pond
13. air, water and soil pollution
14. plant trees


8. токсичные пары
9. утилизировать газеты и банки
10. собирать мусор
11. кислотный дождь
12. чистить пруд
13. загрязнение воздуха, воды и почвы.
14. сажать деревья

*C. Underline the correct item. Подчеркните правильный элемент.

e.g. Factories emit / burn toxic fumes.
например, Заводы выделяют токсичные пары.


15. Water pollution can wipe out / drink up fish and plant species.
16. I can’t make up / out what it says here.
17. Acid rain gathers / poisons trees and plants.
18. Solar / Oxygen power can be used to heat homes.
19. Can I join / volunteer the Eco−helpers club?


15. Загрязнение воды может уничтожить виды рыбы и растений.
16. Я не могу понять, что здесь говорится.
17. Кислотный дождь отравляет деревья и растения.
18. Солнечная энергия может использоваться для обогрева домов.
19. Могу ли я вступить в клуб эко−помощников?

*D. What does / doesn’t Sarah have to do today?

• Call Mum. DONE
• Collect cans and newspapers today. DONE
• Take cans and newspapers to the recycling centre.
• Apply to volunteer at the Eco−club.
• Help clean the local pond. DONE

Что нужно / не нужно делать Саре сегодня? • Позвонить маме. ВЫПОЛНЕНО • Собирать банки и газеты сегодня же. ВЫПОЛНЕНО • Отнести банки и газеты в центр утилизации. • Записаться волонтером в Эко−клуб. • Помогать чистить местный пруд. ВЫПОЛНЕНО

e.g. Sarah doesn’t have to call her mum.
например, Сара не должна звонить своей маме.


20. Sarah doesn’t have to collect cans and newspapers today.
21. Sarah has to take cans and newspapers to the recycling centre.
22. Sarah has to apply to volunteer at the Eco−club.
23. Sarah doesn’t have to help clean the local pond.


20. Сара не должна сегодня собирать банки и газеты.
21. Сара должна отнести банки и газеты в центр переработки.
22. Сара должна подать заявку на волонтерство в Эко−клуб.
23. Сара не должна помогать чистить местный пруд.

*E. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.  Завершите предложения, используя непрерывную форму глаголов в скобках Present Perfect.

e.g. She has been trying to raise money for the zoo for months. (try)
например, Она уже несколько месяцев пытается собрать деньги для зоопарка. (пытаться)


24. He has been studying the environment for over ten years. (study)
25. We have been working hard to build nesting boxes.  (work)
26. It has been raining for two days. (rain)
27. He has been donating money to Greenpeace for a long time. (donate)
28. The government has been trying to reduce pollution for years. (try)
29. I have been volunteering to clean out ponds for a year now! (volunteer)


24. Он изучает окружающую среду более десяти лет.
25. Мы много работали над созданием скворечников.
26. Уже два дня идет дождь.
27. Он давно жертвует деньги Гринпис.
28. Правительство пытается уменьшить загрязнение в течение многих лет.
29. Я уже год волонтером чищу пруды!

*F. Fill in the question tag.  Заполните тэг вопроса.

e.g. Recycling isn’t that hard, is it?
например, Переработка − это не так уж сложно, так ведь?


30. Camels live in the desert, don’t they?
31. Sarah didn’t collect the cans and newspapers, did she?
32. Sarah has called her mum, hasn’t she?
33. Gorillas are amazing animals, aren’t they?
34. It can’t be true, can it?


30. Верблюды живут в пустыне, не так ли?
31. Сара не собирала банки и газеты, так ведь?
32. Сара позвонила своей маме, так ведь?
33. Гориллы − удивительные животные, не так ли?
34. Это не может быть правдой, так ведь?

*G. Choose the correct response. Подберите правильный ответ.

e.g. Can I give you a hand with your Science project? F A. Hello, I would like to make a donation.
35. Can I help to protect natural habitats? B. No, I would like to donate £10 per month.
36. Hello, Greenpeace. How can I help you? C. Yes, please! It’s so heavy.
37. Can you help us with our next project in the Amazon rainforest? D. Yes, I would love to help!
38. Are you making a one−off donation? E. Yes. You can volunteer to work on conservation project.
39. Do you need help with that bag? F. Yes, please. It’s very difficult.


например, Могу я помочь вам с вашим научным проектом? F A. Здравствуйте, я хочу сделать пожертвование.
35. Могу ли я помочь защитить естественную среду обитания? B. Нет, я хочу жертвовать 10 фунтов стерлингов в месяц.
36. Здравствуйте, Гринпис. Чем я могу помочь вам? C. Да, пожалуйста! Она такая тяжелая.
37. Можете ли вы помочь нам с нашим следующим проектом в тропических лесах Амазонки? D. Да, я с радостью помогу!
38. Вы делаете разовое пожертвование? E. Да. Вы можете добровольно участвовать в природоохранном проекте.
39. Тебе нужна помощь с сумкой? F. Да, пожалуйста. Это очень трудно.


35 – E, 36 – A, 37 – D, 38 – B, 39 – C.

*H. Read the article and choose A, B, or C to complete the gaps.  Прочтите статью и выберите A, B или C, чтобы заполнить пробелы.

e.g. A. under B. off C. out
40. A. habitats B. dangers C. atmospheres
41. A. donate B. protect C. pollute
42. A. stop B. increase C. gather
43. A. teach B. join C. replace
44. A. ear B. hand C. foot


Are we doing enough to protect animals?
Animal species are disappearing from our planet fast. Scientists believe that 50 animal species are being wiped out in the wild every day. This happens because they lose their natural 40) habitats.
Some people say that the only way to 41) protect endangered animals is to place them in a zoo. They claim that zoos keep the animals safe from harm and help 42) increase their numbers.
On the other hand, other people say that zoos can’t 43) replace an animal’s natural habitat. That’s why we need to focus on protecting their natural environments in the wild.
In my opinion, it is difficult to say what is best for our animal friends. I believe that more work should be done to protect animals’ natural habitats. If we all give a 44) hand, we can work wonders!

40 – A, 41 – B, 42 – B, 43 – C, 44 – B.


Достаточно ли мы делаем для защиты животных?
Виды животных быстро исчезают с нашей планеты. Ученые считают, что 50 видов животных например, уничтожаются в дикой природе каждый день. Это происходит потому, что они теряют свои естественные 40) среды обитания.
Некоторые люди говорят, что единственный способ 41) защитить находящихся под угрозой исчезновения животных − это поместить их в зоопарк. Они утверждают, что зоопарки защищают животных от вреда и помогают 42) увеличить их численность.
С другой стороны, другие люди говорят, что зоопарки не могут 43) заменить естественную среду обитания животных. Вот почему нам нужно сосредоточить внимание на защите их естественной среды обитания в дикой природе.
На мой взгляд, трудно сказать, что лучше для наших друзей−животных. Я считаю, что необходимо больше работать для защиты естественной среды обитания животных. Если мы все протянем 44) руку, мы сможем творить чудеса!

*I. You will hear a representative from an environmental organisation talking to somebody who wants to donate money to support their cause. For each question, fill in the missing information.  Вы услышите, как представитель экологической организации разговаривает с кем−то, кто хочет пожертвовать деньги на поддержку своего дела. Для каждого вопроса укажите недостающую информацию.

Аудио к заданию:

− Hello, Greenpeace. How can I help you?
− Hi, I would like to make a donation, please.
− That’s great! Are you already a member?
− No, but I would like to become one.
− OK, then. Would you like to make a one−off donation, Sir, or would you prefer to make a regular monthly one?
− A monthly donation, please. Let’s say £20 per month.
− That’s very generous of you. You know, Sir, that with your monthly donation you get our Greenpeace magazine every two months for free.
− That’s fantastic!
− Could I take your name, please?
− Certainly. My name’s Nathan Brown.
− And your address?
− That’s 39 Apple Road, London.
− Thank you very much, Mr Brown. You’ll receive a welcome pack soon along with the last two issues of Greenpeace magazine.
− That’s great! And how do I pay?
− Let me give you our bank account number. It’s Tudor’s Bank, Account No. 96552247586.
− Thank you.
− So, welcome to the team, Mr Brown.
− Thanks a lot. Goodbye!
− Goodbye!

Перевод аудио:

− Здравствуйте, Гринпис. Как я могу тебе помочь?
− Здравствуйте, я хотел бы сделать пожертвование, пожалуйста.
− Замечательно! Вы уже являетесь участником?
− Нет, но я бы хотел им стать.
− Хорошо, тогда. Хотели бы вы сделать разовое пожертвование, сэр, или вы бы предпочли делать регулярное ежемесячное пожертвование?
− Помесячное пожертвование, пожалуйста. Скажем, 20 фунтов в месяц.
− Это очень великодушно с вашей стороны. Вы знаете, сэр, что на ваше ежемесячное пожертвование вы каждые два месяца бесплатно получаете наш журнал Greenpeace.
− Это чудесно!
− Могу я узнать ваше имя, пожалуйста?
− Конечно. Меня зовут Натан Браун.
− А ваш адрес?
− Это 39 Яблочная Дорога, Лондон.
− Большое спасибо, мистер Браун. Скоро вы получите приветственный набор вместе с двумя последними выпусками журнала Greenpeace.
− Замечательно! А как мне заплатить?
− Позвольте дать вам номер нашего банковского счета. Это Тюдоровский банк, счет № 96552247586.
− Спасибо.
− Итак, добро пожаловать в команду, мистер Браун.
− Большое спасибо. До свидания!
− До свидания!


Greenpeace Donations
(please tick √)
Regular √
Amount: 45) £ 20 per 46) month
Name: 47) Nathan Brown
Address: 48) 39 Apple Road, London
Method of Payment (please tick √)
49) Credit card           Cheque           Cash
      Bank account


Пожертвования Гринпис
(отметьте, пожалуйста, √)
Регулярное √
Сумма: 45) £ 20 в 46) месяц
Имя: 47) Натан Браун
Адрес: 48) 39 Яблочная Дорога, Лондон
Способ оплаты (отметьте √)
49) Кредитная карта   Чек   Наличные
      Банковский счет √


3. Fill in the correct word: 1) Hide, 2) solve, 3) several, 4) cosy, 5) compass, 6) famous. Example: Jane travelled to several countries. 1. What can we do to………the problem of unemployment? 2. Sherlock Holmes was a …….detective. 3. I love your flat! It’s nice and ……… 4. Where did you ….the money? I can’t find it. 5. Let’s use a …… find our way back.​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык


Тест по английскому языку

Test 8 (form 7)

1. Vocabulary. Fill in the correct word: pollution, fumes, trees, station, rubbish, recycle, rain, clean out. e.g. power station

1)toxic ………. 2) collect …………. 3) acid ………. 4) ………. newspapers and cans 5) plant ………… 6) ……….. a pond 7) air, water and soil ………………

2. Match the phrases above with the correct word.

8) чистить пруд — 9) садить растения — 10) перерабатывать газеты и банки — 11) кислотный дождь — 12) собирать мусор — 13) загрязнение воздуха, воды и почвы — 14) токсические выбросы –

3. Choose the correct item. e.g. Factories emit/burn toxic fumes.

15) Can I join /volunteer the Eco-helpers club?

16) Water pollution can wipe out/drink up fish and plant species.

17) Acid rain gathers/poisons trees and plants.

18) Solar/Oxygen power can be used to heat homes.

19) I can’t make up/out what it says here.

4. Grammar. What does/doesn’t Sarah have to do today?

Call Mum. Done

e.g. Sarah doesn ’t have to call her mum

Collect cans and newspapers today. Done

20. ………………………..

Take cans and newspapers to the recycling centre.


Apply to volunteer at the Eco-club.


Help clean the local pond. Done.


5. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous form. e.g. She has been trying to raise money for the zoo for months. (try)

24) I ………….. to clean out ponds for a year now! (volunteer)

25) He ………… to Greenpeace for a long time. (donate)

26) The government ……………. to reduce pollution for years. (try)

27) He …………. the environment for over ten years. (study)

28) It …………….. for two days. (rain)

29) We………… hard to build nesting boxes. (work)

6. Fill in the question tag. e.g. Recycling isn ’t that hard, is it?

30) Sarah has called her mum, ………..?

31) Camels live in the desert, …………..?

32) Gorillas are amazing animals,……….?

33) It can’t be true, ………?

34) Sarah didn’t collect the cans, ……….?

7 Choose the correct response.

35. Do you need help with that bag?

A Hello, I would. like to make a donation

36.Are you making a one-off donation?

B. Yes, I would love to help !

37.Can I help to protect natural habitats?

C Yes, please! It’s so heavy.

38. Hello,Greenpece. How can I help you?

D. No, I wouldn’t like to donate $10 per month.

39. Can you help us with our next project in the Amazon rainforest?

E. Yes. You can volunteer to work on conservation projects.

8 . Reading. Read the article and choose A/B/C

The environmental news report:

Are we doing enough to protect animals?

Animal 40) …….(A)species, B) environment, C) choose) are disappearing from our planet fast. Scientists believe that 50 animal species are being wiped 41) …… (А) out, B) in, C) from) in the wild every day. This happens because. they lose their natural 42) ……….. (A) habitats, B) dangers, C) atmospheres) .

Some people say that the only way to 43)………….. A)donate, B) protect C) pollute) endangered animals is to place them in a zoo. They claim that zoos keep the animals safe from harm and help 44) ……. (A) stop, B) increase C) gather) their numbers.

On the other hand , other people say that zoos cant 45) …….. (A) teach, B) join C) replace) an animal’s natural habitat. That’s why we need to focus on protecting their natural environments in the wild.

In my opinion, it is difficult to say what is best for our animal friends. I believe that more work should be done to protect animals natural habitats. If we all give a 46) ……………(A) ear, B) hand C) foot) , we can work wonders.

Опубликовано 12.04.18 в 12:24

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Spotlight 7 Test 8A (Module 8) + KEY to test (Английский язык 7 класс: Спотлайт Тесты + Ответы) — цитаты Теста № 8 A с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 7 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс / М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.

Часть 1. Только ОТВЕТЫ

А).  1–recycle     2–fumes     3–pollution     4–rubbish     5–rain     6–trees     7–clean out.
B).  8–toxic fumes     9–recycle newspapers/cans     10–collect rubbish     11–acid rain
12–clean out a pond     13–air, water and soil pollution     14–plant trees.
C).  15–wipeout      16–out      17–poisons     18–Solar     19–join.

D).  20–Sarah doesn’t have to collect cans and newspapers today.
21–Sarah has to take cans and newspapers to the recycling centre.
22–Sarah has to apply to volunteer at the Eco-club.
23–Sarah doesn’t have to help clean the local pond.

E).  24–has been studying     25–have been working     26–has been raining
27–has been donating     28–has been trying     29–have been volunteering.
F).  30–don’t they     31–did she     32–hasn’t she     33–aren’t they     34–can it.

G).  35–E     36–A     37–D     38–В     39–С.
Н).  40–A     41–В     42–В     43–С     44–В.
I).  45–20      46–month      47–Nathan Brown     48–39 Apple Road     49–Bank account.

Часть 2. Задания и Ответы


         A). Fill in the correct word.

  1. …..• recycle………. newspapers and cans
  2. toxic …..• fumes………
  3. air, water and soil …….• pollution………
  4. collect ……• rubbish….
  5. acid ……• rain……..
  6. plant ……• trees…….
  7. …..• clean out……… a pond

          В). Match the phrases above with the correct picture.

  1. toxic fumes
  2. recycle newspapers/cans
  3. collect rubbish
  4. acid rain
  5. clean out a pond
  6. air, water and soil pollution
  7. plant trees.

           C). Underline the correct item.

  1. Water pollution can wipe out/drink up fish and plant species.
  2. I can’t make up/out what it says here.
  3. Acid rain gathers/poisons trees and plants.
  4. Solar/Oxygen power can be used to heat homes.
  5. Can I join/volunteer the Eco–helpers club?


           D). What does/doesn’t Sarah have to do today?

  • Call Mum. DONE.
  • Take cans and newspapers to the recycling centre.
    • Apply to volunteer at the Eco–club.
  1. …… Sarah doesn’t have to collect cans and newspapers today.
  2. …… Sarah has to take cans and newspapers to the recycling centre.
  3. …… Sarah has to apply to volunteer at the Eco–club.
  4. …… Sarah doesn’t have to help clean the local pond.

          E). Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. He …… has been studying …… the environment for over ten years. (study)
  2. We …… have been working ……. hard to build nesting boxes. (work)
  3. It …… has been raining ……. for two days. (rain)
  1. He ……. has been donating ……. money to Greenpeace for a long time, (donate)
  2. The government …… has been trying ……. to reduce pollution for years. (try)
  3. I …….. have been volunteering ……… to clean out ponds for a year now! (volunteer)

         F). Fill in the question tag.

  1. Camels live in the desert, …… don’t they ……. ?
  2. Sarah didn’t collect the cans and newspapers, …… did she …… ?
  3. Sarah has called her mum, … hasn’t she ….. ?
  4. Gorillas are amazing animals, …… aren’t they ….. ?
  5. It can’t be true, …… can it….. ?

Everyday English

          G). Choose the correct response.

  1. Can I help to protect natural habitats? …… E) Yes. You can volunteer to work on conservation projects.
  2. Hello, Greenpeace. How can I help you? ……. A) Hello, I would like to make a donation.
  3. Can you help us with our next project in the Amazon rainforest? ….. D) Yes, I would love to help!
  4. Are you making a one–off donation? ….. В) No, I would like to donate £10 per month.
  5. Do you need help with that bag? ….. C) Yes, please! It’s so heavy.


        H). Read the article and choose A, В, or C to complete the gaps.

Are we doing enough to protect animals?
Animal species are disappearing from our planet fast. Scientists believe that 50 animal species are being wiped e.g. out in the wild every day. This happens because they lose their natural 40) ……. .
Some people say that the only way to 41) ……… endangered animals is to place them in a zoo. They claim that zoos keep the animals safe from harm and help 42) ………. their numbers.
On the other hand, other people say that zoos can’t 43) ………. an animal’s natural

habitat. That’s why we need to focus on protecting their natural environments in the wild.
In my opinion, it is difficult to say what is best for our animal friends. I believe that more work should be done to protect animals’ natural habitats. If we all give a 44) ………., we can work wonders!

  1. A) habitats. В) dangers.   C) atmospheres
  2. A) donate. В) protect. C) pollute
  3. A) stop. В) increase. C) gather
  4. A) teach. В) join. C) replace
  5. A) ear. В) hand.   C) foot


         I). You will hear a representative from an environmental organisation talking to somebody who wants to donate money to support their cause. For each question, fill in the missing information.

Greenpeace Donations (please tick √)
One–off [  ]   Regular e.g. [√]   Amount: 45) £ ….20….. per 46) ….month……
Name: 47) …….Nathan Brown………
Address: 48) …….39 Apple Road…….., London.
Method of Payment (please tick √)
49) Credit card [  ]   Cheque [  ]   Cash [  ]   Bank account [√].

Вы смотрели: Spotlight 7 Test 8A + KEY to test (Английский язык 7 класс: Спотлайт Тест 8А + Ответы) — цитаты контрольного теста с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 7 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.

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