Fill in the correct word violent continuous

Тест по модулю 3 УМК «Звездный английский» для 11 класса

Цель: проверка знаний учащихся в области лексики и грамматики модуля 3 УМК «Звездный английский» для 11 класса, а также навыков аудирования и словообразования.

Тест состоит из 7 заданий, время выполнения 45 мин., примерное время на выполнение каждого задания:

1 задание: 5 мин

2 задание: 3 мин

3 задание: 3 мин

4 задание: 5 мин

5 задание: 10 мин

6 задание: 4 мин

7 задание :10мин

самопроверка: 5 мин

Критерии оценивания:

Каждое правильно выполненное задание оценивается в 1 балл

Количество баллов

Процент выполнения


58 — 52









менее 29

менее 50


Тест представлен на Google Формах и доступен по ссылке

Печатный вариант теста:

Fill in the correct word: interference, heredity, wrung, ensure, sustain, burden, lobby, impoverished, vulnerable, waste away, cultivate

1. When I became seriously ill, my muscles……

2. She ……the cloth as tightly as she could to get the extra water out of it.

3. The environmental ……group planned to petition parliament about CO2 emission.

4. Children and the elderly are the most ……to flu.

5. Farmers should be able to set their own prices without …… from the government.

6. Soil can become …….if it is farmed constantly.

7. The …… of working and going to school was too much for her.

8. The information was checked to ……it was accurate.

9. Some scientists believe it will be possible……life on other planets.

10. It has been suggested that farmers should ……potatoes rather than rice to help solve the word`s food problems.

2. Chose the correct item.

1. It was frozen/freezing this morning when I woke up.

2. Carol Ann Duffy is one of the most famous living/alive poets in Britain.

3. Kim and Nary split/share an interest in Modern Art.

4. Lean/thin meat contains less fat.

5. Use a ripe/ rotten tomato for the sauce mixture.

6. Melt/Crush one clove of garlic and add to the pot.

7. The school required more accounts/funds to complete the building of the new gym.

8. The company has managed to maintain/remain excellent service for many years.

9. The library offers free access/availability to the Internet.

10. They extended/improved their house to give them more room as their children got older.

3. Fill in the correct word: bite, munching, chew, swallow, sipped, grinding

1. Karl annoyed his workmates by ……loudly on an apple in the office.

2. Brendan …… his coffee because it was too hot.

3. If you ……your food well, it will help digestion.

4. Don’t……your food without chewing it well first.

5. I just want to try ……of your cake.

6. Kate had a habit of……her teeth when she was angry.

4. Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the verbs: peel, grate, core, melt, slice, mix, beat, toss, drain, separate, crush.

1. She ……the black and white pieces on the chessboard.

2. He ……the water once the pasta was cooked.

3. She ……the pear to remove the pips before giving the pieces to her son.

4. ……the eggs and add them to the flour.

5. He ……the orange carefully without causing a mess.

6. She……cheese into a bowl for the spaghetti.

7. First ……the butter in a pan and then stir in the flour.

8. He…….the butter, flour and sugar.

9. Terry……a pepper and placed it on the pizza.

10. ……grapes with the feet is a traditional way to make wine.

5. Complete each of the sentences with a word formed from the word in capitals.

1. There are many different …… (VARY) of mango and each has it`s own flavor.

2. The …… (EXTEND ) of the suburban railway line has helped more commuters to get into the city centre by public transport.

3. Animals have a natural instinct for…… (SURVIVE)

4. Tatiana traced her …….(ANCESTOR) back to the royal family in Russia.

5. Her grandmother left to her a large …… (INHERIT).

6. National parks and zoos aid in the …… ( CONSERVE) of endangered species.

7. All of the …… (INHABIT) village were asked to evacuate the area because of fears of an imminent volcanic eruption.

8. The construction company has recently been involved with a …… (REDEVELOP) project in New Orleans.

9. The university’s decision to fund new research projects has increased its …… (RESPECT) in the academic community.

10. You can log onto the Internet and check the …… (AVAILABLE) of hotel rooms in Athens.

6. Fill in: from, in (2), on, with (2), at, to

1. The twins differ ……each other in many ways. 5 He stared amazement when I told him the news.

2. I will deal ……the problem tomorrow morning.

3. The winners of the lottery are picked ……random.

4. He stared ……amazement when I told him the news.

5. ……average, most students struggle to make ends meet.

6. She had to adapt herself …… local conditions.

7. They agreed to co-operate …… Brazil on a programme to protect the rain-forests.

8. He is successful ……everything.

7. Watch the video and answer the questions

1. When was ‘Lonesome George’ discovered?

2. When was ‘Lonesome George’ taken into the captivity?

3. When did ‘Lonesome George’ die?

4. What museum created a sculpture of George?



1. wasted away

2. wrung

3. lobby

4. vulnerable

5. interference

6. impoverished

7. burden

8. ensure

9. sustain

10. cultivate


1. freezing

2. living

3. share

4. lean

5. ripe

6. crush

7. funds

8. maintain

9. access

10. extended

1. munching

2. sipped

3. chew

4. swallow

5. bite

6. grinding

1. separated

2. drained

3. core

4. beat

5. peeled

6. grated

7. melt

8. mixed

9. sliced

10. crushing

1. varieties

2. extension

3. survival

4. ancestry

5. inheritance

6. conservation

7. inhabitants

8. redevelopment

9. respectability

10. availability

1. from

2. with

3. at

4. in

5. on

6. to

7. with

8. in



2. 1972


4. American Museum of Natural History

Используемая литература:

Английский язык. 11 класс: учеб. Для общеобразовательных организаций: углубл. уровень/(К.М.Баранова, Д.Дули, В.В.Копылова и др) – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2020

Английский язык. Лексический практикум 11 класс. Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка/(К.М.Баранова, Д.Дули, В.В.Копылова и др) – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013

on Module 3

I. Match the words in two columns.


a. staff

2. run

b. job

3. extra-

c. director

4. skilled

d. instincts

5. maternal

e. business

6. highly- qualified

f. activities

II. Fill in the correct words/ phrases.

experience ;   private ;  to participate ;
to pursue;   night shifts ;   armed forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the  …..  .

2. The professor required from his students …..   in
all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working …..  because she got more
money for them.

4. Tom  couldn’t afford to  study at ….. school.

5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a  teacher ,
children loved  her very much.

6. She hopes ….. a career in Marketing.

 III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to …..  classes.

a)  come        b)visit       c) attend

2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.

a)  ready         2) free        c) available

3. The workers demanded a pay….. .

a) raise         b) rise         c) increase

4. He’ll …… from the university next year.

a) graduate       b) finish        c)leave

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for (2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.

2. He doesn’t like his classmates because they always pick
….. him.

3. Read the poem and  pick  …… all the adjectives.

4. Mother picks her child ……  whenever  he  cries.

5. He used to work ….. Smith & Co  in his

6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?

7. Don’t worry! We’ll deal……  the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their 

 V. Use the correct form of the words in

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she’ll
be an   …. . ( ART)

2.  ….. from different countries will take part in
the  concert.  ( MUSIC)

3. The ….. advised  me to read this book.   (

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think ……  .    
   ( DEPEND)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future
form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect
Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I ( to wait) here until  Jane comes.

2. I ( to miss) the flight because of this terrible
traffic jam!

3. By the end of the month, he ( to work) for the
company for ten years.

4. In twenty -four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.

5.  Next  week  her granny ( to be)  90 years old.

6.  When you ( to leave) for London?  — Tomorrow at 10

7. I hope  one day I ( to return) to my native town.

8. They ( to finish) their project by June.

9.  The match ( to start) at 7 p.m.

10. They ‘ ll move  house as soon as they( to buy) new

11. What you ( to do) at the weekend?

12. By the time you get back she (to get  married).

VII. Put the adjectives into the correct

1. Things are as ( bad) as they can be.

2. Children these days seem to become ( rude) and (

3. Which of these houses is (expensive)?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much ( slim) than his

5. To get promotion you must work ( hard) and be

6. He lives a bit ( far) than his parents.

7. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t
like it at all.

8. John is by far (sociable) person in his school.

9. (Much) you stay at home, ( bad) you ‘ll feel in the

10. He is twice as ( clever) as his ( old) brother.

to the   test on Module 3.

I. Match the words in two columns.

1.managing    c.

2. run    e.

3. extra-
curricular   f. activities

4. skilled    b.

5. maternal   
d. instincts

6. highly-
qualified      a. staff

II. Fill in the correct words/ phrases.

1. He has always dreamed of being in the  armed

 2. The professor required from his students to
  in all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working  night shifts 
because she got more money for them.

4. Tom  couldn’t afford to  study at  private

5. Though she didn’t have any experience
as a  teacher , children loved  her very much.

6. She hopes  to pursue a career in

 III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to  attend classes.

2. I would  be available for the interview at
any time.

3. The workers demanded a pay rise.

4. He’ll  graduate from the university next

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for (2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully  at his porridge.

2. He doesn’t like his classmates because they always
pick on him.

3. Read the poem and  pick  out all the

4. Mother picks her child up  whenever  he 

5. He used to work  for  Smith & Co  in
his youth.

6. Who is in charge of the investigation?

7. Don’t worry! We’ll deal with  the problem

8. Everyone should be responsible for their 

 V. Use the correct form of the words in

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she’ll
be an   …. . ( ARTIST)

2.  ….. from different countries will take part in
the  concert.  ( MUSICIANS)

3. The ….. advised  me to read this book.   (

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think ……  .       

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future
form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect
Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I  am going to /will wait  here until  Jane

2. I  am going to miss the flight because of
this terrible traffic jam!   

3. By the end of the month, he will have been
  for the company for ten years.  

4. In twenty -four hours  I   will be relaxing   
on my yacht.  

5.  Next  week  her granny  will be 90 years

6.  When  are you leaving  for London?  —
Tomorrow at 10 a.m.    

7. I hope  one day I   will return  to my
native town.    

8. They will have finished their project by

9.  The match  starts at 7 p.m.   

10. They ‘ ll move  house as soon as they buy new

11. What  are you going to do at the weekend?

12. By the time you get back she  will have got 

VII. Put the adjective into the correct

1. Things are as bad as they can be.

2. Children these days seem to become  ruder and 

3. Which of these houses is  the most expensive?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much  slimmer
than his wife.

5. To get promotion you must work  harder and
be more responsible.

6. He lives a bit farther/ further  than his

7. It’s the least  interesting  film I’ve ever
seen. I didn’t like it at all.

8. John is by far  the most sociable person in
his school.

9. The more you stay at home,  the worse you
‘ll feel in the street.

10. He is twice as  clever as his ( old)


I. Fill in the correct word (curious, daring, determined, patient, athletic).

1) Be …………. ! We’ll be finished soon. 2) We did something ………….. this weekend. We went bungee jumping. 3) Sally is very ………….. . When she wants something she does everything she can to achieve it. 4) Tina goes skateboarding in winter and windsurfing in summer. She is very ………… . 5) Don’t be so …………. ! If he wants to tell you what happened, he will. (Marks: __ )

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MODULE 3 I-variant

1. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

•Fantasy • violent • staring • imagination • sights • reflection • existed • sharp • glanced • extinct

1. The Colossal Squid differs from other types of squids in that it has ______ hooks on its tentacles.

2. Old castles are very popular ______ in Britain.

3. Although many people say they have seen Bigfoot, there are no fossil remains that prove the creature ever _______.

4. Rosie couldn’t stop _______ at the beautiful rainbow, as it was the first time she had ever seen one.

5. People thought the Coelacanth was an _______ species of fish, until a fisherman caught one in 1938.

6. When Richard and Ian heard the angry shouts they _______ around the room to see where they were coming from.

7. Last night I dreamt that a _________ whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom of the ocean.

8. The moon was so bright that James could see his ________ in the lake.

9. Jonathan’s vivid ________ is what makes him able to write spine-chilling ghost stories.

10. Garry really lives in a(n) _________ world! He believes that he will be the one who will take pictures of Bigfoot!

Module 3 Test. Form 10 Variant 1 Name____________________________________________________

1.Fill in the gaps with the correct word: motivated,private,activities,training,uniform,attend,rules,sit,strict,public.

1.Students must wear a school_____________________________________ every day.

2.It is important for everyone to follow the ___________________________________ .

3.This school is known for its discipline and ____________________________ teachers.

4.Students are very _____________________________________ To do well at this school.

5.Do you use a bicycle or the _____________________________________transport system?

2. Fill in: on,out,up,at.

1. I used to get picked ___________________________________at school by the elder children.

2. I’ll pick you _______________________________________ from the station.

3. No wonder she’s thin. She only pick______________________________ her food.

4. Can you help me pick______________________________ a new dress?

3. Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form.

1. St. Petersburg is one of the (beautiful) _______________________________cities in the world.

2. The rivers in America are much (big) __________________________than those in England.

3. Moscow is the (large) ___________________________city in Russia.

4. What is the name of the (high) _____________________________ mountain in Asia?

5. The English Channel is (wide) __________________________ than the straits of Gibraltar.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct future form (Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Present Continuous, be going to)

A: ________________________ (you/do) anything on Friday morning? B: No, I’m free.

A: Joe is going on holiday next week. B: Yes, I know. This time next week he _________________________ (fly) to Rome.

Martin _______________________________ (do) the work by Sunday evening.

My grandmother is very old. She ________________________(be) ninety next month.

This time tomorrow, I ___________________________________(leave) for the airport.

I _________________________________(collect) you from Peter’s house on my way home.

‘How is your project coming along? Is it done?’ ‘Not yet, but I_____________________( finish) it by the time the holidays are over.’

‘What are your plans for the weekend?’ ‘I_________________________ (spend ) some time with my friends.’

Richard is such a poor guy, he has got the flu, but his elder sister ___________________________________(take) care of him, she’s a nurse.

-I ’m really hungry!

-Don’t worry. I ________________________________ (cook) dinner by the time you get home.

5. Fill in the correct word derived from the world in bold.

1. Kate is now the new managing _________________________________of the company. DIRECT

2. The ___________________________________was busy tidying the returned books. LIBRARY

3. The_______________________________________ searched through old documents for years before he was convinced the events had taken place. HISTORY

Решите СРОЧНО!!!

Fill in the correct words.

• lead

• constant

• convenient

• unemployment

• isolated

• landscapes

1. Very few people _ a healthy lifestyle in big cities.
2. Our house is next to the train station, which is very _ .
3. Many young people have to deal with _ when they finish their studies.
4. Thailand is a country with amazing _ .
5. I can’t study when there’s _ noise around me.
6. She lives in a(n) _ area in Northern Norway.

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 1a. A city mouse or a country mouse?. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Введите правильные слова.
• вести
• постоянный
• удобный
• безработица
• изолированный
• пейзажи
1. В больших городах мало кто _ здоровый образ жизни.
2. Наш дом находится рядом с вокзалом, что очень _ .
3. Многим молодым людям приходится сталкиваться с _ по окончании учебы.
4. Тайланд − страна удивительных _ .
5. Я не могу учиться, когда вокруг _ шум.
6. Она живет в _ районе в Северной Норвегии.

1. Very few people lead a healthy lifestyle in big cities.
2. Our house is next to the train station, which is very convenient.
3. Many young people have to deal with unemployment when they finish their studies.
4. Thailand is a country with amazing landscapes.
5. I can’t study when there’s constant noise around me.
6. She lives in an isolated area in Northern Norway.

Перевод ответа
1. В больших городах мало кто ведет здоровый образ жизни.
2. Наш дом находится рядом с вокзалом, что очень удобно.
3. Многим молодым людям приходится сталкиваться с безработицей по окончании учебы.
4. Тайланд − страна удивительных пейзажей.
5. Я не могу учиться, когда вокруг постоянно шум.
6. Она живет в изолированном районе в Северной Норвегии.

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