Fill in the correct word there is one word you do not need

Test 6.

A. Fill in the missing word. There is one word you do not need to use: guided tours, landmarks,

snaps, local markets, train, souvenirs, book, varied, beach, cuisine, ferry.

1. The Forbidden City is one of the most famous… China.

2. A wide range of postcards and other …… are on sale in the visitors’ centre.

3. Farmers often sell their crops at ……

4. I just want to lie on the …all day.

5. I found some old….from our childhood holidays.

6. This restaurant is famous for its ……

7. ……are available to visitors.

8. As we boarded the ….. to go up the river, the clouds began to grey.

9. The … Newcastle leaves in an hour.

10. Let’s ……our flight now.

B. Choose the correct word.

11. She has always dreamt of going on a voyage/journey across the Mediterranean Sea.

12. We are all in the same ship/boat.

13. Is there gap/room for one more person in your car?

14. We’ll be at/on the harbor in ten minutes.

15. She doesn’t enjoy foreign/curious travel.

16. They arrive/reach in Tokyo at 3.

17. I got to the airport just in time to board/take the plane.

18. Last night, we went to a small restaurant that was off the beaten track/road.

19. What stop do I need to catch/get off at?

20. Amundsen’s excursion/expedition was the first to reach the South Pole.

C. Fill in the prepositions.

21. The opening of the new swimming pool has been set….. by a few weeks.

22. There were motorcycles …..hire.

23. We had a glorious time ….the seaside.

24. The rainy weather set ……

25. There are twelve children ……board the ship.

D. Rewrite the sentences in the reported speech.

26. “You are not allowed to take pictures,” the guide said.

27. “When will you arrive?” Jill asked.

28. “I got seasick on the ferry,” Andrew said.

29. “Pack some warm clothes,” mum told me.

30. “Did you make new friends?” he asked me.

31. “We’re going to Bulgaria,” they said.

32. “Send me a postcard from Japan,” Jenny told Clara.

33. “Don’t take a lot of things with you,” she told her sister.

34. “Have you bought souvenirs?” she asked Tom.

35. “How much money did you spend?” she asked.

E. Match to form the exchanges.

I got sunstroke.

Why do these things keep happening to me?

The car has broken down.

I had a bit of trouble in Marocco.

a. I don’t know.

b. How awful!

c. That’s terrible.

d. What happened?

1.Fill in the missing word. There is one word you do not need to use: guided tours, landmarks, snaps, local markets, train, souvenirs, book, varied, beach, cuisine, ferry.

The Forbidden City is one of the most famous… China.

A wide range of postcards and other …… are on sale in the visitors’ centre.

Farmers often sell their crops at ……

I just want to lie on the …all day.

I found some old….from our childhood holidays.

This restaurant is famous for its ……

……are available to visitors.

As we boarded the ….. to go up the river, the clouds began to grey.

The … Newcastle leaves in an hour.

Let’s ……our flight now.

2. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.

1. “What time will we set …?” Mum asked.  

2. We had to set … some money to buy a new car.  

3. Frosty weather set … so we could go skating.  

4. Our flight was set … for two hours.  

5. They set … early in the morning.

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. All pupils have to come … school … time.

2. This important decision should be made … delay.

3. “ Will you pay … cash or by a credit card?”  

4. The Smiths booked their holidays … advance.

5. They arrived in New York and took a car … hire.





3-local markets




7-guided tours










16-arrive in

17-to board


19-to get off



21-set up

22-on hire

23-at the seaside

24-weather sets in

25-on board the ship


26-The guide said that I was not allowed to take pictures

27-Jill asked when I would arrive

28-Andrew said that he had got seasick on the ferry

29-Mom told me to pack some warm clothes

30-He asked me If I made new friends

31-They said that we were going to Bulgaria

32-Jenny told Clara to sent him a postcard from Japan

33-She told her sister not to take a lot of things

34-She asked Tom If he had bought souvenirs

35-She asked how much money I spent


A. Choose the correct word.
1. The …… from that chemical are highly toxic.
A fog B fumes C flames
2. The match was called ….. because of the weather.
A off B for C out
3. Dinosaurs have been …… for millions of years.
A inactive B disappeared Cextinct
4. He wants to go home, he’s feeling under the…….
A clouds B climate C weather
5. The Captain and …… welcome you aboard.
A team B crew C staff
B. Fill in the correct preposition.
6. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings…… ruins.
7. She’s very competitive …… nature.
8. The forest was …… flames.
9. The patient is now……of danger.
10. Where ….. earth are my keys?
C. Fill in the missing word. There is one word you do not need to use: collapsed, survivors, habitats,
famine, avalanche, waves, injured, homeless, flood, earthquake, rescue.
11. Animals’……..are being destroyed.
12. We keep searching for …….
13. When the …… hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.
14. A terrible …… was caused by continuous rain.
15. The massive …… have killed 1500 people.
16. Thousands of people were left…..
17. The apartment ….like a house of cards,
18. ……. teams tried to save as many people as possible.
19. Doctors were helping …… people,
20. A(n) …… in the ocean can generate a tsunami.
D. Choose the correct item.
21. Tim will never forget meeting/to meet Jenny for the first time.
22. You must take/taking your keys with you.
23. Dan avoids buying/to buy anything that cannot be recycled later.
24. The children look forward to get/getting a dog.
25. He decided to join/joining an environmental organization.
26. People should buy/to buy products with biodegradable packaging.
27. I didn’t use to wear/wearing glasses.
28. Fay and her family are happy to sponsor/sponsoring a child in Ecuador.
29. They won’t let her to go go to the party.
30. I’m writing to tell/telling you about my trip.
E. Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold.
31. A local businessman made a generous … the hurricane victims. DONATE
32. The …….of ship has never been explained. DISAPPEAR
33. He has a …….of stamps. COLLECT
34. I like the ……of living close to work. CONVENIENT
F. Fill in the blanks with used to be used to, get used to and the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets
35. Sheila …….(drive) to work, but now she takes the bus.
36. Mr Roberts is a primary school teacher, so he …..(work) with young children.
37. She isn’t too comfortable with the idea of car-pooling yet, but I’m sure she…..(share) a car with other

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Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 




1          Match
speakers 1-6 with statements A-G. Use the statements only once; there is one
you do not need to use.

A         The
speaker had difficulty finding accommodation.

B         The
speaker was lucky with the weather.

C         The
speaker lost something valuable.

D         The
speaker had to change travel plans.

E         The
speaker was unhappy with the food in the hotel.

F         The
speaker got ill.

G         The
speaker did a lot of sightseeing.










2          Match texts 1-7 with headings
A-H. Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.









1          A
combination of accommodation and transport, a camper van is a great way to get
around. You can spend your holiday at your own pace and enjoy some quality time
with your family. As you are in charge of the driving, you can choose your own
routes. But perhaps the best thing of all is having your own conveniences on
board to make your trip easier.

2          If
you fancy the idea of getting away from the congestion in the city and would
like to experience what life used to be like in the past, then come and join us
at ‘River Farm’. We are an organic farm that does more than just grow
vegetables! We also educate the population about the environment. We seek gardeners
who are available this summer. Benefits include a weekly salary, private
housing and a beautiful, relaxing environment.

3          You
will be met at Beijing International Airport by one of our representatives and
taken to your accommodation. The following morning we will commence our journey
to Simatai by luxury coach, where your adventure will begin. Please, make sure
yoy have comfortable shoes as the Great Wall, like a great dragon, winds up and

4          It
was an unbelievable experience – the scenery so white and yet there were
varieties of white I had never seen before. The giant icebergs we sailed past
were almost close enough to touch; the penguins and seals ignored our presence
and continued their usual business. And in the far distance I caught sight of a
whale. Amazing!

5          Inside
the diving cage my knees began to shake. Then, as if out of nowhere, the great
white shark appeared. Brought by the smell of the sardines, it circled near me,
its razor-sharp teeth just centimetres away. Its powerful body shook the boat
before it descended back into the depths of the ocean.

6          Can
you imagine going on a journey and not knowing where you are going to go?
Perhaps you would like to take a risk or leave the decision to
someone/something else? Then all you need is a dice. Throw it and decide where
to turn – odd numbers mean turn left, even turn right. You never know what
surprises lie ahead!

7          Yoga
is a journey of discovery where we learn to value ourselves and understand who
we are. The practice of yoga is said to improve a person’s health and
well-being. Its aim is to bring together our material, physical, mental,
intellectual and spiritual levels so that we feel at peace with ourselves.












Fill in the correct word from the list to
form compound nouns; there is one you do not need to use.

agency          card         
board          repellent          sick         screen

3          Put
some of this insect ………. on – there are mosquitoes around here!

4          I
hate travelling by boat because I get sea ………. .

5          Did
you book the tickets on the Internet or at a travel ………. ?

6          To
book tickets online you have to give your credit ………. number.

7          It’s boiling
hot today – don’t forget to put some sun ………. on!

Complete the sentences with the correct
past form of the verb in brackets.

8          Jane ……….
(watch) TV while I ………. (water) the plants.

9          Ian
………. (ask) Tina out yesterday but she ……… (already/make) plans.

10        Who
………. (you/talk) to on the phone when I ………. (come) in?

11        Two
days ago Yvonne ………. (return) the book I ………. (lend) her.

12        Owen
………. (type) his essay when the computer ………. (crash).

Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

13        How
are you going to get  ………. in the city?

at               around                   C  through

14        How
do you get ………  your classmates?

            on with       up              

15        The
underground is the most convenient form of ………. in the city.

            transfer       transport     C

16        The
salary is so small that there’s no way we can get ………. .

            on               by              

17        Jane rang the ……..
agent’s to book her flights.

            tourist         B  travel         




1          Match
speakers 1-6 with statements A-G. Use the statements only once; there is one
you do not need to use.

A         The
speaker had difficulty finding accommodation.

B         The
speaker had to change travel plans.

C         The
speaker lost something valuable.

D         The
speaker was lucky with the weather.

E         The
speaker was unhappy with the food in the hotel.

F         The
speaker got ill.

G         The
speaker did a lot of sightseeing.










2          Match texts 1-7 with headings
A-H. Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.




D          GOING OUT



G         NATIONAL

H         EATING OUT

1          Belgium has always
had a lot more than the faceless administrative buildings that you

see in the outskirts of its capital, Brussels. A number of beautiful historic

Brussels itself offer impressive architecture, lively nightlife, first-rate

numerous other attractions for visitors. Today, the old-fashioned idea of

has been well and truly forgotten, as more and more people discover its very

charms for themselves.

2          Nature in Belgium
is varied. The rivers and hills of the Ardennes in the southeast

sharply with the rolling plains which make up much of the northern and

countryside. The most notable features are the great forest near the frontier

Germany and Luxembourg and the wide, sandy beaches of the northern coast.

3          It is easy both to
enter and to travel around pocket-sized Belgium which is divided

the Dutch-speaking north and the French-speaking south. Officially the Belgians

Dutch, French and German. Dutch is slightly more widely spoken than French,

German is spoken the least. The Belgians, living in the north, will often
prefer to

visitors in English rather than French, even if the visitor’s French is good.

4          Belgium has a wide
range of hotels from 5-star luxury to small family pensions and

In some regions of the country, farm holidays are available. There visitors can

a small cost) participate in the daily work of the farm. There are plenty of

to rent furnished villas, flats, rooms, or bungalows for a holiday period.

holiday houses and flats are comfortable and well-equipped.

5          The Belgian style
of cooking is similar to French, based on meat and seafood. Each

in Belgium has its own special dish. Butter, cream, beer and wine are

used in cooking. The Belgians are keen on their food, and the country is

well supplied with excellent restaurants to suit all budgets. The perfect
evening out

involves a delicious meal, and the restaurants and cafes are busy at all times
of the


6          As well as being
one of the best cities in the world for eating out (both for its high quality

range), Brussels has a very active and varied nightlife. It has 10 theatres

plays in both Dutch and French. There are also dozens of cinemas, numerous

and many night-time cafes in Brussels. Elsewhere, the nightlife choices depend

the size of the town, but there is no shortage of fun to be had in any of the


7          There is a good
system of underground trains, trams and buses in all the major towns

cities. In addition, Belgium’s waterways offer a pleasant way to enjoy the

can take a one-hour cruise around the canals of Bruges (sometimes described as

Venice of the North) or an extended cruise along the rivers and canals linking

cities of Belgium and the Netherlands.












Fill in the correct word from the list to
form compound nouns; there is one you do not need to use.

agent’s          man           cheques         
card          sickness          dryer          

3          I
need to buy a new hair……..; the old one is broken.

4          He’s
got great manners; he’s such a gentle………. .

5          I
don’t travel well – I suffer from travel ………. .

6          You
can pay by cash or credit ………. .

7          Can
you pick up my tickets from the travel ………., please?

Complete the sentences with the correct
past form of the verb in brackets.

8          Yesterday
evening I ………. (not meet) my friends until after I ………. (finish) my homework.

9          James
……… (paint) the house for hours before he ………. (take) a break.

10        Dina
………. (work) on the computer for three hours before she …………. (start) getting
ready to go out.

11        We
……….. (wander) around the town when we ………. (go) into Mary.

12        She
……….. (wait) for two hours before she ………. (leave).

Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

13        I
don’t get …….. Brian. I don’t like his attitude.

on with      around[i]       C 

14        It’s
difficult for people in wheelchairs to get ………. this part of town.

            in                off             

15        It’s
not very far. Let’s go …….. foot.

            by               on               C

16        I
don’t know how you can get ………. on such a low salary.

            off              by              

17        We
are going ………. holiday at the end of July.

            at                B  to               

SPT 9 Test 4


1 Fill in the correct phrase.

• figurative speech • artificial brain • phone line • email account • broadband connection • emotional response

1/ Scientists are working on creating a(n) ……. which will make robots think on their own.

2/ Why don’t you get a(n) …………? You’ll be able to get on the Internet much faster than you do now.

3/ I can’t send or receive anything over the Internet until I’ve set up my …..

4/ Do you believe robots will ever be able to understand idioms or other parts of……….

5/ George didn’t have an Internet connection, so he checked his ……. to see if it was working.

6/ You can’t expect a robot to show a(n) ……..! They have no feelings! 

2 Fill in the correct word. There are three words you do not need to use.

• caters • exists • discover • divided •invented • overcome • subscription • modem • perform • deletes • become • server • build

7/ Some experts believe that robots with human intelligence will someday ……….. a reality.

8/ I don’t think that a machine that can think on its own ………………..

9/Timothy can’t connect to the Internet because his computer doesn’t have a(n)………………….

10/ Did you know that there are robots which can

…………..tasks such as serving tea and vacuuming the carpets?

11/ One of the problems robotics experts have to …..

when creating a household robot is getting it to understand and respond to everyday language.

12/ John cancelled his monthly ………. to his Internet Service Provider because it was too expensive.

13/ Ben used recycled materials to ……. his robot for the science exhibition.

14/ Andy has ………………a new gadget again; he really loves making things.

15/ Experts are …… as to whether robots will ever take the place of human teachers in the classroom.

16/ John never goes anywhere without his laptop,

as it ………………for all his business needs.

3 Underline the correct verb form.

17. By the end of the year, Eric will be working/ will have been working on his new computer gadget for almost seven months.

18Are you showing/Will you show me how to get free music downloads from the Internet?

19. You can’t carry all these bags yourself. I am taking/ ‘ll take some of them off your hands.

20. This time next week we will be enjoying/will have enjoyed ourselves at the Notting Hill Carnival.

21. Be careful! You will spill/are going to spill coffee on your keyboard!

22. The lecture will have started/starts at 6 pm so we have plenty of time to get there.

23. Mr Higgins is giving/gives a demonstration of the new robot tomorrow evening.

24. By this time next month, we will have completed /will be completing our computer training course.

25. I am installing/will install the anti-virus software on your computer as soon as I get home tonight, I promise.

26Do you buy/Are you buying Peter a new games console for his birthday?

4 Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (41-45). There is one extra heading you do not need to use.







27 ………….

For thousands of years human beings have dreamt of cheating death and the aging process. In their fantasy world, they live forever and remain young and beautiful in old age. Well, it may sound incredible, but there are some scientists who believe that mankind will soon have the technology to make this dream come true!


Sounds like science fiction? Maybe. But remember that technology gives us the ability to do things today that people living only a few decades ago would have considered magic. Therefore, there is no reason why we shouldn’t believe that experts will make all this possible.

29 …………

Some scientists believe that medical technology is moving so fast that by the end of this century, advanced anti-aging technologies will be available, and it will let people live for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years if they want to. Of course few people would want to live

to 1000 if, they had to spend hundreds of years looking and feeling like a 90-year-old. But some researchers think medicine will be able to keep people looking and feeling as beautiful and fit at 500 years old as they were at the age of 25!

30 …………

Naturally, the possibility of living 50 long raises many problems if people don’t die, how will the Earth cope when it gets so overcrowded? Many people believe that scientists should not develop anti-aging technology, and that they should let nature take its course as it has been doing tor millions of years.

31 …………

Of course, most scientists believe that humans will never possess such technology. But if living to 1000 becomes possible, do you think it would be a dream … or a nightmare? And, if you had the choice, would you choose to live forever?

29-31 –«5»

23-28 –«4»

19-22 –«3»

0-18 –«2»


1 emotional response                   4 phone line
2 broadband connection            5 figurative speech
3 email account              6 artificial brain
7 become          11 caters             15 build
8 perform          12 exists             16 invented
9 subscription 13 modem
10 divided         14 overcome
17 will have been working                          22 starts
18 Will you show            23 is giving
19 will take                     24 will have completed
20 ’ll be enjoying       25 will install
21 are going to spill     26 Are you buying

F 27       С 28       F 29       A 30      E 31 В

Срочно!! Отдаю всё!
Test 6A

Fill in the missing word. There is one word you do not need to use. Unspoilt, landmarks, snaps, local cuisine, lift, take, book, varied, drive, native people, guided tour.

The hotel is located among …..beaches and pretty villages.

Whenever I travel abroad I always taste the…….

We went on a …..of the museum.

I’ll ……you a room at Hilton.

I’d like to see your holiday…..of New York.

Tower Bridge is one of the most famous……in London.

The Indians were the ……of America.

Canada is famous for its…..landscapes.

Can you, please, give me a …. to the station?

Why don’t you …..a taxi?

Choose the correct word.

She is going on a business travel/trip to China.

The passenger next to me drove/flew me up the wall by talking loudly during the whole flight.

An expedition/excursion was sent to Mars.

We reached/ arrived at the station at 6.

He speaks several foreign/strange languages.

If you throw the ball, the dog will deliver/fetch it.

This would be a nice room/place for a picnic.

His parents will ship/track him off to his grandparents.

Unfortunately we missed/lost our way.

We only have a few minutes to catch/board the bus. Let’s hurry.

Fill in the prepositions.

We should leave …..delay.

I have a little money set…..for the holidays.

I bought the tickets…..advance.

They set…..two hours ago.

In …..season there’s hardly anyone staying at the hotel.

Rewrite the sentences in the reported speech.

“You can collect the passports tomorrow,” the travel agent told me.

“What time does the bus leave?” the man asked.

“Our car broke down,” Andrew said.

“Call me as soon as possible,” mum told me.

“Will you go to Spain next year?” he asked me.

“We’re meeting our friends at the airport today,” they said.

“Send me a postcard from Japan,” Jenny told Clara.

“Don’t forget to take the tickets,” Jimmy told her.

“Do you like Greek cuisine?” she asked Tom.

“Where is the railway station?” he asked


Тест. Английский язык, 5 класс

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку (Spotlight) 5 класс. Module 4.

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Fill in the correct word. There is one word you do not need. 

Dave speaks five Languages. He’s very ……………………

Варианты ответов
  • ●naughty
  • ●funny
  • ●clever
  • ●kind
  • ●pretty
  • ●friendly

Вопрос 2

Fill in the correct word. There is one word you do not need. 

My teacher is …………………… and caring.

Варианты ответов
  • ●naughty
  • ●funny
  • ●clever
  • ●kind
  • ●pretty
  • ●friendly

Вопрос 3

 Fill in the correct word. There is one word you do not need. 

 My dad is very ….……………………… He makes people laugh.

Варианты ответов
  • ●naughty
  • ●funny
  • ●clever
  • ●kind
  • ●pretty
  • ●friendly

Вопрос 4

Fill in the correct word. 

My brother is noisy and …………………….

Варианты ответов
  • ●naughty
  • ●funny
  • ●clever
  • ●kind
  • ●friendly

Вопрос 5

Fill in the correct word. 

Mike is very ….……………………. He smiles and talk to everybody.

Варианты ответов
  • ●naughty
  • ●funny
  • ●clever
  • ●kind
  • ●friendly

Вопрос 6

Choose the correct word. 

 Lisa is a baby. She’s big/small.

Варианты ответов
  • big
  • small

Вопрос 7

 Choose the correct word.

My sister’s got long/big hair.

Варианты ответов
  • long
  • big

Вопрос 8

Choose the correct word. 

 Paul’s naughty and noisy/quiet.

Варианты ответов
  • noisy
  • quiet

Вопрос 9

Dad’s tall with fair/good hair.

Варианты ответов
  • fair
  • good

Вопрос 10

Choose the correct word. 

My teacher’s got a kind/small nose.

Варианты ответов
  • kind
  • small

Вопрос 11

Choose the correct word. 

Wendy’s short and thin/tall.

Варианты ответов
  • thin
  • tall

Вопрос 12

Choose the correct word. 

 Patty’s got old/black hair.

Варианты ответов
  • old
  • black

Вопрос 13

Choose the correct word. 

Ann’s room is tall/big.

Варианты ответов
  • tall
  • big

Вопрос 14

Choose the correct word. 

Grandpa’s plump with a kind/tall face.

Варианты ответов
  • kind
  • tall

Вопрос 15

Choose the correct word. 

Joy’s a good student. She’s very noisy/clever.

Варианты ответов
  • noisy
  • clever

Вопрос 16

Fill in the correct pronoun or possessive adjective.

 Who’s that girl? What’s ……………… name? (её)

Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns

Варианты ответов
  • his
  • her
  • she

Вопрос 17

Fill in the correct pronoun or possessive adjective. 

That is Jack’s guitar. It’s …..………….. guitar. (его)

Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns

Варианты ответов
  • his
  • her
  • he

Вопрос 18

Fill in the correct pronoun or possessive adjective. 

Dave is my friend .         

..…………… play football on Tuesdays. (он)

Варианты ответов
  • she
  • he
  • his

Вопрос 19

Fill in the correct pronoun or possessive adjective. 

 Mum, can I ask ….………….. something? (тебя)

Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns

Варианты ответов
  • your
  • you
  • our

Вопрос 20

Fill in the correct pronoun or possessive adjective. 

Patty is pretty ….……………eyes are big and blue. (её)

Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns

Варианты ответов
  • her
  • his
  • she

Вопрос 21

Fill in the correct pronoun or possessive adjective. 

 John and I have got the same room. It’s ……………… room. (наша).

Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns

Варианты ответов
  • you
  • our
  • she

Вопрос 22

Fill in the correct pronoun or possessive adjective. 

 Did you call them? I think ……………… car is in front of the house. (их)

Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns

Варианты ответов
  • they
  • their
  • them

Вопрос 23

Choose the correct item 

 This is easy. You can’t/can do it!                                     

Варианты ответов
  • can’t
  • can

Вопрос 24

Choose the correct item 

      Sara can/can’t play the piano. She’s a good musician.

Варианты ответов
  • can’t
  • can

Вопрос 25

Choose the correct item

 I can/can’t speak Spanish. I only speak English.               

Варианты ответов
  • can’t
  • can

Вопрос 26

Choose the correct item

 The baby can/can’t walk yet.

Варианты ответов
  • can’t
  • can

Вопрос 27

Choose the correct item .

Mark can/can’t play tennis. He plays on Tuesdays.

Варианты ответов
  • can
  • can’t

Вопрос 28

Choose the odd one out and translate. 

 plump – laugh – slim – short 

Варианты ответов
  • plump
  • laugh
  • slim
  • short

Вопрос 29

Choose the odd one out and translate. 

 fair – eyes – face – hair 

Варианты ответов
  • fair
  • eyes
  • face
  • hair

Вопрос 30

Choose the odd one out and translate.

busy – proud – peacock – stubborn 

Варианты ответов
  • busy
  • proud
  • peacock
  • stubborn

Вопрос 31

Read the email and choose the best word  for each space. 

Dear Sara,

Thanks for your email. Nice to know you’re well. I want to tell you about 47) ………… family. My mum’s name is Kate and she’s a teacher. My dad, Mike, is an actor and 48) ………… films are great. I have one brother. His name’s Paul and he’s cool. My best friend, Ellen, really likes 49) …………. My grandma and grandpa are special. I love 50) ………… They make me laugh with 51) ………..… funny stories.

Tell me about your family in your next email. That’s all for now.

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


Варианты ответов
  • 47-me
  • 47-I
  • 47-my

Вопрос 32

Read the email and choose the best word  for each space. 

Dear Sara,

Thanks for your email. Nice to know you’re well. I want to tell you about 47) ………… family. My mum’s name is Kate and she’s a teacher. My dad, Mike, is an actor and 48) ………… films are great. I have one brother. His name’s Paul and he’s cool. My best friend, Ellen, really likes 49) …………. My grandma and grandpa are special. I love 50) ………… They make me laugh with 51) ………..… funny stories.

Tell me about your family in your next email. That’s all for now.

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


Варианты ответов
  • 48-his
  • 48-him
  • 48-he

Вопрос 33

Read the email and choose the best word  for each space. 

Dear Sara,

Thanks for your email. Nice to know you’re well. I want to tell you about 47) ………… family. My mum’s name is Kate and she’s a teacher. My dad, Mike, is an actor and 48) ………… films are great. I have one brother. His name’s Paul and he’s cool. My best friend, Ellen, really likes 49) …………. My grandma and grandpa are special. I love 50) ………… They make me laugh with 51) ………..… funny stories.

Tell me about your family in your next email. That’s all for now.

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


Варианты ответов
  • 49-her
  • 49-him
  • 49-she

Вопрос 34

Read the email and choose the best word  for each space. 

Dear Sara,

Thanks for your email. Nice to know you’re well. I want to tell you about 47) ………… family. My mum’s name is Kate and she’s a teacher. My dad, Mike, is an actor and 48) ………… films are great. I have one brother. His name’s Paul and he’s cool. My best friend, Ellen, really likes 49) …………. My grandma and grandpa are special. I love 50) ………… They make me laugh with 51) ………..… funny stories.

Tell me about your family in your next email. That’s all for now.

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


Варианты ответов
  • 50-their
  • 50-them
  • 50-they

Вопрос 35

Read the email and choose the best word  for each space. 

Dear Sara,

Thanks for your email. Nice to know you’re well. I want to tell you about 47) ………… family. My mum’s name is Kate and she’s a teacher. My dad, Mike, is an actor and 48) ………… films are great. I have one brother. His name’s Paul and he’s cool. My best friend, Ellen, really likes 49) …………. My grandma and grandpa are special. I love 50) ………… They make me laugh with 51) ………..… funny stories.

Tell me about your family in your next email. That’s all for now.

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


Варианты ответов
  • their
  • they
  • them

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  • Fill in the correct word there are two words you do not need to use
  • Fill in the gaps using a suitable word from a box
  • Fill in the correct word there are two extra words
  • Fill in the gaps use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given
  • Fill in the correct word there are two answers you do not need to use