Fill in the correct word spilt memory deleted connect transfer

A Fill in the correct word.

1. Oh, no! I’ve accidentally deleted all the photos on my  hard disk.

Let me make a copy of these files before you transfer  them to your computer.

The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more  memory.

Is there a problem with the network? I can’t connect to the Internet.

I need to buy a new mobile phone. I’ve spilt water on my old one.

В Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.

The film will have started by the time we arrive.

I can’t go on holidays. I will be studying all weekend.

I think Tom will call you in an hour.

The train to Bristol will leave at 5 pm.

Be careful! You are going to spill coffee on your keyboard.

С Fill in: out of, up, down, out, into («break») .

The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had broken out of the local prison.

Fighting broken out between opposing football fans after last night’s game.

The couple broke up but got back together a month later.

My old car is always breaking  down.

The police are looking for two men who broke into an electrical shop last night.

D Translate into English.

решить проблему  — solve a problem/settle a problem/resolve an issue

экран завис  — a frozen screen

стереть файл  — delete a file

соединение с интернетом  — the Internet connection

перезагружать компьютер  — reboot the computer или restart the computer

Главная » Английский язык — 10 — 11 классы

on my
hard disk.

Let me make a copy of these files before you … .them to your computer.

The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more

Is there a problem with the network? I can’t… .to the Internet.

I need to buy a new mobile phone. I’ve … .water on my old one.

В Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.

The film (start) by the time we arrive.

I can’t go on holidays. I (study) all weekend.

I think Tom (call) you in an hour.

The train to Bristol (leave) at 5 pm.

10. Be careful! You (spill) coffee on your keyboard.

С Fill in: out of, up, down, out, into («break») .

The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had broken the local prison.

Fighting broken … between opposing football fans after last night’s game.

The couple broke …. but got back together a month later.

My old car is always breaking

The police are looking for two men who broke … an electrical shop last night.

D Translate into English.

решить проблему

экран завис

стереть файл

соединение с интернетом

перезагружать компьютер

Ответ №1

A Fill in the correct word.

1. Oh, no! I’ve accidentally deleted all the photos on my  hard disk.

Let me make a copy of these files before you transfer  them to your computer.

The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more  memory.

Is there a problem with the network? I can’t connect to the Internet.

I need to buy a new mobile phone. I’ve spilt water on my old one.

В Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.

The film will have started by the time we arrive.

I can’t go on holidays. I will be studying all weekend.

I think Tom will call you in an hour.

The train to Bristol will leave at 5 pm.

Be careful! You are going to spill coffee on your keyboard.

С Fill in: out of, up, down, out, into («break») .

The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had broken out of the local prison.

Fighting broken out between opposing football fans after last night’s game.

The couple broke up but got back together a month later.

My old car is always breaking  down.

The police are looking for two men who broke into an electrical shop last night.

D Translate into English.

решить проблему  — solve a problem/settle a problem/resolve an issue

экран завис  — a frozen screen

стереть файл  — delete a file

соединение с интернетом  — the Internet connection

перезагружать компьютер  — reboot the computer или restart the computer

Module 4 (Spotlight 9)


A Fill in the correct word.

• spilt • memory • deleted • connect • transfer

  1. Oh, no! I’ve accidentally all the photos on my

hard disk.

  1. Let me make a copy of these files before you … .them to your computer.

  2. The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more

  3. Is there a problem with the network? I can’t… .to the Internet.

  4. I need to buy a new mobile phone. I’ve … .water on my old one.

В Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.

  1. The film (start) by the time we arrive.

  2. I can’t go on holidays. I (study) all weekend.

  3. I think Tom (call) you in an hour.

  4. The train to Bristol (leave) at 5 pm.

  5. Be careful! You (spill) coffee on your keyboard.

С Fill in: out of, up, down, out, into («break») .

  1. The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had broken the local prison.

  2. Fighting broken … between opposing football fans after last night’s game.

  3. The couple broke …. but got back together a month later.

  4. My old car is always breaking

  5. The police are looking for two men who broke … an electrical shop last night.

D Translate into English.

  1. решить проблему

  2. экран завис

  3. стереть файл

  4. соединение с интернетом

  5. перезагружать компьютер

Module 4 (Spotlight 9)


A Fill in the correct word.

• reality • virus • frozen • email account • link

  1. Click on this … .to go to the international site of the online store.

  2. I think your computer has a You’d better run a full scan.

  3. What’s wrong with the screen? It’s been … for the last ten minutes.

  4. I can check my from any computer.

  5. Do you think that robotic doctors will ever become

В Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.

  1. This time tomorrow I (travel) across France.

  2. 1 (go) to the gallery tomorrow evening.

  3. George (finish) his work by the time his parents come home.

  4. The phone is ringing! I (get) it.

  5. I promise I (help) you with your homework.

С Fill in: out of, up, down, out, into («break»).

  1. When her car broke … she called a local garage to ask for help.

  2. They broke …. prison and escape.

  3. James and Mary had a terrible argument and then they broke

  4. The police are looking for a burglar who broke … .this shop last night.

  5. I think the fire broke … .because of my carelessness.

D Translate into English.

  1. загрузить музыку

  2. сохранить документ

  3. антивирусная программа

  4. по ошибке

  5. искать информацию в интернете

Контрольная работа к модулю 4

Spotlight 9


Тип урока: Урок контроля знаний и умений

Образовательная цель: Определить качество усвоения учащимися учебного материала, уровень овладения ими знаниями, умениями и навыками, предусмотренными учебной программой по английскому языку.

Задачи урока:

1. Оценить сформированность умений, обеспечивающих достижение планируемых результатов на этапе промежуточного контроля.

2. Повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, создать у них положительную оценку собственных достижений в изучении английского языка.

Формирование УУД:

Личностные действия:

1. Формировать чувства доброжелательности, отзывчивости, терпения, вежливости.

2. Принимать и осваивать социальную роль обучающегося, развивать мотивы учебной деятельности и формировать личностный смысл учения.

Регулятивные действия:

1. Уметь ставить учебные задачи и планировать свою деятельность в соответствии с целевой установкой (целеполагание).

2. Саморегуляция: мобилизация сил и энергии, преодоление трудностей. Саморегуляция по времени.

3. Предвосхищать результат и уровень усвоения знаний (прогнозирование).

4. Осознавать качество и уровень усвоения знаний (оценка).

Познавательные действия:

1.Осуществлять поиск и выделение необходимой информации.

2. Осознанно строить предложения в письменной форме.

3. Использовать знаково-символическое моделирование.

Коммуникативные действия:

1. Планировать учебное сотрудничество с учителем.

2. Слушать и понимать правила выполнения задания.

Module 4 (Spotlight 9)


A Fill in the correct word.

spilt • memory • deleted • connect • transfer

1. Oh, no! I’ve accidentally all the photos on my

hard disk.

  1. Let me make a copy of these files before you … .them to your computer.

  2. The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more

  3. Is there a problem with the network? I can’t… .to the Internet.

  4. I need to buy a new mobile phone. I’ve … .water on my old one.

В Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.

  1. The film (start) by the time we arrive.

  2. I can’t go on holidays. I (study) all weekend.

  3. I think Tom (call) you in an hour.

  4. The train to Bristol (leave) at 5 pm.

10. Be careful! You (spill) coffee on your keyboard.

С Fill in: out of, up, down, out, into («break») .

  1. The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had broken the local prison.

  2. Fighting broken … between opposing football fans after last night’s game.

  3. The couple broke …. but got back together a month later.

  4. My old car is always breaking

  5. The police are looking for two men who broke … an electrical shop last night.

D Translate into English.

  1. решить проблему

  2. экран завис

  3. стереть файл

  4. соединение с интернетом

  5. перезагружать компьютер

Module 4 (Spotlight 9)


A Fill in the correct word.

reality • virus • frozen • email account • link

  1. Click on this … .to go to the international site of the online store.

  2. I think your computer has a You’d better run a full scan.

  1. What’s wrong with the screen? It’s been … for the last ten minutes.

  2. I can check my from any computer.

  3. Do you think that robotic doctors will ever become

В Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.

  1. This time tomorrow I (travel) across France.

  2. 1 (go) to the gallery tomorrow evening.

  3. George (finish) his work by the time his parents come home.

  4. The phone is ringing! I (get) it.

  5. I promise I (help) you with your homework.

С Fill in: out of, up, down, out, into («break»).

11.When her car broke … she called a local garage to ask for help.

  1. They broke …. prison and escape.

  2. James and Mary had a terrible argument and then they broke

  3. The police are looking for a burglar who broke … .this shop last night.

  4. I think the fire broke … .because of my carelessness.

D Translate into English.

  1. загрузить музыку

  2. сохранить документ

  3. антивирусная программа

  4. по ошибке

  5. искать информацию в интернете


Любимцева Ирина Андреевна

учитель английского языка

контрольная работа по английскому языку,для учеников девятого класса,состоит из двух вариантов,к учебнику Spotlight .По семь заданий в каждом варианте.уровень сложности базовый.Есть задания на лексику,грамматику



Содержимое разработки

4 модуль 9кл

Variant — 1

  1. Translate from Russian English the expressions:

Гладить,удовлетворять наши потребности, атомная энергия, творчество, искусственный интеллект, преодолевать трудности, понимать образную речь, роботы – домохозяйки, постригать газон, принимать решение.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from exercise 1:

1. Issac Asimov wrote about rockets to the moon, … …, the Internet and robots. 2. There are robots which can … the … and help about the house. 3. It is true that we have already … …. but they have no … to do something special. 4.I know that there are some robots which can …. the … but they can`t … …. themselves. 5. Do you think that it is possible to create robots with … …? Yes, I am sure they are our future. 6. What about the human-like companions which can walk, talk and … … needs.7. Researchers say that the best way to … this … is to study the human brain. 8. Robots have some problems: they can`t understand … … .

3. Use one of the best ways to express future situations:

a) The train (to arrive) at 5 sharp.

b) They (leave) to Moscow tonight.

c) Look! There is a stone on the road. He (to fall).

d) I think I (join) you today in the evening.

e) We (to pass) our exams by June.

f) Don`t ring me up in the morning I (to have breakfast) at 7:00 o`clock.

4. Use the verb in the Present Simple or Future Simple Tenses:

1.Ifyou (to cross) the road in red, you (to be fined)

2. As soon as he (to come) home from school, he (to call) me.

3. When she (finish) doing her work, she (to go) for a walk.

4. Before the teacher (to give) the test, he (to explain) the rule.

5. Until the children (to help) their parents, they (not to get) sweets.

6. Don`t leave until you (to switch) off the light in the room.

5. Fill in the gaps with the expressions: transfer, anti-virus, connect, store, download, Internet connection, laptop, run a search.

1. If the screen is frozen, try to check your computer with the … … program.

2. You can … the information using e-mail.

3. What`s wrong with your …? The cursor is stuck.

4. I can`t send the information. Check the … …, please!

5. Where do you … the files?

6. The computer has crashed. Try to … … to check the viruses.

7. There are many free sites where you can … the music to your MP3 player and enjoy listening to music.

8. Have you tried to reboot your computer and then … it to the Internet once again.

6.Use the necessary preposition: on, to, out, up.

1. We`ve run … of bread at home. Go to buy some, please.

2. Anyone can sort … this problem even a child.

3. I promise you I will definitely help you any time you need. You can rely … me.

4. I have to fix my car. It will take … much time.

7.Fill in the correct word.

• spilt • memory • deleted • connect • transfer

1. Oh, no! I’ve accidentally all the photos on my

hard disk.

2.Let me make a copy of these files before you … .them to your computer.

3.The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more

4.Is there a problem with the network? I can’t… .to the Internet.

5.I need to buy a new mobile phone. I’ve … .water on my old one.

Variant — 2

  1. Translate from Russian English the expressions:

Писатели-фантасты, готовить обед, выгуливать собаку, человекоподобные товарищи, пылесосить ковры, иметь знание, ум, эмоциональные ответы, умение рассуждать, убирать дом.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from exercise 1:

1. … … wrote about rockets to the moon, the Internet and robots. 2. There are robots which can … the … and help about the house. 3. It is true that robots have already learned to …. the …. and to … the … but they have no … to think. 4.I know that there are some robots which can …. the … . 5. Do you think that it is possible to create robots with … …? Yes, I am sure they are our future. 6. What about the …. …. which can walk, talk and … the …. of many things.7. Robots have some problems: they can`t give …. … .

3. Use one of the best ways to express future situations:

a) The students (finish) passing their exams by this time.

b) Susan (to come) to Madrid next Monday.

c) Look! There are many dark clouds in the sky. It (to snow).

d) I (to be) twenty next year.

e) The doctors (to cure) the patient by spring.

d) Don`t call me in the morning I (to sleep) at 7:00 o`clock.

4. Use the verb in the Present Simple or Future Simple Tenses:

1.Ifyou (not to listen) to me you (to have) some problems.

2. As soon as she (to come) she (ring) you up.

3. When the father (finish) doing his work, he (to watch) TV.

4. Before the guests (to come), the mother (to leave).

5. Until the rain (to stop), they (not to go) for a walk.

6. Please, (to switch) off the light before you (to leave) the room.

5. Fill in the gaps with the expressions: transfer, anti-virus, connect, store, download, Internet connection, laptop, run a search.

1. If the screen is frozen, try to check your computer with the … … program.

2. You can … the information using e-mail.

3. What`s wrong with your …? The cursor is stuck.

4. I can`t send the information. Check the … …, please!

5. Where do you … the files?

6. The computer has crashed. Try to … … to check the viruses.

7. There are many free sites where you can … the music to your MP3 player and enjoy listening to music.

8. Have you tried to reboot your computer and then … it to the Internet once again.

6.Use the necessary preposition: on, to, out, up.

1. We`ve run … of bread at home. Go to buy some, please.

2. Anyone can sort … this problem even a child.

3. I promise you I will definitely help you any time you need. You can rely … me.

4. I have to fix my car. It will take … much time.

7.Fill in the correct word.

• reality • virus • frozen • email account • link

  1. Click on this … .to go to the international site of the online store.

  2. I think your computer has a You’d better run a full scan.

3.What’s wrong with the screen? It’s been … for the last ten minutes.

4.I can check my from any computer.

5.Do you think that robotic doctors will ever become

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Choose the correct word. Check in the Word List.

 1     The screen has frozen/stopped.
2      I forgot to save/store the document.
3      I think I’ve got a virus/germ because my computer is very slow.
4      I can’t connect/join to the Internet.
5      My Internet link/connection is really slow.
6      I can’t transfer/download this music as the link isn’t working.
7     The printer has got out/run out of ink.
8      I’ve spilt/poured something on the keyboard.
9      The hard/tough disk is full.
10      I can’t get this DVD to drive/work.
11      I’ve deleted/wiped a file by mistake.


ваш ответ

похожие темы

похожие вопросы 5

Помогите пожалуйста.
A Fill in the correct word.
• spilt • memory • deleted • connect • transfer

1. Oh, no! I’ve accidentally all the photos on my
hard disk.

Let me make a copy of these files before you … .them to your computer.

The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more

Is there a problem with the network? I can’t… .to the Internet.

I need to buy a new mobile phone. I’ve … .water on my old one.

В Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.

The film (start) by the time we arrive.

I can’t go on holidays. I (study) all weekend.

I think Tom (call) you in an hour.

The train to Bristol (leave) at 5 pm.

10. Be careful! You (spill) coffee on your keyboard.

С Fill in: out of, up, down, out, into («break») .

The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had broken the local prison.

Fighting broken … between opposing football fans after last night’s game.

The couple broke …. but got back together a month later.

My old car is always breaking

The police are looking for two men who broke … an electrical shop last night.

D Translate into English.

решить проблему

экран завис

стереть файл

соединение с интернетом

перезагружать компьютер

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  • Fill in the gaps in the sentences choose the best word
  • Fill in the correct word some or any
  • Fill in the gaps in the following text with an appropriate word from the box
  • Fill in the correct word snow rain showers mild clouds breezes sun storms colder winds
  • Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box