Fill in the correct word soothing peaches service

помогите с английским
Fill in the correct word: soothing, peaches, service, overweight, carbohydrates, dry seeds, boiled, protein, red, atmosphere
.. foods get you moving.
My favourite fruits are apples and …..
In okroshka they use …. vegetables. I don’t like it.
Diary products are rich in …..
Sugar contains many ….
Blue foods are ….
Susan is ….. She should eat less and take regular exercises.
If you have ….., you should eat oily fish, nuts and seeds.
The …. in this restaurant is too slow.
I like this place for its informal and relaxed ….

Ответы на вопрос

1)  red foods get you moving.

2)My favourite fruits are apples and peaches

3)In okroshka they use boiled vegetables. I don’t like it.

4)Diary products are rich in dry seeds

5)Sugar contains many carbohydrates

6)Blue foods are soothing

7)Susan is overweight, she should eat less and take regular exercises.

8)If you have protein you should eat oily fish, nuts and seeds.

9)The service in this restaurant is too slow.

10) I like this place for its informal and relaxed atmosphere

Новые вопросы


Класс: 10

Учебник: Spotlight 10

Раздел: 6

Количество заданий:3

Задание 1: вставить слова в предложения по смыслу

Задание 2: раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в нужную форму (условные предложения 1,2,3 типов)

Задание 3: перевести слова и фразы по теме на английский язык

Время выполнения: 40 минут


Test 6 . Spotlight 10. Variant 1.

Ex. 1 Fill in the correct word: protect, raw, vegetarians, carbohydrates, brain, overweight, fiber, rumbling, indigestion, potatoes

I am hungry and my tummy starts ….

Orange foods are …. food.

My favourite vegetables are cucumbers and …..

In sushi they use … fish. I don’t like it.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and …..

Chips contain many ….

Fruit and vegetables ….. us from all kinds of illnesses. 

Ann is ….. She should eat less and take regular exercises.

If you have ….., you should avoid spicy food.

This restaurant is a great place for ….

Ex. 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

I’m sure she (come) if you invite her.

If the weather (be) fine, we will go for a walk.

If I were you, I (not spend) so much time playing video games.

If I (can) live anywhere in the world, I would live in Bali.

 If she had studied harder, she (have) a well-paid job.

If you had added more spices, the meat (be) more tasty.

If I had bought dollars earlier, I (be) rich.

If I (be) you, I (stop) eating junk food.

If you are at home on time, I (have) dinner with you.

If it wasn’t so cold outside, we (go) for a walk.

Ex. 3 Translate into English

1. сырая рыба 2. вареный картофель 3. желтая дыня 4. изжога 5. обслуживание 6. широкий выбор 7. самообслуживание 8. персонал 9. углеводы 10. лишний вес

Test 6 . Spotlight 10. Variant 2.

Ex. 1 Fill in the correct word: soothing, peaches, service, overweight, carbohydrates, dry seeds, boiled, protein, red, atmosphere

.. foods get you moving.

My favourite fruits are apples and …..

In okroshka they use …. vegetables. I don’t like it.

Diary products are rich in …..

Sugar contains many ….

Blue foods are ….

Susan is ….. She should eat less and take regular exercises.

If you have ….., you should eat oily fish, nuts and seeds.

The …. in this restaurant is too slow.

I like this place for its informal and relaxed ….

Ex. 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

I’m sure he (join) us if you invite him.

If there is no rain, we (ride) a bike.

If I were you, I (not let) her go.

If I (can) buy any car, I would buy Mercedes-Benz McLaren .

If she (finish) her homework on time, she would have come to the party.

If you had added more salt, the dish (be) more tasty.

They (go) to Alaska if everything (be) ready for them.

If I (be) you, I would stop watching this silly film.

If you are ready on time, we (not wait) you outside.

If it wasn’t so rainy outside, we (go) for a walk.

Ex. 3 Translate into English

1. сырой баклажан 2. жареное мясо 3. красный арбуз 4. сухая кожа 5. неформальная атмосфера 6. приемлемые цены 7. самообслуживание 8. жирная рыба 9. клетчатка 10. лишний вес

Complete the
sentences with the correct form of the verb.

If I __________
(not/have) to work tonight, I would come with you to the restaurant.

I _________ (enjoy)
the play if the lady behind me hadn’t been talking all the time.

If I __________ (know)
how to cook, I would make you pasta with red sauce and tuna.

If you ______________
(leave) ice in the sun, it melts,

Fill in: off, away, back, up (2).

They have given
_________ hope of finding the two drivers alive.

He has decided to give
__________ smoking.

Did Fiona give ______
the cookery book you lent her?

The rubbish bin gave
_______ a nasty smell in the hot weather.

Kerry gave ________
all her old clothes.

Put down the
correct prepositions:

 He’s in hospital
recovering ___ his operation.

She suffers ___

He can’t cope ___ the

Not exercising enough
can result ____ problems later in life.

The doctor advised me
__ fatty food.

Progress Check  №4

Spotlight 10 Module 6

Variant — 2

Match the words to
form phrases

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

If you hadn’t eaten
cheese and fish for dinner, you __________ (not/get) red spots all over your

If you ___________
(work) out regularly, you will keep fit.

If he ____________
(not/forget) his mobile at work, he wouldn’t have called his boss from a phone

If I were you, I
__________ (go) to see a dentist.

off, away, back,
up (2).

He has decided to give
__________ smoking.

The rubbish bin gave
_______ a nasty smell in the hot weather.

Kerry gave ________
all her old clothes.

They have given
_________ hope of finding the two drivers alive.

Did Fiona give ______
the cookery book you lent her?

down the correct prepositions:

1. Not
exercising enough can result ____ problems later in life.

She suffers __ headaches.

3. He can’t
cope __ the stress.

4. The
doctor advised me __ fatty food.

5. He’s in
hospital recovering ___ his operation.


Variant — 1




1.     wouldn’t got 

2.     work

3.     hadn’t

4.     would go  


1.     up

2.     off

3.     away

4.     up

5.     back







Оценка выполнения заданий.

Все задания работы оцениваются в один балл. Максимальное
количество баллов в данной работе составляет — 20  баллов. Выполнение
учащимися работы в целом определяется суммарным баллом, полученным им по
результатам выполнения всех заданий.

На «5» — 22 – 19 баллов,

на «4» — 18 – 15 баллов,

на «3» — 14 – 11 баллов,

меньше 10 баллов – «2».

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 8 A (Module 8). Номер №A

Fill in the correct word.

• pollution

• fumes

• trees

• station

• rubbish

• recycle

• rain

• clean out

e.g. power station
1. _ newspapers and cans
2. toxic _
3. air, water and soil _
4. collect _
5. acid _
6. plant _
7. _ a pond

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 8 A (Module 8). Номер №A


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово.
• загрязнение
• пары
• деревья
• станция
• мусор
• перерабатывать
• дождь
• очистить
например, электростанция
1. _ газеты и банки
2. токсичный _
3. воздух, вода и почва _
4. собирать _
5. кислота _
6. растение _
7. _ пруд

1. recycle newspapers and cans
2. toxic fumes
3. air, water and soil pollution
4. collect rubbish
5. acid rain
6. plant trees
7. clean out a pond

Перевод ответа
1. утилизировать газеты и банки
2. токсичные пары
3. загрязнение воздуха, воды и почвы
4. собирать мусор
5. кислотный дождь
6. сажать деревья
7. чистить пруд

Test 2
Variant 1

Name:__________________________ Class: _________ Date: _______________

Fill in the correct word: teaspoons, opposite, grated, overcooked, portions, nursery, grilled, preheat, piece, pinch

1.This restaurant serves very small _______________ . 2.I’m hungry after I leave it!
3.I’d like two _______________ of sugar in my tea, please!
4.My mum is making pizza. We need some _______________ cheese.
5._______________ chicken is my favourite dish!
6.I didn’t like vegetables at all. They were _______________ .
7.The test is very easy. It was a _______________ of cake.
8.You should add another _______________ of pepper to the sauce.
9.Bill likes sharing his food with other little children at the _______________ school.
10.Where’s the chemist’s? — _______________ the supermarket.
11._______________ the oven to 190 °C and bake cherry cake for 50 minutes.

Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold.
1.She has a very strong _____________ of coffee. She drinks tea. (like)
2.Her name is very difficult and most people ___________ it when they write it down. (spell)
3.I’ve had a ____________ with my History teacher. (understanding)
4.Mary is polite and never shows _____________ to others. (respect)
5.What are the _____________ of living in a big city?(advantages)

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
The police 1.____________________ (go) after a robber for over an hour.
2.We __________never______________(buy) things at the flea market.
3.The waiters ________already____________ (serve) steamed fish.
4.Vegetables ____________________ (boil) for 30 minutes.
5.We____________________ (try) to find tickets for the concert for three weeks.
6.My sister _________________(write) her new book for the last two months.
7.She _______________________ (not/read) this book yet.
8.You look tired! __________you ________________ (work) all day?
9.I _______________________ (not / eat) Chinese food yet.
10.How long _______ you ________________(study) English?
11.How many souvenirs you ________ your sister ______________(buy) in Spain?
12.I _______________________ (not / see) Tina for ages.
13.I ____________________(know) Mrs Brown for twenty years now.
14.Can we go soon? We ____________________ (walk) around this department store for about last two hours!
15.______ you ______________(do) your homework yet?

Complete the phrasal verbs with the right pre»Times New Roman, serif»>down with, off, without, up, with, after, through
1.Mary went _______ the flu yesterday and she stayed at home.
2.Boys have gone _______ the kitten and caught it.
3.Don’t use this cheese! It’s gone _______ .
4.Dad is so sad. He is going _______ a difficult time.
5.The price of oil has gone _______ recently.
6.This dress goes _______ your new trousers.
7.What animals can do _______ water for a long time?

Test 10-6

  1. Match the words to form phrases

  1. regular

  2. low carbohydrate

  3. sugary

  4. dry

  5. tooth

  6. sparkling

  7. bitter

  8. well-balanced

  1. drinks

  2. skin

  3. decay

  4. exercise

  5. diet

  6. meals

  7. water

  8. chocolate

  1. 2. Cross the odd word out

  2. 1. steamed, boiled, grilled, fried rice

  3. 2. grilled, raw, bitter, oily fish

  4. 3. roast, fried, scrambled, grilled chicken

  5. 4. cold, fake, sparkling, still water

  6. 5. healthy, strict, special, fresh diet

  7. 3. Choose and complete the most suitable verb forms in each sentence.

  1. Why didn’t you tell me? If you told / had told me, I had helped / would have helped you.

  2. d) Let me give you some advice. If you smoked / would smoke / had smoked less, you didn’t feel / wouldn’t feel / wouldn’t have felt so tired.

  3. Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he catches / caught/had caught a fish, he throws / would throw it back!

  4. What bad luck! If Alan didn’t fall / hadn’t fallen / wouldn’t fall over, he won / would win / would have won the race.

  5. If you lent / had lent us the money, we paid / would pay / had paid you back next week.

  6. If I ___________ (win) a lot of money, I ______________ (buy) a new car.

  7. When water ___________ (freeze), it ___________ (turn) into ice.

  8. If I ____________ (be) you, I _____________ (follow)your mum’s advice.

  1. 4. Use the prefixes (pre-, semi-, super-, under-, re-) to form compound words

  1. Spiderman is the most famous ________________ in the world. (hero)

  2. The ghost disappeared and ________________ after a while. (appear)

  3. ___________________ children are allowed to watch this film. (age)

  4. If Milan wins the __________________ football match today, they’ll play in the final on Wednesday. (final)

  5. You must _______________ the oven for 10 minutes before you put the cake in. (heat)

  1. 5.Fill in: off, away, back, up (2). Phrasal verbs.

  1. They have given _________ hope of finding the two drivers alive.

  2. He has decided to give __________ smoking.

  3. Did Fiona give ______ the cookery book you lent her?

  4. The rubbish bin gave _______ a nasty smell in the hot weather.

  5. Kerry gave ________ all her old clothes.

  1. 6.Put down the correct prepositions:

  2. 1.

  3. 2. He’s in hospital recovering ___ his operation.She suffers ___ headaches.

  4. 3. He can’t cope ___ the stress.

  5. 4. Not exercising enough can result ____ problems later in life.

  6. 5. The doctor advised me __ fatty food.

  7. Test 10-6 (2)

  8. 1. Choose the odd word out

  9. 1. cold, fake, sparkling, still water

  10. 2. steamed, boiled, grilled, fried rice

  11. 3. healthy, strict, special, fresh diet

  12. 4. grilled, raw, bitter, oily fish

  13. 5. roast, fried, scrambled, grilled chicken

  1. Fill in: keep, fight, prescription, feel, complain, pain, spices, starving, sour, carrots.

  1. 1. I’ve had this ___________ in my back since yesterday.

  2. 2. Why do you always _________ about everything? Don’t you like the food?

  3. 3. The soup is very tasty. What _________ did you use?

  4. 4. You can get this medicine only with a doctor’s ___________.

  5. 5. Is there anything to eat? My tummy is ___________.

  6. 6. I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I _________ down in the dumps too.

  7. 7. I find that natural lemonade is extremely _____________!

  8. 8. He can’t ___________ his emotions under control.

  9. 9. My favourite vegetables are cabbage and____________.

  10. 10. Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it’s the only way to ________ off infections.

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

  1. If I __________ (not/have) to work tonight, I would come with you to the restaurant.

  2. I _________ (enjoy) the play if the lady behind me hadn’t been talking all the time.

  3. If I __________ (know) how to cook, I would make you pasta with red sauce and tuna.

  4. If I were you, I __________ (go) to see a dentist.

  5. If you hadn’t eaten cheese and fish for dinner, you __________ (not/get) red spots all over your body.

  6. If you ___________ (work) out regularly, you _________ (keep) fit.

  7. If he ____________ (not/forget) his mobile at work, he ______________ (not/call) his boss from a phone box.

  8. If you ______________ (leave) ice in the sun, it ___________ (milt).

  1. Use the prefixes to form compound words to complete the sentences.

  1. ___________________ children are allowed to watch this film. AGE

  2. If Milan wins the __________________ football match today, they’ll play in the final on Wednesday. FINAL

  3. The ghost disappeared and ________________ after a while. APPEAR

  4. You must _______________ the oven for 10 minutes before you put the cake in. HEAT

  5. Spiderman is the most famous ________________ in the world. HERO

  1. Fill in: off, away, back, up (2). Phrasal verbs.

  1. He has decided to give __________ smoking.

  2. The rubbish bin gave _______ a nasty smell in the hot weather.

  3. Kerry gave ________ all her old clothes.

  4. They have given _________ hope of finding the two drivers alive.

  5. Did Fiona give ______ the cookery book you lent her?

  1. Put down the correct prepositions:

  1. 1. Not exercising enough can result ____ problems later in life.

  2. 2. She suffers __ headaches.

  3. 3. He can’t cope __ the stress.

  4. 4. The doctor advised me __ fatty food.

  5. 5. He’s in hospital recovering ___ his operation.

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  • Fill in the gaps in the sentences choose the best word
  • Fill in the correct word some or any
  • Fill in the gaps in the following text with an appropriate word from the box
  • Fill in the correct word snow rain showers mild clouds breezes sun storms colder winds
  • Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box