Fill in the correct word ответы 5 класс dangerous

Fill in the correct word.

• dangerous

• elephants

• leopard

• crocodile

• lion

• paws

• legs

• sharp

• fur

• wing

• wild

e.g. My cat is black with white paws.
1. Indian _ have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white _ .
3. A _ can run fast and has spots.
4. The _ is the king of the jungle.
5. _ animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken _ .
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin _ .
8. A _ can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are _ . They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got _ claws for climbing.

Английский язык 5 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 5 A (Module 5). Номер №A


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово.
• опасный
• слоны
• леопард
• крокодил
• лев
• лапы
• ноги
• острый
• мех
• крыло
• дикий
например: Моя кошка черная с белыми лапками.
1. У индийских _ маленькие уши.
2. Мне нравится мягкий белый _ моей собаки.
3. _ может быстро бегать и иметь пятна.
4. _ − король джунглей.
5. _ животные не очень хорошие домашние животные.
6. Мой попугай не умеет летать. У него сломан _.
7. Жирафы очень высокие с длинными тонкими _.
8. _ может находиться под водой два часа.
9. Некоторые змеи _. Они могут укусить людей.
10. У коал есть _ когти для лазания.

1. Indian elephants have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white fur.
3. A leopard can run fast and has spots.
4. The lion is the king of the jungle.
5. Wild animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken wing.
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin legs.
8. A crocodile can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are dangerous. They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got sharp claws for climbing.

Перевод ответа
1. У индийских слонов маленькие уши.
2. Мне нравится мягкий белый мех моей собаки.
3. Леопард быстро бегает и имеет пятна.
4. Лев − король джунглей.
5. Дикие животные − плохие домашние животные.
6. Мой попугай не умеет летать. У него сломано крыло.
7. Жирафы очень высокие, с длинными тонкими ногами.
8. Крокодил может находиться под водой два часа.
9. Некоторые змеи опасны. они могут укусить людей.
10. У коал есть острые когти для лазания.



Вопрос по английскому языку:

A. Fill in the correct word.
•dangerous • elephants • leopard • crocodile • lion • paws•legs • sharp • fur • wing • wild
e.g. My cat is black with white paws.
1. Indian……..have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white………..
3. A……….can run fast and has spots.
4. The……… the king of the jungle.
5. ………animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin……
8. A ………. can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are …………. They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got……….claws for climbing.

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1. Indian elephants have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white fur.
3. A leopard can run fast and has spots.
4. The lion is the king of the jungle.
5. Wild animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken wing.
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin……
8. A crocodile can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are dangerous. They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got sharp claws for climbing.

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Английский язык,

вопрос задал benneta,

4 года назад

Ответы на вопрос

Ответил goldenpearl


1) lion

2) crocodile

3) legs

4) wing

5) leopard

6) sharp

7) wild

8) elephants

9) fur

10) dangerous

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U. — 2 Fill in the correct word. dangerous • elephants • leopard • crocodile • lion 0 O • paws legs • sharp · fur • wing • wild O . Koalas have got ….. claws for climbing. 2. Some snakes are They can bite humans. A ………. can stay under water for two hours. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin .. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken The ………. is the king of the jungle. A ………. can run fast and has spots. . I like my dog’s soft, white 9. Indian ………. have small ears. 10. My cat is black with white ….. Admit won ao e . . .​


1. sharp

2. dangerous

3. crocodile

4. paws legs

5. wing

6. lion

7. leopard

8. fur

9. elephants

Сделай пожалуйста лучший ответ =)





2 года назад

Английский язык

1 — 4 классы

Fill in the correct word.
• dangerous • elephants • leopard crocodile .llon • paws
• legs sharp • fur wing wild.
Вычеркинк лишнее слово​

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2 года назад

Светило науки — 1 ответ — 0 раз оказано помощи




это лишнее слово так как все остальные слова означают животные

(1 оценка)


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2 года назад

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Все остальное это животные

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50 баллов даю, помогите пожалуйста!!!Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в Present Simple, Present Continuous или Present Perfect:John Hardin …

I. JOIN THESE SENTENCES USING RELATIVE PRONOUNS BEGINNING WITH THEWORDS GIVEN.1. This is the chair. The carpenter repaired it last week.This is …

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Spotlight 5 Test 5B (Module 5) + KEY to test (Английский язык 5 класс: Спотлайт Тест 5В Ответы) — цитаты Теста № 5 Б с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 5 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс / М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.

Часть 1. Только ОТВЕТЫ

A) 1 crocodile   2 wing       3 sharp       4 elephants     5 dangerous     6 fur      7 wild      8 leopard      9 legs       10 lion
В)  11 tortoise      12 goldfish     13 insect     14 penguin     15 crocodile
C)  16 C      17 C       18 A      19
В      20 В
D)  21 lays       22 hunt        23 lives      24 climb      25 sleep
E)   26 are        27 eat        28 sleep      29 live       30 stays

F)  31 Koalas live in trees.        32 Leopards run very fast.       33 Turtles swim in the sea.       34 The rhino is from Africa.       35 The cobra is a dangerous snake.
G)  36 E      37 A        38 D      39 C        40
H)  41 In Asia.        42 Orange with black or brown stripes.      43 Its fur keeps it warm.      44 In tall grass.          45 Big animals like deer.
I)  46 a      47 c       48 b      49 a       50 c

Часть 2. Задания и Ответы


A). Fill in the correct word.

1 A …• crocodile…. can stay under water for two hours.
2 My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken …• wing…. .
3 Koalas have got ….• sharp…. claws for climbing.
4 Indian ….• elephants…. have small ears.
5 Some snakes are ….• dangerous…. . They can bite humans.
6 I like my dog’s soft, white ….• fur…. .
7 ….• wild…. animals don’t make good pets.
8 A ….• leopard…. can run fast and has spots.
9 Giraffes are very tall with long, thin ….• legs…. .
10 The ….• lion….. is the king of the jungle.

В). Circle the odd one out.

11 peacock – hen – duck – tortoise
12 goldfish – tiger – lion – leopard
13 leg – insect – beak – tail
14 penguin – sheep – cow – deer
15 rabbit – dog – parrot – crocodile


C). Choose the correct item.

16 Insects …….. gardens clean.   A keeps   В doesn’t keep   C keep
17 A giraffe …….. leaves from trees.   A eat   В don’t eat   C eats
18 Humans …….. in trees.   A don’t live   В doesn’t live   C lives
19 Lions ……… during the day.   A doesn’t sleep   В sleep   C sleeps
20 Koalas ………. water.   A drinks   В don’t drink   C doesn’t drink

D). Underline the correct word.

21 Sam’s hen lay/lays eggs.
22 Men hunt/hunts wild animals.
23 A budgie live/lives in a cage.
24 Leopards can climb/climbs trees.
25 Bears sleeps/sleep all winter.

E). Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

This e.g. is (be) an African lion. These animals 26) ….are…. (be) big with light brown fur. Lions 27) ….eat…. (eat) meat and they 28) ….sleep…. (sleep) during the day. African lions 29) ….live…. (live) south of the Sahara Desert. A mother lion 30) ….stays…. (stay) with her cubs for three years.

F) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

31 trees/live/koalas/in  – Koalas live in trees.
32 fast/leopards/very/run – Leopards run very fast.
33 sea/swim/the/turtles/in – Turtles swim in the sea.
34 Africa/is/from/rhino/the – The rhino is from Africa.
35 a/the/is/dangerous/cobra/snake – The cobra is a dangerous snake.

Everyday English

G). Choose the correct response.

36 What is your cat’s name? – E) It’s Max.
37 When do lions sleep? – A) During the day.
38 Do you like camels? – D) No, I don’t!
39 What colour is a penguin? – C) It’s black and white.
40 What do elephants eat? – В) Fruit and grass.


H). Read the text and answer the questions.

This is a picture of a Bengal tiger. A tiger is a wild cat. It lives in Asia and is the national animal of India. The tiger is orange with black or brown stripes and its fur keeps it warm during cold weather. It hides in tall grass and hunts big animals like deer for its food. Tigers like to swim in water. They are beautiful animals.
41 Where does it live? – In Asia.
42 What colour are Bengal tigers? – Orange with black or brown stripes.
43 How does it stay warm? – Its fur keeps it warm.
44 Where does it hide? – In tall grass.
45 What do tigers eat? – Big animals like deer.


I). Listen and for questions 46–50 tick the correct response.

46 What animal likes to sit in water? – a)
47 Which animal eats leaves from trees? – c)
48 Which animal lives alone? – b)
49 Which animal doesn’t Ann like? – a)
50 Which animal doesn’t drink water? – c)

Вы смотрели: Spotlight 5 Test 5B (Module 5) + KEY to test (Английский язык 5 класс: Спотлайт Тест 5В Ответы) — цитаты Теста № 5 Б с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 5 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.

Вернуться на страницу «Spotlight 5 test book» (Оглавление).

Name: ___________________________________________________ ___

Class:___________________ Date:_______________________________

TEST 5 (MODULE 5) Mark________ (100)


A. Fill in the correct word.

giraffe cat elephant budgie cobra koala dolphin monkey cow zebra

This animal is very big, has long legs and a long neck and lives in Africa.____________________

This animal is very long and can be dangerous. People are scared of it._________________

This animal is quite big and lives on the farm. People like these animals because they give them a lot of milk._________________

This animal is very big and lives in Africa. It has got a long trunk, big ears, and it is grey. ________________

This animal lives in Australia and is a very nice animal. It is not very big. It likes eucalyptus leaves._________________

This animal is very funny and nice. You can see it in the Zoo but it lives in Africa. It likes bananas very much._________________

This animal is like a horse but it lives in Africa. It has black and white stripes on its body._________________

This animal is very big and lives in water but it is not a fish. It is very nice and friendly and sometimes can save people’s lives._________________

This animal is very nice and people have it at home as a pet in the cage. It has got very nice and coloured feathers._________________

This animal is very nice and small. It lives in people’s houses. People like it because this animal eats mice._________________

Points: _______ (10)

B. Match the words from the two columns.

elephant                        a) mane

peacock                         b) horns

lion                                c) fur

bear                               d) trunk

giraffe                              e) feathers

monkey                            f) hump

deer                                 g) stripes

tiger                                  h) teeth

camel                                i) neck

crocodile                            j) tail

Points: _______ (10)

C.Match the questions (1-9) to the answers (a-i).

The Hyena

1. Do hyenas live in groups?

2. Where do they live?

3. What do they look like?

4. How much do they weigh?

5. How long are they?

6. How long is their tail?

7. When do hyenas start to hunt?

8. What sound do they make when hunting?

9. What they eat?

a) It’s like very loud laughter.

b) Like strange cats.

c) Up to 25 сentimeters long.

d) In Africa.

e) Animals, like zebras and antelopes.

f) Yes, of 10 to 50 animals.

g) About 1.5 meters long.

h) 40—80 kg.

i) In the evening.


D. Choose the correct item.

1. The Bengal tiger ________________ in India.

A live B lives C don’t live

2. Elephants _____________ heavy things on their backs.

A carry B carries C doesn’t carry

3. John _____________ his car every week.

A wash B washes C don’t wash

4. The baby ______________ a lot at night.

A cry B crys C cries

5. Rhinos ____________ to sit in the mud.

A like B likes C doesn’t like

Points: _______ (10)

E. Write the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

Mr Green 1)________ (be) the zookeeper. He 2) ____________ (feed) the animals and 3)______________(wash) them. He also 4)_______________ (clean) their cages, but he 5)_____________________ (not/like) it very much.

Points: _______ (10)

F. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

plays/ always/ he/on/football/Mondays




a / cat/milk/likes






Points: _______ (10)

Everyday English

G. Choose the correct response.

Do you like snakes? _______

Where do insects live? _______

Can penguin fly? _______

Have you got a pet? _______

What do tigers eat? _______


Yes, a goldfish.

No, it can’t.

In our homes and gardens.

No I don’t.

Points: _______ (10)


H. Read the text and answer the questions.

A lion is a big wild cat. You can find lions in Africa and Asia. These animals are big with light brown fur. They eat meat. Lions usually hunt in the evening or in the morning. They hunt big animals like zebras.

What is a lion?


Where do they live?


What do they look like?


What do they eat?


When do they hunt?


Points: _______ (10)


Listen to the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F),

Not Stated (NS).

1. Big cats live in Africa.

2. People hunt tigers because tigers are funny.

3. Chinese doctors use tigers’ bones to make medicine.

4. The lion’s voice is very loud.

5. There are about 40 baby-lions in the lions’ family.

Points: _______ (10)

J. You’ve got an e-mail from your English pen friend. Write him a letter and answer his three questions Write 50—60 words.

Hi! I’m Liz and this is my lovely cat Sunny. His name is Sunny because it is very small, red with dark brown stripes on his back, paws and face. It’s so funny! His face is very beautiful. His eyes are green. He is only two years old. I found him in the street. His favourite place for sleeping is an armchair. He likes to play and I often play with him. Now we are good friends.

What pets have you got? What are their names? Are you friends with your pets?

Write me soon.

Take care,


Points: _______ (10)


​​​​​​​ I.

Big cats live all around the world, but people don’t see them very often. They have sharp claws and teeth. They can be dangerous to people but people are even more dangerous to them. Many people hunt big cats. They hunt spotted cats for their fur. They hunt tigers for their bones. They use the bones in Chinese medicine. Some people even hunt big cats just for fun. Here are some of the most famous big cats.

The lion is the loudest of all the big cats. You can hear a lion roar

from about 8 km away. Lions live in families called prides. A pride of lions can have between 3 and 40 lions in it, but there are usually around 15 lions in one pride. The female lions do most of the hunting. They usually hunt late in the evening or early in the morning. They kill antelopes, gazelles, buffalos and zebras. You can find lions in Africa and Asia. You can find their cousin, the mountain lion, in America.

The biggest of the big cats is the tiger. They are known around the world for their power and strength. Tigers can weigh up to 220 kilograms. Most tigers come from India and they usually live alone. They are very good climbers and are good swimmers too. They can eat up to 30 kilograms of meat in one night. 100 years ago, there were over 100,000 tigers in the wild. Now there are only 2,500. Many of them live in conservation parks.

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  • Fill in the correct word yet just ever for already never i have
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  • Fill in the correct word whoever whatever whenever wherever however wants to take part