Fill in the correct word littering illegal parking speeding shoplifting

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лексические задания к упр. 1, 3, 4, 6, стр. 136 Starlight 11, Module 5

Система оценки:
5* балльная

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Fill in the correct word

As technology advances, instances of ____ are on the increase.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 2

Fill in the correct word

Many shops have cameras and security guards to prevent ____.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 3

Fill in the correct word

He lost his driving license and went to prison for ____.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 4

Fill in the correct word

Security measures were put into into efect to stop the _____ of planes.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 5

Fill in the correct word

He was charged with _____ for attacking a man with a stick.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 6

Fill in the correct word

______ caused the park to become very unattractive.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 7

Fill in the correct word

She was stopped by police for ____ in a 30 mph zone.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 8

Fill in the correct word

_______ on double yellow lines causes problems for pedestrians and road users.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 9

Fill in the correct word

The bank manager was found guilty of ____ for stealing money from people’s accounts.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 10

Fill in the correct word

The victim of the _____ had her purse and watch stolen.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 11

Fill in the correct word

Avoid the risk of _____ by keeping your wallet in your inside jacket pocket.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 12

Fill in the correct word

The people behind the ____ demanded a ransom of a million pounds.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 13

Fill in the correct word

Following the ____, the bank increased security.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 14

Fill in the correct word

Midnight Expressis a film about an American man sent to a Turkish prison for drug ___.

Варианты ответов
  • littering
  • illegal parking
  • speeding
  • shoplifting
  • assault
  • hijacking
  • kidnapping
  • smuggling
  • pickpocketing
  • mugging
  • armed robbery
  • drink driving
  • cyber crime
  • fraud

Вопрос 15

Complete each of the sentences with a a word formed from the word in capitals.

Graffity is a form of _______(VANDAL) that often destroys the appearance of beautiful buildings.

Вопрос 16

Complete each of the sentences with a a word formed from the word in capitals.

All her jewellery was stolen in the ____ (BURGLE)

Вопрос 17

Complete each of the sentences with a a word formed from the word in capitals.

Last night _____ (ARSON) got into the building and started a fire.

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


помогите с английским
1.fill in the correct word.
burglaries, theft, picking pockets, robberies, shoplifting, vandalism, mugging, murder
1)the man was sentenced for committing a series of bank …… in the last 5 months.
2)Most ……. take place at night or when people are on holiday.
3)The man was arrested for ……. on the metro; he had 10 wallets on him.
4)The ……. was very violent and the victim spent six weeks in hospital.
5)In some states in the USA there is a death penalty for ……. .
6) The boys were charged with ……. after being caught spraying graffiti on the statue.
7) ……. is not seen as a serious crime but taking things without paying for them is stealing.
8)The rate of car ……. in this area is very high.
2.fill in the verbs in the correct form.
bow, sew, stitch, master, regard, sound, deter, fulfil, boast, pat.
1)We should all try to ……. a new skill every day.
2)Jack ……. Tom on the back when he congratulated him.
3)She had a habit of ……. others as beneath her.
4)In Japan, people ……. to each other as a greeting.
5)My sister and I ……. exactly alike on the telephone.
6)Jane ……. the button back on her blouse while she was still wearing it.
7)People who ……. about their achievements are annoying.
8) Nothing can ……. George fom chasing his dream.
9) My grandma ……. this quilt by hand.
10)Paul is studying hard to ……. his goal of becoming a vet.
3.Match the words to from phrases.
1)Fine a)Designer
2)Quiet b)Skill
3)Peer c)Instruction
4)Countless d)Pressure
5)Fashion e)Face
6)Needle f)Times
7)Meticulous g)And thread
8)Outside h)Determination
9)Prestigious i)World
10)Troubled j)Sense
11)Deep k)Shool
12)Careful l)Cloth

1 ответ:



1. Введите правильное слово.Кражи со взломом, кража, собирание карманов, грабежи, кража в магазинах, вандализм, грабеж, убийство1) человек был приговорен за совершение серии банков …… за последние 5 месяцев.2) Большинство …….. происходит ночью или когда люди находятся в отпуске.3) Мужчина был арестован за ……. в метро; У него было 10 кошельков.4) …….. был очень жестоким, и жертва провела шесть недель в больнице.5) В некоторых штатах США смертная казнь за ……..6) Мальчиков обвинили в … после того, как их застали граффити на статуе.7) ……. не рассматривается как серьезное преступление, но принимать вещи, не платя за них, является воровством.8) Скорость автомобиля ……. в этой области очень высока.2. заполните глаголы в правильной форме.Лук, шить, стежок, мастер, внимание, звук, сдерживать, выполнять, похвастаться, погладить.1) Мы все должны стараться ……. новый навык каждый день.2) Джек ……. Том на спине, когда он поздравил его.3) У нее была привычка к … другим, как к ней.4) В Японии, люди ……. друг к другу в качестве приветствия.5) Моя сестра и я ……. точно так же по телефону.6) Джейн … кнопка на блузке, когда она все еще была в нем.7) Люди, которые ……. о своих достижениях раздражают.8) Ничто не может … Джордж Фом преследует свою мечту.9) Моя бабушка ……. это одеяло от руки.10) Павел усердно учится … чтобы стать ветеринаром.3. Совершайте слова из фраз.1) Отлично a) Дизайнер2) Тихий b) Умение3) Peer c) Инструкция4) Бесчисленное множество г) Давление5) Мода e) Лицо6) Игла f) Время7) Тщательная g) И нить8) Вне h) Определение9) Престижный i) Мир10) Тревожный j) Смысл11) Deep k) Shool12) Осторожно l) Ткань

Читайте также

Помогите, пожалуйста Заполните пропуски словами из списка: salt,shaker,fork,bowl,pepper,shaker,knife,Spoon,glass,napkin,plate,cu

Гурман Белобрысый

9.salt shaker
10.pepper shaker
Второе задание не очень поняла))</span>

<span>Is it not raining any more? it is clearing up and the sun is shining.
The jazz band is playing in the park. A lot of people are listening to the music and they are really having a good time. But they are not dancing yet.
There is a coffee shop there. Only seven people are sitting there, and only five people are waiting in the queue. Some people are having sandwiches and drinking coffee, tea or fruit juices. Boys and girls over there are laughing and making a lot of noise. They are playing games and Tom is taking pictures. So what is going on?</span>

My mother cooking crackers-моя мама готовит печенье

1)I am want kind of sport car.
2)I think sport cars are the best.
3)Yes, i can / No, i can’t
4)Yes, i am a good driver/ No, i am not a good driver. I am going to get my license on the next week.
5) Тут где-то не правильно, проверь.
6) Yes, they are. No, they are not.
7) Cars will be more faster.
8) Yes, they are.
9) Yes, i am would like.
10) I think in future use of cars will be decrease because mechanics will can make super-shoes.

Old, older, elder, the oldest, my eldest brother, my old friend, most distant, the longest, short, happy, happier, the best, the blackest,long, worse, better, warmer, her best friend, his youngest son, his eldest son

Module 3 6th form TEST 1. Match the words. 1) traffic        A lanes        6) seat        F crossing 2) parking        B limit        7) bike        G warden 3) yellow        C sign        8) speed        H car driver 4) zebra        D lines        9) traffic        I helmet 5) racing        E zone        10) bicycle        J belt 2. Fill in the correct word. watch                road            plane            boat        bike         car         lights         left        handgrips            kerb 1. This man is a pilot. He can fly a ___. 2. Use the ____ when there are no free seats on the bus. 3. My little sister can’t ride a ___ yet. 4. His brother is very young. He can’t drive a ___. 5. Don’t run from the pavement onto the ___. 6. Can your father sail a ____. 7. Always stop at the traffic ____ when it’s red. 8. Turn ___ into Apple street. 9. There’s a car coming. ____ out! 10. Stand on the pavement near the ____. 3. Complete the Road Safety Instructions with the correct verb. 1. When on the street, ____ both ways before crossing the road. 2. When on the bus, don’t ____ to the driver. 3. When going to school, ____ on the pavement. 4. When you ride a bike, ____ a bicycle helmet. 5. When in the car, don’t ____ out of the window. 4. Choose the correct preposition (on, by, in, from, at) 1. Be careful when you cross the street __ foot. 2. When you travel __ a bus, don’t annoy others. 3. Always wear a seat belt when you travel __ a car. 4. It’s safe to travel __ train. 5. It’s expensive to travel __ plane. 5. Find the correct response to each sentence. 1. Is there a cinema near here?            A Yes, it’s next to the chemist’s. 2. Is it far?                        B Don’t mention it. 3. Do you know where the bank is?        C Not really. 4. Do I turn right at the traffic lights?        D Yes. There is a nice one on High Street. 5. Thank you very much.                E No, you turn left. Look at the sign. 6. Read the text and answer the questions. Hi! My name is Fran and I’m ten years old. My best friend is Susan and she is twelve. Susan is very smart and can do a lot of things. She can play the guitar and the piano. Susan is also very good at sports. She can swim and sail a boat, too. I can’t swim very well and I can’t sail a boat. Susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. I can’t cook because my mum says I’m too young. There is one thing that Susan and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car! 1) How old is Fran’s best friend? 2) What can Susan play? 3) What sport can’t Fran do? 4) How old is Fran? 5) What can’t the girls do? 7. Describe the traffic signs using the modal verb CAN/CAN’T​

Spotlight 11” Module 3. SPOTLIGHT ON EXAM.

I. Fill in: *tilted, *witness, *shoplifting *tremble *harbour *confessed, *muttered *suspect *growled, *threatened.

1). Mike was caught _______ yesterday. He had stolen some batteries and a pair of gloves.

2). My mum ________ to take away my MP 3 player if I don’t do well on my exams.

3). “What shall I do now?” Julia _______ under her breath.

4). The dog ______ at the burglar as he broke into the house.

5). I have to go to court because I was a ______ to a car accident.

6). The woman they arrested ________ to the crime late last night.

7). The ferry boat set sail from Wellington _______ at night.

8). The police are holding a _______ for questioning.

9). Greg ______ his head to the side and looked in wonder at the picture.

10). Her voice started to _______ and she began to cry.

II. Underline the correct item.

11). It took them a while to realize identify that their bags had been stolen.

12). The young man shivered pointed in the cold.

13). He will use any means winnings he can to get what he wants.

14). The burglar pleaded muttered with the police officer to set him free.

15). When Sarah saw that her wallet was missing, she thought that a pickpocket burglar must have taken it from her bag on the bus.

16). Helen was timidly ravenously hungry as she hadn’t eaten all day.

17). Mrs. Higgins will not face tolerate bad behaviour in her classroom.

18). It is important that students do not abolish violate the school rules.

19). Animal rights organizations work to prevent offence cruelty towards animals.

20).Suzanne found it difficult to face deal with the fact that the police had arrested her son.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( — ing form, to — infinitive or infinitive without to).

21). I can’t stand _______ ( watch ) horror films.

22). He doesn’t mind ______ ( help ) with the homework.

23). Let me ______ ( stay ) up a little longer. The film hasn’t finished yet.

24). He’s old enough _______ ( drive ) a car.

25). It’s not worth _____ ( try ) to convince him.

26). I’d love ______ ( see ) you again.

27). I would rather _____ ( go ) horseriding than kitesurfing.

28). I promise _____ ( try ) my best.

29). My parents made me _____ ( stay ) at home.

30). How about ______ (join ) us for a skiing holiday?

31). She keeps ______ ( tell) everyone that she’s innocent, but no one believes her.

32). We’ve always wanted _____ ( go ) on a safari.

IV. Fill in: away, down, on, back, up with.

33). If you keep ____ arguing with your sister, I’ll tell your father.

34). Try to keep your voice ____. You are in the library.

35). Keep _____ from unlit areas at night!

36).Mark hired an assistant as she couldn’t keep ____ his work.

37).Tell me everything, don’t keep anything ______ .

38).If you keep ____ driving like that, you’ll have an accident.

V. Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in bold.

39).The Universal ______ of Human Rights was adopted to DECLARE

protect the rights and freedoms of all people.

40). During the war, prisoners suffered unspeakable __________ . CRUEL

41). Global climate change, ozone depletion ( истощение),

and deforestation ( вырубка леса) are all ______ issues. ENVIRONMENT

42). ______ plastic bags remain in landfills for hundreds of years. DISPOSE

43). The main concern of Amnesty International is

the ______ of human rights. PROTECT

44). Ben was frightened by the robber’s ________ behavior. THREATEN

45). Mrs. Smith has high _______ for her grandson. EXPECT

She wants him to become a lawyer.

VI. Match the texts 46- 47 with the headings A – G. Use each heading only once. There is one extra heading.





46 – Kidscape is the first charity in the UK which works towards keeping children away from danger. The charity was set up in 1984 by Dr. Michelle Elliot, a mother herself. So far over 2 million children have attended a programme the charity runs which teaches children how to avoid risky situations and also how to defend themselves if they are ever at risk. Children can also learn how to deal with bullies and what to when a stranger approaches them.

47 — The Suzy Lamplugh Trust was established in 1986 and has grown considerably over the past twenty years. The purpose of the trust has always been to promote personal protection. The trust offers advice and guidance on how to stay away from aggressive incidents and avoid dangerous situations. It offers its services to anyone, from big companies to young children and the elderly.

48. — The Help the Aged charity began in 1961 and is now a leading international charity for the elderly. The focus of the charity is to help senior citizens and ensure they do not suffer from poverty and neglect. They also offer a free home security service for all older people in the country. For this purpose, the charity raise money through its 370 charity shops all over the UK that sell second-hand items.

49.- Streetwise Safety Centre is an award-winning safety education centre. The centre looks like a real village, but in fact, it is an artificial village inside a large warehouse.(склад). The area consists of a house, a street, a park, a farmyard, a railway track and a beach. In the village children are taught to be more aware in all aspects of their lives, from catching a bus to walking home at night. Skilled teachers work with young people so that they can have a first-hand, realistic experience of what it is like to be a victim of a crime.

50- The Card Watch agency raises awareness about credit card fraud in the UK. The agency provides information and advice to prevent the illegal use of all bank cards. It does this by working closely with shop owners and the police in reducing bank card fraud. The agency can also provide training for anybody who works on a cash register or handles payments. Its useful website is full of tips on how to avoid being the victim of credit card fraud.

51- Neighbourhood Watch is one of the most successful crime prevention programmes ever. It was first set up in the UK in 1982. The scheme encourages neighbours in specific areas to work together by watching each other’s properties and raising an alarm when they notice anything suspicious. Since the scheme began, crime has reduced dramatically. Today, Neighbourhood Watch includes 10 million residents, making it the largest voluntary organization in the UK.







KEYS Module 3 “SPOTLIGHT 11”


1). Shoplifting 11). Realize 21). Watching 31). Telling

2). Threatened 12). Shivered 22). Helping 32). To go

3). Muttered 13). Means 23). Stay

4). Growled 14). Pleaded 24). To drive

5). Witness 15). Pickpocket 25). Trying

6). Confessed 16). Ravenously 26). To see

7). Harbour 17). Tolerate 27). Go

8). Suspect 18). Violate 28). To try

9). Tilted 19).Cruelty 29). Stay

10).Tremble 20). Deal 30) Joining

IV. V. VI.

33). Keep on 39) DECLARATION 46). — D

34). Keep down 40). CRUELTIES 47).- B

35). Keep away 41). ENVIRONMENTAL 48) — A

36). Keep up with 42). DISPOSABLE 49) — G

37). Keep back 43). PROTECTION 50). — F

38). Keep on 44). THREATENING 51) — E


Страница 6 из 53

*A. Match the words. Сопоставь слова.

e.g. traffic H

1. parking   G       A. warden
2. traffic       A      B. driver
3. yellow     F       C. belt
4. zebra      E       D. lanes
5. racing     B       E. crossing
6. seat        C      F. lines
7. bike        D       G. zone
8. door        I        H. signs
                            I. handles

1 – G, 2 – A, 3 – F, 4 – E, 5 – B, 6 – C, 7 – D, 8 – I.


1. parking zone      парковочная зона
2. traffic warden     регулировщик
3. yellow lines        желтые линии
4. zebra crossing    зебра
5. racing driver       автогонщик
6. seat belt               ремень безопасности
7. bike lanes            велосипедные дорожки
8. door handles       дверные ручки

*B. Fill in the correct word. Вставьте правильное слово.

• watch • park • road • plane • bike • boat • car • lights • left • handgrip • kerb

e.g. You can’t park your car here.

9. That man is a pilot. He can fly a plane.
10. Use the handgrip when there are no free seats on the bus.
11. My little sister can’t ride a bike.
12. His brother is very young. He can’t drive a car.
13. Don’t run from the pavement onto the road.
14. Can your father sail a boat?
15. Always stop at the traffic lights when they’re red.
16. Turn left into Green street.
17. There’s a car coming. Watch out!
18. Stand on the pavement, near the kerb.


9. Этот человек − пилот. Он может управлять самолетом.
10. Держитесь за поручень, когда в автобусе нет свободных мест.
11. Моя младшая сестра не умеет кататься на велосипеде.
12. Его брат очень молод. Он не умеет водить машину.
13. Не бегайте с тротуара на дорогу.
14. Может ли твой отец управлять лодкой?
15. Всегда останавливайтесь на светофоре, когда он красный.
16. Поверните налево на Зеленую улицу.
17. Едет машина. Осторожно!
18. Встаньте на тротуар, у бордюра.

*C. Complete with the correct verb. Дополните правильным глаголом.

• look • talk • walk • lean • wave • wear • push

Road Safety Instructions
• When in the car, don’t e.g. lean out of the window.
• When on the street, 19) look both ways before crossing.
• When on the bus, don’t 20) talk to the driver.
• When you enter the bus, don’t 21) push others.
• When on the bus, don’t 22) wave out of the window.
• When going to school, 23) walk on the pavement.
• When you ride your bike, 24) wear a bicycle helmet.


Инструкции по безопасности дорожного движения
• Находясь в машине, не высовывайся из окна.
• На улице перед переходом 19) посмотрите в обе стороны.
• В автобусе не 20) разговаривайте с водителем.
• Когда вы садитесь в автобус, 21) не толкайте других.
• Находясь в автобусе, 22) не махайте из окна.
• Собираясь в школу, 23) идите по тротуару.
• Когда вы едете на велосипеде, 24) надевайте велосипедный шлем.

*D. Choose the correct item. Выберите правильный вариант.

e.g. Never carry a second person _ your bike.
        A. by      B. on        C. in

25. Be careful when you cross the street _ foot.
       A. in      B. on     C. by
26. When you travel_ a bus, don’t annoy others.
       A. on   B. from   C. at
27. Always wear a seat belt when you travel _ a car.
       A. at     B. on     C. in
28.  It’s safe to travel _ train.
       A. in    B. on      C. by
29. It isn’t dangerous to travel _ plane.
      A. on   B. by      C. in
30. The library isn’t far so I go _ bike.
      A. in    B. by       C. on

25 – B, 26 – A, 27 – C, 28 – C, 29 – B, 30 – B.


25. Будьте осторожны, переходя улицу пешком.
26. Когда вы путешествуете на автобусе, не раздражайте других.
27. Всегда пристегивайтесь ремнем безопасности, путешествуя в машине.
28. Путешествовать поездом безопасно.
29. Путешествовать самолетом не опасно.
30. Библиотека недалеко, так что я езжу на велосипеде.

*E. Complete with can or can’t. Вставь can или can’t.

e.g. I can swim. Я умею плавать

31. They can draw.
32. She can cook.
33. He can use a computer.
34. I can’t ride a motorbike.
35. She can’t fly a kite.


31. Они умеют рисовать.
32. Она умеет готовить.
33. Он умеет работать на компьютере.
34. Я не умею ездить на мотоцикле.
35. Она не умеет запускать воздушного змея.

*F. Underline the correct item. Подчеркните правильный элемент.

e.g. You can / can’t turn left.
например, Вы можете / не можете повернуть налево.

36. You can / can’t drive here.
37. You can / can’t go straight here.
38. You can / can’t drive at 30 mph.
39. You can / can’t park here.


36. Вы не можете сюда ехать.
37. Вы не можете ехать здесь прямо.
38. Вы можете ехать со скоростью 30 миль в час.
39. Здесь можно парковаться.

*G. Choose the correct response. Выбери верный ответ.

e.g. Is there a cinema near here?           C      A. Not really.

40. Is it far?                                             A        B. No, you turn left.
41. Do you know where the bank is?      F        C. Yes, there’s one on the corner.
42. Do I turn right at the traffic lights?     B        D. Don’t mention it.
43. Thank you very much.                       D        E. Yes. There is a nice one on Beech Street.
44. Is there a café around here?             E         F. Yes, it’s next to the chemist’s.

40 – A, 41 – F, 42 – B, 43 – D, 44 – E.


например, Здесь есть кинотеатр?
40. Это далеко?
41. Вы знаете, где находится банк?
42. На светофоре повернуть направо?
43. Большое спасибо.
44. Здесь есть кафе?

А. Не совсем.
B. Нет, поверните налево.
C. Да, на углу есть один.
D. Не упоминайте об этом.
E. Да. Есть один хороший на Бич−стрит.
F. Да, рядом с аптекой.

*H. Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

My name is Fran and I’m ten years old. My best friend is Susan and she’s twelve years old. Susan is very smart and can do a lot of things. Susan can play the guitar and the piano. She is very good at sport. She can swim very well and she can sail a boat. 1 can’t swim very well and I can’t sail a boat. Susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. I can’t cook because my mum says I’m too young. There is one thing that Susan and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car!

Меня зовут Фрэн, и мне десять лет. Моя лучшая подруга − Сьюзан, ей двенадцать лет. Сьюзан очень умна и может многое. Сьюзан умеет играть на гитаре и фортепиано. Она очень хороша в спорте. Она очень хорошо плавает и умеет управлять лодкой. Я не умею плавать и не умею управлять лодкой. Сьюзан каждый день готовит обед для себя и своего младшего брата. Я не умею готовить, потому что мама говорит, что я слишком маленькая. Есть одна вещь, которую мы со Сьюзан делать не можем. Мы не умеем водить машину!

e.g. Who is ten years old, Susan or Fran? Кому десять лет, Сьюзан или Фрэн? 
       Fran.                                                     Фрэн.

45. How old is Fran’s best friend?
46. What can Susan play?
   The guitar and the piano.
47. What sport can’t Fran do?
   Swim and sail the boat.
48. Who cooks lunch every day?
49. What can’t Susan and Fran do?
   Drive a car.


45. Сколько лет лучшей подруге Фрэн?
46. На чем может играть Сьюзан?
   Гитара и фортепиано.
47. Какой спорт Фрэн не умеет делать?
   Плавать и управлять лодкой.
48. Кто готовит обед каждый день?
49. Чего не умеют делать Сьюзан и Фрэн?
   Водить машину.

*I. Listen to two people talking about the town where they live and circle the correct answer A, B or C. Послушайте, как два человека говорят о городе, в котором они живут, и обведите правильный ответ A, B или C.

e.g. Bill’s flat is on the
A. 3rd floor.
B. 4th floor.
C. 5th floor.

50. Martha knows the location of the
     A. bank.
     B. supermarket.
     C. post office.
51. The supermarket is on
     A. Maple Avenue.
     B. Beech Drive.
     C. Birch Drive.
52. Martha has got
     A. three children.
     B. four little girls.
     C. two little boys.
53. The town has got
     A. one park.
     B. two parks.
     C. four parks.
54. It is
     A. morning.
     B. afternoon.
     C. night.

50 – C, 51 – C, 52 – A, 53 – B, 54 – B.


Квартира Билла находится на
А. 3 этаж.
B. 4 этаж.
С. 5 эт.
Марта знает, где находится
A. банк.
B. супермаркет.
C. почтовое отделение.
Супермаркет находится на
А. Кленовый проспект.
B. Бич Драйв.
С. Берч Драйв.
У Марты
А. трое детей.
B. четыре маленьких девочки.
C. два маленьких мальчика.
В городе есть
А. один парк.
B. два парка.
C. четыре парка.
А. утро.
B. полдень.
C. ночь.

Аудио к заданию:

− Hello!
− Hello! My name is Bill. I live one floor above you, on the fourth floor. I’m in apartment 5. Welcome to the buiding!
− Oh, hi! My name is Martha.
− Is there anything I can do for you? I like to help new people in the building.
− Oh, you are very kind! Actually I have got a probem you can help me with.
− Oh, what is it?
− Well, I can find my way to the post office, but I can’t my way to the bank or the supermarket.
− Oh, that’s easy! The bank is on the Maple Avenue. And the supermarket is on Beech Drive… oops! I mean, Birch Drive.
− Thanks. And where’s the park? I have got three little boys and they love going to the park.
− So do my four little girls! Anyway, there are two parks. One is on Willow Avenue and the other one is on Elm Road.
− Well, that’s great! Thanks for your help. I’m better going now. I have to collect the kids from school. It’s nearly three.

Перевод аудио:

− Здравствуйте!
− Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Билл. Я живу этажом выше вас, на четвертом этаже. Я в квартире 5. Добро пожаловать в дом!
− О, привет! Меня зовут Марта.
− Могу я что−нибудь для вас сделать? Мне нравится помогать новым людям в доме.
− Ой, вы очень любезны! На самом деле у меня есть проблема, с которой вы можете мне помочь.
− Ой, что это?
− Ну, я могу добраться до почты, но я не могу добраться до банка или супермаркета.
− Ой, это просто! Банк находится на Кленовой авеню. А супермаркет находится на Бич Драйв… ой! Я имею в виду Берч Драйв.
− Спасибо. А где парк? У меня трое маленьких мальчиков, и они любят ходить в парк.
− Мои четыре девочки тоже! Во всяком случае, есть два парка. Один находится на Уиллоу−авеню, а другой − на Вязовой дороге.
− Ну вот и отлично! Спасибо за вашу помощь. Мне лучше идти. Я должна забирать детей из школы. Уже почти три.

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