Fill in the correct word like articles



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Помогите пожалуйста !A Fill in the correct, record, interesting articles, gossip, weather, text messages, fashion and beauty . 1. I like reading the newspapers for all its ______ ______.
2. The athlete broke the _____ last year at the Olympic Games.
3. I heard (слушал) my favourite songs on the ____ last night.
4. My sister buys (покупает) a popular magazine to read _____ about famous people.
5. Tom likes to send (отправлять) ______ to his friends.
6. Sara buys a lot of magazines for its ____ _____ advice.
7. I always read the _____ reports in the newspapers.

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1. interesting articles
2. record
3. radio
4. gossip
5. text messages
6. fashion and beauty
7. weather

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1. I like reading the newspapers for all its ______ ______.
2. The athlete broke the _____ last year at the Olympic Games.
3. I heard (слушал) my favourite songs on the ____ last night.
4. My sister buys (покупает) a popular magazine to read _____ about famous people.
5. Tom likes to send (отправлять) ______ to his friends.
6. Sara buys a lot of magazines for its ____ _____ advice.
7. I always read the _____ reports in the newspapers.
B Match
8. interesting wildlife a message
9. international b interview
10. listen to c show
11. chat d documentary
12. weather e news
13. text f report
14. fashion and beauty g drama
15. police h programme
16. cookery i advice

C Fill in the gaps with off, with, on:
Go… . I am listening to you.
This blouse goes well… your skirt.
You must use these cakes soon before they go…
My alarm clock went… at 7 o’clock.
D Put the verbs in the Past Continuous:
Mother (to watch) TV when he arrived.
Tom (to play) computer games at 9 pm yesterday.
Bob and Mark (to read) magazines when their father came.
She (to send) e-mails until 10 pm last night.
His father (to recover) in hospital for three weeks after his fall.
E Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous:
They (to do) their homework when their father (to come).
His parents (to read) while Tom (to sleep).
When Ann (to watch) the film, her sister (to dance).
Mother (to cook) dinner when Kate (to hear) a noise.
John (to read) a magazine when the phone (to ring).
F Read the text and answer the questions.
Sun Shines On Fun Run
On 12th June, a ‘Fun Run ‘took place in the town of Sunnyfield. A group of sixteen-years-old students from the local high school came up with the idea and over 500 people of all ages took part.
Luckily, it was a sunny day. Everyone had fun running, walking or skate-boarding the 10-mile distance. Thanks the event, 2,346$ was raised for the charity ‘Cancer Care’.
Suzie Hamilton, one of the students who organized the run, said, “We wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.”
The local headmaster was so proud, he decided to make the event part of the school’s years calendar.
When was a ‘Fun Run ‘?
Who took part in this event? (событие, мероприятие)
Who organized the run?
What did the local headmaster decide to make?
What was the result of the event?
G Listen to the reports. Number them in the order you hear them.
e.g. new technology 1
36. a rescue …
37. a new shopping centre …
38. school meals …
39. a bank robbery …
40. a sports event …

Ответ №1


A. 1. interesting articles


3. radio

4. gossip

5. text messages

6. fashion and beauty

7. weather

B. 1.d










D.1.was watching

2.was playing

3.were reading

4.was sending

5.was recovering

E.1.were doing/came

2.was reading/slept

3.watched/was dancing

4.was cooking/heard

5.was reading/rang

F. 1. It was on 12th June

2. Over 500 people of all ages took part in this event

3. 16-years-old students from local high school organized that event

4. They decided to make the event part of school’s years calendar

5.Thanks the event, 2,346$ were raised.

G. ответить не могу, так так это Listening

Выполните следующие упражнения, проверьте свои ответы

1. Choose the correct variant.

I. …Smiths have a dog and a cat.

a) … b) The c) A

2. He knows how to work on … computer.

a) a b) an c) …

3. She was the first woman to swim across … English Channel.

a) a b) … c) the

4. Go down … Kingston Street and turn left into Oxford Street.

a) the b) a c) …

5. I don’t like milk in … tea.

a) … b) the с) а

6. At the end of… busy day, sleep is the best way to restore your energy.

a) the b) a c) …

7. We’ll go for a walk if … weather is fine.

a) a b) … c) the

8. Could you give me … information I asked for in my letter?

a) the b) … c) a

9. …war is a terrible thing.

a) The b) … с) А

10. I spent … very interesting holiday in England.

a) the b) a c) …

2. Fill in the correct article.

1. “Is this your … friend?” — “No, it isn’t my … friend, it is my sister”.

2. I have … sister. My … sister is … teacher. My sister’s … husband is … pilot.

3. I have no … car.

4. She has got … terrible … headache.

5. They have … dog and two … cats.

6. My … cousin says he is going to be … manager one … day.

7. Would you like … apple?

8. This is … tree. … tree is green.

9. I can see three … children. … children are playing in … yard.

10. I have … car. … car is white. My … friend has no … car.

3. Fill in the articles in the proverbs if necessary.

1. … apple … day keeps … doctor away.

2. … appetite comes with eating.

3. … good beginning makes … good ending.

4. … bird in … hand is worth two in … bush.

5. Among … blind … one-eyed man is king.

6. … brevity is … soul of wit.

7. … cat has nine lives.

8. … charity begins at … home.

9. … clothes make … man.

10. … curiosity killed … cat.

Правильные ответы:

1. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. b | 2. a | 3. c | 4. c | 5. a | 6. b | 7. c | 8. a | 9. b | 10. b

2. Вставьте правильный артикль.

1. “Is this your … friend?” — “No, it isn’t my … friend, it is my sister”.

2. I have a sister. My … sister is a teacher. My sister’s … husband is a pilot.

3. I have no … car.

4. She has got a terrible … headache.

5. They have a dog and two … cats.

6. My … cousin says he is going to be a manager one … day.

7. Would you like an apple?

8. This is a tree. The tree is green.

9. I can see three … children. The children are playing in the yard.

10. I have a car. The car is white. My … friend has no … car.

3. Вставьте артикли в пословицах, если требуется.

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2. The appetite comes with eating.

3. A good beginning makes a good ending.

4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

5. Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.

6. Brevity is the soul of wit.

7. A cat has nine lives.

8. Charity begins at home.

9. Clothes make the man.

10. Curiosity killed the cat.

№11. «Is this your friend?” — «No, it isn’t my friend, it is my sister”.

2. I have a sister. My sister is a teacher. My sister’s husband is a pilot.

3. I have no car.

4. She has got a terrible headache.

5. They have a dog and two cats.

6. My cousin says he is going to be a manager one day.

7. Would you like an apple?

8. This is a tree. The tree is green.

9. I can see three children. The children are playing in the yard.

10. I have a car. The car is white. My friend has no car.

№23. Fill in the articles in the proverbs if necessary.

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2. Appetite comes with eating.

3. A good beginning makes a good ending.

4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

5. Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.

6. Brevity is the soul of wit.

7. A cat has nine lives.

8. Charity begins at home.

9. Clothes make the man.

10. Curiosity killed the cat.


Помогите пожалуйста !Очень срочно нужно!A Fill in the correct word.
radio, record, interesting articles, gossip, weather, text messages, fashion and beauty. 1. I like reading the newspapers for all its ______ ______.
2. The athlete broke the _____ last year at the Olympic Games.
3. I heard (слушал) my favourite songs on the ____ last night.
4. My sister buys (покупает) a popular magazine to read _____ about famous people.
5. Tom likes to send (отправлять) ______ to his friends.
6. Sara buys a lot of magazines for its ____ _____ advice.
7. I always read the _____ reports in the newspapers.

1 ответ:



1. interesting articles
2. record
3. radio
4. gossip
5. text messages
6. fashion and beauty
7. weather

Читайте также


I didn’t play basketball yesterday

I didn’t work as militiaman last year

I didn’t study English at school

I didn’t answer all the questions

I didn’t help my friend to do this work

I didn’t translate the text into Russian

I didn’t ask him about it

I didn’t live near the metro station 3 years ago

I didn’t open this book 5 minutes ago

I didn’t like hockey when I was a schoolboy

Я работал все лето, собирая еду, сказал муравей

1. Present simple: I do my homework every day Don’t plays basketball twice a week. Present continuous: My mom is cooking a dinner right now. He is taking a shower at the moment. This evening we are going to the club. After school tomorrow I am welling with my friends.

-What’s the name?
-My names titovxperiaz
-Do you speak Russia?
-Yes, I do
-Good bye!

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