Fill in the correct word indian have small ears

Fill in the correct word.

• dangerous

• elephants

• leopard

• crocodile

• lion

• paws

• legs

• sharp

• fur

• wing

• wild

e.g. My cat is black with white paws.
1. Indian _ have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white _ .
3. A _ can run fast and has spots.
4. The _ is the king of the jungle.
5. _ animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken _ .
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin _ .
8. A _ can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are _ . They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got _ claws for climbing.

Английский язык 5 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 5 A (Module 5). Номер №A


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово.
• опасный
• слоны
• леопард
• крокодил
• лев
• лапы
• ноги
• острый
• мех
• крыло
• дикий
например: Моя кошка черная с белыми лапками.
1. У индийских _ маленькие уши.
2. Мне нравится мягкий белый _ моей собаки.
3. _ может быстро бегать и иметь пятна.
4. _ − король джунглей.
5. _ животные не очень хорошие домашние животные.
6. Мой попугай не умеет летать. У него сломан _.
7. Жирафы очень высокие с длинными тонкими _.
8. _ может находиться под водой два часа.
9. Некоторые змеи _. Они могут укусить людей.
10. У коал есть _ когти для лазания.

1. Indian elephants have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white fur.
3. A leopard can run fast and has spots.
4. The lion is the king of the jungle.
5. Wild animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken wing.
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin legs.
8. A crocodile can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are dangerous. They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got sharp claws for climbing.

Перевод ответа
1. У индийских слонов маленькие уши.
2. Мне нравится мягкий белый мех моей собаки.
3. Леопард быстро бегает и имеет пятна.
4. Лев − король джунглей.
5. Дикие животные − плохие домашние животные.
6. Мой попугай не умеет летать. У него сломано крыло.
7. Жирафы очень высокие, с длинными тонкими ногами.
8. Крокодил может находиться под водой два часа.
9. Некоторые змеи опасны. они могут укусить людей.
10. У коал есть острые когти для лазания.

Spotlight 5 Test 5A (Module 5) + KEY to test (Английский язык 5 класс: Спотлайт Тест 5А Ответы) — цитаты Теста № 5 A с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 5 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс / М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.

Часть 1. Только ОТВЕТЫ

A)  1 elephants     2 fur      3 leopard      4 lion      5 Wild       6 wing       7 legs      8  crocodile      9 dangerous      10 sharp
В)  11 tortoise     12 penguin      13 crocodile     14 insect     15 goldfish
C)  16 C      17 В       18 C      19 A      20 C
D)  21 hunt      22 sleep     23 climb     24 eats      25 lays
E)  26 are       27 eat       28 drink      29 live       30 stays

F)  31 The Bengal tiger lives in India.       32   Black tigers have stripes.      33   Bees make honey.      34   Leopards run very fast.      35 I go to the zoo every Saturday.
G)  36 D      37 A       38 E      39 B       40 C
H)  41 In the Antarctic.      42 Their feathers./They are fat.      43 Black and white.       44 At night.      45 Small fish.
I)  46 a        47 c        48 b       49 a       50 c

Часть 2. Задания и Ответы


A). Fill in the correct word.

1 Indian ….• elephants…. have small ears.
2 I like my dog’s soft, white ….• fur…. .
3 A ….• leopard…. can run fast and has spots.
4 The …..• lion….. is the king of the jungle.
5 ….• Wild….. animals don’t make good pets.
6 My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken …• wing… .
7 Giraffes are very tall with long, thin …• legs…. .
8 A ….• crocodile….. can stay under water for two hours.
9 Some snakes are ….• dangerous…. . They can bite humans.
10 Koalas have got ….• sharp….. claws for climbing.

В). Circle the odd one out.

11 peacock – hen – duck – tortoise
12 penguin – sheep – cow – deer
13 rabbit – dog – parrot – crocodile
14 leg – insect – break – tail
15 goldfish – tiger – lion – leopard


C). Choose the correct item.

16 Lions ……. during the day.   A doesn’t sleep   В sleeps   C sleep
17 Koalas …….. water.   A drinks   В don’t drink   C doesn’t drink
18 Insects …….. gardens clean.   A keeps   В doesn’t keep   C keep
19 Humans ……… in trees.   A don’t live   В doesn’t live   C lives
20 A giraffe …….. leaves from trees.   A eat   В don’t eat   C eats

D). Underline the correct word.

21 People hunts/hunt wild animals.
22 Bears sleeps/sleep all winter.
23 Leopards can climbs/climb trees.
24 A tortoise eat/eats leaves.
25 A hen lay/lays eggs.

E). Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

26) …are…. (be) big with long tusks. Elephants
27) ….eat…. (eat) grass and fruit from trees and they
28) …drink…..(drink) water during the day. African elephants
29) …live…. (live) south of the Sahara Desert in forests. A mother elephant
30) …stays…. (stay) with her calf for two years.

F). Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

31 tiger/Bengal/in/lives/India/the – The Bengal tiger lives in India.
32 stripes/black/tigers/have – Black tigers have stripes.
33 honey/bees/make – Bees make honey.
34 fast/leopards/very/run – Leopards run very fast.
35 go/zoo/l/to/every/the/Saturday – I go to the zoo every Saturday.

Spotlight 5 Test 5A

Everyday English

G). Choose the correct response.

36 What do elephants eat? – D) Fruit and grass.
37 What colour is a penguin? – A) It’s black and white.
38 When do cats sleep? – E) During the day.
39 What is your dog’s name? – В) It’s Max.
40 Do you like snakes? – C) No, I don’t!


H). Read the text and answer the questions.

This is a picture of a penguin. A penguin is a bird. Penguins can’t fly. They live in the Antarctic. Feathers help penguins stay warm in cold weather. Their size helps too. They are fat! The penguin is black and white. Penguins don’t sleep during the day. They sleep at night. They swim fast and catch food in the sea. They eat small fish and can stay under water for five minutes.
41 Where does it live? – In the Antarctic.
42 What helps them stay warm? – Their feathers. / They are fat.
43 What colour are penguins? – Black and white.
44 When do penguins sleep? – At night.
45 What do penguins eat? – Small fish.


I). Listen and for questions 46–50 tick the correct response.

46 What animal likes to sit in water? – a)
47 Which animal eats leaves from trees? – c)
48 Which animal lives alone? – b)
49 Which animal doesn’t Ann like? – a)
50 Which animal doesn’t drink water? – c)

Вы смотрели: Spotlight 5 Test 5A (Module 5) + KEY to test (Английский язык 5 класс: Спотлайт Тест 5А Ответы) — цитаты Теста № 5 A с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 5 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.

Вернуться на страницу «Spotlight 5 test book» (Оглавление).

  1. Fill in the correct word dangerous, elephants, leopard, crocodile, lion, paws, legs, sharp, fur, wing, wild
  1. Indian….. have small ears. 7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin….
  2. I like my dog’s soft, white and…. 8. A…..can stay under water for two hours.
  3. A….can run fast and has spots. 9. Some snakes are…… They can bite humans.
  4. The….king of the jungle. 10. Koalas have got….claws for climbing.
  5. …..animals don’t make good pets. 11. My parrot can’t fly. He has got a broken…..

B. Circle the odd one out.

  1. peacock-hen- duck-tortoise 4. leg- insect-break-tail
  2. penguin- sheep-cow-deer 5. Goldfish-tiger-lion-leopard
  3. rabbit-dog-parrot-crocodile

C. Choose the correct items.

  1. Lions….during the day. 4. Humans… trees.

a. doesn’t sleep b. sleeps c. sleep a. don’t live b. doesn’t live c. lives

  1. Koalas….water. 5. A giraffe….leaves from trees.

a. drinks b. don’t drink c. doesn’t drink a. eat b. don’t eat c. eats

3. Insects….gardens clean.

a. keeps b. doesn’t keep c. keep

D. Underline the correct word

  1. People hunts/hunt wild animals. 4. A tortoise eat/eats leaves.

2. Bears sleeps/ sleep all winter 5. A hen lay/lays eggs.

3. Leopards can climbs/climb trees

E. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

These animals….(be) big with long tusks. Elephants…. (eat) grass and fruit from trees and they …(drink) water during the day. African elephants….(live) south of the Sahara Desert in forests. A mother elephant…. (stay) with her calf for two years.

F. Read and answer the questions

A penguin is a bird. Penguins can’t fly. They live in the Antarctic. Feathers help penguins stay warm in cold weather. Their size helps too. They are fat. The Penguin is black and white. They don’t sleep during the day. They sleep at night. They swim fast and catch food in the sea. They eat small fish and can stay under water for five minutes.

1. Where does it live? 4. When o penguins sleep?

2. What helps them to stay warm? 5. What do penguind eat?

3. What colour are penguins?


A. Fill in the correct word. 

Dangerous, elephants,
leopard, crocodile, lion, legs, sharp, fur, wing, wild.

1.      Indian
……….. have small ears.

2.      I
like my cat’s soft, white ………. .

3.      A
……….. can run fast and has spots.

4.      The
………. is the king of the jungle.

5.      ………..
animals don’t make good pets.

6.      My
parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken ……… .

7.      Giraffes
are very tall with long, thin …….. .

8.      A
………… can stay under water for two hours.

9.      Some
snakes are ………….. . They can bite humans.

10.  Koalas
have got ……….. claws for climbing.

B. Circle the odd one out.

11.  duck
– peacock – hen –tortoise 

12.  penguin
– cow – sheep – deer 

13.  rabbit
– dog – parrot – crocodile 14. insect
– leg –break – tail 

15.  goldfish
– tiger – lion – leopard 

16.  neck
– cobra – paws – fur 


C. Choose the correct item.

17. I love koalas. They are ………… Australian.

A   from                     B  

18. Lions ………… during the day.

C   to

A   doesn’t sleep         B  
sleeps 19. Koalas …………


A   drinks                  B  
don’t drink

20. Insects ……….. gardens clean.

C   doesn’t drink

keeps         B   doesn’t keep 21.
Humans ………… in trees.


don’t live             B   doesn’t live


22. A giraffe ………… leaves from trees.

eat                        B   don’t eat           C   eats

D. Underline the correct word.

23.  Sam’s
cat eat/eats fish.

24.  People
hunts/hunt wild animals.

25.  Bears
sleeps/sleep all winter.

26.  Leopards
can climbs/climb trees.

27.  A
tortoise eat/eats leaves.

28.  A
hen lay/lays eggs.

E. Put the words in the correct
order to make sentences.

29.  sea
/ swim / the / penguins / in.

30.  tiger
/ Bengal / in / lives / India / the.

31.  stripes
/ black / tigers / have.

32.  honey
/ bees / make.

33.  fast
/ leopards / very / run.

34.  go
/ zoo / I / to / every / the / Saturday.

Everyday English

F. Choose
the correct response.

Where do insects live?

What do elephants eat?

What colour is a penguin?

When do cats sleep?

What is your dog’s name?

Do you like snakes?

It’s black and white.

It’s Max.

No, I don’t!

Fruit and grass.

During the day.

In our homes and gardens.


G. Read the text and answer the

This is a penguin. A penguin is a bird.
Penguins can’t fly. They live in the Antarctic. Feathers help penguins say warm
in cold weather. Their size helps too. They are fat! The penguin is black and

Penguins don’t sleep during the
day. They sleep at night. They swim fast and catch food in the sea. They eat
small fish and can stay under water for five minutes.

41.  Where
does it live?

42.  What
helps them stay warm?

43.  What
colour are penguins?

44.  When
do penguins sleep?

45.  What
do penguins eat? 

Модульный тест 5 по теме «Животные со всего света»

Цель: проверить, как учащиеся усвоили
лексико-грамматический материал модуля 5. Шкала оценивания










elephants         24.

fur        25. sleep

leopard            26.

lion      27. eats

Wild    28. lays

wing    29. Penguins
swim in the sea.

legs      30. The
Bengals tiger lives in India.

crocodile         31.
Black tigers have stripes. / Tigers have black stripes.

dangerous        32.
Bees make honey.

10.  sharp
   33. Leopards run very

11.  tortoise
           34. I go to the
zoo every Saturday.

12.  penguin

13.  crocodile
        36. d

14.  insect
  37. a

15.  goldfish
          38. e

16.  cobra
  39. b

17.  A
        40. c

18.  C
         41. In the

19.  B
         42. Their
feathers. / They are fat.

20.  C
         43. Black and

21.  A
        44. At night.

22.  C
         45. Small fish

23.  eats






















































Test 5 5 классы

1 Write the words in English.

  1. хобот

  2. клюв

  3. перо

  4. мех

  5. грива

  6. лапа

  7. хвост

  8. бивень

2 Fill in the correct word.

dangerous • elephant • leopard • crocodile • lion

paws • legs • sharp • fur • wing • wild

  1. Koalas have got ………. claws for climbing.

  2. Some snakes are ………. . They can bite humans.

  3. A ………. can stay under water for two hours.

  4. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin ………. .

  5. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken ………. .

  6. The ………. is the king of the jungle.

  7. A ………. can run fast and has spots.

  8. I like my dog’s soft, white ………. .

  9. Indian ………. have small ears.

  10. My cat is black with white ………. .

3 Choose the correct item.

  1. A giraffe eat/don’t eat/eats leaves from trees.

  2. Humans don’t live/doesn’t live/lives in trees.

  3. Insects keeps/doesn’t keep/keep gardens clean.

  4. Koalas drinks/don’t drink/doesn’t drink water.

  5. Lions doesn’t sleep/sleeps/sleep during the day.

  6. A hen lay/don’t lay/lays eggs.

  7. A tortoise eats/don’t eat/eat leaves.

  8. Leopards can climbs/doesn’t climb/climb trees.

  9. Bears sleeps/doesn’t sleep/sleep all winter.

  10. People hunts/doesn’t hunt/hunt wild animals.

4 Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

This 1 ……. (be) an African elephant. These animals 2 ……. (be) big with long tusks. Elephants 3 ……. (eat) grass and fruit from trees and they 4 ……. (drink) water during the day. African elephants 5 ……. (live) south of the Sahara Desert in forests. A mother elephant 6 ……. (stay) with her calf for two years.

5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  1. go/zoo/I/to/every/the/Saturday.

  2. fast/leopards/very/run.

  3. honey/bees/make.

  4. stripes/black/tigers/have.

  5. tiger/Bengal/in/lives/India/the.

6 Choose the correct response.

  1. Do you like snakes? A. In our homes and gardens.

  2. What is your dog’s name? B. During the day.

  3. When do cats sleep? C. Fruit and grass.

  4. What colour is a penguin? D. No, I don’t.

  5. What do elephants eat? E. It’s Max.

  6. Where do insects live? F. It’s black and white.

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

A penguin is a bird. Penguins can’t fly. They live in the Antarctic. Feathers help penguins stay warm in cold weather. Their size helps too. They are fat! The penguin is black and white. Penguins don’t sleep during the day. They sleep at night. They swim fast and catch food in the sea. They eat small fish and can stay under water for five minutes.

  1. Where do penguins live?

  2. What helps them stay warm?

  3. What colour are penguins?

  4. When do penguins sleep?

  5. What do penguins eat?

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