Fill in the correct word fruit and vegetables

                             Test Module 6.

1 Match
the words and use them in the sentences of your own.






2 Fill in
the correct word.

fizzy, raw, spices, grapes, complain, artificial additives, grilled, protect,
rumbling, fast.

1. Fruit and
vegetables ____ us from all kinds of illnesses.

2. Why do
you always _____ about everything? Don’t you like the food here?

3. The soup
is very tasty. What ___ did you use?

4. Is there
anything to eat? My tummy is ___.

5. I’m
making fruit salad with apple, peach and___.

6. ___ meat
is healthier than fried meat.

Dieticians don’t recommend to use ___ in your food.

8. They say
___ food and __ drinks contain much fat and sugar.

9. Eat more
___ vegetables to be fit and healthy.

10. Potato,
rice and bread contain ____.

Underline the correct word.

1. She had
this pain/ache in her back since yesterday. What it could be?

2. You can
get this medicine only with a doctor’s prescription/ recipe.

3. I find
this natural lemonade extremely bitter/ sour.

4. What’s
that bad smell? It must be rotten/sour potato.

5. He was
taken to hospital where a nurse cured/ treated his wounds.

6. I don’t
like Tony at all. I think his smiles are always artificial/ fake.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

If I (
to work tonight, I would come to the restaurant with you.

You won’t
have indigestion if you ( avoid) spicy food.

If I (
you, I wouldn’t eat that.

If I only (
damage to his car! He wouldn’t be upset with me now.

Until you
tell me what is wrong with you I ( not/leave).

If my
children ate more fruit, the ( be) healthier.

If I knew
hoe to cook, I ( make) you pasta with red sauce and tuna.

If he (
harder, he won’t pass his French exam.

If we (
not/ get)
lost, we would have been here long ago.

I (
the play if the lady behind me hadn’t been talking all the time.

If I were
you, I ( go) to see the dentist.

If you
hadn’t eaten fish and cheese for dinner, you ( not/get) red spots all
over the body.

5. Choose
the correct answer.

1. You must
give___ this crash diet, it’s not good for you.( up/out/ away)

2. The
doctor advised me ___ fatty food. ( off/ against/ away)

3. Kate
suffers__ stomach problems, she can’t have any dairy products.( with/ of/ from)

4. What are
you cooking in there? It’s giving ___ a nasty smell ! ( off/out/up)

5. He is
always nervous almost about everything. He can’t cope __ stress at all. ( in/
with/ by)

На данной странице находятся лексико-грамматические упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 7 из раздела Progress Check 9.

Exercise 1. Put the foods/drinks into the correct catogery.
Упражнение 1. Поместите названия продуктов в правильную категорию.


• lamb chops
• white bread
• bananas brown rice
• coffee
• low-fat yoghurt
• green peppers
• a bar of chocolate butter
• a packet of crisps

Fruit & Vegetables
Dairy products
Cereal, grains & pasta
Meat (мясо) lamb chops (отбивные из баранины)
Fruit & Vegetables (Овощи и фрукты) bananas (бананы)
green peppers (зеленый перец)
Dairy products (молочные продукты) low-fat yogurt (обезжиренный йогурт)
butter (масло)
Beverages (напитки) coffee (кофе)
Cereal, grains & pasta (злаки, зерновые и макаронные продукты) white bread (белый хлеб)
brown rice (неочищенный рис)
Snacks (закуски) a bar of chocolate (плитка шоколада)
a packet of crisps (упаковка чипсов)

Exercise 2. Choose the correct container.
Упражнение 2. Подберите правильный контейнер.


• packet
• jar
• cup
• box
• can

1. a ___ of tea
2. a ___ of cola
3. a ___ of crisps
4. a ___ of honey
5. a ___ of cereal

1. a packet/cup of tea – пачка/чашка чая
2. a can of cola – банка колы
3. a packet of crisps – упаковка чипсов
4. a jar of honey – банка меда
5. a box of cereal – коробка крупы

Exercise 3. Underline the correct word.
Упражнение 3. Подчеркните верное слово.


1. Is there any/few sugar in the cupboard?
2. There aren’t any/some apples left.
3. I’ll have a little/few ice cream with my pie.
4. We haven’t got many/much bananas left.
5. There are a lot of/little eggs in the fridge.

1. Is there any sugar in the cupboard? – Есть сколько-нибудь сахара в кухонном шкафу?
2. There aren’t any apples left. – Не осталось нисколько яблок.
3. I’ll have a little ice cream with my pie. – Я буду немного мороженого с пирогом.
4. We haven’t got many bananas left. – У нас осталось немного бананов.
5. There are a lot of eggs in the fridge. – В холодильнике много яиц.

Exercise 4. Fill in: away, off, out or back.
Упражнение 4. Вставьте away, off, out or back.


1. Why don’t you take ___ jumper if you’re hot?
2. I am going to take you ___ for your birthday.
3. A chicken burger and fries to take ___ , please.
4. It was the wrong size, so I had to take it ___ to the shop.

1. Why don’t you take off jumper if you’re hot? – Почему бы тебе не снять джемпер, если тебе жарко?
2. I am going to take you out for your birthday. – Я собираюсь утроить тебе бень рождение в кафе.
3. A chicken burger and fries to take away, please. – Куриный гамбургер и картофель фри с собой, пожалуйста.
4. It was the wrong size, so I had to take it back to the shop. – Это был неподходящий размер, поэтому мне пришлось унести это обратно в магазин.

Exercise 5. Use the present perfect continuous or the present perfect to complete the sentences.
Упражнение 5. Поставьте глагол из скобок в настоящее совершенно-продолженное время или в настоящее совершенное время.


1. I (study) all day. Time for a break!
2. Peter (join) the school drama club.
3. Jane (cook) for two days to prepare for the dinner party.
4. Mum (go) to the shops. She’ll be back soon.
5. I (swim) all morning. I am so tired!

1. I’ve been studying all day. Time for a break! – Я занимаюсь весь день. Пора сделать перерыв!
2. Peter’s joined the school drama club. – Питер записался к школьный драматический клуб.
3. Jane’s been cooking for two days to prepare for the dinner party. – Джейн готовит еду уже в течение двух дней, чтобы подготовиться к вечеринке.
4. Mum’s gone to the shops. She’ll be back soon. – Мама ушла в магазин. Оно скоро вернется.
5. I’ve been swimming all morning. I am so tired! – Я плаваю весь день. Я так устал!

Exercise 6. Choose the correct response.
Упражнение 6. Выберите правильный ответ.


1. Are they your size?
a) No, they’re too big.
b) Thanks.

2. It really suits you.
a) Thank you very much.
b) Hang on a sec.

3. This is for you!
a) Oh no!
b) That’s very kind of you.

4. How much is it?
a) It’s £39.99.
b) That’s true.

5. £40 please.
а) I’ll take it.
b) Here you are.

Are they your size? – Они вашего размера?
No, they’re too big. – Нет, они слишком большие.

It really suits you. – Это действительно вам подходит.
Thank you very much. – Большое спасибо.

This is for you! – Это для тебя!
That’s very kind of you. – Очень мило с твоей стороны.

How much is it? – Сколько это стоит?
It’s £39.99. – 39,99 фунтов.

£40 please. – 40 фунтов, пожалуйста.
Here you are. – Вот возьмите.


Тест. Английский язык, 10 класс

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Контрольный тест в 10 классе УМК Spotlight по модулю 6.

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Match the words and phrases in Column A to the words and phrases in Column B











Варианты ответов
  • meals
  • exercise
  • water
  • chocolate
  • foods

Вопрос 2

Fill in the correct word

Why do you always ? Dont you like the food here?

Варианты ответов
  • keep
  • fight
  • protect
  • feel
  • complain

Вопрос 3

Fruit and vegetables ? from all kind of illnesses

Варианты ответов
  • keep
  • fight
  • protect
  • feel
  • complain

Вопрос 4

I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I ? down in the dumps too.

Варианты ответов
  • feel
  • keep
  • protect
  • fight
  • complain

Вопрос 5

He can not ? his emotions under control; he gets angry very easily.

Варианты ответов
  • keep
  • fight
  • complain
  • feel
  • protect

Вопрос 6

Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis, it is the only way to ? off infections.

Варианты ответов
  • keep
  • fight
  • feel
  • protect
  • complain

Вопрос 7

You must give ? this crash diet; it is not good for you.

Варианты ответов
  • up
  • out
  • away

Вопрос 8

Georgia suffers ? stomach problems; she can not have any dairy products.

Варианты ответов
  • with
  • of
  • from

Вопрос 9

He is always nervous about everything; he can not cope ? stress at all.

Варианты ответов
  • in
  • with
  • by

Вопрос 10

The doctor advised me ? fatty foods.

Варианты ответов
  • off
  • against
  • away

Вопрос 11

What are you cooking in there? It is giving ? a nasty smell!

Варианты ответов
  • off
  • out
  • up

Вопрос 12

I am making a fruit salad with apple, peach and ?

Варианты ответов
  • cabbage
  • grapes
  • peas

Вопрос 13

The soup is very tasty. What ? did you use?

Варианты ответов
  • additives
  • seeds
  • spices

Вопрос 14

Is there anything to eat? My tummy is ?

Варианты ответов
  • rumbling
  • moving
  • starving

Вопрос 15

Faye is so ?; she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits without offering a single one to anyone else!

Варианты ответов
  • greedy
  • hungry
  • starving

Вопрос 16

My favourite vegetables are brccoli, cabbage and ?

Варианты ответов
  • plums
  • carrots
  • pears

Вопрос 17

I have had this ? in my back since yesterday. What could it be?

Варианты ответов
  • pain
  • ache

Вопрос 18

I find that natural lemonade is extremely ?

Варианты ответов
  • bitter
  • sour

Вопрос 19

He was taken to hospital where a nurse ? his woonds.

Варианты ответов
  • cured
  • treated

Вопрос 20

You can get this medicine only with a doctors ?

Варианты ответов
  • prescription
  • recipe

Вопрос 21

What is this  bad smell? It must be ? potatoes.

Варианты ответов
  • rotten
  • sour

Вопрос 22

I dont like Tony at all; I think his smiles are always ?

Варианты ответов
  • artificial
  • fake

Вопрос 23

I can not do all these at once! Who do you think am I? MAN

Варианты ответов
  • multi-
  • super-
  • under-
  • over-
  • re-
  • semi-

Вопрос 24

We never go to this restaurant because they always  CHARGE

Варианты ответов
  • multi-
  • super-
  • under-
  • re-
  • over-
  • semi-

Вопрос 25

He has lots of money. He is a MILLIONAIRE 

Варианты ответов
  • multi-
  • super-
  • under-
  • over-
  • re-
  • semi-

Вопрос 26

? children are not allowed to watch this film. AGE

Варианты ответов
  • multi-
  • under-
  • super-
  • over-
  • re-
  • semi-

Вопрос 27

If Milan wins the ? football match today, they will play in the final against Real Madrid on Wednesday. FINAL

Варианты ответов
  • super-
  • under-
  • over-
  • re-
  • semi-
  • multi-

Вопрос 28

The ghost disappeared and ? after a while. APPEAR

Варианты ответов
  • multi-
  • super-
  • over-
  • under-
  • re-
  • semi-

Вопрос 29

A. Dont you think you ought to cut down on sugar?

Варианты ответов
  • Now you`ve got the idea!
  • Maybe you are right

Вопрос 30

It might be a good idea to avoid spicy foods.

Варианты ответов
  • I have already tried that and it didnt work
  • Actually, I have

Вопрос 31

I am not feeling well

Варианты ответов
  • Oh dear! I hope you will better soon.
  • Much better, thanks

Вопрос 32

If I were you I would eat foods in vitamin C.

Варианты ответов
  • Yes, really!
  • That`s not a bad idea.

Вопрос 33

You are looking well!

Варианты ответов
  • Thanks!
  • Oh, dear!

10th FORM

Vocabulary and grammar test — Module 6

1. Fill in the correct word (x2=20)

Keep spices beetroot fight protect grapes feel complain greedy

1 Why do you always … about everything? Don’t you like the food

2 Fruit and vegetables … us from all kinds of illnesses.

3 I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I … down in the

4 He can’t … his emotions under control; he gets angry very

5 Make sure you eat a lot of arranges and kiwis; it’s the only
way to … off infections.

6 I’m making a fruit salad with apple, peach and …

7 The soup is very tasty. What … did you use?

8 Is there anything to eat? My tummy is …

9 Faye is so …; she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits
without offering a single one to anyone else!

10 My favourite vegetables are broccoli, cabbage and …

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in
brackets (x3=30)

1 If I … (not/have) to work tonight, I would come with you to
the restaurant.

2 If only … (not/cause) damage to his car! He wouldn’t be upset
with me now.

3 I wish he … (stop) watching TV! He’s been sitting there for
four hours.

4 Until you tell me what is wrong with you, I … (not/leave).

5 If he … (not/study) harder, he won’t pass his French exam.

6 I … (enjoy) the play if the lady behind me hadn’t been talking
all the time.

7 if you hadn’t eaten cheese and fish for dinner, you …
(not/get) red spots all over your body.

8 If only I … (be) skinner.

9 I wish my skin … (not/be) so dry!

10 If I were you, I … (go) to see a dentist.

3. Fill in with the correct preposition (x3=15)

1 You must give … this crash diet; it’s not good for you.

2 Georgia suffers … stomach problems; she can’t have any dairy

3 He’s always very nervous about everything; he can’t cope …
stress at all.

4 The doctor advised me … fatty foods.

5 What are you cooking in there? It’s giving … a nasty smell!

4. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the
first. Use the words in bold. Use two to five words. (x4=20)

1 He talked on the phone for hours that’s why he burnt the food.

not He … the food if he hadn’t talked on the phone for hours.

2 I think you should apologise to him.

were If … apologise to him.

3 I won’t go to the concert if you don’t come too.

unless I won’t go to the concert … too.

4 If he had been more careful, he wouldn’t have had an accident.

careless If he … he wouldn’t have had an accident.

5 I don’t have enough money that’s why I can’t go on this trip.

wish I … to go on this trip.

5. Choose the correct response. (x3=15)

1 A Don’t you think you ought to cut down on sugar?

B a Now you’ve got the idea!

b Maybe you’re right.

2 A It might be a good idea to avoid spicy foods.

B a I’ve already tried that and it didn’t work.

b Actually, I have.

3 A I’m not feeling well.

B a Oh dear! I hope you feel better soon.

b Much better, thanks.

4 A If I were you, I’d eat foods rich in vitamin C.

B a Yes, really!

b That’s not a bad idea.

5 A You’re looking well!

B a Thanks!

b Oh, dear!


Put the nouns in the correct list.
food fruit vegetable milk water
red pepper cheese melon ham fruit juice
Countable Uncountable​

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