Fill in the correct word from the list use the words only once lightning

Lead in

1.Have you ever travelled abroad? Where did you go? What did you see there?

I have travelled abroad two time. I went to the Shanhai and Beiging. I saw lots of sightseeing. There were many nice design building every very so wonderfull and  city’s organization is so great. Shanhai’s one building very nice which name is TV Tower  very originally …..

Beijing’s Creat wall was very wonderful which wall famous for in the world . There was very long ans so excited. I’ m really like travelling… ^_^

3. Match two ting from the list to each place. Now listen to the tape and check your answers.

1.San Francisco- a. cable car           f. a famous bridge

2. Los Angeles — d. Disneyland people’s houses

3. San Diego-      c. zoo                      h. watersports

4. Hawaii —          e. golden beaches  b. traditional dances


4. You are going to read an article  about a tour of west coast of USA. For questions 1 to 8, choose from the places mentioned in the tour ( A-D). The places maybe chosen more the once. There is an example at the beginning(0).

                          Pacific Paradise Tour

A.  San Francisco                                          C.  San Diego

B.  Los Angeles                                             D. Hawaii 

The city is built on hills.                           A 

There is famous theme park.                  B

It ir very close to another country.        D

The local food is delicious.                        C   D

Entertainers perform as you eat.           A   B

You can see the homes of famous people.B

You can see interesting creatures under the sea.D

Vocabulary Practice

5. Look at the words in bold in EX4 and try to explain them, then choose any three and make sentences.

west coast west way land next to the sea

Pacific Ocean— very big ocean in the world

San Francisco— that city on the west coast of USA’s 

northern— this is north site of the USA 

cable car— which car active with electricity

street actor— who act some show in the street 

shake hands— to take someone’s right hand in your own

short drive— which way isn’t far

palm trees— some hot country’ tree

snorkeling— under the ocean trip

My aunt has very big fishing boat.

I have lot of dream one of them is I have see golden beaches

My friend saw snorkeling last holiday 

6.Match each word from column A with its opposite from column B.

A.                                                                       B

1. Beautiful                                                   a. dull 4

2. delicious                                                   b. ugly 1

3. fresh                                                         c. southern 6

4. exciting                                                    d. tasteless 2

5. dry                                                            e. wet        

6. northern                                                  f. stale 3

7. Fill in the correct word from the list below. Use the words only once.

    (cable, palm,steep,short, fishing, traditional, golden)

1. fishing boats

2. palm trees

3. traditional dances

4. cable cars

5. golden beaches

6. a short drive

7. steep roads

8. street actors

8. Replace the words in bold with others from the list.( clourful, perfect, delicious, gorgeous, tiny, delightful, huge, fantastic)

Last winter I went on skiing holiday to the Alps. We stayed in a tiny (small)  chalet which had a huge ( big) fireplace in every room. The weather was fantastic (good) so we were able to go skiing everyday. In the evenings we had dinner at delight ( nice) restaurants in the village. The food was really delicious (good) . There were some gorgeous (nice) shops so I bought a colourful ( nice) jumper. We stayed there for a week. We had a perfect ( good) time  

                  Words often Confused

9. Fill in the gaps with one of these words.( look-watch-see-take-bring)

1. Can you look that girl? She’s hiding behind the tree.

2. I always watch my favourite TV programme on Saturday afternoons

3. See at the statue! It’s gorgeous.

4. Can you bring me a glass of water, please? 

5. Take the books back to the library, please?

10. Fill in the correct particle(s)

                   Phrasal Verbs

1.A car almost ran over my dog.

2. The ball rolled down the hill and the children ran after.

3. While we were driving to Paris, the car ran out of petrol.

4. Guess what! I ran into Bill Garring yesterday.


11. Fill in the correct prepositions, then choose any three and make sentences.

1. in the west coast of the United States  2. in the Pacific Ocean 

3. famous for sth    4. on the tour  5. shake hands with sb

6. sit on golden beaches   7. get in a plane

1)She is very nice woman who sit on golden beaches 

2)Most best city New York in the east coast of the US

3)Asashiroyu famous for sumo wrestling who is champion all bashiyo

Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only on перевод - Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only on русский как сказать

  • Текст
  • Веб-страница

Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once, then translate the expressions. (They are taken from the text in Lesoon 29).
to catch, floral, asleep, to fall, thermos, to rush, on my, fresh, lunch, to have

1. a(n) …………….. flask 6. a(n) …………………. break
2. ……………………. fruit 7. ………………………… in love
3. ……………………. own 8. ………………….. print dress
4. ……… my hair done 9. ………. through the tunnels
5. ………………. the train 10. to fall………………………..


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once, then translate the expressions. (They are taken from the text in Lesoon 29).to catch, floral, asleep, to fall, thermos, to rush, on my, fresh, lunch, to have1. a(n) …………….. flask 6. a(n) …………………. break2. ……………………. fruit 7. ………………………… in love3. ……………………. own 8. ………………….. print dress4. ……… my hair done 9. ………. through the tunnels5. ………………. the train 10. to fall………………………..

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Заполните корректно слово (а) из списка ниже. Используйте слова, только один раз, а затем перевести выражения. (Они взяты из текста в Lesoon 29).
Ловить, цветочный, спит, падать, термос, спешить, на мой, свежий, обед, чтобы иметь 1. (п) …………….. колбу 6. (п) …………………. разбить 2. ……………………. Фрукты 7. …………………. …….. в любви 3. ……………………. Владеть 8. …………………. . печать платье 4. ……… Мои волосы сделано 9. ………. через туннели 5. ………………. Поезд 10. падать ……………………. ….

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


заполните текста слово (а) из списка.использовать слова только один раз, потом перевести выражений.(они взяты из текста в lesoon 29).
поймать, цветочный, спит, падать, термос, спешить, по моему, свежие, обед, иметь

1.(n)………………………………………………колбу, 6.(n).перерыв
2………………….фрукты, 7………………………….в любви
3…..собственные 8……………………печать платье
4….мои волосы сделали 9….через туннели
5.в.поезд 10.не………………………..

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Hi. This is my today’s second / 10 September 2009/ homework.


#1 Read the text and underline the correct adjective as in the example.

My older brother, Tom is a singer. He is also my friend. To begin with, he is a(n) 1) active/caring/ helpful brother. I remember him sitting up with me all night once when I had a fever arid could not sleep. Tom is very 2) generous/ sensitive/ decisive and often brings us presents back from the countries he visits. When he’s not working Tom is a(n) 3) confident/lazy/active person who enjoys climbing, sailing and cycling. He also has a really 4) outgoing/loyal/ cooperative personality and loves meeting with people. Tom is a 5) reserved/ determined/ self-centered person once he decides to do something nothing can stop him. He is also very 6) ambitious/careful/responsible and practices every day, because he wants to be a successful singer.

However, he tends to be bit 7) shy/ stubborn/ disorganized at times, refusing to admit that he may be wrong about something. Tom can also be rather 8) bossy/arrogant/selfish; he likes giving orders to others.

All in all, Tom is very special to me as he always there when I need him.

#2 Rewrite the sentences. Instead of saying a boy with green eyes we can say a green eyed boy

1. John is a boy with curly hair.

John is a curly-haired boy.

2. Lily was wearing shoes with high heels.

Lily was wearing high-heeled shoes.

3. The baby with blue eyes looks like her mother.

Blue –eyed baby looks like her mother.

4. Susan wears glasses with metal frames.

Susan wears metal-framed glasses.

5. Mr Timms is a man with one leg.

Mr Timms a one-legged man.

#3 Match the words to their opposites.

Column A Column B

1. generous a.sad

2 cheerful b.unfriendly

3.outgoing c.talkative

4.friendly d.mean

5.guiet e.reserved

6.polite f.rude

1d, 2a, 3e, 4b, 5c, 6f

#4Fill in the correct word from the list. Use the words only once.

oval,pretty,handsome,green,full,wavy, average,bushy, hooked, ? word

1.wavy hair 2. Hooked nose

3. full lips eyes

5. a(n) handsome man 6.a(n) pretty woman

7. average height 8. Bushy eyebrows

9.? teens 10.a(n) oval face

#5 Link the sentences using the words in brackets.

1.She is friendly.She can be rude at times. /but/

She is friendly, but she is rude

2.Our grandmother is caring. She is patient./as well/

Our grandmother is caring as well she is patient.

3.Shella is decisive. She can be arrogant at time./however/

Shella is decisive however sometimes she is arrogant.

4.Sue is self-confident. She tends to be disorganized. /on the other hand/

Sue is self-confident, on the other hand she is disorganized.

5.Mike is selfish.He is aggressive. /and/

Mike is selfish and aggressive.

#6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense,Present simple or Present continuous.

1.Her new perfume smells /smell/ like spring flowers.

2.Peter is seeing /see/ his girlfriend tonight.

3.Have you seen Mary’s new haircut? It looks /look/ great.

4.Did you put sugar in the coffee? It is tasting /taste/ bitter.

5.You haven’t said a word.What are you thinking /think/ about?

6.My mother is listening /listen/ to her favourite radio programme right now.

7.My brother doesn’t enjoy /not enjoy/ going to the cinema.

8. Do you know /you know/ what time the concert starts?

9.She speaks French but she comes /come/ from Spain.

10.The greengrocker is weighting /weight/ the grapes now.

11.I feels /feel/ depressed every time I heard that song.

12.Why are you tasting /you taste/ the tomato sauce?

#7 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense,Present simple or Present continuous.

A: Can I help you,sir?

B: Yes,Please. I 1) am looking /look/ for a birthday present for my wife.

A: I see. What kind of things 2) Does she like (she/like)?

B: Oh,she (3) enjoys /enjoy/ reading books on interior decorating and she (4)loves /love/ listening to Latin music.

A:How about this book then? It (5) has /have/ over a hundred pages of decorate your home and lots of pictures too.

B: I (6)don’t know /not know/ about that.Is there anything else you could show me?

A: Well, sir I(7) believe /believe/ this set of CD’s with Latin bands is an excellent choice. Your wife will enjoy it very much.

B: How much is it?

A: It (8) costs /cost/ $25. They’re on special offer.

B: Okay,then. I just (9) hope /hope/ she won’t play the music too loud. Because I (10) hate /hate/ Latin music!!

Dear mum & Dad

I (1) am having/have/ a wonderful time here with Grandpa. The weather (2) is /be/ lovely and warm & Grandpa’s new house (3) looks /look/ fantastic. Grandpa (4) is building /build/ a new fence around the garden at the moment. That (5) is /be/ all for now as we (6) are going / go/ fishing in a minute.



#8 Read the text about Janet. Then ask & answer questions about the text using words from the list below.

How old, how often, what, when, where

This is Janet. She’s in her late thirties & she’s tall & slim with shoulder-length brown hair and dark blue eyes. Janet is a pilot with Canadian airline company. Her job isn’t an easy one, as she fillies from Toronto to London & back every week. Janet wears a dark blue uniform when she’s working,but during her free time she usually wears jeans & T-shirts. Janet is an energetic person. She loves rock-climbing & skiing. She often goes skiing when she has free time. At the moment she’s getting ready for take-off.

How old is Janet?

She is in her late thirties?

How often does she fly from Toronto to London?

-Every week she flies.

What does she do at her free time?

She goes skiing and rock climbing.

When does she wear jeans & T-shirts?

During her free time she wears jeans & T-shirts

Where does she work?

In a Canadian airline company.

#9 Fill in the gaps with opposite of the words in brackets.

1.Johnny can’t make decisions easily; he is indecisive/decisive/

2.The salesman was extremely helpless as he did not answer any of our questions./helpful/

3.Don’t believe what he says; He’s dishonest /honest/

4. You cannot depend on him to help you with your work; he is totally irresponsible /responsible/

5.John’s last statement did not make any sense. I thought it was completely illogical /logical/

6.Although he is fifty years old, he still behaves like a child. Everyone agrees that he is immature /mature/

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