Fill in the correct word forecast


Fill in the correct word from the list below:

broadcast, forecasters, viewer, script, screened, report, daily, bulletins

While most weather 1)……. are qualified meteorologists, they have to be more than just scientist. Every 2)……..must catch the attention of the 3)…………, which means that it cannot be just a flat 4)………. of the facts. Personality counts for a lot, and since TV meteorologists write their own 5)……… , they can decide not only what to say but how to say it. Even when emergency 6)……. are 7)…….., they meteorologist must be as calm and good-humoured as when he or she present the 8)…………. programme.

1 ответ:



broadcast, forecasters, viewer, script, screened, report, daily, bulletins

While most weather 1) forecasters are qualified meteorologists, they have to be more than just scientist. Every 2) broadcast must catch the attention of the 3) viewer, which means that it cannot be just a flat 4) report of the facts. Personality counts for a lot, and since TV meteorologists write their own 5) script, they can decide not only what to say but how to say it. Even when emergency 6) bulletins are 7) screened, the meteorologist must be as calm and good-humoured as when he or she present the 8) daily programme.

Читайте также

What did you supper in cook?

Можно поставить now!

Нет, это не справедливо
Тк во-первых, оценка выставляется как средний балл между всеми оценками, полученными за четверть (не важно контрольная или нет)
Во-вторых, судя по твоим оценкам, твой средний балл выше 4,5, а это значит, что должна стоять оценка 5
Соответственно, тебе нужно подойти к своему учителю и спросить, почему она поставила 4 (она вполне могла допустить ошибку)
Если этот вариант не сработает, тогда уже говорить родителям, пусть они идут в школу и разбираются с данной ситуацией

<span>You can carry :  your baggage , liquids.
you can join : a queue , a group of people, .
you can miss : your flight, your bus
you can leave behind : your baggage, your ticket, </span>

Past simple:
the boy wrote on the black board.
past continuous:
the boy was writing on the black board.
past perfect:
the boy had written on the black board.

present continuos:
the boy is writing on the black board.
present perfect:
the boy has writtwn on the black board.

future simple:
the boy will write on the black board.
future continuos:
the boy will be writing on the black board.
future perfect:
the boy will have written on the black board.

вроде всё..

Test 7 A (Module 7)


A   Choose the correct word/phrase to fill
in the gaps.

1. rush
hour               prime time
3. temper                      mood                                             

a). I can’t
believe they’re showing such violent films on           a) John  argues a lot
and finds it difficult to control

 … TV! Many young
people watch at this hour.                            his …  .

b) You should
leave early tomorrow if you want to avoid         b) Henry was exhausted and in
no … to go out for

the …

test                         exam                                                            
grapevine                 headline

a) My brother passed his driving …
yesterday.                             a) Have you read the … in this morning’s

b) Do you prefer
sitting a written or an oral … ?                       b) I heard through the …
that John is getting a                          

promotion.  Is that true?  

  B      Fill in the
missing word. There are two answers you do not need to use.

Media, impact,
degree, certificate, deal, connect, edits, timetable, attention, newsreader,
download, extension

5. Computers had a huge … on the 20th
century.         10. Teen these days use their mobiles as a(n) … of themselves.

6. I can’t seem to
… to the Internet for some reason.  11. The students who pass the exam are
given a … .

7. The … on BBC1
is really handsome.                       12.
Multi- taskers are able to divide … between different

8. It’s taking
ages to … this file.                                  13. A photographer …
pictures he has taken on his computer.

9. Have you got
your new school … yet?                    14. Alex can’t … with the stress of
moving to a new area.


C        Underline
the correct item.

15. Ann may/has to leave
school early tomorrow. She has a dentist appointment after school.

If Ben gets permission from his parents, he may/ must study in France
next year.

17. Kate should
have/ must have
studied a lot for the history exam. He got very high mark.

18. Students mustn’t/
run in the school corridors. It’s against the rules.

19. You can/must
raise your hand and wait before you ask a question.

D       Fill in to,
on, for, from, about

20. I find it extremely
difficult to concentrate … my homework when the television is on.

21. John comes … a
very wealthy family.                    

22. My sister
always blames me … things I never do.

23. Most bullies
don’t care … the feelings of others.     

24. The mum yelled
at the boys because they had been mean … to the cat.

 Test 7 A (Module 7)

 Everyday English

Choose the correct response.

25. What’s the
best way to do better in my exams?                    ___   A That’s the

26. How did you do
in your maths test?                                      ___   B You could
revise more often during the year.

27.  I’ll try my
best to pass the history test next time.                 ___  C  Pretty well.

28.  Why don’t you
get a full-time job and go to evening school?__   D How come?

29. Tom’s decided
to postpone his studies for a year.                   __   E That’s easier said
than done.

F     Circle the
most appropriate response.

30. Can I borrow
your dictionary, please?                  A Not at
all.                         B Of  course.

31. Shall I carry
this bag for you?                               A Yes,
please.                      B   No, you won’t.

32. We could go to
the cinema tonight.                      A That’s a great idea.           B
No, we might not.

33. Will you
explain this to me?                                 A Yes, I
should.                    B Certainly.

34. Could I ask
you a question, please?                      A  No, you wouldn’t.            B
Yes, of course.


G     Listen to
Mrs. Jenkins talk to her class before their final exam. For questions 1-6,
choose A,B,C

35. This
afternoon, students are sitting a(n) 

 A  History

 B  English

  C French

36. The students
are told

 A there is
one mark per question.

 B there are three
pages of questions.

 C the exam
has different types of questions.

37. What exam rule

 A  Students must
print their name on every page.

 B Students cannot
leave the room.

 C Students
can look at the course text book.

38. What advice
does Mrs. Jenkins give her students?

 A They
shouldn’t guess if they don’t know the answer.

 B. They should not
forget what they have learnt about essay structure.

 C They should
finish early so they have time to look back for mistakes.

Test 7 A (Module 7)

39. The students
are told not to worry because

A  they are capable
of passing the exam.

B the exam is easy.

C they can retake
the exam if they don’t pass.

40. At five
minutes to two, Mrs. Jenkins says that the students can

 A start

B Look at the

C put their name on
the exam.


H     Read the
text and match the phrases (A-F) to the gaps (41-45). There is one extra

so we set off the
following week for our exciting adventure

B  and do something
different for a change

С went on to learn
how to identify different species of animals

D but we weren’t
very keen on the idea at first

E and build fires
just by rubbing two sticks together

F and that everyone
could learn at their own pace

Test 7 B  (Module 7)


      Choose the correct word/phrase to fill in the gaps.

1.  announcements             
                                   3.  gave
away                gave out                                                             

a). Haven’t you heard
about the train strike tomorrow?            a)
As soon as Mrs. Tyler … our report cards, she asked

 There’ve been
radio… about it all morning.                           
us if we had any questions about
our marks.

b) It’s really
annoying that nearly half the pages in this            b)
I don’t believe Tom … secret
information about the

magazine are taken
up by … of beauty products
company. There must be some mistake.

certificate                     degree                                               
4.  exam                    test

a)   Pam went to university and got a … in Media
Studies.         a) She fainted while she was getting a blood … .

b)   The students
who pass the exam are given a … .                  b) When is your university
entrance … ?                     

 B        Fill
in the missing word. There are two answers you do not need to use.

Test, fixed,
forecast, attention, impact, generation, review, extension, headlines,
grapevine, gadgets, deal

The younger … are obsessed with new technology.          10. Our teacher asked
us to write a(n)….   of the film, as  

 6. Did you see the … in today’s
newspaper?                               homework.                                         

The weather … for tomorrow is predicting heavy rain.    11.  Kate can’t … with
the stress of moving to a new area.

    Maybe we should cancel our
plans for a picnic.                 12. Tom had his eyes … on Nina the whole

8. My brother passed his driving …
yesterday.                      13. Paul has lots of … but his favourite is his

9. The Internet has had a great …
on learning   outside         14. Teen these days use their mobiles as a(n) …



C        Underline
the correct item.

15. You don’t have to/
attend university to get your diploma. There are long distance
learning programmes      online which can provide you with a very good

16. Sue can’t have/must have been at the party
last night. She’s on holiday in France right now.

17. If you want to
succeed in life, you should/need to work hard, and always keep to your

18. Should/ May I
have some information about Performing Arts universities in Britain, please?

19. If your roommates are
too noisy, you ought to/need to study at the student library. It’s quiet

D    Fill in to,
for, from, about

20. Never blame
other people … your mistakes.                    23.  Tim’s been absent …
school for the past week.         

21. I met a new
girl at school who comes … Italy.                24. Ann really cares … other
people, she’s so kind.

22. You shouldn’t
be mean … others or no one will want to be your friend.

    Test 7 B  (Module 7)

Everyday English

E             Choose
the correct response.

25. What’s the best
way to do better in my exams?                    ___   A That’s easier said
than done.

26. How did you do
in your maths test?                                      ___   B You could
revise more often during the year.

27.  I’ll try my
best to pass the history test next time.                 ___   C  That’s the

28.  Why don’t you
get a full-time job and go to evening school?__   D Pretty well.

29. Tom’s decided
to postpone his studies for a year.                   __   E  How come?

F     Circle the
most appropriate response.

30. Could I ask
you a question, please?                      A  No, you
wouldn’t.            B Yes, of course.

31. Will you
explain this to me?                                 A Yes, I
should.                     B Certainly.   

32. We could go to
the cinema tonight.                       A That’s a great
idea.           B No, we might not.

33. Shall I carry
this bag for you?                               A Yes,
please.                       B   No, you won’t.

34. Can I borrow
your dictionary, please?                   A Not at
all.                          B Of  course.


G     Listen to
Mrs. Jenkins talk to her class before their final exam. For questions 1-6,
choose A, B, C

35. This
afternoon, students are sitting a(n)

 A History

 B French

 C English exam.   

36. The students
are told 

 A the exam
has different types of questions.  

 B there are three
pages of questions.

 C there is
one mark per question.                  

37. What exam rule

 A Students can look
at the course text book.

 B Students
cannot leave the room.

 C Students
must print their name on every page.   

38. What advice
does Mrs. Jenkins give her students?

A  They shouldn’t
guess if they don’t know the answer.

B They should
finish early so they have time to look back for mistakes.

C They should not
forget what they’ve learnt about essay structure.

    Test 7 B  (Module 7)

39. The students
are told not to worry because

 A  they
can retake the exam if they don’t pass.

B the exam is easy.

C they are capable
of passing the exam.

40. At five
minutes to two, Mrs. Jenkins says that the students can  

A start writing.

B  put their name on
the exam.

C  look at the


H     Read the
text and match the phrases ( A-F) to the gaps ( 41-45). There is one extra

but we weren’t
very keen on the idea at first

B  and build fires
just by rubbing two sticks together

С and that everyone
could learn at their own pace

D so we set off the
following week for our exciting adventure

E went on to learn
how to identify different species of animals

F and do something
different for a change



A 1 a) prime
time                         3 a)  temper  

       b) rush
hour                               b) mood

    2 a)
test                                     4  a) headline

exam                                     b) grapevine

impact                                     10 extension                      

connect                                    11

newsreader                              12 attention                      

download                                 13 edits

    9 timetable                                 14

C 15
has to                           D        20  on

    16 may                                        21

    17 must have               
               22  for

    18 mustn’t                              
    23 about

    19 must                            
           24 to

25 B                                   F      30 B

    26 C                                
          31 A

    27 A                               
           32 A

    28 E                  
                         33 B

    29 D                           
               34 B

35 B                               H       41 B                                 

     36 C                                         
42 A                                             

     37 C                                        
 43 F                                        

     38 B                                        
 44 C                                          

     39 A                                 
        45 E                                           

     40 B



A 1 a)
announcements                             3 a) gave

advertisements                                    b) gave away               

    2 a) degree                                
           4 a) test

       b) certificate                    
                     b) exam  

generation                                     10 review                      

headline                                         11 deal                        

    7 forecast                            
             12 fixed                     

    8 test                               
                 13 gadgets

    9 impact                                
           14 deal extension  

15 don’t have to                    D        20  for

    16 can’t have                                 
  21 from

    17 need                            
                22  to

    18 May                               
             23 from

    19 ought to                                   
   24 about

25 B                                   F      30 B

    26 D                                          
31 B

    27 C                                          
32 A

    28 A                                          
33 A

    29 E                                          
34 B

35 C                               H       41 F                                 

     36 A                                         
42 D                                             

     37 A                                         
43 C                                        

     38 C                                         
44 E                                          

     39 C                                         
45 B                                           

     40 C

Tape script

Workbook  ex.3 ( p.65)

Tape script

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 8 A (Module 8). Номер №A

Fill in the correct word.

• pollution

• fumes

• trees

• station

• rubbish

• recycle

• rain

• clean out

e.g. power station
1. _ newspapers and cans
2. toxic _
3. air, water and soil _
4. collect _
5. acid _
6. plant _
7. _ a pond

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 8 A (Module 8). Номер №A


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово.
• загрязнение
• пары
• деревья
• станция
• мусор
• перерабатывать
• дождь
• очистить
например, электростанция
1. _ газеты и банки
2. токсичный _
3. воздух, вода и почва _
4. собирать _
5. кислота _
6. растение _
7. _ пруд

1. recycle newspapers and cans
2. toxic fumes
3. air, water and soil pollution
4. collect rubbish
5. acid rain
6. plant trees
7. clean out a pond

Перевод ответа
1. утилизировать газеты и банки
2. токсичные пары
3. загрязнение воздуха, воды и почвы
4. собирать мусор
5. кислотный дождь
6. сажать деревья
7. чистить пруд


Упражнение 1, с. 24

1. Complete the crossword with the words related to weather in the pictures below. — Завершите кроссворд словами, связанными с погодой, на рисунках ниже.

1 hurricane — ураган

2 blizzard — метель

3 flood — наводнение

4 gale — сильный ветер, буря

5 hail — град

6 heatwave — жара

7 tornado — торнадо

8 drizzle — моросящий дождь

Упражнение 2, с. 24

2. Look at the symbols, then read the weather forecast and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. — Посмотрите на символы, затем прочитайте прогноз погоды и заполните пробелы словами из списка.

• clouds — облака • spells — облачность • drizzle — моросящий дождь • severe — сильный • heavy — тяжёлый  • rise — подниматься • dry — сухо • warm — тепло • thick — густой 

Most parts of the country are enjoying sunny 1) spells today, but it’s all going to change tomorrow as 2) clouds blow in from the north. Nhe day will start with 3) thick fog and a light 4) drizzle5) Heavy rain will develop as the day goes on and then some areas will have 6) severe thunderstorms during the night. There will be a nice end to the week, though, as temperatures 7) rise on Friday. The weekend will be  8) warm and 9) dry — the perfect weather for a picnic!

Сегодня в большинстве районов страны солнечно, но завтра всё изменится, когда с севера подуют облака. День начнётся с густого тумана и лёгкого моросящего дождика. В течение дня будет идти сильный дождь, а затем в некоторых районах ночью будут сильные грозы. Тем не менее, будет хороший конец недели, так как в пятницу температура повысится. Выходные будут тёплыми и сухими — идеальная погода для пикника!

Упражнение 3, с. 24  

3. Choose the correct world. — Выберите правильное слово.

1 The sun rises and sets every day.
Солнце встаёт и садится каждый день.

raises — поднимается (повышается)

2 He warned us that a blizzard was on its way.
Он предупредил нас, что надвигается метель.

threatened — угрожал

3 The temperature will drop below freezing tonight.
Сегодня ночью температура упадёт ниже нуля. 

sink — опускаться (до чьего-нибудь уровня)

4 Marine biologists are studying threatened species in the Arctic.
Морские биологи изучают виды, находящиеся под угрозой в Арктике.

extinct — потухший 

5 Sometimes animals must adapt to their environment.
Иногда животным приходится приспосабливаться к окружающей среде. 

change — менять


Упражнение 4, с. 24

4. Fill in will, is going to, the present continuous or the present simple of the verbs in brackets. — Заполните will, is going to, present continuous или present simple глаголов в скобках.

1 A: I need a hot drink to warm myself up.
B: I will make you a nice cup of coffee.
A: Мне нужен горячий напиток, чтобы согреться.
Б: Я приготовлю тебе чашечку хорошего кофе.

2 A: Look at that kite surfer!
B: Oh my, he is going to in the water.
A: Посмотрите на этого кайтсёрфера!
Б: О боже, он собирается в воду.

3 A: I think it will rain tomorrow.
B: We shouldn’t go on a picnic, then.
A: Я думаю, что завтра будет дождь.
Б: Тогда нам не следует отправляться на пикник.

4 A: When are you leaving for your adventure weekend?
B: The bus sets off on Friday at six.
A: Когда вы уезжаете на свой приключенческий уик-энд?
Б: Автобус отправляется в пятницу в шесть.

5 A: My hands are cold.
B: I will lend you my gloves.
А: У меня холодные руки.
Б: Я одолжу тебе свои перчатки.

6 A: I am going ice climbing tomorrow. Do you want to come?
B: I’ll think about it and let you know.
A: Завтра я собираюсь заняться ледолазанием. Ты хочешь пойти со мной?
Б: Я подумаю об этом и дам тебе знать.

← Предыдущее     Следующее →

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 7 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 7 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 7 класс

A Fill in the correct word.
fireworks, tea, gardening, flowers, costumes, celebrate
dusting, cake, phone, decorations, homework

e.g. Everyone is getting ready to celebrate New Year’s Day.

1 At Halloween, we all wear strange ……….. .
2 Ian is doing the …………. . He loves plants
and flowers.
3 She loves to watch the …………. in the sky
on Guy Fawkes’ Night.
4 Are you thirsty? Myra is making some ……….. .
5 He gives his mother ………… on her birthday.
6 The room looks lovely with all the ………….
on the walls.
7 Can I make a …………. call?
8 The living room is dirty. We must do some
………… .
9 I’m sorry. I can’t go out tonight because I’m
doing my …………. .
10 Mum is making a …………. for my birthday!

F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
e.g. to/Peter/going/the/festival/is
Peter is going to the festival.

31 is/wearing/what/she/?
32 watching/not/Susan/is/a/film.
33 you/enjoying/your/holiday/are/?
34 is/drums/not/Cynthia/today/playing/the
35 the/eating/are/why/not/sandwiches/they/?

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  • Fill in the correct word fog drizzle storm
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  • Fill in the correct word fireworks special dish gardening flowers costumes

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