Fill in the correct word derived from the world in bold

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Задание: Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

Astronauts have to be physically and mentally ready for the stress and strain of a space mission. To prepare them, astronauts are given 1) ……(intense) training, which includes years of classroom study on 2) …….(vary) technical subjects, and working in a model spaceship where they can practise 3)………(complicate) flight operations and become used to all the 4)………….(equip) on board. Apart from high 5) ………(intelligent), good qualifications and an excellent level of fitness, astronauts must have a strong character. They also have to be very 6) ………(courage) in order to accept the high risks involved. Astronauts also have to face other, more ordinary problems in space. What can be very 7)…… (annoy) is the limited variety of food, but the greatest challenge is getting along with other members of their team as they often come from different countries, with different backgrounds and habits. Therefore they must be very 8)……… (patience) with each other, since the lack of privacy can become 9) ……..(irritate). All in all, it seems that being an astronaut is one of the most 10) ………(challenge) jobs in the world.

Module 3 Test. Form 10 Variant 1 Name____________________________________________________

1.Fill in the gaps with the correct word: motivated,private,activities,training,uniform,attend,rules,sit,strict,public.

1.Students must wear a school_____________________________________ every day.

2.It is important for everyone to follow the ___________________________________ .

3.This school is known for its discipline and ____________________________ teachers.

4.Students are very _____________________________________ To do well at this school.

5.Do you use a bicycle or the _____________________________________transport system?

2. Fill in: on,out,up,at.

1. I used to get picked ___________________________________at school by the elder children.

2. I’ll pick you _______________________________________ from the station.

3. No wonder she’s thin. She only pick______________________________ her food.

4. Can you help me pick______________________________ a new dress?

3. Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form.

1. St. Petersburg is one of the (beautiful) _______________________________cities in the world.

2. The rivers in America are much (big) __________________________than those in England.

3. Moscow is the (large) ___________________________city in Russia.

4. What is the name of the (high) _____________________________ mountain in Asia?

5. The English Channel is (wide) __________________________ than the straits of Gibraltar.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct future form (Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Present Continuous, be going to)

A: ________________________ (you/do) anything on Friday morning? B: No, I’m free.

A: Joe is going on holiday next week. B: Yes, I know. This time next week he _________________________ (fly) to Rome.

Martin _______________________________ (do) the work by Sunday evening.

My grandmother is very old. She ________________________(be) ninety next month.

This time tomorrow, I ___________________________________(leave) for the airport.

I _________________________________(collect) you from Peter’s house on my way home.

‘How is your project coming along? Is it done?’ ‘Not yet, but I_____________________( finish) it by the time the holidays are over.’

‘What are your plans for the weekend?’ ‘I_________________________ (spend ) some time with my friends.’

Richard is such a poor guy, he has got the flu, but his elder sister ___________________________________(take) care of him, she’s a nurse.

-I ’m really hungry!

-Don’t worry. I ________________________________ (cook) dinner by the time you get home.

5. Fill in the correct word derived from the world in bold.

1. Kate is now the new managing _________________________________of the company. DIRECT

2. The ___________________________________was busy tidying the returned books. LIBRARY

3. The_______________________________________ searched through old documents for years before he was convinced the events had taken place. HISTORY

Решите СРОЧНО!!!

Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.
1. It is very …………tiring…..………… to keep studying without a break.
2. For your English Literature lesson you will be asked to read a ……… of texts. [VARY]
3. The risk of using nuclear power far ……………………………… its benefits.
4. The farmers claim that their …………………………. has been reduced this [COME]
year due to unfavourable weather conditions.
5. Such behaviour is not ……………….. in our school under any circumstances. [ACCEPT]
6. Jo gives the ………… of being self-confident, but in fact she’s rather insecure. [IMPRESS]
7. We need to find a ………………………………… to our economic problems.
8. For your own safety it is ……………………… to wear a seat belt at all times. [ADVICE]
9. He has a …………………………………… to laugh loudly at the wrong time.
10. A ………………………… of good luck and skill helped him to win the game. [COMBINE]

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