Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold my family is always

Test 1.                                                     10 class

I. Fill in with Present S., Present Cont.,
Present Perfect or Present Cont.

1. I …………………………………………………….
(search) for a house for a week.

2. But so far I………….
……………………………(not/find) anything suitable.

3. Why ………………………………………
(you/want) to move?

4. Well, the people living
next to me 4)………………………………… (be) the main problem.

5. They ………..…………………………………….
(always/argue), especially at night.

6. Oh dear! …………………………………………………………………..
(you/ever/complain) to them?

7. Yes, but they …………………………………………………………..

8. How often …………………………………..
(you/go) swimming?

9. Bob and Sophie ………………………………………………..
(study) hard these days.

10. How long ………………………………………………………
(it/take) to travel to London by plane?

II.  Fill in the correct word derived from
the word in bold.

11. My family is always very
…………………………………………………… of my decisions. (support)

12. She’s a very
………………………………………….. person; no wonder she’s a babysitter. (care)

13. He’s a well
……………………………………….. man in the community. (respect)

14. This actor is very
…………………………………….. in England. (fame)

15. My car is very
…………………………………………. . I don’t spend much money on petrol.

Translate into English.

16. Ты
можешь найти/поискать это слово в словаре.

Мы с нетерпением ждем летние каникулы.

Мой друг очень высокомерный. Он всегда смотрит на всех свысока.

Я не увлекаюсь чтением.

Мой друг очень ревнивый.

IV. Complete the second sentence so that
it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Use two to five words.

21. She hasn’t been to
this house before.  (time)    It’s the ………………………..…………..  this house.

22. I last had Chinese two
weeks ago.  (had)    I …………………………………………… two weeks.

We haven’t been out for coffee for a long time.  (went)   
It’s………………………………… out for coffee.

I’ve never seen such a good film.  (best)     It’s she
…………………………………………………. seen.

He started school in 2003.  (going)      He has …………………………………………………………2003.


I. 1.
have been searching

   2. haven’t found

   3. do you want

   4. are

   5. are always arguing

   6. have you ever

   7. don’t stop /
haven’t stopped

   8. do you go

   9. are studying

 10. doesn’t it take.

II.  11.

      12. caring

      13. respected

      14. famous

      15. economical

16. You can look up this word in a dictionary.

       17. We are looking
forward our summer holidays.

       18. My friend is
very arrogant. He is always looking down on every one.

       19. I am not keen
on reading.

       20. My friend is
very jealous.

21. first time she has visited

       22. haven’t had
Chinese for

       23. a while since
we went

       24. best film I
have ever

       25. been doing to
school since

Language Review 1 (с. 21)

Упражнение 1, с. 21

1. Chose the correct particle(s). — Выберите правильную частицу(ы).

break down: 1) stop working; 2) lose control of feelings
сломать: 1) перестать работать; 2) потерять контроль над чувствами

break in: enter by force (+ break into a building)
ворваться: войти силой (+ ворваться в здание)

break out: 1) begin suddenly (storm, war); 2) escape
вырваться: 1) начаться внезапно (буря, война); 2) убежать

break off: break a piece from something
отломить: отломить кусочек от чего-то

bring about: cause to happen
вызвать: причина, по которой это произойдёт

bring sb round: 1) regain consciousness; 2) persuade
привести в чувство: 1) прийти в сознание; 2) убедить

bring up: raise a child
воспитывать: воспитывать ребенка

1 The machines at the factory where Dan works often break down.
Машины на заводе, где работает Дэн, часто ломаются.

2 Michael’s grandparents brought him up on a farm.
Бабушка и дедушка Майкла воспитывали его на ферме.

3 Ann broke down and started crying when she heard she didn’t get the job.
Энн не выдержала и заплакала, когда услышала, что её не взяли на работу.

4 The nurse brought him round gently after the operation.
Медсестра осторожно привела его в чувство после операции.

5 The police are still looking for the prisoner who broke out of prison yesterday.
Полиция всё ещё разыскивает заключённого, который вчера сбежал из тюрьмы.

6 When Sally dropped her cup, the handle broke off.
Когда Салли уронила чашку, ручка отломилась.

7 Thieves broke into our house while we were at the cinema.
Ворs ворвались в наш дом, когда мы были в кинотеатре.

Упражнение 2, с. 21

2. Choose the correct prepositions. — Выберите правильные предлоги.

1 I don’t mind working on my own, but I prefer working as part of a team.
Я не против работать самостоятельно, но предпочитаю работать в команде.

2 Students often get a job to help pay for university.
Студенты часто устраиваются на работу, чтобы оплатить учёбу в университете.

3 Harry wants to apply for a job as a lifeguard.
Гарри хочет устроиться на работу спасателем.

4 Smokejumpers jump out of aeroplanes into burning forests.
Пожарные-парашютисты  выпрыгивают из самолётов в горящие леса.


Упражнение 3, с. 21

3. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets. — Заполните правильное слово, производное от слова в скобках.

Word Formation — Person Nouns
Словообразование — Личные существительные

We use -er (work — worker), -or (sculpt — sculptor)
Мы используем -er (work — рабочий), -or (sculpt — скульптор)

-ist (art — artist), -ian (magic — magician),
-ist (художник-художник), -ian (волшебник — маг),

-ee (employ — employee) and
-ee (employee — сотрудник) и

-ant (assist — assistant) to form person nouns.
-ant (assist — помощник) для образования существительных лица.

1 It takes a great director to make a great film.
Чтобы снять отличный фильм, нужен великий режиссёр.

2 A tourist can learn a lot about the country they stay in.
Турист может многое узнать о стране, в которой он находится.

3 An interviewer should always be pleasant, polite and well-prepared.
Интервьюер всегда должен быть приятным, вежливым и хорошо подготовленным.

4 The flight attendant asked everyone to stay in their seats after the aeroplane landed.
Стюардесса попросила всех оставаться на своих местах после приземления самолёта.

5 Sue is paying an interior designer to decorate her new flat.
Сью платит дизайнеру интерьера, чтобы украсить свою новую квартиру.

6 The electrician is fixing the light in the dining room at the moment.
В данный момент электрик чинит свет в столовой.


Упражнение 4, с. 21

4. Complete with: zone, breath, shifts, long, put out, read, hold, wages, part-time, double. Use the completed phrases in sentences of your own. — Вставьте: зона, дыхание, смены, длинный, потушить, читать, задержать, зарплата, неполный рабочий день, двойной. Используйте законченные фразы в своих собственных предложениях.

1 work long hours
работа в течение длительного времени

2 get low wages 
получите низкую заработную плату

3 fire zone
зона пожара

4 put out the fire
потушите огонь

5 take a deep breath 
сделайте глубокий вдох

6 work shifts
рабочих смен

7 have a part-time job
у вас есть работа на неполный рабочий

8 to read a map
день, чтобы прочитать карту

9 double in size
двойного размера

10 to hold a record
чтобы держать рекорд

Decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentence. Read through Modele 1 and write a quiz of your own.

Решите, являются ли предложения T (верно) или F (не верно). Исправьте неверное предложение. Прочитайте модель 1 и напишите свой собственный тест.

1 A smokejumper is a type of firefighter. T
Пожарные-парашюсты — это разновидность пожарного.

2 UFO stands for Unusual Flying Object. F (Unidentified Flying Object)
НЛО расшифровывается как Необычный Летающий объект. (Неопознанный Летающий Объект)

3 Over half of all university students in the USA have a part-time job. T
Более половины всех студентов университетов в США работают неполный рабочий день.

4 A freediver’s lungs get smaller as they swim down. T
Лёгкие фридайвера становятся меньше, когда они ныряют.

5 Sara Campbell was the first woman to dive to a depth of 90 metres. T
Сара Кэмпбелл была первой женщиной, нырнувшей на глубину 90 метров.

6 You should’t give your address on your CV. F (You should.)
Вы не должны указывать свой адрес в резюме. (Вы должны.)


1 Smokejumpers only fight forest fires. (T)
Пожарные-парашютисты борются только с лесными пожарами. 

2 Internships are well paid. (F – They are unpaid/poorly paid.)
Стажировки хорошо оплачиваются. (Они неоплачиваемые/плохо оплачиваемые.)

3 Camp counsellors don’t have to pay for their accommodation. (T)
Вожатые лагеря не должны платить за проживание.

4 Sara Campbell has small lungs. (F – She has big lungs.)
У Сары Кэмпбелл маленькие лёгкие. (У неё большие лёгкие.)

5 You need to be caring to be a surgeon. (F – You need to be realistic and down-to-earth.)
Вы должны быть заботливым, чтобы быть хирургом. (Вам нужно быть реалистичным и приземлённым.)

6 A creative person would be a good fashion designer. (T)
Творческий человек был бы хорошим модельером. 

Revision 1 p 115

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 7 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 7 класс. Workbook

Английский язык. 7 класс

Годовая контрольная работа, 10 класс

Fill in : joke, moody, catch, trusting, prescription, selfish, patient, pain, earn, tooth decay,

agency, screen, ancient (1*13=13 баллов)

1. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you’re

extremely _____.

2. How much does Kate _____ from her job?

3. The doctor wrote him a _____ for two tablets.

4. You can _____ the local bus to get to the city centre.

5. Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps to prevent _____.

6. It’s boiling hot today – don’t forget to put some sun _____ on!

7. Be _____, your time will come.

8. She’s a _____ woman. She can be happy one minute and angry the next.

9. A _____ child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.

10. She’s always playing a _____ on Sam.

11. Yesterday I fell off the bike and now I have a _____ in the knee.

12. Tom is interested in studying the history of _____ civilizations.

13. Did you book the tickets on the Internet or at a travel _____?

Put the verbs in the correct form (1*10=10 баллов)

14. Our plane (arrive) early in the morning.

15. We (wander) around the town when we went into Mary yesterday.

16. If we heat water it (boil).

17. Judy is a really caring person. I (know) her since we met at primary school.

18. If it rained, you would (stay) at home.

19. They (think) of going to France for a week.

20. I (answer) five e-mails so far.

21. She (work) since seven o’clock.

22. Bread (eat) every day.

23. Two reports on Hemingway’s stories (make) in our group last month. Both of them were very


Change the following sentences into reported speech (2*3=6 баллов)

24. «Have you ever been married, Captain Weadows?» I asked him.

25. He said in an apologetic manner, «I’ve been looking for you, Nancy.»

26. He said: «Hurry up! Find your hockey stick. I’ll be waiting for you outside.»

Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs (1*7=7 баллов)

27. I ran _____ Moira on the way home.

28. I looked _____ my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

29. Few people these days are in favour of bringing _____ the old punishment by death.

30. I look _____ hearing from you.

31. What are your neighbours like? Do you get _____ them?

32. Kerry gave _____ all her old clothes.

33. Turn _____ the volume on the radio! It’s too loud!

Fill in the correct preposition (1*3=3 балла)

34. Paul is finding it hard to cope _____ his schoolwork.

35. I’m thinking _____ giving up coffee.

36. Not exercising enough can result _____ problems later in life.


Fill in : joke, moody, catch, trusting, prescription, selfish, patient, pain, earn, tooth decay, agency, screen, ancient

  1. She’s a _____ woman. She can be happy one minute and angry the next.
  2. A _____ child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.
  3. The doctor wrote him a _____ for two tablets.
  4. Yesterday I fell off the bike and now I have a _____ in the knee.
  5. Did you book the tickets on the Internet or at a travel _____?
  6. It’s boiling hot today – don’t forget to put some sun _____ on!
  7. Be _____, your time will come.
  8. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you’re extremely _____.
  9. How much does Kate _____ from her job?
  10. She’s always playing a _____ on Sam.
  11. You can _____ the local bus to get to the city centre.
  12. Tom is interested in studying the history of _____ civilizations.
  13. Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps to prevent _____.

Put the verbs in the correct form

  1. They (think) of going to France for a week.
  2. We (wander) around the town when we went into Mary yesterday.
  3. Bread (eat) every day.
  4. Judy is a really caring person. I (know) her since we met at primary school.
  5. If it rained, you would (stay) at home.
  6. Our plane (arrive) early in the morning.
  7. I (answer) five e-mails so far.
  8. She (work) since seven o’clock.
  9. If we heat water it (boil).
  10. Two reports on Hemingway’s stories (make) in our group last month. Both of them were very interesting.

Change the following sentences into reported speech

  1. «Have you ever been married, Captain Weadows?» I asked him.
  2. He said in an apologetic manner, «I’ve been looking for you, Nancy.»
  3. He said: «Hurry up! Find your hockey stick. I’ll be waiting for you outside.»

Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs

  1. I look _____  hearing from you.
  2. Turn _____  the volume on the radio! It’s too loud!
  3. Kerry gave _____  all her old clothes.
  4. I ran _____ Moira on the way home.
  5. What are your neighbours like? Do you get _____ them?
  6. Few people these days are in favour of bringing _____  the old punishment by death.
  7. I looked _____ my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

Fill in the correct preposition

  1. Not exercising enough can result _____ problems later in life.
  2. I’m thinking _____ giving up coffee.
  3. Paul is finding it hard to cope _____ his schoolwork.

Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold

  1. My best friend Carmel is the most helpful person I know. She’s an _____ to me.        INSPIRE
  2. Owning up to breaking the window was the _____ thing to do.                                HONOUR
  3. Agventurous people get a lot of _____ going skydiving or rafting.                        ENJOY
  4. In the USA _____ Day is celebrated on July 4                                                INDEPEND
  5. We wish you the fastest _____.                                                        RECOVER
  6. Please, express your _____ with new rules directly.                                DISAGREE
  7. Jack stared at Helen in _____                                                                AMAZE
  8. Stay in our comfortable _____ and relax in style!                                        ACCOMMODATE
  9. It’s _____ to buy cigarettes in Britain if you’re under 16.                                LEGAL
  10. They admitted that it had been _____ for him to comment on the matter.        APPROPRIATE
  11. He was _____ single-minded about his career.                                        POSSIBLE

Read the extract from the article«MAMMA MIA! Musical Hits von ABBA». In questions 1-6 choose the correct answer a, b or c

Kathy, the musical star is one of the youngest members of the cast of MAMMA MIA!, the ABBA musical that has been running in Hamburg since November 2002. Together with around 40 singers, she goes on stage eight times a week and enraptures the audience with ABBA’s immortal hits. The restless young singer with the long red hair plays the part of 21-year-old Sophie, who lives on a Greek island with her mother Donna and wants to find out who her real father is before she marries.

After huge successes in London, Toronto, Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco “MAMMA MIA!” is now being performed at the Hamburg Operetta House – the first non-English production. The curtain goes up almost every day to allow the audience to enjoy hits like “Take a Chance on Me”. The positive feel to the music soon has the audience singing along, and the show finishes with standing ovations every night.

Kathy is thrilled to be a musical star. Every evening she and the rest of the cast sing and dance in front of a different audience. The people who come to watch the musical expect to be entertained.

Before Kathy got a part in “MAMMA MIA!”, she trained as a musical performer. At the age of 14 she started singing lessons. She took [art in amateur dramatics, sang with school bands and danced on stage. “The fascinating thing about musicals is that they are a combination of singing, dancing and acting”, she explains. The training she did was tough, but she covered all “stage disciplines”. To conclude her studies, Kathy had to take a one-hour exam.

The way this musical came about is rather unusual. Normally, here is a story first and then the music is composed and songs written to accompany the plot. In the case of “MAMMA MIA!” it is the other way round. The songs were already successes before it dawned on anyone to make a musical. Even Bjorn Ulvaeus, composer of almost all ABBA’s hits, was thrilled to discover he had written the music for a musical he “didn’t know existed”.

  1. Together with around 40 other singers she …
  1. sings popular ABBA’s songs.
  2. dances and sings.
  3. goes on stage eight times a week.
  1. … has the audience singing along.
  1. The positive feel to the music…
  2. The interesting plot of the musical…
  3. The perfect play of singers…
  1. they are a combination of singing, dancing and playing.
  1. The way this musical came about is …
  1. rather normal.
  2. rather unusual.
  3. rather interesting.


Fill in : annual, stored, delayed, stage, reused, sick, spicy food, repellent, vendors, package, low carbohydrate diet, dryer, hire

  1. When we arrived at the main street of the town, we saw different _____ selling their unusual souvenirs.
  2. Bisket Jatra festival is an _____ event which takes place every year in spring.
  3. Jenny is on a _____  so don’t offer her any bread!
  4. Jennifer has you always wanted to perform on _____ but she has been too scared to do it.
  5. The passengers had to wait for several hours in the airport because their flight had been _____.
  6. Nuclear waste is _____ close to the town.
  7. I believe all things should be _____ as much as possible.
  8. Put some of this insect _____ on – there are mosquitoes around here!
  9. I hate travelling by boat because I get sea _____.
  10. I need to buy a new hair _____; the old one is broken.
  11. I love _____ but it gives me terrible indigestion.
  12. _____ holidays are organized by a.
  13. They are planning to visit Spain and are going to _____ a car.

Put the verbs in the correct form

  1. Who (talk) to on the phone when I came in?
  2. If I had been free yesterday, I would (join) you.
  3.  Let’s ask Tom. He (probably / know) the answer.
  4. The letter (receive) yesterday.
  5. She is well-informed about politics because she (read) the newspaper every day.
  6. Ms Smith (work) as a sales representative for three years.
  7. In her job, she (drive) around a lot to meet her customers all over the country.
  8. At the moment, Ms Smith (stand) in her hotel room.
  9. If you finish your homework, we (go) to the cinema.
  10. I’m sure I (ask) at the lesson tomorrow.

Change the following sentences into reported speech

  1. «Is it true that in England the grass remains green all the year round?» asked the boy.
  2. «Anne will be leaving school next year», she said.
  3. Helen said: «Don’t even ring me up! I’ll be working at my translation.»

Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs

  1. He has decided to give _____ smoking.
  2. I think that you have much free time. Take _____ some hobby!
  3. I told her to look _____ the word in the dictionary.
  4. The rubbish bins gave _____ a nasty smell in the hot weather.
  5. You should take this dress _____ the waist. It’s too big.
  6. Try to eat your dinner, Jane, you’ve just been picking _____ it.
  7. Slow down, you might run someone _____.

Fill in the correct preposition

  1. Lana keeps house well, she is good _____ housekeeping.
  2. Extreme sports are my passion. I am keen _____ rock climbing and paragliding.
  3. Mum often suffers _____ terrible back pain.

Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold

  1. My family is always very _____ of my decisions.                                SUPPORT
  2. She’s a very _____ person; no wonder she’s a babysitter.                        CARE
  3. He’s a well _____ man in the community.                                        RESPECT
  4. This actor is very _____ in England.                                                FAME
  5. My car is very _____ I don’t spend much money on petrol.                ECONOMY
  6. School uniforms don’t help young people develop a sense of _____.        INDIVIDUAL
  7. I really love this shop as the prices are quite _____.                        AFFORD
  8. Valentin Yudashkin is probably Russia’s most famous fashion _____        DESIGN
  9. We had to go out because the smell in the room was very _____.        PLEASANT
  10. The instructions are _____ as the task is quite simple.                        NECESSARY
  11. It was _____ of him to allow this to happen.                                RESPONSIBLE

Read the extract from the article«MAMMA MIA! Musical Hits von ABBA». In questions 1-6 choose the corrwct answer a, b or c

Kathy, the musical star is one of the youngest members of the cast of MAMMA MIA!, the ABBA musical that has been running in Hamburg since November 2002. Together with around 40 singers, she goes on stage eight times a week and enraptures the audience with ABBA’s immortal hits. The restless young singer with the long red hair plays the part of 21-year-old Sophie, who lives on a Greek island with her mother Donna and wants to find out who her real father is before she marries.

After huge successes in London, Toronto, Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco “MAMMA MIA!” is now being performed at the Hamburg Operetta House – the first non-English production. The curtain goes up almost every day to allow the audience to enjoy hits like “Take a Chance on Me”. The positive feel to the music soon has the audience singing along, and the show finishes with standing ovations every night.

Kathy is thrilled to be a musical star. Every evening she and the rest of the cast sing and dance in front of a different audience. The people who come to watch the musical expect to be entertained.

Before Kathy got a part in “MAMMA MIA!”, she trained as a musical performer. At the age of 14 she started singing lessons. She took [art in amateur dramatics, sang with school bands and danced on stage. “The fascinating thing about musicals is that they are a combination of singing, dancing and acting”, she explains. The training she did was tough, but she covered all “stage disciplines”. To conclude her studies, Kathy had to take a one-hour exam.

The way this musical came about is rather unusual. Normally, here is a story first and then the music is composed and songs written to accompany the plot. In the case of “MAMMA MIA!” it is the other way round. The songs were already successes before it dawned on anyone to make a musical. Even Bjorn Ulvaeus, composer of almost all ABBA’s hits, was thrilled to discover he had written the music for a musical he “didn’t know existed”.

  1. Kathy is thrilled …
  1. to sing popular songs.
  2. to be a musical star.
  3. to go out on the stage.
  1. Before Kathy got a part in “MAMMA MIA!”, she …
  1. worked as a nurse.
  2. trained as a musical performer.
  3. studied at school.
  1. The fascinating thing about musicals is that …

a) they are a combination of singing and acting.

b) they are a combination of singing and playing.

c) they are a combination of singing, dancing and playing.



Fill in : joke, moody, catch, trusting, prescription, selfish, patient, pain, earn, tooth decay, agency, screen, ancient

  1. She’s a moody woman. She can be happy one minute and angry the next.
  2. A trusting child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.
  3. The doctor wrote him a prescription for two tablets.
  4. Yesterday I fell off the bike and now I have a pain in the knee.
  5. Did you book the tickets on the Internet or at a travel agency?
  6. It’s boiling hot today – don’t forget to put some sun screen on!
  7. Be patient, your time will come.
  8. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you’re extremely selfish.
  9. How much does Kate earn from her job?
  10. She’s always playing a joke on Sam.
  11. You can catch the local bus to get to the city centre.
  12. Tom is interested in studying the history of ancient civilizations.
  13. Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps to prevent tooth decay.

Put the verbs in the correct form

  1. They are thinking of going to France for a week.
  2. We were wandering around the town when we went into Mary yesterday.
  3. Bread is eaten every day.
  4. Judy is a really caring person. I have known her since we met at primary school.
  5. If it rained, you would stay at home.
  6. Our plane arrives early in the morning.
  7. I have answered five e-mails so far.
  8. She has been working since seven o’clock.
  9. If we heat water it boils.
  10. Two reports on Hemingway’s stories were made in our group last month. Both of them were very interesting.

Change the following sentences into reported speech

  1. «Have you ever been married, Captain Weadows?» I asked him.
  2. He said in an apologetic manner, «I’ve been looking for you, Nancy.»
  3. He said: «Hurry up! Find your hockey stick. I’ll be waiting for you outside.»

Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs

  1. I look forward to hearing from you.
  2. Turn down the volume on the radio! It’s too loud!
  3. Kerry gave away all her old clothes.
  4. I ran into Moira on the way home.
  5. What are your neighbours like? Do you get on with them?
  6. Few people these days are in favour of bringing back the old punishment by death.
  7. I looked after my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

Fill in the correct preposition

  1. Not exercising enough can result in problems later in life.
  2. I’m thinking of giving up coffee.
  3. Paul is finding it hard to cope with his schoolwork.

Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold

  1. My best friend Carmel is the most helpful person I know. She’s an _____ to me.        INSPIRE
  2. Owning up to breaking the window was the _____ thing to do.                                HONOUR
  3. Agventurous people get a lot of _____ going skydiving or rafting.                        ENJOY
  4. In the USA _____ Day is celebrated on July 4                                        INDEPEND
  5. We wish you the fastest _____.                                                        RECOVER
  6. Please, express your _____ with new rules directly.                                DISAGREE
  7. Jack stared at Helen in _____                                                                AMAZE
  8. Stay in our comfortable _____ and relax in style!                                        ACCOMMODATE
  9. It’s _____ to buy cigarettes in Britain if you’re under 16.                                LEGAL
  10. They admitted that it had been _____ for him to comment on the matter.        APPROPRIATE
  11. He was _____ single-minded about his career.                                        POSSIBLE

Read the extract from the article«MAMMA MIA! Musical Hits von ABBA». In questions 1-6 choose the correct answer a, b or c

Kathy, the musical star is one of the youngest members of the cast of MAMMA MIA!, the ABBA musical that has been running in Hamburg since November 2002. Together with around 40 singers, she goes on stage eight times a week and enraptures the audience with ABBA’s immortal hits. The restless young singer with the long red hair plays the part of 21-year-old Sophie, who lives on a Greek island with her mother Donna and wants to find out who her real father is before she marries.

After huge successes in London, Toronto, Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco “MAMMA MIA!” is now being performed at the Hamburg Operetta House – the first non-English production. The curtain goes up almost every day to allow the audience to enjoy hits like “Take a Chance on Me”. The positive feel to the music soon has the audience singing along, and the show finishes with standing ovations every night.

Kathy is thrilled to be a musical star. Every evening she and the rest of the cast sing and dance in front of a different audience. The people who come to watch the musical expect to be entertained.

Before Kathy got a part in “MAMMA MIA!”, she trained as a musical performer. At the age of 14 she started singing lessons. She took [art in amateur dramatics, sang with school bands and danced on stage. “The fascinating thing about musicals is that they are a combination of singing, dancing and acting”, she explains. The training she did was tough, but she covered all “stage disciplines”. To conclude her studies, Kathy had to take a one-hour exam.

The way this musical came about is rather unusual. Normally, here is a story first and then the music is composed and songs written to accompany the plot. In the case of “MAMMA MIA!” it is the other way round. The songs were already successes before it dawned on anyone to make a musical. Even Bjorn Ulvaeus, composer of almost all ABBA’s hits, was thrilled to discover he had written the music for a musical he “didn’t know existed”.

  1. Together with around 40 other singers she …
  1. sings popular ABBA’s songs.
  2. dances and sings.
  3. goes on stage eight times a week.
  1. … has the audience singing along.
  1. The positive feel to the music…
  2. The interesting plot of the musical…
  3. The perfect play of singers…
  1. they are a combination of singing, dancing and playing.
  1. The way this musical came about is …
  1. rather normal.
  2. rather unusual.
  3. rather interesting.


Fill in : annual, stored, delayed, stage, reused, sick, spicy food, repellent, vendors, package, low carbohydrate diet, dryer, hire

  1. When we arrived at the main street of the town, we saw different vendors selling their unusual souvenirs.
  2. Bisket Jatra festival is an annual event which takes place every year in spring.
  3. Jenny is on a low carbohydrate diet so don’t offer her any bread!
  4. Jennifer has you always wanted to perform on stage but she has been too scared to do it.
  5. The passengers had to wait for several hours in the airport because their flight had been delayed.
  6. Nuclear waste is stored close to the town.
  7. I believe all things should be reused as much as possible.
  8. Put some of this insect repellent on – there are mosquitoes around here!
  9. I hate travelling by boat because I get sea sick.
  10. I need to buy a new hair dryer; the old one is broken.
  11. I love spicy food but it gives me terrible indigestion.
  12. Package holidays are organized by a.
  13. They are planning to visit Spain and are going to hire a car.

Put the verbs in the correct form

  1. Who were you talking to on the phone when I came in?
  2. If I had been free yesterday, I would have joined you.
  3.  Let’s ask Tom. He will probably know the answer.
  4. The letter was received yesterday.
  5. She is well-informed about politics because she reads the newspaper every day.
  6. Ms Smith has been working as a sales representative for three years.
  7. In her job, she drives around a lot to meet her customers all over the country.
  8. At the moment, Ms Smith is standing in her hotel room.
  9. If you finish your homework, we will go to the cinema.
  10. I’m sure I will be asked at the lesson tomorrow

Change the following sentences into reported speech

  1. «Is it true that in England the grass remains green all the year round?» asked the boy.
  2. «Anne will be leaving school next year», she said.
  3. Helen said: «Don’t even ring me up! I’ll be working at my translation.»

Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs

  1. He has decided to give up smoking.
  2. I think that you have much free time. Take up some hobby!
  3. I told her to look up the word in the dictionary.
  4. The rubbish bins gave off a nasty smell in the hot weather.
  5. You should take this dress in the waist. It’s too big.
  6. Try to eat your dinner, Jane, you’ve just been picking at it.
  7. Slow down, you might run someone over.

Fill in the correct preposition

  1. Lana keeps house well, she is good at housekeeping.
  2. Extreme sports are my passion. I am keen on rock climbing and paragliding.
  3. Mum often suffers from terrible back pain.

Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold

  1. My family is always very _____ of my decisions.                                SUPPORT
  2. She’s a very _____ person; no wonder she’s a babysitter.                        CARE
  3. He’s a well _____ man in the community.                                        RESPECT
  4. This actor is very _____ in England.                                                FAME
  5. My car is very _____ I don’t spend much money on petrol.                ECONOMY
  6. School uniforms don’t help young people develop a sense of _____.        INDIVIDUAL
  7. I really love this shop as the prices are quite _____.                        AFFORD
  8. Valentin Yudashkin is probably Russia’s most famous fashion _____        DESIGN
  9. We had to go out because the smell in the room was very _____.        PLEASANT
  10. The instructions are _____ as the task is quite simple.                        NECESSARY
  11. It was _____ of him to allow this to happen.                                RESPONSIBLE

Read the extract from the article«MAMMA MIA! Musical Hits von ABBA». In questions 1-6 choose the corrwct answer a, b or c

Kathy, the musical star is one of the youngest members of the cast of MAMMA MIA!, the ABBA musical that has been running in Hamburg since November 2002. Together with around 40 singers, she goes on stage eight times a week and enraptures the audience with ABBA’s immortal hits. The restless young singer with the long red hair plays the part of 21-year-old Sophie, who lives on a Greek island with her mother Donna and wants to find out who her real father is before she marries.

After huge successes in London, Toronto, Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco “MAMMA MIA!” is now being performed at the Hamburg Operetta House – the first non-English production. The curtain goes up almost every day to allow the audience to enjoy hits like “Take a Chance on Me”. The positive feel to the music soon has the audience singing along, and the show finishes with standing ovations every night.

Kathy is thrilled to be a musical star. Every evening she and the rest of the cast sing and dance in front of a different audience. The people who come to watch the musical expect to be entertained.

Before Kathy got a part in “MAMMA MIA!”, she trained as a musical performer. At the age of 14 she started singing lessons. She took [art in amateur dramatics, sang with school bands and danced on stage. “The fascinating thing about musicals is that they are a combination of singing, dancing and acting”, she explains. The training she did was tough, but she covered all “stage disciplines”. To conclude her studies, Kathy had to take a one-hour exam.

The way this musical came about is rather unusual. Normally, here is a story first and then the music is composed and songs written to accompany the plot. In the case of “MAMMA MIA!” it is the other way round. The songs were already successes before it dawned on anyone to make a musical. Even Bjorn Ulvaeus, composer of almost all ABBA’s hits, was thrilled to discover he had written the music for a musical he “didn’t know existed”.

  1. Kathy is thrilled …
  1. to sing popular songs.
  2. to be a musical star.
  3. to go out on the stage.
  1. Before Kathy got a part in “MAMMA MIA!”, she …
  1. worked as a nurse.
  2. trained as a musical performer.
  3. studied at school.
  1. The fascinating thing about musicals is that …

a) they are a combination of singing and acting.

b) they are a combination of singing and playing.

c) they are a combination of singing, dancing and playing.


1.​ Adventurous people get a lot of enjoyment going skydiving or rafting.
2.​ In the USA Independance Day is celebrated on July 4.
3.​ We wish you the fastest recovery
4.​ Please, express your disagrement with new rules directly. 
5.​ Jack stared at Helen in amazement
6.​ Stay in our comfortable accommodation and relax in style! 
Test 2
A Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B
exchange-pounds, waste-spree, shopping-money, studend-arts, martial-loan
B Fill in the correct word.
6 The famous presenter comments on the football match on the BBC channel!
7 Do you manage to save any money or do you spend it all?
8 Judy is honest person. She plays it straight  
9 Sandy really likes his job, but she doesn’t earn very much.
10 Can I borrow  £ 10 to go to the cinema, Dad?
C Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
11 imaginative children usually create games to play
12 James tends to enjoy extreme sports; he’s very adventurous 
13 Mark likes to meet other people; he’s so sociable
14 Jane seems to have no friends at school; she’s very boring
15 Her sister prefers doing aerobics; she’s extremely fit 
D Choose the correct preposition.
16 Ian would love to take up tennis.
17 Please, take off your sweater! It’s warm!
18 I’ve got my first salary and want to take you out to a restaurant.
19 My friends say that I take after Britney Spears. We look so much alike (одинаково).
20 I think you need to take this blouse out it’s too big for you.
21 I think he will take over the company when his father gets old.
F Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct form (ing form/ inf./ inf. without to)
21 I’m keen on going to the gym after school.
22 You must to tidy your room every week!
23 Would you like to go clubbing tonight?
24 I can’t help laughing when I see him.
25 Do you fancy to watch the new Harry Potter film?
26 Let me to use your laptop please.
27 Don’t make me to cry. It’s not my fault.
28 Ronald can’t stand travelling by bus.
29 What do you want to wear for today party?
30 Harry forgot to close the front door yesterday.
31 Oh, it’s expensive! I’d rather buy clothes in second –hand shops.
32 That’s OK. I don’t mind to stand here for a while.
G Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
33 Ann is really keen ON archery.
34 Mrs Jones is good AT cooking.
35 My English friend is crazy ABOUT  rock music.
36 She’s not interested IN fashion.
37 I don’t like to take part IN school competitions.
H Write the true sentences about yourself.
38 I really love listening to the music.
39 I prefer to be honest with my friends
40 I’m looking forward to go abroad this summer. 

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