Fill in the correct word camping backpacking sightseeing tour ответы

Fill in the correct word. ( camping,
backpacking, sightseeing, tour, cruise, eco-tourism, beach,)

1.    We
went on a….….holiday to Rome to see the Coliseum, the Trevi Fountain and the

2.    One
day I would like to go on a……………….around the Mediterranean.

3.    Mike
prefers …………..holidays in the woods to get close to nature.

4.    Lisa
likes to dive and  sunbath  on holiday so a…………….holiday is perfect for her.

5.    More
and more people nowadays choose …………holidays as they care for environment.

6.    Many
young people go on………….holidays to travel lightly and cheaply and to see many
places at a time.

7.    The
tourist information office offers daily…………..of the city.

Fill in the correct word. ( camping,
backpacking, sightseeing, tour, cruise, eco-tourism, beach,)

1.    We
went on a….….holiday to Rome to see the Coliseum, the Trevi Fountain and the

2.    One
day I would like to go on a……………….around the Mediterranean.

3.    Mike
prefers …………..holidays in the woods to get close to nature.

4.    Lisa
likes to dive and  sunbath  on holiday so a…………….holiday is perfect for her.

5.    More
and more people nowadays choose …………holidays as they care for environment.

6.    Many
young people go on………….holidays to travel lightly and cheaply and to see many
places at a time.

7.    The
tourist information office offers daily…………..of the city.

Fill in the correct word. ( camping,
backpacking, sightseeing, tour, cruise, eco-tourism, beach,)

1.    We
went on a….….holiday to Rome to see the Coliseum, the Trevi Fountain and the

2.    One
day I would like to go on a……………….around the Mediterranean.

3.    Mike
prefers …………..holidays in the woods to get close to nature.

4.    Lisa
likes to dive and  sunbath  on holiday so a…………….holiday is perfect for her.

5.    More
and more people nowadays choose …………holidays as they care for environment.

6.    Many
young people go on………….holidays to travel lightly and cheaply and to see many
places at a time.

7.    The
tourist information office offers daily…………..of the city.

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 10 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 5b.

Exercise 1. Complete the word maps with: В&B, overcast, chalet, freezing, package, working, self-catering, adventure, rainy, hostel, scorching, backpacking, cruise, hotel, camping, stormy, caravan, skiing, guest house, boiling hot.
Упражнение 1. Распределить слова В&B, overcast, chalet, freezing, package, working, self-catering, adventure, rainy, hostel, scorching, backpacking, cruise, hotel, camping, stormy, caravan, skiing, guest house, boiling hot.


Spotlight 10 Workbook 5b ex1
Spotlight 10 Workbook 5b ex1
Spotlight 10 Workbook 5b ex1

TYPES OF HOLIDAY (типы отпуска): working (рабочий), self-catering (с самообслуживанием), adventure (приключенческий), backpacking (туристический), cruise (круизный), skiing (лыжный), camping (с пребыванием в палаточном лагере)

PLACES TO STAY (места для пребывания): B&B (гостиница, предоставляющая размещение и завтрак), chalet (коттедж), hostel (гостиница, общежитие), hotel (гостиница), caravan (дом-фургон), guest house (пансион, небольшая гостиница)

WEATHER (погода): overcast (мрачная, хмурая), freezing (морозная), rainy (дождливая), scorching (очень жаркая, палящая), stormy (грозовая), boiling hot (нестерпимо жаркая)

Exercise 2. Fill in: absolute, disgusting, crowded, rude, single, terrible.
Упражнение 2. Вставить absolute, disgusting, crowded, rude, single, terrible.


1) He never rests. He did all his sightseeing in a(n) __ day.
2) I’m never flying with that airline again. The hostesses were so __.
3) It was a(n) __ nightmare. Everything went wrong from beginning to end.
4) I must say I’ve never had such __ food in my life.
5) I’m fed up with __ beaches. Let’s rent a house on the lake this summer.
6) You couldn’t imagine what a(n) __ experience it was. I’ll think twice about taking the plane again.

1) He never rests. He did all his sightseeing in a single day. – Он никогда не знает отдыха. За один день он осмотрел все достопримечательности.
2) I’m never flying with that airline again. The hostesses were so rude. – Я никогда больше не летаю этой авиалинией. Стюардессы были такими грубыми.
3) It was an absolute nightmare. Everything went wrong from beginning to end. – Это был абсолютный кошмар.Все от начала до конца было не так.
4) I must say I’ve never had such disgusting food in my life. – Я должен сказать, что никогда в жизни не ел такой отвратительной еды.
5) I’m fed up with crowded beaches. Let’s rent a house on the lake this summer. – Я сыт по горло переполненными пляжами. Давай этим летом арендуем дом на озере.
6) You couldn’t imagine what a terrible experience it was. I’ll think twice about taking the plane again. – Ты представить не можешь, каким ужасным переживанием это было. Я дважды подумаю, прежде чем воспользуюсь снова этим самолетом.

Exercise 3. Fill in: mug, steal, pickpocket or rob in the correct form.
Упражнение 3. Вставить mug, steal, pickpocket или rob в правильной форме.


1) I can’t believe it. My car has been __ .
2) There are regular announcements in the metro stations reminding tourists to be aware of __ .
3) Jack was __ in a dark alley by two youths last night.
4) Two masked men __ the petrol station this morning.

1) I can’t believe it. My car has been stolen. – Не могу в это поверить. Мою машину угнали.
2) There are regular announcements in the metro stations reminding tourists to be aware of pickpockets. – На станциях метро имеются постоянные объявления, напоминающие туристам остерегаться воров-карманников.
3) Jack was mugged in a dark alley by two youths last night. – Прошлым вечером на Джека напали в темноте два молодых человека.
4) Two masked men robbed the petrol station this morning. – Этим утром двое человек в масках ограбили заправку.

Exercise 4. Fill in: heart, port, road, track.
Упражнение 4. Вставить heart, port, road, track.


1) We left knowing we wouldn’t reach our next __ of call for another week at least.
2) It’s getting late. We’d better hit the __.
3) It was with a heavy __ that I gave him such terrible news.
4) It might be off the beaten __ but it’s a town well worth visiting.

1) We left knowing we wouldn’t reach our next port of call for another week at least. – Мы оправились, зная, что не достигнем нашего следующего порта назначения по меньше мере в течение еще одной недели.
2) It’s getting late. We’d better hit the road. – Становится поздно. Нам лучше отправляться в путь.
3) It was with a heavy heart that I gave him such terrible news. – С тяжелым сердцем я сообщил ему эту ужасную новость.
4) It might be off the beaten track but it’s a town well worth visiting. – Этот город стоит посетить, хотя, может, он расположен на малоизвестной территории.

Exercise 5. Underline the correct item.
Упражнение 5. Определить правильный вариант.


A: Did you hear Dan was in a car accident?
B: What a shame! / How awful! Is he all right?

A: I hear you’re going away for a while.
B: Yes. Have a great time. / I can’t wait.

A: How was the excursion?
B: Not that great actually. / I’ve just got back.

A: Did I tell you I failed my driving test again?
B: How disappointing! / What a terrible expedience!

A: Did you hear Dan was in a car accident? – Ты слышал, что Дэн попал в автокатастрофу?
B: How awful! Is he all right? – Ужасно! С ним все порядке?

A: I hear you’re going away for a while. – Я слушал, что ты уезжаешь на какое-то время?
B: Yes. I can’t wait. – Да. Не могу дождаться (этого момента).

A: How was the excursion? – Как прошла экскурсия?
B: Not that great actually. – Собственно говоря, не так замечательно.

A: Did I tell you I failed my driving test again? – Я говорил, что снова провалил мой экзамен по вождению?
B: How disappointing! – Жаль! (Дословно: Как разочаровывающе!)

Пожалйуста. Очень нужно. Быстрее.
Выбрать правильный вариант ответа.
Choose the correct answer.
2. During the expedition, we swam/surfed/trekked ten hours a day.
3. Backpacking/ Cycling/Sailing is the best way to travel — like a tortoise with your home on your back.
4. The Red Sea has beautiful coral rocks/reefs/stones close to the shore.
5. I’d love to go camping/trekking/ sailing, but Mum doesn’t like sleeping in a tent.
6. They said they would stand/live/stay in a hotel.
7. The voyage/trip/tour from London to Oxford takes about an hour.
8. I couldn’t find my bag. It was stolen/taken/missed.
9. The hotel has rooms with a sea sight/look/view.
10. If I travel to Japan, I’ll test/try/check local food.
Поставить глагол в нужную форму.
Open the brackets using the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future Simple.
1. Mary___(cook) dinner as soon as she___(be) through with her homework.
2. It___(be) 7 o’clock now. I ___(not,know) when he___(return) and whether he____(come) at all.
3. They __(leave) for Paris in two days’ time. The plane____(start) at 3 pm sharp.
4. Tomorrow, if you____ (feel) we’ll, i___(let) you go for a walk.
5. We____(go) on an excursion if we___(pass) the exams successfully.
6. Everyone___ (know) that when it___(not be) hot , snow___(begin) to melt easily.
7. I___(promise) i___(write) to you every day.
Пожалуйста. Очень нужно

Use the words in the list to label the pictures.

• cruise

• beach holiday

• safari

• activity holiday

• sightseeing tour

Задание рисунок 1

Английский язык 5 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 10a Travel & Leisure. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Используйте слова из списка для обозначения изображений.
• морское путешествие
• пляжный отдых
• сафари
• активные выходные
• тур по достопримечательностям

1. safari
2. cruise
3. beach holiday
4. sightseeing tour
5. activity holiday

Перевод ответа
1. сафари
2. круиз
3. пляжный отдых
4. обзорная экскурсия.
5. активный отдых

B Fill in the correct word.

● fly ● taste ● post ● attend ● buy ● travel ● stay ● have ● go ● visit ●spend

e. g. Anna decided to travel around the world.


Do you know where I can these



They are going to … sightseeing in the afternoon.


When Sue and Paul go on holiday they always



We can … the museum this afternoon.


She wants to a performance at

the theatre.


She wants to … in a hotel.


We always the local food when

we’re on holiday.


How are you going to … your weekend?


When are you going to to London?


Why don’t we … a picnic on Sunday

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «B Fill in the correct word. ● fly ● taste ● post ● attend ● buy ● travel ● stay ● have ● go ● visit ●spend e. g. Anna decided to travel …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » B Fill in the correct word. ● fly ● taste ● post ● attend ● buy ● travel ● stay ● have ● go ● visit ●spend e. g. Anna decided to travel around the world. 6 Do you know where I can these letters? 11 They are going to … sightseeing in the afternoon.

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