Fill in the correct word bedrooms ground kitchen

Fill in the correct word.

• bedrooms

• ground

• kitchen

• living

• two

• upstairs


a semi−detached house with
19) _ floors

20) _

a large
21) _ room

a dining room on the
22) _ floor

23) _ with a cooker and a fridge

two bathrooms, one
24) _ and one downstairs

Английский язык 5 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 3 A (Module 3). Номер №C


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово.
• спальни
• земля, нижний
• кухня
• жилой
• два
• наверху
двухквартирный дом в 19) _ этажа
три 20) _
большая 21) _ комната
столовая на 22) _ этаже
23) _ с плитой и холодильником
две ванные комнаты, одна 24) _ и одна внизу


a semi−detached house with
19) two floors

20) bedrooms

a large
21) living room

a dining room on the
22) ground floor

23) kitchen with a cooker and a fridge

two bathrooms, one
24) upstairs and one downstairs

Перевод ответа
двухквартирный дом в 19) два этажа
три 20) спальни
большая 21) гостиная
столовая на 22) нижнем этаже
23) кухня с плитой и холодильником
две ванные комнаты, одна 24) наверху и одна внизу

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: muskaevplaton


Автор ответа: aida200805


9)first 10)block 11)books 12)window cooker 13)sink 14)mirror 15)bedroom 16)wardrobe 17)lamp 18)garage

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Fill in the correct word

1) My bedroom is under the …

2) There is a … in the kitchen

3) I have got a bookcase in my …

4) His living room is on the … floor

5) Amy has got a … in her bedroom

6) Joy loves in a … of flats

7) Dad*s car is in the …

8) Mike has got a … on his desk

9) Ann*s clothes are in the …

10) I read my … in the bedroom

11) Mum washes dishes in the …

(Это то что нужно вставить в разные предложения, 1) Bedroom

2) Block

3) Books

4) Window

5) Coocer

6) First

7) Garage

8) Lamp

9) Mirror

10) Sink

11) Wardrobe

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Fill in the correct word 1) My bedroom is under the … 2) There is a … in the kitchen 3) I have got a bookcase in my … 4) His living …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Fill in the correct word 1) My bedroom is under the … 2) There is a … in the kitchen 3) I have got a bookcase in my … 4) His living room is on the … floor 5) Amy has got a … in her bedroom 6) Joy loves in a …

TEST                                  MODULE  3


I. Choose the odd
word out.                                          II Write the ordinal

1. bath – sink –
washbasin – painting                              1.  3rd 

2. dining room –
garden – kitchen – bedroom                2. 5th

3. desk – coffee
table – chair – table                              3. 13th   

4. bed – bathroom –
wardrobe – sofa                             4. 15th

5. fridge – cooker –
desk – table                                     5. 20th

II. Choose the
correct response

Is Kate’s house big?                                  A. It’s in the
living room in front of the TV.

Which floor is Ben on?                             B. Look under the

Is there a TV in the kitchen?                C. There are three rooms.

Where is my book?                              D.Yes, it is.It is very
big and comfortable.

many rooms are there in your flat?  E. No, there isn’t.

Where is a sofa?                                  F. He’s on the fifth

III. Fill in the
correct word: fridge, kitchen, books, comfortable, wardrobe, first,
garage, mirror, bedroom, computer.

1. There is a big…in the
kitchen.                        6. Sam lives in a …. house.        

2. I have got a desk in my
… .                            7. Dad’s car is in the … .

3. His living room is on
the …floor.                     8. Mike has got a … on his desk.

4. Emmy has got a big … in
her bathroom.        9. Ann’s dresses are in the … .

5. I read my ….in the bedroom.                         
10. We have breakfast in our … .

IV. Complete with: in front of,
under, on(2), in(2), next to, between.


                                                                    1.There __ some paintings …the wall.

2.There__ a mirror …two shelves.

coffee table….the white sofa

round table…the sofa.

5.There__a carpet…the table.

         6.There__some flowers …the vase.

7.There__a lamp…the round table.

8.There__ two sofas …the living room.

TEST                                  MODULE  3


I. Choose the odd
word out.                                       II write the ordinal numbers.

1. bathroom – dining
room – bedroom – garage                        1. 1st

2.  wardrobe—bookcase
– mirror – cupboard                            2. 4th

3 . wall – carpet –
ceiling – floor                                                3. 14th

4.  coffee table –
bed – kitchen – armchair                                 4. 18th

5. computer –
television – digital camera – chest of drawers     5. 10th

II. Choose the
correct response

Which floor is Bella on?                    A. No, it isn’t, but it is
comfortable and light.

Where is my ball?                             B. There are two rooms.

Is there a mirror in the bedroom?     C. It’s in the kitchen next to
the door.

How many rooms are there in her flat? D. She’s on the seventh floor.

Is Peter’s flat big?                              E. Look in the box!

Where is a fridge?                             F. Yes, there is.

III. Fill in the
correct word: washbasin, toys, second, living room, table, cupboard,
cooker, garden, homework, new.

1. We often watch TV
together in our ….         6. His office is on the … floor.

2. I always do my … in the
bedroom.              7. There are many flowers in the …

3. All plates and glasses
are in the ……. .      8. I’ve got a big … in the dining room

4. Jenny has got a new …….in
her bathroom.  9. Peter lives in a …house.

5. His … are in the big box.                             
10. There is a …in my kitchen.

IV. Complete with: in front of,
under, on(2), in (2), next to, between.

Use   is/are

There__a table …the window.

                                                                                                       2. There__a computer …the desk

3. There__a bed …the

4. There__a chair…the desk.

There__some shelves…the wall.

6. There__a wardrobe…the bedroom.

7. There__a painting…the shelf.

8. Ther__ two flowers…the vase.

Spotlight 5 Test 3B (Module 3) + KEY to test (Английский язык 5 класс: Спотлайт Тест 3В Ответы) — цитаты Теста № 3 В с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 5 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс / М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.

Часть 1. Только ОТВЕТЫ

A) 1 D    2 I      3 E      4 A      5 H     6 G     7 F    8 C
В)  9  first      10 block      11 books      12 cooker     13 sink       14 mirror        15 bedroom       16 wardrobe      17 lamp      18 garage
С)  19 two        20 living       21 ground         22 kitchen        23 upstairs       24 bedroom
D)  25 A       26 В        27 C        28 C          29 C      30 A
Е)  31 There aren’t any        32 There is a         33 There are       34 There isn’t a      35 There is a

F)  36 are       37 is        38 are       39 aren’t any
G)   40 D         41 F       42 A       43 E       44 B
H)   45 Her bedroom.         46 Posters.          47 Pink, orange and white.       48 Next to the window         49 Her dog.
I)   50 В       51 A       52 В      53 В      54 C

Часть 2. Задания и Ответы


A). Match the parts of the words.  

1 arm  – D chair
2 down  – I stairs
3 coffee  – E table
4 fire  – A place
5 book  – H case
6 bed  – G room
7 out  – F side
8 wash  – C basin

В). Fill in the correct word.  

9 Her living room is on the ……• first……. floor.
10 Dave lives in a …..• block……. of flats.
11 My sister reads her …..• books…… in the bedroom.
12 There is a ……• cooker….. in the kitchen.
13 She washes dishes in the …..• sink….. .
14 Mark has got a …..• mirror…… in his bathroom.
15 I have got a bookcase in my …..• bedroom……. .
16 Tom’s clothes are in his …..• wardrobe……. .
17 Wendy has got a …..• lamp……. on her desk.
18 Dad’s car is in the ……• garage….. .

C). Fill in the correct word.

• a semi–detached house with 19) •two floors
• a large 20) •living room
• a dining room on the 21) •ground floor
• a 22) •kitchen with a cooker and a fridge
• two bathrooms, one 23) •upstairs and one downstairs
• three 24) • bedrooms.


D). Choose the correct item.

25 Dan has got a poster the wall.   – A on   В in   C in front of
26 The desk is  … the bed.   – A on   В next to   C under
27 There’s a lamp   the desk.   – A next to   В in front of   C on
28 His bed is  … the window.   – A behind   В in   C under
29 Mary’s trainers are the bed.   – A in   В on   C under
30 The sofa is…  the fireplace.   – A next to   В behind   C on

E). Complete with:
Spotlight 5 Test 3B (Module 3)

31 ………..paintings in the bedroom.   (• There aren’t any)
32 ……… on the desk.   (• There is a)
33 ………..books in the bookcase.   (• There are)
34 ……….mirror on the wall.   (• There isn’t a)
35 ……….lamp next to the computer.   (• There is a)

F). Underline the correct item.

36 There are/aren’t any curtains at the windows.
37 There is/isn’t a chair in the living room.
38 There aren’t any/are paintings on the wall.
39 There are/aren’t any CDs in the living room.

Everyday English

G). Choose the correct response. 

40 Where is the bathroom?   D) It’s next to the kitchen.
41 Have you got a bookcase?   F) Yes, and it has got many books.
42 Has Dave got any posters?   A) Yes, he has five on his wall.
43 What floor is it on?   E) It’s on the second floor.
44 Is there a coffee table in your living room?  В) Yes, it’s in front of the sofa.


H). Read the text and answer the questions. Use up to four words for each answer.

My name is Ann and I’m twelve years old. My favourite room is my bedroom. I’ve got lots of things in my room: a bed, a computer, a bookcase and a wardrobe. I’ve got posters on the walls and a big mirror in front of my bed. My walls are pink, orange and white. My desk is next to the window and I do my homework on the computer. My dog likes to sleep under my bed! I really like my room!
45 What is her favourite room? – Her bedroom.
46 What is on the walls? – Posters.         
47 What colour are the walls? – Pink, orange and white.
48 Where is her desk? – Next to the window.
49 What is always under her bed? – Her dog.


I). Listen to two people talking about their bedrooms, and circle the correct answer A, В or C.

50 Katie’s bedroom is on the
A second floor.   В first floor.   C third floor.
51 Katie’s got a desk next to
A the window.   В her bed.   C her wardrobe.
52 Bob has got
A three posters on the walls.   В a computer on his desk.   C trainers under his bed.
53 Katie’s bedroom is next to
A her sister’s bedroom.   В her brother’s bedroom.   C the bathroom.
54 Bob has the same room as
A his brother.   В his sister.   C no one.

Вы смотрели: Spotlight 5 Test 3B (Module 3) + KEY to test (Английский язык 5 класс: Спотлайт Тест 3В Ответы) — цитаты Теста № 3 В с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 5 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.

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