Fill in the correct word bedroom block books window cooker

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: muskaevplaton


Автор ответа: aida200805


9)first 10)block 11)books 12)window cooker 13)sink 14)mirror 15)bedroom 16)wardrobe 17)lamp 18)garage

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1 ответ:




1) window.

2) cooker

3) bedroom.

4) first floor.

5) mirror in her bedroom.

6) block of flat’s.

7) garage.

8) lamp on his desk.

9) wardrobe.

10) books in the bedroom.

11) sink.


Читайте также

Hay (<u>was driving</u>) along a small country road when she (<u>saw</u>) a man
at the side of the road.
He (<u>was waving</u>) and pointing at his car.
Hay (<u>stopped</u>) and (<u>asked</u>) the man if he was all right.
car’s broken down,» said the man.
do you want (<u>to go</u>)?» asked Mrs Hay.</span>
replied the man.

I (<u>am not going</u>) to London, but I (<u>will give</u>) you a lift to the
station, if you like.»
On the way they chatted.</span>
<span> (<u>Do you work</u>) in London?» asked
Mrs Hay.
I don’t. I (<u>run</u>) my own business in Oxford.</span>
today I (am having) lunch with a friend in London — we always (<u>have</u>)
lunch together on Fridays.
 I promised (<u>to meet</u>) her at one
a train at 11.30. I don’t think you (<u>will be</u>) late for your
they arrived at the station, a train (<u>was standing</u>) at the platform.</span>
your train,» said Mrs Hay.
(<u>will catch</u>) it if you’re quick.»
the man (<u>had got out</u>) of the car, Mrs Hay (drove away).
A few minutes
later she realised that she (<u>had made</u>) a mistake: it was the wrong
She went back to the station, but the train wasn’t there: it (<u>had already
went into the station and asked at the information desk where the train was going.

«Edinburgh,» the information clerk told her.
does it stop?» asked Mrs Hay.
the express service,» the clerk told her.
doesn’t stop until it gets to Edinburgh.”</span>

Вариант с правильный

Much..little..little..a few..much..little..a few..many

little..many..few..many..a few..many..much

Sleepily – (здесь) сонно.
Tablecloth – (здесь) скатерть.
Plateful – (здесь) полная тарелка.
Serial – (здесь) сериал.

Или же an umbrella, an octopus

Вопрос задан 20.06.2020 в 15:04.
Предмет Английский язык.
Спрашивает Герасимова Вероника.

Ответы на вопрос

Отвечает Вячеслав Ковальчук.


1) window.

2) cooker

3) bedroom.

4) first floor.

5) mirror in her bedroom.

6) block of flat’s.

7) garage.

8) lamp on his desk.

9) wardrobe.

10) books in the bedroom.

11) sink.


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Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

the window.
9 Her living room is on the ………….. floor.
10 Dave lives in a …………. of flats.
11 My sister reads her ………….. in the bedroom.
12 There is a ………….. in the kitchen.
13 She washes dishes in the ……
14 Mark has got a ………….. in his bathroom.
15 I have got a bookcase in my ……………
16 Tom’s clothes are in his ……..
17 Vendy has got a ………….. on her desk.
18 Dad’s car is in the

Помогите Пжжж срочно нужно

Ответ №1










Test 3

 № 1 Match the parts of the words:

1.  book

2.  arm

3.  coffee

4.  out

5.  wash

6.  war

7.  down

8.  fire

A    place

B    chair

C   side

D   case

E   table

F   drobe

G   basin

H   stairs

№ 2  Fill in the correct word.

bedroom      block    books    cooker    first     garage   lamp   mirror    sink    wardrobe

1. There is a … in the kitchen.  

2. I have got a bookcase in my … .  

3. His living room is on the … floor.  

4. Amy has got a … in her bathroom.  

5. I read my … in the bedroom.  

6. Joy lives in a … of flats.  

7. Dad’s car is in the … .

 8. Mike has got a … on his desk.  

9. Ann’s clothes are in the … .

10. Mum washes dishes in the … .

№ 3  Fill in the correct word.

bedrooms, ground, kitchen, living, two, upstairs

                       HOUSE FOR SALE

  • a semi-detached house with  1) …… floors
  • three   2)…
  •  a large  3) …. room
  • a dinning room on the 4) …  floor
  •  a  5) ….  with  a cooker and a fridge
  •   two  bathrooms, one   6)  ….  and one downstairs

№ 4 Choose the correct item

1. There is a cat …. the sofa                         A  in                  B  under         C  behind

2. The armchair is … the fireplace.             A  in front of       B  behind       C  on

3. There is  a painting … the wall.              A on                   B  in                C  in front of

4. There’s a computer … the desk.             A  next to          B  in front of    C  on

5. My bed is … the window.                       A  behind          B  in                C  under

6. The desk is … the bed.                            A  next to          B  on                C  under

№ 5 Complete with : There is a, There isn’t a, There are, There aren’t any

1. …………………….. chairs in the living room.  

2. …………………… lamp in the room.  

3. ………………………..… mirror on the wall.  

4. ………………………… sofa in the living room.

5. ……………………………  tables in the room.

№ 6 Choose the correct item

  1. There   is/ isn’t a bed in the room.
  2. There is/ isn’t  a big carpet on the floor.
  3. There aren’t /are four pictures on the walls.
  4. There isn’t /is a computer on the desk.
  5. There is/ isn’t a teddy bear on the bed.

№ 7  Choose the correct response:

1. Where is the kitchen?  

2. Have you got a bookcase?  

3. Have you got paintings in the room?

4. What floor is it on?  

5. Is there a coffee table in your living room?

A  Yes, there are five on the wall.  

B  Yes, it’s in front of the sofa.  

C  It’s next to the dining room.  

D It’s on the first floor.

 E  Yes, and it has got many books.

№ 8 Read the text and answer the questions:

My name is Tom and I am nine years old. My favourite room is my bedroom. I’ve got a lot of things in my room: a bed, a computer, a bookcase and a wardrobe. I’ve got posters on the walls and a bib mirror next to my bed. My walls are white, blue and yellow. Mu desk is under the window and I do my homework on the computer. My cat likes to sleep under my bed! I really like my room!

1. What is his favourite room?

2. What is on the walls?

3. What colour are the walls?

4. Where is his desk?

5. What is always under his bed?

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