Fill in the correct word 5 класс тесты ответы модуль

Fill in the correct word.

• dangerous

• elephants

• leopard

• crocodile

• lion

• paws

• legs

• sharp

• fur

• wing

• wild

e.g. My cat is black with white paws.
1. Indian _ have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white _ .
3. A _ can run fast and has spots.
4. The _ is the king of the jungle.
5. _ animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken _ .
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin _ .
8. A _ can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are _ . They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got _ claws for climbing.

Английский язык 5 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 5 A (Module 5). Номер №A


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово.
• опасный
• слоны
• леопард
• крокодил
• лев
• лапы
• ноги
• острый
• мех
• крыло
• дикий
например: Моя кошка черная с белыми лапками.
1. У индийских _ маленькие уши.
2. Мне нравится мягкий белый _ моей собаки.
3. _ может быстро бегать и иметь пятна.
4. _ − король джунглей.
5. _ животные не очень хорошие домашние животные.
6. Мой попугай не умеет летать. У него сломан _.
7. Жирафы очень высокие с длинными тонкими _.
8. _ может находиться под водой два часа.
9. Некоторые змеи _. Они могут укусить людей.
10. У коал есть _ когти для лазания.

1. Indian elephants have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white fur.
3. A leopard can run fast and has spots.
4. The lion is the king of the jungle.
5. Wild animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken wing.
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin legs.
8. A crocodile can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are dangerous. They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got sharp claws for climbing.

Перевод ответа
1. У индийских слонов маленькие уши.
2. Мне нравится мягкий белый мех моей собаки.
3. Леопард быстро бегает и имеет пятна.
4. Лев − король джунглей.
5. Дикие животные − плохие домашние животные.
6. Мой попугай не умеет летать. У него сломано крыло.
7. Жирафы очень высокие, с длинными тонкими ногами.
8. Крокодил может находиться под водой два часа.
9. Некоторые змеи опасны. они могут укусить людей.
10. У коал есть острые когти для лазания.

Spotlight 5 Test 5A (Module 5) + KEY to test (Английский язык 5 класс: Спотлайт Тест 5А Ответы) — цитаты Теста № 5 A с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 5 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс / М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.

Часть 1. Только ОТВЕТЫ

A)  1 elephants     2 fur      3 leopard      4 lion      5 Wild       6 wing       7 legs      8  crocodile      9 dangerous      10 sharp
В)  11 tortoise     12 penguin      13 crocodile     14 insect     15 goldfish
C)  16 C      17 В       18 C      19 A      20 C
D)  21 hunt      22 sleep     23 climb     24 eats      25 lays
E)  26 are       27 eat       28 drink      29 live       30 stays

F)  31 The Bengal tiger lives in India.       32   Black tigers have stripes.      33   Bees make honey.      34   Leopards run very fast.      35 I go to the zoo every Saturday.
G)  36 D      37 A       38 E      39 B       40 C
H)  41 In the Antarctic.      42 Their feathers./They are fat.      43 Black and white.       44 At night.      45 Small fish.
I)  46 a        47 c        48 b       49 a       50 c

Часть 2. Задания и Ответы


A). Fill in the correct word.

1 Indian ….• elephants…. have small ears.
2 I like my dog’s soft, white ….• fur…. .
3 A ….• leopard…. can run fast and has spots.
4 The …..• lion….. is the king of the jungle.
5 ….• Wild….. animals don’t make good pets.
6 My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken …• wing… .
7 Giraffes are very tall with long, thin …• legs…. .
8 A ….• crocodile….. can stay under water for two hours.
9 Some snakes are ….• dangerous…. . They can bite humans.
10 Koalas have got ….• sharp….. claws for climbing.

В). Circle the odd one out.

11 peacock – hen – duck – tortoise
12 penguin – sheep – cow – deer
13 rabbit – dog – parrot – crocodile
14 leg – insect – break – tail
15 goldfish – tiger – lion – leopard


C). Choose the correct item.

16 Lions ……. during the day.   A doesn’t sleep   В sleeps   C sleep
17 Koalas …….. water.   A drinks   В don’t drink   C doesn’t drink
18 Insects …….. gardens clean.   A keeps   В doesn’t keep   C keep
19 Humans ……… in trees.   A don’t live   В doesn’t live   C lives
20 A giraffe …….. leaves from trees.   A eat   В don’t eat   C eats

D). Underline the correct word.

21 People hunts/hunt wild animals.
22 Bears sleeps/sleep all winter.
23 Leopards can climbs/climb trees.
24 A tortoise eat/eats leaves.
25 A hen lay/lays eggs.

E). Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

26) …are…. (be) big with long tusks. Elephants
27) ….eat…. (eat) grass and fruit from trees and they
28) …drink…..(drink) water during the day. African elephants
29) …live…. (live) south of the Sahara Desert in forests. A mother elephant
30) …stays…. (stay) with her calf for two years.

F). Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

31 tiger/Bengal/in/lives/India/the – The Bengal tiger lives in India.
32 stripes/black/tigers/have – Black tigers have stripes.
33 honey/bees/make – Bees make honey.
34 fast/leopards/very/run – Leopards run very fast.
35 go/zoo/l/to/every/the/Saturday – I go to the zoo every Saturday.

Spotlight 5 Test 5A

Everyday English

G). Choose the correct response.

36 What do elephants eat? – D) Fruit and grass.
37 What colour is a penguin? – A) It’s black and white.
38 When do cats sleep? – E) During the day.
39 What is your dog’s name? – В) It’s Max.
40 Do you like snakes? – C) No, I don’t!


H). Read the text and answer the questions.

This is a picture of a penguin. A penguin is a bird. Penguins can’t fly. They live in the Antarctic. Feathers help penguins stay warm in cold weather. Their size helps too. They are fat! The penguin is black and white. Penguins don’t sleep during the day. They sleep at night. They swim fast and catch food in the sea. They eat small fish and can stay under water for five minutes.
41 Where does it live? – In the Antarctic.
42 What helps them stay warm? – Their feathers. / They are fat.
43 What colour are penguins? – Black and white.
44 When do penguins sleep? – At night.
45 What do penguins eat? – Small fish.


I). Listen and for questions 46–50 tick the correct response.

46 What animal likes to sit in water? – a)
47 Which animal eats leaves from trees? – c)
48 Which animal lives alone? – b)
49 Which animal doesn’t Ann like? – a)
50 Which animal doesn’t drink water? – c)

Вы смотрели: Spotlight 5 Test 5A (Module 5) + KEY to test (Английский язык 5 класс: Спотлайт Тест 5А Ответы) — цитаты Теста № 5 A с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 5 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.

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Тest 1А


A) Write as in the example.

1 blackboard    2 pen   3 eraser    4 school bag    5 ruler

В) Write the words.

6 Sunday    7 Friday    8 Monday    9 Thursday    10 Wednesday

С) Fill in the correct word.

11)    Name   : Fiona Miller
     age: 13
12)    Class   : 7d
Subjects: 13)   English  , Maths, 14)   PE   ,  Art

11 Name       12 Class        13 English or PE          14 PE or English

D) Complete the sentences with the correct word.

15 My   name    is Sue.
16 What’s your favourite    subject    ?
17 History    class    is on Mondays.
18 My PE class is on    Tuesdays    and Thursdays.
19 David is    new    to the school.
20 The    pencil    case is blue.
21 Bob is 18    years    old.
22 Is the Art lesson in    Room    C?
23 The    pen    is on the desk.
24 The    Science    class is in Room A.

15 name      16 subject      17 class      18 Tuesdays     19 new        20 pencil       21 years      22 Room      23 pen      24 Science 


E) Underline the correct item.

25 It’s an/a
26 John am/is not new to the school.
27 This is an/a atlas.
28 Mark ’m/’s my best friend.
29 It’s an/a notebook.
30 Fiona ’s/’re in Class 2C.
31 This is an/a ruler.
32 Bill and Tim is/are in the same class.
33 You ’m/’re in Grade 6.
34 I ’re/’m in secondary school.

 25 an        26 is        27 an         28 ’s         29 a          30 ’s         31 a       32 are       33 ’re       34 ’m

F) Choose the correct item.

35 Betty ……… 14 years old. – В is
36 Mark and Ann … in the same Science class. – A are
37 The ……… are in her pencil case. – В erasers
38 This is ……… orange. – A an
39 John …… new to the school. – A ’m

35 В      36 A      37 В      38 A       39 В

Everyday English

G) Choose the correct response.

40 Hello. My name’s Mark.            C) Hi, my name’s David.
41 Nice to meet you, David.          E) Nice to meet you, too.
42 Where is the History lesson?     A) It’s in Room E.
43 How old are you?                     F) I’m twelve.
44 How do you spell your name?   D) It’s D-A-V-l-D.
45 Let’s go to the lesson together. В) OK, great!

40 C      41 E      42 A       43 F      44 D      45 В


H) Read the text and underline the correct words.
Hi Sue!
How are you? My name’s David and I’m 10 years old. I’m from England and I am at Green Schoo I’m new to the school. My favourite subject is Maths and l also like English and Science. My lunch Ьгег is from 12:30 to 1:30 every day. Tom and Wendy are in my Maths class, but they aren’t in my Englis and Science classes. My PE lesson is on Fridays.
well, that’s about it. Please write soon and tell me about your school.
Bye for now, David

46 David’s 9/10 years old.
47 David is at Red/Green
48 David’s new/old to the school.
49 English/Maths is David’s favourite subject.
50 The lunch break is at 12:30/1:30.
51 Wendy is in English/Maths class with David
52 The PE lesson is on Fridays/Mondays.

46 10         47 Green      48 new      49 Maths      50 12:30       51 Maths       52 Fridays


I) Listen and for questions 53-57 tick the correct box.

53 When is the History lesson? – c)
54 What’s in the pencil case? – c)
55 How old is John? – a)
56 What school is Sam at? – a)
57 Where is the Art lesson? – b).

53 c      54 c       55 a       56 a      57 b

Тest 1B


A) Write as in the example.

1 ruler    2 eraser    3 school bag    4 pen    5 blackboard.

В) Write the words.

6 Wednesday    7 Monday    8 Thursday    9 Sunday    10 Friday

C) Fill in the correct word.


11) Name: Betty Smith
    age: 17
12) Class: 7d
Subjects: 13) English / PE,  Maths, 14)  PE / English,    Art

11 Name       12 Class      13 PE or English     14 English or PE

D) Complete the sentences with the correct word.

15 The    pencil   case is blue.
16 Sue is 17    years    old.
17 Is the Art lesson in    Room    B?
18 Anna is     new    to the school.
19 My    name    is Mark.
20 What’s your favourite    subject    ?
21 My PE class is on    Tuesdays    and Wednesdays.
22 The     Science     class is in Room F.
23 The     pen    is on the desk.
24 History     class    is on Tuesdays.

15 pencil     16 years      17 Room       18 new       19 name       20 subject      21 Tuesdays      22 Science     23 pen      24  class


E) Underline the correct item.

25 Damien ’s/’re in Class 2C.
26 It’s an/a
27 I ’re/’m in primary school.
28 This is an/a eraser.
29 You ’m/’re in Grade 8.
30 Rita ’m/’s my best friend.
31 This is an/a atlas.
32 Lyn am/is not new to the school.
33 Mary and Betty is/are in the same class.
34 It’s an/a ruler.

25 ’s         26 a          27 ’m         28 an         29 ’re        30 ’s         31 an      32 is      33 are     34 a

F) Choose the correct item.

35 This is …… orange. – A) an.
36 John …… new to the school. – В) ’s.
37 Tim and Wendy …… in the same Science class. – A) are.
38 Bill …… 14 years old. – В) is.
39 The …… are in the pencil case. – В) rulers

35 A     36 В     37 A      38 В     39 В

Everyday English

G) Choose the correct response.

A) Hi, my name’s Betty.

40 How old are you?                     В) I’m fourteen.
41 Let’s go to the lesson together. С) It’s in Room D.
42 Hello. My name’s Wendy.          D) Nice to meet you, too.
43 How do you spell your name?    E) OK, great!
44 Nice to meet you, Betty.            F) It’s B-E-T-T-Y.
45 Where is the Science lesson?     G) I’m fine, thanks.

40 В      41 E       42 A       43 F     44 D      45 C


H) Read the text and underline the correct word.
Hi Mark!
How are you? My name’s Betty and I’m 9 years old. I’m from England and l go to Green School I’m new to the school. My favourite subject is Art and I also like PE and English. My lunch break is frorr 12:30 to 1:30 every day. Bill and John are in my PE class, but they aren’t in my Art and English classes My English lesson is on Thursdays.
Well, that’s about it. Please write soon and tell me about your school.
Bye for now, Betty.

46 Betty’s 9/10 years old.
47 Betty is at Green/Red
48 Betty’s new/old to the school.
49 PE/Art is Betty’s favourite subject.
50 The lunch break is at 12:30/1:30.
51 John is in Art/PE class with Betty.
52 The English lesson is on Fridays/Thursdays.

46 9       47 Green      48 new      49 Art       50 12: 30      51 PE      52 Thursdays


I) Listen and for questions 53-57 tick the correct box.

53 When is the History lesson? – c)
54 What’s in the pencil case? – c)
55 How old is John? – a)
56 What school is Sam at? – a)
57 Where is the Art lesson? – b).

53 c     54 c     55  a     56 a    57 b

Тest 2А



A) Write as in the example.

1  cap       2  bicycle      3  gloves       5  guitar      4  trainers

В). Write the nationalities.

6 France – French
7 the UK – British
8 Japan – Japanese
9 the USA – American
10 Australia – Australian.

6 French      7 British     8 Japanese      9 American       10 Australian

С). Write the words as in the example.

11. 22 – twenty-two
12. 68 – sixty-eight
13. 21 – twenty-one
14. 100 – a (one) hundred
15. 13 – thirteen
16. 70 – seventy
17. 50 – fifty

11 twenty-two       12 sixty-eight       13 twenty-one      14 a (one) hundred     15 thirteen     16 seventy     17 fifty


D)  Complete the sentences with the correct word.
18 … are watches.
19 … is a skateboard.
20 …  is a helmet.
21 … are scarves.
22 … are footballs.

18 These      19 That       20 This      21 Those     22 These

E)  Underline the correct item.

23 I has/have got a skateboard.
24 Natasha have/has got a cap and gloves.
25 Peter has/have got special powers.
26 They has/have got pens and pencils.
27 We has/have got basketballs.

23 have        24 has         25 has       26 have      27 have

F) Underline the correct item.

28 Amy has got a new bikes/bike.
29 Tim has got a pair of trainer/trainers.
30 We have got red watches/watch.
31 Jim has got brown glove/gloves.
32 She has got a guitars/guitar.
33 Emma has got three dolls/doll.

28 bike      29 trainers      30 watches      31 gloves     32 guitar      33 dolls

Everyday English

G). Choose the correct response.

34 How old are you? – E) I’m fourteen.
35 What colour is your bike? – F) It’s red.
36 Where is Sue from? – В) She’s from Canada.
37 What is Tim’s nationality? – A) He’s Australian.
38 What has Jane got in her school bag? – C) A notebook and pens.
39 Who is your best friend? – D) It’s Wendy.

34 E     35 F      36 В       37 A     38 C      39 D


H). Read the email and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

40 The email is from Betty. ….. F
41 Amy likes her doll collection. ….. T
42 She has got 16 dolls in her collection. ….. F
43 The doll from Japan is from her Japanese friend. ….. T
44 Amy is proud Of the collection. ….. F
45 Doll collecting isn’t easy. ….. F

40 F     41 T      42 F       43 F    44 T      45 F


I). Listen and for questions 46–50 tick the correct box.

46 Where is Mark from? – a)
47 What collection has Tim got? – b)
48 How old is Emma’s mum? – b)
49 What language can Sally speak? – a)
50 Who is Scott’s favourite cartoon character? – b)

46 a     47 b      48 b       49 a     50 b

Тest 2B



A). Write as in the example.

1 gloves     2  cap      3 guitar       4 bicycle     5 trainers

В). Write the nationalities.

6 Australia – Australian
7 the USA – American
8 the UK – British
9 France – French
10 Japan – Japanese

6 Australian    7 American     8 British     9 French    10 Japanese

C). Write the words as in the example.

11. 70 – seventy
12. 21 – twenty-one
13. 13 – thirteen
14. 50 – fifty
15. 22 – twenty-two
16. 100 – a (one) hundred
17. 68 – sixty-eight

11 seventy       12 twenty-one       13 thirteen        14 fifty      15 twenty-two      16 a (one) hundred      17 sixty-eight


D). Complete the sentences with the correct word.

18    These   are footballs.
19    This   is a helmet.
20.   These   are watches.
21    That   is a skateboard.
22    Those   are scarves

18 These     19 This     20 These      21 That      22 Those

E). Underline the correct item.

23 Bob has/have got a blue school bag.
24 We has/have got basketballs.
25 They has/have got pens and pencils.
26 Natasha have/has got a cap and gloves.
27 Peter has/have got special powers.

23 has    24 have     25 have       26 has     27 has

F). Underline the correct item.

28 She has got a pink handbags/handbag.
29 Jim has got brown glove/gloves.
30 Emma has got one dolls/doll.
31 Amy has got a new pair of trainer/trainers.
32 We have got white watches/watch.
33 Tom has got a new bikes/bike.

28 handbag     29 gloves     30 doll      31 trainers     32 watches     33 bike

Everyday English

G). Choose the correct response.

34 Who is your best friend?                    E) It’s Wendy.
35 What is Tim’s nationality?                  F) He’s Australian.
36 What has Jane got in her school bag? A) A notebook and pens.
37 How old are you?                              В) I’m fourteen.
38 Where is Sue from?                           D) She’s from Canada.
39 What colour is your skateboard?         C) It’s red.

34 E    35 F    36 A     37 B    38 D    39 C


H). Read the email and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

40 The email is from Mark. ….. F
41 Damien likes his cap collection. ….. T
42 He has got 13 caps in his collection. ….. F
43 The cap from Australia is a present from his dad. ….. F
44 Damien is proud of his collection. ….. T
45 Cap collecting isn’t easy. ….. F

40 F    41 T    42 F     43 F    44 T    45 F


I). Listen and for questions 46–50 tick the correct box.

46 Where is Mark from? – a)
47 What collection has Tim got? – b)
48 How old is Emma’s mum? – b)
49 What language can Sally speak? – a)
50 Who is Scott’s favourite cartoon character? – b)

46 a    47 b     48 b     49 a    50 b

Тest 3А


A) 1 C    2 E    3 A    4 G    5 F    6 I    7 B    8 H

B) 9 cooker        13 books    17 wardrobe
   10 bedroom    14 block     18 sink
   11 first           15 garage
   12 mirror       16 lamp

C) 19 two            21 living        23 kitchen    
    20 bedrooms    22 ground    24 upstairs

D) 25 B    26 A    27 A    28 C    29 C    30 A

E) 31 There aren’t any
   32 There is a    
   33 There are
   34 There isn’t a
   35 There is a

F) 36 is    37 is    38 are    39 aren’t any

G) 40 D    41 F    42 A    43 E    44 В

H) 45 His bedroom.
   46 Posters.
   47 White, blue and yellow.
   48 Under the window. 
   49 His cat.

I) 50 В    51 A    52 В    53 В    54 C

Тest 3B


A) 1 D    2 I    3 E    4 A    5 H    6 G    7 F    8 C

В) 9 first         13 sink        17 lamp
   10 block       14 mirror    18 garage
    11 books    15 bedroom
   12 cooker    16 wardrobe

С) 19 two       21 ground    23 upstairs    
     20 living    22 kitchen    24 bedroom

D) 25 A    26 В    27 C    28 C    29 C    30 A

Е) 31 There aren’t any
   32 There is a 
   33 There are
   34 There isn’t a
   35 There is a

F) 36 are    38 are    
    37 is       39 aren’t any

G) 40 D    41 F    42 A    43 E    44 B

H) 45 Her bedroom.
   46 Posters. 
   47 Pink, orange and white.
   48 Next to the window
   49 Her dog.

I) 50 В    51 A    52 В    53 В    54 C

Тest 4А


A) 1 sister      3 grandma    5 brother
    2 mother    4 grandpa

В) 6 clever    8 funny    10 friendly    
     7 kind     9 naughty

C) 11 small    15 small    19 kind
   12 long       16 thin     20 clever
    13 noisy    17 black
    14 fair       18 big

D) 21 her       25 we    29 me
    22 them    26 you    30 their
     23 her      27 Her
     24 his       28 our

E) 31 can    33 can    35 can’t
   32 can’t    34 can

F) 36 В    37 F    38 E    39 A    40 C

G) 41 C    42 A    43 В    44 A    45 C

H) 46 12       48 2               50 French
   47 green    49 dancing

Тest 4B


A) 1 grandma    3 sister    5 mother
    2 grandpa    4 brother

В) 6 funny      8 naughty    10 clever
    7 friendly    9 kind

C) 11 thin    15 big       19 small
    12 fair     16 clever    20 noisy
    13 kind    17 long
   14 small    18 black

D) 21 me     25 them    29 our
   22 Her      26 her       30 his 
   23 her      27 We
   24 Their    28 you

E) 31 can     33 can    35 can’t
   32 can’t    34 can

F) 36 C    37 A    38 E    39 F    40 В

G) 41 C    42 A    43 В    44 A    45 C

H) 46 12       48 2              50 French
    47 green   49 dancing

Тest 5А


A) 1 elephants     5 Wild      9 dangerous
    2 fur               6 wing     10 sharp
    3 leopard        7 legs
    4 lion              8 crocodile

В) 11 tortoise    13 crocodile    15 goldfish
    12 penguin    14 insect

C) 16 C    17 В    18 C    19 A    20 C

D) 21 hunt    23 climb    25 lays
    22 sleep    24 eats

E) 26 are    28 drink    30 stays
    27 eat    29 live

F) 31 The Bengal tiger lives in India.
   32 Black tigers have stripes.
   33 Bees make honey.
   34 Leopards run very fast.
   35 I go to the zoo every Saturday.

G) 36 D    37 A    38 E    39 B    40 C

H) 41 In the Antarctic.
   42 Their feathers./They are fat.
   43 Black and white.
   44 At night.
   45 Small fish.

I) 46 a    47 c    48 b    49 a    50 c

Тest 5B


A) 1 crocodile    5 dangerous 9 legs
    2 wing           6 fur 10 lion
    3 sharp          7 wild
    4 elephants    8 leopard

В) 11 tortoise     13 insect          15 crocodile
    12 goldfish     14 penguin

C) 16 C    17 C    18 A    19 В    20 В

D) 21 lays      23 lives       25 sleep
     22 hunt     24 climb

E) 26 are     28 sleep     30 stays
    27 eat     29 live

F) 31 Koalas live in trees.
   32 Leopards run very fast.
   33 Turtles swim in the sea.
   34 The rhino is from Africa.
   35 The cobra is a dangerous snake.

G) 36 E    37 A    38 D    39 C    40 В

H) 41 In Asia.
43 Its fur keeps it warm.
42 Orange with black or brown stripes.
44 In tall grass.
45 Big animals like deer.

I) 46 a    47 c    48 b    49 a    50 c



1-В    7-C    13-C    19-В    25-A
2-A    8-A    14-A    20-C    26-В
3-C    9-C    15-A    21-C    27-В
4-A    10-В    16-A    22-A    28-С
5-В    11-C    17-C    23-C    29-A
6-C    12-В    18-C    24-В    30-С

B) 31-a    32-b    33-a    34-a    35-b

С) 36-DS    37-Т    38-DS    39-F    40-Т

D) Suggested Answer Key
Hi Nick,
I want to tell you all about myself. My name is Sasha, I’m twelve years old and I’m Russian. I’m in year eight at secondary school. I like Art and Maths but my favourite subject is PE. My best friend is Michail. He’s in my class and he’s cool!
I live with my mum, my brother and my sister in a flat on the second floor. My dad is a doctor. Our flat is quite big. I love my bedroom! There are some nice posters on the walls and I’ve got a great CD collection. Well, that’s about it.

E) 41 False    42 True    43 True    44 False    45 True

Тest 6А


A) 1 work on the computer
   2 watch a DVD/video/television
   3 go jogging
   4 do the shopping/go shopping
   5 have a cup of tea

В) 6 f    7 c    8 g    9 a    10 e    11 b

C) 12 breakfast    15 email         18 lunch
    13 dinner        16 shopping    19 friends
    14 bed            17 coffee

D) 20 are    22 am ; are    24 is ; am
    21 are    23 Is

E) 25 at    27 at    29 at
   26 in    28 in

F) 30 are doing
   31 are you crying
   32 is not going; is visiting
   33 is practicing
   34 is not working
   35 is repairing

G) 36 F    37 E    38 A    39 C    40 D    41 G

H) 42 At the bakery.
   43 At 5 o’clock in the morning.
   44 He rides his bike.
   45 At 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
   46 On Wednesdays.
   47 He reads a book or works in the garden.

I) 48 c    49 c    50 a    51 b    52 c

Тest 6B


A) 1 plant a tree    2 have breakfast    3 work on the computer    4 go to bed    5 watch a DVD/video/television

В) 6 c    7 e    8 b    9 d    10 g    11 a

C) 12 shopping    13 bed    14 email     15 lunch    16 dinner   17 friends    18 breakfast    19 tea

D) 20 Is    21 are    22 are    23 am ; are    24 is; am

E) 25 at     26 in   27 at    28 at    29 in

F) 30 is not working 
   31 are doing 
   32 are you crying
   33 is practicing 
   34 is not going; is visiting 
   35 is repairing

G) 36 E    37 A    38 D    39 В    40 C    41 C

H) 42 In a school.
   43 At 7 o’clock in the morning.
   44 She walks.
   45 At 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
   46 On Thursdays.
   47 She goes for a walk.

I) 48 c    49 c    50 a    51 b    52 c

Тest 7А


A) 1 March   
   2 May   
   3 Autumn  
   4 October 
   5 November
   6 June
   7 July
   8 Winter
   9 January
   10 February

В) 11 d    12 e    13 a    14 c    15 b

C) 16 dress    18 suit        20 skirt
   17 gloves    19 jumper

D) 21 is making  
   22 are watching 
   23 does  
   24 go  
   25 stay 
   26 is Tim doing
   27 Does Ian like 
   28 going
   29 is she wearing
   30 do you think

E) 31 is listening        36 Do you speak
   32 goes                  37 don’t ride
   33 am waiting        38 have
   34 plays                 39 are you crying
   35 It isn’t raining    40 have

F) 41 E    42 F    43 A    44 В    45 С

G) 46 A    48 В    50 C    52 В    54 В
     47 A    49 A    51 C    53 В    55 В

H) 56 C    57 В    58 C    59 A    60 В

Тest 7B


А 1 June      5 February        9 March
2 July           6 Autumn          10 May
3 Winter       7 October
4 January      8 November

В) 11 a    12 f    13 e    14 b    15 d

С) 16 raincoat     18 T-shirt        20 bag
     17 scarf        19 hat

D) 21 she’s wearing          26 Does Ian like
   22 is making                 27 are watching
   23 do you think             28 stay
   24 does                         29 is Tim doing
   25 go                           30 going

Е) 31 goes               36 Do you speak
   32 have                37 is listening
   33 don’t ride         38 reads
   34 are you crying  39 have
   35 am waiting       40 It isn’t raining

F) 41 C    42 E    43 A    44 D    45 F

G) 46 A   48 В    50 C    52 В    54 В
    47 A   49 A    51 C    53 В    55 В

Н) 56 C    57 В    58 C    59 A    60 B

Тest 8А


A) 1 keep           3 wash            5 cook
    2 celebrate    4 exchange

В) 6 butter    10 rice          14 pasta
    7 bread     11 meat        15 chicken
    8 eggs      12 grapes
    9 fish        13 milk

C) 16 glass    18 bottle       20 box
    17 bowl     19 packet

D) 21 a              23 some     25 an/some
    22 some/an    24 an

E) 26 some       30 any      34 some
    27 some       31 much     35 some
    28 much       32 much
    29 many       33 any

F) 36 C    37 E    38 F    39 A    40 В

G) 41 T    42 T    43 F    44 F    45 F

H) 46 chocolate   48 jar         50 Mix
    47 cup            49 two

Тest 8B


A) 1 celebrate    3 exchange     5 wash
     2 keep         4 cook

В) 6 rice         10 butter       14 meat
    7 grapes     11 bread        15 fish
    8 pasta       12 eggs
    9 milk        13 chicken

C) 16 box        18 bottle      20 bowl
     17 packet   19 glass

D) 21 an/some     23 some/an       25 some
     22 an             24 a

E) 26 some    30 any      34 some
    27 some    31 much   35 some
    28 many    32 much
    29 much    33 any

H) 46 chocolate    48 jar       50 Mix
    47 cup             49 two

Тest 9А


A) 1 Karen’s    3 Top Hits          5 Diana’s
    2 Benny’s    4 Burgerland     6 Laura’s

В) 7 games      10 florist’s        13 buy
    8 floors        11 fast            14 clothes
     9 pair          12 aspirin

C) 15 art          18 theme parks
     16 toy         19 concert halls
     17 theatre   20 chemist’s

D) 21 the     23 an     25 a
     22 the     24 a      26 an

E) 27 must     29 mustn’t     31 must
   28 must      30 mustn’t     32 mustn’t

F) 33 mustn’t     35 must     37 mustn’t
    34 mustn’t     36 must     38 mustn’t

G) 39 Yes, please        42 Are you ready
    40 Would you like   43 is my son’s birthday
    41 I’m looking

H) 44 F 45 F 46 T 47 F 48

I) 49 December      51 8:30        53 Thomas
   50 Thursday        52 33

Тest 9B


A) 1 Top Hits         3 Benny’s      5 Diana’s
   2 Burgerland      4 Karen’s      6 Laura’s

В) 7 clothes       10 aspirin         13 games
   8 fast              11 buy             14 floors
   9 florist’s         12 pair

C) 15 concert halls    18 toy
    16 theatre           19 chemist’s
    17 theme parks    20 art

D) 21 the     23 an      25 a
     22 the     24 a        26 an

E) 27 mustn’t      29 mustn’t       31 mustn’t
    28 must          30 must           32 must

F) 33 mustn’t       36 must
   34 mustn’t        37 mustn’t
   35 must           38 mustn’t

G) 39 I’m looking          42 is my son’s birthday
    40 Are you ready      43 Yes, please
    41 Would you like

H) 44 T    45 F    46 F    47 T    48 F

I) 49 December         51 8:30 53 Thomas
    50 Thursday          52 33

Тest 10А


A) 1 fishing      4 swimming
   2 jet skiing    5 windsurfing
   3 scuba diving

В) 6 become       11 museum
   7 sunburn       12 pictures
   8 hiking          13 hotel
   9 dangerous    14 temperature
    10 beach         15 fun

C) 16 C    17 В    18 В    19 C    20 A

D) 21 can’t    23 can    25 can
    22 can     24 can’t

E) 26 will go        28 will come    30 will miss
    27 will meet    29 won’t eat

F) 31 John wants to go to the museum.
   32 I think I will try sailing.
   33 I want to eat pizza for dinner.
   34 Will you have lunch with me?
   35 The train is arriving in five minutes.

G) 36 A    37 D    38 E    39 В    40 C

H) 41 In June.
   42 (Her cousin) Kathy.
   43 Two weeks.
   44 Activities like hiking, swimming, whitewater rafting and fishing.
   45 A lot of lakes and mountains.

I) 46 8th    47 12    48 ten    49 ancient    50 swimming pools

Тest 10B


A) 1 hiking          4 fishing
   2 sunbathing    5 scuba diving
   3 windsurfing

В) 6 museum    11 dangerous
   7 fun             12 temperature
   8 beach         13 hiking
   9 hotel          14 pictures
   10 become    15 sunburn

C) 16 C    17 A    18 В    19 C    20 В

D) 21 can’t     23 can’t    25 can
     22 can      24 can

E) 26 won’t eat    28 will miss    30 will meet
    27 will go       29 will come

F) 31 The train is arriving in ten minutes.
   32 Ann wants to go to the museum.
   33 Will you have dinner with me?
   34 They want to eat pizza for dinner.
   35 I think I will go swimming.

G) 36 E    37 A    38 В    39 D    40 C

H) 41 In June.
   42 (Her cousin) Holly.
   43 Two weeks.
   44 A lot of activities like hiking, swimming white-water rafting and fishing.
   45 A lot of lakes and mountains.

I) 46 8th     48 ten          50 swimming pools
    47 12     49 ancient



1-C    7-A    13-В    19-C    25-В
2-A    8-C    14-A    20-A    26-A
3-C    9-A    15-C    21-C    27-В
4-C    10-C    16-C    22-A    28-C
5-A    11-В    17-В    23-В    29-A
6-A    12-C    18-C    24-C    30-C

В) 31-b    32-a    33-a    34-b    35-b

C) 36-T    37-F    38-DS    39-DS    40-T

D) Suggested Answer Key
Dear Angela,
How are you? Here we are at my aunt and uncle’s country cottage and I’m having a wonderful time! The cottage is one hundred years old. It has only got one floor and two bedrooms, but it’s very beautiful. It’s hot and the sun is shining here. Every day, we go for a long walk in the morning, then my aunt cooks a delicious lunch. She’s a very good cook! In the afternoon, I always put on my shorts and a T-shirt and sunbathe in the beautiful garden. Tomorrow, there will be a festival in the nearby town. During the festival, everyone dresses up in costumes and dances in the streets. I’ll tell you all about it next week.
See you soon.

E) 41 False    42 True    43 True    44 False    45 False

Key to Unit Tests

Unit Tests

Name: ___________________________________________________ ___

Class:___________________ Date:_______________________________

TEST 5 (MODULE 5) Mark________ (100)


A. Fill in the correct word.

giraffe cat elephant budgie cobra koala dolphin monkey cow zebra

This animal is very big, has long legs and a long neck and lives in Africa.____________________

This animal is very long and can be dangerous. People are scared of it._________________

This animal is quite big and lives on the farm. People like these animals because they give them a lot of milk._________________

This animal is very big and lives in Africa. It has got a long trunk, big ears, and it is grey. ________________

This animal lives in Australia and is a very nice animal. It is not very big. It likes eucalyptus leaves._________________

This animal is very funny and nice. You can see it in the Zoo but it lives in Africa. It likes bananas very much._________________

This animal is like a horse but it lives in Africa. It has black and white stripes on its body._________________

This animal is very big and lives in water but it is not a fish. It is very nice and friendly and sometimes can save people’s lives._________________

This animal is very nice and people have it at home as a pet in the cage. It has got very nice and coloured feathers._________________

This animal is very nice and small. It lives in people’s houses. People like it because this animal eats mice._________________

Points: _______ (10)

B. Match the words from the two columns.

elephant                        a) mane

peacock                         b) horns

lion                                c) fur

bear                               d) trunk

giraffe                              e) feathers

monkey                            f) hump

deer                                 g) stripes

tiger                                  h) teeth

camel                                i) neck

crocodile                            j) tail

Points: _______ (10)

C.Match the questions (1-9) to the answers (a-i).

The Hyena

1. Do hyenas live in groups?

2. Where do they live?

3. What do they look like?

4. How much do they weigh?

5. How long are they?

6. How long is their tail?

7. When do hyenas start to hunt?

8. What sound do they make when hunting?

9. What they eat?

a) It’s like very loud laughter.

b) Like strange cats.

c) Up to 25 сentimeters long.

d) In Africa.

e) Animals, like zebras and antelopes.

f) Yes, of 10 to 50 animals.

g) About 1.5 meters long.

h) 40—80 kg.

i) In the evening.


D. Choose the correct item.

1. The Bengal tiger ________________ in India.

A live B lives C don’t live

2. Elephants _____________ heavy things on their backs.

A carry B carries C doesn’t carry

3. John _____________ his car every week.

A wash B washes C don’t wash

4. The baby ______________ a lot at night.

A cry B crys C cries

5. Rhinos ____________ to sit in the mud.

A like B likes C doesn’t like

Points: _______ (10)

E. Write the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

Mr Green 1)________ (be) the zookeeper. He 2) ____________ (feed) the animals and 3)______________(wash) them. He also 4)_______________ (clean) their cages, but he 5)_____________________ (not/like) it very much.

Points: _______ (10)

F. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

plays/ always/ he/on/football/Mondays




a / cat/milk/likes






Points: _______ (10)

Everyday English

G. Choose the correct response.

Do you like snakes? _______

Where do insects live? _______

Can penguin fly? _______

Have you got a pet? _______

What do tigers eat? _______


Yes, a goldfish.

No, it can’t.

In our homes and gardens.

No I don’t.

Points: _______ (10)


H. Read the text and answer the questions.

A lion is a big wild cat. You can find lions in Africa and Asia. These animals are big with light brown fur. They eat meat. Lions usually hunt in the evening or in the morning. They hunt big animals like zebras.

What is a lion?


Where do they live?


What do they look like?


What do they eat?


When do they hunt?


Points: _______ (10)


Listen to the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F),

Not Stated (NS).

1. Big cats live in Africa.

2. People hunt tigers because tigers are funny.

3. Chinese doctors use tigers’ bones to make medicine.

4. The lion’s voice is very loud.

5. There are about 40 baby-lions in the lions’ family.

Points: _______ (10)

J. You’ve got an e-mail from your English pen friend. Write him a letter and answer his three questions Write 50—60 words.

Hi! I’m Liz and this is my lovely cat Sunny. His name is Sunny because it is very small, red with dark brown stripes on his back, paws and face. It’s so funny! His face is very beautiful. His eyes are green. He is only two years old. I found him in the street. His favourite place for sleeping is an armchair. He likes to play and I often play with him. Now we are good friends.

What pets have you got? What are their names? Are you friends with your pets?

Write me soon.

Take care,


Points: _______ (10)


​​​​​​​ I.

Big cats live all around the world, but people don’t see them very often. They have sharp claws and teeth. They can be dangerous to people but people are even more dangerous to them. Many people hunt big cats. They hunt spotted cats for their fur. They hunt tigers for their bones. They use the bones in Chinese medicine. Some people even hunt big cats just for fun. Here are some of the most famous big cats.

The lion is the loudest of all the big cats. You can hear a lion roar

from about 8 km away. Lions live in families called prides. A pride of lions can have between 3 and 40 lions in it, but there are usually around 15 lions in one pride. The female lions do most of the hunting. They usually hunt late in the evening or early in the morning. They kill antelopes, gazelles, buffalos and zebras. You can find lions in Africa and Asia. You can find their cousin, the mountain lion, in America.

The biggest of the big cats is the tiger. They are known around the world for their power and strength. Tigers can weigh up to 220 kilograms. Most tigers come from India and they usually live alone. They are very good climbers and are good swimmers too. They can eat up to 30 kilograms of meat in one night. 100 years ago, there were over 100,000 tigers in the wild. Now there are only 2,500. Many of them live in conservation parks.

1 .  

1. I made a pumpkin pie and toffee apples for the party.

2. People watch a fireworks display on Guy Fawkes Day.

3. In Britain they make wreaths on May Day.

4. Look! The kids are throwing streamers!

5. We celebrate New Year’s Day on the 1st January.

6. People wish each other Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

7. We also hope a new year will bring wealth and good luck.

8. Pupils decorate their classroom with balloons and wallpapers.


1. make a cake

2. do homework

3. make a phone call

4. make tea

5. do the gardening

6. make a special dish

7. do the shopping

8. make the decorations

9. do the washing up

10. do the dusting


1. What аre they cooking for the party?

2. She isn’t wearing a witch costume.

3. Susan is decorating the room for the holiday.

4. What special dish is she making?

5. Why is he taking pictures?

6. I am not making a telephone call now.

7. They are taking nice pictures.


1. What are the children doing?

2. Megan is making a cake now.

3. Look! The clowns are performing tricks!

4. Listen! Is that your brother playing the drums?

5. Pupils aren’t decorating the hall.

6. Are people in the street watching a parade?

7. I’m not listening to music. I’m watching a concert on TV.

8. Where are you going?

9. His friends are playing “pin the tail on the donkey”.

10. Andrew is blowing the horns.

5 .  

1. I’d like to send some flowers. D. What do you have in mind?

2. When would you like to send them? E. On the morning of April 7th.

3. Would you like to include the card? A. Sure. I have it ready.

4. Who are they for? B. For Mary McMillan.

5. That will be 20 pounds including delivery  C. Here you are.

6. Read the e-mail. Are the statements True (T) or False (F)

Dear Helen and Martin,

We are having a great time in Scotland. We are sitting in a café near the sea. Steve is reading a magazine and I’m writing this e-mail to you. But Linda is really bored here, she is sitting in her room and watching TV.

We usually go to Spain every summer but this year we wanted to see Scotland. We go for walks every day in the mountains. We don’t go swimming. It’s too cool! Linda is really missing London.

See you soon.

Steve, Ann and Linda.

1. Steve, Ann and Linda are on holiday in Spain. False (they are in Scotland)

2. Steve and Ann are sitting in a café. True

3. Linda is swimming in the sea. False (she is sitting in her room and watching TV)

4. Linda is enjoying the rest. False (she is bored)

5. Steve is reading a magazine. True

6. Ann is sending e-mails. True

7. They usually go to Scotland. False (they usually go to Spain)

8. They like swimming in Spain. False (об этом вообще не сказано)

9. They go for walks to the beach. False (they walk in the mountains)

10. The weather is not very warm. True

11. Linda is happy there. False



Вопрос по английскому языку:

A. Fill in the correct word.
•dangerous • elephants • leopard • crocodile • lion • paws•legs • sharp • fur • wing • wild
e.g. My cat is black with white paws.
1. Indian……..have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white………..
3. A……….can run fast and has spots.
4. The……… the king of the jungle.
5. ………animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin……
8. A ………. can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are …………. They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got……….claws for climbing.

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1. Indian elephants have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white fur.
3. A leopard can run fast and has spots.
4. The lion is the king of the jungle.
5. Wild animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken wing.
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin……
8. A crocodile can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are dangerous. They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got sharp claws for climbing.

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  • Отвечать достоверно на те вопросы, на которые знаете
    правильный ответ;
  • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
    побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

Этого делать не стоит:

  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.

5 класс Test 9

1 Fill in the correct word. (Переписывать предложения не надо, пишем цифра – слово)
• music • aspirin • buy • clothes • pair • fast • floors • florist’s • games •
The ………. shop has got the dress I like.
What do you want to ………. ?
You will find ………. at the chemist’s.
I’m hungry. Let’s eat at the ………. food restaurant.
I need some flowers. Where’s the ………. ?
I want to buy a ………. of shoes.
Brown’s has six ……… and a basement.
You can find ………. at Toyland.
U2’s new CD is at the ……… shop.
2 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t. (Переписывать предложения не надо, пишем цифра –
must или mustn’t)
You ………. feed the animals at the zoo. It’s dangerous.
You ………. be quiet in this library.
We ………. take photos. It’s bad for the paintings.
They ………. eat inside the gallery.
You ………. leave before 6 o’clock or you’ll be late.
You ………. throw rubbish in the bin.
You ………. talk in the theatre.
3 Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple.
Kate ……. (buy) a dress yesterday.
The cat …….. (not/eat) any fish last week.
Tom and Jane ……… (be) at the theatre last month.
….. you ……. (watch) TV last night?
Jill …….. (cook) meat yesterday.
Peter ……. (not/be) at the zoo yesterday.
Where …… (see) Helen last week?
He …… (write) a letter last Sunday.
…. you …. (go) to school last Friday?
10 They ….. (not/be) at home yesterday.
4 Read the text and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). (Переписывать предложения не надо,
пишем цифра – T или F)
Nanny Mc Phee is a great fantasy film and you can see it at the Odeon in Leicester Square. In the film, Mr.
Cedric Brown has got seven children. They are very bed and he doesn’t know what to do with them. Every nanny
he gets for them runs away. When Nanny Mc Phee comes to work at the house, everything is different. She
teaches the Brown children some lessons and they become good and kind. She is the perfect nanny. Is she the
perfect woman for their father too? This is a funny film for the whole family! Don’t miss it!
Nanny Mc Phee is a film only for teens. …..
The Brown children are very good. …..
The Brown children become bad. …..
The film is about six children. …..
Nanny Mc Phee is a fantasy film. …..
Nannies don’t like staying with the Brown children. …..

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