Fill in the correct question word with ever they can have fun they are

Поделитесь с коллегами:

Module 6 9 form

1 Fill in:

He works there as a … worker.

The town … is the main building in our town.

You can wash your car at the … station.

This organization holds a … event every year.

I spend a part of my spare time at a local … shelter.

She was so upset that she … into tears.

The kitten was lucky to find a … home.

In their free time they help to … citizens.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

This film … (direct) by the famous actor.

New school … (build) by this company next year.

The Tower of London … (visit) by a million of tourists so far.

This cake … (make) of chocolate.

This work must … (do) by the time.

3 Fill in the correct question word with ‘ever’

1 They can have fun … they are.

2 As I’ve got the day off I can go … I like tomorrow.

3 … one you take, it tastes the same delicious.

4 You can go and stay there … you like.

5 She can invite here … she likes.

4 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition and particle.

1 Mum has checked … everything on the shopping list.

2 Her cat was rescued … a bad owner.

3 He can’t take care …his dog any more.

4 Be kind … an animal and it will respect you.

5 We have to check … of the hotel at 12 am.

5 Match to form exchanges.

1One ticket to Leeds, please? A What place are you trying to get?

2 Can you help me? I’m lost. B Thank you very much.

3 Is there a toy shop near here? C Every thirty minutes.

4 It’s just on the corner. D Yes. Go straight ahead.

5 How often does this bus run? E Single or return?

Keys: 1 postal hall petrol charity animal burst foster senior

2 was directed will be built has been visited is made be done

3 wherever whatever whichever whenever whoever

4 off from of to out

5 E A D B C

Module6 Progress check 6 Spotlight 9

Variant I

I. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

The Eiffel Tower … (build) in 1898.

All the tickets … (already/sell) out.

This museum … (visit) by a lot of people every day.

The building … (finish) next month.

The book must … (return) to the library as soon as possible.

II. Fill in the correct question word with “ever”.

country she visits, Ann always buys a souvenir.

I hear this song; it always reminds me of you.

He can have fun … he is.

hard I try, I can never please Mike.

wants to come, join us.

III. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

All of us should get involved … our community.

If you show kindness … your pet, it will love you.

Many of the animals were rescued … bad homes.

Some animals go to a shelter because they can’t be taken care ….

IV. Fill in: out of, out, in, off.

Let’s check … that new restaurant.

They checked … the hotel and were shown their rooms.

I’ve checked … the items on my list.

V. You will hear two friends talking. Listen and mark statements True, False or Not stated

1. At the moment, Alex’s Wednesday afternoons are free.

A. True B. False C. Not stated

2. Ben volunteers at the hospital a couple of nights a week.

A. True B. False C. Not stated

3. Ben’s mother is a doctor.

A. True B. False C. Not stated

4. Alex says that he would like to be a hospital volunteer too.

A. True B. False C. Not stated

Variant II

I. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

The new shop … (open) tomorrow.

This dress … (make) from cotton.

That book … (write) last year.

The article can … (translate) without a dictionary.

My new TV … (just/deliver).

II. Fill in the correct question word with “ever”.

Tom goes, his brother goes too.

Mike could not fix the problem … hard he tried.

wins the competition will get a trip for two to France.

I try to phone you, the line is busy.

You are so lucky! You eat … you want and you don’t put on weight.

III. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

That dog was rescued … a bad owner.

You shouldn’t get a pet if you can’t take care … it.

I was involved … that community.

Some people can’t show kindness … their animals.

IV. Fill in: out of, out, in, off.

Shall we check … the new café?

My mother checked … the last item on her list and left the shop.

They paid the bill and checked … the hotel.

V. You will hear two friends talking. Listen and mark statements True, False or Not stated

1. At the moment, Alex’s Wednesday afternoons are free.

A. True B. False C. Not stated

2. Ben volunteers at the hospital a couple of nights a week.

A. True B. False C. Not stated

3. Ben’s mother is a doctor.

A. True B. False C. Not stated

4. Alex says that he would like to be a hospital volunteer too.

A. True B. False C. Not stated


Variant I


was built

have already been sold

is visited

will be finished

must be returned
















V. Listening






Variant II


will be opened

is made

was written

be translated

has just been delivered















out of

V. Listening





Аудирование взято из Англ. яз. 9кл. Spotlight (Английский в фокусе). Test Booklet (Контрольные задания) для Module 6










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Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

Fill in the correct question word with ‘ever’ 1 They can have …. fun they are. 2 As I’ve got the day off I can go … I like tomorrow. 3 … one you take, it tastes the same delicious. 4 You can go and stay there … you like. 5 She can invite here … she likes.



На данной странице находятся лексико-грамматические упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 9 из раздела Progress Check 6.

Exercise 1. Fill in: animal, burst, foster, senior, charity, postal, petrol, plate, wipers, hall.
Упражнение 1. Вставьте: animal, burst, foster, senior, charity, postal, petrol, plate, wipers, hall.


1. Every car has its own number on the number ___ .
2. Some abandoned animals are lucky and find a ___ home.
3. Windscreen ___ are useful when it rains.
4. I was so upset that I ___ into tears.
5. Our school holds a ___ event every year to raise money for a good cause.
6. We can fill the car with fuel at the ___ station.
7. Tim spends his spare time helping out at the local ___ shelter.
8. The mayor works at the town ___ .
9. Anyone over the age of 65 is considered to be a ___ citizen.
10. Someone who works at the post office is a ___ worker.

1. Every car has its own number on the number plate. – Каждая машина имеет свой собственный номер на номерном знаке.
2. Some abandoned animals are lucky and find a foster home. – Некоторым покинутым животным везет, и они находят приемный дом.
3. Windscreen wipers are useful when it rains. – Стеклоочиститель на лобовом стекле полезны, когда идет дождь.
4. I was so upset that I burst into tears. – Я был так расстроен, что разразился слезами.
5. Our school holds a charity event every year to raise money for a good cause. – Каждый год наша школа проводит благотворительное мероприятие по сбору денег на какое-либо хорошее дело.
6. We can fill the car with fuel at the petrol station. – Ы можем заправить машину топливом на заправке.
7. Tim spends his spare time helping out at the local animal shelter. – Тим проводит свободное время, помогая в местом приюте для животных.
8. The mayor works at the town hall. – Мэр работает работает в здании муниципалитета.
9. Anyone over the age of 65 is considered to be a senior citizen. – Любой, кому больше 65 лет, считается пожилым гражданином.
10. Someone who works at the post office is a postal worker. – Тот, кто работает в почтовом отделении, является почтовым работником.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
Упражнение 2. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму страдательного залога.


1. Dogs must (keep) on a lead.
2. The Eiffel Tower (build) in 1898.
3. The house (paint) when the fire started.
4. All the concert tickets (already/sell out).
5. The new museum (open) by the mayor next week.
6. As soon as the fire (put out) the fire fighters left.
7. This dress (make) from cotton.
8. This book (return) to the library yesterday.
9. The birthday present (send) tomorrow.
10. The museum (visit) by a million people so far.

1. Dogs must be kept on a lead. – Собак надо держать на поводке.
2. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1898. – Эйфелева башня была построена в 1998 году.
3. The house was being painted when the fire started. – Дом красили, когда начался пожар.
4. All the concert tickets have already sold out. – Все билеты на концерт уже проданы.
5. The new museum will be opened by the mayor next week. – Новый музей будет открыт мэром на следующей неделе.
6. As soon as the fire was put out the fire fighters left. – Как только погонь был потушен, пожарники уехали.
7. This dress is made from cotton. – Это платье сделано из хлопка.
8. This book was returned to the library yesterday. – Эта книга была возвращена вчера.
9. The birthday present will be sent tomorrow. – Подарок на день рождения будет отправлен завтра.
10. The museum has been visited by a million people so far. – К настоящему моменту музей посетили миллион людей.

Exercise 3. Fill in the correct question word with ‘ever’.
Упражнение 3. Вставьте whoever, wherever, whatever, whenever, whichever.


1. I can do ___ I like tomorrow as I’ve got the day off.
2. ___ one you buy, it costs the same amount of money.
3. Tony can have fun ___ he is.
4. ___ wins the competition will get a trip for two to Disneyland.
5. You can come and stay with us ___ you like.

1. I can do whatever I like tomorrow as I’ve got the day off. – Завтра я могу делать все, что хочу, потому что у меня выходной.
2. Whichever one you buy, it costs the same amount of money. – Какую бы вещь ты ни купил, она стоит одинаковое количество денег.
3. Tony can have fun wherever he is. – Тони может веселиться, где бы он ни находился.
4. Whoever wins the competition will get a trip for two to Disneyland. – Кто бы ни выиграл конкурс, он получит путевку на двоих в Диснейленд.
5. You can come and stay with us whenever you like. – Ты можешь приехать и гостить у нас, когда только захочешь.

Exercise 4. Fill in the correct preposition: of, from, in, of, to.
Упражнение 4. Поставьте правильный предлог: of, from, in, of, to.


1. All of us should get involved ___ our community.
2. If you show kindness ___ an animal it will respect you.
3. Tom’s dog was rescued ___ a bad owner.
4. Some animals go to a shelter because their owners can’t take care ___ them any more.
5. We thought ___ a number of ways to raise money for charity.

1. All of us should get involved in our community. – Все и нас должны быть вовлечены в деятельность нашего сообщества.
2. If you show kindness to an animal it will respect you. – Если ты будешь проявлять доброту по отношению к животному, то оно будет тебя уважать.
3. Tom’s dog was rescued from a bad owner. – Собаку Тома забрали от плохого владельца.
4. Some animals go to a shelter because their owners can’t take care of them any more. – Некоторые животные отправляются в приют, потому что их хозяева больше не могут заботиться о них.
5. We thought of a number of ways to raise money for charity. – Мы подумали о ряде способов заработать денег для благотворительности.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle: off, out, on, in, out.
Упражнение 5. Вставьте нужную частицу: off, out, on, in, out.


1. Let’s go and check ___ that new restaurant on the high street.
2. Sam checked ___ and went to wait in the departure lounge.
3. Can you check ___ the dinner and make sure it’s not burning?
4. I’ve checked ___ everything on the list so we can finish shopping now.
5. What time do we have to check ___ of the hotel?

1. Let’s go and check out that new restaurant on the high street. – Давай пойдем и опробуем тот новый ресторан на главной улице.
2. Sam checked in and went to wait in the departure lounge. – Сэм зарегистрировался и пошел в зал отправления.
3. Can you check on the dinner and make sure it’s not burning? – Ты можешь посмотреть, не пригорает ли обед.
4. I’ve checked off everything on the list so we can finish shopping now. – Я уже все отметил в списке, так что нам можно завершать шоппинг.
5. What time do we have to check out of the hotel? – В какое время мы должны выписываться из гостиницы?

Exercise 6. Match to form exchanges.
Упражнение 6. Соедините подходящие друг к другу фразы.


1. Is there a bank near here?
2. I’m lost. Can you help me?
3. It’s just in the next street.
4. How often do the trains run?
5. Two stamps, please.

a. Every hour.
b. First or second class?
с. Yes. Turn left here.
d. Thank you very much.
e. Where are you trying to go?

Is there a bank near here? – Рядом есть какой-нибудь банк?
Yes. Turn left here. – Да. Здесь сверните налево.
I’m lost. Can you help me? – Я заблудился. Вы можете помочь мне?
Where are you trying to go? – Куда вы идете?
It’s just in the next street. – Это как раз на следующей улице.
Thank you very much. – Большое спасибо.
How often do the trains run? – Как часто курсируют поезда?
Every hour. – Каждый час.
Two stamps, please. – Две марки, пожалуйста.
First or second class? – Первый или второй класс?


They run a special programme for senior citizen.
You can’t drive in a bus lane.
We’ve found a foster home for a little kitten.
My friends help at the animal shelter two times a week after school.
Stop! The traffic lights are red!

The first Harry Potter book was written by J.K. Rowling in 1997.
The money from the sales will be given to a local charity next week.
All the concert tickets are sold now.
This dress is made from cotton.
Acropolis in Athens can be seen from any part of the city.

Whatever he cooks, it’s always delicious.
Whoever wins the competition will get a trip for two to Disneyland.
You can come and stay with us whenever you like.
Where can I sit — wherever you want.
However hard he tried, he couldn’t overcome the problem.

He doesn’t look himself today. Is he OK
Alex, did you choose my present yourself
She did it all by herself .
They built their house themselves.
Shall we wait for you or buy everything ourselve

After you check in, someone will help you carry your bags to your room.
Let’s go and check out that new restaurant in the city center.
Laura usually check off the items on her shopping list as she goes around the supermarket.
Peter was asked to return his room key when he checked out the hotel.
Can you check on the dinner and make sure it’s not burning


Отв. дан
2018-10-17 06:01:03

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