Fill in the correct question word is your hobby drawing

Fill in the correct question word:
1. _____ is your hobby?


2. _____ did you live last year?

In London

3. _____ are you late?

I’ve missed my bus.

4. _____ lessons do you have?

Six lessons

5. _____ is that man at the door?

My uncle.

6. _____ do you go to the club?

At 6 o’clock

7. _____ did you feel yesterday?


8. _____ is your sister?

She is eleven.

9. _____ are you crying?

I’ve lost my keys.

10. ______ will you return?

In two days

11. ______ books have you bought?

Three books

12. ______ is your dad?

He is 45.

13. ______ will the concert start?

At seven p.m.

14. ______ is playing with the dog?

My friend Tom

15. ______ is the kitten?

Under the table

16. ______ book is on the table?

It’s mine.

17. ______ will you get to London?

By car

18. ______ do you do in the evening?

I usually watch TV.

19. ______ friends do you have?

I have a lot of friends.

20. ______ is the tea?

It’s 50p.

21. ______ cat is on the tree?

It’s Mona’s cat.

22. ______ sports do you like?

I like basketball.

23. ______ are your parents?

They are in the shop.

24. ______ swims faster: you or Alec? Alec swims faster.
25, ______ is your new car?

It’s very expensive.

26. ______ will you spend your holiday? In Greece, I think.
27. _____ will you go to Paris?

By plane.

28. _____ bag is it?

It’s Tom’s bag.

Fill in the correct question word:
1. What is your hobby?


2. Where did you live last year?

In London

3. Why are you late?

I’ve missed my bus.

4. How many lessons do you have?

Six lessons

5. Who is that man at the door?

My uncle.

6. When do you go to the club?

At 6 o’clock

7. How did you feel yesterday?


8. How old is your sister?

She is eleven.

9. Why are you crying?

I’ve lost my keys.

10. When will you return?

In two days

11. How many books have you bought? Three books

12. How old is your dad?

He is 45.

13. When will the concert start?

At seven p.m.

14. Who is playing with the dog?

My friend Tom

15. Where is the kitten?

Under the table

16. Whose book is on the table?

It’s mine.

17. How will you get to London?

By car

18. What do you do in the evening?

I usually watch TV.

19. How many friends do you have?

I have a lot of friends.

20. How much is the tea?

It’s 50p.

21. Whose cat is on the tree?

It’s Mona’s cat.

22. What sports do you like?

I like basketball.

23. Where are your parents?

They are in the shop.

24. Who swims faster: you or Alec?

Alec swims faster.

25, How much is your new car?

It’s very expensive.

26. Where will you spend your holiday?

In Greece, I think.

27. How will you go to Paris?

By plane.

28. Whose bag is it?

It’s Tom’s bag.

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
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Fill in the correct question word
do you work?
is your English teacher?
was Nick late?
does spring begin?
did you write in your SMS?
will you go to Great Britain?
is your brother: ten or eleven?
did Sam invite to his birthday party?
country do you live in?
are you so tired?
books are there on the table?
pen is it : yours or Tom’s?
saw a new film yesterday?
will you come back?
time do you usually have dinner?
did you computer cost?
do you train in the gym?
do you plan to go on your vasation?

1 ответ:



Where do you work? Who is your English teacher? Why was Nick late?When does spring begin?What did you write in your SMS?When will you go to Great Britain? How old is your brother : ten or eleven ?What country do you live in ? Why are you so tired?How many books are there on the table?Whose pen is it: Tom’s or yours?Who saw a new film yesterday? When will you come back? What time do you usually have dinner?How much did your computer cost?How often do you train in the gym?Where do you plan to go on your VACATION? Whom did Sam invite to his birthday party?

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Глагол не является неправильным
2 форма » stoped «

Together,each other, of?, up,in,about

Поверхность Соединенного Королевства широко варьируется. Северная и Западная части страны горных и называется нагорье. Все остальное представляет собой обширную равнину, которая называется низменности. Горы не очень высокие. Реки не очень долго. Наиболее важными из них являются Северн и Темзы. Есть много красивых озер в горной части страны.       1   Вы не должны остаться здесь 2 Никто не мог перевести этот текст 3 Вы должны показали свои заметки для учителя.

Dear granny!
How are you? I am on holidays with my friends and parents now and I really enjoy it! We live not far from sea, so we can go to swim every time we want. It is really beautiful here, I promise that I will send you some photos later.
Today we want to go to the park, which is not far from our hotel but they say it’s very nice, so we are going to have a picnic.
Write back soon.
Your (твое имя)

1. was, was looking, hasn’t found
2. have seen
3. was waiting
4. was sold




1 год назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

4 Fill in the gaps with the correct question word to complete the exchanges.

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2. How long

3. How often

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5. How far

6. How many

7. Which

8. What

9. When

10. What

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1 год назад

Светило науки — 4 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

2. How long
3. How often
4. Where
5.How long
6.How many
7. What
8. At what
9. When
10. What

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