Fill in the correct form of the word ответы

1. July is the hottest month of the year.

2. My bike is the cheapest.

3. This is the highest tree in this park.

4. Peter is the best runner at school.

5. Mona is the cleverest student in our class.

6. This task is the most difficult in the test.

7. The traffic on this road is the most dangerous.

8. It is the heaviest box here.

9. My granny is the oldest in our family.

10. This car is the most expensive here.

11. Liz is the fattest girl in our street.

12. This is the best translation.

13. It is the most popular film now.

14. I think it is the coldest day today.

15. It is the biggest size of the dress.

16. Bob is the best student in our class.

1. July is the hottest month of the year.

2. My bike is the cheapest.

3. This is the highest tree in this park.

4. Peter is the best runner at school.

5. Mona is the cleverest student in our class.

6. This task is the most difficult in the test.

7. The traffic on this road is the mostdangerous.

8. It is the heaviest box here.

9. My granny is the oldest in our family.

10. This car is the most expensive here.

11. Liz is the fattest girl in our street.

12. This is the best translation.

13. It is the most popular film now.

14. I think it is the coldest day today.

15. It is the biggest size of the dress.

16. Bob is the best student in our class.

1 .  

1. I made a pumpkin pie and toffee apples for the party.

2. People watch a fireworks display on Guy Fawkes Day.

3. In Britain they make wreaths on May Day.

4. Look! The kids are throwing streamers!

5. We celebrate New Year’s Day on the 1st January.

6. People wish each other Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

7. We also hope a new year will bring wealth and good luck.

8. Pupils decorate their classroom with balloons and wallpapers.


1. make a cake

2. do homework

3. make a phone call

4. make tea

5. do the gardening

6. make a special dish

7. do the shopping

8. make the decorations

9. do the washing up

10. do the dusting


1. What аre they cooking for the party?

2. She isn’t wearing a witch costume.

3. Susan is decorating the room for the holiday.

4. What special dish is she making?

5. Why is he taking pictures?

6. I am not making a telephone call now.

7. They are taking nice pictures.


1. What are the children doing?

2. Megan is making a cake now.

3. Look! The clowns are performing tricks!

4. Listen! Is that your brother playing the drums?

5. Pupils aren’t decorating the hall.

6. Are people in the street watching a parade?

7. I’m not listening to music. I’m watching a concert on TV.

8. Where are you going?

9. His friends are playing “pin the tail on the donkey”.

10. Andrew is blowing the horns.

5 .  

1. I’d like to send some flowers. D. What do you have in mind?

2. When would you like to send them? E. On the morning of April 7th.

3. Would you like to include the card? A. Sure. I have it ready.

4. Who are they for? B. For Mary McMillan.

5. That will be 20 pounds including delivery  C. Here you are.

6. Read the e-mail. Are the statements True (T) or False (F)

Dear Helen and Martin,

We are having a great time in Scotland. We are sitting in a café near the sea. Steve is reading a magazine and I’m writing this e-mail to you. But Linda is really bored here, she is sitting in her room and watching TV.

We usually go to Spain every summer but this year we wanted to see Scotland. We go for walks every day in the mountains. We don’t go swimming. It’s too cool! Linda is really missing London.

See you soon.

Steve, Ann and Linda.

1. Steve, Ann and Linda are on holiday in Spain. False (they are in Scotland)

2. Steve and Ann are sitting in a café. True

3. Linda is swimming in the sea. False (she is sitting in her room and watching TV)

4. Linda is enjoying the rest. False (she is bored)

5. Steve is reading a magazine. True

6. Ann is sending e-mails. True

7. They usually go to Scotland. False (they usually go to Spain)

8. They like swimming in Spain. False (об этом вообще не сказано)

9. They go for walks to the beach. False (they walk in the mountains)

10. The weather is not very warm. True

11. Linda is happy there. False

Помогите пожалуйста! Если будет правильный ответ, сделаю пять звезд, подпишусь. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

1.     My house is (big)   than yours.

2.     This flower is (beautiful)  than that one.

3.     This is the (interesting)  book I have ever read.

4.     Non-smokers usually live (long)  than smokers.

5.     Which is the (dangerous)  animal in the world?

6.     A holiday by the sea is (good)  than a holiday in the mountains.

7.     It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)  than a beer.

8.     Who is the (rich)  woman on earth?

9.     The weather this summer is even (bad)  than last summer.

10.  He was the (clever)  thief of all.

11.  My sister thinks she’s(intelligent) than me, but I don’t agree!

12.  Avatar is probably(bad) film I’ve seen!

13.  What is(wet) month of the year in England?

14.  Do you think the Harry Potter films are(good) than the books?

15.  Who is(powerful) person in your country?

16.  I think Men in Black 1 was(funny) than Men in Black 3.

17.  Is Angelina Jolie(old) than Sandra Bullock?

18.  John is (nice) person that I know.


Test 2
Variant 1

Name:__________________________ Class: _________ Date: _______________

Fill in the correct word: teaspoons, opposite, grated, overcooked, portions, nursery, grilled, preheat, piece, pinch

1.This restaurant serves very small _______________ . 2.I’m hungry after I leave it!
3.I’d like two _______________ of sugar in my tea, please!
4.My mum is making pizza. We need some _______________ cheese.
5._______________ chicken is my favourite dish!
6.I didn’t like vegetables at all. They were _______________ .
7.The test is very easy. It was a _______________ of cake.
8.You should add another _______________ of pepper to the sauce.
9.Bill likes sharing his food with other little children at the _______________ school.
10.Where’s the chemist’s? — _______________ the supermarket.
11._______________ the oven to 190 °C and bake cherry cake for 50 minutes.

Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold.
1.She has a very strong _____________ of coffee. She drinks tea. (like)
2.Her name is very difficult and most people ___________ it when they write it down. (spell)
3.I’ve had a ____________ with my History teacher. (understanding)
4.Mary is polite and never shows _____________ to others. (respect)
5.What are the _____________ of living in a big city?(advantages)

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
The police 1.____________________ (go) after a robber for over an hour.
2.We __________never______________(buy) things at the flea market.
3.The waiters ________already____________ (serve) steamed fish.
4.Vegetables ____________________ (boil) for 30 minutes.
5.We____________________ (try) to find tickets for the concert for three weeks.
6.My sister _________________(write) her new book for the last two months.
7.She _______________________ (not/read) this book yet.
8.You look tired! __________you ________________ (work) all day?
9.I _______________________ (not / eat) Chinese food yet.
10.How long _______ you ________________(study) English?
11.How many souvenirs you ________ your sister ______________(buy) in Spain?
12.I _______________________ (not / see) Tina for ages.
13.I ____________________(know) Mrs Brown for twenty years now.
14.Can we go soon? We ____________________ (walk) around this department store for about last two hours!
15.______ you ______________(do) your homework yet?

Complete the phrasal verbs with the right pre»Times New Roman, serif»>down with, off, without, up, with, after, through
1.Mary went _______ the flu yesterday and she stayed at home.
2.Boys have gone _______ the kitten and caught it.
3.Don’t use this cheese! It’s gone _______ .
4.Dad is so sad. He is going _______ a difficult time.
5.The price of oil has gone _______ recently.
6.This dress goes _______ your new trousers.
7.What animals can do _______ water for a long time?


1. Your kindness has no boundaries  (kind)

2. I’ve found the information in the internet (inform)

3. Thank you kindly for your invitation. (invite)

4. She watched the arrival of the new mobile on TV. (arrive)

5. We saw awful destruction because of the flood. (destroy)

6. They had no other choice but to stay. (choose)

7. She saw her friend on a flight to paris. (fly)

8. I think crying is a sign of weakness. (weak)

9. We spoke about the poverty.  (poor)

10. The students discussed the problem of discrimiation. (discriminate)

11. We read about the invention of the new device. (invent)

12. What is the latest achievement in physics? (achieve)

13. Tom thinks about his education at the university. (educate)

14. We expect his presence on Tuesday morning. (present)

15. What can you say about yesterday’s performance? (perform)

16. Can you describe his appearence? (appear)

17. What is your decision? (decide)

18. Their marriage will be on Saturday? (marry)

19. The construction of this bridge will be finished soon. (construct)

20. Your behaviour is awful, my dear! (behave)

21. We plan our departure on Friday morning. (depart)

22. The discussion of this problem was very interesting. (discuss)

23. I need your signature in this document. (sign)

24. Do you know these requirements? (require)

25. He spoke about the management of the company. (manage)

26. I take no refusal to visit us on Sunday. (refuse)

27. You are an excellent swimmer! (swim)

28. Do you know the results of your entrance exams?. (enter)

29. The deliverance of new mobiles is planned on Monday. (deliver)

30. Your grammar knowledge is very poor. (know)

31. What is the proof of this theorem. (prove)

32. My information Was not correct. (inform)

33. We discussed the arrangement of the party at school. (arrange)

34. Your comparison of these films isn’t convincing. (compare)

35. I need your assistance in this discussion. (assist)

36. They took part in the demonstration yesterday. (demonstrate)

37. She told us about the improvement of the roads here. (improve)


Ini soal yang cukup sulit, karena harus menempatkan kata benda (noun) yang paling sesuai. Ada sejumlah kalimat soal di sini yang bisa menggunakan beberapa kata yang tersedia, tapi mungkin menurut pemberi soal ada satu yang lebih tepat dibandingkan yang lainnya.

Yang pasti, semua noun yang saya berikan (yang adalah perubahan dari verb yang disediakan) adalah tepat secara bahasa.

Note: ada beberapa akhiran (suffix) dalam bahasa Inggris untuk merubah sebuah kata menjadi sebuah noun (kata benda). Antara lain akhiran:



-er, -or



— ment

— ness

-sion, -tion



— age

— al

— ure

dan beberapa akhiran lainnya.

оставил комментарий

08 Июнь, 20


(22 баллов)

1 Ответ


08 Июнь, 20


(130 баллов)


My car is bigger than yours

John is the smallest boy in this class

Mary is smaller than Sam

Mary is the tallest of all the students

This butterfly is more beautiful than that one

She is the richest woman in my village

You are the cleverest person in the world

This is the dangerous animal

The lion is more dangerous than the cat

Peter draws gooder (better) than John

Hilton is the an experienced hotel

My scarf is longer than your

English is easier than Japanese

The winter is badder (worse) than the summer

Football is more popular than Tennis

оставил комментарий

24 Фев, 22


Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets

1) Tom is a very … (success) businessman.

2) The doctor examined the baby … (careful).

3) I have got a … (pain) bruise on my arm.

4) Thousand of people were left … (home) as a result of the tornado.

5) … (fortunate), no one was hurt in the accident.

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Главная » Английский язык » Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets 1) Tom is a very … (success) businessman. 2) The doctor examined the baby … (careful). 3) I have got a … (pain) bruise on my arm. 4) Thousand of people were left …

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  • Fill in the correct form of the word july is the hot month
  • Fill in the correct form of the word in brackets comparative or superlative
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  • Fill in the correct form of the word in bold
  • Fill in the correct form of the word given in brackets