Fill in the correct form of the word july is the hot month

1. July is the hottest month of the year.

2. My bike is the cheapest.

3. This is the highest tree in this park.

4. Peter is the best runner at school.

5. Mona is the cleverest student in our class.

6. This task is the most difficult in the test.

7. The traffic on this road is the most dangerous.

8. It is the heaviest box here.

9. My granny is the oldest in our family.

10. This car is the most expensive here.

11. Liz is the fattest girl in our street.

12. This is the best translation.

13. It is the most popular film now.

14. I think it is the coldest day today.

15. It is the biggest size of the dress.

16. Bob is the best student in our class.

1. Fill in the correct form of the word:

  1. July is the ____(hot) month of the year.

  2. My bike is the____(cheap).

  3. This is the ____(high) tree in the park.

  4. Peter is the ____(good) runner at school.

  5. Mona is the ___(clever) student in our class.

  6. This task is the____( difficult) in the test.

  7. The traffic on this road is the _____(dangerous).

  8. It is the _____(heavy) box here.

  9. My granny is the ____(old) in our family.

  10. This car is the _____(expensive) here.

  11. Liz is the _____(fat) girl in our street.

  12. It is the _______( popular) film now.

2. Comparative or superlative?

  1. Аpril is ____(warm) than January.

  2. August is the ____(hot) month of the year.

  3. November is ____(cold) than September.

  4. My mobile is ____(expensive) than yours.

  5. This text is the _____(easy) text in the book.

  6. It is the ____(boring) film this week.

  7. Pam’s hair is ­­­­­­____(long) than Kate’s hair.

  8. I think it’s the______(long) day.

  9. The ______(beautiful) place is Paris.

  10. These cakes are the ____(good) in this shop.

  11. Tom is two years ____(young) than Paul.

  12. Your car is ___(cheap) than mine.

as … as — такой же … как

not so .„. as — не такой… как

Упр. 2. Переведите на английский язык.

Майкл старше Питера.

Мария самая красивая девочка в классе.

Мой старший брат умнее меня.

Мой старый друг самый добрый человек в мире.

У Марии самые длинные волосы в школе.

Упр. 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя тре­бующуюся форму прилагательного.

1. Which is (large): the United States or Cana­da?

2. What is the name of the (big) port in the United States?

3. Moscow is the (large) city in Russia.

4. The London underground is the (old) in the world.

5. There is a (great) number of cars and buses in the streets of Moscow than in any other city of Russia.

6. St. Petersburg is one of the (beau­tiful) cities in the world.

7. The rivers in America are much (big) than those in England.

8. The is­land of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland.

9. What is the name of the (high) mountain in Asia? 
10. The English Channel is (wide) than the straits of Gibraltar

Упр. 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя тре­бующуюся форму прилагательного.

1. Which is (large): the United States or Cana­da?

2. What is the name of the (big) port in the United States?

3. Moscow is the (large) city in Russia.

4. The London underground is the (old) in the world.

5. There is a (great) number of cars and buses in the streets of Moscow than in any other city of Russia.

6. St. Petersburg is one of the (beau­tiful) cities in the world.

7. The rivers in America are much (big) than those in England.

8. The is­land of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland.

9. What is the name of the (high) mountain in Asia? 
10. The English Channel is (wide) than the straits of Gibraltar

  1. Put the following adjectives and adverbs into the comparative or superlative form:

E.g. hard-harder-the hardest

rich — friendly-

intelligent — attractive –

bad — clever —

  1. Put the adjectives and adverbs in brackets into the positive, comparative or superlative form:

  1. Tom is the …….. (smart) student in the class.

  2. Trinity Church is not as ……..(famous) as Westminster Abbey.

  3. Jane is ………(old) person in the group.

  4. You need ….. (much) flour for the cake.

  5. He is much ……….. (handsome) than his friend.

  6. I’m ……….(young) than my sister.

  7. Scrooge is ……. ….(rich) man in the country.

  8. This is …… (good) film I’ve ever seen.

  9. This comedy is not so …….(funny) as I thought.


Степени сравнения прилагательных

1. Выберите в скобках правильную степень прилагательного:

  1. Nick is (happier, the happiest) boy that I know. – Ник – самый счастливый мальчик, которого я знаю.

  2. Of the six cars, I like the silver one (better, best). – Из шести машин мне нравится серебристая больше всего.

  3. Jane’s notebook is (cheaper, the cheapest) than mine. – Ноутбук Джейн дешевле, чем мой.

  4. This is (more delicious, the most delicious) cheese-cake I have ever had! – Это самый вкусный чизкейк, который я пробовала!

  5. This bookcase is (more beautiful, the most beautiful) than that one. – Этот книжный шкаф красивее, чем тот.

  6. Do you feel (better, the best) today than yesterday? – Ты чувствуешь себя лучше сегодня, чем вчера?

  7. I think my cat is (prettier, the prettiest) of all the cats in the world. – Думаю, что моя кошка – самая красивая кошка в мире.

  8. Steve Jobs is (more famous, famouser) than Stephen Wozniak. – Стив Джобс более известен, чем Стивен Возняк.

  9. This week the weather is (hotter, more hot) than last week. – На этой неделе погода жарче, чем на прошлой неделе.

  10. Our new house is (more expensive, expensiver) than the old one. – Наш новый дом дороже, чем старый.

  11. Girls are usually (cleaner, more clean) than boys. – Девочки обычно более чистые, чем мальчики.

  12. Chemistry was (harder, the hardest) subject at school. – Химия была самым трудным предметом в школе.

2. Дайте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Н-р:    wet – wetter – the wettest

          expensive – more expensive – the most expensive

1. big (большой) 2. clever (умный) 3. good (хороший) 4. pleasant (приятный) 5. poor (бедный) 6. bad (плохой) 7. funny (смешной) 8. important (важный) 9. sunny (солнечный) 10. far (далекий) 11. comfortable (удобный) 12. wise (мудрый)

3. Составьте из данных слов предложения и переведите их.

  1. most – the Mona Lisa – in – is – painting – the – famous – the – world.

  2. longer – the Don – is – the Volga – than.

  3. more – Spain – Germany – than – beautiful — is.

  4. London – city – in – biggest – the – England – is.

  5. the – team – Adam – is — worst – the – player – in.

on Module 3

I. Match the words in two columns.


a. staff

2. run

b. job

3. extra-

c. director

4. skilled

d. instincts

5. maternal

e. business

6. highly- qualified

f. activities

II. Fill in the correct words/ phrases.

experience ;   private ;  to participate ;
to pursue;   night shifts ;   armed forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the  …..  .

2. The professor required from his students …..   in
all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working …..  because she got more
money for them.

4. Tom  couldn’t afford to  study at ….. school.

5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a  teacher ,
children loved  her very much.

6. She hopes ….. a career in Marketing.

 III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to …..  classes.

a)  come        b)visit       c) attend

2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.

a)  ready         2) free        c) available

3. The workers demanded a pay….. .

a) raise         b) rise         c) increase

4. He’ll …… from the university next year.

a) graduate       b) finish        c)leave

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for (2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.

2. He doesn’t like his classmates because they always pick
….. him.

3. Read the poem and  pick  …… all the adjectives.

4. Mother picks her child ……  whenever  he  cries.

5. He used to work ….. Smith & Co  in his

6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?

7. Don’t worry! We’ll deal……  the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their 

 V. Use the correct form of the words in

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she’ll
be an   …. . ( ART)

2.  ….. from different countries will take part in
the  concert.  ( MUSIC)

3. The ….. advised  me to read this book.   (

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think ……  .    
   ( DEPEND)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future
form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect
Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I ( to wait) here until  Jane comes.

2. I ( to miss) the flight because of this terrible
traffic jam!

3. By the end of the month, he ( to work) for the
company for ten years.

4. In twenty -four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.

5.  Next  week  her granny ( to be)  90 years old.

6.  When you ( to leave) for London?  — Tomorrow at 10

7. I hope  one day I ( to return) to my native town.

8. They ( to finish) their project by June.

9.  The match ( to start) at 7 p.m.

10. They ‘ ll move  house as soon as they( to buy) new

11. What you ( to do) at the weekend?

12. By the time you get back she (to get  married).

VII. Put the adjectives into the correct

1. Things are as ( bad) as they can be.

2. Children these days seem to become ( rude) and (

3. Which of these houses is (expensive)?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much ( slim) than his

5. To get promotion you must work ( hard) and be

6. He lives a bit ( far) than his parents.

7. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t
like it at all.

8. John is by far (sociable) person in his school.

9. (Much) you stay at home, ( bad) you ‘ll feel in the

10. He is twice as ( clever) as his ( old) brother.

to the   test on Module 3.

I. Match the words in two columns.

1.managing    c.

2. run    e.

3. extra-
curricular   f. activities

4. skilled    b.

5. maternal   
d. instincts

6. highly-
qualified      a. staff

II. Fill in the correct words/ phrases.

1. He has always dreamed of being in the  armed

 2. The professor required from his students to
  in all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working  night shifts 
because she got more money for them.

4. Tom  couldn’t afford to  study at  private

5. Though she didn’t have any experience
as a  teacher , children loved  her very much.

6. She hopes  to pursue a career in

 III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to  attend classes.

2. I would  be available for the interview at
any time.

3. The workers demanded a pay rise.

4. He’ll  graduate from the university next

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for (2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully  at his porridge.

2. He doesn’t like his classmates because they always
pick on him.

3. Read the poem and  pick  out all the

4. Mother picks her child up  whenever  he 

5. He used to work  for  Smith & Co  in
his youth.

6. Who is in charge of the investigation?

7. Don’t worry! We’ll deal with  the problem

8. Everyone should be responsible for their 

 V. Use the correct form of the words in

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she’ll
be an   …. . ( ARTIST)

2.  ….. from different countries will take part in
the  concert.  ( MUSICIANS)

3. The ….. advised  me to read this book.   (

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think ……  .       

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future
form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect
Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I  am going to /will wait  here until  Jane

2. I  am going to miss the flight because of
this terrible traffic jam!   

3. By the end of the month, he will have been
  for the company for ten years.  

4. In twenty -four hours  I   will be relaxing   
on my yacht.  

5.  Next  week  her granny  will be 90 years

6.  When  are you leaving  for London?  —
Tomorrow at 10 a.m.    

7. I hope  one day I   will return  to my
native town.    

8. They will have finished their project by

9.  The match  starts at 7 p.m.   

10. They ‘ ll move  house as soon as they buy new

11. What  are you going to do at the weekend?

12. By the time you get back she  will have got 

VII. Put the adjective into the correct

1. Things are as bad as they can be.

2. Children these days seem to become  ruder and 

3. Which of these houses is  the most expensive?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much  slimmer
than his wife.

5. To get promotion you must work  harder and
be more responsible.

6. He lives a bit farther/ further  than his

7. It’s the least  interesting  film I’ve ever
seen. I didn’t like it at all.

8. John is by far  the most sociable person in
his school.

9. The more you stay at home,  the worse you
‘ll feel in the street.

10. He is twice as  clever as his ( old)

Spotlight Test 7 (Module 7) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 7 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе 9 класс» для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций (авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение).

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.A. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.
1 On cold winter nights, Joanna likes to sit by the fire and eat a bowl of hot …. • tasty •….. soup.
2 I love …..• home-made •….. bread! It’s so much better than what we buy at the bakery.
3 When I was young, we always had …..• roast •……. beef and mashed potatoes for Sunday dinner.
4 Rick hasn’t eaten anything all day; I’m sure he’s …..• starving •……!
5 It’s bad enough that Tim is so afraid of flying that thinking about it makes him …..• embarrassed •……
6 If you want to lose weight, you should …..• cut •…… down on sweets and exercise more.
7 The best way to …..• burn •……. calories is to exercise and drink plenty of water.

8 David was very nervous about giving a speech in class, and started …..• shaking •…… like a leaf.
9 Tracy is so afraid of being in enclosed spaces that just thinking about getting into a lift makes her heart …..• beat •……. faster.
10 Parents can teach their children good …..• eating •…… habits by offering them healthy food choices.
11 Mum jumped on a chair and ……• screamed •…… loudly when she saw a mouse in the kitchen.
12 Jason is eating so fast that it looks like he’s not even …..• chewing •……. his food!

. Underline the correct item.
13 Are you sure Phillip joined/took up mountain climbing? I thought he was scared of heights.
14 Anne is thinking about putting on/going on a diet, as she wants to lose some weight.
15 Kate tries to avoid desserts/snacks such as crisps and biscuits, as they are unhealthy and only make her hungrier.
16 Fear is a basic human/nervous emotion which is often accompanied by panic or shock.
17 Carrots improve your eyesight, as they are rich/full in vitamins A and C.
18 Jim leads/passes such a busy life that he rarely finds time to work out at the gym.


.C. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
19 If I ….were…… (be) you, I would be very careful; there are poisonous snakes in this area.
20 If grass isn’t watered, it …..doesn’t grow……. (not/grow).
21 The cat …..wouldn’t have scratched…… (not/scratch) Harry if he hadn’t tried to pull its tail.
22 Your headache will go away if you ….. take……. (take) some aspirin.
23 If I ….. had eaten…… (eat) breakfast this morning, I would have been able to concentrate better on my maths test.
24 Never follow a particular diet unless you …… discuss……. (discuss) it with your doctor first.
25 If George …… exercised…….(exercise) regularly, he would be in better shape.
26 The operator ….. will connect……. (connect) you to the emergency service you want if you dial 999.

.D. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
27 Ann wishes she ….. had……. (have) more time so that she could take up a sport.
28 If only Timothy ….. used…… (use) his common sense more often.
29 Alan wishes he …… had brought……. (bring) some warm clothes with him so that he wouldn’t feel so cold.
30 Jane wishes she …… had taken……. (take) the self-defence class when she had the chance.
31 If only I ….. were not…….(not/be) tired all the time; maybe I should get more sleep.

.E. Underline the correct item.
32 Facing your phobias instead of avoiding them might/ought help you overcome your fears.
33 You mustn’t/don’t have to approach a wild animal; they can be very unpredictable.
34 You needn’t/can’t be an expert in karate to learn how to defend yourself.
35 If you don’t know the correct answer in a test, use your intuition; it may/needs help you.
36 If someone tries to snatch your bag, you shouldn’t/don’t have put up a fight; just run away.

Everyday English

.F. Choose the correct response.
37 Emergency Services. Which service do you require? — В Fire Service, please.
38 Can I speak to a police officer, please? — A Just a moment, please.
39 What is the nature of the emergency? — D There is a person stuck in the lift.
40 Ambulance service? My brother’s fallen down the stairs. He’s hurt. — E Help is on the way. Please stay on the line.
41 Is that 999, Emergency Services? — C No, sorry. You’ve got the wrong number.


.G. Read the text and fill in the gaps (42-46) with the phrases (A-F). There is one phrase you do not need to use.

It is a sad reality that children all around the world are putting on more and more weight, 42) C. and many health experts say junk food is responsible. Unhealthy meals and snacks are freely available in many primary and secondary schools, which raises the serious question of whether schools should ban junk food in order to help children keep their weight down.
There are some good reasons for banning junk food in schools. For instance, eating junk food has been shown to cause nervousness and bad behaviour in children. Children would behave and perform better in the classroom 43) A. if junk food wasn’t available in schools. In addition, given a choice between junk food and healthy food, a child will always choose junk food. As eating too much junk food can cause serious diseases, it is inappropriate that schools offer children junk food, 44) E. as it is their job to protect and care for children.
There are also, however, very good reasons for not banning junk food in schools. For example, telling a young child that they are not allowed to have a particular type of food simply makes that food more appealing to the child. So, a ban could in fact increase the appeal of junk food. What is more, as children will still be able to get junk food outside of school, banning it in schools will do little good, 45) F. as this action will not change children’s general eating habits.
All in all, the strong arguments on both sides of the debate make it clear that it is difficult to decide if banning junk food in schools is a good idea. It seems unlikely, however, that ‘hiding’ foods from children will do much good. What seems more likely to work is educating children about healthy eating habits. Parents have the greatest influence over a child’s eating habits, thus it is perhaps in the home 46) D. and not in schools, where food education must take place.


.H. Listen to two friends talking and mark statements 47-50 True, False or Not stated.
47 Ian’s parents want him to get his dog from an animal shelter.
A True В False C Not stated
48 Claire is afraid even when she sees a drawing of a dog.
A True В False C Not stated
49 Ian thinks it’s a mistake for Claire to stay away from dogs.
A True В False C Not stated
50 John’s fear of dogs is even worse than Claire’s.
A True В False C Not stated

Вы смотрели: Spotlight Test 7 (Module 7) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 7 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

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