Fill in the blanks with the missing word

54 месяца назад

Fill in the blanks with the missing words. 1. Alice is thirteen years old. She is tall for her age. He hair is fair and

soft. Her eyes are grey. She has a good complexion. Her mouth is big and pretty. But she has a upturned nose and she does not like it. 2. He is a man of high height with a round face, small eyes and white teeth. He has grey eyes and … that hide his mouth. 3. Basil and his brother are not… . Basil is a … boy but not … . His brother is delicate, with a … complexion and very … hair. He is ,.. his mother, who is a blonde. 4. He raised his … and she saw how sad their expression was.


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

Fill in the blanks with the missing words.

1, Mary ‘s parents .

When she was in her teens, so she didn’t have a very happy childhood.

2. An uncle of mine had been a .

For many years, but he .

Last year.

(His wife is very kind to her .

And treats them as a real.

Would do.

They love and respect their .

. 3. After his father’s death Nicholas’s uncle decided to find work for his .

. 4. During the .

‘ ceremony the groom gives the bride а .

. , and the bride sometimes gives the groom one.

At last the religious official says, «I now pronounce you .

And .

And the couple is married.

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Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s). 1. _____ Juan le ______(gustar) los

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Give an example of each of the stem changing verb patterns. E>I E >

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Conjugar el verbo “almorzar” en el presente Almuerzo Almorzamos Almuerzas Almorzáis Almuerza almuerzan

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Nosotros _____(levantarse) tarde los fines de semana. Nos levantamos

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Tú ________(acostarse) tarde los viernes. Te acuestas

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Yo ____(preferir) comer la pizza. Prefiero

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¿_____(querer) tú venir con nosotros al centro comercial? quieres

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¿Qué ____(pensar) tú del examen? piensas

¿Qué ____(pensar) tú del examen? piensas

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Помогите с английским языком пожалуйста

1.Fill in the missing words:

tunes, science fiction, adventure, cast,
special effects, handsome, successful

A(n) … film is a film about space travelling, robots and aliens.

Have you listened to the latest album of Avril Lavigne yet? There are a lot of catchy … .

I like the … of the latest “20th Century Fox” comedy. Cameron Diaz and Jim Carrey are acting in it!

Brad Pitt is one of the most … actors in the world.

I admire Angelina Jolie! She is very talented and … .

They used a lot of … to show the fantasy world of dragons and fairies.

Why not to watch one of the Jackie Chan’s films! I’m fond of … films.

2.Open the brackets.

I think that “The Lord of the Rings” is … (successful) as “The Matrix”.

In my opinion Beyonce is … (attractive) than Madonna.

I don’t like pop music because it’s not … (powerful) as rock music.

Diego Maradona is … (famous) footballer from Argentina.

My brother is … (smart) than me. But I am younger than him.

Tom is the … (fast) swimmer in our school.

3.Put the verbs into Present Perfect or Past Simple.

I … (never / see) “The Lord of the Rings”. Is it a good movie?

Jim … (always / love) stories about Spiderman because he is interested in superheroes.

They … (live) in London for 5 years, from 1990 to 1995.

… (you / visit) our Granny yet? She is at the hospital.

Last year I … (not / have) enough money to buy a new laptop. So my parents presented it to me.

My brother has a collection of animated films. He … (already / get) 50 DVDs.

4.Complete the sentences using since, ago, yet, last, for, always.

My sister finished school … May.

They haven’t seen their parents … a long time.

I have lived in Moscow … I was 3-year-old.

I have … been a fan of Justin Timberlake.

We haven’t seen the new film with Leonardo DiCaprio … .

I bought a new car three weeks … .

5.Fill in the blanks with on, off, into, in.

I will turn … TV in 2 minutes. My favourite show is starting.

Mary turned … very late yesterday. She had a lot of homework.

Please turn … the computer when you finish.

I love the special effects they use when he turns … a spider!

Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use. ● present ● sound ● bring out ● overtime ● freelancer ● moved ● came ● bring ● deadline ● sloppy ● research ● change

1) The missing explorers returned home safe and …………….. after a search team found their whereabouts in the desert
2) After many years of scientific………………………., Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physic in 1921.
3) The Smiths…………………………… from the city to the countryside, so that their children could grow up in a healthier environment.
4) John had to …………………………schools when his family went to live at the other side of town.
5) Jane has worked……………………….. every day this week, as it is the busiest time of year in the advertising company.
6) George hated working in a bank and ………………………………….to the conclusion that a desk job wasn’t for him.
7) It is amazing how Linda has been able to ………………………………… four children and work at the same time. I really admire her.
8) One of the things Tony loves about working as a……………………………… is that he doesn’t have to spend eight hours in an office every day.
9) Alex has a tough……………………………. to meet, so he’s been working during the weekend.

Нужно вставить правильно слова I. Missing words — peoples characteristics. Fill in the blanks with missing words: ambitious, rude, strict, obstinate, sympathetic, intelligent, moody, immature, conceited (big-headed) 1. John is always telling people how well he plays the guitar. He is so … . 2. Many girls of 16 and 17 are too … to get married and have children. 3. I see Clives passed all his exams again. It must be wonderful to be so … . 4. The trouble with Jane is that she is so … . One minute she is laughing, the next she is sulking. You just dont know where you are with her. 5. One of the things I like about Pamela is that she is so … . If you have a problem you know you can go to her and that shell listen to you and try to help all she can. 6. Mrs. Greens children are so…. They never say «please» or «thank you» and only last week I heard them swearing at the postman. 7. My son is very … . He doesnt want to work in an office all his life. In fact he keeps telling me that one day he is going to be Prime Minister. 8. My husband never sees my point of view. He has opinions and nothing I say will ever change them. He is so … . 9. When I was a teenager, my father was very … . He would never allow me to wear make-up or have a boyfriend, and if I went out with friends I always had to be home by 10 oclock.



1. conceited (big-headed)

2. immature 

3. intelligent

4. moody

5. sympathetic

6. rude

7. ambitious

8. obstinate

9. strict


Отв. дан
2018-10-05 00:00:00

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Вопрос задан анонимно

октябрь 31, 2020 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • 1. ..Searchers examine the structure of the cells. 2. The invention of radio and television changed our leisure time. 3. This theory was experimentally proved. 4. He has won a prize at the national conference. 5. There are different scientific fields. 

    1. Science deals with a variety of subjects. 2. Scientists search for the answers to the different questions. 3. The structure of the cells is elaborated by scientists. 4. Different theories use the facts. 5. The boundaries of some scientific fields are not clear. 6. Natural, social and technical sciences are closely interrelated. 7. Throughout the ages, people have invented tools, machines, and materials to make work easier.8. Science contributes much to modern technology. 9. Some modern technologies depend on science. 10. During our leisure time we watch TV.

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