Par Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word
1. That
is too high to climb.
2. We must find a
to the difficult problem,
3. I asked you a question. What is your
4. The rain formed
on the road.
5. Do you
the thought that went into the gifts you got? пж кто сможет? 30÷2=15баллов
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21.12.2020 11:43
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Задания по самостоятельной работе студентов (с ответами) учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык» (английский) разработаны на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта (далее – ФГОС) по программе подготовки специалистов среднего звена в соответствии с ФГОС специальности среднего профессионального образования (далее – СПО) 46.02.01 «Документационное обеспечения управления и архивоведение»
Задания по самостоятельной работе студентов (с ответами) содержат общие и единые требования к выполнению и оформлению лабораторных работ и практических занятий.
Организация-разработчик: Красноярский промышленный колледж – филиал Федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ» (КПК НИЯУ МИФИ)
«Задания по самостоятельной работе студентов (с ответами)» составлены по «Book 1» — «Книге 1» «Secretarial» — «Делопроизводство» и соответствуют программе преподавания иностранного языка и календарно – тематическим планам учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык (английский)».
Необходимость разработки данных заданий обусловлена специальностью групп, уровнем обучения иностранному языку и учебной литературой. Степень заинтересованности студентов в изучении английского языка — варьируется. Все студенты способны перевести слова, данные в начале каждого урока.
Студенты учат слова в зависимости от того, какую оценку хотят получить:
- 1/3 всех слов – на «3»,
- 2/3 слов на — «4»,
- все слова – на «5».
То обстоятельство, что не все студенты способны овладеть одинаковым объёмом словарного запаса каждого урока, приводит к ошибкам на заключительном этапе. Здесь студентам предлагается перевести текст упражнения с русского языка на английский.
Перевод с русского на английский показывает уровень усвоения лексических единиц по каждой теме и подчиняется грамматическим правилам, как русского, так и английского языков. В английском языке – строгий порядок слов, а в русском – свободный. Кроме того, в английском предложении всегда должен быть глагол, а в русском предложении глагол часто отсутствует. Разные грамматические нормы двух языков делают перевод с русского языка на английский как самым трудным, так и наиболее интересным видом заданий.
В своей работе я использую раздаточный материал, позволяющий быстро и эффективно проверять допущенные каждым студентом ошибки. На разных этапах работы я предлагаю студентам ознакомиться с правильным вариантом выполнения задания. Например, студентам с более высоким уровнем обучения достаточно только взглянуть на образец, и продолжать работать самостоятельно.
Представленные на рассмотрение студентов раздаточные материалы демонстрируют также и допущенные ими орфографические ошибки. Кроме того, выданные на дом в качестве домашнего задания, тексты могут быть использованы для других видов работы. Это может быть: заучивание наизусть, перевод с английского на русский, построение в опросительных предложений разного типа, изменение предложений в активном (действительном) залоге на предложения в пассивном (страдательном) залоге, и наоборот.
Творческий подход подразумевает разработку собственных аналогичных заданий, что способствует закреплению материала на уровне понимания. В составе группы – студенты с начальным и средним уровнем изучения английского языка. Задания разработаны поэтапно, с учётом лексики и грамматики каждого семестра, со второго по четвёртый курс — включительно. Принцип «от простого – к сложному» и систематическое выполнение заданий способствуют пониманию и закреплению материала.
Задания подобраны с целью повторения всех грамматических тем аудиторных занятий и направлены на обогащение словарного запаса студентов профессиональными терминами с учётом выбранной ими специальности. Сборник ответов предоставляется студентам после самостоятельного выполнения ими конкретного задания с целью наглядности, а также – для возможности проведения сравнительного анализа правильных ответов с собственным результатом.
1. What supplies does a secretary use at work?
2. Where does a secretary get supplies from?
3. What furniture is usually in an office?
4. Where are some places you can buy office furniture?
5. What are some types of reference books people use?
6. When are reference books helpful?
7. What types of machines are found in an office?
8. Where do people find information about office equipment?
9. What documents do people use in an office?
10. Who handles the different documents in an office?
A. There are usually desks, chairs, coat racks, filing cabinets, cupboards and shelves in an office.
B. They are manuals, phone books, business directories, dictionaries and thesauruses, atlases and encyclopedias.
C. She (he) uses pens, pencils, sticky tapes, folders, paperclips, correction fluid, staples and staplers.
D. People find the information in newspapers and business magazines, adverts, websites and catalogues.
E. They use legal documents, faxes, memos, receipts, business letters, contracts, CVs, accounts, pay slips, meeting minutes, tax forms and order forms.
F. He (she) gets them from his (her) company that buys them from office supply stores.
G. You can buy it at a normal furniture store, or at an office supplies store (office furniture retailer) based in your town (city). You can also order it from the Internet.
H. They help to find a specific piece of information quickly or to get a brief overview of a subject.
I. Secretaries may write or type up business letters, fill in order forms and write memos and meeting minutes. Accountants work with receipts, tax forms and pay slips. Human resources
handle employment contracts and CVs.
J. There are printers, copiers, fax machines, scanners, shredders, projectors, answering machines
and dictation machines in an office = Printers, copiers, fax machines, scanners, shredders,
projectors, answering machines and dictation machines are found in an office.
Answering machine, available, client, come in, dictation machine, employee, manual, sales, modern, office supply store
1. If a person is …, they have time to go to a meeting, have lunch or speak with someone.
2. To … … is to enter a building, like a store or house.
3. An … is someone who works for a company.
4. An … … is a device that is connected to the telephone for the purpose of recording messages.
5. An … … … is a place where business equipment is sold.
6. «…» is an area of business about persuading people to buy a product or service.
7. … is another word for customer.
8. A … is a book containing instructions.
9. A … … is a device that records spoken notes or instructions usually to be typed up at a later time.
10. A product is … when it’s design and/or technique is new.
1. A coat rack |
A. is short for facsimile. It is a document that is sent through a machine and not the mail. |
2. A filing cabinet |
B. is a written document which shows that goods or money was received. |
3. A reception desk |
C. is short for memorandum and it is a short, written reminder. |
4. To fill out |
D. are items that are needed to do an activity. |
5. To keep track of something |
E. is a piece of furniture where you can hang your coat, hat, etc. |
6. A fax |
F. is a list of items for sale. |
7. A receipt |
G. is the table where a receptionist sits and works. |
8. A memo |
H. is to complete a form with necessary information. |
9. Supplies |
I. is to organize it and keep it safe. |
10. A catalogue |
J. is a piece of furniture in which you can organize files and other important information. |
1. Bradley’s is an office furniture retailer based in Chicago, … … ?
2. On a set day every month, employees give the person in charge lists of what they need, … … ?
3. Many office supply stores give discounts for larger orders, … … ?
4. Joan needs a new bottle of correction fluid, … … ?
5. Bradley’s offers different furniture styles, from traditional to modern, … … ?
6. Employee reference books are in the second floor library, … … ?
7. Dictionaries are very helpful when preparing documents for foreign clients, … … ?
8. A shredder or dictation machine doesn’t have to be new, … … ?
9. A secretary has to prepare and organize many documents, … … ?
10. We want a secretary with great people and computer skills, … … ?
1. Employees need pens, tape and folders to do their jobs. (What)
2. Many office supply stores give discounts for larger orders. (What)
3. I need twenty boxes of pens with black ink. (How many)
4. The office worker wants to purchase office supplies. (Who)
5. The clerk offers to deliver the supplies. (What)
6. The total comes to $70. (How many)
7. The black leather is $99. (How many)
8. The new employee is reading the manual. (What)
9. Employee reference books are in the second floor library. (Where)
10. Every office needs equipment. (What)
1. Я – секретарь с двухлетним опытом работы в большой компании.
2. Для выполнения своей работы сотрудникам нужны ручки, скрепки и скоросшиватели.
3. Я отвечаю за приобретение офисной канцелярии.
4. В установленную дату каждого месяца сотрудники дают мне списки того, что им нужно.
5. Я размещаю заказ на офисную канцелярию, чтобы получить всё в одно и то же время.
6. Скидки за большие заказы помогают экономить деньги, кроме того, и на транспортных расходах.
7. Наша фирма – это магазин розничной торговли офисной мебелью, основанный в Красноярске.
8. У нас большой выбор мебели, которая поступает в традиционном и современном стиле.
9. Входите и посмотрите всё, что вам надо! 10. Мы также доставляем мебель к Вашему дому или офису с понедельника по пятницу.
UNITS 6-10
1. What are some common greetings that people use?
2. What do people say when they introduce themselves to others?
3. What information do visitors ask for?
4. How do office workers help visitors?
5. What times are businesses usually opened?
6. Why do some businesses open earlier or close later than others?
7. What are some common ways of greeting callers on the phone?
8. How do office workers help callers?
9. What do you think are the qualities of a good secretary?
10. Why is it important for secretaries to have those qualities?
A. When people introduce themselves they say things like: «Hello, I’m (name) from
(company) / the (job title).
B. They may ask for information about: directions to certain addresses, phone numbers for hotels
and taxis, recommendations for restaurants, shops and sights to visit.
C. Some businesses open earlier or close later because they offer services (that) people use
outside of business hours, for example restaurants or hotels. Other businesses may open
at different times because they work with companies around the world that operate in
different time zones, or because at specific times of the year their workload is very heavy and
they have deadlines to meet.
D. Some common greetings (that) people use are: «Hi, hello, hey there, good morning
(afternoon, evening). Nice to meet (see) you. Pleased to meet you. How are you»?
E. They are: «Hello, (name) speaking, how can I help you? / Good morning (afternoon, evening),
name of company, how can I help you?
F. They can help visitors by: making them feel welcomed, giving advice about the local area,
giving more information about the company, calling a taxi when the visitor departs,
reminding visitors to check their belongings, introducing visitors to other employees.
G. To my mind, a good secretary is organized, hard-working, efficient and reliable, has good
grammar and spelling, has a typing speed of at least 50 words per minute, has a friendly and
polite manner, is familiar with office computer software.
H. Those qualities are necessary as in communication with different people as to a business.
I. Working hours are from 8:30 until 5:00, Mondays to Thursdays. Friday is a half day: Working
hours are 8:30-12:30.
J. They help callers by connecting them to the person they want to speak to or by taking
messages, and by giving them useful information.
«On arrival», «on hold», message pad (2), regards, return, «ring off the hook», introduction,
«put someone through», welcomed
1. If people feel …, when they arrive they feel as if people want them there.
2. An … is when you exchange your name and other basic information with another person for the first time.
3. If something … something it is about that thing.
4. «… …» means when you get to a place.
5. To «… … … …» is to receive many phone calls in a row for an extended period.
6. To … a call is to phone somebody who called you earlier.
7. To «… … …» is to connect a caller to another phone line.
8. A … … is a pad of paper intended to be used when taking messages.
9. A … … features areas for names, phone numbers, messages and instructions.
10. Being «… …» means waiting on the phone line to speak to someone.
1. A visitor’s pass |
A. is a phrase or word used to greet someone. |
2. Close of business |
B. is a request for a product to be made or delivered to a customer. |
3. A beverage |
C. is to help someone. |
4. Belongings | a card that shows you are visiting a place. |
5. An order |
E. is to call someone on the phone. |
6. A salutation |
F. is the time when a business closes for the day. |
7. To lend a hand |
G. are things that are personally yours, such as a coat or briefcase. |
8. To make a call |
H. is a day when you finish work at mid-day. |
9. A half day |
I. is another word for «a drink», such as tea or soda. |
10. To clarify |
J. is to make something clearer or easier to understand. |
1. A good organizer can prepare legal documents, send faxes and send out memos, keep track of
receipts and payments, write excellent business letters and fill out many forms, … …?
2. Answering the phone and greeting clients is also very important, … … ?
3. As a receptionist, you create the first impression of your company, … … ?
4. Reception and secretarial staff must make visitors feel welcomed and offer the visitor a
beverage, … … ?
5. Office workers need to be prepared to lend a hand to all visitors, … … ?
6. The secretary always lends a hand to employees who need help completing tasks, … … ?
7. The hotel clerk showed the way to the nearest theater, … … ?
8. Sheryl sent a reminder for employees to turn in their time sheets on Friday, … … ?
9. I gave the driver the address of the place I wanted to go to, … … ?
10. Working hours are from 8:30 until 5:00, Mondays to Thursdays, … … ?
1. Sara has a telephone with an answering machine attached. (What) 2. George got a four-in-one printer to save space. (Why)
3. Sheila types her boss’ notes from a dictation machine. (What)
4. Greeting visitors with a smile makes the quests feel welcomed. (What)
5. Wanda offered her friend a beverage. (What)
6. My flight departs at 6:30 p.m. (When)
7. Mary picked up her belongings. (What)
8. Friday is a half day. (What)
9. Your lunch hour is from 12 o’clock to 1 o’clock. (When)
10. Mr. Walpole puts through a client to Ms. Danz’s office. (Who)
1. Я читаю справочники, чтобы знать больше о моей работе.
2. Справочники находятся в библиотеке офиса.
3. Слева – руководства с должностными инструкциями.
4. Следом за руководствами – каталоги компании.
5. Здесь расположены и телефонные книги, и базы данных.
6. Читайте их, если ищете детали о заказчиках!
7. Словари и тезаурусы – справа.
8. У нас эти книги – на более чем на одном языке.
9. Они очень полезны при подготовке документов для иностранных клиентов.
10. Энциклопедии и атласы мира полезны при планировании деловой поездки.
UNITS 11-15
1. What departments are there at large companies?
2. What do employees do in those departments?
3. What are some things a secretary says when he or she answers the phone?
4. What questions do secretaries ask callers?
5. Why do you use the phone for business?
6. What business arrangements can you make on the phone?
7. What are some parts of a letter?
8. How often do you write letters?
9. What are some uses of graphs and charts?
10. Where do you see graphs and charts used?
A. A secretary answers the phone with good phone etiquette: «Hello, (name) speaking, hold
while I transfer you, I’m afraid the person you want to speak to isn’t available / busy».
B. Business arrangements such as meetings and appointments, business trips, conferences and
business lunches can be arranged over (on) the phone.
C. A letter consists of the recipient’s and sender’s names and addresses, a salutation or greeting,
a body, a closing and a signature.
D. I write letters twice a month.
E. We see line graphs in demonstrating increases and decreases over time, in company sales for
the year. Bar graphs are the best for making comparisons. A pie chart is good for showing
how a budget is being spent.
F. At large companies there are such departments as: purchasing, marketing, sales, human
resources, accounts and Information Technology (IT) departments.
G. They search for products in many different countries (in purchasing department), give
openings for talented graphic designers and writers, advertise products (in marketing
department), talk to clients, show them their products and persuade them to buy products (in
sales department), interview and find new employees, hire employees and employee benefits
(in human resources department), organize financial aspects of business (in accounts
department), maintain computer systems and networks (in IT department).
H. People use the phone for business because it allows them to make arrangements quickly and
instantly. By phone you can also contact people at any time or place.
I. People use line graphs, bar graphs and pie charts to visualize data so that it can easily be
explained, compared or analyzed. Graphs present data clearly and simply and summarize
information, so you can use them to organize data and look for patterns. Graphs are also used
to illustrate statistics, for example in a presentation.
J. Secretaries ask callers: «Would you like me to put you on hold? Would you prefer to leave a
message? Who would you like to speak to? Can I take a message? What (telephone) number
can we connect you on? When is a good time to call you back»?
Bar graph, competitor, demonstrate, depart, department, experience, measure, pertinent,
pie chart, sincerely
1. If information is …, it is related to the topic being discussed.
2. … means something is done openly and honestly.
3. A … … is a graph that represents different amounts with thick lines of different lengths.
4. To … means to show how something is done.
5. To … means you leave a location for another place.
6. A … is one part of an organization, such as a company.
7. … is the skills and knowledge a person gets from doing something.
8. To … up means to be equal to something or someone in ability.
9. A … is a company that sells the same things as another company.
10. A … … is a circle that has sections to show how something is divided into different amounts.
1. To inquire |
A. is a plan for a future activity. |
2. Etiquette |
B. are the information you need for an appointment or arrangement, such as date and time. |
3. A policy |
C. is to ask a question. |
4. To transfer a call | to show that you have arrived by signing a piece of paper. |
5. To announce |
E. is a style of behavior that shows good manners in a particular situation. |
6. To arrange |
F. is a set of rules. |
7. An arrangement |
G. is to tell someone about something with confidence. |
8. Scheduling details |
H. is to answer a call and direct it to someone else. |
9. To sign in |
I. is a person’s signed name on a document. |
10. A signature |
J. is to organize or plan something like a party or meeting. |
1. On arrival, employees are responsible for performing basic duties, like turning on the
computers and turning off the answering machine, … … ?
2. Employees take a break at mid-morning around 10:30 a.m., and a mid-afternoon break at 3:00
p.m., … … ?
3. Refreshments are available from the vending machine in the break room, … … ?
4. The man explains the working hours on half days, … … ?
5. You can’t put through any callers, … … ?
6. The caller decides to call back later, … … ?
7. The secretary asks Ms. Bailey to repeat her phone number, … … ?
8. The successful applicant will be a qualified PA, … … ?
9. The candidate also needs to be friendly, … … ?
10. The woman doesn’t leave her resume, … … ?
1. Ms. Waltz writes the caller’s name and number. (Who)
2. Mr. Crichton caught a mistake in the report. (Where)
3. The phones ring off the hook on busy days. (When)
4. The successful applicant will be familiar with office computer software. (What)
5. The advertisement also gives the company’s contact details and information about the salary. (What)
6. I am a qualified personal assistant (PA). (What)
7. Ruth always talks to everybody at the office. (Where)
8. Jacob does the work well. (How)
9. After his successful job search, Mike starts work on Monday. (When)
10. Tom is familiar with the new office computers. (What)
1. Офисное оборудование может быть таким дорогим!
2. Существуют способы оборудовать офис дёшево и эффективно.
3. Если хотите сэкономить до 70%, купите принтер «четыре в одном»!
4. Ищите бывшее в употреблении оборудование хорошего качества!
5. Уничтожитель бумаги не обязательно должен быть новым.
6. Просто убедитесь, что всё работает.
7. Лучше покупать телефон с автоответчиком.
8. Секретарю требуется иметь большие навыки работы с людьми и на компьютере.
9. Хороший организатор может готовить официальные документы.
10. Отвечать по телефону и приветствовать клиентов – также важно.
1.-C.; 2.-F.; 3.-A.; 4.-G.; 5.-B.; 6.-H.; 7.-J.; 8.-D.; 9.-E.; 10.-I.
1. available; 2. come in; 3. employee; 4. answering machine; 5. office supply store; 6. «Sales»;
7. Client; 8. manual; 9. dictation machine; 10. modern
1.-E.; 2.-J.; 3.-G.; 4.-H.; 5.-I.; 6.-A.; 7.-B.; 8.-C.; 9.-D.; 10.-F.
1. isn’t it; 2. don’t they; 3. don’t they; 4. doesn’t she; 5. doesn’t it; 6. aren’t they; 7. aren’t they; 8. does it; 9. doesn’t she (he); 10. don’t we
1. What do employees need to do their jobs?
2. What do many supply stores give discounts for? OR: For what do many supply stores give discounts?
3. How many bottles of pens with black ink do I need?
4. Who wants to purchase office supplies?
5. What does the clerk offer to deliver?
6. How many dollars does the total come to?
7. How many dollars is the black leather?
8. What is the new employee reading?
9. Where are employee reference books?
10. What does every office need?
1. I’m a secretary with two years’ experience at a large company.
2. The employees need pens, paperclips and folders to do their jobs.
3. I’m in charge of purchasing office supplies.
4. On a set date every month, the employees give me lists of what they need.
5. I place an order for the office supplies to get everything at the same time.
6. Discounts for larger orders as well as shipping charges help to save money.
7. Our firm is an office furniture retailer based in Krasnoyarsk.
8. We have a large selection of furniture which comes in traditional and modern style.
9. Come in and check out everything (that) you need!
10. We also deliver furniture to your home or office, from Mondays through Fridays.
UNITS 6-10
1.-D.; 2.-A; 3.-B.; 4.-F.; 5.-I.; 6.-C.; 7.-E.; 8.-J.; 9.-G.; 10.-H.
1. welcomed; 2. introduction; 3. regards; 4. «On arrival»; 5. ring off the hook; 6. return; 7. «put someone through»; 8. message pad; 9. message pad; 10. «on hold»
1.-D.; 2.-F.; 3.-I.; 4.-G.; 5.-B.; 6.-A.; 7.-C.; 8.-E.; 9.-H.; 10.-J.
1. can’t he (she); 2. isn’t it; 3. don’t you; 4. mustn’t they; 5. don’t they; 6. doesn’t she (he); 7. didn’t she (he); 8. didn’t she; 9. didn’t I; 10. aren’t they
1. What telephone does Sara have? OR: What does Sara have a telephone with? OR: With what does Sara have a telephone?
2. Why did George get a four-in-one printer?
3. What (machine) does Sheila type her boss’ notes from? OR: From what does Sheila type her boss’ notes?
4. What makes the quests feel welcomed?
5. What did Wanda offer her friend?
6. When does my flight depart?
7. What did Mary pick up?
8. What day is a half one?
9. When is your lunch hour?
10. Who puts through a client to Ms. Danz’s office?
1. I read reference books to learn more about my job.
2. Reference books are in the office library.
3. The job manuals are on the left side.
4. Company catalogues are next to the manuals.
5. Phone books and databases are located here, too.
6. Read them if you look for customer details!
7. Dictionaries and thesauruses are on the right side.
8. We have these books in more than one language.
9. They are very helpful (useful) when preparing documents for foreign clients.
10. Encyclopedias and world atlases are helpful (useful) when planning a business trip.
UNITS 11-15
1.-F.; 2.-G.; 3.-A.; 4.-J.; 5.-H.; 6.-B.; 7.-C.; 8.-D.; 9.-I.; 10.-E.
1. pertinent; 2. Sincerely; 3. bar graph; 4. demonstrate; 5. depart; 6. department; 7. Experience; 8. measure; 9. competitor; 10. pie chart
1.-C.; 2.-E.; 3.-F.; 4.-H.; 5.-G.; 6.-J.; 7.-A.; 8.-B.; 9.-D.; 10.-I.
1. aren’t they; 2. don’t they; 3. aren’t they; 4. doesn’t he; 5. can you; 6. doesn’t she (he);
7. doesn’t she (he); 8. won’t she (he); 9. doesn’t she (he); 10. does she
1. Who writes the caller’s name and number?
2. Where did Mr. Crichton catch a mistake?
3. When do the phones ring off the hook?
4. What will the successful applicant be familiar with? OR: With what will the successful applicant be familiar?
5. What does the advertisement give also?
6. What (assistant) am I?
7. Where does Ruth talk always to everybody?
8. How does Jacob do the work?
9. When does Mike start work?
10. What (computers) is Tom familiar with? OR: With what (computers) is Tom familiar?
1. Office equipment can be so expensive!
2. There are ways to outfit an office cheaply and efficiently.
3. If you want to save up to 70%, buy «a four-in-one printer»!
4. Look for good quality used equipment!
5. A shredder doesn’t have to be new.
6. Just make sure that everything still works!
7. It’s better to buy a telephone and answering machine combination.
8. A secretary needs to have great people and computer skills.
9. A good organizer can prepare legal documents.
10. Answering the phone and greeting clients is also important.
Основная литература
1). Английский язык /А.С. Восковская, Т.А. Карпова. – Изд. 12-е, стер. –
Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2013. – 376, [1] с. – (Среднее профессиональное образование)
ISBN 978-5-222-20067-4.
2). Английский язык /Агабекян И.П. – Изд. 26-е, стер.
Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2015. – 318, [1] с. (Среднее профессиональное образование)
ISBN 978-5-222-23595-9.
1. Virginia Evans Career Paths “Secretarial” © Express Publishing, 2011.
[Электронный Ресурс] – Режим Доступа:
ISBN 978-0-85777-860-4
2. Virginia Evans Career Paths “Teacher’s Book” © Express Publishing, 2011.
[Электронный Ресурс] – Режим Доступа:
ISBN 978-0-85777-861-1
3. Электронные пособия для аудирования (CD)
CD 1 UK version © Express Publishing
ISBN 978-0-85777-863-5;
CD 2 UK version © Express Publishing
ISBN 978-0-85777-864-2
4. Кузьменкова Ю.Б. Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде: курс лекций. М.: Педагогический университет «Первое сентября», 2006. URL:
Министерство общего и профессионального
образования Ростовской области
государственное бюджетное профессиональное
образовательное учреждение
Ростовской области
«Белокалитвинский гуманитарно-индустриальный
учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК
08.02.09 (270843) Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий
Белая Калитва
цикловой комиссией
иностранных языков
Протокол № ____
от «____» ___________ 2015 г.
Е.В. Гаврикова
Разработал преподаватель ГБПОУ РО «БГИТ»
Колесникова А.А.
Пособие состоит из семи тем. Каждая тема состоит
из текста, предтекстовых упражнений, списка новых слов и выражений,
упражнений к тексту.
Цель пособия — развить навыки устной и
письменной речи, помочь студентам, изучающим английский язык
овладеть разговорной речью по темам профессиональной
направленности. Лексика пособия определяется тематикой.
В начале текста, даются предтекстовые задания,
список новых слов и выражений для активного усвоения. В конце
каждого текста представлены упражнения и вопросы, с помощью которых
можно осуществить контроль понимания прочитанного и уровень
языковой подготовки студентов.
Знание предложенных текстов поможет при общении
с носителями языка вести беседу профессиональной направленности,
расширит кругозор и облегчит подготовку к сообщению по определённой
General tools
Read and translate the text.
Talbot Electrical Services
Employee Manual
Section 2.1 Tools Needed
All employees of Talbot Electrical Services will
bring their own tool kits. Tool kits need to contain the basic
tools needed for electrical jobs. These basic tools are sold at
most hardware stores.
Pliers are needed for pulling and cutting wires.
Your kit needs to include long nose pliers and end cutting pliers.
Side cutters and diagonal cutters are recommended.
You must have wire strippers in your kit. Make
sure they are able to strip the most common wires. You will also
need several types of screwdrivers on the job.
A flashlight, measuring tape and utility knife
will round out your kit.
2. Read the text from the company manual. Then,
mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. __ Employees can buy the tools at hardware
2. __Side cutters and diagonal cutters are
needed in the tool kit.
3. __Wire strippers are used for cutting and
pulling wire.
3. Write a word that is similar in meaning to
the underlined part.
1. Jack forgot his pliers that are only used for
cutting wire at the job site.
_ _ a _ _ n _ _ c _ t _ _ r _
2. A small, battery operated light is good for
seeing in dark spaces.
_ l _ _ h _ _ g _ _
3. Mary used a tool with a thin, sharp slanted
blade to cut open the box.
_ t _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ f _
4. The electrical bought a tool used for pulling
out staples for his kit.
_ n _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ p _ _ e _ _
4. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions
1. __ tool kit
2. __side cutters
3. __ screwdriver
4. __ long nose pliers
5. __ measuring tape
6. __ wire stripper
A a tool with blades able to grip or cut wires
B a tool used to tighten or loosen screws
C a tool for cutting, twisting or pulling wires
D a tool used to pull the covering off of wires
E a tool used for finding the length of an
F a bag or box used to hold a set of tools
More tools
Read and translate the text.
I have the basic stuff I need to do on jobs
(hammer, Phillips screwdrivers, tool belt, etc.) What else do I
need in my tool kit?
You need wrenches for different things. I’d get
allen wrenches, socket wrenches, and torque wrenches. Also, get
electrical tape and duct tape for your kit.
My tool kit has a hacksaw, nut drivers, and
crimpers in it. I don’t use them a lot. But they’re there them!
Thanks for the advice! Going to the store now.
2. Read the web forum. Then, choose the correct
1. What is the webpage mostly about?
A the best tool kits to buy
B the tools electricians need
C the different types of wrenches
D the kinds of tape electricians use
2. What advice is NewGuy12 looking for?
A which basic tools he needs for jobs
B which tool brand works the best
C which additional tools he needs
D which tools do not get used much
3. Which is NOT in NewGuy12’s tool kit yet?
A tool belt
B hammer
C hacksaw
D Phillips screwdriver
3. Choose the sentence that uses the underlined
part correctly.
1. A John put the tool belt around his waist.
B A crimper can easily cut through metal.
2. A I used an allen wrench to hit the nail.
B Sam covered the wires with electrical tape.
3. A I need a torque wrench to tighten the loose
B The wires need to be cut by a hacksaw.
4. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions
1. __crimper
2. __hacksaw
3. __hammer
4. __ allen wrench
5. __duct tape
6. __ nut driver
7. __ socket wrench
8. __ Phillips screwdriver
A tool with a thin blade that cuts through metal
B tool used to tighten bolts
C tool used for tightening nuts
D kind of tape made of mesh used for air ducts
E a tool with a metal top used for hitting nails
F tool used to tighten screws with a cross head
G tool used for pushing connectors around bare
H a tool with a six-sided head used for
tightening screws or bolts
Power tools — drills and saws
Read and translate the text.
Electrical Source
Spring catalog Power Drills and Saws
Electrician’s Drill Bit Kit
All electricians need a high-quality drill.
Along with it, they need lots of drill bits. The Electrician’s
Drill Bit Kit has everything you need. It contains several spade
bits. These bits are perfect for most jobs. For other jobs, the kit
has auger bits, hole saw bits and wood augers. Also included are
twelve twist bits.
Electrician’s Power Saw Set
This set includes three saws all electricians
should have. The tough circular saw cuts through anything! The
powerful reciprocating saw comes with five blades. Finally, the
jigsaw is perfect for cutting.
2. Read the text from the catalog. Then, mark
the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. __ The drill bit kit comes with a drill.
2. __ One spade bit is included with the set.
3. __ The jigsaw works best for straight lines.
3. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the
words best fit the blanks.
1. circular saw / reciprocating saw
A I need to change the blade on the
B The round blade fits on the ___________.
2. twist bit / wood auger
A Use the ____________ to make a hole in the
B A ____________ can be used on a variety of
3. spade bit / auger bit
A The sharp point of the __________ will work
B I need the longest _________ that is in the
4. Match the words (1-4) with the definitions
1. ____ drill 3. ______ hole saw bit
2. ____ jigsaw 4. ______ drill bit
A the sharp end of a drill used to make holes
B a metal tube-shaped drill bit with sharp edges
used to cut rings
C a saw with a thin blade that cuts straight and
rounded edges
D a tool that makes holes in different materials
Specialized tools
Read and translate the text.</<font face=»Times New
Roman, serif»> Welcome to ZapTools!
ZapTools has the best selection and lowest
prices on everything electricians need.
We carry specialized tools such as conduit
benders, levels, fish tapes and stud punches. We also have the
largest selection of lineman’s pliers on the Internet.
Be sure to check out our power tools too. We
have saws and drills, including hammer drills. To go with the
drills, we have specialized drill bits. We have the toughest brands
of stepped drill bits and masonry drill bits.
We also sell electronic equipment for
electricians. We have multimeters, plug in analyzers and labeling
2. Read the company webpage. Then, complete the
table using information from the webpage.
1. Specialized
2. Power
3. Electronic
3. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases
from the word bank: fish tape, level, multimeter, hammer drill,
labeling machine
1. We used a ________________ to keep track of
the wire connections.
2. The ____________showed the wire had a lot of
3. The wires were put behind the wall using a
4. Kate used a _______________to make sure the
picture was straight.
5. The _________________ broke through the
concrete quickly.
4. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the
words best fit the blanks.
1. lineman’s pliers/ stud punch
A Sam used a ___________ on the wall.
B) ________________ are good for cutting wires.
2. stepped drill bit/ masonry drill bit
A I need a____________ to drill through the
B A ___________ will make a hole in the
3. plug-in analyzer/ conduit bender
A The ____________ indicates there are some
loose wires.
B Mark the conduit before you use the__________
on it.
Read and translate the text.
Choosing the right drill for the job
Most jobs can be done using a simple rotary
drill. It can be used for wood and plywood. It can also be used for
drywall, plaster, copper and steel. Of course, you need to have the
right drill bits too.
What about for harder materials like brick and
concrete? A hammer drill works well for blocks, brick, mortar and
stone. A rotary hammer works best for materials like concrete and
Sometimes the terms hammer drill and rotary
hammer are used to mean the same tool. However, a hammer drill
chips away at the material. A rotary hammer pounds away at it to
make a hole.
1. Before you read the passage, talk about these
1. What are some materials electricians work
with on the job?
2. What are some tools electricians might need
to work with those materials?
2. Read the trade magazine article. Then,
complete the table using information from the article.Drill Type
Rotary drill
Hammer drill
Rotary hammer
3. Write a word that is similar in meaning to
the underlined part.
1. The substance that comes from trees was
_ o _ d
2. Reddish brown metal pipes are often found in
old homes.
_ _ p _ e _
3. The ceiling was covered in a thin coat of a
mixture of lime, sand and water.
p _ _ s _ _ r
4. I tried drilling the mixture used to hold
bricks or stones together but the drill bit broke.
_ _ r_ _ r
5. The workers used a mixture of ground
limestone and clay for the outside of the building.
c _ _ _ n _
4. Math the words (1-7 ) with definitions (A-G
1. __ block 4. __ brick 7. __ concrete
2. __ stone 5. __ plywood
3. __steel 6. __ drywall
A a board made of plaster and covered in paper
B a metal that is made from combining iron and
C a piece of material that is solid with flat
surfaces on each side
D a board made of thin layers of wood glued
E a hard material made with cement, small
stones, sand and water
F a block of clay that is baked until it is hard
G the hard substance rocks are made from
Read and translate the text.
Be safe at work!
Working with electrical wiring is often
dangerous. The proper safety equipment can save your life. Remember
these tips:
1 Always protect your head, eyes, hands and
feet. Never work without wearing the following items:
a A hard hat
b A pair of leather gloves
c Steel toe boots
d Safety glasses
2. On the job, there is sometimes danger of
electric shock or explosion. In these cases, dress properly. Wear
the following:
a An arc shield
b Arc flash clothing
c Electrical hot gloves
3. When working with live wires, be extra
careful. Protect yourself from shocks. Use an arc flash blanket and
stand on a rubber mat. Finally, hold onto a hot stick.
2. Read the safety poster. Then, mark the
following statements as true (T) or (F).
1. __ Safety glasses should be worn if needed.
2. __ Arc flash clothing helps if there is an
3. __ Hold a hot stick when working with dead
3. Choose the sentence that uses the underlined
part correctly.
1. A James put on leather gloves before picking
up the hammer.
B The electrician stood on the arc shield while
2. A Steel toe boots protect your feet if
something falls on them.
B A hot stick is worn when working with
3. A Oliver held on to the electrical hot gloves
while touching the wire.
B Marie put a hard hat on her head before
entering the building.
4. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions
1. __ arc shield 5. __ electrical hot gloves
2. __ rubber mat 6. __ arc flash blanket
3. __ hot stick 7. __ arc flash clothing
4. __ safety glasses
A clear glasses that are made of thick plastic
B a blanket used to protect from explosions or
C a fiberglass rod that protects from shocks
D gloves made of rubber that protect from shocks
E a mat made of rubber that electricians stand
F pants, shirts, jackets, and shoes designed to
protect from scocks or explosions
G a protective plastic shield for the eyes and
Read and translate the text.
Occupations Outlook
The job of an electrician involves putting in
and maintaining electrical power systems. This is done in homes and
The work of an electrician is occasionally
demanding. Electricians must lift heavy objects and climb ladders.
The work may require them to bend, stand, kneel,
or stoop down low for long periods.
To be successful, electricians need to work
fast. In order to grab and release tools quickly, they wear a tool
belt. To prevent electric shook, electricians usually turn off the
power source before working. They turn on the power when they are
done. Electricians also use sharp tools to split wires.
2. Read the occupational manual. Then, mark the
following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. __ Electricians are expected to work quickly.
2. __ Electricians must wear helmets to work.
3. __ Electricians work in homes and businesses.
3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions
1. __ lift 4. __ turn on
2. __ stand 5. __ release
3. __ stoop
A to stop holding sometimes
B to be in a vertical position
C to make something work by giving it power
D to move something up to a higher place
E to bend forward while standing up
4. Choose the sentense that uses the underlined
part correctly.
1. A He released the rope and didn’t let go.
B The electrician climbed the ladder.
2. A She split the check and paid it all
B He can’t lift heavy weights since his
3. A He grabbed the bag and ran away.
B I turned on the light so it would be dark.
4. A He stooped to reach the top of the shelf.
B Please turn off the TV before you leave.
5. A It’s hard to stand all day in an
uncomfortable chair.
B I had to knell to pick up the papers on the
More Actions
Read and translate the text.
Fixing Underground Wires
Fixing underground wires sounds difficult. But
it’s actually simple. You just need to splice some wires.
To begin, switch off the electricity. Accidental
shocks are always a risk when working with electricity. Next, test
the electricity to make sure it is off. Push a button
on the same circuit. If it is safe, dig into the
ground. Inspect the wires, and find the damaged part. Cut it off.
Next, strip the insulation off the wires. Twist the ends of the
wires together. Then, pull on them to make sure they are joined. If
they are, bind the ends together with tape. After that, install I
waterproof insulation plastic covering on the wires. Then connect
the electricity.
Read the instructions for fixing underground
wires. Then, choose the correct answers.
1. What are the instructions mostly about?
A why it is important to replace wires
B how to fix a damaged wire
C what insulation is made out of
D how to inspect an electric circuit
2. Why should the electricity be switched off?
A to make sure the wires aren’t damaged
B to avoid getting shocked by the wires
C to make it easier to find the wires
D to check that the wires are connected
3. What is the last step in the instructions?
A strip the insulation from the wires
B inspect the underground wires
C install waterproof insulation
D turn on the electricity again
Match the words (1-4) with the definitions
1. _ install
2. _ inspect
3. _ connect
4. _ test
A to look at something closely
B to turn on power or electricity
C to try something to make sure it works
D to connect something so it can be used
Read the sentence pair. Choose where the
words best fit the blanks.
1. twist/ push
A If you ____ that wire too much, it will break.
B I had to the box up the hill.
2. pull/ bind
A The wagon has a handle so you can ____ it.
B I used string to ____ the flowers together.
3. stripped/ splice
A I tried to ____ the wires, but they wouldn’t stay together.
B After he the wires, he threw the covering away.
Read and translate the text.
How do they say it?
Symbol/ Number
Interpretation/ Pronunciation
is, equals, comes to
½ = 0.5 one half equals point five
and, plus, add
10+5=15 ten and five comes to fifteen
minus, less, subtract
10-5=5 ten less five is five
times, multiplied by
10*5=50 Ten times five equals fifty
over, divided by
10/5=2 ten divided by five is two
seven eighth
1/8 the cable measured one eighth of a meter
one thousand two hundred
or twelve hundred
The repair cost twelve hundred dollars
Read the chart. Then, mark the following
statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. ___ Eight less two means the same thing as eight minus two.
2. ___Seven times six equals seven plus six.
3. ___ 3/8 is pronounced three times eight.
Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases from the word
add times plus comes to hundred
1. Three ____ two is six.
2. Four plus seven eleven.
3. Fifty twenty equals thirty.
4. One thousand plus four hundred is fourteen
5. To get ten, _ ___ three and seven.
6. Fifteen two is seventeen.
Read the sentence and choose the correct word.
1. One fourth/ times is equal to 0.25.
2. Nine over/ less eight equals one.
3. Start with seven. Subtract/ Add three. This
equals four.
4. Six multiplied by/ divided by two is twelve.
5. Six over/ plus three equals two.
6. Twenty less/ divided by four equals five.
7. Five plus six equals/ over eleven.
1. Read and translate the text.
Know Your Measurements
Fasteners and tools use imperial measurements or
metric, and knowing the difference is important. It prevents you
from rounding off a fastener, damaging tools, or causing injury. If
you don’t know an item’s size, use a micrometer or other caliper to
measure it. Check centimeters or millimeters for metric tools. Look
at inches for imperial tools.
You will also need to know larger measurements,
such as feet, yards, and meters. These measurements are often used
in building plans.
Temperature measurements are also important to
know. Some countries measure degress using the Fahrenheit scale and
others use the Celsius scale. You may need to convert from one
scale to the other.
2. Read the magazine article about measurements.
Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. __ Millimeters are often used in building
2. __ Inches are used for imperial tools.
3. __ Using the wrong size tool can cause
3. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions
1. __ degree 5. __ convert
2. __ yard 6. __ Celsius
3. __ imperial 7. __ centimeter
4. __ round off 8. __ micrometer
A to change from one system into another
B a metric measure of length or distance
C a unit used to measure temperature
D to damage a screw or bolt
E a tool that measures small distances
F the system that uses inches
G a measurement equaling three feet
H the metric temperature scale
4. Write a word that is similar in meaning to
the underlined part.
1. Jack needs two units equaling twelve inches
of steel gauge wire. _ e _ t
2. I have imperial wrenches, but I need one that
is part of the system based on the meter. _ e_ _ i c
3. The board measured three units of measurement
equal to 39 inches across.
m _ _ e _ _
4. The size of the screw was eight units equal
to 1/10 of a centimeter.
_ _ I I _ m _ _ _ r s
5. The thermometer measures both non- metric
temperature scale and Celsius.
_ _ h _ _ n _ _ _ t
6. How many units of imperial length is that
cable? i _ _ _ e s
Elements of Electricity
Read and translate the text.
Do you want to be an electrician?
Do you want to have a high voltage summer?
In this course, students learn the basics of
electricity. They start by learning about electrons, the source of
electricity. Then, they study electric currents. For instance, they
learn the differences between AC and DC. Students also learn the
different units of measurement. They will be able to calculate
amperes, volts and watt in a circuit. The class will even use ohms
to calculate resistance. By the end students will have all the
basics. They will be on their way to being great electricians!
Read the college course catalog describing
an electricity class. Then, mark the following statements as
true (T) or false (F).
1. ___Students will learn how to calculate
measurements for electricity.
2.____The class is for anyone who works as an
3.____Students should understand currents before
they enter the class.
Match the words (1-6) with the definitions
1.___ voltage 2.___AC
3.___ DC 4.___ohm
5. ___current 6.___ volt
A a measurement of the force of electricity
B a current that flows in two directions
C a measurement showing resistance
D the quantity of electricity in a wire
E the strength of moving electricity
F a current that flows in one direction
Fill in the blanks with the words from the
word bank.
electron resistance watt amperes
1. A(n) ____ is too small to see without a
powerful microscope.
2. Many wires are made out of copper because of
its low.
3. A(n) ____ measures how much electrical power
is being used.
4. A common way to measure electric current is
Electrical safety
1. Read and translate the text.
Electrical safety
Although electricity is a part of everyday life,
it still has many hazards. Following a few simple safety rules can
save your life.
Electricity shocks people when their bodies
become part of an electrical path between
A live wire and the ground
Two live wires with opposite charges
Being shocked can cause serious burns. It can
also paralyze muscles.
Electrocution is also a major risk when working
with electricity.
To reduce electrical safety hazards always
De-energize power sources before working
with electrical equipment -
Follow lockout/ tagout procedures
Remember: all electricity, including static
electricity, can be dangerous. Never take risks.
2. Read the safety pamphlet. Then, mark the
following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. __ Static electricity is not dangerous.
2. __ Lockout/ tagout procedures cause
3. __ Electric shocks can paralyze muscles.
3. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the
words best fit the blanks.
1. burn/ live wire
A Touching a ____________ is very dangerous.
B A serious _____________ should be seen by a
de- energize/ electrocution
A Electricians _____________ sockets before they
work on them.
B ___________ can be prevented by following
safety rules.
risk/ static electricity
A ___________ often builds up on door knobs.
B There is always a ___________ of getting hurt
at work.
4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the
word bank.
electron resistance watt amperes
1. A(n) ___________ is too small see without a
powerful microscope.
2. Many wires are made out of copper because of
its low ____________.
3. A(n) ___________ measure how mush electrical
power is being used.
4. A commons way to measure electric current is
Types of Wires
Read and translate the text.
There are many different types of electrical
wire and cable. Knob and tube (K& T) wiring is one of the oldest
types of wiring. Older types of cable are armored cable (AC) and
metal-clad (MC) cable. Both of these are insulated by steel. These
were replaced in newer construction by nonmetallic (NM) sheath
cable. However, replacement is not required if the wire or cable
jacket is still good. Check them to make sure there is no bare
conductor or wire showing. Underground feeder (UF) cable and
service entrance (SE) cable are used outdoors. However, SE cable is
only approved for above-ground use.
Read the excerpt from a magazine article. Then, choose the
correct answers.
1. What is the main idea of the article?
A Wiring in older houses is dangerous.
B Metal-clad cable is not recommended in
C Several types of wires and cables can be
found in buildings.
D Indoor and outdoor wires vary from each
2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?
A Armored cable is a newer kind of wire.
B NM cable is found in newer buildings.
C Wires are unsafe in old buildings
D SE cable is not used underground.
3. When do older wires need to be replaced?
A when they are found in older homes
B when NM cable is available for use
C when bare wires or conductors are seen
D when they are used for service entrances
Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
1 _ SE cable
2 _ knob and tube
3 _ armored cable
4 _ NM sheath cable
5 _ UF cable
6 _ metal-clad cable
A a cable with an insulating material like
B wires that run through porcelain covers found
in old homes
C wires for above ground use encased in a PVC
D wires in steel insulation with a grounding wire
E wires for underground, wet areas in a thermoplastic jacket
F wires encased in spiraled steel or aluminum
Read the sentence pair. Choose where the words best fit the
1. conductor/ jacket
A It looks like the ______ is bare.
B The _______is cracked.
2. required/ insulated
A Modern wires should always be ______
B UF or SE cable are _____ for outdoor wiring.
Wire Codes
Read and translate the text.
Reading Wire Codes
Wiring codes are complicated. Here are some tips
to make your job simpler.
1.Before installing any wire, read the gauge.
Each wire has a number embossed on its sheath. The number refers to
the diameter of the wire.
2.Know the rating for wire gauges. Wires with
larger numbers are lesser in diameter. So, zero, or ought gauge
wire has a bigger diameter than a 14 gauge.
3. Remember that different kinds of wires go in
different locations. An ‘H’ on a wire means the maximum amount of
heat it can stand is 165 Fahrenheit. A ‘W’ means you can put it in
a damp area. It is water resistant.
Read the cheat sheet about wiring codes. Then, choose the
correct answers.
1. What is the purpose of the cheat sheet?
A to help electricians choose the right wires
B to explain why wiring codes are complicated
C to give advice about the best kind of wire
D to give an example of why following the codes is important
2. What is NOT a tip given on the cheat sheet?
A Large gauge wires are wider in diameter.
B Certain wires are used for specific locations.
C Wires are marked on the protective casing.
D Wires are rated depending on thickness.
3. What should electricians do before installing a wire?
A find a good location
B read the wire’s heat marking
C determine the wire gauge
D inspect the water resistant marking
Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
1. ___ diameter 2. ____ rating
3. ___ ought 4. ____ sheath
5. ___ gauge 6._____code
A set of letters or numbers that give information
B a device that shows the measurement of an object
C a list that rates an object on its worth
D nothing or zero
E a protective covering
F a line that shows the width of a circle
Fill in the blanks with the words from the word bank.
resistant embossed maximum location
1. I want to keep the ____ of the party a secret.
2. The ______amount of weight for the ride is 250 pounds.
3. The wires are heat ____ up to 200 degrees.
4. I had the watch _____ with her name.
Wire Connectors
Read and translate the text.
Waterproof Connector
Most wire connectors have a thermoplastic shell and a spring
inside. The color depends on the gauge of the wire.
Which Wire Connector is Right for You?
Ask these questions:
Is the wire indoors?
YES Try ordinary twist-on or crimp-on connectors.
NO Try underground or waterproof connectors to protect the wires
Can you twist the wires?
YES Try an ordinary twist-on connector, or a winged connector
for extra leverage.
NO Try a twist-on connector.
Read the store webpage on wire connectors. Then, choose the
correct answers.
1. What is the main purpose of the webpage?
A to explain how a wire connector works
B to help someone choose the right wire connector
C to show that waterproof connectors protect the wires
D to show how a wire connector is used
2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the webpage?
A Use push-in connectors when you can’t twist the wires.
B Underground connectors protect wires outdoors.
C Crimp-on and twist-on connectors are both used indoors.
D Make a grounding connection with an underground connector.
3. What does the color of a wire connector depend on?
A the voltage of the wire C the gauge of the wire
B the number of wires D the type of shell
Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
1. ___spring 2. ___ thermoplastic
3. ___ twist-on connector 4.___ push-in connector
5. ___ crimp-on connector 6 ___shell
A a fire-resistant material
B the outer part of the connector that protects wires
C a connector that uses holes instead of twisting to splice
D a connector that is put into place with a special tool
E a connector that splices wires together by twisting
F the part of the connector that creates pressure to tightly
splice wires
Read the sentence pair. Choose where the words best fit the
1. waterproof connector/ underground connector
A He needed a(n) for the wires he planned to bury.
B It is best to use a ____ when there’s a possibility wires may
get wet.
2. grounding connector / winged connector
A Using a is a good way to prevent shocks.
B A is easier to tighten than other types.
AC, or alternating current, is a type of
electric current that constantly flows back and forth in different
add, to add numbers is to combine them.
allen wrench, an allen wrench is an L-shaped
piece of metal with a six-sided head used to tighten screws and
ampere, an ampere is a unit of measurement for
and, And is used when combining or adding
numbers. For example, one and one equals two.
arc flash blanket [N-COUNT-U6] An arc flash
blanket is a blanket electricians use to protect themselves from
electrical blasts and fires.
arc flash clothing [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Arc flash
clothing is pants, shirts, jackets, and shoes designed to protect
electricians from electric shock.
arc shield [N -COUNT-U6] An arc shield is a
protective plastic shield for the eyes and face that fits onto a
hard hat.
armored cable (AC) [N-COUNT-U13] An armored
cable (AC) is a wire encased in a spiraled steel insulation with
no grounding wires.
auger bit [N-COUNT-U3] An auger bit is a bit
that cuts into wood. These bits are usually from 17 to 25
centimeters long.
bind [V-T-U8] To bind is to put two things
together with rope or tape.
block [N-COUNT-U5] A block is a piece of stone,
wood or other material that is solid with flat surfaces on each
brick [N -COUNT-U5] A brick is a block of clay
that is baked until it is hard and used for building.
burn [N-COUNT-U12] A burn is a painful injury to
the body caused by heat.
caliper [N-COUNT-U10] A caliper is a small
measuring device.
Celsius [N -UNCOUNT-U1 OJ Celsius is the metric
temperature scale where water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at
100 degrees.
cement [N-UNCOUNT-U5] Cement is a mixture of
ground limestone and clay.
centimeter [N-COUNT-U10] A centimeter is a
metric unit that measures length or distance, equal to ten
circular saw [N-COUNT-U3] A circular saw is an
electric or gas-operated saw with a round blade.
climb [V-T-U?] To climb is to ascend or move up
towards the top of something.
code [N-COUNT-U14] A code is a set of numbers or
letters that gives information about something.
come to [V PHRASE-U9] To come to a number is to
equal that number.
concrete [N-UNCOUNT-U5] Concrete is a hard
material made by combining cement, small stones, sand and water.
conductor [N-COUNT-U13] A conductor is a wire.
It is the metal part of a cable that carries electricity.
conduit bender [N-COUNT-U4] A conduit bender is
an instrument that twists objects made of metal.
connect [V-T -U8] To connect is to plug in or
turn on electricity or power.
convert [V-T-U1 OJ To convert something is to
change it from one state or mode into another.
copper [N-UNCOUNT -US] Copper is a reddish brown
metal that is often used for pipes or wires.
crimper [N-COUNT-U2] A crimper is a tool used
for pushing connectors around bare wires.
crimp-on connector [N -COUNT-U15] A crimp-on
connector is a type of connector that is fixed in place by using
a crimping tool.
current [N-COUNT-U11] A current is the quantity
of electricity that is flowing in a wire at a specific time.
DC [N-UNCOUNT-U11J DC, or direct current, is a
type of electricity that goes in one direction, not two.
de-energize [V-T-U12J To de-energize is to
prevent power from reaching an object, especially electrical
degree [N -COUNT-U10J A degree is a unit that is
used to measure temperature.
diagonal cutters [N-PLURAL-U1J Diagonal cutters
are pliers that are only used for cutting wire and do not grip.
diameter [N -COUNT-U14J The diameter of a circle
is an imaginary line that runs through it showing its width.
divided by [V PHRASE-U9J If a number is divided
by a second number, you calculate how many times the second
number goes into it.
drill [N-COUNT-U3J A drill is a machine used to
make holes in different kinds of material.
drill bit [N-COUNT-U3J A drill bit is the sharp
end of a drill used to cut into objects to make holes.
drywall [N -UNCOUNT-USJ Drywall is a board made
of plaster and covered in paper that is used in building.
duct tape [N-UNCOUNT-U2J Duct tape is a kind of
tape made of mesh that is used to seal air ducts.
electric shock (N-COUNT-U6J An electric shock is
a shock of electricity to the body.
electrical hot gloves [N-PLURAL-U6J Electrical
hot gloves are gloves made of rubber that protect electricians
from electric shock.
electrical tape [N-UNCOUNT-U2J Electrical tape
is a kind of tape made of plastic or vinyl that is used to insulate
electrical wires.
electrocution [N -UNCOUNT-U12J Electrocution is
death or injury caused by electricity running through the body.
electron [N-COUNT-U11J An electron is a small
part of an atom that contains a negative charge.
embossed [ADJ-U14J If an object is embossed, it
has a pattern, number or design engraved on it.
end cutting pliers [N-PLURAL-U1J End cutting
pliers are pliers used for pulling out staples etc.
equal [V-T-U9J If the answer to a mathematical
problem equals a number, it is that number.
Fahrenheit [N-UNCOUNT-U1 OJ Fahrenheit is the
non-metric temperature scale where water freezes at 32 degrees
and water boils at 212 degrees.
fish tape [N -COUNT-U4 J A fish tape is a long,
metal instrument that electricians use to put electrical wires in
flashlight [N-COUNT-U1J A flashlight is a small,
battery operated light that can be carried around.
foot [N-COUNT-U1 OJ A foot is a unit of length
that equals 12 inches.
gauge [N-COUNT-U14J A gauge is a device which
calculates and shows the amount or degree of what is inside an
object, such as a gas tank or wire.
grab [V-T-U?J To grab something is to take hold
of it suddenly.
grounding connector [N-COUNT-U15J A grounding
connector is for making ground connections. It is used for
splicing wires that need to be grounded.
hacksaw [N-COUNT-U2J A hacksaw is a saw with a
thin blade used to cut through metal.
hammer [N-COUNT-U2J A hammer is a tool with a
metal top used for hitting nails or other objects.
hammer drill [N-COUNT-U4J A hammer drill is a
machine which hits a hard substance (like cement) repeatedly to
break it apart.
hard hat [N -COUNT -U6J A hard hat is a
protective hat made of strong plastic.
hazard [N-COUNT-U12J A hazard is a known danger.
hole saw bit [N-COUNT-U3J A hole saw bit is a
metal tube-shaped drill bit with sharp edges used to cut rings into
objects. 35
hot stick [N-COUNT-U6] A hot stick is a
fiberglass rod that electricians use to protect themselves from
when they are working with wires.
hundred [N -COUNT-U9] A hundred is combined with
another number to express numbers in the thousands. For
example, the number 2,300 could be stated
twenty-three hundred.
imperial [ADJ-U10] If something is imperial, it
involves the system of measurement based on the inch and the pound.
inch [N -COUNT-U1 OJ An inch is an imperial unit
that measures length or distance.
inspect [V-T-U8] To inspect is to look at or
analyze something carefully.
install [V-T-U8] To install is to arrange,
connect or put something in a certain place so you can use it.
insulated [ADJ-U13] If a wire is insulated, then
it is protected from touching other wires. This helps prevent fires
and short circuiting.
is [V-T-U9] If something is something else, they
are equal.
jacket [N -COUNT-U13] A jacket is the insulated
sheath that protects the wires from touching each other or getting
too hot.
jigsaw [N-COUNT-U3] A jigsaw is an electric or
gas-operated saw with a thin blade, which cuts straight and
rounded edges into objects.
kneel [V-l-U7] To kneel is to support oneself on
one or both knees.
knob and tube (K& T) wiring [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Knob
and tube (K& T) wiring is wires encased in porcelain knobs
and tubes. It is usually found in older homes.
labeling machine [N-COUNT-U4] A labeling machine
is an instrument electricians use to make labels for different
leather gloves [N-PLURAL-U6] Leather gloves are
gloves that are made of leather and used to protect the hands.
less [PREP-U9] Less is used when taking a number
away from another.
level [N -COUNT-U4] A level is a tool
electricians use to ensure they install things in a straight line.
lift [V-T-U7] To lift something is to move it to
a higher position.
lineman’s pliers [N-PLURAL-U4] Lineman’s pliers
are tools workers use to twist and slice wires.
live wire [N-COUNT-U12] A live wire is a wire
with electrical energy running through it.
location [N -COUNT-U14] A location is a place or
lockout/tagout procedure [N-COUNT-U12] A
lockout/tagout procedure is when a lock is placed on a power
source after it has been turned off and a label
is placed on the equipment to show that it has been locked.
long nose (needle nose) pliers [N -PLURAL-U1]
Long nose pliers are pliers with long blades able to grip or cut
through wires.
masonry drill bit [N-COUNT-U4] A masonry drill
bit is a bit that is made to drill through hard surfaces like stone
or concrete. It is usually used with a hammer
maximum [ADJ-U14] Maximum is the most of
something that is achievable.
measuring tape [N -COUNT-U1] A measuring tape is
a tool with a long piece of thin metal, paper or plastic with
numbers on it.
metal-clad (MC) cable [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Metal-clad
(MC) cable is wires encased in steel insulation, and it has a
green ground wire inside the metal jacket.
meter [N -COUNT-U10] A meter is a unit of length
that measures 100 centimetres or 39 inches.
metric [ADJ-U10] If something is metric, it
involves the system of measurement based on the meter and the
micrometer [N-COUNT-U1 OJ A micrometer is a type
of caliper with a calibrated screw used to measure small distances.
millimeter [N-COUNT-U10] A millimeter is a
metric unit that measures length or distance, equal to 1/10 of a
minus [PREP-U9] Minus is used when taking away a
number from another.
mortar [N -UNCOUNT-US] Mortar is a mixture of
sand, water and lime used to hold bricks or stones in place.
multimeter [N-COUNT-U4] A multimeter is a device
used to determine a wire’s amount of voltage and power.
multiplied by [V PHRASE-U9] If a number is
multiplied by another, it is added onto itself that number of
nonmetallic (NM) sheath cable [N-UNCOUNT-U13]
Nonmetallic (NM) sheath cable is wires in a non-metal jacket.
The jacket is made of a material like
nut driver [N-COUNT-U2] A nut driver is a tool
used for tightening nuts.
ohm [N -COUNT-U11] An ohm is a unit of
measurement showing electrical resistance.
ought [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Ought is nothing or nil.
over [PREP-U9] If one number over another
number, it is divided by that number.
paralyze [V-T-U12] To paralyze is to freeze the
muscles so they cannot move.
Phillips screwdriver [N -COUNT-U2] A Phillips
screwdriver is a tool used to tighten screws that have a
plaster [N-UNCOUNT-US] Plaster is a mixture of
lime, sand and water used in buildings to cover walls and ceilings.
plug-in analyzer [N -COUNT-U4] A plug-in
analyzer is a machine used to check circuits to make sure they are
correctly installed and safe.
plus [PREP-U9] Plus is used when adding numbers.
plywood [N -UNCOUNT-US] Plywood is a board made
of thin layers of wood that are glued together.
pull [V-T-U8] To pull is to put force on an
object in order to move it closer to you.
push [V-T-U8] To push is to put force on an
object in order to move it away from you.
push-in connector [N-COUNT-U15] Instead of
twisting, wires are pushed in through holes in the push-in
rating [N-COUNT-U14] A rating is a list grading
and comparing objects on their worth, usefulness or value.
reciprocating saw [N-COUNT-U3] A reciprocating
saw is an electric or gas-operated saw that has a few
different blades which can be switched.
release [V-T-U7] To release something is to let
it free or let it go.
replace [V-T-U13] To replace is to take away an
old wire and put a new wire in its place.
resistance [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Electrical resistance
is the way certain substances work against electricity.
resistant [ADJ-U14] If an object is resistant,
it is not affected by certain things such as heat or water.
risk [N-COUNT-U12] A risk is a chance that
something bad will happen.
rotary drill [N-COUNT-US] A rotary drill is a
drill that moves in circles to cut something.
rotary hammer [N-COUNT-US] A rotary hammer hits
things hard, while turning, to drill into something.
round off [V PHRASE-U10] To round off a screw or
bolt is to damage it so that it cannot be moved properly with
normal tools.
rubber mat [N -COUNT -U6] A rubber mat is a mat
made of rubber that electricians stand on to protect themselves
from electric shock.