Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank hopefully



APPEAL                               TRIAL



Are you injured because of someone else’s cerelessness?? Are you involved in a dispute with a neighbor?? Butler and Evans is available to help you take legal action.

Everyone is entitled to due process. When you decide to initiate a lawsuit, call us. We are going to make sure you get the damages you´re entitled to.Our investigators are able to get all the proof needed for your trial. When a verdict is not in your favour, we appeal whenever possible.

In the event we fail to settle or win your case, you don’t owe us anything.So what do you have to lose?? Call 8760251 today to arrange a meeting.


1. Read the brochure and mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. __T__ Butler and Evans Associates helps people who been hurt.

2. __F__ The firm’s clients are responsible for bringing proof to the attorneys.

3. __T__ The firm does not change clients whose cases are not won or settled.

2. Choose the word that is closet in meaning to the underlines part.

1. Jane received money as compensation for her accident.

         A. proof                 B. damages              C. due process  

2. The law firm helps people involved in an argument or conflict with their neighbor.    

         A. a dispute            B.a lawsuit              C. a trial

3. Ms. Harris wants to start the process of legal action.

        A. appeal                B. initiate                 C. settle

4. Everyone in the country has the right to received justice according to established rules.

       A. due process         B. appeal                 C. damages

5. Mr. Tan initiated a legal course of action against his neighbor because her dog barks too much.

       A. appeal                 B. lawsuit                 C. dispute

3. Fill the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.


   legal action           proof          settle      trial        appeal

1. Hopefully, Mr. Wilton will be able to settle this problem without going to court.

2. Mrs, Janson decided to appeal after the judge ruled against her.

3. In this trial, the defendant is accused of stealing from a bank.

4. Mr, Britt wanst to take legal action against her employer for not giving her a promotion.

5. Attorney don´t win cases when there is not enough proof to support their arguments.   


2. Read the statement from the DataPro Inc. CEO. Then , mark the following statements true(T) or false (F):

    1) The IT Department is increasing. — FALSE

    2) Data processing employees now encode data — FALSE

    4) Supervisors know the employees’ new assignments  — TRUE

3. Match the words with definitions:

    1) software — G

    2) code — I

    3) hardware — B

    4) data processing — F

    5) information security — J

    6) online — C

    7) technical support — H

    8) data — D

    9) quality assurance — E

    10) encoding — A

         A. putting secret information into code;

         B. the physical parts of computer;

         C. connected to the Internet;

         D. numbers entered/held in a computer;

         E. checking products for problems;

         F. the act of using information;

         G. programs/instructions added to computer;

         H. helping people use/understand technology;

         I. program language;

         J. the act of protecting information;

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from word bank:

    1) Enter the data into the computer.

    2) The company uses encoding to protect information.

    3) Quality assurance finds and fixes problems in new projects.


2. Read the email about computers available at TEI Inc. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1) What is the email about?

         A. The types of work employees do.

         B. computers that the company sells.

         C. What computers the company uses.

         D. the installation of a server.

    2) According to the passage, employees use laptops when they

         A. respond to email.

         B. work on spreadsheets.

         C. process the largest files.

         D. Work outside the office.

    3) Which of the following is not true?

         A. the company has a mainframe.

         B. employees get email on their cell phones.

         C. All employees receive desktop computers.

         D. The desktop computers are faster than the workstations.

3. Read the sentence and choose the correct word:

    1) My PDA/mainframe notifies me when I have a meeting.

    2) I have a laptop/supercomputer to do work on a plane.

    3) John has server/desktop computer because he only uses simple programs.

    4) This computer/server runs programs, but doesn’t have Internet access.

    5) A workstation/handler PC is smaller than a laptop, but still has a keyboard.

    6) Connect to the server/PDA to use that printer.

    7) A supercomputer/handler PC is the most popular machine in the world.

4. Match the words with the definitions:

    1) Workstation — fast computer that is used by one person and has more memory than an ordinary personal computer.

    2) Mainframe — Large and powerful computer that supports many other computers working at once.

    3) Cell phone — A device that makes and receive calls.


2. Read the technology guide about computer assembly. Then, choose the correct answer:

    1) What is the guide mostly about?

         A. Putting together a computer.

         B. Problems with computer parts.

         C. Uses of expansion cards.

         D. Repairing a broken computer.

    2) When should the hard drive be installed?

         A. Step #1

         B. Step #3

         C. Step #5

         D. Step #6

    3) According to the guide, what is NOT an assembly step?

         A. Collecting parts

         B. Opening the case

         C. Connecting the drives

         D. Installing the RAM card

3. Match the words with definitions:

    1) heat sinkC

    2) RAMB

    3) expansion cardE

    4) processorF

    5) hard driveD

    6) motherboardA

         A. a slotted board with circuits and ports;

         B. a short term, quick memory source;

         C. a part used to cool the processor;

         D. a part used to store large amounts of data;

         E. a part used to increase a computer’s functions;

         F. a part that completes tasks for the computer;

4. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part:

    1) Spinning blades keep the computer from underlined part. (Fun)

    2) The electrical source directs power throughout the computer. (Power supply).

    3) Joey purchased a protective bag for his computer. (Case)

    4) Can the coded disk reader play DVDs? (disk drive.)


2. Read the advertisement from a computer parts catalogue. Then, mark the following answers as true(T) of false (F).

    1) The keyboard has a wireless connection. — FALSE

    2) The LCD monitor does not require a lot of room. — TRUE

    3) The touch screen comes with keyboard. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

    1.  keyboard — C

    2.  mouse — E

    3.  scanner — A

    4.  microphone — D

    5.  monitor — B

         A.  a device that reads images and sends them to a computer

         B.  a device that displays images

         C.  a device that enters information into a computer

         D. a device that gathers sounds

         E. a device that is used to control a pointer  or cursor

4. Check the sentence that is true

    1) A. A keyboard reads documents

         B. A USB cable connects computers and devices

    2) A. A peripheral is the main part of a computer

         B. A printer creates documents and pictures

    3) A. An input device   enters information

         B. A microphone creates  sounds

    4) A. A monitor input sounds

         B. A touch screen does not need a mouse

     5) A. A scanner displays pictures and words

         B. A peripheral is a device that is added to a computer


2. Read the article about networks. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1. What is the main idea of the passage?

         A. how to set up a network

         B. correcting network problems

         C. choosing network equipment

         D. a comparison of LANs and WLANs

    2. What  can you infer from the passage?

         A. A computer is not functioning during the cycle

         B. LAN routers do not work well near walls of metals

         C. Interference impacts a routers configuration

         D. Renewing an IP address fixes DHCP errors

    3. According to the passage, a LAN ___

         A. assigns IP address

         B. requires a router

         C. links CAT-5 cables

         D. cycles a network

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases from the word bank

DHCP    CAT-5 cable    router  network    cycle    WLAN  Internet  configuration

    1.  The router lets a network connect to the Internet.

    2. A LAN is a type of network.

    3. Businesses communicate on the Internet.

    4. We do not use cables for our network. We have a WLAN.

    5. Routers need a correct configuration to work properly.

    6. Businesses with a LAN use CAT-5 cable to connect computers.

    7. It is something necessary to cycle a network to make it work.

    8. The DHCP provides different IP addresses for computers.

4. Choose the best definition for each word


         A. a part of a computer

         B. a wireless network

         C. a networking device

    2. IP address

         A. a city-wide network

         B. an identification number

         C.  a networking device

    3. LAN

         A. a local network

         B. a networking device

         C. a wireless network


2. Read the introduction to the operating system manual. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1.  What is the main ides of the passage?

         A. where to locate shortcuts

         B. the advantages of the CCC OS

         C. how to identify and use parts of the OS

         D. types of operating systems available

    2. What can you infer about this operating system?

         A. It comes with free software

         B. Files have to stay in one folder

         C. Menus contain multiple commands

         D. Folders do not maximize or minimize

    3. According to the passage, what does the pointer NOT do?

         A. move files

         B. open menus

         C. start software

         D. minimize windows

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

Icons   desktop operating system pointer windows  GUI

    1.  Use the pointer to choose files and commands.

    2. Small pictures or symbols in software are icons.

    3. The operating system is the program that makes a computer work.

    4. When something is on the desktop you see in onscreen.

    5. An OS that uses small pictures to represent files is a GUI.

    6. You can minimize files and programs in different windows.

4.  Choose the best definition for each word.

    1. Drag

         A. save an icon

         B. close a desktop

         C. move a file

    2. Folders

         A. organize files

         B. move windows

         C. create shortcuts

    3. Shortcut

         A. a type of software

         B. a type of icon

         C. a type of window.


2.  Read the advertisement for a new word processing program. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1) Macros determine the layout of a document. — FALSE

    2)TypeWrite 4.0 features customizable fonts. — FALSE

    3) Not all file formats work with TypeWrite 4.0. — TRUE

3.Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) Use a macro to type out phrases that you use a lot.

    2)My file won’t open in other programs due to a compatibility problem.

    3) Instead of writing by hand use a word processing program.

    4) This fie is in a format that doesn’t open in TypeWrite.

    5) Save each document with a different name so you have a copy of each.

    6) The letter’s layout is wrong. The heading is in the wrong place.

    7) Increase the font size to make the file easier to read.

    8) Most word processors offer spell check to help you find mistakes.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1. The style you use for this document makes it hard to read.

         A — macro

         B — formatting

          C – compatibility

    2.To write a business letter, use the appropriate document pattern.

         A -word processing

         B — compatibility

         C– template

    3. She did not think that her typing command was saving her any time.

         A — formatting

         B – macro

         C– template


2. Read the excerpt from the employee handbook guide at T.B. Brown Inc. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1. The company uses a P093 server to receive email. — TRUE

    2. The company provides webmail for all employees. — FALSE

    3. All employees have multiple company email accounts. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E).

    1) Attachment – E

    2) domain name–C

    3) password – D

    4) email client – B

    5) SMTP server – A

         A. a computer that sends email.

         B. a program that saves sends and receives email.

         C. words/letters used to identify companies and addresses.

         D. letters/numbers that let a person access something.

         E. a file that is sent with an email.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1. That company that provides access to the internet has very good service.

         A – ISP

         B —  email address

         C – username

    2. I use an email service available on web browsers so my emails are not saved on my computer.

         A -POP3 

         B — webmail

         C — ISP

    3.Enter your code that identifies you on a computer and ‘press’ Enter.

         A — username

         B — webmail

         C — POP3

    4. Most people use a method to receive emails from a server to get their email.

         A -email address

         B — POP3

         C – webmail


2. Read the email from the IT department of TS. Brown Inc. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1) T.B. Brown Inc. now has a different URL.  — TRUE

    2) The hyperlinks navigate away from the original page. — FALSE

    3) The web site now has fewer meta tags. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (R-E).

    1) Hyperlink – C

    2) Website –  A

    3) HTML –  D

    4) Web host –  E

    5) Web browser – B

         A. a collection of related Internet pages.

         B. a program that lets you look at web pages

         C. a word image that you can clock on to navigate.

         D. a computer language used to make web sites.

         E. a company that provides space for a websites.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1) The text used in webpage codes that provide information to search engines gives us high search rankings.

         A — hyperlink

         B — meta tag 

         C — web host

    2) Type a word into the computer program that allows people to look for particular information to find a web site.

         A — search engine

         B – http

         C — website

    3) Our website is very popular on the system of information that is available on the internet.

         A -meta tag

         B –hyperlink

         C – www

    4) The company’s text and symbols that form a web address is

         A — URI

         B — search engine

         C — web host

    5) Please begin the web address with the part of the web address that allows the computer to connect to the site.

         A –HTML

         B —  web browser

         C — http


2. Read the article from Graphic Arts Magazine. Then choose the correct answers.

    1) What is the article mostly about?

         A. why people edit graphics

         B. how to edit graphics

         C. the causes of poor exposure

         D. how to crops picture

     2) According to the article, how can you remove unwanted parts of images?

         A. crop the picture

         B. resize the image

         C. save the picture as a JPEG

         D. increase the number of pixels

     3) According to the article, what is NOT a way to fix a blurry photo?

         A. resize the photo

         B. increase the lighting

         C. save in JPEG format

         D. increase the amount of pixels 1

3. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).

    1. pixel — B

    4. graphics — A

    2. exposure — D

    5. resolution — F

    3. JPEG — C

    6. tint — E

         A images on a computer, in a book or magazine etc.

         B a small dot that makes up part of an image a computer screen

         C a file used to store pictures on a computer

         D the length of time film is open to light when taking a picture

         E a small amount of a color in something

         F a computer or camera’s ability to produce a clear picture

4. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases from the word bank.

     1) It’s hard to see the details of this picture. Pease ________  it so that it is bigger.( RESIZE)

     2) I want to edit my pictures .I need a__________. (GRAPHIC EDITING PROGRAM)

     3) I don’t like the background of this picture. Lets_________ it out.  (CROP)

     4) This picture is too dark. Make the ____________ a little lighter. (CONTRAST)


2. Read the email from it department of TB. Brown Inc.  Then, read the paraphrase of the email. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the wont bank.

    Employees often use databases and spreadsheets incorrectly. Use a database to organize largo amounts of information about Clients. A database makes it easy to Search   multiple tables for client information. Use a spreadsheet to perform calculations about sinks data. Spreadsheets are also able to create graphs and charts showing profits.

3. Match the words (1-5) with definitions (A-E).

     1) Worksheet — D

    2) database — B

    3) sort — A

    4) field — E

    5) formula — C

         A to arrange the information in a database

         B a large group of data organized in a computer

         C a mathematical instruction that performs spreadsheet calculations

         D a single page of a spreadsheet

         E a database category that hot a type 01 information

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the Underlined part.

    1) Sue types in a(n) symbol that performs a specific calculation on the line

         A cell

         B operator

         C worksheet

    2) Please arrange the client addresses in a single collection of information a database.

         A table

         B field

         C query

    3) Dave adds up the values with a mathematics spreadsheet calculation

         A worksheet

          B formula

          C database

    4) Jim organizes records in a computer program that organizes information and performs calculations.

         A function

         B query

         C spreadsheet

    5) Martha finds clients who live nearby with a search that locates all information of a specific type

         A query

         B field

         C operator

    6) Some information in one unit of a spreadsheet that holds a piece of information is incorrect.

         A table

         B function

         C cell


2. Read the article from a business newsletter. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1) What does the Web Development class teach?

         A making a website easy to use

         B improving a website’s visibility

         C using code to program a website

         D how to market a new website

    2) What can you inter about the Web Design

         A Attending the class is mandatory.

         B The first class addresses functional

         C it focuses on improving a site’s visual

         D Its registration fee is less than the Web Development class.

    3) What is the function of CSS?

         A It helps improve navigation.

         B It decreases a website’s visibility.

         C It changes the style of a web page.

         D It expands the functionality of a web

3. Match the words (1-6) with the definition (A-F).

    1) web design — A

    2)coding — C

    3) navigation — E

    4) visibility — B

    5) usability — D

    6) content — F

         A choosing a website’s visuals

         B how easily you can find a website on a engine

         C a website’s programming

         D how easily a user can use a website

         E moving around a website

         F everything contained h a website

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

     1) The website doesn’t work well. I want to improve its functionality

     2) My website locks boring. I’ll give it a more interesting appearance

     3) If you are interested in making a website, take a web development class.

     4) I’m learning CSS so that I can change my website.


2. 1. What is the purpose of this advertisement?

         A to post a job opening

         B to describe a company

         C to start a publishing company

         D to sell a desktop publishing program

    2. Which is NOT a job qualification?

         A the ability to make clip art

         B project planning skills

         C a college education

         D the ability to make layouts

    3. What can you infer from this advertisement?

         A The job pays very well.

         B This is a managerial position.

         C The company is hiring from within.

         D Students do not meet the requirements.

3. Read the sentence pair. Choose correct word

    1. electronic paper/ assemble electronic pages

         Many books are available on electronic paper.

         Desktop publishing specialists assemble electronic pages.

    2. page layout/clip art

         If you need an extra picture use clip art.

         That page layout looks complete.

    3. Electrostatic printing/Offset lithography

         Electrostatic printing is all done with machines.

         Offset lithography uses oil and water to transfer ink.

4. Match the words (1-4) with the definitions (A-D).

1. comprehensive layout —  B

2. desktop publishing  — C

3. desktop publishing software — D

4. graphic communications — A

         A. a form of visual language

         B. a piece that is ready for print

         C. the design of a layout using software

         D. a computer program used by publishers


2. Read the email from IT professional at Acme Enterprise. Then, mark the following statements with true (T) or false(F)

    1. Videoconferencing reduces traveling time and cost. (TRUE)

    2. The dedicated system comes with a video bridge. (FALSE)

    3. Videoconferencing works best with low bandwidth Internet access.(FALSE)

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) My computer isn’t working. No images are showing on the monitor.

    2) Let’s purchase a dedicated system It comes with everything we need for videoconferencing

    3) Only I can edit the report. The videoconference system does not allow document sharing

    4) You can’t hold a multipoint videoconference without a video bridge

    5) The echo-cancellation feature eliminates unwanted

    6) I want face-to-face meeting. Let’s hold a videoconference

4) Write a word that s similar in meaning to the underlined part.

    1) A high amount of information that a network sends and  receives helps images load quickly on the Internet. Bandwidth

    2) To set up a videoconference system, first connect the equipment that codes and reads signals. Codec

    3) John attached a camera that broadcasts sound and video on the Internet. Webcam

    4) Our offices can hold a videoconference among people in different locations. Multipoint videoconference


2. Read the email from the marketing director of Then, mark the following statements as true(T) or false(F)

    1) has a brick and mortar shop. (False)

    2) TFC Gaming is an affiliate of (False)

    3) Affiliates earn a percentage of sales for increases in page views.(True)

3. Read the sentence pairs. Choose where the words best fit in the blanks.

    1) digital certificate/certificate authority

         I don’t trust this site, it has no digital certificate .

         The certificate authority will tell customers our site is safe.

    2) page views/traffic

         My site has two hundred more page views today.

         Advertising a website should increase  traffic

    3) FAQs/banner

         Let’s display a new banner to attract attention.

         Check the FAQs to find out about tine company.

4 . Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) E-commerce allows people to shop with businesses globally.

    2) My business is a(n) affiliate of that website. We share profits.

    3) There are many brick and mortar shops on Main Street.

    4) Put an item in a shopping cart and pay for it later.

word bank.

action proof settle trial appeal

  1. Hopefully, Mr. Wilton will be
    able to ______________ this problem without going to court.

  2. Mrs. Janson decided to
    _______________ after the judge ruled against her.

  3. In this _______________ , the
    defendant is accused of stealing from a bank.

  4. Mrs. Britt
    wants to take _______________ against her employer for not giving
    her a promotion.

  5. Attorneys don’t win cases
    when there is not enough ____________ to support their arguments.

5. Listen and read the brochure again. What services does the

company offer?

6. Listen to a phone call between a client and an attorney at a law

firm. Choose the
correct answers.

  1. What is the conversation
    mostly about?

A an
offer to settle

in a trial

C the
filing of a lawsuit

D an
injury from a car accident

  1. What will the man mostly
    likely do?

in more evidence.

the attorney’s offer.

for half of the damages.

the lawsuit against the woman.

7. Listen again and complete the conversation.

Mr. Williams. I received an 1

Ms. Johnson’s lawyer. She’s ready to end this


What do we need to do?

she’s not dropping the 2

agree to 3
____________ .

is she asking for?

She wants you to 4
______ ______ ______

to her car.

I didn’t wreck her car! Someone else ran into it.

know. But since you have no 5

, I

you settle.

don’t like it. But I guess 6
______ _______ .

8. With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7.

Then, switch
roles. Use language such as:

ready to end this dispute.

is she asking for?

I suggest you……

are an attorney. Another attorney has called to

a dispute. Talk to Student
your client, about:

attorney’s offer

the client must do

your advice

are in a dispute. Student
your lawyer.

to him or her about ending the dispute.

9. Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the attorney’s


& Evans





Meeting about:



Recommended that client



Client will



of law

  1. Before you read the
    passage, talk about these questions.

a) How are
laws created in your country? Do you think that

works well?

How do national and local laws differ?


Dear Ms. Martin,

I finished my research
on the Great Cars Incorporated

lawsuit. Here are the important notes:

national legislation
a lot of safety

GCI did not follow that policy.
But the statute

new, so it may not pertain
our case.

is a precedent.
A suit against Car Masters was

two years ago. The company did not make

to meet state
enough. A judge dismissed

case after Car Masters met the requirements.

the plaintiff may sue under a relevant

allow him to change the lawsuit

yet. That procedure
takes weeks.

Let me know if you have
any questions.

Sarah Jackson

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #


Не закрывайте страницу. Нейросеть пишет ответ. Он появится тут.

Этот ответ написан нейросетью.

Искуственный интеллект во многом преуспевает, но в некоторых областях может давать неточные ответы.
Если вам не понравился ответ, попробуйте задать его более развёрнуто и конкретно, используя точные параметры.

Нейросеть ChatGPT отвечает:

1. Sasha used to work in inbound logistics, but now she works in outbound logistics, which involves managing the transportation of goods from the company to the customers.

2. The customer service representative verified the customer’s information before proceeding with the order.

3. The credit card company gave authorization for the customer’s purchase, ensuring that there were sufficient funds and that the transaction was legitimate.

4. Mr. Hansen called to see when the order would be shipped, as he was eager to receive the product.

5. The company’s objective is to provide good quality products for low prices, and they utilize efficient logistics processes to ensure timely and cost-effective delivery to their customers. This involves managing both inbound logistics (receiving raw materials and supplies) and outbound logistics (transporting finished goods to customers). By optimizing their logistics operations, the company can reduce costs, improve delivery times, and enhance customer satisfaction.

⚠️Зарепортить пост!

Задания по самостоятельной работе студентов (с ответами) учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык» (английский) разработаны на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта (далее – ФГОС) по программе подготовки специалистов среднего звена в соответствии с ФГОС специальности среднего профессионального образования (далее – СПО) 46.02.01 «Документационное обеспечения управления и архивоведение»

Задания по самостоятельной работе студентов (с ответами) содержат общие и единые требования к выполнению и оформлению лабораторных работ и практических занятий.

Организация-разработчик: Красноярский промышленный колледж – филиал Федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Национальный  исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ» (КПК НИЯУ МИФИ)


«Задания по самостоятельной работе студентов (с ответами)» составлены по «Book 1» — «Книге 1» «Secretarial» —  «Делопроизводство» и соответствуют программе преподавания иностранного языка и календарно – тематическим планам учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык (английский)».

Необходимость разработки данных заданий обусловлена специальностью групп, уровнем обучения иностранному языку и учебной литературой. Степень заинтересованности студентов в изучении английского языка — варьируется. Все студенты способны перевести слова, данные в начале каждого урока.

Студенты учат слова в зависимости от того, какую оценку хотят получить:

  • 1/3 всех слов – на «3»,
  • 2/3 слов на — «4»,
  • все слова – на «5».

То обстоятельство, что не все студенты способны овладеть одинаковым объёмом словарного запаса каждого урока, приводит к ошибкам на заключительном этапе. Здесь студентам предлагается перевести текст упражнения с русского языка на английский.

Перевод с русского на английский показывает уровень усвоения лексических единиц по каждой теме и подчиняется грамматическим правилам, как русского, так и английского языков. В английском языке – строгий порядок слов, а в русском – свободный. Кроме того, в английском предложении всегда должен быть глагол, а в русском предложении глагол часто отсутствует. Разные грамматические нормы двух языков делают перевод с русского языка на английский как самым трудным,  так и наиболее интересным видом заданий.

В своей работе я использую раздаточный материал, позволяющий быстро и эффективно проверять допущенные каждым студентом ошибки. На разных этапах работы я предлагаю студентам ознакомиться с правильным вариантом выполнения задания. Например, студентам с более высоким уровнем обучения достаточно только взглянуть на образец, и продолжать работать самостоятельно.

Представленные на рассмотрение студентов раздаточные материалы демонстрируют также и допущенные ими орфографические ошибки. Кроме того, выданные на дом в качестве домашнего задания, тексты могут быть использованы для других видов работы. Это может быть: заучивание наизусть, перевод с английского на русский, построение в опросительных предложений разного типа, изменение предложений в активном (действительном) залоге на предложения в пассивном (страдательном) залоге, и наоборот.

Творческий подход подразумевает разработку собственных аналогичных заданий, что способствует закреплению материала на уровне понимания. В составе группы – студенты с начальным и средним уровнем изучения английского языка. Задания разработаны поэтапно, с учётом лексики и грамматики каждого семестра, со второго по четвёртый курс — включительно. Принцип «от простого – к сложному» и систематическое выполнение заданий способствуют пониманию и закреплению материала.

Задания подобраны с целью повторения всех грамматических тем аудиторных занятий и направлены на обогащение словарного запаса студентов профессиональными терминами с учётом выбранной ими специальности. Сборник ответов предоставляется студентам после самостоятельного выполнения ими конкретного задания с целью наглядности, а также – для возможности проведения сравнительного анализа правильных ответов с собственным результатом.




1. What supplies does a secretary use at work?

2. Where does a secretary get supplies from?

3. What furniture is usually in an office?

4. Where are some places you can buy office furniture?

5. What are some types of reference books people use?

6. When are reference books helpful?

7. What types of machines are found in an office?

8. Where do people find information about office equipment?

9. What documents do people use in an office?

10. Who handles the different documents in an office?

A. There are usually desks, chairs, coat racks, filing cabinets, cupboards and shelves in an office.

B. They are manuals, phone books, business directories, dictionaries and thesauruses, atlases and encyclopedias.

C. She (he) uses pens, pencils, sticky tapes, folders, paperclips, correction fluid, staples and staplers.

D. People find the information in newspapers and business magazines, adverts, websites and catalogues.

E. They use legal documents, faxes, memos, receipts, business letters, contracts, CVs, accounts, pay slips, meeting minutes, tax forms and order forms.

F. He (she) gets them from his (her) company that buys them from office supply stores.

G. You can buy it at a normal furniture store, or at an office supplies store (office furniture retailer) based in your town (city). You can also order it from the Internet.

H. They help to find a specific piece of information quickly or to get a brief overview of a subject.

I. Secretaries may write or type up business letters, fill in order forms and write memos and meeting minutes. Accountants work with receipts, tax forms and pay slips. Human resources
handle employment contracts and CVs.

J.  There are printers, copiers, fax machines, scanners, shredders, projectors, answering machines
and dictation machines in an office = Printers, copiers, fax machines, scanners, shredders,
projectors, answering machines and dictation machines are found in an office.


Answering machine, available, client, come in, dictation machine, employee, manual, sales, modern, office supply store

1. If a person is , they have time to go to a meeting, have lunch or speak with someone.

2. To … … is to enter a building, like a store or house.

3. An is someone who works for a company.

4. An … … is a device that is connected to the telephone for the purpose of recording messages.

5. An … … … is a place where business equipment is sold.

6. «» is an area of business about persuading people to buy a product or service.

7. is another word for customer.

8. A is a book containing instructions.

9. A … … is a device that records spoken notes or instructions usually to be typed up at a later time.

10. A product is when it’s design and/or technique is new.



1. A coat rack

A. is short for facsimile. It is a document that is sent through a machine and not the mail.

2. A filing cabinet

B. is a written document which shows that goods or money was received.

3. A reception desk

C. is short for memorandum and it is a short, written reminder.

4. To fill out

D. are items that are needed to do an activity.

5. To keep track of something

E. is a piece of furniture where you can hang your coat, hat, etc.

6. A fax

F. is a list of items for sale.

7. A receipt

G. is the table where a receptionist sits and works.

8. A memo

H. is to complete a form with necessary information.

9. Supplies

I. is to organize it and keep it safe.

10. A catalogue

J. is a piece of furniture in which you can organize files and other important information.


1. Bradley’s is an office furniture retailer based in Chicago, … … ?

2. On a set day every month, employees give the person in charge lists of what they need, … … ?

3. Many office supply stores give discounts for larger orders, … … ?

4. Joan needs a new bottle of correction fluid, … … ?

5. Bradley’s offers different furniture styles, from traditional to modern, … … ?

6. Employee reference books are in the second floor library, … … ?

7. Dictionaries are very helpful when preparing documents for foreign clients, … … ?

8. A shredder or dictation machine doesn’t have to be new, … … ?

9. A secretary has to prepare and organize many documents, … … ?

10. We want a secretary with great people and computer skills, … …  ?


1. Employees need pens, tape and folders to do their jobs. (What)

2. Many office supply stores give discounts for larger orders. (What)

3. I need twenty boxes of pens with black ink. (How many)

4. The office worker wants to purchase office supplies. (Who)

5. The clerk offers to deliver the supplies. (What)

6. The total comes to $70. (How many)

7. The black leather is $99. (How many)

8. The new employee is reading the manual. (What)

9. Employee reference books are in the second floor library. (Where)

10. Every office needs equipment. (What)


1. Я – секретарь с двухлетним опытом работы в большой компании.

2. Для выполнения своей работы сотрудникам нужны ручки, скрепки и скоросшиватели.

3. Я отвечаю за приобретение офисной канцелярии.

4. В установленную дату каждого месяца сотрудники дают мне списки того, что им нужно.

5. Я размещаю заказ на офисную канцелярию, чтобы получить всё в одно и то же время.

6. Скидки за большие заказы помогают экономить деньги, кроме того, и на транспортных расходах.

7. Наша фирма – это магазин розничной торговли офисной мебелью, основанный в Красноярске.

8. У нас большой выбор мебели, которая поступает в традиционном и современном стиле.

9. Входите и посмотрите всё, что вам надо! 10. Мы также доставляем мебель к Вашему дому или офису с понедельника по пятницу.

UNITS 6-10


1. What are some common greetings that people use?

2. What do people say when they introduce themselves to others?

3. What information do visitors ask for?

4. How do office workers help visitors?

5. What times are businesses usually opened?

6. Why do some businesses open earlier or close later than others?

7. What are some common ways of greeting callers on the phone?

8. How do office workers help callers?

9. What do you think are the qualities of a good secretary?

10. Why is it important for secretaries to have those qualities?

A. When people introduce themselves they say things like: «Hello, I’m (name) from
(company) / the (job title).

B. They may ask for information about: directions to certain addresses, phone numbers for hotels
and taxis, recommendations for restaurants, shops and sights to visit.

C. Some businesses open earlier or close later because they offer services (that) people use
outside of business hours, for example restaurants or hotels. Other businesses may open
at different times because they work with companies around the world that operate in
different time zones, or because at specific times of the year their workload is very heavy and
they have deadlines to meet.

D. Some common greetings (that) people use are: «Hi, hello, hey there, good morning
(afternoon, evening). Nice to meet (see) you. Pleased to meet you. How are you»?

E. They are: «Hello, (name) speaking, how can I help you? / Good morning (afternoon, evening),
name of company, how can I help you?

F. They can help visitors by: making them feel welcomed, giving advice about the local area,
giving more information about the company, calling a taxi when the visitor departs,
reminding visitors to check their belongings, introducing visitors to other employees.

G. To my mind, a good secretary is organized, hard-working, efficient and reliable, has good
grammar and spelling, has a typing speed of at least 50 words per minute, has a friendly and
polite manner, is familiar with office computer software.

H. Those qualities are necessary as in communication with different people as to a business.

I.  Working hours are from 8:30 until 5:00, Mondays to Thursdays. Friday is a half day: Working
hours are 8:30-12:30.

J. They help callers by connecting them to the person they want to speak to or by taking
messages, and by giving them useful information.


«On arrival», «on hold», message pad (2), regards, return, «ring off the hook», introduction,
«put someone through», welcomed

1. If people feel , when they arrive they feel as if people want them there.

2. An is when you exchange your name and other basic information with another person for the first time.

3. If something something it is about that thing.

4. «… …» means when you get to a place.

5. To «… … … …» is to receive many phone calls in a row for an extended period.

6. To a call is to phone somebody who called you earlier.

7. To «… … …» is to connect a caller to another phone line.

8. A … … is a pad of paper intended to be used when taking messages.

9. A … … features areas for names, phone numbers, messages and instructions.

10. Being «… …» means waiting on the phone line to speak to someone.


1. A visitor’s pass

A. is a phrase or word used to greet someone.

2. Close of business

B. is a request for a product to be made or delivered to a customer.

3. A beverage

C. is to help someone.

4. Belongings a card that shows you are visiting a place.

5. An order

E. is to call someone on the phone.

6. A salutation

F. is the time when a business closes for the day.

7. To lend a hand

G. are things that are personally yours, such as a coat or briefcase.

8. To make a call

H. is a day when you finish work at mid-day.

9. A half day

I. is another word for «a drink», such as tea or soda.

10. To clarify

J. is to make something clearer or easier to understand.


1. A good organizer can prepare legal documents, send faxes and send out memos, keep track of
receipts and payments, write excellent business letters and fill out many forms, … …?

2. Answering the phone and greeting clients is also very important, … … ?

3. As a receptionist, you create the first impression of your company, … … ?

4. Reception and secretarial staff must make visitors feel welcomed and offer the visitor a
beverage, … … ?

5. Office workers need to be prepared to lend a hand to all visitors, … … ?

6. The secretary always lends a hand to employees who need help completing tasks, … … ?

7. The hotel clerk showed the way to the nearest theater, … … ?

8. Sheryl sent a reminder for employees to turn in their time sheets on Friday, … … ?

9. I gave the driver the address of the place I wanted to go to, … … ?

10. Working hours are from 8:30 until 5:00, Mondays to Thursdays, … … ?


1. Sara has a telephone with an answering machine attached. (What) 2. George got a four-in-one printer to save space. (Why)

3. Sheila types her boss’ notes from a dictation machine. (What)

4. Greeting visitors with a smile makes the quests feel welcomed. (What)

5. Wanda offered her friend a beverage. (What)

6. My flight departs at 6:30 p.m. (When)

7. Mary picked up her belongings. (What)

8. Friday is a half day. (What)

9. Your lunch hour is from 12 o’clock to 1 o’clock. (When)

10. Mr. Walpole puts through a client to Ms. Danz’s office. (Who)


1. Я читаю справочники, чтобы знать больше о моей работе.

2. Справочники находятся в библиотеке офиса.

3. Слева – руководства с должностными инструкциями.

4. Следом за руководствами – каталоги компании.

5. Здесь расположены и телефонные книги, и базы данных.

6. Читайте их, если ищете детали о заказчиках!

7. Словари и тезаурусы – справа.

8. У нас эти книги – на более чем на одном языке.

9. Они очень полезны при подготовке документов для иностранных клиентов.

10. Энциклопедии и атласы мира полезны при планировании деловой поездки.

UNITS 11-15


1. What departments are there at large companies?

2. What do employees do in those departments?

3. What are some things a secretary says when he or she answers the phone?

4. What questions do secretaries ask callers?

5. Why do you use the phone for business?

6. What business arrangements can you make on the phone?

7. What are some parts of a letter?

8. How often do you write letters?

9. What are some uses of graphs and charts?

10. Where do you see graphs and charts used?

A. A secretary answers the phone with good phone etiquette: «Hello, (name) speaking, hold
while I transfer you, I’m afraid the person you want to speak to isn’t available / busy».

B. Business arrangements such as meetings and appointments, business trips, conferences and
business lunches can be arranged over (on) the phone.

C. A letter consists of the recipient’s and sender’s names and addresses, a salutation or greeting,
a body, a closing and a signature.

D. I write letters twice a month.

E. We see line graphs in demonstrating increases and decreases over time, in company sales for
the year. Bar graphs are the best for making comparisons. A pie chart is good for showing
how a budget is being spent.

F. At large companies there are such departments as: purchasing, marketing, sales, human
resources, accounts and Information Technology (IT) departments.

G. They search for products in many different countries (in purchasing department), give
openings for talented graphic designers and writers, advertise products (in marketing
department), talk to clients, show them their products and persuade them to buy products (in
sales department), interview and find new employees, hire employees and employee benefits
(in human resources department), organize financial aspects of business (in accounts
department), maintain computer systems and networks (in IT department).

H. People use the phone for business because it allows them to make arrangements quickly and
instantly. By phone you can also contact people at any time or place.

I. People use line graphs, bar graphs and pie charts to visualize data so that it can easily be
explained, compared or analyzed. Graphs present data clearly and simply and summarize
information, so you can use them to organize data and look for patterns. Graphs are also used
to illustrate statistics, for example in a presentation.

J. Secretaries ask callers: «Would you like me to put you on hold? Would you prefer to leave a
message? Who would you like to speak to? Can I take a message? What (telephone) number
can we connect you on? When is a good time to call you back»?


Bar graph, competitor, demonstrate, depart, department, experience, measure, pertinent,
pie chart, sincerely

1. If information is , it is related to the topic being discussed.

2. means something is done openly and honestly.

3. A … …  is a graph that represents different amounts with thick lines of different lengths.

4. To means to show how something is done.

5. To means you leave a location for another place.

6. A  is one part of an organization, such as a company.

7. …  is the skills and knowledge a person gets from doing something.

8. To up means to be equal to something or someone in ability.

9. A is a company that sells the same things as another company.

10. A … … is a circle that has sections to show how something is divided into different amounts.


1. To inquire

A. is a plan for a future activity.

2. Etiquette

B. are the information you need for an appointment or arrangement, such as date and time.

3. A policy

C. is to ask a question.

4. To transfer a call to show that you have arrived by signing a piece of paper.

5. To announce

E. is a style of behavior that shows good manners in a particular situation.

6. To arrange

F. is a set of rules.

7. An arrangement

G. is to tell someone about something with confidence.

8. Scheduling details

H. is to answer a call and direct it to someone else.

9. To sign in

I. is a person’s signed name on a document.

10. A signature

J. is to organize or plan something like a party or meeting.


1. On arrival, employees are responsible for performing basic duties, like turning on the
computers and turning off the answering machine, … … ?

2. Employees take a break at mid-morning around 10:30 a.m., and a mid-afternoon break at 3:00
p.m., … … ?

3. Refreshments are available from the vending machine in the break room, … … ?

4. The man explains the working hours on half days, … … ?

5. You can’t put through any callers, … … ?

6. The caller decides to call back later, … … ?

7. The secretary asks Ms. Bailey to repeat her phone number, … … ?

8. The successful applicant will be a qualified PA, … … ?

9. The candidate also needs to be friendly, … … ?

10. The woman doesn’t leave her resume, … … ?


1. Ms. Waltz writes the caller’s name and number. (Who)

2. Mr. Crichton caught a mistake in the report. (Where)

3. The phones ring off the hook on busy days. (When)

4. The successful applicant will be familiar with office computer software. (What)

5. The advertisement also gives the company’s contact details and information about the salary. (What)

6. I am a qualified personal assistant (PA). (What)

7. Ruth always talks to everybody at the office. (Where)

8. Jacob does the work well. (How)

9. After his successful job search, Mike starts work on Monday. (When)

10. Tom is familiar with the new office computers. (What)


1. Офисное оборудование может быть таким дорогим!

2. Существуют способы оборудовать офис дёшево и эффективно.

3. Если хотите сэкономить до 70%, купите принтер «четыре в одном»!

4. Ищите бывшее в употреблении оборудование хорошего качества!

5. Уничтожитель бумаги не обязательно должен быть новым.

6. Просто убедитесь, что всё работает.

7. Лучше покупать телефон с автоответчиком.

8. Секретарю требуется иметь большие навыки работы с людьми и на компьютере.

9. Хороший организатор может готовить официальные документы.

10. Отвечать по телефону и приветствовать клиентов – также важно.




1.-C.; 2.-F.; 3.-A.; 4.-G.; 5.-B.; 6.-H.; 7.-J.; 8.-D.; 9.-E.; 10.-I.


1. available; 2. come in; 3. employee; 4. answering machine; 5. office supply store; 6. «Sales»;
7. Client; 8. manual; 9. dictation machine; 10. modern


1.-E.; 2.-J.; 3.-G.; 4.-H.; 5.-I.; 6.-A.; 7.-B.; 8.-C.; 9.-D.; 10.-F.


1. isn’t it;   2. don’t they; 3. don’t they; 4. doesn’t she; 5. doesn’t it; 6. aren’t they; 7. aren’t they; 8. does it;  9. doesn’t she (he);  10. don’t we


1. What do employees need to do their jobs?

2. What do many supply stores give discounts for? OR: For what do many supply stores give discounts?

3. How many bottles of pens with black ink do I need?

4. Who wants to purchase office supplies?

5. What does the clerk offer to deliver?

6. How many dollars does the total come to?

7. How many dollars is the black leather?

8. What is the new employee reading?

9. Where are employee reference books?

10. What does every office need?


1. I’m a secretary with two years’ experience at a large company.

2. The employees need pens, paperclips and folders to do their jobs.

3. I’m in charge of purchasing office supplies.

4. On a set date every month, the employees give me lists of what they need.

5. I place an order for the office supplies to get everything at the same time.

6. Discounts for larger orders as well as shipping charges help to save money.

7. Our firm is an office furniture retailer based in Krasnoyarsk.

8. We have a large selection of furniture which comes in traditional and modern style.

9. Come in and check out everything (that) you need!

10. We also deliver furniture to your home or office, from Mondays through Fridays.

UNITS 6-10


1.-D.; 2.-A; 3.-B.; 4.-F.; 5.-I.; 6.-C.; 7.-E.; 8.-J.; 9.-G.; 10.-H.


1. welcomed; 2. introduction; 3. regards; 4. «On arrival»; 5. ring off the hook; 6. return; 7. «put someone through»; 8. message pad; 9. message pad; 10. «on hold»


1.-D.; 2.-F.; 3.-I.; 4.-G.; 5.-B.; 6.-A.; 7.-C.; 8.-E.; 9.-H.; 10.-J.


1. can’t he (she); 2. isn’t it; 3. don’t you; 4. mustn’t they; 5. don’t they; 6. doesn’t she (he); 7. didn’t she (he); 8. didn’t she; 9. didn’t I; 10. aren’t they


1. What telephone does Sara have? OR: What does Sara have a telephone with? OR: With what does Sara have a telephone?

2. Why did George get a four-in-one printer?

3. What (machine) does Sheila type her boss’ notes from? OR: From what does Sheila type her boss’ notes?

4. What makes the quests feel welcomed?

5. What did Wanda offer her friend?

6. When does my flight depart?

7. What did Mary pick up?

8. What day is a half one?

9. When is your lunch hour?

10. Who puts through a client to Ms. Danz’s office?


1. I read reference books to learn more about my job.

2. Reference books are in the office library.

3. The job manuals are on the left side.

4. Company catalogues are next to the manuals.

5. Phone books and databases are located here, too.

6. Read them if you look for customer details!

7. Dictionaries and thesauruses are on the right side.

8. We have these books in more than one language.

9. They are very helpful (useful) when preparing documents for foreign clients.

10. Encyclopedias and world atlases are helpful (useful) when planning a business trip. 

UNITS 11-15


1.-F.; 2.-G.; 3.-A.; 4.-J.; 5.-H.; 6.-B.; 7.-C.; 8.-D.; 9.-I.; 10.-E.


1. pertinent; 2. Sincerely; 3. bar graph; 4. demonstrate; 5. depart; 6. department; 7. Experience; 8. measure; 9. competitor; 10. pie chart


1.-C.; 2.-E.; 3.-F.; 4.-H.; 5.-G.; 6.-J.; 7.-A.; 8.-B.; 9.-D.; 10.-I.


1. aren’t they; 2. don’t they; 3. aren’t they; 4. doesn’t he; 5. can you; 6. doesn’t she (he);
7. doesn’t she (he); 8. won’t she (he); 9. doesn’t she (he); 10. does she


1. Who writes the caller’s name and number?

2. Where did Mr. Crichton catch a mistake?

3. When do the phones ring off the hook?

4. What will the successful applicant be familiar with? OR: With what will the successful applicant be familiar?

5. What does the advertisement give also?

6. What (assistant) am I?

7. Where does Ruth talk always to everybody?

8. How does Jacob do the work?

9. When does Mike start work?

10. What (computers) is Tom familiar with? OR: With what (computers) is Tom familiar?


1. Office equipment can be so expensive!

2. There are ways to outfit an office cheaply and efficiently.

3. If you want to save up to 70%, buy «a four-in-one printer»!

4. Look for good quality used equipment!

5. A shredder doesn’t have to be new.

6. Just make sure that everything still works!

7. It’s better to buy a telephone and answering machine combination.

8. A secretary needs to have great people and computer skills.

9. A good organizer can prepare legal documents.

10. Answering the phone and greeting clients is also important.


Основная литература

1). Английский язык /А.С. Восковская, Т.А. Карпова. – Изд. 12-е, стер. –
Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2013. – 376, [1] с. – (Среднее профессиональное образование)
ISBN 978-5-222-20067-4.

2). Английский язык /Агабекян И.П. – Изд. 26-е, стер.
Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2015. – 318, [1] с.  (Среднее профессиональное образование)
ISBN 978-5-222-23595-9.


1. Virginia Evans Career Paths “Secretarial” © Express Publishing, 2011.
[Электронный Ресурс] – Режим Доступа:
ISBN 978-0-85777-860-4

2. Virginia Evans Career Paths “Teacher’s Book” © Express Publishing, 2011.
[Электронный Ресурс] – Режим Доступа:
ISBN 978-0-85777-861-1

3. Электронные пособия для аудирования (CD)
CD 1 UK version © Express Publishing
ISBN 978-0-85777-863-5;
CD 2 UK version © Express Publishing
ISBN 978-0-85777-864-2

4. Кузьменкова Ю.Б. Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде: курс лекций. М.: Педагогический университет «Первое сентября», 2006. URL:


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