Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list below

Fill in the blanks with the correct words listed below.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words listed below?

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Английский язык. Уровень сложности вопроса – для учащихся 5 — 9 классов.
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please ,correct my answers.Emotion: smile

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list below. You may have to change the forms.

dab at — make it up to — mop — nozzle — plunge — tingle — unattached

1. After my daughter spilt a whole carton of milk, I had to ___ the floor.

2. Karen attached the ___ of the garden hose to the sprinkler so she could water the lawn.

3. The easiest way to get into a cold swimming pool is just to ___ in.

4. Billy felt sorry for hitting his little brother. To ___ him, Billy offered to buy him some candy at the store.

5. The nurse ___ the wound to try and clean off the blood.

6. The anti-dandruff shampoo ___ on her scalp when she washed her hair yesterday.

7. The fact that I am over thirty and still ___ doesn’t really bother me.

4-made it up to
5-dabs at


Fill in the correct word from the list below. Use the word only once:
heavily, street, pale, deep, rough, rocky, anxiously, big, dark, strongly

1._____ raindrops. 6.____clouds rain____. 7.a(n)___lamp
3.a(n)____hole. 8.____light blow____. 9.a(n)__cliff
5.a(n)____sea. wait____
короче говоря, надо просто слова вставить, помогите, пожалуйста

1. Underline the odd word out. holiday: chalet,instructor,sun hat,ski lift

2.sightseeing holiday: gallery ,museum,tour guida,goggles

3.camping holiday: sleeping bag,torch,suit,tent holiday: captain,cabin,port,pilot

5.safari Holiday: fur coat,jeep,binoculars,insect repellent

2.Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list. Use the words only once.
/Busy, warm, suntan, car, loud, bright, honking, golden, straw, exhaust/

1. warm Sea    2. Bright Sun  3. Honking Horns  4. A(n) Busy street
5. straw Umbrellas 6. Golden Beaches 7. suntan Oil 8. Loud Music
9. exhaust Fumes 10. A (n) car park

3.Fill in the correct preposition(s).

1.Cape Canaveral is located on the east coast of Florida.
2.Many ancient artifacts have been discovered in the Mediterranean Sea.
3. Rio de Janeiro is famous for its carnival.
4. We’re going on a tour of the new school tomorrow.
5.Shaking hands with someone is a way of saying hello or goodbye.
6. I love lying on the beach in summer.
7.We got on the first plane to Hawaii and were there in ten hours.
8.Creece is in southern Europe.
9.My country house is by a river
10. The first time I took my son to the zoo he was very excited.

4.Underline the correct word.

1.The sandy beach was full of sunbathes.
2.The haunted house is the most popular sight at the funfair.
3.To be a good basketball player you have to be tall.
4.He gave her an expensive golden ring.
5.The man still alive when the ambulance reached the hospital.

5.Read the text and underline the expressions which describe the use of senses.

We could hear the loud voices of the vendors even before we stepped out of the hot bright sunshine into the indoor market. Once we were inside we could see that they had carefully arranged their colorful fruit and vegetables in large round baskets on the floor. The smoky smells of the city seemed to have disappeared and instead in the delicious aroma of herbs and spices.

6.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Past simple or Present perfect.

a) Have you been  to Blackpool recently?
-Yes. It  has changed  a lot since the last time I  was  there.

b) –I  visited  several different countries so far this year.
-Really! I  haven’t been abroad since last summer. Where Have you gone ?
c) –Did you see  the Eiffel Tower while you were in Paris?
-Yes, I did  
d) – I  sent you postcard last week. Haven’t you received  it yet?
-No, but I got  one from James on Monday morning.

7. Fill in the where necessary.

1. I’ve invited the Smiths to dinner this evening.
2. I’m scared of travelling by the plane.
3. We went shopping at the Harrods while we were in London.
4.Don’t turn the TV on; I’ve got a headache.
5.It is dangerous to go through the Central Park at night.
6.It gets very hot here in the afternoon.
7.There are special hostels for the homeless in …London.
8.I found…French very difficult to learn when I was young.
9. The Archaeological Museum is closed on Mondays.
10. I’m not going to the school today. Mum; I’m ill.

8.Fill in “the” where necessary.

Dear Marianne.
I started secondary school a month ago. The first week was exciting. I met a lot of other students and went to the School dance which was held by. The Student Committee to welcome  the new students. Then I caught measles and had to stay in for weeks.
Lately, I have been spending the most of my time at  the home or in  the Library as I’m studying for my exams. I’ve history exam on the middle Ages. History is the most difficult subject-I just can’t remember dates.
I can’t wait for the Easter. We’ll be visiting Portugal for 2 weeks.
See you soon. Take care.

9.Choose the correct item.

1. Peter is very rich… tree limousines.
a.owns owning c.has owned

2.Peter…a shower when phone rang.
a. had b. has had c.was having

3.My brother is ….late for work; he can’t wake up the mornings.
a.rarely b.always c.occasionally

4. Aren’t you ready…? I’ve been waiting for you for twenty minutes!
a. already b. since c.yet

5.Carl…. his homework; so he can play with his friends.
a. was finishing b. has finished c. finishes.

6. My husband …. a special dinner tonight for our anniversary.
a. is cooking b. was cooking c. cooks

7. Fred ….the guitar since he was 6 years old.
a. plays b.has been playing c. played

8. My mother,… first name is Pat, is an English teacher at my school.
a. whose b.who c. which

9.I… an hour ago and I’m still waiting for my friend.
a. was arriving b. have arrived c. arrived

10. The house ….is on the corner belongs to my uncle.
a.who b. whom c. which

10. Fill in since or for.

1. I’ve had this jacket for 5 years.
2.I haven’t eaten snails since our holiday in Crete.
3.Have you seen Robert since his party?
4.Ken hasn’t written to me for ages
5.I haven’t ridden a horse since 1984
6.Greg has lived here for 10 months.

11. Fill in gaps with so, such, or such a(n)

1.The kitten is such a small that fits in the palm of my hand.
2.He has such strong muscles that he can lift the front of a car.
3. The book was so difficult that she couldn’t understand it.
4.It was such a tall tree that the children couldn’t climb it.
5.The film she watched last night was so scary that she couldn’t sleep afterwards.
6.It was such a hot day that we went to the beach.
7.The box was so heavy that I dropped it on the floor.
8. She was having such awful time at the party that she decided to go home.
9. They’re playing the music so loudly that I can’t hear a word you’re saying.
10.There were so many people at the reception that we couldn’t find a place to sit.



Fill in the correct word from the list below:

broadcast, forecasters, viewer, script, screened, report, daily, bulletins

While most weather 1)……. are qualified meteorologists, they have to be more than just scientist. Every 2)……..must catch the attention of the 3)…………, which means that it cannot be just a flat 4)………. of the facts. Personality counts for a lot, and since TV meteorologists write their own 5)……… , they can decide not only what to say but how to say it. Even when emergency 6)……. are 7)…….., they meteorologist must be as calm and good-humoured as when he or she present the 8)…………. programme.

1 ответ:



broadcast, forecasters, viewer, script, screened, report, daily, bulletins

While most weather 1) forecasters are qualified meteorologists, they have to be more than just scientist. Every 2) broadcast must catch the attention of the 3) viewer, which means that it cannot be just a flat 4) report of the facts. Personality counts for a lot, and since TV meteorologists write their own 5) script, they can decide not only what to say but how to say it. Even when emergency 6) bulletins are 7) screened, the meteorologist must be as calm and good-humoured as when he or she present the 8) daily programme.

Читайте также

What did you supper in cook?

Можно поставить now!

Нет, это не справедливо
Тк во-первых, оценка выставляется как средний балл между всеми оценками, полученными за четверть (не важно контрольная или нет)
Во-вторых, судя по твоим оценкам, твой средний балл выше 4,5, а это значит, что должна стоять оценка 5
Соответственно, тебе нужно подойти к своему учителю и спросить, почему она поставила 4 (она вполне могла допустить ошибку)
Если этот вариант не сработает, тогда уже говорить родителям, пусть они идут в школу и разбираются с данной ситуацией

<span>You can carry :  your baggage , liquids.
you can join : a queue , a group of people, .
you can miss : your flight, your bus
you can leave behind : your baggage, your ticket, </span>

Past simple:
the boy wrote on the black board.
past continuous:
the boy was writing on the black board.
past perfect:
the boy had written on the black board.

present continuos:
the boy is writing on the black board.
present perfect:
the boy has writtwn on the black board.

future simple:
the boy will write on the black board.
future continuos:
the boy will be writing on the black board.
future perfect:
the boy will have written on the black board.

вроде всё..



The problem of ____deforestation__________ is caused by cutting down and burning trees. Our society is producing too much packaging and food waste which ends up on the ___ rubbish___________ tip. When the last animal of a certain species dies, that species becomes _____extinct__________. Many animals find it more and more difficult to survive as their natural _____habitat_________ is destroyed. Factories and cars _____release__________ poisonous chemicals into the air. ___release_____ groups try to protect animals and the places where they live. Pollution is__ threatening ___the lives of many animals. Several environmental groups are working to __conservation_____________ the world’s rainforests from being destroyed.

 encourage prevent adoption reduce cut down on

Choose the correct modal verb.

I found a briefcase on the train. – You ought to take it to the police station as soon as possible. Did you get some money from the bank? – No, I didn’t need to. I had enough in my wallet. Sorry, I’m late. – You should wear a watch. I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. – They can’t have got lost because I gave them a map. Would I use your mobile phone, please? – Yes, of course. We needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food. When shall I visit you next? – You might call in tomorrow if you like.

  Paraphrase the following sentences using modal verbs.

16. He needs to take the exam again. 17. I’m sure Terry can’t be at the office. 18. It is possible that Jane can  call me this evening. 19. You mustn’t eat and drink in the classroom. 20. We are ought to clock in and out every day. 21. Can I do anything to help? 22. Sam could reach the top of the mountain after climbing for several hours. 23. We can throw a party on your birthday.

Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

Yesterday we ran … Tim on our way to the cinema.

B to

My friend is an avid supporter … Greenpeace.

 A of

This car runs … unleaded petrol.

C on .

He has almost run … this old lady!


I feel strongly … recycling.

B about

having, lever, slide, ponding, uphill, inclined
plane, stair, knife, choose, lid, cut, wedge, base, screw, twist

These simple machines share a
plan of attack:

A broom, a crowbar and a
baseball bat

And so does a hammer when it’s
____________________ a tack

And the
fork in your hand when you’re _______________ a snack.

Tell me the name of this

The one that gives me so much

It’s a

You can ride up a ramp or
____________________ down a slide

Take a trip to the top of a
roller coaster ride

You’ll be using this tool with
every ____________________ that you climb

Go up a ladder, if you’re so

Tell me the name of this

The one that makes going
____________________ easy?

It’s an

With an axe or a
____________________ you can split into two

Any number of things that a
razor can’t do

And a sword’s what to
_________________when you’re challenged to duel

You can split, trim or
__________________with this versatile tool

Tell me the name of this

The one that helps split
things in two?

It’s a

With the twist of a
___________________ I could see right away

That the ridge on the jar is
what made the lid stay

And the
________________________ of a light bulb has angular ribs

Which thread themselves tight
when you _________________ the bulb in

Tell me the name of this

The one that holds things
tightly together?

It’s a


11. If
two or more simple machines work together, they form a complex
machine. Most of the machines we use today are created by combining
several simple machines. Can you think of creative ways to combine
simple machines to make work easier? Think about it and discuss in

12. Discuss the following quotations in small groups.

1. “The wheel is an
extension of the foot, the book is an extension of the eye; clothing,
an extension of the skin, electric circuitry, an extension of the
central nervous system.”

Marshall McLuhan (Canadian
writer and social reformer)

2. “Coincidence is the word
we use when we can’t see the levers and pulleys.”

Emma Bull (Writer)

3. “An inventor is a person
who makes an ingenious arrangement of wheels, levers and springs, and
believes it civilization.”

Ambrose Bierce (American
writer, journalist and editor)

4. “For 50,000 years, ever
he invented fire, the wheel and very recently the microprocessor,
mankind has been striving endlessly to make himself 100 percent

5. “If you wedge a rocket
between the Rocky Mountains, you can reverse the rotation of the


13. Why is manufacture so closely connected to science? Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) to answer this question using phrases and words in the box:

— to
improve production processes — equipment

— to research new
methods — technological progress

— to
provide the basis for solution — the importance of science

application — to develop


tasks can help you to practise grammar topic “The Modals: Ability”
(See Appendix 1 p. 230 – 234) and do the following exercises.

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