Fill in the blanks with prepositions use the word combinations in the sentences


Помогите пожалуйста…
Fill in the blanks with prepositions . Use the word combinations in the sentences of your own.

to consist … several parts
the border … many countries
to be washed … seas
to be rich … natural resources
to be surrounded… water
to be covered… forests
to be divided … three parts

1Give me some bread(chalk,ink)
2Pour me some water(milk,coffee,soup)
3Would you like some tea(milk,cake)?
4Do you have any interesting English books?
5Any student knows it.
6Take any book you like.

Отпуск пакет для независимых путешественников, которые хотят экономию и удобство покупки предварительно упакованные договоренности. Пакет отдыха включает в себя два или более туристических услуг (например, отель, авиаперелет, аренда автомобиля, экскурсии и т. д.) которые связаны вместе и предлагаются по » цене пакета.»Путешественники могут выбрать уже существующие пакеты или они могут настроить свои собственные механизмы. С другой стороны, тур-это заранее спланированный маршрут, часто включающий сопровождение тура и поездки с группой. Покупка пакета отдыха или тура, как правило, дороже, чем положить свой собственный отпуск вместе. Покупка путевки или тура может сэкономить до 30%, в зависимости от времени года и места, куда вы направляетесь, плюс Часы работы над составлением поездки самостоятельно. Потому, что туроператоры и договор отпуск упаковщиков для гостиничных номеров, авиабилетов и других туристических услуг в объеме они часто снижаем. Эти сбережения передаются потребителю. Туроператор – или оптовик-складывает сырые ингредиенты вашего отдыха вместе. Туроператор упаковывает такие предметы, как проживание в гостинице, стоимость авиабилетов, трансферы, питание и/или осмотр достопримечательностей. Эти пакеты или туры продаются туристическими агентами (розничными торговцами) или иногда самим туроператором непосредственно общественности. Подумайте об одежде: производитель (туроператор) производит товар, который продается в магазине (турагент) или напрямую (онлайн). В то время как некоторые турагенты взимают плату за обслуживание, тот же пакет отдыха не будет стоить больше, независимо от того, покупаете ли вы его у турагента. На самом деле некоторые туроператоры и оптовики работают только через туристические агентства, поэтому турагент может дать вам более широкий выбор вариантов отдыха. И поскольку у турагентов есть инсайдерская информация, они часто могут помочь вам получить лучшие цены и доступ к организации поездок. Интернет-турагентства работают с ограниченным числом поставщиков и поэтому не обязательно имеют доступ к специальным предложениям, предлагаемым другими туроператорами или турагентами. Вопросы 1. Туры в основном
Сам делай дальше

Снежный барс :<span>Снежный барс, или ирбис занесен в Красную книгу как «находящийся под угрозой исчезновения» 
Ирбис принадлежит к слабо изученным видам.Место обитания ирбиса включают в себя части территорий 13 государств: Афганистана, Бирмы, Бутана, Индии, Казахстана, Киргизстана, Китая, Монголии, Непала, Пакистана, России, Таджикистана, Узбекистана.Среди крупных кошачьих ирбис — единственный постоянный обитатель высокогорий, олицетворяет собой величественный, загадочный и суровый мир гор Центральной Азии.Выживание этой редкой кошки в сильно нарушенных и деградирующих горных экосистемах крайне затруднительно или невозможно, соответственно сохранение жизнеспособных популяций ирбиса неизбежно сопряжено с эффективной охраной среды его обитания в целом.Также в горах идет активное браконьерство и охота за шкурами этих пресных животных.</span> На англиском:<span>The snow leopard, or IRBIS listed in the Red data book as «endangered»
IRBIS belongs to poorly studied видам.Место habitat of the snow leopard includes parts of the territories of the 13 States: Afghanistan, Burma, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Узбекистана.Среди big cats IRBIS is the only permanent inhabitant of the highlands, is a majestic, mysterious and harsh world of the mountains of Central Азии.Выживание this rare cat in heavily disturbed and degraded mountain ecosystems is extremely difficult or impossible, respectively preservation of viable populations of leopard inevitably associated with the effective protection of its habitat in целом.Также in the mountains there is an active poaching and hunting for skins these freshwater animals.</span>

1 veterinarian
2 (street ) yard cleaner
3 chimney sweep
4 interpreter
5. architect
6 Weaver
7 electrician
8 builder

2.Jake is sitting his exams


Ответ или решение1

Дмитриева Маргарита

  1. They got on the car. 2. He stood in front of his father. 3. They had coffee with a bun for breakfast. 4. They decided to meet at five o’clock in the station. 5. He took a book from the table, looked at it, and then put it back. 6. They looked at each other. 7. I go to college. 8. He isn’t at home now. He is at school. 9. This book was written by Perumov. 10. The school year begins in September and is finished in May. 11. We decided to meet at 5 o’clock at the bank. 12. This story is about a famous painter. 13. He is a funny little guy with brown hair. 14. He is keen to animals. 15. She is fond of reading thrillers. 16. Sunday is the only day off in our school. 17. The book is on the table. 18. I don’t want to go to the party. I’m going to work on Sunday. 19. We decided to meet in the airport. 20. He stood at the door and didn’t let me go out . 21. He works at a hospital. He looks after children who are ill.22. When my friend came into the room, there was nobody in.

Fill in the blanks with prepositions. Use the word combinations in the перевод - Fill in the blanks with prepositions. Use the word combinations in the русский как сказать

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Fill in the blanks with preposition

Fill in the blanks with prepositions. Use the word combinations in the
sentences of your own.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Заполните поля с предлогов. Используйте комбинации слова впредложения из ваших собственных.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


заполни пробелы предлогами.использование словосочетания вприговоры своей собственной.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1. They got … the car.

2. He stood … his father.

3. They had coffee … a bun … breakfast.

4. They decided to meet … five o’clock … the station.

5. He took a book … the table, looked … it, then put it … .

6. They looked … each other.

7. I go … college.

8. He isn’t …home now.

He is … school.

9. This book was written … Perumov.

10. The school year begins … September and is … … May.

11. We decided to meet … 5 o’clock … the bank.

12. This story is … a famous painter.

13. He is a funny little guy … brown hair.

14. He is keen … animals.

15. She is fond … reading thrillers.

16. Sunday is the only day … in our school.

17. The book is … the table.

18. I don’t want to go … the party.

I’m going to work … Sunday.

19. We decided to meet … the airport.

20. He stood at the door and didn’t let me go … .

21. He works … a hospital.

He looks … children who are ill.

22. When my friend came … the room, there was nobody … .

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Fill in the blanks with prepositions?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
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caught sight of her at the theatre and in answer to her sign
I went over during the
and sat
down beside her. It was long since I had last seen her and if someone
had not mentioned her name I don’t think I would have recognized
her. She spoke to me brightly.

“Well, it’s many years
since we first met. How time does fly! We are not getting any
younger. Do you remember the first time I saw you? You asked me to

Did I remember?

It was twenty years ago and I
was living in Paris. I had a
apartment in
the Latin Quarter overlooking a
and I was
earning just enough
money to keep body and soul together
She had read a book of mine and had written to me about it. I
answered, thanking her, and soon I received from her another letter
saying that she was passing through Paris and would like to have a
talk with me; but her time was limited and the only free moment she
had was on the following Thursday; she was asking me if I would give
her a little luncheon at Foyot’s. Foyot’s is a restaurant at
which the French senators eat and it was so expensive that I had
never even thought of going there. But I was flattered
and I was too young to have learned to say no to a woman. I had
eighty francs until the end of the month and I hoped that a
should not cost more than fifteen. So I thought that if I cut out
coffee for the next two weeks I could manage well enough.

answered that I was glad and that I would meet my friend – by
correspondence – at Foyot’s on Thursday at half past twelve.

When we met I saw that she was
not so young as I had expected and her appearance was imposing
rather than attractive. She was in fact a woman of forty ( a charming
age, but not an age that excites a sudden and devastating
passion at first sight
and she gave me the impression of having more teeth, white and large
and even,
than were necessary for any practical purpose. She was talkative, but
since she seemed inclined to talk about me I was ready to be an
attentive listener.

was startled
when the menu was brought, for the prices were much higher than I had
expected. But she reassured

“I never eat anything for
luncheon,” she said.

“Oh, don’t say that!” I
answered generously.

“I never eat more than one
thing. I think people eat too much nowadays. A little fish, perhaps.
I wonder if they have any salmon.”

Well, it was early in the year
for salmon and it was not on
the menu
, but I
asked the waiter if there was any. Yes, he said, a beautiful salmon
had just been brought, it was the first they had had. I ordered it
for my guest. The waiter asked her if she would have something while
it was being cooked.

“No,” she answered, “I
never eat more than one thing. Unless you had a little caviar.”

My heart sank a little. I knew
I could not afford caviar, but I could not tell her that. I told the
waiter to bring caviar. For myself I chose the cheapest dish on the
menu and that was a mutton chop.

“I think you are unwise to
eat meat,” she said. “I don’t know how you can work after
eating heavy things like chop. I don’t believe in overloading
my stomach

Then came the question of

“I never drink anything for
luncheon,” she said.

“Neither do I,” I answered

“Except white wine,” she
went on as though I had not spoken. “These French white wines are
so light. They are wonderful for digestion.”

“What would you like?” I
asked, hospitable
still, but not exactly enthusiastic.

She gave me a bright and
amicable flash of her white teeth.

“My doctor doesn’t let me
drink anything but champagne.”

think I turned a little pale. I ordered half a bottle. I said that my
doctor had absolutely forbidden me to drink champagne.

“What are you going to drink


She ate the caviar and she ate
the salmon. She talked gaily of art and literature and music. But I
wondered what the bill would come to. When my mutton chop arrived she
spoke quite seriously to me.

“I see that you are in the
habit of eating a heavy luncheon. I am sure it is a mistake. Why
don’t you follow my example and just eat one thing? I am sure you
would feel so much better for it.”

“I am only going to eat one
thing,” I said as the waiter came again with the menu.

She waved him aside.

“No, no, I never eat
anything for luncheon. Just a little, just one thing, and even that
simply for the sake of keeping up a conversation. I couldn’t eat
anything more – unless they had some of those giant asparagus.
I should be sorry to leave Paris without eating some of them.”

My heart sank. I had seen
giant asparagus in the shops and I knew that they were horribly
expensive. My mouth had often watered at the sight of them.

“Madame wants to know if you
have any of those giant asparagus,” I asked the waiter.

tried with all my might to will him to say know. But my efforts were
in vain. A happy smile spread over his broad, priest-like face, and
he assured me that they had some so large, so splendid, so tender,
that it was a marvel.

“I am not in the least
hungry,” my guest sighed, “but if you insist I don’t mind
eating some asparagus.”

ordered them.

“Aren’t you going to have

“No, I never eat asparagus.”

“I know there are people who
don’t like them. The fact is that you spoil
your taste by all the meat you eat.”

We waited for the asparagus to
be cooked. Panic seized me. It was not a question how much money I
should have left over for the rest of the month, but whether I had
enough money to pay the bill. It would be terrible to find myself ten
francs short and be obliged to
from my
guest. I could not bring myself to do that. I knew exactly how much I
had and if the bill came to more I made up my mind that I would put
my hand in my pocket and with a dramatic cry start up and say that my
money had been stolen. Of course it would be awkward if she did not
have enough money either to pay the bill. Then the only thing would
be to leave my watch and say I would come back and pay later.

The asparagus appeared. They
were enormous, succulent
and appetizing. The smell of the melted butter tickled my nostrils. I
watched the abandoned woman thrust them down her throat in large
mouthfuls and politely continued discussing the condition of the
drama in the Balkans. At last she finished.

“Coffee?” I said.

“Yes, just an ice-cream and
coffee,” she answered.

was past caring now, so I ordered coffee for myself and an ice-cream
and coffee for her.

“You know, there’s one
thing I thoroughly believe in,” she said, as she was eating the
ice-cream. “One should always get up from a meal feeling one could
eat a little more.”

“Are you still hungry?” I
asked faintly.

“Oh no, I am not hungry; you
see, I don’t eat luncheon. I have a cup of coffee in the morning
and then dinner, but I never eat more than one thing for luncheon. I
was speaking about you.”

“Oh, I see.”

Then a terrible thing
happened. While we were waiting for the coffee, the waiter, with a
broad smile on his false face, came up to us carrying a large basket
full of huge peaches. They had the blush of an innocent girl, they
had the rich color of an Italian landscape. But surely peaches were
not in season then. Lord knew what they cost. I knew too – a little
later, for my guest, going on with her conversation, absentmindedly
took one.

“You see, you have filled
your stomach with a lot of meat” – my one miserable chop – “
and you can’t eat any more. But I’ve just had a snack and I shall
enjoy a peach.”

The bill came and when I paid
it I found that I had only enough for a quite inadequate tip.
Her eyes rested for an instant on the three francs I left for the
waiter and I knew that she thought me mean.
But when I walked out of the restaurant I had the whole month before
me and not a penny in my pocket.

“Follow my example,” she
said as we shook hands, “and never eat more than one thing for

“I’ll do better than
that,” I retorted. “I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight.”

“Humorist!” she cried
gaily, jumping into a cab. “You are quite a humorist!”

But I have had my revenge
at last. I do not believe that I am a vindictive
man, but when the immortal gods take a hand in the matter it is
pardonable to observe the result with complacency.
Today she weighs one hundred and thirty kilos.


  1. tiny

  2. an interval

  3. to flatter

  4. modest

  5. an imposing appearance

  6. at first sight

  7. to be startled

  8. to be on the menu

  9. to overload one’s stomach

  10. digestion

  11. asparagus

  12. tender

  13. to spoil

  14. to borrow

  15. succulent

  16. tip

  17. a mean person

  18. to revenge

  19. vindictive

  20. complacent, complacency

  21. a sign

  22. even teeth

  23. devastating passion

  24. salmon

  25. caviar

  26. hospitable

  27. champagne

  28. cemetery

  29. to reassure

  30. to earn enough to keep body
    and soul together

  1. Fill in the blanks with the following words and word combinations:

Fly; modest; cut out; rather
than; startled; wonder; afford; overloading; turned; come to; follow;
don’t mind.

    1. I think I
      _____________________a little pale.

    2. How time
      does________________! We are not getting any younger.

    3. Why don’t
      you___________________ my example?

    4. I knew I could
      not__________________ caviar.

    5. A_____________________
      luncheon should not cost more than fifteen francs.

    6. I_______________ if they
      have any salmon.

    7. If I___________________
      coffee for the next two weeks, I could manage well enough.

    8. I was__________________ when
      the menu was brought.

    9. I wondered what the bill
      would_________________ .

    10. Her appearance was
      imposing________________ attractive.

    11. I don’t believe
      in_____________________ my stomach.

    12. If you insist,
      I_____________________ having some asparagus.

  1. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

    1. I caught sight____ her_____
      the theatre and______ answer_____ her sign I went over______ the
      interval and sat down______ her.

    2. She had read my book and had
      written me_____ it.

    3. Foyot’s was so expensive
      that I had never even thought______ going there.

    4. It was early______ the
      year______ salmon and it was not______ the menu.

    5. I don’t believe______
      overloading my stomach.

    6. I see that you are______ the
      habit______ eating a heavy luncheon.

    7. I eat simply______ the
      sake______ keeping_____ a conversation.

    8. My efforts were_____ vain.

    9. I am not_____ the least

    10. I made______ my mind that I
      would put my hand______ my pocket and______ a dramatic cry
      start______ and say that my money had been stolen.

    11. I watched the abandoned
      woman thrust them______ her throat_____ large mouthfuls.

    12. While we were waiting______
      the coffee, the waiter, _____ a broad smile_____ his false face,
      came_____ _____ us carrying a large basket full_____ huge peaches.

    13. Her eyes rested_____ an
      instant_____ the three francs I left_____ the waiter.

    14. When I walked_____ _____
      the restaurant I had the whole month_____ me and not a penny_____
      my pocket.

  1. Find in the text the sentences in which the following word combinations are used. Use them these word combinations in sentences of your own.

To keep body and soul
together; my friend by correspondence; in fact; at first sight; in
the habit of; for the sake of; in vain; the fact is that…

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