Fill in the blanks with linking word i can speak english


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Тест. Английский язык, 6 класс

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Упражнение на использование слов — связок, выражающих причину, результат, дополнение, сравнение и т. п.

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Fill in the blanks with linking word.

1) I can speak English fluently____________I practise it regularly.

Варианты ответов
  • because
  • so
  • too

Вопрос 2

Fill in the blanks with linking word.

2) Arnold Schwarzenegger worked hard__________ became famous.

Варианты ответов
  • but
  • and
  • too

Вопрос 3

Fill in the blanks with linking word.

3) Alexander Pushkin was a talented poet____ he died young.

Варианты ответов
  • because
  • too
  • but

Вопрос 4

Fill in the blanks with linking word.

4) Mary Groholtz studied the anatomy of the body___created wax figures of the prominent characters.

Варианты ответов
  • and
  • because
  • but

Вопрос 5

Fill in the blanks with linking word.

5) It was nasty_____we had to go out.

Варианты ответов
  • but
  • because
  • also

Вопрос 6

Fill in the blanks with linking word.

6) The theatre was far from our house____we had to take a taxi.

Варианты ответов
  • because
  • so
  • also

Вопрос 7

Fill in the blanks with linking word.

7) Cleopatra was a beautiful_______clever woman.

Варианты ответов
  • and
  • because
  • so

Вопрос 8

Fill in the blanks with linking word.

8) Roald Dahl wrote books for children and film scripts______.

Варианты ответов
  • and
  • so
  • too

Вопрос 9

Fill in the blanks with linking word.

9) When I was a boy, I could play football well _____ I couldn’t swim.

Варианты ответов
  • so
  • but
  • also

Вопрос 10

Fill in the blanks with linking word.

10) My weekend was interesting and relaxing ______.

Варианты ответов
  • because
  • too
  • but

Past Simple vs Past Continuous


I (to go) to the library yesterday.

I went to the library yesterday.


What/Who is your favourite writer?

Who is your favourite writer?


make a negative sentence

Bob was writing a letter at 5 p.m. 

Bob was not writing a letter at 5 p.m.


I (to look out) of the window when I saw my aunt.

I was looking out of the window when I saw my aunt.


She knows me, but/too I don’t know her.

She knows me, but I don’t know her.


He (to walk) in the park last weekend. 

He walked in the park last weekend.


When/Where did Yury Gagarin fly into space?

When did Yury Gagarin fly into space?


make an interrogative sentence

It was raining the whole day yesterday.

Was it raining the whole day yesterday?


Dad was sleeping while mother cooked / was cooking dinner.

Dad was sleeping while mother was cooking dinner.


I don’t understand German so/and I need an interpreter.

I don’t understand German so I need an interpreter.


Leonardo Da Vinci (to be) a famous composer.

Leonardo Da Vinci was not a famous composer.


Who/When did the World War I break out?

When did the World War I break out?


My parents___(to travel)____in Italy from August to September.

My parents were travelling in Italy from August to September.


I listened / was listening to opera all evening yesterday.

I was listening to opera all evening yesterday.


Combine the sentences using the correct linking word.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a nice engineer. He was a sculptor.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a nice engineer and also he was a sculptor.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a nice engineer, he was a sculptor too.


Isaac Newton (not to find) many historical artefacts in America.

Isaac Newton did not find many historical artefacts in America.


Michael Jackson began his career in America.


What did Michael Jackson begin in America? 


translate into English 

Студенты писали работу с 5 до 7 вечера. 

The students were writing the paper from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.


translate  into English

Она изучала медицину весь прошлый год. 

She was studying medicine all the year.


Fill in the blanks with linking word.

I can speak English fluently____________I practise it regularly.

I can speak English fluently because I practise it regularly.


Michael Cane (to be) a famous architect in the 70’s?

Was Michael Cane  a famous architect in the 70’s?


Ringo Starr joined The Beatles in the late 60s.


When did Ringo Starr join The Beatles? 


translate into English 

Ветер дул с востока. 

The wind was blowing from the east.


When I____________(to enter) the classroom, everybody____________(to sit) at the desks.

When I entered the classroom, everybody was sitting at the desks.


translate into English 

Представление было хорошее, но пришло мало людей. 

The performance was good, but few people came.

Click to zoom

Fill in the blanks with the suitable word to complete the sentences.
to predict to require to supply equipment to express satellite advantage
1. I’m calling to you to …….my thanks for a lovely day.
2. The engineer tested all his video ……. .
3. Kate has an …… over Mike, she can speak English.
4. All customers are …… to show their bags.
5. Moon is a natural …… of our planet.
6. Bakers …… us with fresh bread.
7. She looked at the sky and …… snow

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

1. I don’t fancy-going (go) out tonight
2. She avoided
(tell) him about her plans.
3. I would like
(come) to the party with you.
4. He enjoys
(have) a bath in the evening.
5. She kept
(talk) during the film.
6. I am learning
(speak) English.
7. Do you mind
(give) me a hand?
8. She helped me
_(carry) my suitcases.
9. I’ve finished
(cook). Come and eat!
10. He decided
(study) Biology
11. I dislike
12. He asked
(come) with us.
13. I promise
_(help) you tomorrow.
14. We discussed
(go) to the cinema, but in the end
we stayed at home.
15. She agreed
(bring) the pudding
16. I don’t recommend
(take) the bus, it takes forever!
17. We hope
(visit) Amsterdam next month.
18. She suggested
(go) to the museum.
19. They plan
(start) college in the autumn.
20. I don’t want
(leave) yet.

СРОООЧнО пожалуйста

1). Выберите правильный вариант. Сhoose the correct variant: I can speak English.____?
A don’t I ?
B can I ?
C can’t I ?
D do I ?

2).Choose the one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect in standard written English:
During the entire hour three(1) deposition, the witness steadfastly(2) denied having(3) known the defendant previously(4).
A 1
B 4
C 3
D 2

3). Дополните предложение. Finish the sentence.
It’s two years since I saw your flat, ______?
A did I
B do you
C has it
D isn’t it
4 Выбирайте правильный вариант личных местоимений: I like the picture , I like …. .
Fill in the blanks with personal pronouns: I like the picture , I like …. .
A me
B it
C him
D his

5Определите правильный вариант модального глагола. Identify the right variant of the modal verb.
She is clever and _____ understand everything.
A shall
B mustn’t
C can
D need

6). Найдите правильный вариант артикля. Find the right variant of article Are there….books for me?

A an
B а
C the
D о

7Подберите подходящее слово по смыслу. Choose the right word to the following sentence.
Indians like _________ clothes.

A useless
B colourless
C colourful
D careless
8). Откройте скобки, употребляяправильную форму глагола( Past Simple или Past Continuous) Open the brackets and use the verbs in proper tense( Past Simple илиPast Continuous).
I ( to do) my homework when mother (to come) home.
A were doing , come
B is doing, came
C are doing, came
D was doing, came

Выберите правилный вспомогателный глагол в Present Simple : … Mary usually finish her work at 6?
Choose the right verb : … Mary usually finish her work at 6?
A Am
B Are
C Do
D Does

10). Выберите правильный вариант пропущенных слов. Choose the right variant of omitted words.
— Will you see me _____? — Oh, _______.
A off, with pleasure
B to, enough
C in, hi
D at, course

Fill in the blanks with appropriate linking words. Each question is followed by three suggested answers. Choose the most appropriate one.

1. She was …………………… unable to attend the meeting.

in particular


as well as

2. …………………, we are satisfied with your performance.

For example

In general

As well as

3. I am not quite sure what time I will arrive, maybe half past eight or a quarter to nine. ………………… I will be there before nine o’clock.


In particular

In general

4. It is a small house and requires a lot of repairs. …………………, it is a long way from the center.


In particular


5. Everybody had heard of Einstein, ………………… hardly anyone could understand his theory of relativity.

6. He was always popular with women and even got married twice. ……………………, the women closest to him were invariably unhappy.


All the same

Even so

7. It is true that the British did some good in India. ……………………, colonialism is basically bad.

Even so

of course

in particular

8. Can you help me in …………………?


any way

by the way

9. The car broke down on the way. …………………… ., I managed to reach in time.



In spite of this

10. ‘Interesting movie?’ ‘…………………., it was a complete waste of time’.


On the contrary



1. She was therefore unable to attend the meeting.

2. In general, we are satisfied with your performance.

3. I am not quite sure what time I will arrive, maybe half past eight or a quarter to nine. Anyhow, I will be there before nine o’clock.

4. It is a small house and requires a lot of repairs. Moreover, it is a long way from the center.

5. Everybody had heard of Einstein, but hardly anyone could understand his theory of relativity.

6. He was always popular with women and even got married twice. All the same, the women closest to him were invariably unhappy.

7. It is true that the British did some good in India. Even so, colonialism is basically bad.

8. Can you help me in any way?

9. The car broke down on the way. In spite of this, I managed to reach in time.

10. ‘Interesting movie?’ ‘On the contrary, it was a complete waste of time’.

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