Fill in one word only my parents have been

Fill in the verbs with prepositions.

make fun of

is rich in

depend on

listen to

to pay for

provide for

look after

  1. My brother is only three. When my parents are out, I have to _ him.
  2. My grandfather has a large garden with lots of fruit trees. In autumn it _ apples.
  3. In private schools education is not free. Parents have _ it.
  4. I love jazz. I can _ it for hours.
  5. If students want to arrange a football team, the school can _ balls and sports uniform.
  6. I cannot tell you about my plans for tomorrow yet. It will _ my parents’ plans.
  7. He is not very popular in class. His mates often _ him.

Английский язык 7 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Биболетова. UNIT 3. SECTION 6. Номер №5


Перевод задания
Заполните глаголы с предлогами.

смеятья над
богат (чем−то)
зависит от
слушать (что−то/кого−то)
платить за
обеспечивать (чем−то)
присматривать за

  1. Моему брату всего три года. Когда моих родителей нет дома, я вынужден _ ним.
  2. У моего деда есть большой сад с множеством фруктовых деревьев. Осенью он _ яблоки.
  3. В частных школах обучение платное. Родителей должны _ него.
  4. Я люблю джаз. Я могу _ его часами.
  5. Если ученики хотят организовать футбольную команду, школа может _ мячи и спортивная форма.
  6. Пока я не могу рассказать о своих планах на завтра. Это будет _ планы моих родителей.
  7. Он не очень популярен в классе. Его товарищи часто _ ним.

1. My brother is only three. When my parents are out, I have to look after him.
2. My grandfather has a large garden with lots of fruit trees. In autumn it is rich in apples.
3. In private schools education is not free. Parents have to pay for it.
4. I love jazz. I can listen to it for hours.
5. If students want to arrange a football team, the school can provide for balls and sports uniform.
6. I cannot tell you about my plans for tomorrow yet. It will depend on my parents’ plans.
7. He is not very popular in class. His mates often make fun of him.

Перевод ответа
1. Моему брату всего три года. Когда моих родителей нет дома, я должен за ним присматривать.
2. У моего деда есть большой сад с множеством фруктовых деревьев. Осенью он богат яблоками.
3. В частных школах обучение платное. Родители должны за него платить.
4. Я люблю джаз. Я могу слушать его часами.
5. Если ученики хотят организовать футбольную команду, школа может предоставить мячи и спортивную форму.
6. Пока я не могу сказать о своих планах на завтра. Это будет зависеть от планов моих родителей.
7. Он не очень популярен в классе. Его товарищи часто смеются над ним.

Контрольные работы к  УМК  «Spotlight 10» помогут учителю определить уровень усвоения знаний учащимися изученного Модуля

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?

Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.

Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.

Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.

Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.

Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.

Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа

«МОДУЛЬ 1 Вариант №1 (ключи)»

Просмотр содержимого документа

«МОДУЛЬ 1 Вариант №2 ( ключи)»

Просмотр содержимого документа

«МОДУЛЬ 2 Вариант №1(ключи)»

Просмотр содержимого документа

«МОДУЛЬ 3 Вариант №1 (ключи)»

Просмотр содержимого документа

«МОДУЛЬ 4 Вариант № 1 (ключи)»

10 класс

Контрольная работа №1

Вариант I

1 Fill in:* bargain, *loyal, * manufactured, *faded, * film, *moody, * great outdoors, *dishonest, * run, * street markets.

1). Many expensive designer clothes are now _______ cheaply in Asia.

2). Paul is quite _____; one minute he’s all happy, the next he’s upset.

3). My mother believes that the best bargains can be found at the ______ in our town.

4). Have you got any plans for tonight? Would you like to catch a ______ ?

5). This leather jacket was a real ______ . I got it for 30.

6). Emily is going to be late because she has to ______ errand for her grandmother.

7). I think you should buy a new pair jeans as those ones are _______ .

8). John cannot be trusted .He is very ______ .

9). Luke loves the _______. He always goes hiking or camping at the weekends.

10). He goes to all of his teams’ matches. He is a ______ fan.

II. Underline the correct word.

11). She is acting the supporting supportive role in the film.

12). He isn’t respected respectful because he is rude to people.

13). My friend is very caring careful driver.

14). I’m not a morning person. I’m like a bear with a sore paw head when I wake up.

15). No one likes our new classmate and everybody gives him the cold eye shoulder when he comes in.

16). Dance music and clubbing are my romance passion.

17). I think Tim is _____ mean jealous of me because I have a new computer.

18). Ann is a very kind and loyal trusting girl; she believes whatever people tell her.

19). My brother is a caring careful person. I remember him sitting up with meal night once when I had a fever and could not sleep.

20). Roger can also be dedicated mean. He doesn’t like sharing things or spending money.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

21). _____ ( you drink) coffee with your breakfast every day?

22). Tom ____ ( leave) the house at 7 o’clock every morning.

23). Tim and Matilda______ ( be ) married since 2010.

24). He _____ ( drink) two cups of coffee this morning.

25). Clare’s train _____ ( arrive) at 3 o’clock. I must go and meet her at the station.

26). I can’t go to the party on Saturday. I ______ ( leave) for Spain on Friday night.

27). Liz and I are good friends. We _____ ( know) each other for four years.

28). She _____ (revise) for the exams since Monday.

29). — Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?

— Yes, I ____ (see) Jack at nine o’clock.

30). How long ______ (you know) Julian?

IV. Fill in the correct particle: * up, *forward to, *down on, *out for, *after

31). Jane is really looking ______ her sister’s wedding.

32). Julie looks _____ our children while we’re at work.

33). I don’t remember her phone number- let me look it ______ .

34). Look _____ sharks when you go swimming !

35). He’s a bit of a snob and looks _____ people who aren’t from his social background.

V. Fill in the gaps with: * gone to,* been to, * been in.

36). I am alone in the house. My parents have _____ London.

37). “Is Philip at home?” “No, he has _____ work”.

38). Anita has just come home. She has _____ the theatre.

39). They have _____ Rome for two months. They enjoy the city.

40). She’s having a shower right now because she _____ the gym.

VI. Form adjectives from the words in brackets.

41). Tim was very ______ ( DISAPPOINT) when Lisa said she wouldn’t come to the party.

42). The trip to Jamaica was really ______. ( AMAZE)

43). She’s very _____ (CARE) person; no wonder she’s a babysitter.

44). My car is very _____ (ECONOMY). I don’t spend much money on petrol.

45). My dad was _____ (FURY) when I told him what I’d done.

Вариант II

1 Fill in:* bargain, *loyal, * manufactured, *faded, * film, *moody, * great outdoors, *dishonest, * run, * street markets.

1). He goes to all of his teams’ matches. He is a ______ fan.

2). Many expensive designer clothes are now _______ cheaply in Asia.

3). Paul is quite _____; one minute he’s all happy, the next he’s upset.

4). My mother believes that the best bargains can be found at the ______ in our town.

5). Have you got any plans for tonight? Would you like to catch a ______ ?

6). This leather jacket was a real ______ . I got it for 30.

7). Emily is going to be late because she has to ______ errand for her grandmother.

8). I think you should buy a new pair jeans as those ones are _______ .

9). John cannot be trusted .He is very ______ .

10). Luke loves the _______. He always goes hiking or camping at the weekends.

II. Underline the correct word.

1). Roger can also be dedicated mean. He doesn’t like sharing things or spending money.

2)She is acting the supporting supportive role in the film.

3). He isn’t respected respectful because he is rude to people.

4). My friend is very caring careful driver.

5). I’m not a morning person. I’m like a bear with a sore paw head when I wake up.

6). No one likes our new classmate and everybody gives him the cold eye shoulder when he comes in.

7). Dance music and clubbing are my romance passion.

8). I think Tim is _____ mean jealous of me because I have a new computer.

9). Ann is a very kind and loyal trusting girl; she believes whatever people tell her.

10). My brother is a caring careful person. I remember him sitting up with meal night once when I had a fever and could not sleep.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1). _____ ( you drink) coffee with your breakfast every day?

2). Tom ____ ( leave) the house at 7 o’clock every morning.

3). Tim and Matilda______ ( be ) married since 2010.

4). He _____ ( drink) two cups of coffee this morning.

5). Clare’s train _____ ( arrive) at 3 o’clock. I must go and meet her at the station.

6). I can’t go to the party on Saturday. I ______ ( leave) for Spain on Friday night.

7). Liz and I are good friends. We _____ ( know) each other for four years.

8). She _____ (revise) for the exams since Monday.

9). — Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?

— Yes, I ____ (see) Jack at nine o’clock.

10). How long ______ (you know) Julian?

IV. Fill in the correct particle: * up, *forward to, *down on, *out for, *after

1). Jane is really looking ______ her sister’s wedding.

2). Julie looks _____ our children while we’re at work.

3). I don’t remember her phone number- let me look it ______ .

4). Look _____ sharks when you go swimming !

5). He’s a bit of a snob and looks _____ people who aren’t from his social background.

V. Fill in the gaps with: * gone to,* been to, * been in.

1). I am alone in the house. My parents have _____ London.

2). “Is Philip at home?” “No, he has _____ work”.

3). Anita has just come home. She has _____ the theatre.

4). They have _____ Rome for two months. They enjoy the city.

5). She’s having a shower right now because she _____ the gym.

VI. Form adjectives from the words in brackets.

1). Tim was very ______ ( DISAPPOINT) when Lisa said she wouldn’t come to the party.

2). The trip to Jamaica was really ______. ( AMAZE)

3). She’s very _____ (CARE) person; no wonder she’s a babysitter.

4). My car is very _____ (ECONOMY). I don’t spend much money on petrol.

5). My dad was _____ (FURY) when I told him what I’d done.

Критерии оценивания

Объём выполненной работы

Количество баллов


84-100 %



67-83 %



50-66 %



0-49 %



Контрольная работа №1

I вариант

II вариант


1). Manufactured

2). Moody

3). Street markets

4). Film

5). Bargain

6). Run

7). Faded

8). Dishonest

9). Great outdoors

10). Loyal


1) Loyal

2) Manufactured

3). Moody

4). Street markets

5). Film

6). Bargain

7). Run

8). Faded

9). Dishonest

10). Great outdoors





4) Head





9)Trusting .




1). Mean



4) Head





9)Trusting .


10) Supporting


Do you drink…?


Have been married

Has drunk


Am leaving

Have known

Has been revising

Am seeing

Have you known…?


Do you drink…?


Have been married

Has drunk


Am leaving

Have known

Has been revising

Am seeing

Have you known…?


1). Forward to 41).

2). After 42).

3). Up 43).

4). Out for 44).

5). Down on 45).


1). Forward to 41).

2). After 42).

3). Up 43).

4). Out for 44).

5). Down on 45).






Gone to Gone to

Been to

Been in

Been to


Gone to Gone to

Been to

Been in

Been to

Контрольная работа №2

Вариант I

1. Fill in the gaps with the phrases below. * handing out *household chores * shopping spree * pocket money * can’t afford to splash out * make ends meet *catching up quickly * digging deeper into their pockets

1) He went out on a _________ and got everything he wanted for himself.

2) I think children should do _______ to help their parents and earn a little extra money.

3) Many parents are ______ more and more money to their teenagers each month.

4) My parents ________ a lot of money on extra things for my sister and me.

5) My parents give me ______ every week.

6) The number of girls playing video games is ________ to the number of boys playing.

7) Some people are working two jobs to _____ these days.

8) Many teenagers are _______ to pay for all the things they want.

2. Fill in: * borrow, *student, * credit, * cash, *pay, * afford, *cost, *waste.

9). A. I would like to buy two mirrors.

B. One is enough. Don’t _____ money on something we don’t need.

10). A. Let me ______ for dinner.

B. Thank you.

11). A. Good morning. I would like to _______ this cheque, please.

B. Yes, of course. Sign it on the check, please.

12). A. Come out with us tonight, will you?

B. Sorry, I cannot _______ to go out tonight.

13) A. How would you like to pay for this?

B. I will use my ______ card, please.

14). A. How many bills do you pay every month?

B. I pay for my rent and my _______ loan.

15). A. Do you like my new watch?

B. Wow! It must have ______ you a fortune.

16). A. Why have you not bought a new car yet?

B. I would have to _______ money and I don’t want to do that.

3 Fill in: *off, *up, *over, *out,* after.

17). Why don’t you take ____ a hobby instead of watching TV every evening?

18). Who do you take ______ , your mum or your dad?

19). Tom’s taking me _____ for my birthday.

20). Mr. Jones took ______ the company when his grandfather died.

21). Take _____ your trousers so that I can wash them.

22). I’m going to take my parents ____ tonight.

23). Sarah took _____ jogging in order to lose weight.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

24). I hope you have a fast _____________ ( RECOVER)

25). When did the two countries sign this ________ ( AGREE)

26). He looked at her in ________ ( AMAZE)

27). Can I make a ________? ( SUGGEST)

28). __________ ( ACCOMMODATE) is quite expensive at this ski resort.

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Infinitive or the — ing form.

29). I can’t stand _____ (listen) to jazz music.

30). I’m tired of ______ (do) the same exercise.

31). This year Jack plans _____ (buy) a house.

32). I can only _____ ( hope) everything turns out well.

33). You should _____ ( pay ) more attention in class.

34). Let’s _____ (eat) out tonight.

35). I don’t know how ______ ( drive) a car.

36). There’s no point in ______ ( complain). He won’t listen to you.

37). Tom is really looking forward to ______ ( go ) on holiday to Spain this summer.

38) Would you like me _____ ( cook) dinner tonight?

39). Do you fancy ______ ( go ) to the football match on Sunday?

40). I’m not very keen on _____ ( play ) computer games.

41). Would you like _____ ( watch) a good comedy tonight?

42). I can’t wait ____ ( get ) to know to know everyone.

43). I didn’t mind ______ ( be ) alone when I was a child.

44). Mum made us ____ ( tidy ) the kitchen.

45). I suggest _____ ( ask ) for help.

46). I can’t help _____ ( smile ) when I see her.

47). Remind me ______ ( help ) her with the dishes.

48). Jack forgot _____ ( call) the doctor to make an appointment.

Вариант I

1. Fill in the gaps with the phrases below. * handing out *household chores * shopping spree * pocket money * can’t afford to splash out * make ends meet *catching up quickly * digging deeper into their pockets

1) He went out on a _________ and got everything he wanted for himself.

2) I think children should do _______ to help their parents and earn a little extra money.

3) Many parents are ______ more and more money to their teenagers each month.

4) My parents ________ a lot of money on extra things for my sister and me.

5) My parents give me ______ every week.

6) The number of girls playing video games is ________ to the number of boys playing.

7) Some people are working two jobs to _____ these days.

8) Many teenagers are _______ to pay for all the things they want.

2. Fill in: * borrow, *student, * credit, * cash, *pay, * afford, *cost, *waste.

9). A. I would like to buy two mirrors.

B. One is enough. Don’t _____ money on something we don’t need.

10). A. Let me ______ for dinner.

B. Thank you.

11). A. Good morning. I would like to _______ this cheque, please.

B. Yes, of course. Sign it on the check, please.

12). A. Come out with us tonight, will you?

B. Sorry, I cannot _______ to go out tonight.

13) A. How would you like to pay for this?

B. I will use my ______ card, please.

14). A. How many bills do you pay every month?

B. I pay for my rent and my _______ loan.

15). A. Do you like my new watch?

B. Wow! It must have ______ you a fortune.

16). A. Why have you not bought a new car yet?

B. I would have to _______ money and I don’t want to do that.

3 Fill in: *off, *up, *over, *out,* after.

17). Why don’t you take ____ a hobby instead of watching TV every evening?

18). Who do you take ______ , your mum or your dad?

19). Tom’s taking me _____ for my birthday.

20). Mr. Jones took ______ the company when his grandfather died.

21). Take _____ your trousers so that I can wash them.

22). I’m going to take my parents ____ tonight.

23). Sarah took _____ jogging in order to lose weight.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

24). I hope you have a fast _____________ ( RECOVER)

25). When did the two countries sign this ________ ( AGREE)

26). He looked at her in ________ ( AMAZE)

27). Can I make a ________? ( SUGGEST)

28). __________ ( ACCOMMODATE) is quite expensive at this ski resort.

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Infinitive or the — ing form.

29). I can’t stand _____ (listen) to jazz music.

30). I’m tired of ______ (do) the same exercise.

31). This year Jack plans _____ (buy) a house.

32). I can only _____ ( hope) everything turns out well.

33). You should _____ ( pay ) more attention in class.

34). Let’s _____ (eat) out tonight.

35). I don’t know how ______ ( drive) a car.

36). There’s no point in ______ ( complain). He won’t listen to you.

37). Tom is really looking forward to ______ ( go ) on holiday to Spain this summer.

38) Would you like me _____ ( cook) dinner tonight?

39). Do you fancy ______ ( go ) to the football match on Sunday?

40). I’m not very keen on _____ ( play ) computer games.

41). Would you like _____ ( watch) a good comedy tonight?

42). I can’t wait ____ ( get ) to know to know everyone.

43). I didn’t mind ______ ( be ) alone when I was a child.

44). Mum made us ____ ( tidy ) the kitchen.

45). I suggest _____ ( ask ) for help.

46). I can’t help _____ ( smile ) when I see her.

47). Remind me ______ ( help ) her with the dishes.

48). Jack forgot _____ ( call) the doctor to make an appointment.

Критерии оценивания

Объём выполненной работы

Количество баллов


84-100 %



67-83 %



50-66 %



0-49 %



Контрольная работа №2

I вариант

II вариант


1) shopping spree 17) up 2) household chores 10). pay 18) after

3) handing out 19) out

4). can’t afford to splash out 20) over

5). pocket money 21) off

6). catching up quickly 22) out

7). make ends meet 23) up

8). digger deep into their pockets


1) digger deep into their pockets 17) up 2) household chores 10). pay 18) after

3) handing out 19) out

4). can’t afford to splash out 20) over

5). pocket money 21) off

6). catching up quickly 22) out

7). make ends meet 23) up

8). shopping spree


9). waste 17) up

10). pay 18) after

11) cash 19) out

12) afford 20) over

13) credit 21) off

14) student 22) out

15) cost 23) up

16) borrow


9) borrow 17) up

10). pay 18) after

11) cash 19) out

12) afford 20) over

13) credit 21) off

14) student 22) out

15) cost 23) up

16) waste
















up 22) o 23)




AMAZEMENT 41) to watch







AMAZEMENT 41) to watch



listening 39) going

doing 40) playing

to buy

hope watch get

pay 44) tidy

to drive


complaining smiling


to help

to cook

to call




listening 39) going

doing 40) playing

to buy

hope watch


pay 44) tidy

to drive


complaining smiling


to help

to cook

to call



Контрольная работа №3

Вариант I

I. Fill in the gaps with the correct word: * private, *activities, * motivated, * uniform, * training, * attend, * rules, *strict, * sit, *public.

1. She goes to a very expensive ______ school abroad.

2. Every morning we begin with physical ______ at acrobatic school.

3. The students are encouraged to participate in extra- curricular ________ .

4. When do you ______ your exams?

5. Students must wear a school ______ every day.

6. It is important for everyone to follow the ______ .

7. This school is known for its discipline and _______ teachers.

8. Students are very _______ to do well at this school.

9. Do you use a bicycle or the ________ transport?

10. He has to _______ extra classes at the weekend.

II. Complete the text with: * experience, * responsibility, * attended, * interview, *training, * apply, *companies, *profession, * participate, * skills.

Finishing school is a very busy, exciting time for people. Everyone wants to find a good job and begin working in their chosen 1) ______ . The first step is to find a suitable vacancy and 2) ____ for the position. If you are called for an 3) _____ you will be asked what 4) ___you have and where you 5) _____ school. They may ask if you have any previous 6) _____ in that type of work.Many large businesses and 7) ______will require their new employees to 8) _______ in a special 9) ______ course before they are given the 0) __ of working on their own.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct FUTURE FORM: future simple, present continuous, be going to, present simple, future perfect, future continuous, future perfect continuous

1). The kids _________ ( go) to bed by 10 o’clock.

2). Helen and I ________ (go ) to the cinema tonight. Would you like to join us?

3). By the end of the month I _______ (finish ) this project.

4). This time next week I _______ ( shop ) in Milan.

5). “When ________ ( you fly ) to London?” “ Tomorrow morning”

6). I don’t think John _______ ( pass ) his French exam; he hasn’t studied enough.

7). I’m cold. I ______ ( close ) the window.

8). What ________ ( you buy ) Fiona for her birthday?

9). They _______ ( live) in the same house for 25 years by next Thursday.

10). This time next year Faye ______ ( study ) in Dublin.

11). I _____ ( send ) you an SMS before I leave work, OK?

22). The Browns ______ ( move ) to their new house this weekend.

13). The ferry _______ (leave) at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.

IV. Choose the correct preposition.

1). Leave him alone; stop picking on at him.

2). I’ll pick you up out from the station at 9.

3). Laura is picking on at her food; I guess she’s not hungry.

4). Tom’s health has picked out up recently.

5). Can you help me pick at out a tie to match the shirt?

6) You shouldn’t pick on at younger children.

Вариант II

I. Fill in the gaps with the correct word: * private, *activities, * motivated, * uniform, * training, * attend, * rules, *strict, * sit, *public.

1. She goes to a very expensive ______ school abroad.

2. Every morning we begin with physical ______ at acrobatic school.

3. The students are encouraged to participate in extra- curricular ________ .

4. When do you ______ your exams?

5. Students must wear a school ______ every day.

6. It is important for everyone to follow the ______ .

7. This school is known for its discipline and _______ teachers.

8. Students are very _______ to do well at this school.

9. Do you use a bicycle or the ________ transport?

10. He has to _______ extra classes at the weekend.

II. Complete the text with: * experience, * responsibility, * attended, * interview, *training, * apply, *companies, *profession, * participate, * skills.

Finishing school is a very busy, exciting time for people. Everyone wants to find a good job and begin working in their chosen 11) ________ . The first step is to find a suitable vacancy and 12) _______ for the position. If you are called for an 13) ________ you will be asked what 14) ______ you have and where you 15) _______ school. They may ask if you have any previous 1 6) _______ in that type of work.

Many large businesses and 17) ________ will require their new employees to 18) _______ in a special 19) ______ course before they are given the 20) _______ of working on their own.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct FUTURE FORM: future simple, present continuous, be going to, present simple, future perfect, future continuous, future perfect continuous

21). The kids _________ ( go) to bed by 10 o’clock.

22). Helen and I ________ (go ) to the cinema tonight. Would you like to join us?

23). By the end of the month I _______ (finish ) this project.

24). This time next week I _______ ( shop ) in Milan.

25). “When ________ ( you fly ) to London?” “ Tomorrow morning”

26). I don’t think John _______ ( pass ) his French exam; he hasn’t studied enough.

27). I’m cold. I ______ ( close ) the window.

28). What ________ ( you buy ) Fiona for her birthday?

29). They _______ ( live) in the same house for 25 years by next Thursday.

30). This time next year Faye ______ ( study ) in Dublin.

31). I _____ ( send ) you an SMS before I leave work, OK?

32). The Browns ______ ( move ) to their new house this weekend.

33). The ferry _______ (leave) at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.

IV. Choose the correct preposition.

34). Leave him alone; stop picking on at him.

35). I’ll pick you up out from the station at 9.

36). Laura is picking on at her food; I guess she’s not hungry.

37). Tom’s health has picked out up recently.

38). Can you help me pick at out a tie to match the shirt?

39) You shouldn’t pick on at younger children.

V. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

40). They don’t have a _____ ; they do all the landscaping themselves. ( GARDEN ).

41). He usually hires a _____ when he does business in China (TRANSLATE ).

42). Kate is now the managing ______ of the company. ( DIRECT ).

43). The _____ was busy tidying the returned books. ( LIBRARY ).

44). The drum _____ received thunderous applause. (SOLO )

45). The ______ searched through old documents for years before he was convinced the events had taken place. ( HISTORY ).

Критерии оценивания

Объём выполненной работы

Количество баллов


84-100 %



67-83 %



50-66 %



0-49 %



Контрольная работа №3

I вариант

II вариант


1). Private 6). Rules 11). Profession 16). Experience

2). Training 7). Strict 12). Apply 17). Companies

3). Activities 8). Motivated 13). Interview 18). Participate

4). Sit 9).Public 14). Skills 19). Training

5). Uniform 10). Attend 15). Attend 20). Responsibility


1). Attend 6). Rules

2). Training 7). Strict 17). Companies

3). Activities 8). Motivated 18). Participate

4). Sit 9).Public 19). Training

5). Uniform 10). Private 10). Attend 10). Attend


1). Profession 6). Experience

2). Apply 7). Companies

3). Interview 8). Participate

4). Skills 9). Training

5). Attend 10). Responsibility


1). Responsibility 6). Experience

2). Apply 7). Companies

3). Interview 8). Participate

4). Skills 9). Training

5). Attend 10). Profession


1) will have gone 40) GARDENER

2) are going 41) TRANSLATOR

3) will have finished

4) will be shopping

5) are you flying 44) SOLOIST

6) will pass 45) HISTORIAN

7). will close

8). are you going to buy…?

9) will have been living

10) will be study

11) will send

12) are moving

13). leaves


1) will have gone 40) GARDENER

2) are going

3) will have finished

4) will be shopping

5) are you flying 44) SOLOIST

6) will pass 45) HISTORIAN

7). will close

8). are you going to buy…?

9) will have been living

10) will be study

11) will send

12) are moving

13). leaves 22) o 23)




up out

on 41) to watc




up out

on 45).








Контрольная работа №4

Вариант I

I Fill in: * repair, * rubbish, * compost, * adoption, * decompose, * packed

1). There are many animals up for _______ at the city zoo.

2). We need to ________ the engine so the car runs properly.

3). Have you _______ your lunch for school today?

4).Do not put things in the ______ bin that can be recycled.

5) You can put things that ________, like vegetable peeling, onto the 6) ______ heap.

II. Use the words in their correct form to complete the gaps.

*replace, * congestion, *campaign, * encourage, * energy, * ban, *switch, * emissions.

For many years the traffic in our town has been getting busier and busier. It has become a huge environmental problem because of all the carbon 7) _______ produced by the vehicles ( транспорт). One group of environmentalists have started a 8) _____ to do something about it. They want to 9) ______ certain vehicles from the roads during times of high 10) _______ and 11) _______ people to use public transport. They want people to understand that by 12) ______ from a form of transport that uses a lot of 13) _______ and 14) ______ it with one that uses less, they will be doing their part to help save the planet.

III. Underline the correct preposition.

15) Would you like some dessert desert?

16). Climate change affects effects the whole world.

17).These trousers are very loose lose.

18). Polar bears are under in threat.

19). The weather whether is becoming more and more rainy.

20) We will loose lose many species if rainforests continue to disappear.

21). No one can ignore the affects effects of global warming.

IV. Fill into: *away from, * into, * over, * out of, * on

22).The cooker runs _____ electricity.

23). He almost ran _____ the old woman who was crossing the road.

24).We’ve run _____ bread. Will you go and buy some, please?

25). The police were looking for three endangered animals which ran _______the zoo.

26). Sarah ran ____ David while she was shopping at the supermarket.

V. Fill in: * Come up with *Throw away, * switch off, * turn down, * put on, *cut down on

27). Make sure you ______ all the lights before you leave.

28).You should ______ a jumper rather than turn the heating on.

29).Don’t ______ those glass bottles. They can be recycled.

30). We must try to ______ the amount of electricity we use.

31). I like to _______ the heating in winter. It helps me to sleep better.

32).We must ______ a way to use less paper.

Вариант II

I Fill in: * repair, * rubbish, * compost, * adoption, * decompose, * packed

1). ______ heap.

2). We need to ________ the engine so the car runs properly.

3). Have you _______ your lunch for school today?

4).Do not put things in the ______ bin that can be recycled.

5) You can put things that ________, like vegetable peeling, onto the

6) There are many animals up for _______ at the city zoo.

II. Use the words in their correct form to complete the gaps.

*replace, * congestion, *campaign, * encourage, * energy, * ban, *switch, * emissions.

For many years the traffic in our town has been getting busier and busier. It has become a huge environmental problem because of all the carbon 7) _______ produced by the vehicles ( транспорт). One group of environmentalists have started a 8) _____ to do something about it. They want to 9) ______ certain vehicles from the roads during times of high 10) _______ and 11) _______ people to use public transport. They want people to understand that by 12) ______ from a form of transport that uses a lot of 13) _______ and 14) ______ it with one that uses less, they will be doing their part to help save the planet.

III. Underline the correct preposition.

15) Would you like some dessert desert?

16). Climate change affects effects the whole world.

17).These trousers are very loose lose.

18). Polar bears are under in threat.

19). The weather whether is becoming more and more rainy.

20) We will loose lose many species if rainforests continue to disappear.

21). No one can ignore the affects effects of global warming.

IV. Fill into: *away from, * into, * over, * out of, * on

22).The cooker runs _____ electricity.

23). He almost ran _____ the old woman who was crossing the road.

24).We’ve run _____ bread. Will you go and buy some, please?

25). The police were looking for three endangered animals which ran _______the zoo.

26). Sarah ran ____ David while she was shopping at the supermarket.

V. Fill in: * Come up with *Throw away, * switch off, * turn down, * put on, *cut down on

27). Make sure you ______ all the lights before you leave.

28).You should ______ a jumper rather than turn the heating on.

29).Don’t ______ those glass bottles. They can be recycled.

30). We must try to ______ the amount of electricity we use.

31). I like to _______ the heating in winter. It helps me to sleep better.

32).We must ______ a way to use less paper.

Критерии оценивания

Объём выполненной работы

Количество баллов


84-100 %



67-83 %



50-66 %



0-49 %



Контрольная работа №4

I вариант

II вариант


1) Adoption

2). Repair

3). Packed 17). Loose 24). Run out of

4) Rubbish 18). Under 25). Ran away from

5). Decompose 6). Compost 20). Lose


1) Compost

2). Repair

3). Packed 17). Loose 24). Run out of

4) Rubbish 18). Under 25). Ran away from

5). Decompose

6).Adoption 10). Attend 10). Attend


7). Emission

8). campaign 16). Affects

9). ban

10). congestion

11). encourage

12). switching

13). energy

14). Replacing


7) Replacing

8). campaign 16). Affects

9). ban

10). congestion

11). encourage

12). switching

13). energy

14). Emission


15). Dessert 22). Run on

16). Affects 23). Ran over

17). Loose 24). Run out of

18). Under 25). Ran away from

19). Weather 26) Ran into

20). Lose


15). Dessert 22). Run on

16). Affects 23). Ran over

17). Loose 24). Run out of

18). Under 25). Ran away from

19). Weather 26) Ran into

20). Lose 22) o 23)


27) switch off

28) put on

29). throw away

30). Cut down on

31) turn down

32). come up with

41) to watc


27) switch off

28) put on

29). throw away

30). Cut down on

31) turn down

32). come up with

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 11 из раздела Word Perfect, Module 1.

Exercise 1. Fill in: tradition, policy, stroll, concept, support, honour, priority, child.
Упражнение 1. Вставить: tradition, policy, stroll, concept, support, honour, priority, child.


1) My schoolwork is my top __ .
2) We like to exchange gifts on New Year’s Day. It’s a family __ .
3) I can’t understand the __ behind this machine. What is it supposed to do?
4) It is a great __ for me to be part of your research team.
5) Without my husband’s __ , I wouldn’t have made it in the fashion business.
6) We’re sorry! You cannot use the Internet during work hours. It’s our company’s __ .
7) My husband is an only __ . He has no brothers or sisters.
8) After we did the washing up, we went for a __ in the park.

1) My schoolwork is my top priority. – Моя работа в школе – это мой высший приоритет.

2) We like to exchange gifts on New Year’s Day. It’s a family tradition. – Нам нравится обмениваться подарками на новый год. Это семейная традиция.

3) I can’t understand the concept behind this machine. What is it supposed to do? – Я не могу понять суть (дословно: концепцию) этой машины. Что она должна делать?

4) It is a great honour for me to be part of your research team. – Для меня это большая честь быть частью вашей исследовательской команды.

5) Without my husband’s support, I wouldn’t have made it in the fashion business. – Без поддержки моего мужа я бы не достигла успеха в модном деле моды.

6) We’re sorry! You cannot use the Internet during work hours. It’s our company’s policy. – Нам жаль! Вы не можете пользоваться интернетом во время часов работы. Это политика нашей компании.

7) My husband is an only child. He has no brothers or sisters. – Мой муж – единственный ребенок в семьи. У него нет ни братьев, ни сестер.

8) After we did the washing up, we went for a stroll in the park. – После того как мы помыли посуду, мы пошли на прогулку в парк.

Exercise 2. Match the descriptions to the family members.
Упражнение 2. Соотнесите членов семьи с их описаниями.


1) He is the father of my grandfather.
2) She is my sister’s daughter.
3) He is my daughter’s son.
4) He used to be married to me.
5) She is my husband’s sister.
6) He is my mum’s new husband.

a. stepfather
b. ex-husband
с. great-grandfather
d. niece
g. sister-in-law
h. grandson

1) He is the father of my grandfather. – great-grandfather
Он отец моего дедушки. – Прадедушка.

2) She is my sister’s daughter. – niece
Они дочь моей сестры. – племянница

3) He is my daughter’s son. – grandson
Он сын моей дочери. – внук

4) He used to be married to me. – ex-husband
Раньше он был женат на мне. – бывший муж

5) She is my husband’s sister. – sister-in-law
Она сестра моего мужа. – невестка

6) He is my mum’s new husband. – stepfather
Он новый муж моей мамы. – отчим

Exercise 3. Complete the exchanges with the words in the list:
Упражнение 3. Вставить слова.


• married • divorced • engaged • single • widowed • elderly

A: I had no idea that Paul is __ .
B: Unfortunately, his wife passed away last summer.

A: Tom’s parents decided to get __ .
В: I know. They have been having problems for a while now.

A: Does your sister live alone?
B: No, she lives with her husband. She’s been __ for two years now.

A: They’ve been __ for three years.
B: When are they planning on getting married?

A: Alice looks very tired. Does she ever rest?
В: I highly doubt it. She is a __ parent and has no help from anyone.

A: When my grandfather gets on a bus, people always give him their seat.
B: That’s nice. It’s important to respect the __ .

A: I had no idea that Paul is widowed. – Я понятие не имел, что Пол овдовел.
B: Unfortunately, his wife passed away last summer. – К сожалению, его жена скончалась прошлым летом.

A: Tom’s parents decided to get divorced. – Родители Тома решили развестись.
В: I know. They have been having problems for a while now. – Я знаю. У них проблемы уже некоторое время.

A: Does your sister live alone? – Твоя сестра живет одна?
B: No, she lives with her husband. She’s been married for two years now. – Нет, она живет с мужем. Она уже два года замужем.

A: They’ve been engaged for three years. – Они уже три года как помолвлены.
B: When are they planning on getting married? – Когда они планируют пожениться?

A: Alice looks very tired. Does she ever rest? – Алиса выглядит очень уставшей. Она когда-нибудь отдыхает?
В: I highly doubt it. She is a single parent and has no help from anyone. – Я очень в этом сомневаюсь. Она мать-одиночка и не получает ни от кого помощи.

A: When my grandfather gets on a bus, people always give him their seat. – Когда мой дедушка садится в автобус, люди всегда уступают ему место.
B: That’s nice. It’s important to respect the elderly. – Это замечательно. Это важно уважать старших.

Exercise 4. Underline the correct item
Упражнение 4. Определить правильное слово.


1) My brother is very sensitive/stubborn. He never listens to anybody.
2) I wanted to become a lawyer but I am too moody/shy.
3) She has beautiful almond-shaped/shoulder-length eyes.
4) Mrs Thompson always has her hair up in a bun/perm.
5) Clara likes to wear formal/casual clothes, like jeans and T-shirts.
6) I have very dry/freckled skin, especially in winter.
7) Lisa used to be very overweight/skinny. Now that she has put on some weight, she looks much better.
8) Don’t be so aggressive/pessimistic! Everything will turn out just fine in the end.
9) Our boss is confident/impatient that we will have completed the project on time.
10) I’m very nervous/grumpy! I hope I do well on my exam.
11) I’m definitely the black horse/sheep of the family.
12) Joanna is a real chip off the old block/house. She is exactly like her mum.

1) My brother is very stubborn. He never listens to anybody. – Мой брат очень упрям. Он никогда никого не слушает.
2) I wanted to become a lawyer but I am too shy. – Я хотел стать юристом, но я слишком застенчив.
3) She has beautiful almond-shaped eyes. – У нее красивые миндалевидные глаза.
4) Mrs Thompson always has her hair up in a bun. – У миссис Томпсон волосы всегда убраны в пучок
5) Clara likes to wear casual clothes, like jeans and T-shirts. – Клара любит носить повседневную одежду типа джинсов и футболок.
6) I have very dry skin, especially in winter. – У меня очень сохнет кожа, особенно зимой.
7) Lisa used to be very skinny. Now that she has put on some weight, she looks much better. – Раньше Лиза была очень худой. Теперь когда она набрала небольшой вес, она выглядит лучше.
8) Don’t be so pessimistic! Everything will turn out just fine in the end. – Не будь таким пессимистичным! В конце концов все будет хорошо!
9) Our boss is confident that we will have completed the project on time. – Наш начальник уверен, что мы завершим проект вовремя.
10) I’m very nervous! I hope I do well on my exam. – Я очень нервничаю! Надеюсь, что у меня все получится на экзамене.
11) I’m definitely the black sheep of the family. – Определенно, я черная ворона (дословно: черная овца) в семье.
12) Joanna is a real chip off the old block. She is exactly like her mum. – Джоанна – вылитая мать.


Настоящее совершенное длительное время употребляется для:

  • подчеркивания значения длительности действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор. Bill has been teaching for the University since September.  Билл работает в университете с сентября.
  • описания действия, которое началось и закончилось в прошлом и результаты этого действия очевидны в настоящем. She is happy because she has been watching her favourite anime all day. Она счастлива, потому что смотрела свое любимое аниме целый день.
  • выражения злости, раздражения, критики по поводу действия, которое повторялось не один раз. She has been using my computer without asking me. Она использовала мой компьютер без разрешения.
  • выражения повторяющихся действий в прошлом, которые продолжаются до настоящего времени. She has put on weight because she has been eating junk food every day since last week. Она набрала вес, потому что с прошлой недели каждый день ела фастфуд.

present perfect continuous

Уже подружились со временем? Сейчас проверим!


  • 1 Exercise 1. Составьте предложения в the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
  • 2 Exercise 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
  • 3 Exercise 3.  Сделайте предложения отрицательными.
  • 4 Exercise 4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
  • 5 Exercise 5. Сделайте предложения  вопросительными.
  • 6 Exercise 6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
  • 7 Exercise 7. Составьте вопрос к выделенным словосочетаниям.
  • 8 Exercise 8. Составьте предложения, используя the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
  • 9 Exercise 9. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму  и прочитайте шутку.
  • 10 Exercise 10. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
  • 11 Exercise 11. Переведите на английский язык.

Exercise 1. Составьте предложения в the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

  1.  I/to read/this book/for three days.
  2.  We/to play volleyball/ for twenty minutes.
  3.  She/to clean/the flat/for more than an hour.
  4.  Peter/to swim/for half an hour.
  5.  Anna/to speak/on the phone/for an hour now.
  6. You/to wait/for a bus/for ten minutes only.
  7.  Nelly and Mary/to do the shopping/since early morning.
  8.  It/to snow/since last night.
  9.  Jack and his friend/ to ride bikes/for three hours now.
  10. The teacher/to explain/ a grammar rule/since the beginning of the lesson.

Answers: 1. I have been reading this book for three days. 2. We have been playing volleyball for twenty minutes. 3. She has been cleaning the flat for more than an hour. 4. Peter has been swimming for half an hour. 5. Anna has been speaking on the phone for an hour now. 6. You have been waiting for a bus for ten minutes only. 7. Nelly and Mary have been doing the shopping since early morning. 8. It has been snowing since last night. 9. Jack and his friend have been riding bikes for three hours now. 10. The teacher has been explaining a grammar rule since the beginning of the lesson.

Exercise 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.


  1. Helen … (to wash) the dishes for fifteen minutes.
  2.  My classmates … (to write) a dictation since the beginning of the lesson.
  3. Sam … (to drive) a car for five hours now.
  4.  I … (to look) for information on the subject since last Friday.
  5.  Molly … (to paint) this picture for three days now.
  6.  The tourists … (to do) the sightseeing since nine o’clock.
  7.  You … (to work) as a computer programmer for more than fifteen years.
  8.  The wind … (to blow) since yesterday.
  9. My grandfather … (to collect) coins since he was a boy.
  10.  Andy and Den … (to discuss) the plans for their winter holidays for two hours now.

Answers: 1.has been washing; 2.have been writing; 3. has been driving; 4. have been looking; 5. has been painting; 6. have been doing; 7.have been working; 8. has been blowing; 9. has been collecting; 10. have been discussing.

Exercise 3.  Сделайте предложения отрицательными.


  1.  You have been writing a report since morning.
  2. We have been working in the garden for three hours.
  3.  I have been typing letters since ten o’clock.
  4. Tom has been running for twenty minutes.
  5.  A cat has been sitting in the tree for an hour.
  6.  Jane has been studying English for two years.
  7.  They have been building this house for more than a year.
  8.  My parents have been travelling for a week.
  9. I have been having a lesson for fifteen minutes now.
  10.  They have been walking since afternoon.

Answers: 1.You haven’t been writing a report since morning. 2. We haven’t been working in the garden for three hours. 3.I haven’t been typing letters since ten o’clock. 4.Tom hasn’t been running for twenty minutes. 5.A cat hasn’t been sitting in the tree for an hour. 6. Jane hasn’t been studying English for two years. 7. They haven’t been building this house for more than a year. 8. My parents haven’t been travelling for a week. 9. I haven’t been having a lesson for fifteen minutes now. 10. They haven’t been walking since afternoon.

Exercise 4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.


  1. Kevin … (to fish) since early morning.
  2. Kim … (not to pack) her things for so long.
  3.  You … (to iron) clothes all day.
  4.  Allan … (not to wear) this jacket for three years.
  5. I … (not to walk) a dog since four o’clock.
  6.  Monica and Sue …(to paint) the walls of the house since ten o’clock in the morning.
  7.  Mr May … (to read) this article for more than half an hour now.
  8.  It … (not to rain) since afternoon.
  9.  My neighbours … (to make) a noise since seven o’clock in the morning.
  10.  Brad … (to try) to catch a taxi for fifteen minutes now.

Answers: 1. has been fishing; 2.hasn’t been packing; 3. have been ironing; 4. hasn’t been wearing; 5. haven’t been walking; 6. have been painting; 7.has been reading; 8. hasn’t been raining; 9. have been making; 10.has been trying.

Exercise 5. Сделайте предложения  вопросительными.


  1. He has been boating for four hours.
  2.  We have been skating since eleven o’clock.
  3.  Lucy has been learning this poem for twenty minutes.
  4.  You have been writing this article since afternoon.
  5.  My parents have been working in the hospital for thirteen years.
  6.  The music has been playing for three hours.
  7.  We have been speaking since five o’clock.
  8.  Beth has been taking a bath for thirty-five minutes.
  9.  They have been preparing for the test for two days.
  10.  The baby has been crying for half an hour.

Answers: 1. Has he been boating for four hours? 2.Have we been skating since eleven o’clock? 3.Has Lucy been learning this poem for twenty
minutes? 4. Have you been writing this article since afternoon? 5.Have my parents been working in the hospital for thirteen years? 6. Has the music been playing for three hours? 7. Have we been speaking since five o’clock? 8. Has Beth been taking a bath for thirty-five minutes? 9. Have they been preparing for the test for two days? 10. Has the baby been crying for half an hour?

Exercise 6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.


  1.  … Jenny … (to wait) for her flight in the airport since twelve o’clock? — No, she …. She … (to wait) for her flight for forty minutes now.
  2. Can I talk with you? — Sorry, I’m busy. I … (to look) for one important paper for more than twenty minutes now and can’t find it.
  3.  Is Ed at home? — No, he is in the gym. He … (to train) since five o’clock.
  4.  … your mother …(to work) as a manager for ten years? — No, she …. She … (to work) as a manager for eighteen years.
  5.  Is Philip fixing the washing-machine? — Yes, he … (to fix) it since nine o’clock.
  6. Alison and Cindy … (not to paint) the walls in the room for two hours. They … (to work) since morning.
  7.  The Petersons … (to build) their house for three years now.
  8.  Is mother in the kitchen? — Yes, she … (to cook) since four o’clock.
  9. You look tired! — Well, I … (to gather) strawberries for more than two hours.
  10.  Where is Ben? — He is in his room. He … (to listen) to music since afternoon.

Answers: 1. Has Jenny been waiting for her flight in the airport since twelve o’clock? — No, she hasn’t. She has been waiting for her flight for forty minutes now. 2. Can I talk with you? — Sorry, I’m busy. I have been looking for one important paper for more than twenty minutes now and can’t find it. 3. Is Ed at home? — No, he is in the gym. He has been training since five o’clock. 4.Has your mother been working as a manager for ten years? — No, she hasn’t. She has been working as a manager for eighteen years. 5. Is Philip fixing the washing-machine? — Yes, he has been fixing it since nine o’clock. 6. Alison and Cindy haven’t been painting the walls in the room for two hours. They have been working since morning. 7. The Petersons have been building their house for three years now. 8. Is mother in the kitchen? — Yes, she has been cooking since four o’clock. 9. You look tired! — Well, I have been gathering strawberries for more than two hours. 10. Where is Ben? — He is in his room. He has been listening to music since afternoon.

Составляя специальные вопросы в настоящем совершенном длительном времени, слова распологают в таком порядке: : вопросительное слово (Wh-word), вспомогательный глагол have/has, подлежащее, глагол been и глагол-сказуемое (с окончанием -ing).
Wh-word + have + l/you/we/they + been + Ving

Wh-word + has + he/she/it/ + been + Ving?

What have you been doing? How long has he been working?
Вопросы к подлежащему образуются только с помощью вспомогательного глагола  has:
Who has been crying?

Exercise 7. Составьте вопрос к выделенным словосочетаниям.


  1.  He has been speaking to his friend for an hour.
  2. We have been whitewashing the trees in the garden for two hours.
  3.  You have been telling us about your work since five o’clock.
  4.  She has been translating this text for half an hour.
  5.  They have been having lunch in the canteen since one o’clock.

Answers: 1.Who has been speaking to his friend for an hour? To whom has he been speaking for an hour? How long has he been speaking to his friend? 2.Who has been whitewashing the trees in the garden for two hours? What have we been doing in the garden for two hours? Where have we been whitewashing the trees for two hours? What have we been writewashing in the garden for two hours? 3. Who has been telling us about your work since five o’clock? Whom have you been telling about your work since five o’clock? Whose work have you been telling us about since five o’clock? What have you been telling us about since five o’clock? 4. What has she been doing for half an hour? What has she been translating for half an hour? How long has she been translating this text? 5. What have they been having in the canteen since one o’clock? Where have they been having lunch since one o’clock? How long have they been having lunch in the canteen?

Exercise 8. Составьте предложения, используя the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.


  1. What/she/to read/since ten o’clock?
  2.  Where/we/to drive/ so long?
  3.  Den/not to ride/his motor-bike/since three o’clock.
  4. Dolly and Carol/to plant/flowers in the greenhouse for about an hour.
  5.  How long/Brian/to learn/English?
  6.  Linda/to prepare/for her test/since eight o’clock?
  7. Whom/you/to talk with/for fifty minutes?
  8.  Where/they/to play/tennis/since afternoon?
  9. The baby/to sleep/for three hours now.
  10.  We/ not to climb/this mountain/for an hour.

Answers: 1. What has she been reading since ten o’clock? 2. Where have we been driving so long? 3. Den hasn’t been riding his motor-bike since three o’clock. 4. Dolly and Carol have been planting flowers in the greenhouse for about an hour. 5. How long has Brian been learning English? 6. Has Linda been preparing for her test since eight o’clock? 7. Whom have you been talking with for fifty minutes? 8. Where have they been playing tennis since afternoon? 9. The baby has been sleeping for three hours now. 10. We haven’t been climbing this mountain for an hour.

Exercise 9. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму  и прочитайте шутку.


A girl is speaking on the phone. She … (to speak) for forty- five minutes now. Her father … (to wait) for an important call since afternoon and he is becoming angry. «How long … you … (to speak), Kate?» cries her father. Kate quickly hangs up the receiver. Her father looks puzzled, «Usually you speak for hours! What has happened now?» «Wrong number», answers Kate.

Answers: She has been speaking for forty-five minutes now. Her father has been waiting for an important call since afternoon and he is becoming angry. «How long have you been speaking. Kate?» cries her father.

Exercise 10. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.


  1.  Put on your raincoat. It… (to rain) since night.
  2.  Is Frank in his room? What … he … (to do)? — He … (to prepare) for the French test.
  3.  Are Sue and Liz still in the garden? They … (to water) the flowers for an hour now! — No, they … (not to water) the flowers. They … (to weed) for more than an hour.
  4.  How long … you … (to travel) around the country? — I… (to travel) for two weeks now.
  5.  Ron should be careful. He … (to sunbathe) since eight o’clock.
  6. Whom … your boss … (to shout) at? — He … (to shout) at his new manager. She … (to work) in this office for only three days.
  7.  Cindy is worried. She … (to wait) for her parents to come home since six o’clock.
  8.  What …they … (to write) since three o’clock? — They … (to write) an article for the scientific journal.
  9. Aren’t Julia and Andrew at home yet? — They are still preparing for the conference in the library. They … (to prepare) for this conference for a week now.
  10.  How long … Mr Kane … (to wash) his car? — He … (to wash) it for more than an hour now.

Answers: 1. Put on your raincoat. It has been raining since night. 2. Is Frank in his room? What has he been doing? — He has been preparing for the French test. 3. Are Sue and Liz still in the garden? They have been watering the flowers for an hour now! — No, they haven’t been watering the flowers. They have been weeding for more than an hour. 4. How long have you been travelling around the country? — I have been travelling for two weeks now. 5. Ron should be careful. He has been sunbathing since eight o’clock. 6. Whom has your boss been shouting at? — He has been shouting at his new manager. She has been working in this office for only three days. 7. Cindy is worried. She has been waiting for her parents to come home since six o’clock. 8. What have they been writing since three o’clock? — They have been writing an article for the scientific journal. 9. Aren’t Julia and Andrew at home yet? — They are still preparing for the conference in the library. They have been preparing for this conference for a week now. 10. How long has Mr Kane been washing his car? — He has been washing it for more than an hour now.

Exercise 11. Переведите на английский язык.


  1.  Они пишут диктант уже полчаса.
  2.  Моя сестра убирает комнату с утра.
  3. Мальчики плавают в бассейне уже больше часа?
  4.  Он не смотрит телевизор с утра.
  5. Вы читаете эту книгу уже четыре дня? — Нет, я читаю ее только два дня.
  6.  Что она делает уже три часа? — Она готовится к экзаменам.
  7.  Как долго дети играют в парке? — Они играют с пяти часов.
  8.  Что ваш брат рассказывает уже двадцать минут? — Он рассказывает о своем попугае.
  9.  Какую статью он пишет с утра? — Он пишет статью об известном ученом.
  10.  Что они обсуждают уже больше часа? — Они обсуждают последние новости.

Answers: 1. They have been writing a dictation for half an hour already. 2. My sister has been cleaning the room since morning. 3. Have the boys been swimming in the swimming-pool for more than an hour now? 4.He hasn’t been watching TV since morning. 5. Have you been reading this book for four days? — No, I have been reading it for two days only. 6. What has she been doing for three hours? — She has been preparing for the exams. 7. How long have the children been playing in the park? — They have been playing since five o’clock. 8. What has your brother been telling about for twenty minutes already? — He has been telling about his parrot. 9. What article has he been writing since morning? — He has been writing an article about a famous scientist. 10. What have they been discussing for more than an hour now? — They have been discussing the latest news.




Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — X.: Ранок, 2012. — 304 с.

How well do you know our new words?

Fill in the missing letters.



nd, h

lf br

ther, st

p fa

her, tw

n s

ster, gr



Family ties and traditions

Match the phrases in English and Russian.

They usually have lots of family celebrations/ Sometimes they go out for an evening stroll or do sports.

Yes, all the members of the family care for and help each other and spend a lot of time together

Family ties are very close aren’t they?

What can you say about family ties and traditions in Mongolia?

I think Russians are hospitable too.

I’ve heard Mongols are very hospitable. Am I right?

Mongols value family ties Family hierarchy is very important, and the young show respect to the old every time.

How do they usually spend free time?

Absolutely! They often share Sunday lunch with friends and relatives. Meal time is really important to them. What about Russian families?

— Как они обычно проводят свободное время?

— Я думаю, что россияне Гостеприимные тоже.

— Что ты можешь сказать о семейных узах и традициях в Монголии?

Я слышал, что монголы очень гостеприимные, не так ли?

— Обычно у них много семейных праздников. Иногда они выходят на вечернюю прогулку или занимаются спортом.

— Монголы ценят семейные узы. Семейная иерархия очень важна. Младшие всегда проявляют уважение к старшим.

– Да, все члены семьи заботятся и помогают друг другу и проводят много времени вместе

Абсолютно верно. Они часто устраивают воскресные обеды с друзьями и родственниками. Прием пищи очень важен для них. А как насчет русских семей?

— Семейные узы очень тесны, не так ли?

How well do you know our new words?

Listen to the words and type them.


Read the sentences and choose the right word.

The family, which consists of a father, a mother, children, a grandfather, a grandmother is:


The family, which consists of a father, a mother and children is:


The family, which consists of a father or a mother and children is:


The family, which consists of a father, a mother and many children is:


The family ,which consists of close relatives is:



Find the odd word.

extended, nuclear, in-laws, immediateseparated

brother–in–law, nephew, father-in–law, sister- in-law, mother –in-law

stepfather, half brother, twin sister, grandson, ex- husband.

Our families

Match the phrases in English and Russian.

My family is large. I’ve got two brothers and two sisters. My elder sister didn’t get on well with her husband. When she divorced from her husband she and her daughter moved to us. It is difficult for her to be a single parent, so we all try to help her.

My name is Sasha. I’m from Russia. My parents are separated. So, I live with my mum. My brother is married to a wonderful woman. They have a small son. I love my nephew.

My name is Ben. I’m from England. I am an only child and I live with my parents. For me, my home is my castle.

Моя семья большая. У меня два брата и две сестры. Моя старшая сестра не ладила с мужем. Когда она разошлась с мужем, она с дочкой переехала к нам. Ей трудно быть матерью- одиночкой, поэтому мы все стараемся помочь ей.

Меня зовут Саша. Я из России. Мои родители разведены. Поэтому я живу с мамой. Мой брат женат на прекрасной женщине. У них сын. Я люблю племянника.

Меня зовут Бен. Я из Англии. Я единственный ребенок в семье и живу с родителями. Для меня мой дом — моя крепость.


Find the odd word.

special, secure, extended, accepted, safe

engaged, married, divorced, separated, studied.

mother-in-lawsister-in-law, father-in-law, stepmother, stepsister.

My relatives

Listen to the words and type them.


Fill in the right word.

My parents are . So, my brother and I live with our mum.

I am an child and I live with my parents.

My family is . I’ve got two brothers and two sisters. We care for and help each other and always show to elders.

Family are really important in people’s life.






My sister’s family

Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.                          

My sister didn’t on well with her husband.

When she from her she and her daughter moved to us. It is difficult for her to be a parent, so we all try to her. My brother is married to a wonderful woman. Also, he gets on well with his .








Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.

Family is the cradle of life and love where you .

Family ties are really important in .

There are different families: .

 Also, families have different cultural traditions and .

feel special, secure and accepted.

people’s life.

:extended, nuclear, immediate, separated and a single parent family


My family

Fill in Sasha’s phrases.

Rakcha: Hello, Sasha! How are you?


Rakcha: Fine, thanks.


Rakcha: Sure, But I always feel the strength and support of my family.


Rakcha: I believe, a family is the place where you feel special, secure and accepted.



Sasha’s letter

Filling the gaps with the words given. 

Dear Victor,

Hello. How are you? I ‘ve got a friend here. His name is Rakcha. He has got a large family..…

He’s got two brothers and two sisters.

His elder sister didn’t get on well with her husband.

When she divorced from her husband she and her daughter moved to them.

It is difficult for her to be a single parent, so they all try to help her.

Rakcha’s letter

Complete Rakcha’s letter to his brother, Batsuh.

Dear Batsukh,

Hello. How are you? I ‘ve got a friend here. His name is Rakcha. He has got a ..…

He lives with his mum.

His brother is married to a wonderful woman.

They have a small son.

Sasha loves his nephew very much.

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