Fill in music fiction effects star champion successful one word is extra ответы

Михайлова Ирина Александровна

Тест № 7, 7 класс, 2 вариант


Предварительный просмотр:

Test № 7 the 7th form     B

№1  Fill in: music, fiction, effects, star, champion, successful. One word is extra.

  1. Guy Ritchie is a … film director.
  2. The Interstellar is a science … film
  3. This girl is a famous American rock … .
  4. I like this powerful … and exciting lyrics.
  5. She’s a top international athlete and an Olympic … .

№2 Fill in the comparative or superlative form.

  1. Ronny is the … (funny) person in our family.
  2. The weather is getting … (cold) than it was before.
  3. Mike is … (young) than his sister.
  4. What is the … (important) thing in your life?
  5. The film is … (interesting) than  the book.
  6. You look … (good) than yesterday.

№3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

  1. We ………. (watch) a DVD last night.
  2. ………… (you /ever/watch) a thriller?
  3. Henry ……… (live) here since he was a child.
  4. They ………. (go) to the cinema yesterday.

№4  Match the reviews to the films.

  1. Zootopia
  2. Interstella
  3. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
  1. Cooper (Mc Conaughey) is a former pilot who dreams of soaring in the skies again. Unfortunately, Cooper needs to have his feet firmly on terra firma to take care of farm  and family. His father –in-law (Lithgow) repeatedly reminds him about that. Cooper’s daughter Murph (Foy) however is as bright  a spark – and as passionate about what she believes in – as her father is. Murph is also imaginative; she attributes randomly-moving objects and books in her room to poltergeist activity. But her dad reminds her that «there are no ghosts».
  2. When Biblo, Thorin and gang wached in fear as Smaug (Cumberbatch) flew away to torch Lake town, little did they realize that their leader Thorin  was going mad thanks to «dragon sickness», lust for the castle’s gold and the Arkenstone. He now refuses to leave the castle or even honour a commitment to help the people of Lake Town who have fled from their homes.
  3. An ambitious bunny rabbit named Judy Hopps (Goodwin), a resident of Bunnyburrow, dreams about becoming a police officer in a city populated by a plethora of  anthropomorphous animals. Her happy –go-lucky but protective parents  Bonnie (Hunt) and Stu (Lake) sweetly try to convince their daughter otherwise. But nothing will come in the way of Hopps’s dreams.

№5 Put the sentences in order to form a dialogue.

  1. Oh, right.
  2. Thank you. Enjoy the movie!
  3. Three tickets for The Martian at 7 pm, please.
  4. That’s £ 16, please.
  5. I’m afraid it’s sold out.
  6. OK. Here you are.
  7. We still have tickets for 9 pm showing.
  8. Oh, OK. Three tickets for 9 pm then.please.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

  • Мне нравится 


Помогите с английским языком пожалуйста

1.Fill in the missing words:

tunes, science fiction, adventure, cast,
special effects, handsome, successful

A(n) … film is a film about space travelling, robots and aliens.

Have you listened to the latest album of Avril Lavigne yet? There are a lot of catchy … .

I like the … of the latest “20th Century Fox” comedy. Cameron Diaz and Jim Carrey are acting in it!

Brad Pitt is one of the most … actors in the world.

I admire Angelina Jolie! She is very talented and … .

They used a lot of … to show the fantasy world of dragons and fairies.

Why not to watch one of the Jackie Chan’s films! I’m fond of … films.

2.Open the brackets.

I think that “The Lord of the Rings” is … (successful) as “The Matrix”.

In my opinion Beyonce is … (attractive) than Madonna.

I don’t like pop music because it’s not … (powerful) as rock music.

Diego Maradona is … (famous) footballer from Argentina.

My brother is … (smart) than me. But I am younger than him.

Tom is the … (fast) swimmer in our school.

3.Put the verbs into Present Perfect or Past Simple.

I … (never / see) “The Lord of the Rings”. Is it a good movie?

Jim … (always / love) stories about Spiderman because he is interested in superheroes.

They … (live) in London for 5 years, from 1990 to 1995.

… (you / visit) our Granny yet? She is at the hospital.

Last year I … (not / have) enough money to buy a new laptop. So my parents presented it to me.

My brother has a collection of animated films. He … (already / get) 50 DVDs.

4.Complete the sentences using since, ago, yet, last, for, always.

My sister finished school … May.

They haven’t seen their parents … a long time.

I have lived in Moscow … I was 3-year-old.

I have … been a fan of Justin Timberlake.

We haven’t seen the new film with Leonardo DiCaprio … .

I bought a new car three weeks … .

5.Fill in the blanks with on, off, into, in.

I will turn … TV in 2 minutes. My favourite show is starting.

Mary turned … very late yesterday. She had a lot of homework.

Please turn … the computer when you finish.

I love the special effects they use when he turns … a spider!

Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы


A(n) … film is a film about space travelling, robots and aliens.

Have you listened to the latest album of Avril Lavigne yet? There are a lot of catchy … .

I like the … of the latest “20th Century Fox” comedy. Cameron Diaz and Jim Carrey are acting in it!

Brad Pitt is one of the most … actors in the world.

I admire Angelina Jolie! She is very talented and … .

They used a lot of … to show the fantasy world of dragons and fairies.

Why not to watch one of the Jackie Chan’s films! I’m fond of … films.

Open the brackets.

I think that “The Lord of the Rings” is … (successful) as “The Matrix”.

In my opinion Beyonce is … (attractive) than Madonna.

I don’t like pop music because it’s not … (powerful) as rock music.

Diego Maradona is … (famous) footballer from Argentina.

My brother is … (smart) than me. But I am younger than him.

Tom is the … (fast) swimmer in our school.

Put the verbs into Present Perfect or Past Simple.

I … (never / see) “The Lord of the Rings”. Is it a good movie?

Jim … (always / love) stories about Spiderman because he is interested in superheroes.

They … (live) in London for 5 years, from 1990 to 1995.

… (you / visit) our Granny yet? She is at the hospital.

Last year I … (not / have) enough money to buy a new laptop. So my parents presented it to me.

My brother has a collection of animated films. He … (already / get) 50 DVDs.

Complete the sentences using since, ago, yet, last, for, always.

My sister finished school … May.

They haven’t seen their parents … a long time.

I have lived in Moscow … I was 3-year-old.

I have … been a fan of Justin Timberlake.

We haven’t seen the new film with Leonardo DiCaprio … .

I bought a new car three weeks … .

Fill in the blanks with on, off, into, in.

I will turn … TV in 2 minutes. My favourite show is starting.

Mary turned … very late yesterday. She had a lot of homework.

Please turn … the computer when you finish.

I love the special effects they use when he turns … a spider!​

Ответ №1






special effects

a fan









have never saw

has always loved


are you has visited

was not have

has already got














Fill in: charts, animated, talented, fans, special, songwriter.

One word is extra.

You have only 45 minutes left to complete this test.


1) Cameron Diaz is a ………… actress.

Варианты ответов:

  • special
  • animated
  • songwriter
  • fans
  • charts
  • talented

It’s a great film with amazing ……… effects.

Варианты ответов:

  • special
  • fans
  • animated
  • talented
  • songwriter
  • charts

It was in music ………… for 4 months and reached the top 5.

Варианты ответов:

  • special
  • talented
  • fans
  • songwriter
  • animated
  • charts

He is a famous ….. . He wrote about fifty songs.

Варианты ответов:

  • talented
  • special
  • songwriter
  • fans
  • animated
  • charts

Thousands of……… supported their favourite team.

Варианты ответов:

  • songwriter
  • special
  • charts
  • fans
  • talented
  • animated

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