Fill in forms word building

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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  • Все категории
  • экономические
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  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

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How to Create a Fillable Form in Word

You can use Word to create interactive digital forms that other people can fill out on their computers before printing or sending them back to you. It takes a little preparation but keeps you from having to decipher messy handwriting! Some of the tools you will use when creating a form include:

  • Templates: Forms are normally saved as templates so that they can be used again and again.
  • Content controls: The areas where users input information in a form.
  • Tables: Tables are often used in forms to align text and form fields, and to create borders and boxes.
  • Protection: Users can complete the form fields without being able to change the form’s text and/or design.

Show the Developer Tab

Before you can create a form, you’ll need to turn on the Developer tab to get access to the advanced tools.

  1. Click the File tab.


  2. Select Options.


    The Word Options window opens.

  3. Click the Customize Ribbon tab on the left.

    The column on the right controls which ribbon tabs are enabled.

  4. Check the Developer check box.
  5. Click OK.


The Developer tab now appears on the ribbon. In addition to advanced tools for macro recording, add-ins, and document protection, we now have access to form controls.

Create a Form

Once you’ve enabled the Developer tab, and created the layout and structure of the form, you can start adding form fields to your document with Content Controls.

  1. Place the text cursor where you want to insert the form field.
  2. Click the Developer tab on the ribbon.

    The Controls group contains the different kinds of content controls you can add to a form, as well as the toggle button for Design Mode.

  3. Click the Design Mode button in the controls group.

    While Design Mode is active, controls you insert won’t be active, so clicking a check box to move it around won’t also check it. You can also customize placeholder text for some controls.


  4. Click a Content Control buttons to insert the selected type of control.

    The content control is inserted.

    Select a form field and click the Properties button on the ribbon to edit a control’s options. Depending on the type of control you’ve inserted, you can change its appearance, set up the options in a list, or lock the control once edited.

  5. When you’re done, click the Design Mode button again to exit Design Mode.


You leave Design Mode, and the content controls that you’ve inserted can now be used.

Types of Form Controls

There are many different types of form controls you can add to a form that will allow people to add different types of responses.

Finalize a Form

When you’re ready to distribute a form so others can fill it out, you can restrict the form so that content controls cannot be removed or changed by those filling it out.

  1. Click the Restrict Editing button on the Developer tab.

    The Restrict Editing pane appears on the right.

  2. Check the Editing restrictions check box.
  3. Click the Editing restriction list arrow.
  4. Select Filling in forms.

    When this option is enabled, the only change that anyone else can make to this document is the filling in of form fields. They won’t be able to move, delete, or edit the fields themselves until protection is turned off.


  5. Click the Yes, Start Enforcing Protection button.

    A password is not required to start enforcing protection, but you can add one if you’d like to prevent just anyone from turning this protection off.

  6. Enter a password (optional), then click OK.


The document is now restricted, and anyone you send it to will only be able to fill in the forms.

Word Cheat Sheet

FREE Quick Reference

Click to Download

Free to distribute with our compliments; we hope you will consider our paid training.

Basic rules: Create the form using the forms toolbar. Protect it. Here’s the

First, you need the Forms toolbar. Turn it on by going to View Toolbars Forms.
Here’s the Forms toolbar, let’s get to know it better.

I have never used the tables or frame tools here, so I don’t
explain them. However, I do strongly recommend tables to create forms whenever
your forms are laid out in «boxes».

From left to right, here’s the buttons we’re reviewing. The
options dialog boxes are accessed by double-clicking the field, or by hitting
the Form Field Options button.

Text Form Field

This inserts a field designed for text entry. You can format it
for other things by double-clicking it, or by hitting the Form Field Options
icon. Change the type drop-down to a desired field type, such as a number or
date. You can set a maximum number of characters to be entered for items like
account numbers. You can choose Date as the type, and change the Text format to
read Sunday, June 19, 2005 instead of 6/19/2005.

You can also set a bookmark name here. Leave it as the default
Text# or change it to something meaningful, such as CoName. Then, when you later
want the Company name to appear again without making the user type it again, you
can create a
reference to the bookmark. If you plan to use the values entered in these
text form fields later in calculations, please check the Calculate on exit box!
Doing so makes your calculation field update as the values on which it is
dependent are entered.

Check Box Form Field

I don’t think I’ve ever checked these options out before, but
here they are. Unfortunately, checkboxes don’t work like option buttons do. If
you place multiple checkboxes, then multiple checkboxes can be chosen. If you
want only one checkbox to be chosen, you need Office VBA:
Macros You Can Use Today, which contains a macro by
Cindy Meister that
you can use, or you need to use Option buttons from the Control
Toolbox. Either option requires macro code.

Drop-Down Form Field

Drop-Downs are very cool and extremely easy to make. The only
drawback is that you’re limited to 25 entries, so you can’t use it for days of
the month or to list the US states.

Tip: To defeat the 25-item limit, try
separating your items into groups, such as east and west or 1 to 7, 7 to 14,
etc., or see this Microsoft KB Entry

Tip: If you don’t want an item chosen by
default (or perhaps you want your form to be «blank» for printing), enter spaces
in the Drop-down item box to create a «blank» item, just make sure you move it
to the top.

Protect the Form

This button is used to test your form while you create it.
Protect the form to see how your form fields will work. Unprotect to continue
building your form.

Final Protection

You don’t have to use it, but I recommend it. When your form is
completely built and you’re ready to distribute it, choose Tools Protect
Document from the menu to bring up the Protect Document task pane. Choose
Editing restrictions, and Filling in forms.

You may only want to
protect certain
areas of your document. Once you’re done, hit the Yes, Start Enforcing
Protection button and (we highly recommend) enter a password.

More Tips

  • For best results, create your forms in tables. Place the label
    in one cell and the form field in another cell next to it.

  • To restrict entry to a certain amount of space, insert a
    one-row, one-column table, and set the row height to «Exactly».

  • 0

Word building. Fill in the table.

(adjective + -ness = noun)
Ill illness — болезнь
kind ____-____
polite ____-____
happy ___-____

(noun + -y = adjective)
scare — scary — жуткий,пугающий.
juice ______-________
health ___-______
anger ______-______
fun _______-_______

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

Kindness доброта
ness вежливость
ness счастье


funny забавный

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0



  • Комментариев (0)

Name ______________________________Form___________


Exercise 1

Make as many words as you can by combining different parts of the box.




















help friend luck like


Exercise 2

Match a prefix in Column A with a word in Column B. Use each prefix and word once only.

Column A

  1. il
  2. re
  3. under
  4. sub
  5. un
  6. ir
  7. ex
  8. dis

Column В

  1. organized
  2. responsible
  3. write
  4. line
  5. wife
  6. legal
  7. titles

h) comfortable

Now fill the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word formed above.

a) You wouldn’t be so ________________ if you had a diary and wrote down all the things you have to do.

b)This letter is very badly written. I’m afraid you’ll have to        it.

c) I prefer to see American films in English with        in my own language.

d)This sofa is really        . It makes my back ache.

  1. In most countries it is        to open a bank account in a false name.
  2. It was very ___________of you to go out and leave your younger brothers and sisters alone in the house.

g)        After you’ve read the book once straight through, read it again and        some of the

words you want to look up in your dictionary.
h)He has been divorced for ten years now, but he still has a good relationship with his        .

Exercise 3

Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the words in the box.

playground        truant        cheat        heart        correct      term      give    absent    hard        degree

break        university        headmaster        report        board

1.        Our teachers        our homework in the evening and        it

out the next day.

2.        My brother tried to          in the exam, but he was caught and sent to the ____________________________.

3.   I   like  to  play   football   in  the            with  my   friends   during  the   lunch ________________________________________

4.   She got a very good school        because she worked so        this ___________________

5.        I’d like to go to _______________ when I finish school and do a ___________________ in Economics.

6.        The teacher wrote the rules on the          and told us to learn them by __________.

7.   Were   you              for   a   good   reason   yesterday   or   were   you   playing ____________________?

Exercise 4

Make new words with the base words, using the suffixes and/or negative prefixes. Sometimes you need to make small changes to the spelling. Use your dictionary if necessary.

































understand                        use


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.

a)        What I appreciate most about my grandfather is his wisdom. His advice is always        

(HELP) and        (SENSE).

b)        Never go to Sue with a serious problem. She is very        (MATURE) and        


c)        I think that boxing is a        (SENSE) sport. What is the point of trying to hit another person

until they are        (CONSCIOUS).

d)        We’d been walking along the        (USE) railway track for hours before we realized

that the map was out-of-date and        (USE).

  1. The only thing poverty leads to is         (HAPPY) and        (LITERATE).
  2. My aunt isn’t fond of today’s children. She thinks that they are all        (POLITE) and


Exercise 5

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. Use your dictionary if necessary.

  1. My mother was such an        person, always busy, always in a hurry. (ENERGY)
  2. I made a stupid        and so things didn’t turn out as planned. (CALCULATE)
  3. I’d like to do it        this time. I hope you don’t mind. (DIFFERENT)
  4. If you ate more        food, you wouldn’t have all these problems with your skin. (HEALTH)

5.1 want to be an important        when I grow up. (SCIENCE)

  1. It is almost impossible to actually measure        _. (INTELLIGENT)
  2. He’s        at mending things. I’ll just have to do it myself. (USE)

Exercise 6

Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

floods     drought     earthquake     injures      refugees        charity       emergency

  1. Many have suffered terrible
  2. The latest San Francisco
  3. In case of        
  4. Half a million___________

____________________as a result of fighting.

___________________measured 4.5 on the Richter scale.

break the glass and push the button.

have now crossed the border in an attempt to find food.

  1. I never give to        . I think it should be the government’s responsibility.
  2. There has been a        in certain parts of the country due to the lack of rain.
  3. There has been so much rain that some rivers have burst their banks and there have been ______________________.

Exercise 7

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).













I knew I would have to (0) retake my driving test as soon as I saw the

(1)        . He didn’t even say «hello» and seemed        very

(2)        . I was a little bit late I suppose as I had slightly

(3)        how long it would take me to get there. As usual

in this (4)        city all the buses were packed and I had had

to wait more than twenty minutes before a (5)        would let

me get on a bus. I knew apologizing would be (6)        so I

just got in the car. (7)        I wasn’t feeling particularly

nervous but this horrible man stared at me in (8)        as I

began to drive off. I put the car into gear, but it went (9)        

so fast I couldn’t believe it — straight into a wall. I was so (10)        

when he told me I had failed that I thought I might cry.

Exercise 8

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).












A businessman sacked his own son because of (0) laziness, incompetence

and (1)        . Stuart Bidwell received dozens of letters of

(2)        about his work during the ten years he was his

father’s employee. «He got (3)        ,» said Stephen

        of the company.

at his job and he didn’t even

Bidwell, Stuart’s father. And the (4)

«He was absolutely (5)        

. Eventually he was asked to hand

have the right (6)        

in his (7)        after being caught making phone calls

to a girlfriend in Australia. His (8)        to resign forced

according to Stuart, who is

his father to sack him, (9) _______________

now suing his father.

Exercise 9

Fill the gaps in the following text with the correct form of the words in capitals.

I always wanted to be a great (1)        . I had                     SCIENCE

these dreams of discovering a (2)        new drug        REXOLUTION

that would save the lives of hundreds of people. Unfortunately, I was

never very good at (3)        at school and kept        CHEMIST

producing these horrible smells and the teacher used to get very cross with me.

After a while, I decided I would become an (4)                INVENT

and design an amazing new (5)        which                  PRODUCE

would become a household name. My parents were quite encouraging,

but told me to be a little more (6)        and not quite so        REAL

(7)        . A few weeks later I had a brilliant idea for        AMBITION

a pen that, at least (8)_____________,would write upside                            THEORY

down. To my (9)        ____________ a friend of mine pointed out                   DISAPPOINT

that it was not a new (10) __________.                                               DISCOVER  

Exercise 10

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Many people find their work rather (0) boring I get a lot of

(1) _______________from my job. Advertising can be very

(2)_____        because you have to think of new ways

to attract people’s (3)        . The best way to

do this is by surprising them. (4)        is boring






and people soon get fed up with an (5) ______________ they


have seen many times before. (6)  _______________  they


want to be shocked. Apart from (7) _______________, the


other really important (8)  _________________   of a good campaign is


(9) _______________. After all if people don’t remember


what was being advertised, they won’t buy the (10)


Exercise 11

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).













In my family we don’t worry about (0) fitness. I suppose you could

say I’m rather (1)        . I only eat junk food and

I never do any exercise. I’m not very (2)        and

I’m completely (3) ______________        at sports. My two sisters are not

(4) _________________to me when it comes to leading active lives.

Neither of them has played any kind of sport since (5)        

What they lack in sporting ability, they make up for in (6)        

They are two of the (7)_____________ people I know. One of        

them works as a research (8)        and the other designs

electronic equipment like (9)        and mobile phones.

They have both done extremely well in what are very  (10)__________ professions.

Exercise 12

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Events like city marathons are (0) increasingly popular. You don’t        INCREASE

have to be a (1)        person to take part in        COMPETE

(2)        , though you do need to be fairly                        ATHLETE

(3)        and reasonably fit. You can build up        ENERGY

fitness by jogging. It’s not the (4)        that        DISTANT

matters, but how long your jog for. You can improve your        
(5)        gradually over a period of weeks.              PERFORM

In (6) ________________for a long race like a marathon it’s         PREPARE

(7) _________________ to run more than a couple of kilometers         NECESSARY

most days. (8) ________________________marathon runners work on        SUCCESS

the (9) ____________________aspects of running long races.        PHYCHOLOGY
Mental (10) ____________________is just as important as being          STRONG

physically fit.



370. Study carefully how Verbs are formed from Noun and Adjectives,and how

        Nouns are formed from Verbs and Adjectives.The following tables will
        help you to build up your vocabulary also.

                1.Formation of Verbs from Nouns

Noun: Advice  
Verb :Advise

Noun : Bath
Verb : Bathe               *) Any language, text translation in
                                     a single click >>
Noun : Belief
Verb : Believe

Noun : Breath
Verb : Breathe

Noun : Camp
Verb : Encamp

Noun : Circle
Verb : encircle

Noun : Class
Verb : Classify

Noun :Cloth
Verb : Clothe


Noun : Company
Verb : Accompany

Noun : Courage
Verb : Encourage

Noun : Criticism
Verb : Criticize

Noun : Custom
Verb : Accustom

Noun : Danger
Verb : Endanger

Noun : Food
Verb : Feed

Noun : Force
Verb : Enforce

Noun : Friend
Verb : Befriend

Noun : Fright
Verb : Frighten

Noun : Glory
Verb : Glorify

Noun : Gold
Verb : Gild

Noun : Grass
Verb : Graze

Noun : Habit
verb : Habituate

Noun : Half
Verb : Halve

Noun : Hand
Verb : handle

Noun : Haste
verb  : Hasten

Noun : Health
Verb : Heal

Noun : Height
Verb : Heighten

Noun : Heir
Verb : Inherit

Noun : Horror
Verb : Horrify

Noun : Idol
Verb : Idolize

Noun : Joy
Verb : Enjoy

Noun : Justice
Verb : Justify

Noun : Knee
Verb : Kneel

Noun : Mass
Verb : Amass

Noun : Memory
Verb : Memorize

Noun : Nation
verb  : Nationalize

Noun : Office
Verb : Officiate

Noun : Patron
Verb : Patronize

Noun : Peace
Verb : Pacify

Noun : Population
Verb : Populate

Noun : Practice
Verb : Practise

Noun : Prison
Verb : Imprison

Noun : Sale
Verb : Sell

Noun : Slave
Verb : Enslave

Noun : Speech
Verb : Speak

Noun : Success
Verb : Succeed

Noun : Sympathy
Verb : Sympathize

Noun : Tale
Verb : Tell

Noun : Terror
Verb  : Terrify

Noun : Throne
Verb : Enthrone

Noun : Title
Verb : Entitle

Noun : Utility
Verb : Utilize

Noun : Vacancy
Verb : Vacate

Noun : Vapour
Verb : Evaporate

Noun : Web
Verb : Weave

           2. Formation of Verbs from Adjectives

Adjective : Able
Verb         : Enable

Adjective : Abundant
Verb         : Abound

Adjective : Bitter
Verb         : Embitter

Adjective : Black
Verb         : Blacken

Adjective : Broad
Verb         : Broaden

Adjective : Cheap
Verb         : Cheapen

Adjective : Civil
Verb         : Civilize

Adjective : Clean
Verb         : Cleanse

Adjective : Dark
Verb         : Darken

Adjective : Dear
Verb         : Endear

Adjective : Deep
Verb         : Deepen

Adjective : Different
Verb         : Differentiate

Adjective : Equal
Verb         : Equalize

Adjective : False
Verb         : Falsify

Adjective : Familiar
Verb         : Familarize

Adjective : Feeble
Verb         : Enfeeble

Adjective : Fertile
Verb         : Fertilize

Adjective : Fine
Verb         : Refine

Adjective : Firm
Verb         : Confirm

Adjective : Flat
Verb         : Flatten

Adjective : Fresh
Verb         : Refresh

Adjective : Full
Verb         : Fill

Adjective : general
Verb         : generalize

Adjective : Glad
Verb         : Gladden

Adjective : Hale
Verb         : Heal

Adjective : Hard
Verb        : Harden

Adjective : Hot
Verb        : Heat

Adjective : Just
Verb        : Justify

Adjective : Large
Verb        : Enlarge

Adjective : Little
Verb        : Belittle

Adjective : Low
verb         : Lower

Adjective : Mad
Verb        : Madden

Adjective : Mean
Verb        : Demean

Adjective : Moist
verb         : Moisten

Adjective : New
Verb        : renew

Adjective : Noble
Verb        : Ennoble

Adjective : Popular
verb         : Popularize

Adjective : Public
Verb        : Publish

Adjective : Pure
Verb        : Purify

Adjective : Real
Verb        : Realize

Adjective : Red
Verb        : Redden

Adjective : Rich
Verb        : Enrich

Adjective : Short
Verb        : Shorten

Adjective : Sick
Verb        : Sicken

Adjective : Solid
Verb        : Solidify

Adjective : Special
Verb        : Specialize

Adjective : Strange
Verb        : Estrange

Adjective : Successful
Verb        : Succeed

Adjective : Sure
Verb        : ENsure

Adjective : Sweet
Verb        : Sweeten

Adjective : Thick
Verb        : Thicken

Adjective : White
Verb        : Whiten

Adjective : Wide
verb         : Widen

         3. Formation of Nouns from Adjectives

Adjective : Able
Noun       : Ability

Adjective : Abundant
Noun       : Abundance

Adjective : Active
Noun       : Activity

Adjective : Brave
Noun       : Bravery

Adjective : Brief
Noun       : Brevity

Adjective : Busy
Noun       : Business

Adjective : Calm
Noun       : Calmness

Adjective : Capable
Noun       : Capability

Adjective : Certain
Noun       : Certainty

Adjective : Chaste
Noun       : Chastity

Adjective : Cheap
Noun       : Cheapness

Adjective : Civil
Noun       : Civility

Adjective : Compulsory
Noun       : Compulsion


Adjective : Coward
Noun       : Cawardice

Adjective : Curious
Noun       : Curiosity

Adjective : Damp
Noun       : Dampness

Adjective : Dear
Noun       : Dearth

Adjective : deep
Noun       : Depth

Adjective : Dense
Noun       : Density

Adjective : Equal
Noun       : Equality

Adjective : Faithful
Noun       : Faithfulness

Adjective : False
Noun       : Falsehood

Adjective : Fast
Noun       : Fastness

Adjective : fertile
Noun       : fertility

Adjective : few
Noun       : Fewness

Adjective : Financial
Noun       : Finance

Adjective : Foolish
Noun       : Foolishness

Adjective : Frank
Noun       : Frankness

Adjective : Free
Noun       : Freedom

Adjective : Gallant
Noun       : Gallantry

Adjective : Gay
Noun       : gaiety

Adjective : Generous
Noun       : generosity

Adjective : Grand
Noun       : Grandeur

Adjective : Great
Noun       : Greatness

Adjective : Happy
Noun       : Happiness

Adjective : Hard
Noun       : Hardship

Adjective : High
Noun       : Height

Adjective : Holy
Noun       : Holiness

Adjective : Honest
Noun       : Honesty

Adjective : Humble
Noun       : Humility

Adjective : Inferior
Noun       : Inferiority

Adjective : Innocent
Noun       : Innocence

Adjective : Just
Noun       : Justice

Adjective : Liberal
Noun       : Liberality

Adjective : Little
Noun       : Littleness

Adjective : Local
Noun       : Locality

Adjective : Long
Noun       : Length

Adjective : Loyal
Noun       : Loyality

Adjective : Magnificent
Noun       : Magnificence

Adjective : Mean
Noun       : Meanness

Adjective : Merry
Noun       : Merriment

Adjective : Moist
Noun       : Mositure

Adjective : Mortal
Noun       : Mortality

Adjective : Necessary
Noun       : Necessity

Adjective : New
Noun       : nobility

Adjective : obedient
Noun       : Obedience

Adjective : One
Noun       : Oneness

Adjective : Perfect
Noun       : Perfection

Adjective : Pious
Noun       : Piety

Adjective : Poor
Noun       : Poverty

Adjective : Popular
Noun       : Popularity

Adjective : Private
Noun       : Privacy

Adjective : Proud
Noun       : Pride

Adjective : Prudent
Noun       : Prudence

Adjective : Pure
Noun       : Purity

Adjective : Quick
Noun       : Quickness

Adjective : Rare
Noun       : Rarity

Adjective : Real
Noun       : reality

Adjective : Red
Noun       : Redness

Adjective : Rich
Noun       : Richness

Adjective : Rigid
Noun       : Rigidity

Adjective : RIval
Noun       : Rivalry          *) latest games >>

Adjective : Round
Noun       : ROundness

Adjective : Royal
Noun       : Royalty

Adjective : Sacred
Noun       : Sacredness

Adjective : Safe
Noun       : Safety

Adjective : Scarce
Noun       : Scarcity

Adjective : Secret
Noun       : Secrecy

Adjective : Severe
Noun       : Severity

Adjective : Short
Noun       : { Shortness
                  { Shortage

Adjective : Slow
Noun       : Slowness

Adjective : Small
Noun       : Smallness

Adjective : Special
Noun       : Speciality

Adjective : Splendid
Noun       : Splendour

Adjective : Strong
Noun       : Strength

Adjective : Stupid
Noun       : Stupidity

Adjective : Sweet
NOun      : Sweetness

Adjective : Timid
Noun       : Timidity

Adjective : True
Noun       : Truth


Adjective : Uniform
Noun       : Uniformity

Adjective : Vacant
Noun       : Vacancy

Adjective : Vain
Noun       : Vanity

Adjective : Vital
Noun       : Vitality

Adjective : Weak
Noun       : weakness

Adjective : Wide
Noun       : Width

Adjective : Wise
Noun       : WIsdom

Adjective : Young
Noun       : Youth

Adjective : Zealous
Noun        : Zeal

                 4. Formation of Nouns from Verbs

Verb : Abound
Noun : Abundance

Verb : Accept
Noun : Acceptance

Verb : Acquaint
Noun : Acquaintance

Verb : Acquire
Noun :{Acquirement
           { Acquisition

Verb : Admit
Noun : Admission

Verb : Advise
Noun : Advice

Verb : Amuse
Noun : Amusement

Verb : Approve
Noun : Approval

Verb : Bear
Noun : Birth

Verb : Believe
Noun : Belief

Verb : Bind
Noun : Bond

Verb : Bite
Noun : Bit

Verb : Bless
Noun : Blessing

Verb : Break
Noun : {Breakage

Verb : Carry
Noun : Carriage

Verb : Choose
Noun : Choice

Verb : Compel
Noun : Compulsion

Verb : Conceal
Noun : Concealment

Verb : Consume
Noun : Consumption

Verb : Correspond
Noun : Correspondence

Verb : Deceive
Noun : Deceit,Deception

Verb : Decide
Noun : Decision

Verb : Defy
Noun : Defance

Verb : Deny
Noun : Denial

Verb : Depart
Noun : Departure

Verb : Do
Noun : Deed

Verb : Drink
Noun : Draught

Verb : Envelop
Noun : Envelope

Verb : Exceed
Noun : Excess

Verb : Excel
Noun : Excellence

Verb : Except
Noun : Exception

Verb : Exist
Noun : Existence

Verb : Expect
Noun : Expectation

Verb : Expel
Noun : Expulsion

Verb : Fly
Noun : Flight

Verb : Free
Noun : Freedom

Verb : Give
Noun : Gift

Verb : Go
Noun : Gait

Verb : Grieve
Noun : Grief

Verb : Grow
Noun : Growth

Verb : Hate
Noun : Hatred

Verb : Heal
Noun : Health

Verb : Invite
Noun : Invitation

Verb : Judge
Noun : Judgement,justice

Verb : Know
Noun : Knowledge

Verb : Laugh
Noun : Laughter

Verb : Learn
Noun : Learning

Verb : Lend
Noun : Loan

Verb : Live
Noun : Life

Verb : Manage
Noun : Management

Verb : Marry
Noun : Marriage

Verb : Mean
Noun : Meaning

Verb : Move
Noun : Motion,movement

Verb : Narrate
Noun : Narration,narrative

Verb : Obey
Noun : Obedience

Verb : Object
Noun : Objection

Verb : Occupy
Noun : Occupation

Verb : Offend
Noun : Offence

Verb : Oppose
Noun : Opposition

Verb : Perform
Noun : Performance

Verb : Please
Noun : Pleasure

Verb : Practise
Noun : Practice

Verb : Pretend
Noun : Pretence

Verb : Proceed
Noun : Procedure,Process

Verb : Prophesy
Noun : Prophecy

Verb : Protect
Noun : Protection

Verb : Prove
Noun : Proof

Verb : Provide
Noun : Provision

Verb : Pursue
Noun : Pursuit

Verb : Quote
Noun : Quotation

Verb : Receive
Noun : Receipt,Reception

Verb : Reduce
Noun : Reduction

Verb : Refer
Noun : Reference

Verb : refine
Noun : Refinement

Verb : Reform
Noun : Reformation

Verb : Refresh
Noun : Refreshment

Verb : Refuse
Noun : Refusal

Verb : Relieve
Noun : Relief

Verb : rely
Noun : Reliance

Verb : Respond
Noun : Response

Verb : reveal
Noun : Revelation

Verb : See
Noun : Sight

Verb : Seize
Noun : Seizure

Verb : Serve
Noun : Service

Verb : Shake
Noun : Shock

Verb : Sit
Noun : Seat

Verb : Slay
Noun : Slaughter

Verb : Speak
Noun : Speech

Verb : Steal
Noun : Stealth

Verb : Strike
Noun : Stroke

Verb : Succeed
Noun : Uccess,succession

Verb : Tell
Noun : Tale

Verb : Think
Noun : Thought

Verb : Try
Noun : Trial

Verb : Vacate
Noun : Vacancy

verb : Vary
Noun : Variety

Verb : Weave
Noun : Web

Verb : Wed
Noun : Wedding

Verb : Weigh
Noun : Weight

Verb : Write
Noun : Writ,writing


Word : Act
A.N    : Action

Word : Agent
A.N   : Agency


Word : Baby
A.N    : Babyhood

Word : Beggar
A.N    : Beggary

Word : Bond
A.N    : Bondage

Word : Boy
A.N    : Boyhood

Word : Child
A.N    : Childhood

Word : Dictator
A.N    : Dictatorship

Word : Friend
A.N    : Friendship

Word : Hero
A.N    : Heroism

Word : Infant
A.N    : Infancy

Word : King
A.N   : Kingship

Word : Mother
A.N    : Motherhood

Word : Man
A.N   : Manhood

Word : Owner
A.N    : Ownership

Word : Patriot
A.N    : Patriotism

Word : Priest
A.N    : Priesthood

Word : Robber
A.N    : RObbery

Word : Speak
A.N    : Speech

Word : Slave
A.N    : Slavery

Word : Thief
A.N    : Theft

Word : WOman
A.N    : Womanhood

Word : Widow
A.N    : Widowhood

Word : Young
A.N    : Youth


Noun       :   Adventure
Adjective :   Adventurous

Noun       : Advice
Adjective : Advisable

Noun       : Affection
Adjective : Affectionate

Noun       : Air
Adjective : Airy

Noun       : Ancestor
Adjective : Ancestral

Noun       : Angel
Adjective : Angelic

Noun       : Anger
Adjective : Angry

Noun       : Autumn
Adjective : Autumnal

Noun       : Beauty
Adjective : Beautiful

Noun       : Blood
Adjective : Bloody

Noun       : Body
Adjective : Bodily

Noun       : Book
Adjective : Bookish

Noun       : Boy
Adjective : Boyish

Noun       : Brass
Adjective : Brazen

Noun       : Brother
Adjective : Brotherly

Noun       : Brute
Adjective : Brutal

Noun       : Centre
Adjective : Cental

Noun       : Ceremony
Adjective : Ceremonial

Noun       : Cheer
Adjective : Cheerful

Noun       : Child
Adjective : Childish,Childlike

Noun       : Circle
Adjective : Circular

Noun       : Class
Adjective : Classic,classical

Noun       : Comfort
Adjective : Comfortable

Noun       : Courage
Adjective : Courageous

Noun       : Coward
Adjective : Cowardly

Noun       : Crime
Adjective : Criminal

Noun       : Custom
Adjective : Customary

Noun       : Danger
Adjective : Dangerous

Noun       : Day
Adjective : Daily

Noun       : Death
Adjective : Deathly

Noun       : Dew
Adjective : Dewy

Noun       : Drama
Adjective : Dramatic

Noun       : Duty
Adjective : Dutiful

Noun       : Earth
Adjective : Earthly,earthen

Noun       : Ease
Adjective : Easy

Noun       : Emphasis
Adjective : Emphatic

Noun       : East
Adjective : Eastern

Noun       : Enemy
Adjective : Inimical

Noun       : Essence
Adjective : Essential

Noun       : Example
Adjective : Exemplary

Noun       : Faith
Adjective : Faithful

Noun       : Expense
Adjective : Expensive

Noun       : Expression
Adjective : Expressive

Noun       : Fame
Adjective : Famous

Noun       : Fancy
Adjective : Fanciful

Noun       : Fate
Adjective : Fateful

Noun       : Father
Adjective : Fatherly

Noun       : Fault
Adjective : Faulty

Noun       : favour
Adjective : Favourable

Noun       : feather
Adjective : Feathery

Noun       : Fever
Adjective : Feverish

Noun       : Fire
Adjective : Fiery

Noun       : Flesh
Adjective : Fleshy

Noun       : Flower
Adjective : Flowery

Noun       : Fog
Adjective : Foggy

Noun      : Fool
Adjective : Foolish

Noun       : Friend
Adjective : Friendly

Noun       : Fruit
Adjective : Fruitful

Noun       : Fury
Adjective : Furious

Noun      : Ghost
Adjective: Ghostly

Noun       : Glass
Adjective : Glassy

Noun       : Gloom
Adjective : Gloomy

Noun       : Glory
Adjective  : Glorious

Noun       : God                                     
Adjective : Godly

Noun        : Gold
Adjective  : Golden

Noun        : Grass
Adjective  : Grassy

Noun        : Greed
Adjective  : Greedy

NOun       : Grief
Adjective  : Grievous

Noun        : Habit
Adjective  : Habitual

Noun        : Hair
Adjective  : Hairy

Noun        : Hand
Adjective  : Handy

Noun        : Harm
Adjective  : Harmful

Noun        : Haste
Adjective  : Hasty

Noun        : Heart
Adjective  : Hearty

Noun        : Heat
Adjective  : Hot

Noun        : Heaven
Adjective  : Heavenly

Noun        : Herb    
Adjective  : Herbal

Noun        : Hero
Adjective  : Heroic

Noun        : Hill
Adjective  : Hilly

NOun       : Home
Adjective  : Homely

Noun        : Honour
Adjective  : Honourable,honorary

Noun        : Hour
Adjective  : Hourly

Noun        : Ice
Adjective  : Icy

Noun        : Idiot
Adjective  : Idiotic

Noun        : Ignorance
Adjective  : Ignorant

Noun        : Industry
Adjective  : Industrial,Industrious

Noun        : Joke
Adjective  : Jocular

Noun        : Joy
Adjective  : Joyful,Joyous

Noun        : King
Adjective  : Kingly

Noun        : Labour
Adjective  : Laborious

Noun        : Lady
Adjective  : Ladylike

Noun        : Law
Adjective  : Lawful,Lawless

Noun        : Life
Adjective  : Lifelike,lifeless   

Noun         : Lord
Adjective : Lordly

Noun         : Love
Adjective : Lovely,Lovable

Noun        : Machine
Adjective : Mechanical

Noun         : Man
Adjective : Manly

Noun        : Manner   
Adjective : Mannerly

Noun        : Medicine
Adjective : Medicinal

Noun        : Memory
Adjective : Memorable

Noun        : Merchant
Adjective : Mercantile

Noun         : Mercy
Adjective : Merciful,Merciless

Noun         : Might
Adjective : Mighty

Noun         : Miracle
Adjective : Miraculous

Noun         : Mirth
Adjective : Mirthful

Noun         : Moment
Adjective : Momentary

Noun         : Money
Adjective : Monetary

Noun         : Month
Adjetcive : Monthly

Noun         : Muscle
Adjective : Muscular

Noun         : Mystery
Adjective : Mysterious

Noun         : Nation
Adjective : National

Noun         : Nature
Adjective : Natural

Noun         : Navy
Adjective : Naval

Noun         : Need
Adjective : Needful,Needless

Noun         : Neighbour
Adjective : Neighbourly

Noun         : Nerve
Adjective : Nervous

Noun         : Neuter
Adjective : Neutral

Noun         : Night
Adjective : Nightly

Noun         : Number
Adjective : Numerous,numeral

Noun         : Palace
Adjective : Palatial

Noun         : Passion
Adjective : Passionate

Noun        : Peace
Adjective : Peaceful

Noun         : People
Adjective : Popular

Noun         : Picture
Adjective : Picturesque

Noun         : Play
Adjective : Playful

Noun         : Poet
Adjective : Poetic(al)

Noun         : Practice
Adjective : Practical

Noun         : Price
Adjective : Precious

Noun         : Pride
Adjective : Proud

Noun         : Profit
Adjective : Profitable

Noun         : Quarrel
Adjective : Quarrelsome

Noun         : Queen
Adjective : Queenly

Noun         : Question
Adjective : Questionable

Noun         : Renown
Adjective : Renowned

Noun         : Ruin
Adjective : Ruinous

Noun         : Scene
Adjective : Scenic

Noun         : Science
Adjective : Scientific

Noun         : Season
Adjective : Seasonal

Noun         : Sense
Adjective : Sensible

Noun         : Service
Adjective : Serviceable

Noun         : Silk
Adjective : Silken

Noun         : Slave
Adjective : Slavish

Noun         : Smoke
Adjective : Smoky

Noun         : Solitude
Adjective : Solitary

Noun         : Space
Adjective : Spacious

Noun         : Star
Adjective : Starry

Noun         : Study
Adjective : Studious

Noun         : Sun
Adjective : Sunny

Noun         : Sympathy
Adjective : Sympathetic

Noun         : System
Adjective : Systematic

Noun         : table
Adjective : tabular

Noun         : talk
Adjective : talkative

Noun         : Taste
Adjective : tasty,tasteful

Noun         : terror
Adjective : terrible

Noun         : Thirst
Adjective : Thirsty

Noun         : Time
Adjective : Timely

Noun         : Trifle
Adjective : Trifling

Noun         : trouble
Adjective : Troublesome

Noun         : Tutor
Adjective : Tutorial

Noun         : Type
Adjective : Typical

Noun         : Use
Adjective : Useful,Useless

Noun         : Value
Adjective : Valuable

Noun         : Virtue
Adjective : Virtuous

Noun         : War
Adjective : Warlike

Noun         : Week
Adjective : Weekly

Noun         : Wife
Adjective : Wifelike

Noun         : Wind
Adjective : Windy

Noun         : Winter
Adjective : Wintry

Noun         : Woman
Adjective : Womanly,Womanish

Noun         : Wonder
Adjective : Wonderful

Noun         : Wool
Adjective : Woollen

Noun         : World
Adjective : WOrldly

Noun         : Worth
Adjective : Worthy

Noun         : Year
Adjective : Yearly

Noun         : Yellow
Adjective : Yellowish

Noun         : Youth
Adjective : Youthful

Noun         : Zeal
Adjective : Zealous

Exercise 111. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of words given in the brackets:—

1.  We must show——towards animals.      (kind)
2.  Some students become——at the time of examination. (fever)
3. I was——pleased with his good manners. (immense)
4. My friend wanted me to———him to witness the cricket match.(patient)
5. He showed great———. ( patient)
6. ———can overcome mountains. ( persevere)
7. ‘———before self’ should be our aim in life. ( serve)
8. Are you——when you are alone in the dark? ( nerve)
9. There is no——among  rotten apples. ( choose)
10. Too much——breeds contempt. ( familiar)
11. At the——of his speech,he was highly cheered. (conclude)
12. An actor must have a clear——-of the part he is to play. (conceive)
13. There is no—-between them. ( compare)
14. There is keen———in every trade. ( compete)
15. He received a ——-ticket. ( compliment)
16. A defeated country usually signs a treaty of peace under———. ( compel)
17. You must take your parents into——-. ( confide)
18. I sent a ——letter to her. ( console)
19. He was ———enough to have a good income. ( fortune)
20. He was on——terms with his employer. ( friend)
21. He is at——with his neighbour. ( enemy)
22. Smoking is——-to health. ( injury)
23. He is an——politician. ( influence)
24. It was an———lecture. ( inform)
25. He is suffering from an——disease. ( infection)
26. His——was hailed by all. ( acquit)
27. You are——to me for this money. ( account)
28. He was——-shot dead by his friend. ( accident)
29. This book is a useful——-to our library. (add)
30. I——you there’s no danger. (sure)

Exercise 112.Rewrite the following sentences after  filling in the blank in the
                      second sentence of each pair with the appropriate form of the
                      word given in italics in the first sentence:—

1. He is very familiar with the languages spoken in South India.
   His——with the languages spoken in South India surprised me.

2. I have no doubt that he will succeed.
    Are you——of his success?

3. He is regular in attending the school.
    He won a prize for——in attending the school.

4. He is always dressed in the latest fashion.
    He is a———man.

5. He comes of a noble family.
    Everyone likes him of his———-.

6. I suspect his honesty.
    I am——-about his honesty.

7. He is a responsible young man.
    He always realizes his———-.

8. Very few people could survive the earthquake.
    The Prime Minister sent help to the——of the earthquake.

9. You will slip if you don’t walk carefully.
    It is difficult to walk on——roads.

10. Many people smuggle Swiss watches into India.
      His uncle is a———of watches.

11. He is a sincere friend.
     He is loved by his friend for his———.

12. He believes in spiritualism.
     He is a————.

13. Man is the only animal that can speak.
     Man is the only animal that has the faculty of———.

14. Advani is very diligent.
     He is admired by everyone for his———.

15. I feel confident that he will not deceive us.
     I hope he will prove worthy of our———.

16. Has the news of Rani’s marriage been confirmed?
     No,we are waiting for the——-of the news.

17. His is determined to succeed.
      His———is praiseworthy.

18. She resembles her sister very much.
     Their——has created confusion many a time.

19. You should be respectful to your seniors.
      I know you all come of——-families.

20. What medicines has the doctor prescribed for you?
      You must take medicines according to the doctor’s———-.

21. I accept your offer.
      Your offer is———to me.

22. Do fairies exist?
      Not in real life.Their———is confined to fairy tales only.

23. He is always thinking.
       He is always sunk in deep—————————-.

24. Raman died in an accident.
      His death was———-.

25. It is normal for a child to eat four times a day.
      ———,a child eats four times a day.

26. There were two similar statements.
      The——between  them was hardly noticeable.

27. How do you pronounce this word?
      His——is improving.

28. Can you prove your nationality?
      Does it require any————?

29. We are often deceived by appearances.
      Appearances are often———. 

30. She defied her husband.
      Her——-naturally irritated her husband.

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