Fill in each gap with one correct word


4. Fill in each gap with the correct word from the box.
Ann is very happy because there is a big sports centre near her home.
There are football 1)
tennis and basketball 2)
swimming 3)
a sports hall with two boxing 4)
even a skating 5)
There is also a separate athletics 6)
where 30,000 spectators can watch sport events on the 7)
field events in the grass centre, such as 8)
and throwing.



Светило науки — 103 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи


Ann is very happy because there is a big sports centre near her home.  There are football pitches, tennis and basketball courts,  swimming pools, a sports hall with two boxing rings  and  even a skating rink. There is also a separate athletics stadium  where 30,000 spectators can watch sport events on the track and  field events in the grass centre, such as jumping and throwing.



1 ответ:



1 my 2 not 3 like 4 on 5
when 6 comes 7 of 8 often

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чье это?

Что это за пальто?

Это мое

3 есть,


5 мы

6 он

это мое


5 Смотреть

Чье это?


чье это?




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I bought a nice present yesterday, didn’t I?
Did you buy a present or a cake yesterday?</span>

<span>Yesterday it was raining all day. Ann was playing inside the house. She wanted to be outside but she stayed home, because of the rain. Ann tried to be busy inside the house. She was reading her book until the electricity went out. She sat by the window and watched the rain. Ann was watching  the rain, when the phone rang. Her mother called to say she came home. Ann and her mother were eating (!) ice-cream and played some interesting word game. They were playing, when the rain stopped! But Ann didn’t notice. She had such a good time with her mom!</span>

1. My mother read a book that I gave her for her birthday.

2. I didn’t call you because I was already asleep

3. When I entered the store, they waited for me for 2 hours.

4. When I came home, my sister had already watched the movie.

5. He wrote homework 5 minutes, when mom came.

6.When my dad arrived, we waited for him for 30 minutes.

7. When my friends came, I waited for them all evening.

8. After he returned home, his mother knocked on the door.

9. When the teacher entered the class, the children had already done the exercise.

10. When my mom came in, I ate an apple for 2 minutes.

11.Nick opened his eyes and remembered what happened to him.

12. We wrote a test of 2 lessons, when the teacher entered.

13. Before dad came home, we had dinner.

14. I did my homework by 10 o’clock.

15. She taught English before she entered the university.

16. My dog ​​was waiting for me 5 minutes when I bought a gift.

17. When John came home, we left with our friends.

18. When I was in the park, I met my friends who were waiting for me for 3 hours

19. I was with my friends till 6 o’clock.

20.I didn’t come because I was doing my homework all day.

I going to tell about JK Rowling. It’s my favorite writer. I rode all her books about Harry Potter. I like her books because they more interesting than film about Harry. Also this books . Also these books are filled with magic, I like it very much. My favorite book is about Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone. I like it very much because in this book I get acquainted with Harry Potter , learn about his life and about the school of magic. I also like Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows. I think everyone who has read this book likes it. As for me, Rowling’s books are very interesting, exciting and unpredictable. I advise those who have not read these books to read them . After all, it is much more interesting than the film. In the film, the script of these books is shrinking, while reading the book you not only obogatit his speech , but also learn many new facts about Harry Potter.

My friends call me crazy, but I know I’m good. I am good 1) at shopping. I’m famous 2) for spotting a great top or jeans at a discount price, and I don’t 3) mind spending endless hours running around shops. I’m never tired 4) of bargain-hunting. I wake up in the morning and I immediately feel 5) like going for a stroll to the nearest store. Well, obviously I need to 6) cut down on shopping once in a while when I have no money, but I can’t imagine 7) give it up completely. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t just buy things for myself — last week it took me hours before I succeeded 8) at finding just the right gift for my mum’s birthday.
Мои друзья называют меня сумасшедшим, но я знаю, что я хорош в шопинге. Я знаменит тем, что замечаю великолепный топ или джинсы со скидкой, и я не против тратить бесконечные часы на магазины. Я никогда не устаю от охоты за скидками. Я просыпаюсь утром, и мне сразу хочется отправиться на прогулку в ближайший магазин. Ну, очевидно, мне нужно время от времени ходить по магазинам, когда у меня нет денег, но я не могу представить, что полностью от этого откажусь. Не поймите меня неправильно, я не просто покупаю вещи для себя — на прошлой неделе мне потребовались часы, прежде чем мне удалось найти правильный подарок для дня рождения моей мамы.

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