Figurative language word find

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Word Search

Word Search

by Samf3410

Word search

habitat and animal word search

habitat and animal word search

by 1316919

word search

Figurative Language (Open the box)

Figurative Language (Open the box)
Open the box

by Miserranofritz

Language Arts

Figurative Speech Word Search

Figurative Speech Word Search

by Jilliangracejen


figurative language

figurative language
Group sort

by Sybilboyd1


Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Group sort

by Marleynicholas1

Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Match up

by Sheriaskew

Figurative Language

Figurative Language

by Schermec

Speech Therapy

Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Match up

by Tkernandavis

figurative language

figurative language
Group sort

by Mandyehlig


Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Find the match

by Ursulaorona


Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Group sort

by Mjwesdyk


Figurative Language Match-Up

Figurative Language Match-Up
Match up

by Thatguardgirl


(Weird Wordcross) The words are: Chicken noodle soup | pizza | cactus | puppy dog | kitten

(Weird Wordcross) The words are: Chicken noodle soup | pizza | cactus | puppy dog | kitten

by Halec2028

Word Search

Figurative Language

Figurative Language

by Lzamora1


Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Gameshow quiz

by Rtodd1

Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Random wheel

by F367722


figurative language

figurative language
Group sort

by Aamarti6

NFL Player Word Search

NFL Player Word Search

by Bamaxey628

8-500 Years Old
Word Search Hard

Figurative Language Maze!

Figurative Language Maze!
Maze chase

by Omoreno28

English Language Arts

Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Group sort

by Anderton

Figurative Language

Figurative Language

by Cacrispin

Figurative language

Figurative language
Gameshow quiz

by Annwhite2024


Figurative Language Crossword

Figurative Language Crossword

by Donohue1


 figurative language Open the box

figurative language Open the box
Open the box

by Sybilboyd1


Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Match up

by Melody10

Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Maze chase

by Emilycannon


Figurative Language

Figurative Language

by Kelsey2

 Figurative Language Review-Explorers

Figurative Language Review-Explorers

by Kristina396


Figurative Language Game Show

Figurative Language Game Show
Gameshow quiz

by Kimsmiley


Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Group sort

by Krystal9


Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Group sort

by Phudgins


 Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Group sort

by Ccummings2

Figurative Language Definitions

Figurative Language Definitions
Match up

by Walkerca

Figurative Language Match-Up

Figurative Language Match-Up
Match up

by Jfiallo010


Figurative language

Figurative language

by Afustini

Literal/Figurative Language

Literal/Figurative Language
Group sort

by Arouillard

Figurative Language 1 - examples

Figurative Language 1 — examples
Group sort

by Dstewart1


Figurative Language

Figurative Language

by Destinylee308


Figurative Language

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Match up

by Phudgins


Figurative Language

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Balloon pop

by Phudgins


Figurative Language

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Match up

by Mcattell


Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Maze chase

by Jolisaturner

Figurative Language Examples

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by Walkerca


Figurative Language Definitions

Figurative Language Definitions
Maze chase

by Rkozma

Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Missing word

by Caiisa126

Figurative Language

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Group sort

by Shaybrunson


Figurative Language

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Maze chase

by Annihorne


Inferencing, Vocab, Figurative Language

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by Kpolchinski

figurative language

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Match up

by Gerszbergj

Figurative Language: Quiz

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by Pharrison101

Figurative Language

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Random wheel

by Jennyn

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by Spizarro1


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by Rubycavazos


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by Emseman


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by Shannonrobertso


Figurative language

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by Osortiz

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by Hhockenberry

figurative language

figurative language

by Juliegunn

Figurative Language

Figurative Language
Match up

by Dcallawa


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a word search?

A word search is a puzzle where there are rows of letters placed in the shape of a square, and there are words written forwards, backwards, horizontal, vertical or diagonal. There will be a list of words for the player to look for and the goal of the player is to find those words hidden in the word search puzzle, and highlight them.

How do I choose the words to use in my word search?

Once you’ve picked a theme, choose words that have a variety of different lengths, difficulty levels and letters. You don’t need to worry about trying to fit the words together with each other because WordMint will do that for you!

How are word searches used in the classroom?

Word search games are an excellent tool for teachers, and an excellent resource for students. They help to encourage wider vocabulary, as well as testing cognitive abilities and pattern-finding skills.

Because the word search templates are completely custom, you can create suitable word searches for children in kindergarten, all the way up to college students.

Who is a word search suitable for?

One of the common word search faq’s is whether there is an age limit or what age kids can start doing word searches. The fantastic thing about word search exercises is, they are completely flexible for whatever age or reading level you need.

Word searches can use any word you like, big or small, so there are literally countless combinations that you can create for templates. It is easy to customise the template to the age or learning level of your students.

How do I create a word search template?

For the easiest word search templates, WordMint is the way to go!

Pre-made templates

For a quick an easy pre-made template, simply search through WordMint’s existing 500,000+ templates. With so many to choose from, you’re bound to find the right one for you!

Create your own from scratch

  • Log in to your account (it’s free to join!)
  • Head to ‘My Puzzles’
  • Click ‘Create New Puzzle’ and select ‘Word Search’
  • Select your layout, enter your title and your chosen words
  • That’s it! The template builder will create your word search template for you and you can save it to your account, export as a Word document or PDF and print!

How can I print my word search template?

All of our templates can be exported into Microsoft Word to easily print, or you can save your work as a PDF to print for the entire class. Your puzzles get saved into your account for easy access and printing in the future, so you don’t need to worry about saving them at work or at home!

Can I create a word search in other languages?

Word searches are a fantastic resource for students learning a foreign language as it tests their reading comprehension skills in a fun, engaging way.

We have full support for word search templates in Spanish, French and Japanese with diacritics including over 100,000 images.

A Complete guide to figurative language for students and teachers.

complete guide to figurative language


figurative language | figurative language description 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |

We most often associate figurative language with poetry, but we find figurative language widely used in many other contexts too. We find it in use in everything from fiction and folk music to drama and our daily speech.

The term figurative language refers to any use of language that goes beyond the literal meaning of the words themselves. In many instances, the phrase also refers to instances where the use of sounds, syntax, and word order deviates from what is considered the normal patterns of use. It is this definition that we will explore in this guide to uncover different figurative language types.


figurative language | figurative language Unit 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |

❤️The use of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE is like “SPECIAL EFFECTS FOR AUTHORS.” It is a powerful tool to create VIVID IMAGERY through words. This HUGE 110 PAGE UNIT guides you through a complete understanding of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE as both a READER and WRITER covering.

  • ❤️ IDIOMS
  • ❤️ SIMILES


In both regards mentioned above, figurative language represents a sophisticated, creative use of language to convey meaning and mood, among other effects. It represents an essential tool in the writer’s toolbox.

These creative applications of language help readers visualize the writer’s intended meaning and establish atmosphere, rhythm, and other stylistic effects. The use of these literary devices creates an effective and beautiful way to communicate through the written and spoken word.

Using figurative language helps speak to a reader’s emotions, as well as articulate more abstract and complex concepts in a relatable way. How a writer uses figurative language in their work constitutes a significant element of their style.

Visual Writing Prompts


Figurative language is a broad category that encompasses all types of figures of speech, including sound devices and imagery.

There are lots of different types of figures of speech, but broadly speaking, these can helpfully be divided into two groups: tropes and schemes.

This article will look at various examples of figures of speech within these two categories. We will define them, provide an example of how they are used, and provide a straightforward activity that requires minimal preparation and will allow students to practice these in class.



figurative language | Hyperbole eat a horse 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |

A trope is a figure of speech that uses words or phrases in a way in which the intended meaning extends beyond the literal meaning of the words used. Some of the most commonly used tropes include metaphor, simile, and personification. But there are many others. We will take a look at some of the main ones below.


Definition: This figure of speech uses exaggeration for emphasis or other specific effects such as humour, for example. As with other figures of speech, it is not meant to be taken literally by the audience or the reader – they are usually in on it. We often use hyperbole in our daily speech.

figurative language | HYPERBOLE 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |

Hyperbole Examples

  • “I’ve told you a million times to clean your room!” – This is a common exaggeration parents use and can relate to teenagers.
  • “I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse!” – This is a humorous exaggeration often used to express extreme hunger.
  • “I’ve been waiting in line forever!” – This is a typical exaggeration to express frustration with long waits.
  • “I’m dying of boredom!” – This exaggeration expresses extreme boredom or lack of interest.
  • “I have a ton of homework to do tonight!” – This is an exaggeration used to express a large amount of work or a heavy workload.
  • I could have died of embarrassment. This hyperbolic phrase is often used by teens and, younger people to emphasise their feelings of anxiety, shame or humiliation.

Hyperbole Writing Tips for Students and Teachers:

Do not overuse it: While hyperbole can be a powerful tool, using it too often can make writing seem over-the-top and unrealistic. Therefore, students should use hyperbole sparingly and only when it truly adds value to their writing.

Use Hyperbole in a creative and original manner: When using hyperbole, students should aim to be creative and original in their language. Instead of relying on tired cliches, they should try to come up with new and interesting ways to exaggerate their points.

Never use Hyperbole to deceive, Use it for impact: It’s important for students to remember that hyperbole should never be used to deceive or mislead readers. Instead, it should be used to make a point or to add emphasis to a particular idea. Using hyperbole responsibly, students can make their writing more interesting and engaging without sacrificing accuracy or integrity.

We have a complete guide to hyperbole in literature, which can be found here

Hyperbole Teaching Task: Give students a list of comparative adjectives. You can differentiate these according to the students’ ages and abilities. Challenge students to compose hyperbole based on each of these adjectives. Use the model phrase ‘brighter than the sun’ to get the ball rolling.


figurative language | idiom cat is out of the bag 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |

Definition: An idiom is a figurative use of language that cannot be understood from a literal understanding of the words alone. Idioms are a part of the language, and each language develops its own unique idioms over time. Idioms are similar to other figures of speech except that while most other figures of speech can be the original conceptions of the writer, idioms already exist within the language. Many of Shakespeare’s figures of speech have become crystallized in the language as the idioms of today.

Idiom Examples:

  • “Break a leg” is a common idiom used to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance or test.
  • “Hang out” is an idiom that describes spending time with friends or relaxing with them.
  • “Throw shade” – This is a modern idiom used to describe making a rude or disrespectful comment about someone.
  • “Bite the bullet” – This is an idiom that describes facing a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage and determination.
  • “Couch potato” is an idiom used to describe someone who spends a lot of time sitting on the couch, usually watching TV or playing video games.

Idiom Writing Tips for Students and Teachers

  • Understand the meaning and context: Before using an idiom in your writing, understand its meaning and how it’s used in context. Misusing an idiom can be confusing or even change the meaning of what you’re trying to say.
  • Know your audience: Some idioms may not be understood by all readers, particularly those who are not native speakers of your language or from different regions or cultures. Therefore, students should consider their audience when using idioms and avoid ones that may be unfamiliar or confusing.
  • Use idioms sparingly: While idioms can add color and personality to writing, using too many can be distracting or overwhelming. Therefore, students should use idioms judiciously and only when they really add value to their writing. Additionally, they should try to use idioms that are appropriate for the tone and purpose of their writing.

Idiom Teaching Task: You can help students bridge the gap between their understanding of figures of speech and idioms through this activity. Provide students with a list of idioms on various themes. Discuss these and ensure they have a sense of their meaning. Challenge the students to compose their own figures of speech on each of these themes using the sample idiom as a starting point.


figurative language | what is a metaphor 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |

Definition: A metaphor makes a comparison between two unrelated things by stating one thing is the other thing. This is usually done by highlighting or suggesting a shared quality or characteristic between the two distinct elements.

Metaphor Examples:

  • “Life is a rollercoaster” – This metaphor compares the ups and downs of life to the twists and turns of a rollercoaster ride.
  • “Love is a battlefield” – This metaphor compares the challenges and difficulties of love to the struggles of a battlefield.
  • “The world is a stage” – This metaphor compares the events of the world to a theatrical performance, where individuals play their parts and have their moment in the spotlight.
  • “He’s a rockstar” – This metaphor compares a person’s popularity, success, or charisma to a famous rockstar.
  • “School is a prison” – This metaphor compares the experience of going to school to being imprisoned or confined, highlighting the perceived lack of freedom and control that students may feel.

Metaphor Writing Tips for Students and Teachers:

  • Originality always impresses: Students should strive to be creative and original when using metaphors. Instead of relying on cliches or overused metaphors, they should try to create unique and interesting comparisons that genuinely enhance their writing.
  • Be Consistent: Once a metaphor is introduced in your writing, it should be used consistently throughout your work. This helps to reinforce the connection between the two things being compared and creates a more cohesive and impactful piece of writing.
  • Avoid mixed metaphors: A mixed metaphor is when two or more metaphors are used in the same sentence or paragraph, resulting in a confusing or illogical comparison. Students should avoid mixed metaphors and ensure that their comparisons make sense and are consistent throughout their writing. An example of a mixed metaphor is “I smell a rat, but we’ll nip it in the bud.”

In this sentence, “smell a rat” is a metaphor that means to sense that something is wrong or suspicious, while “nip it in the bud” is a different metaphor that means to stop something before it becomes a bigger problem. The two metaphors, however, are contradictory – if you’ve already smelled a rat, it’s too late to nip it in the bud. This creates confusion for the reader and makes the sentence less effective.

Metaphor Teaching Task: Metaphors are commonly used in speech, poetry, plays, songs, and stories. To give your students practice identifying metaphors in a range of contexts, organize them into groups and provide them with a range of the types of reading materials listed above. Have students read and listen to these materials and identify examples of metaphor in each, compiling a list as they go.


figurative language | oxymoron examples 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |

Definition: Oxymorons combine two opposing elements into a single phrase or sentence. They can be used to create a range of effects, comedic, dramatic, or thought-provoking.

Oxymoron Examples

  • Jumbo shrimp” – This oxymoron combines two opposite words to create a humorous and memorable phrase.
  • “Pretty ugly” – This oxymoron combines two contradictory words to describe something unattractive or not aesthetically pleasing.
  • “Silent scream” – This oxymoron combines two words that are opposite in meaning to describe a scream expressed without sound.
  • “Awfully good” – This oxymoron combines two words that are contradictory in meaning to describe something that is both good and bad at the same time.
  • “Virtual reality” – This oxymoron combines two words that are opposite in meaning to describe a simulated environment that feels real, but is not actually physical.

Oxymoron Writing Tips for Students and Teachers

  • Use oxymorons with purpose: Oxymorons should be used with a specific purpose, whether to create a humorous effect or to add a sense of contrast or contradiction. Students should avoid using oxymorons just for the sake of using them, as this can detract from the impact of their writing.
  • Don’t overdo oxymorons: While oxymorons can be effective, using too many in a piece of writing can make it seem contrived or gimmicky. Therefore, students should use oxymorons judiciously and only when they add value to their writing.
  • Oxymorons must make sense: An oxymoron combines two words with opposite meanings. However, students should ensure that the combined words make sense and create a clear and compelling contrast. Using a nonsensical oxymoron can confuse readers and undermine the effectiveness of the writing.

Oxymoron Teaching Task: Oxymorons are very common in our daily speech, for example, ‘seriously funny’, ‘random order’, and ‘pretty ugly’. Organise the students into groups and challenge them to come up with as many other common examples as they can. As an extension exercise, ask the students to compose some original oxymorons too.


Definition: Personification is a special metaphor where human actions or feelings are ascribed to a non-human thing. When we talk about something that isn’t human as if it was, then we are personifying it – that is, making it into a person. This figurative use of language is most commonly associated with poetry and literary fiction, but we can often find it in our daily speech too.

Personification Examples:

  • The stars danced in the sky.” – This personifies the stars by giving them human-like dancing qualities, which creates a vivid and engaging image in the reader’s mind.
  • The wind whispered secrets to the trees.” – This personifies the wind by giving it the ability to whisper secrets, which creates a sense of mystery and intrigue.
  • The sun smiled down on us.” – This personifies the sun by giving it the ability to smile, which creates a warm and positive image in the reader’s mind.
  • The car coughed and sputtered to life.” – This personifies the car by giving it the human-like quality of coughing and sputtering, which creates a sense of character and personality.
  • The waves crashed angrily against the shore.” – This personifies the waves by giving them the human-like quality of anger, which creates a sense of drama and tension in the scene.

Personification Writing Tips for Students and Teachers

  • Use personification to create vivid imagery: Personification is a great tool for creating vivid, memorable images in the reader’s mind. Students should aim to use personification to describe things in a way that helps the reader visualize them more clearly and engage with the text on a deeper level.
  • Be creative and original: While there are some common examples of personification (such as giving inanimate objects human-like qualities), students should aim to be creative and come up with original ways to personify things in their writing. This can make their writing stand out and be more memorable.
  • Use personification intentionally: Personification should be used intentionally and purposefully to enhance the meaning of the writing. Students should consider why they are personifying something and how it adds to the overall effect of their writing. Overuse of personification can be distracting and detract from the impact of the writing.

Personification Teaching Task: Organize the students into pairs. Instruct Partner 1 to compile a list of 10 nouns, these can be inanimate objects such as a pencil, a chair etc or natural phenomenon such as moon, stars, sun etc. Have Partner 2 compile a list of 10 verbs associated with the actions of human beings, for example laugh, tell, sing etc.  When both partners have completed their lists they can use their nouns and verbs to write their own personification sentences.


figurative language | simile explanation 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |

Definition: Similes make comparisons between two seemingly unrelated elements by using ‘like’ or ‘as’ to highlight a common quality or characteristic both things share. Similes make a comparison by suggesting a similarity between two things, rather than making a comparison by stating that one thing is something else – such as we find with metaphors.

Simile Examples:

  • He runs as fast as a cheetah.” – This simile compares the speed of a person to that of a cheetah, which creates a vivid image in the reader’s mind.
  • She sings like an angel.” – This simile compares the quality of a person’s singing to that of an angel, which creates a sense of beauty and grace.
  • The water was as cold as ice.” – This simile compares the temperature of the water to that of ice, which creates a sense of discomfort and coldness.
  • The room was as dark as night.” – This simile compares the level of darkness in a room to that of nighttime, which creates a sense of foreboding or danger.
  • His heart pounded like a drum.” – This simile compares the sound of a person’s heartbeat to that of a drum, which creates a sense of urgency or excitement.

Simile Writing Tips for Students and Teachers

  • Choose effective comparisons: A simile is only effective if it makes a clear comparison that enhances the reader’s understanding or emotional response to the text. Students should choose comparisons that are relevant, impactful, and easy to understand.
  • Be creative: While some similes are commonly used, students should strive to be original and creative with their comparisons. Using unique or unexpected similes can make their writing more engaging and memorable.
  • Use similes with purpose: Similes should be used purposefully and intentionally to add meaning or emotion to the text. Students should consider why they are using a simile and how it contributes to the overall effect of the writing. Using similes can make the writing seem contrived or formulaic, so students should use them sparingly and only when they add value to the text.

Simile Teaching Task: Begin this activity by asking students to compile a list of say 10 nouns and 10 adjectives. Challenge the students to form original similes utilising the nouns and the adjectives on their list to set up a simile comparison. For example, if they choose the noun cat and the adjective smart they must generate the final element to complete their simile, for example, The cat is as smart as a computer. They should do this until they have completed a simile for all items on their lists. Encourage them to strike a balance between the similes that use like to make the comparison and those that use as.

figurative language | 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |


Definition: This figure of speech most often occurs when a part of a thing is used to represent the whole of a thing. However, it can also occur when the whole of a thing is used to stand for a part of a thing. The first type is called microcosm and the second, macrocosm. This trope is better conveyed through illustration than explanation.

Synedoche Examples:

  • I need to hit the books.” – In this phrase, the word “books” represents studying or academic work as a whole.
  • All eyes were on him.” – In this phrase, the word “eyes” is used to represent the attention or focus of a group of people.
  • Check out my new wheels.” – In this phrase, the word “wheels” represents a car or other vehicle as a whole.
  • The team needs some fresh legs.” – In this phrase, the words “fresh legs” represent new or rested players who can contribute to the team’s success.
  • Can you give me a hand?” – In this phrase, the word “hand” represents physical help or general assistance.

Synedoche Writing Tips for Students and Teachers

  • Use synecdoche purposefully: Synecdoche can be a powerful tool for creating memorable and impactful writing, but it should be used purposefully and with intention. Students should consider why they are using synecdoche and how it contributes to the overall meaning or effect of their writing.
  • Choose practical parts to represent the whole: Synecdoche relies on a part of something to represent the whole. Students should choose relevant, recognizable, and effective parts conveying the larger concept or idea.
  • Be clear and concise: Synecdoche can be confusing if not used clearly and concisely. Students should be careful to explain the larger concept or idea that is being represented by the part, and avoid using too many synecdochical phrases in a single piece of writing.

Synedoche Teaching Task: Organize students into groups and give out copies of old newspapers. Challenge the students to spot examples of synecdoche in the various articles and then highlight them. They may wish to use two separate colors for identifying the two different types mentioned above.

figurative language | free writing tasks | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |


Schemes are a figurative use of language that deviates from the usual mechanics of a sentence. This may be in terms of syntax, sound, or word order. Writers can use schemes to create rhythm, musicality, or to draw comparisons or contrasts within a text. They are particularly associated with poetry, as they often work on a rhythmic basis or through sound. Unlike tropes, schemes operate on a sense level more than an intellectual level.


Definition: The repetition of the initial consonant sound of consecutive or near consecutive words for effect. Alliteration is also referred to as head rhyme or initial rhyme.

Alliteration Examples:

  • “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”
  • “Sally sells seashells by the seashore.”
  • “Billy the brave battled the big bad bear.”
  • “The furious fireman fought the fiery flames.”
  • “Dancing dolphins dive and dart through the deep blue sea.”

Task: Read some tongue twisters as a class and then challenge the students to produce their own examples.


figurative language | assonance 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |

Definition: The repetition of vowel sounds within a group of words. As with alliteration, the repeating sounds are important, not the letters.

Assonance Examples:

  • “The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.”
  • “The cat sat on the mat and licked its paws.”
  • “The bright light might blind my sight.”
  • “I like to ride my bike by the side of the lake.”
  • “I feel the beat and move my feet to the rhythm of the music.”
  • Fleet feet sweep by sleeping geese” by Pink Floyd

Task: Assonance can be used to convey different moods. For example, repetition of long, broad ‘o’ and ‘a sounds can express sadness or melancholy. Challenge your students to write a line that uses assonance to express a selected mood.


Definition: The repetition of consonant sounds anywhere in words near each other. This should be distinguished from alliteration, where the repetition is limited to the sounds at the beginning of words. Alliteration is a particular type of consonance, so all alliteration is a form of consonance, but not all consonance is alliteration.

Consonance Examples:

  • “Mike likes his new bike.”
  • “The pitter-patter of little feet.”
  • “The big, bad wolf blew down the house.”
  • “Silly Sally sold seashells by the seashore.”
  • “The ship has sailed away to a distant bay.”
  • “I’m sure she sells sea-shore shells”

Task: Give out a worksheet with a mix of unmarked examples of alliteration, consonance, and assonance and have the students sort them into the correct categories. You may want the students to use a Venn diagram so they can more easily categorize those that fit into more than one category.


Definition: Onomatopoeia refers to words that sound like the thing they describe. Onomatopoeia is most commonly seen in poetry, where its use is a powerful tool for the imagination as it imitates the sounds of the things described. A typical example of onomatopoeia can be seen in the names of the sounds various animals make.

Onomatopoeia Examples:

  • “Sizzle” – the sound of something frying or grilling.
  • “Crash” – the sound of something breaking or smashing.
  • “Buzz” – the sound of a bee or an electrical device.
  • “Whoosh” – the sound of something rushing past quickly.
  • “Thud” – the sound of something heavy falling or hitting a surface.
  • “Pop” – the sound of something bursting or exploding.
  • “Splat” – the sound of something hitting a surface and spreading out.
  • “Chirp” – the sound of a bird or a cricket.
  • “Boom” – the sound of an explosion or loud impact.
  • “Slurp” – the sound of someone or something drinking or eating noisily.

Task: To get your students thinking about onomatopoeia, give them a theme and challenge them to list as many onomatopoeic words as they can around that theme. This can easily be differentiated for various age groups. For example, younger kids can work on animal sounds like those above, while older students can work on a theme like water (drip, splish, splosh, splash, plop etc). For stronger students, provide them with a theme and task them with creating their own related and original onomatopoeic words.


Definition: This scheme is also known as a parallel structure and applies to sentences or phrases that employ an identical or very similar structure. Parallelism is often used to bring clarity and emphasis and create a memorable rhythm. Some of history’s most memorable speeches and statements used parallelism to great effect and have stayed with us for many decades. Neil Armstrong’s reported words on the moon landing and Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech being prime examples.

figurative language | parrellalism 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |

Parallelism Examples:

  • “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
  • “She likes to dance, to sing, and to act.”
  • “He spent the day fishing, hiking, and exploring.”
  • “The movie was action-packed, suspenseful, and thrilling.”
  • “She is talented, funny, and kind-hearted.”
  • That’s one small step for a man. One giant leap for Neil Armstrong.

Task: Provide students with sample sentences that do not use a parallel structure within them. Challenge the students to rewrite the sentences to incorporate a parallel structure into the new sentences. For example, give the students the following sentence:

Do you prefer spicy chicken, pork, or salty fish for the main course?

Students should work to recognize that the underlying structure involves an adjective preceding two of the food options and should rewrite the sentence to include one for the pork. Answers will, of course, vary, but all are valid as long as they conform to the pattern. For example:

Do you prefer spicy chicken, sweet pork, or salty fish for the main course?

Go Figure!

These are just some of the various ways language is commonly used figuratively. There are many more, though some of these can be rarely used. It’s best to start with these more common ones before moving on to some more complex literary devices available.

Spending some time working on figurative language in isolation will help students to understand how to use the various figures of speech in their own writing.

But, using them in a confident and unselfconscious manner will require lots of reinforcement throughout the school year.

While early attempts to weave them into their own writing may seem stilted and unnatural, with time and practice, they will become part of a student’s personal style and help enable them to articulate and express their thoughts artistically and coherently.

figurative language | figurative language Unit 1 | Figurative Language for Students and Teachers |

❤️The use of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE is like “SPECIAL EFFECTS FOR AUTHORS.” It is a powerful tool to create VIVID IMAGERY through words. This HUGE 110 PAGE UNIT guides you through a complete understanding of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE as both a READER and WRITER covering.

  • ❤️ IDIOMS
  • ❤️ SIMILES


The content for this page has been written by Shane Mac Donnchaidh.  A former principal of an international school and English university lecturer with 15 years of teaching and administration experience. Shane’s latest Book, The Complete Guide to Nonfiction Writing, can be found here.  Editing and support for this article have been provided by the literacyideas team.

Sometimes when you write, you want to describe things exactly as they are. That’s perfect for scientific, legal, or academic writing.

But other times, you want your writing to be colorful and excite your readers. A great way to do this is through figurative language.

When it’s hot outside, you might feel like you’re moving as slow as molasses. You’re not actually molasses, but you feel like it. That’s figurative language!

4th grade or 5th grade is a great time to add figurative language to your writing. Now that you’re comfortable writing entire paragraphs and compositions with themes, you can play around and have fun with descriptive language!

There are many types of figurative language, but there are a few very common ones that you need to watch out for if you want to spice up your writing.

figurative language for kids

What Is Figurative Language?

Figurative language refers to unrealistic literary devices or phrases that mean something different than the literal definitions of the words that make them up. In other words, figurative language is the opposite of literal language.

For example:

A dog that’s as big as a horse

probably isn’t literally the size of a stallion. It just means it’s a really big dog. 

We can also say that something is a “figure of speech.” That means that whatever we just said isn’t literally true — we were embellishing it with creative language. Therefore, a figure of speech is figurative language.

Figurative language is a great way to describe an abstract concept that would be hard to write about in concrete terms. Plus, it makes writing and speech more fun! Sometimes, it can be hard to decipher the symbolic meanings in writing. But with practice, you’ll become a figurative language pro!

There are about a dozen types of figurative language, but here are 5 very common ones: simile, metaphor, personification, allusion, and hyperbole. Each one functions differently, but they all make clauses more exciting and intense.

Common Types of Figurative Language


A simile is a simple way to compare two different things. To do this, we use “like” or “as.” This is a very common example of figurative language, and we frequently use this in everyday speech.

Here are some examples of similes:

  • Esther and Hannah skip over the puddles like little frogs in a pond.
  • He ate his ice cream cone as quickly as a snake eats a mouse – all in one bite.

You can also find similes in famous quotes. For example:

  • “Kate inched over her own thoughts like a measuring worm.” – East of Eden, by John Steinbeck
  • “The water made a sound like kittens lapping.” – The Yearling, by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

Metaphors function in the same way as similes, but you leave out the “like” or “as.” With this, you don’t draw attention to the fact that you are making a comparison which makes the writing sound smoother and more poetic.

For instance, here are some examples of metaphors:

  • My mother is the Wicked Witch of the West because she’s making me clean my room today.
  • Nadia’s surfboard was a silver seagull, skimming the gold-capped waves.

And some famous examples:

  • “All the world’s a stage, / And all the men and women merely players; / They have their exits and their entrances; / And one man in his time plays many parts…:” – As You Like It, by William Shakespeare.
  • “The sun in the west was a drop of burning gold that slid near and nearer the sill of the world.” – Lord of the Flies, William Golding.

Metaphor Variations

An extended metaphor is exactly like it sounds, it can be used many times. In the examples above, the metaphor only lasts for about a sentence. However, writers can use the same metaphor throughout many lines, an entire poem, or even a book! 

Extended metaphors are mainly used in poetry. Emily Dickinson’s “Hope” is the thing with feathers. Throughout this poem, Dickinson compares hope to a resilient bird. This is the first stanza: 

“‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers —
That perches in the soul —
And sings the tune without the words —
And never stops — at all -”


Personification, as the name implies, is about a person or persons. Specifically, it means giving human qualities to something that isn’t human.

If you say that rain is dancing on the roof, that’s personification. The raindrops aren’t actually dancing; they’re just falling from the sky. But it looks and sounds like dancing, which humans are capable of doing.

These are some other examples of personification:

  • The church bells were hungry children crying for their supper.
  • The road meanders through the wood, curving to greet each tree and flower as an old friend.

And some famous quotations:

  • “Chaos is a friend of mine.” – Bob Dylan.
  • “Outside, the night seemed poised on tiptoe, waiting, waiting, holding its breath for the storm.” – Tuck Everlasting, Natalie Babbitt.


An allusion refers to something already well-known, such as a work of art, literature, or music. It’s a helpful way to describe your subject without actually stating the characteristics you want it to have.

Many English writers allude to the Bible, Shakespeare, or Greek myth. By doing this, the authors evoke memories and associations that people have with these works of art.

For example:

  • If a writer relates their character to Solomon, you probably think of the famous king in the Bible. King Solomon was known for his wisdom and good judgment, so this character is probably wise, too.
  • You may have also heard people talk about going on an odyssey. This means they’re going on a long journey, similar to the one that Odysseus goes on in Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey.
  • You can often find allusions in daily speech. For instance, people talk about an Achilles’ heel or kryptonite – things that will hurt them or will lead to their downfall. Or people compare a place to the Garden of Eden because it is so beautiful and perfect.


Hyperbole is an exaggeration. And not just a little exaggeration – a big, extravagant exaggeration!

Hyperbole is very common both in literature and regular speech. In fact, you probably use it frequently without realizing it.

You’re probably starving if you skipped breakfast and it’s 3 pm. How hungry are you? You might say, “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. In reality, you probably couldn’t eat a whole horse. But you’re exaggerating to make the point that you’re really, really hungry.

Here are some other examples of hyperbole:

  • She was so strong she could move mountains.
  • Studying for this test is killing me!

If you’ve seen the movie Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio says this famous line while standing at the front of the ship:

  • “I’m the king of the world!”
  • He isn’t actually royalty, but he certainly feels like it!

Click each card to see if you recognize the device!

Other Ways to Spice Up Your Writing

These figurative language examples aren’t the only ways to make your writing exciting.

There are other types of figurative language, such as puns and idioms. Puns are wordplay, and idioms are non-literal expressions that are familiar to most people.

In addition to these and a few others, you can use sound devices. Sound devices are ways to shape phrases so that they sound a certain way. In some cases, this can enhance the meaning of the words or create a specific atmosphere.


One of the most common sound devices is alliteration. This is when you repeat the consonant sound at the beginning of a set of words.

Two examples of alliteration are:

  •  “lovely lady,” or
  •  “galloping gargoyles.”

Tons of books and poems play with this sound device. For example, Margaret Atwood’s picture book Princess Prunella and the Purple Peanut uses repeated “p” sounds. And the tongue-twister Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers does the same thing!

There are two related sound devices called assonance and consonance. They’re not as well-known, but they’re also useful.


Consonance is a little more general than alliteration. It also refers to repeated consonant sounds, but in this case, they can be anywhere in the word. However, the sounds should come right after one another, so the reader catches on. For example:

  • In Peter Piper, we can see there are “k” sounds mixed into the alliterative “p”s.

The “k” sounds of picked, peck, and pickled, all happen in the middle or end of the words. And together, they form consonance!

Another example of consonance is the title of one of Shakespeare’s plays:

  •  All’s Well that Ends Well.

Here, Shakespeare repeats the “l” sound three times.


In Shakespeare’s title, we can find another sound device: assonance. Instead of repeating consonant sounds, assonance repeats vowel sounds. And, like consonance, the repetitions can appear anywhere in the word. 

So, in…

  •  All’s Well that Ends Well, we hear a repeated “e” sound in well and ends

This tongue-twister has another example of assonance:

  •  “She sells seashells by the sea shore…”

 In this phrase, we have a different repeated “e” sound. (Plus, there’s also the alliteration of “s” and sh”!)


A great way to play with sound is through onomatopoeia. This long name refers to words that sound like what they mean. You see these a lot in comic books when one character punches another or shoots a gun for example:

  • Pow
  • Bam
  • Bang.

Also, many animal sounds are onomatopoeic too such as: 

  • Moo
  • Meow
  • Bow-wow
  • cluck

And there are everyday words you might not immediately think of as onomatopoeias, but their sound evokes their meaning—for example:

  • Whisper
  • Bubble
  • Fizz.

Try adding some of these words to make your writing more fun for your readers.

Using Language-education Resources

You can find examples of figurative language in tons of places, including in popular culture. Learning by example is an excellent way to improve your writing! So, take a look below for some ideas.

If you’re learning about this topic in school and you need a little help, you can also find figurative language resources all over the internet – just do a quick search! Also, ask your teachers and librarians for some advice. And as you read your favorite books or watch TV, listen for examples of figurative language!

Teaching Figurative Language to Elementary and Middle School Students

If you’re teaching figurative language to kids, start with the most straightforward examples, such as similes, metaphors, and hyperbole. Once students have grasped it,  you can teach more difficult concepts, such as allusion, however, always make sure to include examples that the students have heard of because students are most likely to remember specific phrases that they’re familiar with.

Figures of Speech Takeaways

There are many types of figurative language, but they all have one thing in common: the words you write can mean more than their literal definitions.

  • Some, like simile, metaphor, and allusion, use comparisons to add depth to your words. 
  • Others, like hyperbole and personification, use unrealistic phrases to convey ideas.

You can also play with the sounds of the words. Doing this can help create an atmosphere for your reader and shape their interpretation of your writing.

The most important thing you can do to learn these forms is pay attention! Listen to how other people use them, and look for examples in your everyday life.

Also, remember to have fun with your words when you write!

Test Out Your Figurative Language Knowledge With Our Quick Quiz!

What is allusion?

Choose the best answer from the choices below

What is a simile?

Choose the best answer from the choices below

What is a hyperbole?

Choose the best answer from the choices below

Figuring Out Figurative Language

While literal language is useful for things like scientific writing, figurative language lets you explore your creative side. You can create colorful worlds and exciting characters by adding a metaphor, some personification, or a bit of hyperbole.

Just think outside the box!

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