Feels sorry about word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

We only can feel sorry about them.

There’s nothing to feel sorry about.

If all these losses are in vain then I’ll feel sorry about many things that happened on 20 June.’

Если все эти потери окажутся напрас-ны-ми, тогда я буду сожалеть о многом, что произошло 20 июня».

That is the best relaxation, and not to feel sorry about wasted time.

Поэтому очень важно сделать правильный выбор, чтобы потом не жалеть о потраченном впустую времени.

Even if you do not get the chance, you should not feel sorry about the time invested in reviewing the paper.

Даже если вы не получаете шанс, вы не должны жалеть о времени вложено в рассмотрении бумагу.

This is very sad and I feel sorry about it.

I feel sorry about it to this day.

It can feel sorry about it.

They feel sorry about lost educational and career opportunities.

Они горько сожалеют об утрате благоприятных возможностей, открывавшихся им в образовании и в карьере.

Although this is not unprecedented, I still feel sorry about it.

So I always feel sorry about that.

So you wouldn’t have anything to feel sorry about.

So don’t feel sorry about what happened to me.

Так что не надо меня жалеть.

You act badly toward the people you love and you feel sorry about that later.

Вы начинаете плохо относиться к людям, которых любите, но позже жалеете об этом.

Many of us get seduced by temptations not connected with love and do not feel sorry about that.

Многие из нас получают удовольствие от искушений, связанных с любовью и не жалеют об этом.

We can’t make fun of them or feel sorry about them.

The chances that you feel sorry about this choice are pretty low.

Вероятность того, что вы пожалеете о своем выборе, очень низка.

I feel sorry about his lack of freedom.

There is no need to feel sorry about your lack of size.

If you have a small kitchen, you should not feel sorry about it.

Если у вас маленькая кухня, то не стоит огорчаться по этому поводу.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

“I’m very sorry about the Syrian people, but Ukraine can’t be compared.
«Мне очень жаль сирийский народ, но нельзя ставить Сирию на один уровень с Украиной.

I feel sorry for her.
Мне её жалко.

Hey, Tony, sorry about Chile. But if you want to go see the monastery at Sarov, there’s travel money.
Извини, Тони, с Чили ничего не выходит, но если хочешь съездить в Саров и посмотреть на тамошний монастырь, то на это у нас деньги найдутся.

I will not forget it but I do not feel sorry for myself.
Я не забуду об этом, но я не испытываю жалости к себе.

But now this same president, whose government actions seem to be encouraging homophobic views throughout Russian society, says that he feels sorry about what happened to people who largely identify with that community.
И вот тот самый президент, чье правительство как будто поощряет гомофобию в российском обществе, говорит, что сожалеет о случившемся с людьми, принадлежащими к группе ЛГБТ.

Until just recently, he really didn’t feel sorry for how much grief he caused other people.
До недавнего времени он вовсе не сожалел о том, сколько горя он причинил другим людям.

Sorry about your old lady.
Соболезную по поводу твоей старухи.

I feel sorry for the Palestinians.
Я испытываю сострадание к палестинцам.

What are you more sorry about, that I was beat to hell or that Mark got away?
Чего тебе больше жаль, что меня избили, или что Марк ушел?

I think we’re stuck, and I feel sorry for the people involved.
Я думаю, что мы попросту пробуксовываем на месте, и мне жаль вовлеченных во все это людей.

Sorry about your Le Mans.
Прости за твой «Le Mans».

I feel sorry for Israel.
Я испытываю сочувствие к Израилю.

We’re just sorry about everything that was laid out on the table.
Мы просим прощения за все, что происходило.

It is easy to feel sorry for an animal that discovers tasty food and can’t resist getting more the easy way.
Легко почувствовать жалость к животному, которое обнаруживает вкусную еду и не может сопротивляться желанию получить как можно больше без значительных усилий.

Sorry about the heat in here, but the super hydra drives are like ovens.
Извините по поводу жары здесь, но супер гидромоторы похожи на печи.

We need not feel sorry for Mladić.
Мы не должны испытывать жалость к Младичу.

No, no, no — Sorry about the arsehole thing.
Простите, что я тогда взъелась.

I almost feel sorry for them, trying to put together a puzzle.
Мне их практически жаль, они пытаются сложить паззл.

I’m really sorry about Abel.
Мне очень жаль Авеля.

I feel sorry asking this, but be my daughter again in the next life.
Прости, что прошу об этом, но будь моей доченькой и в следующей жизни.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

В этом разделе вы можете посмотреть, как употребляются слова и выражения в разных контекстах на реальных примерах.
Все примеры собраны из уже переведенных текстов: официальных документов, сайтов, журналов и диалогов из фильмов.
Раздел Контексты поможет в изучении английского, немецкого, испанского, русского и других языков. Здесь вы сможете найти примеры
с фразовыми глаголами, устойчивыми выражениями и многозначными словами в разнообразных по стилю и тематикам текстах
Примеры можно отсортировать по переводам и тематикам, а также сделать уточняющий поиск по найденным примерам.

Изучайте иностранные языки, смотрите перевод миллионов слов и выражений, проверяйте их употребление на реальных примерах благодаря нашей технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных!

В английском языке очень часто можно встретить эти 2 выражения. Оба они переводятся на русский одинаково – «извиниться за что-то», «посочувствовать» и даже «соболезновать». Но почему же в одних случаях используется sorry for, а в других sorry about? Разбираемся в отличиях в данном уроке.

Для начала разберемся, какой смысл вкладывают носители английского языка в слово sorry.

Sorry — feeling sadness, sympathy, or disappointment, especially because something unpleasant has happened (чувство грусти, сочувствия или расстройства, особенно потому, что произошло что-то плохое).

Есть 2 популярных случая использования этих оборотов:

sorry about — извиняться за, выражать сочувствие (часто перед существительным)

sorry for — жалеть человека, сочувствовать, выражать соболезнования (часто перед глаголом с ing, т.е. перед герундием)


I’m sorry for yelling at you. – Прости за то, что кричал на тебя.
I’m sorry for saying those words. – Мне жаль, что я говорил все те слова.
I’m sorry for eating all the pizza. — Я извиняюсь за то, что съел всю пиццу.

I’m sorry about your granny. – Мне жаль твою бабушку.
I’m sorry about your car. – Сочувствую по поводу твоей машины.
I’m sorry about this mess. – Извини за беспорядок.

При этом есть ряд выражений, которые предпочтительно использовать с for.

feel sorry for you. – Мне тебя жаль.
I’m sorry for your loss. – Соболезную вам (вашей утрате).
feel sorry for myself. – Мне себя жаль.

Но нередко носители языка легко заменяют один предлог другим. Потому что им это кажется more appropriate – более подходящим. Смотрите, как носителя языка трактуют данные обороты.

sorry about  = expressing an apology (хочу извиниться)

sorry for = feeling sadness, regret or expressing an apology (чувствую жалость, сожаление или хочу извиниться)

feel sorry for someone — feeling sympathy for someone because they are in a difficult or unpleasant situation (соболезновать в связи с трудной ситуацией)

В целом же, предлог for после sorry придает дополнительные оттенки смысла. А предлог about лишь помогает соединить sorry со следующим идущим словом, никак не меняя смысл слова sorry.

Также можно использовать данные обороты не только перед отдельными словами, но и перед предложениями.

Еще примеры:

Sorry about

I’m sorry about what happened tonight.
I’m really sorry about you and Toby.
Max, look, I am so sorry about this.
I’m sorry about this Rachel, I really am.
I am so sorry about this disaster.
I’m sorry about your mother.
Look. I’m sorry about today.
I’m sorry about your friends.

Sorry for

I’m sorry for overreacting.
I am sorry for their pain.
I sorry for what I told you.
I’m sorry for acting crazy.
I’m very sorry for what I’ve done.
I’m sorry for not returning your calls.
I’m sorry for betraying you.
We’re very sorry for everything you went through today.
I’m sorry for not trusting your instincts.

We use “sorry” when we want to apologize for something. Whether it’s something we feel responsible for or not is defined by prepositions, and we can use different prepositions after it to change the meaning. This article will look at “sorry for” and “sorry about” and how to use them.

“Sorry For” Or “Sorry About”: Which Is Correct?

You should use “sorry for” when you want to be more specific about your apology and take some responsibility for what went wrong. You should use “sorry about” when being more general (and often not having the full details). Both forms are correct.

"Sorry For" Or "Sorry About": Which Is Correct?

The definition of “sorry,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “feeling sadness, sympathy, or disappointment, especially because something unpleasant has happened or been done.”

We can use the prepositions “for” and “about” to express this sadness or sympathy with the person we’re speaking to. Of course, “for” shows that we’re more responsible, while “about” is more general and often doesn’t have much to do with us.

You may also like: Sorry For Bothering You vs. Sorry To Bother You (Meaning & Alternatives)

Is “Sorry For” Or “Sorry About” Used The Most?

We think it’s important to check which one gets used more. That way, you can see what’s more likely to come up in situations where you’re talking to native speakers. More popular words are better to learn since more people are going to use them.

According to Google, “sorry for” is mentioned 125,000 times on The New York Times website, while “sorry about” is mentioned 3,220 times.

We can also go further and look at the following graph. These numbers coincide with the information we found on The New York Times website. It shows that “sorry for” is by far the most popular choice (it’s also been growing exponentially compared to “sorry about”).

Is "Sorry For" Or "Sorry About" Used The Most?

But what is it that makes “sorry for” so much more popular? It’s all about responsibility.

When we apologize and use “sorry,” we often want to make the person we’re talking to feel better. That means we’re trying to accept our responsibility for potential damage we’ve caused, which is why “sorry for” is always more appropriate to use.

It’s more common to come by situations where we need to apologize for the way we acted or the things we did. However, there are situations where “sorry about” is more appropriate, and we don’t need to blame ourselves for it.

Can “Sorry For” And “Sorry About” Ever Be Used Interchangeably?

We can sometimes use the phrases interchangeably, though you can’t always do so. It depends mostly on the context.

“Sorry for” and “sorry about” aren’t always interchangeable. You can use “sorry for” in place of “sorry about” more often than not, but you can’t use “sorry about” in place of “sorry for.”

To help you understand this, we’ll include some examples:

  • I’m sorry about your loss.
  • I’m sorry for your loss.

This is perhaps one of the most common instances where “sorry about” and “for” are interchangeable. In both cases, someone has lost somebody dear to them. We might not know the person well, and we certainly didn’t have anything to do with their passing, which is why “about” works in the general sense.

However, in this example, “for” also works to be general about the loss. It works because we’re simply apologizing sincerely to them. It’s almost seen as a way to wish them in the future and to say “sorry” for what they’re currently going through.

On the other side, though:

  • I’m sorry for what I did to you.
  • I’m sorry about what I did to you.

These examples aren’t interchangeable. “Sorry for” is great when you want to accept responsibility, which is what we’re trying to achieve in this sentence. Using “sorry about” takes away from the gravity of the apology and seems insincere.

Examples Of How To Use “Sorry For” In A Sentence

We’ll cover some more examples to help you understand how they work. “Sorry for” is the most common choice of the two, so you’ll likely come across this a lot more often than anything else.

  1. I’m sorry for the things I said to you.
  2. We’re sorry for not helping when you needed us.
  3. They’re sorry for not being there!
  4. She’s sorry for everything she did.
  5. He’s sorry for not being kind.
  6. I’m sorry for what I did.
  7. You’re sorry for being mean.

“Sorry for” accepts responsibility. We mainly use it to share a genuine apology with somebody and tell them that you feel bad about whatever it is you’re apologizing for.

Examples Of How To Use “Sorry About” In A Sentence

“Sorry about” is the more general of the two. Let’s go over some examples of how it works well in a sentence.

  1. I’m sorry about yesterday; I don’t know what happened.
  2. We’re sorry about what you went through.
  3. He’s sorry about the things that happened.
  4. I’m sorry about not being available after the shambles at work yesterday.
  5. I’m sorry about what I heard!
  6. He’s sorry about your loss.
  7. They’re sorry about the mess that was caused.

“Sorry about” is more general and is mostly used when no one is taking responsibility. Generally, we use it when we’re an outsider to the situation that we’re apologizing for.

Which Other Prepositions Can Be Used After “Sorry”?

“For” and “about” aren’t the only prepositions available to use after “sorry.” There is one other preposition we can share with you that works well after sorry.

Sorry That

“Sorry that” works best when we want to apologize for an event that happened. It works whether we want to take responsibility or not.

  • I’m sorry that happened to you!
  • I’m sorry that I did that.

We can use “sorry that” in place of “sorry for” if we take responsibility or “sorry about” if we don’t.

Is It Ever Correct To Use “Sorry” Without A Preposition?

Sometimes, you may not even need a preposition, which is perhaps more common than anything else in English – especially in spoken English.

“Sorry” is good enough on its own to express sympathy and sorrow for an event that happened. We don’t need a preposition to come after it.

  • I’m sorry I did that.
  • I’m sorry I couldn’t help.
  • I’m so sorry.

It’s more informal to write it this way, but all of the examples above are still correct to use.

Is It “Sorry For Today” Or “Sorry About Today”?

You should use “sorry for today” when you want to take responsibility for something that happened “today.” You should use “sorry about today” when something bad happened “today,” but you might not have been around to see it and therefore don’t take responsibility.

  • I’m sorry for today and everything that I did.
  • I’m sorry about today. I wish I could have been there.

The same rules can apply when you’re using “yesterday.”

  • I’m sorry for yesterday’s behavior.
  • I’m sorry about yesterday’s event. I wish there was more that could be done.

“For” and “about” are both correct in these cases; it mostly depends on the context you’re writing in.

Is It “Sorry For That” Or “Sorry About That”?

You should use “sorry for that” when you want to take responsibility and apologize for whatever “that” was. You should use “sorry about that” when you want to generally apologize for something that happened, even if you’re not willing to take any responsibility.

  • Sorry for that! I didn’t think anyone would hear.
  • Sorry about that; there’s not much that could have been done!

Again, the same rules apply with we change “that” to “this.”

  • Sorry for this. I wish there was another way.
  • Sorry about this; it’ll be over shortly.

6 Better Ways To Say “Sorry”

  • My apologies
  • Pardon me
  • Forgive me
  • Oops
  • Whoops
  • My bad

The preferred way to say “sorry” in a formal tone is to use “my apologies.” It offers your sincerest apologies to someone without having to worry about the word sorry. “Oops” is the preferred cute alternative to saying “sorry.”

Formal Alternatives

  • My apologies for being late today.

“My apologies” works to provide an apologetic response. It usually always takes responsibility for the actions, which is a polite and mature thing to do in formal circumstances.

  • Pardon me for missing the train today, sir.

“Pardon me” works well when you’re looking to be pardoned by a superior. It means you’re asking for their forgiveness.

  • Forgive me for failing you; I’ll do better next time.

“Forgive me” is a more direct way of asking for forgiveness than “pardon me.” It’s also more polite, especially because “pardon me” can sometimes be sarcastic.

Cute Alternatives

  • Oops! I didn’t mean to!

“Oops” is a cute alternative that admits we did something wrong. It’s not outright saying “sorry,” but we’re acknowledging our mistake and trying to move past it.

  • Whoops! How silly of me!

“Whoops” is a variant spelling of “oops.” They both mean the same thing, it’s up to you which one you prefer.

  • My bad; it won’t happen again.

“My bad” is a phase you use to claim responsibility for doing something wrong. It works well as a cute alternative to saying sorry.

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Sorry For Bothering You vs. Sorry To Bother You (Meaning & Alternatives)
18 Best Ways To Respond To “Sorry” (All Situations)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Переводы в словарях Lingvo

What do you feel sorry about?о чем ты сожалеешь

Ooh, you will feel sorry about your words (replica)о, как вы пожалеете о своих словах

I’ve come to feel sorry for those who have (no choice but) to take part in this.Становится жалко смотреть на людей, которым приходится в этом учавствовать

toместные и пространственные значения

TOтелеграфное отделение

somethingкое-что, нечто, что-нибудь, что-то

there’s no need to feel lonely. we’re are here for you, and there’s a lot of us!Не чувствуй себя одинокой.Мы с тобой и нас много!

Unfortunately, I do not know (about) something/ I am not familiar with something.к сожалению мне не известен

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