Feeling less than word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

чувствовать себя хуже, чем

чувствовать себя меньше, чем

чувствовать себя недочеловеком

чувствовать себя менее чем

And she always makes me feel less than.

Everyone has moments where they feel less than capable.

У любого человека бывают моменты, когда он делает меньше того, на что способен на самом деле.

You don’t deserve to feel less than.

They feel less than when they were single.

She never let me feel less than I should.

They feel less than when they were single.

No one should ever be made to feel less than others just because of a physical or mental disability.

No one should make you feel less than.

Most people know that drinking too much alcohol makes you feel less than great.

Большинство людей знает, что если «переборщить» с алкоголем, то возникают менее приятные ощущения.

Using the word ‘should’ in this context is really negative and makes one feel less than they are.

If these are what give life meaning, they’ll always feel less than fulfilled.

Has anything happened recently to cause you to feel less than confident?

Возможно, что-нибудь произошло в последнее время, что заставило вас чувствовать себя менее уверенно?

Some people delight in posting only their successes in life and trying hard to make others feel less than themselves, she says.

Некоторые люди с удовольствием публикуют только свои успехи в жизни и стараются заставить других чувствовать себя меньше, чем они сами , — говорит она.

You shouldn’t force connections with people who constantly make you feel less than amazing.

Вам не следует поддерживать отношения с теми, кто постоянно заставляет вас чувствовать себя меньше чем на миллион.

You shouldn’t be with somebody if he makes you feel less than who you are.

All of a sudden, you feel less than.

In the first few days you may feel less than awesome.

To be nonbinary in a binary society is to feel less than human.

Like most people, some mornings I wake up and feel less than enthusiastic about working.

Как и большинство других людей, иногда я просыпаюсь и совсем не чувствую энтузиазма к работе.

If I’ve made you feel less than… less…

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 56. Точных совпадений: 56. Затраченное время: 490 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • #1

Hello everyone,

From the book Choose Your Story, Change Your Life by Kindra Hall.

Context: An employee named Sam receives a letter from his boss telling him about his performance.

And this is what happens after he reads it:

«But that always leads to the same result: Sam feeling terrible. Feeling less than. Feeling average.»

What does «Feeling less than» mean?

Thank you.

Keith Bradford

  • #2

I think it’s an idiosyncratic way of saying «inferior».

“More Than Words” is a single from Extreme’s 1990 album Extreme II: Pornograffiti. It was written by Nuno Bettencourt & Gary Cherone.

According to Nuno Bettencourt, the song is described as a warning that the phrase ‘I love you’ was becoming meaningless, stating:

People use it so easily and so lightly that they think you can say that and fix everything, or you can say that and everything’s OK. Sometimes you have to do more and you have to show it— there’s other ways to say ‘I love you.’

It began with Bettencourt strumming an acoustic guitar one day on Cherone’s porch in Malden, MA. He played it for Cherone who was then inspired to scribble down the phrase “More than words is all you have to do”. Bettencourt then insisted he finish the lyrics right then.

Originally their record label wanted them to turn the song into a power ballad, asking them to add drums and a guitar solo like Motley Crue’s “Home Sweet Home” and Ozzy Osbourne’s “Mama I’m Coming Home” but the band refused. While the band recorded it in the studio, Skid Row frontman Sebastian Bach heard the song and predicted it would be ‘huge’ and become ‘a number one’.

Initially the record company resisted Bettencourt’s request to release “More Than Words” as the album’s third single. Its first two singles had made little impact in the US, so their label wanted them to begin work on their next album. However, the band informed the label that their audiences drowned them out by singing along to the song whenever they played it in concert. The band kept insisting that it be sent to radio, so to pacify them the label tested the song in one radio market – where it quickly became the most-requested song on the station. A test was done in another market and the same thing happened, so the label relented and officially released it as single.

The song became a number-one hit, topping the Billboard Hot 100 for a week in June of 1991 and was certified Gold by the RIAA. It also topped the charts in Canada, the Netherlands & New Zealand, and reached #2 in the UK. As soon as “More Than Words” was an international hit, the record company released the other acoustic track from the album “Hole Hearted” as the fourth single to cash in on their recent success – and it reached the top 5 in the US.

Being a hard rock band that scored two top 5 acoustic hits was both a blessing and curse for the band, the downside being Bettencourt felt it made the record company want to make them into something they were not:

Everybody got really greedy — the same people who thought an acoustic song would never work in the first place. And then on the next album, they were like, ‘Where’s an acoustic song?’ But we weren’t an acoustic band. I wrote a song on a porch and it became a hit. I wasn’t gonna try to write ‘More Than Words Part Two.’ It just doesn’t work that way.

Extreme is sometimes labelled as a one-hit wonder despite the fact their next single “Hole Hearted” reached #4 in the US and #12 in the UK.

In 2014, Bettencourt shared with the Straits Times how “More Than Words” created two distinct types of fans of the band:

People who just like that song are not Extreme fans, they just like ‘More Than Words’. That’s cool, that’s nice, but the actual truth fans know is we’re more than that song.

Меньше или больше — один из основных критериев, которые мы используем, когда оцениваем качество или важность предметов и явлений.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим, как в английском языке образуются сравнительные степени прилагательного LITTLE, пожалуй, одного из наиболее часто используемых в сравнительной форме прилагательных.

Причина этого заключается в том, что little используется не только в значении «маленький», но и является служебным словом для образования степеней сравнения других прилагательных. Поэтому будет полезно изучить данное прилагательное поподробнее.

Произношение little и least

Прежде чем мы углубимся в изучение лексического и грамматического использования прилагательного little, скажем несколько слов о том, как правильно произносится это слово.

Little имеет транскрипцию:   амер.  |ˈlɪtl | —  брит.  |ˈlɪt(ə)l |

Но транскрипция не отражает всех особенностей произношения слова «little» в британском и в американском английском. Лучше один раз услышать, чем несколько раз почитать транскрипцию.))) Посмотрите и послушайте это видео и вы поймете, что мы имеем в виду:

least |liːst|

Общие правила образования степеней сравнения прилагательных in English

Подробнее об общих правилах образования степеней сравнения мы рассказывали в этой статье: жми на ссылку.


В таблице ниже приведем основные правила образования словоформ сравнительных прилагательных:

степени сравнения прилагательных в английском

Обратите особенное внимание в таблице на последний способ образования сравнительных прилагательных. Далее, читая эту статью, вы поймете, почему эта часть таблицы имеет для нас особенное значение, когда мы говорим о прилагательном little. 

Особенности образования степеней сравнения прилагательного LITTLE (little — less — the least)

Прилагательное «маленький» — little  входит в первые 300 самых часто используемых английских слов. Об этом мы рассказывали в нашей статье «1000 самых популярных английских слов. По порядку». А то, что мы используем часто, нам хочется сделать максимально удобным для нас. Именно благодаря своей популярности, словоформы прилагательного little являются irregular (т.е. изменяются по-особенному, не по правилам).

Таблица. Сравнительные степени и перевод прилагательного LITTLE

мало меньше английский

Эти формы необходимо заучить наизусть.


Примеры использования сравнительных форм прилагательного little:

Как мы сказали выше, little может использоваться и

как самостоятельное прилагательное:

She did little work. — Она мало поработала (дословное: Она сделала маленькую работу.)

She did the least work of any of us. — Он выполнил работы меньше, чем любой из нас.

the less world — микрокосм, устоявшееся выражение (дословно: более мелкий мир)
less age — несовершеннолетние

Хотя, как вы заметили, последние два примера — это идиомы. Почему нам пришлось к ним обратиться? Потому что все-таки less и the least чаще используется либо

как наречие

(т.е. вместе с глаголом), либо

как антоним служебных слов more и the most для образования степеней сравнения других прилагательных и наречий.

Как используются more и the most, мы показали в таблице выше, а также в подробной статье об образовании степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке.

Пример: сравнительные прилагательные со служебными словами more и less:

This car is more expensive than… — Эта машина более дорогая, чем…

This car is less expensive than ... — Эта машина менее дорогая, чем ..

Обратите внимание, что если для сравнения прилагательных мы используем служебные слова «менее, наименьший», то все прилагательные образуют свои сравнительные формы БЕЗ прибавления суффикса -er.

Cheap — cheaperthe cheapest

Cheap — less cheap — the least cheap

То есть для образования всех сравнительных прилагательных со значением «менее» используется конструкция:

less + adjective (less + прилагательное)

the least + adjective (the least + прилагательное)


Your second point is no less important. — Второй отмеченный вами момент не менее важен.

This task is less difficult. — Это задание — менее трудное.

far less перевод

Перевод: Выбирай верхнюю тропу. На ней гораздо меньше народа. (дословно: она гораздо менее переполнена людьми).

That was the least interesting film I have ever seen. — Это был самый неинтересный фильм из всех, что я читал.


He has the least talent of anyone. — Он самый бездарный человек на свете. (дословно: Он имеет самый маленький талант, чем кто-либо иной.)

Little — less — the least с разными частями речи

Слова little — less — the least могут выполнять роль как прилагательного, так и наречия. Внешне они выглядят одинаково. В роли какой части речи они выступают в предложении зависит от того, рядом с какой частью речи они используются.

Основная цель этой статьи — рассказать о прилагательных. Но чтобы у вас не было путаницы, где little — это прилагательное, а где наречие, остановимся на этом поподробнее.

Little — less — least + существительное


Если little является определением существительного, значит оно в данном предложении является прилагательным (adjective). Это относится ко всем степеням сравнения little.

Выше мы уже приводили примеры обычного использования прилагательного little в своем основном значении:

little house, little girl, little story — маленький домик, маленькая девочка, небольшая история

НО! Если little стоит перед неисчисляемым существительным, то little переводится как «мало» (в значении «недостаточно»):

little money — мало денег

little water — мало воды

little hope that... — мало надежды на то, что …

little с неисчисляемыми существительными

Как перевести «мало, достаточно, несколько, довольно много» с исчисляемыми существительными (books, friends, etc), мы рассказывали здесь (жми на ссылку).

The least

Если «the least» стоит перед существительным — с точки зрения грамматики — least — это прилагательное.

Что касается перевода, то такая конструкция переводится как «меньше, чем все остальные«. При этом существительное после «the least» может опускаться, если смысл и так очевиден. Например:

.We had a quiz. Harry got the most points. Tom got the least. (the least points) — У нас была викторина. Гарри получил больше всего очков. Tom — меньше всего (очков).

I can only afford to pay the least of the bills. (the least part)Я могу позволить себе оплатить только меньшую (часть) счетов.

Little — less — the least + глагол

Если less — little — the least стоит перед глаголом, это значит, что оно выполняет функцию и переводится как наречие.

Little = мало

I understood little in his speech. — Я мало что понял в его речи.

He talked little about his family. — Он мало что говорил о своей семье.

При этом прилагательное и наречие little и их сравнительные формы выглядят идентично.

I cannot take less. — Я не могу взять меньше.

We need less talk and more work! — Нам нужно меньше болтать и больше работать!

to have less to eat — хуже питаться

None of them worked much, but Michael worked the least. — Никто из них не работал много, но Майкл работал меньше всех.

Think of the team you’d least expect to get the cup. — Подумайте о команде, от которой вы меньше всего ожидаете, что она получит кубок.

Little — less — the least + прилагательное / наречие

А вот если little и его производные стоят перед качественным прилагательным или наречием, значит, в данном предложении оно выступает как служебное слово для образования сравнительных степеней прилагательного или наречия:

.Little + качественное прилагательное

Что такое качественное прилагательное, мы рассказывали здесь (жми на ссылку).

happy — less happy — the least happy

She looks less happy today. — Сегодня она выглядит менее счастливой.

Little + качественное наречие

Качественные наречия обычно образованы от качественных прилагательных.

She runs quickly. Her little brother Tom runs less quickly. — Она бежит быстро. Ее маленький брат Том бежит медленнее.

The machines that worked (the) least efficiently were replaced. — Машины (оборудование), которые работали с наименьшей эффективностью, были заменены.

Особенности лексического значения прилагательного little

Little и small

Оба слова переводятся на русский как «маленький». Но взаимозаменяемы далеко не всегда.

Здесь же заметим, что прилагательное small, в отличие от little,  образует степени сравнения по правилу:

small — smaller — the smallest

Рассмотрим подробнее, в каких случаях используется прилагательное little, т.е. какое дополнительное семантическое значение (кроме «маленький») несет на себе это слово.

«Маленький» + эмоциональная окраска

Общее значение слова little — для обозначения маленького размера. При этом, в таких предложениях little обычно используется не только для того, чтобы отразить размер, но и чтобы придать эмоциональную окраску:

A funny little man was passing by. — Мимо проходил маленький смешной человечек.

Suddenly I saw a nice little girl. — Неожиданно я увидел милую маленькую девочку.

Can I have a little word with you? — Можно перекинуться с тобой словечком?

It could be a nice little business. — Может получиться выгодное дельце.

The poor little thing had hurt its wing. — Бедняжка повредила крыло.

We’re having a little party this weekend. — В эти выходные у нас будет небольшая вечеринка.

«Маленький, юный»

Кроме того, little используется, чтобы описать возраст: маленький, юный.

When I was a little boy I used to go to my aunty for summer holidays. — Когда я был маленьким мальчиком, на лето я обычно уезжал к тете.

«Незначительный, несерьезный»

We’ve got a little problem. — У нас есть одна небольшая проблема.

She is going to sort out some little things at the weekend. — На выходных она собирается разобраться с разными мелочами.

There is little use of me. — От меня мало пользы.

«Little»-idioms. Идиомы и крылатые выражения со словами little, less, the least


little finger — мизинец  (это слово встречается в переводе песни Ava Max «Maybe You’re The Problem». В этой статье мы не только переводим текст песни, но и даем лексический и грамматический разбор текста. Перейти по ссылке.)

little finger перевод

to have smb. wrapped around one’s little finger — обвести кого-либо вокруг пальца; манипулировать и обманывать кого-либо, подчинить себе. Можно перевести и как «быть под каблуком», так и «обвести вокруг пальца», в зависимости от контекста.

The woman is able to twist her husband around her little finger. She always gets whatever she wants.
Эта женщина может легко обвести своего мужа вокруг пальца. Она всегда получает все, что захочет.

the little hand (of the clock) — часовая стрелка (часов)

the little ones = young childen, дети, детеныши


a little thing — малютка, крошка

.little things — мелочи

   He gets very angry over little things. — Он очень сердится из-за всяких пустяков.

little brother — младший брат

chic little hat — модная шляпка

a little bit — немного

a little while — недолго

 It’ll take a little while. — Это займёт какое-то время

  He arrived a little while ago. — Он прибыл некоторое время назад.

I got very little sleep last night. — Я очень мало спал этой ночью.

There’s little hope of a rescue now. — Теперь надежды на спасение почти нет.

as little as possible — как можно меньше

as little as possible
Перевод: Бери с собой как можно меньше, но выбирай это меньшее тщательно.

to have little value — иметь мало ценности

These trinkets have little or no value. — Эти безделушки мало чего стоят, если стоят вообще хоть что-то.


of less importance — менее важный

Less в математических выражениях:

less than or equal to — меньше или равно, не больше

It has been less than a year ago but it feels like more. Это было меньше года назад, но кажется, что дольше.

Six less two is four. — Шесть минус два равно четырем. 6-2=4

Nine is three less than twelve. — Девять на три меньше двенадцати.

a year less three days — год без трёх дней

The least

It’s the least I can do. — Это самое меньшее, что я могу сделать.

The least I can do перевод

at least — по меньшей мере, как минимум

at the (very) least 

She hasn’t got any children. At least, I don’t think she has. — У нее нет никаких детей. По крайней мере, я не думаю, что они есть.

There were at least twelve people in the line. — В очереди было как минимум 12 человек.

It’ll cost you $2,000 at the very least. — Это будет тебе стоить минимум 2000 долларов.

It will change your life or, at the very least, teach you something new. — Это изменит твою жизнь, как минимум, научит тебя чему-то новому.

least way — кратчайший путь

least estimate — самая скромная оценка

to say the least of it — мягко выражаясь, без преувеличения по меньшей мере

Susan has really weird taste in home decorating, to say the least.

Least said soonest mended. — Чем меньше разговоров, тем лучше для дела. (посл.)

Last but not least — Последнее, но не менее важное. Идиома, которая крайне часто используется в современном английском языке.

   I would like to thank my publisher, my editor, and, last but not least, my husband. — Я бы хотела поблагодарить своего издателя, своего редактора и последним, но не менее важным в списке, моего мужа.


И немного английского юмора. Загадка-шутка, в основе которой лежит игра слов:

Which of the animals is the least trustworthy? — Cheetah

Поняли шутку? Если да, молодцы! Если нет, разберем.

the least trustworthy — наименее заслуживающий доверия

cheetah — гепард

cheater — звучит очень похоже на cheetah, но переводится как обманщик, мошенник

to cheat — обманывать, хитрить, мошенничать, в т.ч. пользоваться шпаргалками на экзамене.

cheater cheetah перевод


Прилагательное little образует степени сравнения не по правилам. Как и ряд других, часто используемых в речи, прилагательных. Приводим их здесь:

Список английских прилагательных, которые образуют степени сравнения не по правилам

Таблица с переводом и особенностями использования таких прилагательных

степени сравнения английских прилагательных исключения


Большая таблица прилагательных английского языка

Для вашего удобства мы подготовили большую таблицу английских прилагательных с переводом и примерами образования сравнительных и превосходных степеней прилагательных.

Для этой таблицы мы отобрали прилагательные из англ.яз., которые входят в первую тысячу самых популярных слов in English, а также такие качественные прилагательные, которые чаще всего используются для сравнения предметов и явлений.

Эту таблицу вы также можете использовать для тренировки правила по образованию сравнительной и превосходной степеней английских прилагательных.

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меньше года на английском языке, 

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Robin Alexander

…I clutched her hand and pulled it to my chest. «Make me a promise, Reagan,» I whispered. «Anything, name it.» «If I ever treat you anything less than precious, promise that you’ll tell me so and remind me of this conversation.» «I promise, and promise me that you’ll do the same.» We linked our fingers as we did sitting in my car, which seemed like a lifetime ago. The feeling of that connection was the last thing I was aware of before we both drifted off to sleep. — Robin Alexander

Feeling Less Than Quotes By James Gould Cozzens

Mr. Lecky never got any farther than the third floor. Not conscious of impossible fatigue, feeling less than his distress of the morning, he was notwithstanding seized by a faintness. This sudden spinning dizzied him. A darkness as impalpable, more discrete, yet blacker than night’s, spun out from dancing points to overlapping disks. They were so wide, so close to his eyes, that he could not strike them off. He had only a second given him to see and apprehend. This same second loosened his grip on consciousness. He seemed to let go, hardly struggling. His muscles let go everywhere, too. He had time to hear, like some remote accident, the bang of the shotgun, gone, the smash of glass in at least one flashlight lens. This was the thin segment of the actual second, and Mr. Lecky knew nothing of himself slumping to lie on the stairs with the things he had dropped. — James Gould Cozzens

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Joanna Walsh

The third person. There was no sign of this happiness on the outside, she knew. She was bored by this happiness that seemed out of place, impatient to get rid of it. The feeling was less pleasurable than she had imagined it might have been, less well-defined, and when she felt along its strings she found it was not easily traced or attached to the objects she thought it might have been attached to. Perhaps it was not attached to anything at all. — Joanna Walsh

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Charles Lamb

Ceremony is an invention to take off the uneasy feeling which we derive from knowing ourselves to be less the object of love and esteem with a fellow-creature than some other person is. It endeavours to make up, by superior attentions in little points, for that invidious preference which it is forced to deny in the greater. — Charles Lamb

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Laura Vanderkam

What the most successful people know about weekends is that life cannot happen only in the future. It cannot wait for some day when we are less tired or less busy. If you work long hours, then weekends are key to feeling like you have a life that is broader than your professional identity — even if, and probably because, you take that identity very seriously. — Laura Vanderkam

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Alan Cohen

It takes a lot less work to feel good than it does to feel bad. — Alan Cohen

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

Flirtation doesn’t have to go somewhere; it certainly doesn’t need to end up in bed. I like to think of it as a little friendlier than a handshake, a little less intimate than a kiss. It’s a way of saying hi, you look great, have a wonderful day. A tasteful flirtation, played out people who understand the rules, leave everyone feeling good and can perk up the bluest mood. — Karen Marie Moning

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Anonymous

Social pain does not trigger endorphin the way physical pain does, except for a brief laugh or cry. A broken heart doesn’t trigger endorphin the way a broken bone does. In the past, daily life held so much physical pain that social pain was secondary.Today, we spend less time suffering the pain of physical labor, predator attack, or deteriorating disease. Our attention is free to focus on the pain of disappointed social expectations. This leaves us feeling that life is more painful even though it’s less painful than in the past. 33 — Anonymous

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Alberto Manguel

I don’t remember ever feeling lonely; in fact, on the rare occasions when I met other children I found their games and their talk far less interesting than the adventures and dialogues I read in my books. — Alberto Manguel

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Moby

At 3 o’clock in the morning on tour when you’re sober is a lot less fun than 3 a.m. when you’re drunk in a bar or in a nightclub. But having said that, 9 in the morning on tour sober is immeasurably better than 9 a.m. on tour when you’re hung over and feeling like death. — Moby

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Charlie Munger

The Berkshire-style investors tend to be less diversified than other people. The academics have done a terrible disservice to intelligent investors by glorifying the idea of diversification. Because I just think the whole concept is literally almost insane. It emphasizes feeling good about not having your investment results depart very much from average investment results. But why would you get on the bandwagon like that if somebody didn’t make you with a whip and a gun? — Charlie Munger

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Marcel Proust

Lies, so often misleading and which form the substance of all conversations, are less effective in covering up a feeling of dislike or of self-interest, or a visit one would rather people did not know about, or a one-day fling one wants to conceal from one’s wife — than a good reputation is in utterly overshadowing disreputable habits. — Marcel Proust

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Rebecca Hamilton

Something I’ve learned over time, and trying to remind myself this week as I am back in New York and feeling pretty anxious, is that things always seem less dire when you’re in the country than when you’re outside. I don’t exactly know why it is, except that people just have to get on with their life, so they do. And you don’t have time to do anything other than keep going. — Rebecca Hamilton

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Jennifer Megan Varnadore

I have seen conversations that I had three years ago, when I was young, in love, and naive. I’ve grown a lot since those days. I now know that love isn’t just that abstract feeling, because there are so many other sides to it. Sometimes you learn that to truly love someone you have to just support them as a person, and step out of their view finder. Be their friend and nothing else. Sometimes you learn to walk away and find what you need. You learn you knew nothing and that’s when you grow up and change your ways. There may be no fairy take endings, but that is okay, because love is much more real than that. So much less superficial. — Jennifer Megan Varnadore

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Cassandra Clare

You said not to do anything that might accidentally contribute to the apocalypse,» Magnus said. «I know you were joking. But it’s less funny when I can’t rid myself of the feeling that the apocalypse is coming, somehow. Valentine Morgenstern nearly wiped out the Shadowhunters, and his son is twice as clever and six times as evil. And he will not come alone. He has help, from demons greater than my father, from others — — Cassandra Clare

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Michael Paterniti

Frankly, out in America, you get the feeling that America is dying. And along its highways and byways, the country seems less ready to leap into the future than it is already clinging to a sepia-toned past when America stood as the unencumbered Big Boy in a Manichean world of good and evil, capitalists and Commies. Even the neon oasis-pods of the interstate — the perpetual clusters of Wendy’s, McDonald’s, Denny’s, and Burger King — are crowded with people strangely reclaiming bygone days, connecting themselves to some prior eating experience, reveling in the familiar. We gas — Michael Paterniti

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Elaina Marie

What if, when we are feeling less than happy, we were prescribed two genuinely inspiring experiences each day? — Elaina Marie

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Joel Osteen

But when you say, «I am beautiful,» not only does beauty, youth, and freshness start coming your way, but on the inside your spirit also comes alive. Your self-image begins to improve, and you’ll start carrying yourself like you’re someone special. You won’t drag through the day feeling less than or inferior. You’ll have that spring in your step, that «You go, girl!» attitude. Beauty is not in how thin or tall you are, how perfect you look. Beauty is in being who God made you to be with confidence. If you’re a size 4, great. If you’re a size 24, great. Take what you have and make the most of it. — Joel Osteen

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Richard Hooker

Of Law there can be no less acknowledged, than that her seat is the bosom of God, her voice the harmony of the world: all things in heaven and earth do her homage, the very least as feeling her care, and the greatest as not exempted from her power. — Richard Hooker

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Skye Alexander

Go for a walk outdoors. Reconnect with the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair. Listen to the birds that live in a tree in your yard. Watch the sunset. Take time to smell the flowers that bloom in the park during the summer. The natural world is just as natural as it ever was, except there’s less of it than there was twenty-five years ago — and most of us don’t make a point of enjoying it often enough. — Skye Alexander

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Richard Matheson

In less than an hour I have to hold class for a group of idiot freshmen. And, on a desk in the living room, is a mountain of midterm examinations with essays I must suffer through, feeling my stomach turn at their paucity of intelligence, their adolescent phraseology. And all that tripe, all those miles of hideous prose, had been would into an eternal skein in his head. And there it sat unraveling into his own writing until he wondered if he could stand the thought of living anymore. I have digested the worst, he thought. Is it any wonder that I exude it piecemeal? («Mad House») — Richard Matheson

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Marianne Moore

Wolf’s wool is the best wool, but it cannot be sheared, because the wolf will not comply. With knowledge as with wolves’ surliness, the student studies voluntarily, refusing to be less than individual. He «gives his opinion and then rests upon it»; he renders service when there is no reward, and is too reclusive for some things to seem to touch him; not because he has no feeling but because he has so much. — Marianne Moore

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Haven Kimmel

The pigs were pushing their noses through the slats in the truck bed, which made Langston so unaccountably sad she thought she would have to sit down on the sidewalk. How is it possible, she thought, that a person can drive a thinking, feeling, animal to slaughter and not become less than an animal himself? And what were the pigs searching for, after all, but air and freedom? — Haven Kimmel

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Seth King

Whoever’s reading this out there — you deserve to have someone’s hands be glued to you, for their eyes to be stuck on you. You deserve for their face to catch on fire when they look at you, for them to lay eyes on you and devote the rest of their day to you. Don’t ever let yourself settle for anything less than magic from Dumbledore’s freakin’ wand. That feeling — you know, that crazy, irrational, my-brain-won’t-work-without-you, I’d-make-you-eggs-every-morning-for-the-rest-of-my-life — that feeling is the most important thing you will ever find. No matter what happens in this life, that feeling — that love — will keep you warm, and carry you through. So find that magic feeling and never let anythng take it away from you. — Seth King

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Jonathan Gottschall

Commentators frequently blame MMORPGs for an increasing sense of isolation in modern life. But virtual worlds are less a cause of that isolation than a response to it. Virtual worlds give back what has been scooped out of modern life. The virtual world is in important ways more authentically human than the real world. It gives us back community, a feeling of competence, and a sense of being an important person whom people depend on. — Jonathan Gottschall

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Randall Jarrell

You give me the feeling that the universe Was made by something more than human For something less than human. But I identify myself, as always, With something that there’s something wrong with, With something human. — Randall Jarrell

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Richelle Mead

I figured I could read more than five pages tonight since I’d been deprived for the last couple of days. When I finished the fifteenth, I discovered I was three pages from the next chapter. Might as well end with a clean break. After I was done, I sighed and leaned back, feeling decadent and spent. Pure bliss. Books were a lot less messy than orgasms. — Richelle Mead

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Charles Dickens

But struggling with these better feelings was pride,
the vice of the lowest and most debased creatures no less than of the high and self-assured. The miserable companion of thieves and ruffians, the fallen outcast of low haunts, the associate of the scourings of the jails and hulks, living within the shadow of the gallows itself,
even this degraded being felt too proud to betray a feeble gleam of the womanly feeling which she thought a weakness, but which alone conneced her with that humanity, of which her wasting life had obliterated so many, many traces when a very child. — Charles Dickens

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Adolf Hitler

The people in their overwhelming majority are so feminine by nature and attitude that sober reasoning determines their thoughts and actions far less than emotion and feeling.

And this sentiment is not complicated, but very simple and all of a piece. It does not have multiple shadings; it has a positive and a negative; love or hate, right or wrong, truth or lie, never half this way and half that way, never partially, or that kind of thing. — Adolf Hitler

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Julia Quinn

How do you feel?» she asked, trying to fluff his pillow. «Other than terrible, I mean.»
He moved his head slightly to the side. It seemed to be a sickly interpretation of a shrug.
«Of course you’re feeling terrible,» she clarified, «but is there any change? More terrible? Less terrible?»
He made no response.
«The same amount of terrible? — Julia Quinn

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Isabel Allende

I felt the strength of his desire, his hands at my waist, at the back of my neck, in my hair, his lips on my face and neck; I caught his young man’s scent, heard his voice murmuring my name, and I felt blessed. How could I in less than a minute go from the sadness of having been abandoned to the joy of feeling loved? — Isabel Allende

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Craig Groeschel

Rather than experiencing the richness of a dynamic, intimate relationship with the righteous One, you put God in a little box that you can check off your to-do list each week. By settling for rules and religion and feeling pretty good about how much you’re doing for the church and those less fortunate, you become blinded to legalism and self-righteousness. — Craig Groeschel

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Nikki Sixx

Overconfidence comes from fear and doubt, and you boast an ego when you’re feeling less than. — Nikki Sixx

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Esther Hicks

The certain pathway to all things that you want is through the corridor of joy. Most of you say, ‘When I get that I will be joyful.’ And we say, until you are joyful, you will not get that. You must start with the decision-with the determination-with the insistence that, ‘I will not settle for less than feeling good.’ — Esther Hicks

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Pascal Bruckner

Our societies put into the category of the pathological what other cultures consider normal — the preponderance of pain — and put into the category of the normal and even the necessary what others see as exceptional — the feeling of happiness. The question is not whether we are more or less happy than our ancestors: our conception of happiness has changed, and to change utopias is to change constraints. But we are probably living in the world’s first societies that make people unhappy not to be happy. — Pascal Bruckner

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Syd Barrett

Well, I’m a painter, I was trained as a painter … I seem to have spent a little less time painting than I might’ve done … But it didn’t transcend the feeling of playing at UFO and those sort of places with the lights and that, the fact that the group was getting bigger and bigger. — Syd Barrett

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Jeff Hawkins

To take an example closer to home, consider the fact that every few years your body replaces most of the atoms that comprise you. In spite of this, you remain yourself in all the ways that matter to you. One atom is as good as any other if it’s playing the same functional role in your molecular makeup. The same story should hold for the brain: if a mad scientist were to replace each of your neurons with a functionally equivalent micromachine replica, you should come out of the procedure feeling no less your own true self than you had at the outset. By this principle, an artificial system that used the same functional architecture as an intelligent, living brain should be likewise intelligent — and not just contrivedly so, but actually, truly intelligent. — Jeff Hawkins

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Jojo Moyes

Margaret laughed. «Sure thing. Sorry, Ave. I’ll go and get the tea.» Ave. If Avice had been feeling less awful, she would have corrected her: there was nothing worse than an abbreviated name. — Jojo Moyes

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Diana Athill

Dwindling energy is one of the most boring things about being old. From time to time you get a day when it seems to be restored, and you can’t help feeling that you are ‘back to normal’, but it never lasts. You just have to resign yourself to doing less
or rather, taking more breaks than you used to in whatever you are doing. In my case I fear that what I most often do less of is my duty towards my companion rather than indulgence of my private inclinations. — Diana Athill

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Paulo Coelho

The real Tradition is this: the teacher never tells the disciple what he or she should do. They are merely travelling companions, sharing the same uncomfortable
feeling of ‘estrangement’ when confronted by ever-changing perceptions, broadening horizons, closing doors, rivers that sometimes seem to block their path and which, in fact, should never be crossed, but followed.
There is only one difference between teacher and disciple: the former is slightly less afraid than the latter. Then, when they sit down at a table or in front of a fire to talk, the more experienced person might say: ‘Why don’t you do that?’ But he or she never says: ‘Go there and you’ll arrive where I did’, because every path and every destination are unique to the individual. The true teacher gives the disciple the courage to throw his or her world off balance, even though the disciple is afraid of things already encountered and more afraid still of what might be around the next corner. — Paulo Coelho

Feeling Less Than Quotes By John Updike

Martyrs of a sort they were, these children, along with the town drunk, in his basketball sneakers and buttonless overcoat, draining blackberry brandy from a paper bag as he sat on his bench in Kazmierczak Square, risking nightly death by exposure; martyrs too of a sort were the men and women hastening to adulterous trysts, risking disgrace and divorce for their fix of motel love — all sacrificing the outer world to the inner, proclaiming with this priority that everything solid-seeming and substantial is in fact a dream, of less account than a merciful rush of feeling. — John Updike

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Carlos Andres Gomez

I am tired of men dying because they feel alone, feeling like they are destined for prison or monotony or gender role-playing or anything less than their most divine of dreams. — Carlos Andres Gomez

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Pipilotti Rist

Women are less interested in watching two people having sex than in understanding how and what these people are feeling when they are having sex. If you kiss someone, you want to know what the other person is feeling. So I want to find pictures that express what the other feels. — Pipilotti Rist

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Seanan McGuire

Sometimes romance is of less importance than the feeling of being absolutely safe: of knowing that nothing and no one can hurt you, because the person who loves you most in all the world will destroy them if they try. — Seanan McGuire

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Gena Showalter

Was so much more than she’d ever expected for herself, but she was finding that nothing less would satisfy her. For the rest of her life, every man she came into contact with would be judged against Tristan. No one could meet his standard. I made love to this man, she thought, awed, drawing in his scent that still clung to her skin. Several times. Peace fluttered inside her, a feeling she’d thought she possessed before — a sort of satisfaction with her life, an acceptance. She’d deceived herself, convinced herself that her life was fine the way it was. Now she knew the truth. True satisfaction was only found in Tristan’s arms. With him, she felt alive, whole. Desired. — Gena Showalter

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Harriet Martineau

[On being deaf:] How much less pain there is in calmly estimating the enjoyments from which we must separate ourselves, of bravely saying, for once and for ever, ‘Let them go,’ than in feeling them waste and dwindle, till their very shadows escape from our grasp! — Harriet Martineau

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Frances Ridley Havergal

They would make the ‘Church ‘ their great meeting-point, rather than the Atonement of Christ. As far as my experience goes, they have more devoutness and less devotion, more fear and less love, more feeling of duty than of desire, laying more stress on Phil. ii. 12 than ver. 13, and in practice working upon the intellect and imagination rather than aiming at the heart, skirmishing among the outworks rather than assaulting the citadel. — Frances Ridley Havergal

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Nichole Nordeman

We [people] spend so much time feeling so small and less than and insignificant and diminished because we see ourselves through our own lens. — Nichole Nordeman

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Sasha Issenberg

Maybe what stopped people from voting wasn’t a lack of information about the candidates or a feeling that the outcomes of races didn’t matter or a sense that a trip to the polls was inconvenient. What if voting wasn’t only a political act, but a social one that took place in a liminal space between the public and private that had never been well-defined to citizens? What if toying with those expectations was key to turning a person into a voter? What if elections were simply less about shaping people’s opinions than changing their behaviors? — Sasha Issenberg

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Barry Lyga

Unreal. I’m feeling nostalgic for something that happened less than twenty-four hours ago. This has got to be a record. — Barry Lyga

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Matt De La Pena

The whole guilt thing of not feeling Mexican enough was a big deal, too. On the one hand, you have your grandmother who is anointing you as a chosen one because you are light, but then you feel like you’re less because you are lighter than your cousins, who are more down on the streets. You know? So that confusion was all I wrote about. — Matt De La Pena

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

It requires nothing less than a chivalric feeling to sustain a conversation with a lady. — Henry David Thoreau

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Isabel Coixet

Women have to ask for higher paychecks. And not equal, I don’t want equal — why do I have to have the same paycheck as a guy who has much less experience than me? I want more. And we have to stop feeling ashamed for asking for more, and we have to begin to feel a little more entitled to things, to normal things. — Isabel Coixet

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Daniel Kahneman

SPEAKING OF PRIMING «The sight of all these people in uniforms does not prime creativity.» «The world makes much less sense than you think. The coherence comes mostly from the way your mind works.» «They were primed to find flaws, and this is exactly what they found.» «His System 1 constructed a story, and his System 2 believed it. It happens to all of us.» «I made myself smile and I’m actually feeling better! — Daniel Kahneman

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Augusten Burroughs

A lack of «self-esteem» really suggests a feeling of shame over being one’s self. Shame is the landfill emotion. It’s not organic, like joy. It was dumped there by somebody else. A manipulation. Shame is very heavy, dense disappointment; somebody else’s, in you. Inside of disappointment is a deeper judgment: Less than. Inferior. Defective. — Augusten Burroughs

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Kare Anderson

It is easier to act your way into a better feeling than to feel your way into a better way of acting. When certain feelings hinder you, look for other feelings to feel. Supplant your fear with a greater motivation. The more frequently we feel and do not act, the less often we will feel. Act genially in the face of rancor; you may be the only angel in that person’s life. What you practice projecting you are projecting and you become. — Kare Anderson

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Colm Toibin

Imaginings and resonances and pain and small longings and prejudices. They mean nothing against the resolute hardness of the sea. They meant less than the marl and the mud and the dry clay of the cliff that were eaten away by the weather, washed away by the sea. It was not just that they would fade: they hardly existed, they did not matter, they would have no impact on this cold dawn, this deserted remote seascape where the water shone in the early light and shocked her with its sullen beauty. It might have been better, she felt, if there had never been people, if this turning of the world, and the glistening sea, and the morning breeze happened without witnesses, without anyone feeling, or remembering, or dying, or trying to love. She stood at the edge of the cliff until the sun came out from behind the black rainclouds, — Colm Toibin

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Claudia Gray

Here’s what’s going to happen. I’ll go do my postdoc work somewhere else, at a university far away from California, far away from all of you. You and me and Paul, we’ll still Skype and text, just a little less often than we used to. I’ll spend some time feeling sorry for myself and listening to emo music, then I’ll spend some time partying too hard and probably sleeping with a few of the wrong people, and finally someday I’m gonna meet a woman who actually makes me glad I didn’t get you. Because she’ll be to me what Paul is to you, right? She’ll be the one. — Claudia Gray

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Kim Carmichael

You never settle for anything less than a man who will fight for you. The man who gives you that feeling from your scalp to your toes. The one who will always be by your side and it may be the new man or an old man, but it doesn’t matter. — Kim Carmichael

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Matt Groening

Fans think they want to see more than the 10 to 20 seconds of Itchy and Scratchy that we put on the show, but my feeling is less is more. Once you’ve skinned and flayed a cat, ripped his head off, made him drink acid and tied his tongue to the moon, there really isn’t that much to say. — Matt Groening

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Matthew D. Lieberman

Although I was deliberately dismissive of this idea at the beginning of the chapter, the real answer is, «Well, yes, sort of.» Nathan DeWall, together with Naomi Eisenberger and other social rejection researchers, conducted a series of studies to test out the idea that over-the-counter painkillers would reduce social pain, not just physical pain. In the first study, they looked at two groups of people. Half of them took 1,000 milligrams a day of acetaminophen (that is, Tylenol), and half of them took equivalently sized placebo pills with no active substances in them. Both groups took their pills every day for three weeks. Each night, the participants answered questions by e-mail regarding the amount of social pain they had felt that day. By the ninth day of the study, the Tylenol group was reporting feeling less social pain than the placebo group. — Matthew D. Lieberman

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Susan Jeffers

People who refuse to take risks live with a feeling of dread that is far more severe than what they would feel if they took the risks necessary to make them less helpless — only they don’t know it! — Susan Jeffers

Feeling Less Than Quotes By George Eliot

It is not ignoble to feel that the fuller life which a sad experience
has brought us is worth our personal share of pain. The growth of higher feeling
within us is like the growth of faculty, bringing with it a sense of added strength.
We can no more wish to return to a narrower sympathy than painters or musicians
can wish to return to their cruder manner, or philosophers to their less complete formulas. — George Eliot

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Warren Farrell

At this moment in history, millions of ‘working dads’ are desiring to do what they do not feel they have the right to do: be more devoted as a dad, less devoted as a worker. This feeling is far more ubiquitous among men executives than women executives in many areas of the world because, for instance, Asia-Pacific women executives today are more than six times as likely to not have children than men executives are. The Asia-Pacific executive man is about six times as likely to be a working dad as an executive woman is to be a working mom. — Warren Farrell

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Steven Kotler

If we are hunting the highest version of ourselves, then we need to turn work into play and not the other way round. Unless we invert this equation, much of our capacity for intrinsic motivation starts to shut down. We lose touch with our passion and become less than what we could be and that feeling never really goes away. — Steven Kotler

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Amanda Palmer

The perception that vulnerability is weakness is the most widely accepted myth about vulnerability and the most dangerous. When we spend our lives pushing away and protecting ourselves from feeling vulnerable or from being perceived as too emotional, we feel contempt when others are less capable or willing to mask feelings, suck it up, and soldier on. We’ve come to the point where, rather than respecting and appreciating the courage and daring behind vulnerability, we let our fear and discomfort become judgment and criticism. — Amanda Palmer

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

There is today perhaps no more firmly credited prejudice than this: that one knows what really constitutes the moral. Today it seems to do everyone good when they hear that society is on the way to adapting the individual to general requirements, and that the happiness and at the same time the sacrifice of the individual lies in feeling himself to be a useful member and instrument of the whole: (…) What is wanted — whether this is admitted or not — is nothing less than a fundamental remoulding, indeed weakening and abolition of the individual — Friedrich Nietzsche

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Lauryn Hill

My mother gave me a piece of bread, which was love and encouragement. The correction was the meat, the substance. And then she would sandwich that with another piece of bread, which was love and encouragement. That was very important in shaping and molding our morality, our understanding of ourselves, making sure that we didn’t think we were better than or less than anyone, feeling no more worthy or no less worthy than anyone else. — Lauryn Hill

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Daniel L. Pals

They are moved less by the direct presence of their gods than by the more indirect feeling that they would somehow like their gods to be present. — Daniel L. Pals

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Eric Hoffer

The frustrated follow a leader less because of their faith that he is leading them to a promised land than because of their immediate feeling that he is leading them away from their unwanted selves. Surrender to a leader is not a means to an end but a fulfillment. Whither they are led is of secondary importance. — Eric Hoffer

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Sara Sheridan

As a reader you recognise that feeling when you’re lost in a book? You know the one — when whatever’s going on around you seems less real than what you’re reading and all you want to do is keep going deeper into the story whether it’s about being halfway up a mountain in Brazil in 1823 of in love with a man you aren’t sure you can trust or fighting a war in the last human outpost, somewhere beyond the moon. Well, if you’re writing that book it’s real for you too. — Sara Sheridan

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

If we are made in some degree for others, yet in a greater are we made for ourselves. It were contrary to feeling and indeed ridiculous to suppose that a man had less rights in himself than one of his neighbors, or indeed all of them put together. This would be slavery, and not that liberty which the bill of rights has made inviolable, and for the preservation of which our government has been charged. — Thomas Jefferson

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Donna Tartt

Though Julian could be marvelously kind in difficult circumstances of all sorts, I sometimes got the feeling that he was less pleased by kindness itself than by the elegance of the gesture. — Donna Tartt

Feeling Less Than Quotes By William Styron

Counted my money and reckoned my total worth at something less than fifty dollars. Although, as I said, I was without real fear in my plight, I could not help feeling a trifle insecure, especially — William Styron

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

There’s not much to any of us once you take out all the water. How much is left in a person, do you think?» She waited for an answer. «Probably less than a two-liter,» Lincoln said, still feeling like it would be rude to act as if this was anything other than normal conversation. — Rainbow Rowell

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Ursula K. Le Guin

Verbal imagery (such as a simile or a description of a place or an event) is more physical, more bodily, than thinking or feeling, but less physical, more internal, than the actual sounds of the words. Imagery takes place in «the imagination,» which I take to be the meeting place of the thinking mind with the sensing body. What is imagined isn’t physically real, but it feels as if it were: the reader sees or hears or feels what goes on in the story, is drawn into it, exists in it, among its images, in the imagination (the reader’s? the writer’s?) while reading. — Ursula K. Le Guin

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Darin Strauss

The part of the brain that isn’t automatic is an imagining machine, feeling all possibilities of feelings: it keeps pushing its way into this marshy, pleasant terrain. You struggle against that push, and start to feel your stomach protest. It’s not so much even a type of seriousness as it is a circumstance, into which you pass by slow degrees. I’ve never seen this sufficiently examined. It mutates into a less-unreal reality that still seems different, somehow, than being fully present. Self hate is rarely unconditional. — Darin Strauss

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Albert Camus

When I was young I asked more of people than they could give: everlasting friendship, endless feeling.
Now I know to ask less of them than they can give: a straightforward companionship. And their feelings, their friendship, their generous actions seem in my eyes to be wholly miraculous: a consequence of grace alone. — Albert Camus

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Think about your particular assignment at this time in your life. It may be to get an education, it may be to rear children, it may be to be a grandparent, it may be to care for an relieve the suffering of someone you love, it may be to do a job in the most excellent way possible, it may be to support someone who has a difficult assignment of their own. Our assignments are varied and they change from time to time. Don’t take them lightly. Give them your full heart and energy. Do them with enthusiasm. Do whatever you have to do this week with your whole heart and soul. To do less than this will leave you with an empty feeling. — Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Richard Wagamese

There is such a powerful eloquence in silence. True genius is knowing when to say nothing, to allow the experience, the moment itself, to carry the message, to say what needs to be said. Words are less important, less effective than feeling. When you can sit in perfect silence with someone, you truly know how to communicate. — Richard Wagamese

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Meg Jay

In a longitudinal study of college students, freshmen were evaluated for fixed mindsets or growth mindsets and then followed across their four years of enrollment. When the students with fixed mindsets encountered academic challenges such as daunting projects or low grades, they gave up, while the students with growth mindsets responded by working harder or trying new strategies. Rather than strengthening their skills and toughening their resolve, four years of college left the students with fixed mindsets feeling less confident. The feelings they most associated with school were distress, shame, and upset. Those with growth mindsets performed better in school overall and, at graduation time, they reported feeling confident, determined, enthusiastic, inspired, and strong. — Meg Jay

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Alan Lightman

For me, spirituality includes the belief in things larger than ourselves, an appreciation of nature and beauty, a sensitivity to the world, a feeling of shared connection with other living things, a desire to help people less fortunate than ourselves. All of these things can occur with or without God. I do not believe in the existence of God, but I consider myself a spiritual person in the manner I have just described. I call myself a spiritual atheist. I would imagine that many people are spiritual atheists. — Alan Lightman

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Liv Ullmann

I just think that sometimes it is less hard to wake up feeling lonely when you are alone than to wake up feeling lonely when you are with someone else. Some people would be better off alone, but they feel they’ve got to get hold of someone to prove they’re worthwhile. — Liv Ullmann

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Sharon Gannon

Through the practice of yoga, you come to feel confident and develop a feeling of wholeness and completeness; you are not likely to feel deprived or ‘less than.’ People steal because they feel deprived. They try to make up for their deficits by depriving others. — Sharon Gannon

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Charlaine Harris

I’d often thought being a Christian meant by definition being a bad one, since nothing is more difficult than Christianity, so I was more or less used to that feeling. — Charlaine Harris

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

The feeling is less like an ending than just another starting point. — Chuck Palahniuk

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Allie Larkin

It’s hard to look at it like that, isn’t it? Because if you can be a better parent than the ones you had, you have to face the fact that your parents had that choice too. If you’re not fated to be an awful parent, they weren’t either. And,» I said feeling my throat tighten, «it’s easier to believe that we’re all just [f*’d] than it is to know there are choices.» I rubbed my hands together to try to get my fingers to warm up. «It hurts less to think they couldn’t have done any better than they did, doesn’t it? — Allie Larkin

Feeling Less Than Quotes By George Orwell

Goldstein was delivering his usual venomous attack upon the doctrines of the Party — an attack so exaggerated and perverse that a child should have been able to see through it, and yet just plausible enough to fill one with an alarmed feeling that other people, less level-headed than oneself, might be taken in by it. — George Orwell

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Sarah Rees Brennan

My aunt made me an offer I had to refuse,» said Jared. He looked forbidding.
Kami knew that expression, and remembered the feeling that used to go with it: he was unhappy. «So you ran away from home,» she said. «To become a tavern wench.»
«I’m not a tavern wench,» said Jared. «That’s not a job.» His voice was slightly less stern than before, as if he was taken aback.
«It sounds like you’re a tavern wench,» Kami told him. «Fleeing persecution, you have to take up a menial occupation to keep your body and soul together. But at least its honest work, though as you labor, many predatory customers make advances and offer indignities.»
«One can only hope,» Jared responded. — Sarah Rees Brennan

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Marcel Proust

I had reached the point, at Balbec, of regarding the pleasure of playing with a troop of girls as less destructive of the spiritual life, to which at least it remains alien, than friendship, the whole effort of which is directed towards making us sacrifice the only part of ourselves that is real and incommunicable (otherwise than by means of art) to a superficial self which, unlike the other, finds no joy in its own being, but rather a vague, sentimental glow at feeling itself supported by external props, hospitalised in an extraneous individuality, where, happy in the protection that is afforded it there, it expresses its well-being in warm approval and marvels at qualities which it would denounce as failings and seek to correct in itself. — Marcel Proust

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Kami Garcia

But when you’re in love, you’re not in control of what you think or say or do. And there is nothing I love more than control, and nothing I love less than not having it. So you tell me — what is a person like me supposed to do with a feeling like that? — Kami Garcia

Feeling Less Than Quotes By George Orwell

Whitman himself «accepted» a great deal that his contemporaries found unmentionable. For he is not only writing of the prairie, he also wanders through the city and notes the shattered skull of the suicide, the «grey sick faces of onanists,» etc., etc. But unquestionably our own age, at any rate in Western Europe, is less healthy and less hopeful than the age in which Whitman was writing. Unlike Whitman, we live in a shrinking world. The «democratic vistas» have ended in barbed wire. There is less feeling of creation and growth, less and less emphasis on the cradle, endlessly rocking, more and more emphasis on the teapot, endlessly stewing. To accept civilisation as it is practically means accepting decay. It has ceased to be a strenuous attitude and become a passive attitude — even «decadent,» if that word means anything. — George Orwell

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Tessa Kiros

Have I added to their building blocks, shoring them up with strength and their own magnificence? Have I shown them enough color? Did I let them have enough ice cream and leave them alone enough without my anxieties? How can we know which is the right way? We have to go with our inner instincts and the feeling in our bones. But I can contribute to their growing cells, show them some foods that are better than others, walk with them, and encourage their own tastes. I can teach them to love and appreciate food, help them treat their bodies like gold, listen to them wanting more or less. The rest I have to trust. — Tessa Kiros

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Max Tegmark

All of the patterns we’ve discussed of course exist in four dimensions rather than three, and the metaphors about braids, cables and trees, shouldn’t be taken too literally. The key point is simply that you can be an unchanging pattern in spacetime-the specific details of this pattern are less important for the points we’re making. This pattern is part of the mathematical structure that is our Universe, and the relations between different parts of the pattern are encoded in mathematical equations. As we saw in Chapter 8, Everett’s quantum mechanics endows you with an even more interesting-but no less mathematical-structure, since a single you (the tree trunk) can split into many branches, each feeling that they’re the one and only you
we’ll return to this later. — Max Tegmark

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Moby

A few years ago, before I stopped drinking, I was feeling very sorry for myself and very drunk, and I Googled ‘Moby Sucks’. In less than one second something like 20 million responses came up … yeah, there has been a lot of loathing directed towards me, and it used to drive me crazy. — Moby

Feeling Less Than Quotes By George Eliot

The growth of higher feeling within us is like the growth of faculty, bringing with it a sense of added strength. We can no more wish to return to a narrower sympathy than a painter or a musician can wish to return to his cruder manner, or a philosopher to his less complete formula. — George Eliot

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Ben Lerner

That part of what I loved about poetry was how the distinction between fiction and nonfiction didn’t obtain, how the correspondence between text and world was less important than the intensities of the poem itself, what possibilities of feeling were opened up in the present tense of reading. — Ben Lerner

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Jackson Pearce

I think we’re always looking for new pieces,» Viola says quietly.
She continues, «I was looking for Lawrence, then for something to replace Lawrence, then for Aaron … maybe that’s the real truth about being broken. We’re always whole, we’re just looking to add on to ourselves, to be more whole. And then when a piece leaves, it’s broken away. But we aren’t left any less whole than we were to begin with … «
«But feeling broken — » I begin, the words tight in my throat. I’m grateful that Viola cuts me off.
«Is horrible. Painful,» she finishes. «But then, when you aren’t expecting it, new pieces appear and suddenly … they’re attached.» Her eyes rise to meet mine. «And you end up more whole than you were before. — Jackson Pearce

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Haven Kimmel

How is it possible, she thought, that a person can drive a thinking, feeling, animal to slaughter and not become less than an animal himself? — Haven Kimmel

Feeling Less Than Quotes By Gregory David Roberts

There’s a dark feeling — less than hatred, but more than loathing — that ugly men feel for handsome men. It’s unreasonable and unjustified, of course, but it’s always there, hiding in the long shadow thrown by envy. It creeps out, into the light of your eyes, when you’re falling in love with a beautiful woman. — Gregory David Roberts

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