Fear of loss word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

страх потери

страха потери

страхом потери

страх потерять

страх утраты

боязнь потерять

страх перед потерей

страхе потери

боязнь потери

страх проигрыша

страхе утраты

опасения потерять

боязнь утраты

боязни потерять

страх поражения

The ego controls you through fear of loss of identity.

Эго контролирует вас через страх потери идентичности.

In addition, one of the psychological triggers that people have is a fear of loss.

Кроме того, одним из психологических триггеров, которые люди имеют, является страх потери.

Has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support or approval.

Испытывает трудности с выражением несогласия с другими из-за страха потери материальной поддержки или одобрения.

You can frame almost any offer in terms of the fear of loss and making it risky.

Вы можете сформулировать практически любое предложение с точки зрения страха потери и риска.

The initially quite courageous man often reacts to this with a jealous fear of loss, which he reluctantly admits.

Первоначально довольно смелый мужчина зачастую реагирует на это ревностью, продиктованной страхом потери, в чём он неохотно признаётся.

The biggest fear of loss often stimulates negative emotions like anger that stop you from being the person you can be.

Самый большой страх потери часто стимулирует негативные эмоции, такие как гнев, что остановить вас от того человека, которого вы можете быть.

But our fear of loss is quite strong.

The fear of loss is too high.

But healthy love doesn’t involve fear of loss.

The root cause of jealousy is fear of loss.

Основной причиной ревности является страх потери.

Needless to say, the fear of loss is a great motivator.

Но не следует забывать о том, что страх потери — мотиватор гораздо более сильный.

A more serious issue has been the fear of loss of national identity.

Другим его импульсом был страх потери национальной идентичности.

Guilt, depression, fear of loss — all of those things are stressful.

Чувство вины, депрессия, страх потери — все эти вещи вызывают стресс.

Your fear of loss, of money, property, loved ones, etc., makes you very insecure.

Ваш страх потери денег, имущества, любви делают вас очень уязвимым.

Jealousy is rooted in other emotions, such as insecurity or fear of loss.

Ревность основывается на других эмоциях, таких как неуверенность и страх потери.

He or she is most of the times dissatisfied and lives with ongoing anxiety generated by the fear of loss.

Он или она в большинстве случаев недовольны и живут с нарастающим чувством тревоги, порождаемым страхом потери.

The fear of loss of life and liberty is what keeps people compliant to the state.

Страх потери жизни и свободы обеспечивает податливость народа государству.

When they feel that separation, inevitably along with that feeling comes the fear of loss.

И поэтому, когда они чувствуют эту отделенность, то наряду с этим чувством неминуемо приходит и страх потери.

Otherwise the fear of loss is too great.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 215. Точных совпадений: 215. Затраченное время: 104 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Перевод по словам

fear [noun]

noun: страх, боязнь, опасение, вероятность, возможность

verb: бояться, опасаться, страшиться, ожидать

  • conditioned fear — условно-рефлекторная реакция страха
  • fear of flying — страх полета
  • fear of falling — страх падения
  • secret fear — секрет страха
  • fear becoming — боятся стать
  • total fear — тотальный страх
  • fear response — реакция страха
  • to overcome fear — преодолеть страх
  • fear of poverty — бояться бедности
  • paralyzed by fear — парализованы страхом

of [preposition]

preposition: из, о, от, об, для

  • president of the islamic republic of mauritania — президент Исламской Республики Мавритания
  • military order of the temple of jerusalem — военный порядок Иерусалимского храма
  • irrespective of the passage of time — независимо от того, с течением времени
  • mission of the republic of moldova — Миссия республики молдова
  • distribution of the burden of proof — распределение бремени доказывания
  • freedom of expression of the press — свобода слова прессы
  • protector of citizens of the republic — защитник граждан республики
  • minister of foreign affairs of egypt — Министр иностранных дел Египта
  • the meeting of heads of government — встреча глав правительств
  • articulation of modes of production — сочленение способов производства

loss [noun]

noun: потеря, убыток, утрата, ущерб, проигрыш, урон, пропажа, угар

  • material loss liability insurance — страхование ответственности за материальный ущерб
  • white water loss — потери оборотной воды
  • recent loss — недавняя потеря
  • documented loss — документально потери
  • loss damage liability — ответственность за ущерб потери
  • without loss of quality — без потери качества
  • mourns the loss of — оплакивает
  • material misstatement or loss — существенное искажение или потеря
  • weight loss method — метод потери веса
  • loss of insurance — потеря страхования

Предложения с «fear of loss»

The fear of loss is a path to the dark side.

Потери боязнь на темную сторону ведет.

Omnipotence is lessened, which corresponds to a decrease in guilt and the fear of loss.

Всемогущество уменьшается, что соответствует уменьшению чувства вины и страха потери.

Because Aphrodite was their mother, Phobos and Deimos were gods of the fear of loss.

Поскольку Афродита была их матерью, Фобос и Деймос были богами страха потери.

He buries himself in research, and motivated by the fear of loss, he works day and night to find a cure to their deadly genetic disease.

Он погружается в исследования и, движимый страхом потери, работает день и ночь, чтобы найти лекарство от их смертельной генетической болезни.

Due to fear of loss of stock, bears may be killed on sight.

Из — за боязни потерять запас, медведи могут быть убиты на месте.

This target represents his fear of dominance, his loss of control.

Мишень олицетворяет его страх перед доминированием, потерю контроля.

They often suffer from fear and anxiety associated with loss of work and social role.

Зачастую их одолевает страх и беспокойство из — за угрозы потерять работу и, следовательно, утратить социальную роль.

Now she had lost and, greater than her sense of loss, was the fear that she had made a public spectacle of herself.

Она потерпела поражение, но сильнее, чем горечь этого поражения, был страх : что, если она сделалась теперь всеобщим посмешищем?

I wish you had sincerity enough to tell me whether Catherine would suffer greatly from his loss: the fear that she would restrains me.

Прошу, скажи мне со всей откровенностью, будет ли Кэтрин сильно страдать , потеряв его? Боюсь, что будет, и этот страх удерживает меня.

My Dominique had a morbid fear of abandonment, which is not surprising, given her loss.

У моей Доминики был навязчивый страх одиночества, что неудивительно, учитывая её утраты.

Missis had been out of health herself for some time: she had got very stout, but was not strong with it; and the loss of money and fear of poverty were quite breaking her down.

Миссис сама с некоторых пор больна; она очень располнела, но это ей не на пользу, а потеря денег и страх перед бедностью совсем сломили ее.

Shame, fear, loss of peer status.

Стыд, страх , потеря социального статуса.

Death, wounds, the loss of family-I fear nothing.

Смерть, раны, потеря семьи, ничто мне не страшно .

For, in God’s name, what was there to fear in this wreck of a world but hunger and cold and the loss of home?

Честное слово, ну чего в этом мире еще бояться, если не голода, холода и возможности лишиться крова?

Yeah, fear, sadness, loss… all those emotions flying around.

Да, страх , грусть, потери… Все эти эмоции витающие в воздухе.

The February Revolution resulted in a loss of institutional authority in Finland and the dissolution of the police force, creating fear and uncertainty.

Февральская революция привела к потере институциональной власти в Финляндии и роспуску полиции, что породило страх и неуверенность.

Research finds that belief in the Tooth Fairy may provide such comfort to a child experiencing fear or pain resulting from the loss of a tooth.

Исследования показывают, что вера в Зубную Фею может обеспечить такой комфорт ребенку, испытывающему страх или боль в результате потери зуба.

This fear was enhanced by the loss of China to communism, the uncovering of Soviet spy rings, and the start of the Korean War.

Этот страх был усилен потерей Китая коммунизмом, разоблачением советских шпионских сетей и началом Корейской войны.

Palliative care specialists can help with physical symptoms, emotional factors such as loss of function and jobs, depression, fear, and existential concerns.

Специалисты паллиативной помощи могут помочь с физическими симптомами, эмоциональными факторами, такими как потеря функций и работы, депрессия, страх и экзистенциальные проблемы.

Islander players would cite fear of repeating the pain of this loss as spurring their later success.

Игроки Айлендерс будут ссылаться на страх повторения боли от этой потери, как на стимул для их последующего успеха.

Also, a poorly designed staircase has a negative impact on elders’ psychology as they develop loss of confidence and fear of accidents.

Кроме того, плохо спроектированная лестница оказывает негативное влияние на психологию пожилых людей, поскольку у них развивается потеря уверенности в себе и страх перед несчастными случаями.

Some individuals have grown to fear the loss of rights due to RFID human implantation.

Некоторые люди стали бояться утраты прав из — за имплантации RFID человеку.

Anorexia nervosa is characterized by extreme food restriction and excessive weight loss, accompanied by the fear of being fat.

Нервная анорексия характеризуется крайним ограничением пищи и чрезмерной потерей веса, сопровождающейся страхом быть толстым.

Top reasons were a loss of dignity, and a fear of burdening others.

Главными причинами были потеря достоинства и боязнь обременять других.

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Their life is accompanied by fear of loss


their property, financial position, and power.

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Их жизнь сопровождается боязнью потерять свое имущество, свое материальное положение, свою власть.

The result is a curiously repressive liberalism in which fear of loss


territory is overcompensated by a rigid delineation of it.

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Результат- репрессивный либерализм, в котором страх потери территории компенсируется ее жестким очерчиванием.

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Therefore, if there is a surplus


food, not to divide it equally among your guests,

otherwise you will end up finishing all


the fear of loss.

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Поэтому, если есть излишки продовольствия, не разделить его поровну среди ваших гостей,

иначе вы в конечном итоге все отделкой из страха потери.

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Has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because


fear of loss


support or approval.

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Испытывает трудности с выражением несогласия с другими из-за страха потери материальной поддержки или одобрения.

The obstacle is

fear: fear of


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Этим препятствием является

страх: страх

перед разоблачением,

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But in fact it turns out that you have to work long and hard for your own freedom, and greed,

effort and energy.

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Но в действительности оказывается, что приходится на собственную свободу долго и усердно работать, а жадность,

опасения, страх потери нажитых денег- убийцы времени, сил и энергии.

Support for decisive action on climate change will continue to

be weak as long as we fail to address fear of loss


livelihood, living standards and vital social supports.

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Поддержка решительных действий по решению проблем изменения климата будет оставаться слабой

до тех пор, пока мы не устраним опасения потерять источники средств к существованию, достигнутый уровень жизни и жизненно важные элементы социальной поддержки.

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With regard to the question


the examination


the manner in which prices


natural commodities and their synthetic competitors could reflect environmental costs, he noted that the concept


internalization was still not well understood and that,

even to those policy makers who understood it, the fear of loss


competitiveness in international markets was real.

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Коснувшись вопроса об изучении возможных способов отражения экологических издержек в ценах на натуральные сырьевые товары и их синтетические заменители, он отметил, что концепция интернализации все еще остается не до конца понятной и что даже для тех государственных руководителей,

которые разбираются в ней, боязнь утраты конкурентоспособности на международных рынках представляется отнюдь не эфемерной.

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On the other hand, where remedies and services are available, migrant women workers may face barriers to accessing them, including lack


information or language skills,

restrictions on freedom


movement by employers, and fear of loss


immigration or residence status.

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В то же время, даже тогда, когда у трудящихся женщин- мигрантов имеется возможность получить правовую защиту и соответствующие услуги, они могут столкнуться со сложностями в получении такой помощи и услуг, в том числе изза

нехватки информации или недостаточного знания языка, ограничений и свободы передвижения, налагаемых работодателем, или изза страха потерять иммиграционный статус или статус пребывания.

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Urges States, whenever cases


debt bondage are reported in their countries, to take action as a matter


urgency to secure the release


those concerned, to develop techniques for assessing whether workers are bonded,

even if they are intimidated(by threats or fear of loss


their jobs) or unwilling to reveal their bonded status,

to prevent reprisals from being taken against them and to ensure they will not revert into bondage subsequently;

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Настоятельно призывает государства, при получении сообщений о случаях долговой кабалы на их территории, принимать безотлагательные меры в целях обеспечения освобождения соответствующих лиц, разработать методы для оценки того, находятся ли трудящиеся в кабале, даже если

они подвергаются запугиванию( посредством угроз или из опасения потерять свою работу) или не желают сообщать о своем закабаленном состоянии,

предотвращать принятие против них репрессивных мер и обеспечивать, чтобы впоследствии они снова не оказались в кабале;

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In the socio-cultural context, xenophobia is an expression


a fear of loss



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При этом в социокульутрном пространстве ксенофобия оказывается выражением страха утраты идентичности.

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Green tax reforms and

the removal


subsidies are almost invariably confronted with a fear of loss


sectoral competitiveness.

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При реформировании налоговой системы

в направлении ее экологизации и упразднении практики субсидирования почти неизменно возникает опасение по поводу потери секторальной конкурентоспособности.

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Surveys carried out in eastern Europe indicate that there is a relatively high amount


apprehension about

unemployment among women in that region motivated by women’s fear of loss


income for themselves and for their families.

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Результаты проведенных в странах восточной Европы обследований свидетельствуют о том, что в данном регионе высказываются относительно сильные

опасения в связи с проблемой безработицы среди женщин, объясняемые боязнью женщин потерять работу, приносящую доход для них самих и их семей.

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It seems that the regulator continued to use the mechanisms


moral suasion to deter the flow


liquidity into the fx market,

which allowed to remove the escalation in the liquidity market without a fear of loss


fx reserves.

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Похоже, что власти продолжали использовать механизмы морального убеждения( moral suasion) для сдерживания перетока ликвидности на валютный рынок,

что позволило снять обострение на рынке ликвидности не опасаясь потерь валютных резервов.

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While there may be

reluctance to acknowledge the existence


humanitarian needs, for fear of loss


investment profile and development funding,

an earlier detection of emerging humanitarian needs, based on a system of reliable indicators, will allow United Nations resident coordinators to bring such needs to the attention of Governments early on, and design, in close consultation with relevant authorities and local communities, an adequate, timely and effective response, in support of existing overall development frameworks.

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Хотя возможно нежелание признать существование гуманитарных потребностей из опасения потерять привлекательность для инвесторов и лишиться финансирования в целях развития,

более раннее выявление возникающих гуманитарных потребностей с использованием системы надежных показателей позволит координаторам- резидентам Организации Объединенных Наций доводить такие потребности до сведения правительств на ранних этапах и своевременно разрабатывать, в тесном взаимодействии с соответствующими органами и местными общинами, надлежащие эффективные меры в поддержку существующих общих рамочных основ развития.

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A day later,

it was reported that the forces had been forced to retreat for fear of losses


soldiers and military equipment.

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Днем позднее поступило сообщение о том,

что правительственные войска были вынуждены отступить из опасения перед возможными потерями в живой силе и в военной технике.

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It appeared that the men’s perceptions



women’s growing empowerment escalated[the men’s] fears of loss


control over their partners.

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Выяснилось, что расширение возможностей женщин воспринимается мужчинами таким образом,

что это усилило опасения[ мужчин] по поводу потери контроля над своими партнерами.

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from disasters and the need for risk management strategies at community, national, regional and global levels were identified as triggers for cooperation, along with the experience


unsuccessfully trying to solve these problems alone.

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Определяющими факторами сотрудничества были названы риск возможных потерь( как финансовых,

так и людских) в результате стихийных бедствий и потребность в наличии стратегий управления


на местном, национальном, региональном и глобальном уровнях, а также безуспешный опыт решения этих проблем в одиночку.

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others, fear of the loss


personal security and even, occasionally, fear


economic competition.

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This target represents his fear of dominance, his loss



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Seemed to have aroused the sympathy


Great Britain with Japan,

mingled probably with the fear


the loss




her own predominant economic interests in China.

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Кажется, склонили симпатии Великобритании в сторону Японии, возможно, из-за опасения потерять свое господство в экономике Китая.

You only fear the loss


your reputation.

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Some people fear loss twice as much as they enjoy success.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Некоторые люди боятся потери в два раза сильнее, чем наслаждаются успехом.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

There is a resistance to multilateralism from those who fear a loss


national control.

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Имеет место сопротивление принципу многосторонности со стороны тех, кто опасается утраты национальных механизмов контроля.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

There it is again, this stabbing pain that drives through your body like an ice-cold lightning bolt. Suddenly, the horrible feeling of emptiness spreads through you. Your hands begin to tremble and you feel abandoned and completely helpless. Yet nothing has actually happened, apart from the fact that you have just been abandoned. But not in the sense of Separation — You just couldn’t cope with the departure of a person close to you. Now your emotions are going crazy. And although your head knows that you are completely overreacting, your fear of loss has you firmly in its grip once again.

We all know the fear of partings and the loss of loved ones, situations or things. Some are very afraid of losing their partner or best friend. Another fears for his job or his social status. To some extent, this is perfectly natural. But sometimes fears of loss get so out of hand that they virtually numb us. We lose sight of reality, suffer terribly and build a protective wall around ourselves. Where the fear of parting comes from, how you can recognize it and how you can overcome it, you will learn in this magazine article.

Fear of loss

Fear of loss — these are the causes

Newborns who have just come into the world cannot survive on their own. They are one hundred percent dependent on the love and affection of their parents. Without this, they would die within a short time. This creates an enormous dependence.

Robert Betz explains in this context: «In our childhood, we are physically, emotionally, mentally and financially dependent. It’s a time of powerlessness that shapes many people well beyond childhood and into adulthood.

So our existence would be severely threatened if we lost our parents. This time in our lives shapes us so much that even as adults we sometimes perceive losses as existentially threatening.

For some of us, traumatic experiences and terrible experiences come along over the years. When parents separate or important attachment figures die, this can result in our fear of loss becoming more pronounced than average.

If you have ever been unexpectedly abandoned by a partner and the separation has pulled the rug out from under you, this can also leave lasting emotional wounds and lead to permanent feelings of loss and pain. Attachment Anxiety that was set.

The 12 most common reasons why fear of loss arises

The reasons why fear of loss arises can be manifold. In the following, we would like to introduce you to the 12 most common reasons, so that you have a fixed point to which you can orient yourself.

  1. Divorce: Your parents separated at an early age and you had to grow up in a chaotic household.
  2. Loss of loved ones: At an early age you had to cope with the death of a close relative (mother, father, grandmother, etc.).
  3. Inherited fear of loss: Your parents already suffered from fear of loss. They have then passed this on to you.
  4. War: You have experienced war and what it feels like to lose family members, loved ones and possessions.
  5. Illness: You may have witnessed a serious illness strike someone you love.
  6. Cheating: Your life partner has cheated on you with someone else.
  7. Betrayal: Longtime friends have your Loyalty betrayed when you needed them most.
  8. Caregivers: You have been treated badly and devalued by caregivers (e.g. your teacher).
  9. Lack of security: Your parents did not give you the security you wanted in childhood.
  10. Excessive anxiety: Your parents were constantly overly concerned about your well-being.
  11. Bullying: You were bullied in your school days and are therefore looking for a stable environment.
  12. Mental illnesses: Mental illnesses such as depression can also be the cause of fear of loss.

In which of the above points did you recognise yourself? Can you think of any other causes that could possibly be the reason for fear of loss?

Fear of loss

These are the most common 12 symptoms of fear of loss

The symptoms of loss anxiety can vary from person to person. However, there is always a clear intersection that clearly points to symptoms of loss anxiety. We would like to briefly introduce you to the most common symptoms in connection with fear of loss.

  1. Groundless jealousy: Do you blow a fuse quickly when your partner is talking to someone else?
  2. Brackets: Do you want to spend every free minute with your partner? Do you restrict him and leave him no free space?
  3. Control compulsion: Do you constrict people in your environment (e.g. work colleagues) and want to control their actions?
  4. Recognition: You are constantly looking for recognition and want to be applauded by those around you.
  5. Low Self-confidence: Do you often feel worthless, small and much worse than other people?
  6. Distrust: You find it incredibly difficult to trust other people and to put aside your constant doubts.
  7. Fear of illness: You constantly fear that a bad illness will throw your life off track.
  8. Overreactions: Even little things (your partner didn’t take the trash down) already get you to 180.
  9. Constant pessimism: You see only the bad in everything and fear that at any moment the world could end.
  10. Overprotective: Always you are overprotective and try to protect your environment from all dangers.
  11. Emotional dependence: You need people around you all the time. Being alone is a total horror for you.
  12. Susceptibility to stressAs soon as your ideal world starts to shake, you experience above-average stress, which pulls you down.


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Overcome fear of loss: These 10 tips will help you regain your quality of life

Fears of loss are not only extremely painful, but can negatively affect your entire life. They affect your self-worth, your self-image, your relationships, and possibly even your job and lifestyle. If you’re very afraid of goodbyes, then you should definitely follow our 10 tips to overcome loss fears step by step:

1. find triggers & causes

The very first thing you should do is to think carefully about the situations in which you feel particularly anxious. If a pattern emerges, you can make a conscious effort to avoid these situations. Do you always have the feeling that it is a matter of life and death when you have a heated argument with your partner? Then tell him about it and, for example, bring up the subject of your Jealousy. This way he can react more understandingly and you won’t get into the situation of being hit by the ice-cold, inner lightning again.

Of course, the trigger is not the same as the cause. Because the fear of loss must have arisen through some situation in your life. Determining this is a little more difficult. If in doubt, it is even advisable to seek the professional help of a coach or therapist. Work through your past and remind yourself again and again that the past is closed and that its experiences do not have to repeat themselves in the present and future.

2. break thought patterns

If you always assume the worst case scenario, you are prepared for the pain that could possibly occur. But this preparation doesn’t make the feeling any better in the end. On the contrary: If you think positive perhaps things would be quite different. Because then you would be more relaxed and would also transfer this to your environment. Therefore break through your negative thought patterns and instead internalize the following belief: «Everything will be all right.. And even if I do get disappointed or hurt, I’ll still survive the situation.»

3. strengthen your self-esteem

«My partner left me because I’m not worth loving.» This belief system is unfortunately widespread, but completely wrong. Some people believe they don’t deserve loveBut the truth is that when someone leaves you, it can be for many reasons. And in any case, you are worthy of receiving love. Because you are unique and wonderful just the way you are. That’s why this tip is extremely important: Strengthen your self-esteem. The stronger it is, the less often you will feel fear of loss.

4. change your self-image

Your self-image goes hand in hand with your self-esteem: How do you perceive yourself? What do you think about yourself? Do you think you are a strong person who is at peace with yourself despite your flaws? If not, you should definitely work on it. Because you are so much more than you think. You can achieve anything, experience anything, and start over again and again if you want to. You don’t need another person or a certain status to be strong, successful and be happy. Happiness is within you. Once you have internalized this, you will achieve a positive self-image and shake off your fear of loss with ease.

5. reduce your stress level

Stress is a big companion of loss anxiety. The problem: The higher your stress level rises, the greater your fear of loss will be in the end. For this reason, it is immensely important that you reduce your stress level noticeably. You can do this, for example, through various methods such as meditation, autogenic training, Pilates, yoga or progressive muscle relaxation. The most important thing here is that you make appropriate methods a fixed part of your everyday life so that fear of loss cannot spread.

6. put the focus on the positive

Hand on heart: How often have all the dramas you imagined while lying in bed brooding come to pass? In all likelihood, never. Counter question: How often have good things happened to you in your life that gave you a Smile painted in the face? Surely often enough! And these are exactly the things you should focus on. Because our positive experiences drive us forward, give us strength and courage to keep going.

7. communication

It is immensely important that you don’t eat your fear of loss inside yourself. And that’s why you need people in your life with whom you can talk openly about everything that’s on your mind. So if you have a person in your family or circle of friends that you think can help you, gather your courage and open up to that person. Often just letting things out can feel like a release.

8. detach from dependencies

On whom do you depend for your happiness? Is it your partner? Your friends? Work colleagues? Family members? The correct answer is: You make your happiness dependent on you! If you don’t, you make yourself emotionally dependent and thus only cause yourself additional harm in the long run. For this reason, it is sometimes important to. Relations terminated, which simply cause you harm.

9. understanding fear of loss

Fear of loss always has its origin. As you have already experienced, this usually lies in your childhood. It is important to find out which events are possibly the reason for your fear of loss. A little tip: Take a pen and paper and write down all the events that could possibly be the reason for your fear of loss.

10. coaching

More and more people are taking advantage of coaching. This is because coaching can leave clients with noticeable results. There are also numerous coaches on the market who explicitly deal with the topic of fear of loss. If you haven’t done any coaching yet, we can only give a warm recommendation at this point.

Finally, we have prepared a great video for you by Marco Geers. In this video you will learn how you can Fears let go and at the same time strengthen your self-esteem in the long term.

YouTube video

Conclusion: Any fear of loss can be overcome with the right methods

In this article you have learned where fear of loss comes from, through which symptoms it manifests itself and what you can do about it.

The last point is especially important: You can do something about it! Meaning: If you are plagued by a fear of loss and you don’t know what to do, then it is possible to find a solution.

To help you succeed, we’ve shared a total of 10 valuable tips in this post that will help you successfully manage your fear of loss.


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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” ~Norman Cousins

Of all the things that scare us, loss can seem like the most terrifying. At times, I’ve thought about it with such dread that it’s felt overwhelming.

Whenever I quit a job I hated in that past, I felt stuck between two loss-related fears: the fear of losing my passion by staying, and the fear of losing my financial security if I walked away and didn’t find something else.

Whenever I considered leaving a bad relationship, I felt paralyzed by two similar fears: the fear of losing my chance at fulfillment by staying, and the fear of losing the comfort of companionship if I walked away and didn’t find someone else.

I haven’t only worried about the potential for loss as it pertains to big decisions. I’ve worried about losing people I love, pleasures I enjoy, and circumstances that feel comfortable. I’ve dreaded losing my youth, my health, and my sense of identity.

And then there are the everyday losses: If I don’t do this, will I lose someone’s respect? If I don’t do that, will I lose my own? If I don’t go, will I lose some as of yet unknown opportunity? If I don’t stay, will I lose my sense of comfort and security?

I might even go so far to say that whenever I fear something, loss is at the root of it. I suspect I’m not alone.

Loss Aversion

Economists have identified loss aversion as a major factor in financial decision-making, in that most people would rather avoid losing money than acquire more. The psychological impact of losing is thought to be twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining.

According to Ori and Ram Brafman, authors of Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior, we often make poor decisions simply to avoid loss.

One example they offer involves Captain Jacob van Zanten, once a well-established and respected pilot who headed the safety program for KLM—a Dutch airline marketed as “the people who make punctuality possible.”

In the spring of 1977, on a flight from Amsterdam to the Canary Islands, van Zanten learned that a terrorist bomb had exploded at Las Palmas airport, where he was supposed to land. Along with a number of other flights, his was diverted to a smaller airport 50 miles away.

After landing the plane safely, he started worrying about a number of problems that would result from failing to take off soon.

The government had instituted a mandated rest period between flights for pilots, which meant he could be imprisoned if he took off after a certain hour. Staying overnight meant putting the passengers up in a hotel, which would be costly for the airline.

Waiting much longer meant losing time, money, and his reputation for punctuality.

Ultimately, van Zanten took off in a thick fog—despite knowing the risks, and not receiving take off clearance—because it seemed like a now-or-never moment. He didn’t see the Pan Am 747 across the runway until it was too late—and 584 people died as a result.

The pressures and potential consequences of lost time piled up, and van Zanten acted against his better judgment, hoping to evade them.

Loss Aversion in Everyday Life

We all make irrational decisions everyday simply to avoid losing.

We buy things we don’t need (or groupons we won’t use) because a sale’s ending soon. We grab an item of clothing because there’s only one left and someone else might take it—even if we aren’t really sure we want it. We keep gym memberships we aren’t actively using if we know we won’t be able to get that same rate again.

And then there are the bigger things.

We turn down opportunities that could be rewarding to avoid the risk of losing something else that feels good enough. We use our time in ways that feel unfulfilling because we fear losing time on a decision that might be wrong. And we fail to invest in ourselves, even though we’re aching to expand, because it can feel painful to part with our money.

I waited months to create my Tiny Wisdom eBooks because it would require a large investment. If I hadn’t taken that risk, I wouldn’t have earned the money I’m now using to revamp the site, and take acting classes—something I’ve wanted to do for years.

We can’t ever know for certain that a risk will payoff, but we can choose to recognize when the fear of loss motivates our actions, and make a conscious effort to overcome it. If we don’t, it can severely limit our potential for growth, happiness, and fulfillment.

Overcoming the Fear of Loss

I first recognized this fear, and its associated irrational thoughts and behaviors, when I felt devastated after a man I wanted to break up with broke up with me first.

I realized I didn’t make the decision myself because I preferred a bad relationship to being single. I also understood that I would have been far less affected if I’d made the choice to walk away, and that my feelings completely transformed because I felt out of control—like I lost something, and it wasn’t my choice.

Since then, I’ve developed a little system for identifying this fear when it takes hold—and a few practices for overcoming it so that it doesn’t overcome me.

1. Ask yourself, “What am I scared of losing?”

This may seem like an obvious question, but I’ve learned that it’s all too easy to go through our days, making choices, without recognizing the underlying feelings that motivate them.

Whenever you have a choice to make, recognize in what way you’re motivated by the fear of losing something, whether it’s comfort, security, control, money, companionship, or something else.

Once you understand what you’re scared of losing, you can…

2. Ascertain if you’re seeing the whole picture.

There was a time when I worked sixty-plus hours/week to hold onto a job I didn’t even want. I was the last remaining US employee after a massive layoff, but I didn’t feel ready to lose that job.

After several months of working long hours from home, I realized I’d never feel ready. It wasn’t until I finally got laid off that I started planning for this site.

My logic was faulty—that it was best to stay with the sure thing, because I wasn’t ready to do something else—because the reality was that I needed the time and space to figure out that something else.

In other words, loss was necessary to set me up for gain; it wasn’t the other way around.

If you’re making a decision, or avoiding making a decision, based on the fear of what you might lose, ask yourself if you’re losing more by not doing what you really want to do.

When you attempt to see beyond the fear, you’re better able to recognize if you’re keeping yourself stuck—and if you’d benefit from letting go of what you think you need.

3. Use loss aversion as motivation to pursue what you really want.

In a post on Money Ning, Emily Guy Birken suggests we can benefit from the fear of loss by charting our progress toward a goal. Just as we don’t want to lose time and money, we don’t want to lose momentum.

If you hang a large calendar on your wall, and put a star on every day when you do something positive—like exercise, practice a new hobby, or send out a resume for a new job—you’ll create a psychological need to keep that streak going.

Birken writes, “Your disappointment in seeing a day without a gold star is greater than your happiness at any single day’s work.”

Of course, you have to know what you really want first.

4. Regularly assess your intentions and motivations.

This ties into the last one. Sometimes we think we want something because we’ve wanted it for years—and then we feel scared to lose that dream and all its related rewards.

But sometimes, as we grow and learn about ourselves and the world, our wants change.

A friend of mine racked up massive debt studying law, only to realize a couple years into her career that it didn’t fulfill her as she hoped it would. She’d built her whole life around this possibility—and she had close to $100,000 in student loans.

She could easily have felt stuck, as if she’d lose too much if she walked away. But she did anyways. She moved to Chile and became a Pilates teacher, and though she ultimately realized she’d need to return to law for a while longer to pay off her debt, she’s released the emotional fears associated with pursuing a different path.

And because she’s experienced the joy of doing something else, she now has a compelling motivation to do it again: She knows what she stands to gain is greater than what she stands to lose.

If you’re forcing yourself to do something and a part of you feels it isn’t right, ask yourself, “Do I actually want this right now?” There’s a chance you do, and you’re just feeling frustrated and discouraged—but there’s also a chance you don’t anymore. Only you can know for sure what you really want.

5. Change how you see the inevitability of loss.

The reality is that loss is inevitable.

We will all lose relationships, situations, and states of being that we enjoy and love. Even if we practice non-attachment, on some level we will get comfortable with people and circumstances.

You could say that this is what makes life beautiful and meaningful—since nothing lasts forever, each moment presents unique possibilities worth fully appreciating and savoring.

Or you could say this is what makes life tragic—that everything is fleeting, and eventually it all slips away.

How we choose to see things dictates how we’ll experience them. Would you rather see everything as precious or pointless?

If we can choose the former, we can recognize that every loss provides opportunities for future gains—new relationships, experiences, and ways of being that may fulfill us in ways we can’t possibly predict.

Of course, this can only happen if we trust in our ability to recognize and create these new connections and situations. We all have the potential to do it.

Some losses feel devastating when we experience them—and sometimes, the gain isn’t proportionate to the loss.

But somehow, we survive in the wake of almost every storm. Whether we thrive is up to us. That’s a choice we need to make proactively, not in response to what we fear, but in response to what we genuinely want to feel and do in this life.

So I leave you with this question: Why are you afraid of losing? And are you ready to trust in yourself and your abilities so that you can get unstuck?

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