Favorite word in spanish


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I also have so many favourite words in Spanish lol I also completely agree with Julian, how can you (one/a person) choose just one?!!! It’s not possible…hahaha!

Some of my favourites include: quizás, (perhaps) querer (to love, to want and to wish) estupendo (wonderful) embrazar (to hug) ,besar (to kiss), cariñoso (A term of affection /endearmente meaning: honey, or love) etc….

I also love the colloquial expresssion: ¿Qué tal estás? = How are you doing?

I love all these words because I like the sounds of them! wink

También tengo muchísimas palabras favoritas en español lol Estoy completamente de acuerdo con Julian ¿cómo se puede elegir solo una palabra favorita? ¡No es posible…jajajaja!

Algunas de mi favoritas incluyen: quizás, (perhaps) querer (to love, to want and to wish) abrazar (to hug) besar (to kiss) cariño (Un apelativo cariñoso que significa : honey, or dear) etc….

Me encanta también la expresión coloquial: ¿Qué tal estás? = How are you doing?

Me encantan todas estas palabras porque me gustan los sonidos de ellas. wink

abrazar* (to hug) cariño (dear, honey) — DanielV, MAY 5, 2016

Muchas gracias, Dani :) — FELIZ77, MAY 5, 2016

I am a sucker for those posts of the top 10 untranslatable words or the most beautiful words in _____ language! As a lover of words and language, these type of posts give me insight to new words as well as remind of words I had perhaps stored in the back of my mind. With this fascination in mind, I decided to write my own list of favorite words in Spanish! Please join the conversation by adding your favorite words in the comments!

Photo taken by Yon Mora found on Flickr.com with license CC BY 2.0


I am a big fan of the ritual of eating. From the preparation of the meal to the actual savoring of the food to the best way to extend dessert: sobremesa. Sobremesa is the talk that occurs after eating while, this extension of dinner full of rich conversations, maybe an extra glass of wine or coffee and lots and lots of laughter. The RAE defines sobremesa as “tiempo que se está a la mesa después de haber comido,” but honestly, this definition falls short of the experience.

When I moved to the Netherlands, I was happy to find that the Dutch also have a word for this that is pretty much a direct translation (natafelen). In English, we do not have an equivalent. Do you know of any other languages that have a similar word for this “after table talk”?


For me, this word’s length only enhances the meaning of if. Inconmensurable means something so big that it cannot be measured. Even just saying the word on its own evokes a sense of nostalgia, a gasp for air, the sheer length of it emphasising the inability to measure it. While writing this post, I found the song below from the Argentinian indie group Alfonsina.


I come from a family of big laughers. When anyone in my family laughs, people hear it. We don’t do soft giggles or just smiles. When we find something funny we laugh a carcajadas. The RAE’s definition is risa impetuosa y ruidosa and that is exactly how I think laughter should be: shaking and loud. In Latin cultures, carcajadas are socially acceptable most of the time, but in other cultures, that isn’t the case. Eventhough in Mexico I was never considered to be such a loud laugher, in the Netherlands, I’ve made a few heads turn with my carcajadas. 

Apapachos y Apapachar

Abrazos (hugs) and apapachos are two very different thing. A hug is the physical act of putting your arms around someone, while an apapacho is not only to hug but to give love and sometimes even a type of emotional healing. When a young child falls and doesn’t get hurt, he/she will sometimes still cry because they were scared. The child will run to one of his parents to be hugged and comforted. That is an apapacho. After a long day, when you get home and seek refuge in the comfort of your partner’s arms and company, that is an apapacho. The act of giving such comforting is apapachar. Every time I call my grandma, she says she can’t wait to apapachar me on my next visit to Mexico.

Apapachar is derived from the indigenous language Náhuatl. The following video explains it’s origins.


Ojalá is not just a word but its also an expresion. Ojalá means the wish for something to happen, similar to hopefully. There are other variations of ojalá. Si Dios quiere is a common variation for those who are religious. When someone tells you that they are working really hard to accomplish something, something that could very well go wrong, when their chances of actually achieving it might not be so high you can answer with Ojalá! This word can also be used when the chances are good, if you want to show empathy share in on the hope that things will get better.

-Espero me recupere pronto de este resfriado.

What are your favorite words in Spanish? Please share them in the comments below!

Asked • 09/30/20

Spanish has many unique and fun words to say and pronounce, it is difficult to choose just one favorite!

6 Answers By Expert Tutors

Sandra H.
answered • 10/02/20

Spanish Tutor for school, business and culture.

My favorite word is «amabilidad», means kindness, courtesy, polite, good manners.

La cultura latina se caracteriza por su amabilidad en el trato con las personas.

Its kindness in dealing with people characterizes the Latin culture.

Sarah C.
answered • 10/26/20

Eager Future Spanish Teacher Specializing in Spanish and English

Personally, my favorite word is «la zanahoria», which means carrot. When I first started learning Spanish I had a hard time saying this word. It took me a couple months to say it like a native speaker would! I just think it is a fun word to say and it reminds me how you can overcome anything!

Isabel R.
answered • 10/07/20

Hablemos Spanish




I love esternocleidomastoideo, which means externalcleidomastoid, but is so much more fun to say. It is the big neck muscle that sticks out when you rotate your head.

Elisabet C.
answered • 09/30/20

Experienced Tutor, Specialized in Spanish, ESL and Orton-Gillingham

My favorite word in Spanish is «murciélago» because it has all five vowels! :)

Ashley G.
answered • 09/30/20

Level C1 Spanish Speaker w/ 8+ years of learning in Academic settings.

Personally, my favorite word in Spanish is (el) demandante. In English this would be translated to the word: (the) plaintiff. It is a fun word to say and one commonly used in any legal and/or real estate setting.

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone, this is Rosa. Today we will be doing the top 15 favorite words in Spanish chosen by fans. So let’s begin!
Amigo “friend”
Me encanta salir con mis amigos. “I love hanging out with my friends.”
Araña “Spider”
Araña which means “spider”.
Las arañas me dan mucho miedo. “spiders are really scary to me. “
Bello “Beautiful”.
You can use it both for objects and people but it’s not that common to use it for people nowadays.
“That drawing is very beautiful.” Ese dibujo es muy bello.
Contenta “Happy”.
Estoy muy contenta porque aprobé el examen. “I am very happy because I passed the exam.”
España “Spain”
“You all should visit Spain.” Todos deberiais visitar España.
Hola “Hello”
Hola, que tal estas? “Hello, how are you?”
Pingüino “Penguin”
Me encantaban los pingüinos en la película de Mary Poppins. “I love the Penguins in the Mary Poppins films.”
Primavera “spring”
Me encanta cuando las flores florecen en primavera. “I love when flowers bloom during the spring.”
Saludable “Healthy”.
“Eating a hamburger every day isn’t very healthy.” Comer una hamburguesa todos los días no es muy saludable.
Helado “Ice cream”
Mi helado preferido es el avellana. “My favorite ice cream flavor is Hazelnuts.”
Izquierda “to the left”
Para llegar al restaurante tienes que girar a la izquierda. “To get to the restaurant, you have to turn to the left”
Amor “love”
Es el amor lo más importante para ti? “Is love the most important thing to you.”
Fiesta “Party”
Fiesta which means “party”.
Cuando era una estudiante de universidad iba más de fiesta. “When I was a university student, I used to party more often.”
otorrinolaringólogo “otolaryngologist”
Es dificil pronunciar otorrinolaringólogo en español. “It is difficult to pronounce otolaryngologist in Spanish.” What?!
Señorita “miss”.
Esa señorita baila muy bien el flamenco. “That miss dances flamenco very well.”
And this is the end of today’s top 15 favorite words in Spanish chosen by fans. I hope you learned a lot. Thank you very much for watching and please don’t forget to subscribe. Bye!


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  • Испанский (мексиканский вариант)

Las palabras defenestrar/defenestración provienen del latín, fenestra significa ventana y en el idioma italiano se conserva una forma muy similar: finestra.

No sé cuáles son mis palabras favoritas en inglés y en español, pero supongo que me gustan todas las palabras que provienen del latín, porque gracias a la raíz latina podemos reconocer estas palabras en otros idiomas 🤓.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@JosueOblomov síííí, es muy interesante. Yo estudié algo de latín en Duolingo y hay algunas palabras parecidas, como «tu», «dormi» y a otras 😺

  • Испанский (мексиканский вариант)

  • Испанский

I think I don’t have a favorite word in Spanish, but I personally like to say «nota», but not literally its meaning like «note», here in Peru that word can mean thing or situation depending on the context, for example:

— Así que así era la nota


— So that was the thing
— So that’s how I needed to do it

• La reunión fue toda una nota


• The meeting was a whole situation
• The meaning was really tough

and if you mix that word with a really strong Peruvian accent it’s really funny 🤣

In English I personally like the words «Either, Neither and Gaslighting», but I think it’s just because of their lexical structure 😄

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@Ssnot Hmm, I must admit I don’t know what a Peruvian accent sounds like, but I believe you when you say it’s really funny. What exactly do you like about the words you described, aside from their lexical structure? I tend to like words or phrases that are ‘aesthetically pleasing’ to say the least. Words that roll off the tongue and are fun to say, and phrases that rhyme in an oddly satisfying way. (Hey, that rhymed 😸)

  • Испанский (мексиканский вариант)

  • Испанский

I agree with you, I think for me it’s kind of that, in Spanish we don’t have the «th» consonant, so it’s kind of interesting and satisfying to pronounce, specially in the final syllable like «either» and «neither» and I like their multiple usages as words too 😸

I think I found «Gaslighting» as a word specially interesting because I didn’t know how do interpret it, I mean as I tried to separate the word in «gas» and «lighting», I couldn’t find a real meaning and then realizing that it means manipulation was really mind blowing, at least for me 🤣

And If you want to know how a strong Peruvian accent sounds like, I’ll leave you a Peruvian meme here:

Just be careful with the words you hear, because they’re talking in a really rude way. Also obviously there are a lot of Peruvian accents depending on the region of the country, but I found this one specially funny 😂

I agree with you, I think for me it’s kind of that, in Spanish we don’t have the «th» consonant, so it’s kind of interesting and satisfying to pronounce, specially in the final syllable like «either» and «neither» and I like their multiple usages as words too 😸

I think I found «Gaslighting» as a word specially interesting because I didn’t know how do interpret it, I mean as I tried to separate the word in «gas» and «lighting», I couldn’t find a real meaning and then realizing that it means manipulation was really mind blowing, at least for me 🤣

And If you want to know how a strong Peruvian accent sounds like, I’ll leave you a Peruvian meme here:
Just be careful with the words you hear, because they’re talking in a really rude way. Also obviously there are a lot of Peruvian accents depending on the region of the country, but I found this one specially funny 😂

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@Ssnot Interesting! I didn’t know that the ‘th’ sound doesn’t exist in your language, but then again, English is a lot more complex with pronunciation than Spanish is. (For better and for worse 😅) With words like ‘gaslighting’, I definitely understand how you feel. Even as a native English speaker, It’s still a little mind-boggling at times (especially with slang) when I find a word that has a completely different meaning than the words it’s comprised of. I think I actually had the same reaction to ‘gaslighting’ as you did, but we both learn quickly. I’ll have to look at the clip later, but this is certainly an interesting discussion. 😺✨

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Hola a todos! What is your favorite word in both English and Spanish? 

My favorite English word is 'defenestration', because it sounds super professional and scientific, but basically means to throw someone or something out of a window. I didn't know there was a term for that, lol. Anyways, I know that there's a Spanish equivalent to defenestration, but I really like the word 'desconocido'. This is because it not only translates to 'unknown' or 'stranger', but it's also really fun to say. 

What do you guys think?

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nothing besides my favorite word beats it.

I’m not sure what my favorite word is.

Forever is my favorite word for many reasons.

My favorite word was and still is AMAZING.

My favorite word is “Nah” slang for no.

I’m not sure what my favorite word is…

Have I mentioned that my favorite word is family?

Obviously gonna throw my favorite word «versatility» in here!

My favorite word and one of my favorite artists.

My favorite word is Nhan or Abstain (literally translated).

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