Fast export to excel

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Screenshot - FastExporting DEMO App


Exporting data from a .NET application to Excel is a very common requirement. A simple search on the Web results in several examples that show us the method to copy data and put it into the Excel cells. However, there is a payload with this method: each interaction to put a value into an Excel cell requires an InterOp invocation. If the amount of data to transfer is huge, we have a problem with the performance of the method. Is there a better way to accomplish this?

Traditional «COPY CELL-BY-CELL» Method

Searching the Web for a method to transfer data to Excel, the most commonly used method consists of copying the values cell by cell into Excel. The following C# code shows how to transfer data from a DataTable to an Excel sheet, copying each value cell by cell:

for (int col = 0; col < dataTable.Columns.Count; col++)
    for (int row = 0; row < dataTable.Rows.Count; row++)
        excelSheet.Cells[row + 1, col + 1] = 

Each InterOp invocation has an associated payload in performance, so a large amount of data can degenerate our application.

A «Fast Bulk-Copy» Method

Our method consists of using the Value2 property for the Range class provided by the Microsoft Excel Object Library. We can select a range of cells, and assign a value for all of them, with just one InterOp invocation. To correctly assign a value to a range of cells, we can use a bi-dimensional object array. The following C# code shows how to transfer data from a bi-dimensional object array to a range of cells:

excelSheet.get_Range("A1:H25", Type.Missing).Value2 = 

Measuring the Performance

The source code included with this article shows a small Windows application which uses the two described methods to export the same data to Excel. It shows the time that it takes for each method to finish. This DEMO uses the Northwind database to create an SQL Server local connection. It generates a DataSet with the content of the Customers table. To make the amount of data more significant, we duplicate the DataTable to obtain 24 copies from it. Then we apply the two methods to generate two Excel books, one for each method.

The source code includes a C# and a VB.NET version for the DEMO application. My own testing shows me that this method is about 35 times faster. Test it and arrive at your own conclusions.


  • November 28, 2007: First publication

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I have a table with around 2500 rows and 70 columns of simple data (yes/no). I would like to export this data to Excel file.

175000 cells doesn’t look like really a lot, so I would expect it to export the data in up to 10 seconds.

What is the way to implement it?

P.S. I have tried EPPlus but it seems to be to slow (I accessed the cells one by one).

P. P. S. I would probably also like to use some styling (like to set bold text etc.). But it seems it’s actually what slows done EPPlus exporting.

asked Aug 26, 2016 at 22:49

witua's user avatar


371 silver badge6 bronze badges


The way to go is OpenXML library. This is super fast and can do 175K cells in 10 seconds. You can also do custom formatting with this. It does not require excel to be installed either.

  • Install Open XML SDK
  • You can install the Open XML productivity tool and open an existing excel, this will generate C# code to export such an excel. This is useful to understand how the library works.

Look here for examples on using this open source Microsoft library.

I would suggest you use the SAX approach for maximum performance.

answered Aug 26, 2016 at 22:57

Prashanth Subramanian's user avatar

Export data to Excel in ASP.NET C#

It is not so rare that you have to provide some sort of export of your data stored in database. I have a feeling that clients really like to have that functionality, probably because they are more comfortable with Excel than with any other tool.

First thing that might pop to your mind is to add a reference to Office library, but that would require that you have Office on the hosting machine which might not be the case as most of hosts do not have it.

Second thing is that if you add reference to Office library you would probably end up with using of unmanaged code which, sometimes is not so easy to handle regarding releasing the memory and processes that support it.

Luckily you do not need to have Office installed on your hosting machine to produce an Excel sheet. So far, I’ve been doing this two ways:

Exporting data to CSV (Comma Separated Values) file

CSV is legacy, but still often used

DataTable result = new DataTable();
string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AdventureWorks2008R2"].ConnectionString;
DateTime startDate = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value;
DateTime endDate = SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value;
if (!DateTime.TryParse(this.dpStartDate.Text, out startDate))
startDate = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value;
if (!DateTime.TryParse(this.dpEndDate.Text, out endDate))
endDate = SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value;
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE HireDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate";
command.Connection = connection;
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", startDate);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EndDate", endDate);
using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                    if (result != null)
                        using (result)
                            Response.ContentEncoding = new UTF8Encoding(true);
                            Response.Charset = Encoding.UTF8.WebName;
                            Response.ContentType = "application/; charset=utf-8";
                            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename=dataexport_{0}.csv", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")));
                            StringBuilder fileContent = new StringBuilder();
                            foreach (var col in result.Columns)
                                fileContent.Append(col.ToString()   ",");
                            fileContent.Replace(",", System.Environment.NewLine, fileContent.Length - 1, 1);
                            foreach (DataRow dr in result.Rows)
                                foreach (var column in dr.ItemArray)
                                    fileContent.Append("""   column.ToString()   "",");
                                fileContent.Replace(",", System.Environment.NewLine, fileContent.Length - 1, 1);

                            //Write encoding characters first

                            //Write the content


at for exporting tabular data. Excel is pretty good in dealing with CSV data, so all you have to do in your ASP.NET application is to return CSV data with headers that will offer user to open file using Excel application.

For example I’m going to export filtered employee records from MS sample AdventureWorks database which can be found on Microsoft’s website


For the complicity of code, I used simple ADO parametarized query for fetching data

 DataTable result = new DataTable();
        string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AdventureWorks2008R2"].ConnectionString;
        DateTime startDate = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value;
        DateTime endDate = SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value;

        if (!DateTime.TryParse(this.dpStartDate.Text, out startDate))
            startDate = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value;
        if (!DateTime.TryParse(this.dpEndDate.Text, out endDate))
            endDate = SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value;
        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE HireDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate";
                command.Connection = connection;
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", startDate);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EndDate", endDate);
                using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                    if (result != null)
                        using (result)
                            Response.ContentEncoding = new UTF8Encoding(true);
                            Response.Charset = Encoding.UTF8.WebName;
                            Response.ContentType = "application/; charset=utf-8";
                            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename=dataexport_{1}.csv", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")));
                            StringBuilder fileContent = new StringBuilder();
                            foreach (var col in result.Columns)
                                fileContent.Append(col.ToString() + ",");
                            fileContent.Replace(",", System.Environment.NewLine, fileContent.Length - 1, 1);
                            foreach (DataRow dr in result.Rows)
                                foreach (var column in dr.ItemArray)
                                    fileContent.Append(""" + column.ToString() + "",");
                                fileContent.Replace(",", System.Environment.NewLine, fileContent.Length - 1, 1);

                            //Write encoding characters first

                            //Write the content


Exporting data as HTML table

This is another way to push non native Excel file to Excel and make it displayed as tabular data. The idea is to load DataTable or any collection data source and bind it to a GridView.

When it’s binded, render out control layout which will be an HTML table and push it to excel by attaching headers, same as in previous example.

 DataTable result = new DataTable();
        string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AdventureWorks2008R2"].ConnectionString;
        DateTime startDate = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value;
        DateTime endDate = SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value;

        if (!DateTime.TryParse(this.dpStartDate.Text, out startDate))
            startDate = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value;
        if (!DateTime.TryParse(this.dpEndDate.Text, out endDate))
            endDate = SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value;
        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE HireDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate";
                command.Connection = connection;
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", startDate);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EndDate", endDate);
                using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                    if (result != null)
                        using (result)
                            Response.ContentEncoding = new UTF8Encoding(true);
                            Response.Charset = Encoding.UTF8.WebName;
                            Response.ContentType = "application/; charset=utf-8";
                            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename=dataexport_{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")));

                            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                            HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
                            var grid = new GridView();
                            grid.DataSource = result;

                            //Write encoding characters first

                            //Write the content



GridView control does not need to have DataTable or DataSource as a source to bind with. You can bind it to pretty much any kind of collection.



Purpose of the code contained in snippets or available for download in this article is solely for learning and demo purposes. Author will not be held responsible for any failure or damages caused due to any other usage.

About the author


Dejan is a passionate Software Architect/Developer. He is highly experienced in .NET programming platform including ASP.NET MVC and WebApi. He likes working on new technologies and exciting challenging projects

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I have an interesting conundrum here, how do I quickly (under 1 minute) export a large datatable (filled from SQL, 35,000 rows) into an Excel spreadsheet for users. I have code in place that can handle the export, and while nothing is «wrong» with the code per se, it is infuriatingly slow taking 4 minutes to export the entire file (sometimes longer if a user has less RAM or is running more on their system). Sadly, this is an improvement over the 10+ minutes it used to take using our old method. Simply put, can this be made any faster, without using 3rd party components? If so, how? My code is as follows, the slow down occurs between messageboxes 6 and 7 where each row is written. Thank you all for taking the time to take a look at this:

    Private Sub btnTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnJeffTest.Click
    End Sub

Private Sub Test(ByVal SQL As String)
    'Declare variables used to execute the VUE Export stored procedure
    MsgBox("start stop watch")
    Dim ConnectionString As New SqlConnection(CType(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ConnString"), String))
    Dim cmdSP As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
    Dim MyParam As New SqlClient.SqlParameter
    Dim MyDataAdapter As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
    Dim ExportDataSet As New DataTable
    Dim FilePath As String

    MsgBox("stop 1 - end of declare")


        ' open the connection

        ' Use the connection for this sql command
        cmdSP.Connection = ConnectionString

        'set this command as a stored procedure command
        cmdSP.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

        'get the stored procedure name and plug it in
        cmdSP.CommandText = SQL

        'Add the Start Date parameter if required
        Select Case StDt
            Case Nothing
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Is = 0
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Else
                'add the parameter name, it's direction and its value
                MyParam = cmdSP.Parameters.Add("@StartDate", SqlDbType.VarChar)
                MyParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
                MyParam.Value = Me.txtStartDate.Text
        End Select
        MsgBox("stop 2 - sql ready")
        'Add the End Date parameter if required
        Select Case EdDt
            Case Nothing
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Is = 0
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Else
                'add the parameter name, it's direction and its value

                MyParam = cmdSP.Parameters.Add("@EndDate", SqlDbType.VarChar)
                MyParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
                MyParam.Value = Me.txtEndDate.Text
        End Select

        'Add the single parameter 1 parameter if required
        Select Case SPar1
            Case Is = Nothing
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Is = ""
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Else
                'add the parameter name, it's direction and its value
                MyParam = cmdSP.Parameters.Add(SPar1, SqlDbType.VarChar)
                MyParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
                MyParam.Value = Me.txtSingleReportCrt1.Text
        End Select

        'Add the single parameter 2 parameter if required
        Select Case Spar2
            Case Is = Nothing
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Is = ""
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Else
                'add the parameter name, it's direction and its value
                MyParam = cmdSP.Parameters.Add(Spar2, SqlDbType.VarChar)
                MyParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
                MyParam.Value = Me.txtSingleReportCrt2.Text
        End Select

        MsgBox("stop 3 - params ready")

        'Prepare the data adapter with the selected command 
        MyDataAdapter.SelectCommand = cmdSP

        ' Set the accept changes during fill to false for the NYPDA export
        MyDataAdapter.AcceptChangesDuringFill = False

        'Fill the Dataset tables (Table 0 = Exam Eligibilities, Table 1  = Candidates Demographics)

        'Close the connection

        'refresh the destination path in case they changed it
        SPDestination = txtPDFDestination.Text

        MsgBox("stop 4 - procedure ran, datatable filled")

        Select Case ExcelFile
            Case True

                FilePath = SPDestination & lblReportName.Text & ".xls"

                Dim _excel As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
                Dim wBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
                Dim wSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet

                wBook = _excel.Workbooks.Add()
                wSheet = wBook.ActiveSheet()

                Dim dt As System.Data.DataTable = ExportDataSet
                Dim dc As System.Data.DataColumn
                Dim dr As System.Data.DataRow
                Dim colIndex As Integer = 0
                Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0

                MsgBox("stop 5 - excel stuff declared")

                For Each dc In dt.Columns
                    colIndex = colIndex + 1
                    _excel.Cells(1, colIndex) = dc.ColumnName

                MsgBox("stop 6 - Header written")

                For Each dr In dt.Rows
                    rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
                    colIndex = 0
                    For Each dc In dt.Columns
                        colIndex = colIndex + 1
                        _excel.Cells(rowIndex + 1, colIndex) = dr(dc.ColumnName)

                MsgBox("stop 7 - rows written")


                MsgBox("stop 8 - autofit complete")

                Dim strFileName = SPDestination & lblReportName.Text & ".xls"

                If System.IO.File.Exists(strFileName) Then
                End If

                MsgBox("stop 9 - file checked")

        End Select

        MsgBox("File " & lblReportName.Text & " Exported Successfully!")

        'Dispose of unneeded objects
        StDt = Nothing
        EdDt = Nothing
        SPar1 = Nothing
        Spar2 = Nothing
        MyParam = Nothing
        cmdSP = Nothing
        MyDataAdapter = Nothing
        ExportDataSet = Nothing

    Catch ex As Exception
        '  Something went terribly wrong.  Warn user.
        MessageBox.Show("Error: " & ex.Message, "Stored Procedure Running Process ", _
       MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

        'close the connection in case is still open
        If Not ConnectionString.State = ConnectionState. Then
            ConnectionString = Nothing
        End If

        ' reset the fields

    End Try
End Sub

Total Downloads

Fast Excel import/export for Laravel, thanks to Spout.
See benchmarks below.

Quick start

Install via composer:

composer require rap2hpoutre/fast-excel

Export a Model to .xlsx file:

use Rap2hpoutreFastExcelFastExcel;
use AppUser;

// Load users
$users = User::all();

// Export all users
(new FastExcel($users))->export('file.xlsx');


Export a Model or a Collection:

$list = collect([
    [ 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Jane' ],
    [ 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'John' ],

(new FastExcel($list))->export('file.xlsx');

Export xlsx, ods and csv:

$invoices = AppInvoice::orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get();
(new FastExcel($invoices))->export('invoices.csv');

Export only some attributes specifying columns names:

(new FastExcel(User::all()))->export('users.csv', function ($user) {
    return [
        'Email' => $user->email,
        'First Name' => $user->firstname,
        'Last Name' => strtoupper($user->lastname),

Download (from a controller method):

return (new FastExcel(User::all()))->download('file.xlsx');


import returns a Collection:

$collection = (new FastExcel)->import('file.xlsx');

Import a csv with specific delimiter, enclosure characters and «gbk» encoding:

$collection = (new FastExcel)->configureCsv(';', '#', 'gbk')->import('file.csv');

Import and insert to database:

$users = (new FastExcel)->import('file.xlsx', function ($line) {
    return User::create([
        'name' => $line['Name'],
        'email' => $line['Email']


You may use FastExcel with the optional Facade. Add the following line to config/app.php under the aliases key.

'FastExcel' => Rap2hpoutreFastExcelFacadesFastExcel::class,

Using the Facade, you will not have access to the constructor. You may set your export data using the data method.

$list = collect([
    [ 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Jane' ],
    [ 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'John' ],


Global helper

FastExcel provides a convenient global helper to quickly instantiate the FastExcel class anywhere in a Laravel application.

$collection = fastexcel()->import('file.xlsx');

Advanced usage

Export multiple sheets

Export multiple sheets by creating a SheetCollection:

$sheets = new SheetCollection([
(new FastExcel($sheets))->export('file.xlsx');

Use index to specify sheet name:

$sheets = new SheetCollection([
    'Users' => User::all(),
    'Second sheet' => Project::all()

Import multiple sheets

Import multiple sheets by using importSheets:

$sheets = (new FastExcel)->importSheets('file.xlsx');

You can also import a specific sheet by its number:

$users = (new FastExcel)->sheet(3)->import('file.xlsx');

Import multiple sheets with sheets names:

$sheets = (new FastExcel)->withSheetsNames()->importSheets('file.xlsx');

Export large collections with chunk

Export rows one by one to avoid memory_limit issues using yield:

function usersGenerator() {
    foreach (User::cursor() as $user) {
        yield $user;

// Export consumes only a few MB, even with 10M+ rows.
(new FastExcel(usersGenerator()))->export('test.xlsx');

Add header and rows style

Add header and rows style with headerStyle and rowsStyle methods.

use OpenSpoutCommonEntityStyleStyle;

$header_style = (new Style())->setFontBold();

$rows_style = (new Style())

return (new FastExcel($list))


FastExcel is intended at being Laravel-flavoured Spout:
a simple, but elegant wrapper around Spout with the goal
of simplifying imports and exports. It could be considered as a faster (and memory friendly) alternative
to Laravel Excel, with less features.
Use it only for simple tasks.


Tested on a MacBook Pro 2015 2,7 GHz Intel Core i5 16 Go 1867 MHz DDR3.
Testing a XLSX export for 10000 lines, 20 columns with random data, 10 iterations, 2018-04-05. Don’t trust benchmarks.

Average memory peak usage Execution time
Laravel Excel 123.56 M 11.56 s
FastExcel 2.09 M 2.76 s

Still, remember that Laravel Excel has many more features.

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  • Question

  • User-1821287852 posted

    Hi all,

    I am developing an MVC ASP.Net application that needs to export large data from the database to excel.

    By large I mean 12K records with 26 columns of different types, each.

    Is there any simple and straightforward way of implementing this that doesn’t take several minutes (more than 5) to process and that still keeps my excel columns format correct?

    I have been using EPPlus, but it is very slow.

    Code here:

                    oGrid.DataSource = oTickets.ToList();
                    ExcelPackage oExcel = new ExcelPackage();
                    var oWS = oExcel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Tickets");
                    var iTotalCols = oGrid.Rows[0].Cells.Count;
                    var iTotalRows = oGrid.Rows.Count;
                    var oHeaderRow = oGrid.HeaderRow;
                    for (var i = 1; i <= iTotalCols; i++)
                        oWS.Cells[1, i].Value = oHeaderRow.Cells[i - 1].Text;
                    for (var j = 1; j <= iTotalRows; j++)
                        for (var i = 1; i <= iTotalCols; i++)
                            var oTicket = oTickets.ToList().ElementAt(j - 1);
                            if (oTicket.GetType().GetProperty(oHeaderRow.Cells[i - 1].Text) != null)
                                oWS.Cells[j + 1, i].Value = oTicket.GetType().GetProperty(oHeaderRow.Cells[i - 1].Text).GetValue(oTicket, null);
                    using (var oMemoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                        if (bSend)
                            oMemoryStream.Position = 0;
                            Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
                            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;  filename=" + sFileName);



  • User-1821287852 posted

    I got rid of the GetProperty, GetType, etc. functions and it becames fast enough.


    • Marked as answer by

      Thursday, October 7, 2021 12:00 AM

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