Fancy word for the best

What is a fancy word for best?

other words for the best admirable. excellent. first-rate. magnificent. marvelous.

How do you say good quality?

Goodquality Synonyms — WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for goodquality?

superior excellent
exceptional fine
good outstanding
premium top-quality
a cut above choice

How do you express something amazing?


  1. amazing.
  2. astounding.
  3. bewildering.
  4. breathtaking.
  5. extraordinary.
  6. impressive.
  7. marvelous.
  8. miraculous.

How do you say someone is impressive?


  1. amazing.
  2. astonishing.
  3. awesome.
  4. breathtaking.
  5. grand.
  6. impressive.
  7. majestic.
  8. mind-blowing.

What are some impressive words?

Explore the Words

  • accolade. a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction.
  • acrimony. a rough and bitter manner.
  • angst. an acute but unspecific feeling of anxiety.
  • anomaly. deviation from the normal or common order, form, or rule.
  • antidote. …
  • avant-garde. …
  • baroque. …
  • bona fide.

What is another word for impressive?

Some common synonyms of impressive are affecting, moving, pathetic, poignant, and touching. While all these words mean «having the power to produce deep emotion,» impressive implies compelling attention, admiration, wonder, or conviction.

How do you describe something impressive?

Inspiring awe; awesome. The definition of important is having great significance or consequence. Magnificent and impressive because of appearance, size, Outstanding in importance, of great.

What does very impressive mean?

: making or tending to make a marked impression : having the power to excite attention, awe, or admiration an impressive display of skill.

What is another word for defeat?

Some common synonyms of defeat are conquer, overcome, overthrow, reduce, subdue, and vanquish.

How do you use impressive in a sentence?

«His accomplishments are extremely impressive.» «Her singing was far from impressive tonight.» «Both paintings are equally impressive.» «Her acting is consistently impressive in her movies.»

What does I am impressed mean?

If you’re impressed, then you like what you see or you feel like saying, «wow!» People are impressed by brains, beauty, money, and lots of other qualities.

Can you be impressive negative?

Traumatic, notorious and infamous can all mean «memorable in a bad way.» Impressive has a clear positive meaning (“evoking admiration”, says the New Oxford American Dictionary). Memorable and remarkable are both supposedly neutral, and can be combined with negative events (e.g., “a memorable death”).

What does pretty impressive mean?

if something is impressive, you admire it, for example because it is very good, large, or shows great skill. The list of their achievements is pretty impressive. an impressive performance.

Is impressive a compliment?

It’s kind of like a compliment but a little different and more emphatic. It’s about flattering someone over something they do that is really amazing to you. Why Is This Phrase Important? Showing people you are impressed with them is a huge piece of connection.

What does impressed mean?

1a : to affect especially forcibly or deeply : gain the admiration or interest of her honesty impressed us. b : to produce a vivid impression of. 2a : to apply with pressure so as to imprint. b : to produce (something, such as a mark) by pressure. c : to mark by or as if by pressure or stamping.

What is the opposite of impressive?

impressive. Antonyms: weak, unimpressive, feeble, tame, jejune, dry, vapid, unimportant, insignificant. Synonyms: forcible, solemn, affecting, imposing, important.

What is the part of speech for impressive?

part of speech: adjective. definition: able to make a strong or lasting impact on the mind or emotions; striking.

What is to impress someone?

/ɪmˈpres/ to cause someone to feel admiration or respect: She impressed us with her sincerity. If you impress something on someone, you cause them to understand its importance or value: He always impressed on us the need to do our best.

What does eventually mean?

: at an unspecified later time : in the end.

What does original mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : of, relating to, or constituting an origin or beginning : initial the original part of the house. 2a : not secondary, derivative, or imitative an original composition. b : being the first instance or source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is or can be made.

Is unique the same as original?

As adjectives the difference between original and unique is that original is (label) relating to the origin or beginning; preceding all others while unique is (not comparable) being the only one of its kind; unequaled, unparalleled or unmatched.

Does original mean unique?

Original comes from the Latin word originem, which means «beginning or birth.» Whether you’re using it as an adjective to describe something that is literally the very first, or as a noun meaning something that serves as a model for making copies, original means «first.» Even when you describe an original idea, meaning

How do you describe original?

adjective. belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginning: The book still has its original binding. new; fresh; inventive; novel: an original way of advertising.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the meaning of sectionals?
  2. How do you use the word furniture in a sentence?
  3. What is the word best?
  4. What type of grammar is best?
  5. What to say instead of you’re the best?
  6. What can I say instead of beautiful?

What is another word for best?

What is the meaning of sectionals?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : of or relating to a section. b : local or regional rather than general in character sectional interests. 2 : consisting of or divided into sections sectional furniture.

How do you use the word furniture in a sentence?

Use “furniture” in a sentence | “furniture” sentence examples

  1. The room looks different with the furniture gone.
  2. Furniture for young children needs to be indestructible.
  3. We don’t carry a large stock of pine furniture.
  4. The furniture is made of walnut.
  5. His house was dismantled of all its furniture.
  6. Could you help me shift some furniture?

What is the word best?

(Entry 1 of 6) superlative of good. 1 : excelling all others the best student in the class. 2 : most productive of good : offering or producing the greatest advantage, utility, or satisfaction What is the best thing to do?

What type of grammar is best?

Best can be an adjective, an adverb, a verb or a noun.

finest leading
outstanding top
dominant greatest
premium prime
apex complete

What to say instead of you’re the best?

50 ways to say “you’re awesome.”

  1. You astonish me.
  2. You’re a virtuoso.
  3. Your sagacity is stunning.
  4. You’re a glitterbomb of glory.
  5. Your genius would be alarming, if it wasn’t so damn consistent.
  6. You’re a marvel, mama.
  7. You’ve blinded me with science!
  8. You just revived my faith in humanity.

What can I say instead of beautiful?

other words for beautiful

  • alluring.
  • cute.
  • dazzling.
  • fascinating.
  • fine.
  • graceful.
  • magnificent.
  • marvelous.

We have to understand the comparative and superlative forms of words to be at our best when learning English. Usually, they follow simple rules of adding “-er” or “-est” to the end of a word, but this article will look at using “better” and “best” as irregular forms.

When Should I Use Better Vs. Best?

You should use “better” when you want to compare two things and say that one thing is “more good” than the other thing. You should use “best” when you want to compare multiple things with each other and say that one is the “most good.”

When Should I Use Better Vs. Best?

Usually, with comparative forms, we’d add “-er” to the end of a one-syllable word or write “more” before a longer word to indicate something is better compared to something else.

However, the root word for “better” is good, meaning we ignore the usual rule (which would be “gooder” if we followed it). Instead, we use “better” to mean “more good.”

The same happens with the superlative form. English rules say we add “-est” to the end of a one-syllable word or write “most” before a longer one. However, that doesn’t work when the root word is “good.”

The superlative of “good” should be “goodest” if we follow the rules. This is not the case, which is why we use “best” as the only superlative form to describe something that is the “most good.”

What Is The Definition Of Good/Better/Best?

Let’s explore the meanings of each form of “good.” We’ll start with the root form and work our way up to the superlative form, increasing the value of “goodness” as we go.

The definition of “good,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very satisfactory, enjoyable, pleasant, or interesting.”

The definition of “better,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “comparative of good: of a higher standard, or more suitable, pleasing, or effective than other things or people.”

The definition of “best,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “of the highest quality, or being the most suitable, pleasing, or effective type of thing or person.”

Each word is closely related and talks about the level of satisfaction or suitability of a thing or person.

“Good” is the base form of the word. “Better” is one step up and talks about something of a higher standard than something else (comparative form). “Best” is the highest possible standard available (superlative form).

Is It Better To Be Better Or The Best?

Generally, “better” and “best” mean similar things in certain contexts. You’ll be happy to know that if you’re ever called either of them, it’s meant as a compliment above all else.

Being called “the best” is better than being called “better” than someone else. “The best” compares you to every possible person (i.e., “the best in your class”), while “better” only compares you to a few other people (i.e., “you are better than him.”)

Either way, it’s meant nicely and is supposed to show you that you’re of a higher standard than someone else. Generally speaking, though, we would want to hear the superlative form to show we’re the highest possible standard rather than the comparative form.

Examples Of How To Use “Better” In A Sentence

Let’s try out some examples to see how “better” is used. This will help you understand what we mean when we’re talking about comparing one thing or person to a larger group of things.

“Better” is the comparative form. It means that someone or something is at a higher standard than a few other things, though it’s not saying you’re the “best.”

  1. You’re so much better than I am at just about everything academic.
  2. These chairs are better than the ones we have at home.
  3. They’re better than the majority of people in this class.
  4. I’m better than you are at math, and there’s no denying that.
  5. Do you actually think you’re better than me at sports?
  6. He’s better than I am, but I still try hard to beat him.
  7. These sandwiches are better than the ones you made yesterday.
  8. This food is much better than anything I’ve tried in a restaurant!
  9. The government provides us with better housing than previously.
  10. You’re not better than me, and I can prove it!

Generally, we compare one person or thing to a slightly larger group of other people and things. That’s when it makes the most sense to use “better” in a sentence.

Sometimes, “better” and “best” are synonymous. For example:

  • Of the two, he is better than her.
  • Of the two, he is the best.

When we compare two people, saying that one is better means that there is nobody else to compare them to. Therefore, it’s possible to also say they’re “the best,” which is the only time both words are synonymous.

Examples Of How To Use “Best” In A Sentence

Now is the time to see how to use “best” in a sentence.

“Best” is the superlative form. That means that no one or nothing else can be “better” than the thing we’re talking about. It’s of the highest possible quality available compared with the group we’re talking about.

  1. You’re the best of us, and you’ll do us all proud.
  2. He’s by far the best student in the class.
  3. This is the best food I’ve ever tried!
  4. You run the best gym in the area, and we have a sponsorship offer for you.
  5. This is the best political campaign I’ve seen in a long time.
  6. They’re the best people, and they’re always so kind to their guests.
  7. You’re not the best, even if you think you are!
  8. I’m the best at what I do, which is why I get paid so much for it!
  9. She’s the best girlfriend a man could ask for.
  10. It’s the best time to go out and buy Christmas presents!

“Best” works well when we’re talking about something that is the most important or most satisfactory thing of a larger group. Sometimes, the group only needs to refer to two things, but it’s usually reserved for a larger group.

Also, it’s important to note that the group never needs to be specified. Instead, you can say:

  • You’re the best!

We’re not directly comparing “you” with a group, but the implication is that there is no one better out in the world than “you.”

Which Is Correct: Best Of Two Or Better Of Two?

“Best of two” and “better of two” are both correct. As we’ve mentioned, “best” and “better” are synonymous when you’re only talking about two things or people.

If one thing is better than another thing, and they are the only two things present, it’s safe to assume that it is also the “best” thing in the current group.

  • This one is the best of the two.
  • This one is the better of the two.

As you can see, both forms are correct.

Is It “One Of The Better” Or “One Of The Best”?

“One of the better” means something is of a higher standard than a lot of the other choices on the list, while “one of the best” means something is almost at the highest possible standard, though other things might equal it.

Both phrases are correct and can be used as follows:

  • This is one of the better bands I’ve listened to.

Here, we’re not saying they’re our favorite band, but we’re saying that we enjoy their music compared to others.

  • This is one of the best bands I’ve listened to.

This time, we’re saying that we’re very fond of the band, though we might have a few other favorites alongside them.

Is It “Better Not” Or “Best Not”?

“Better not” means that it would be better if we didn’t do something, though it’s not outright denying you the chance to do it. “Best not” means the same thing but is generally more powerful to try and get you to stop.

  • You better not annoy him if you can avoid it.
  • You best not do anything stupid.

“Better not” implies that we shouldn’t do something, but the speaker isn’t going to stop us. “Best not” implies that we definitely shouldn’t do something or we’ll regret the consequences.

What Word Is Better Than Best?

“Best” is already one of the most complimentary and high-praise words you can find in English. However, there is a chance you might hear one word that is slightly better than even “Best.”

“Perfect” is better to say than “best.” “Perfect” means someone or something is of the highest standard and never does anything wrong.

  • He’s perfect at this job.
  • He’s the best at this job.

“Perfect” in the above example means that “he” makes no errors and does the job exactly as expected of him.

However, while “best” is saying he’s better than everybody else, it still doesn’t mean he’s “perfect.” “Best” is a relative term, so if everyone else is really bad, then to be the “best,” you only have to be “okay” at something.

What Is A Fancy Word For Better?

We can also go slightly further with “better” and develop a fancier word to use in its place.

“Superior” is a fancy word for “better.”

To call someone or something “superior” means that they’re a cut above the rest of the crowd. We can talk about them being of a higher value than other people, which is similar to what “better” means but is a fancier word.

Is It Ever Correct To Use “More Better”?

“Better” already means “more good” and is a comparative adjective. “More better” would mean “more more good,” which is grammatically incorrect. You should not use “more better” because it is wrong.

Using “more better” is creating something known as reduplication. This is something in English where the same word (“more”) is used twice to create a new word with redundancies. It’s best to avoid doing this to streamline our language use.

Can I Say “Very Better”?

“Very” is another way to create a comparative adjective, and it’s wrong to use with the word “better.” “Very better” means “very more good,” which is incorrect because we can’t use “very” and “more” to describe an adjective.

While “very better” isn’t strictly reduplication, it comes very close. “Very” isn’t the same as “more,” yet the two words have very similar meanings, making it important not to use them in this way.

Can I Say “Much Better”?

“Much better” is correct because “much” and “more” do work together. “Much better” means that something is now “better” than the previous option that we had, and we are comparing it to that.

  • I need a new car; this one is old now.
  • Here are your new car keys!
  • Oh, that’s much better.

As you can see from this, “much better” compares our new thing with the previous thing we’re talking about.

While the other thing might also have been “better” than something else, the new thing is “much better” because it’s even more satisfying to us than whatever it was that we had previously.

Is “Way Better” Correct Grammar?

“Way better” is grammatically correct and is synonymous with “much better.” However, “way better” tends to be a little more powerful in meaning, implying that something is far superior to what we previously had.

“Way” can accompany the “more” portion of the word “better” (“more good”).

Typically, “way” means that something has gone much further than we expected it to and has done a great job in impressing us.

  • This is way better than the car I had before!

If we’re shocked or impressed by the thing that we now have, it might be “way better” than what we previously had.

While synonymous with “much better,” you’ll want to reserve “way better” for the most impressive things in your life.

Is “Most Best” Grammatically Correct?

“Most best” is grammatically incorrect. It returns to the reduplication problem we mentioned before. “Best” means “most good,” so “most best” would mean “most most good.”

It’s impossible to find a situation where “most best” works grammatically. However, some people do use it casually to say that there really isn’t anything more perfect than what they’ve got right now, but they shorten it to the following:

  • Bestest

Again, this isn’t an officially recognized word, and you should only use it in informal situations if you’re going to use it at all.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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Если Вы хотите принять участие в Марафоне: Английский каждый день, оставьте Ваше имя и номер телефона и мы свяжемся с Вами в ближайшее время

001В своей прошлой статье я упоминал о словах, которые в английском называются fancy words – что на русский можно перевести как «слова высокого стиля». Любой человек, который изучает язык, знает, что для этого нужно, помимо всего прочего, следить за тем, как говорят люди вокруг него. Для русского языка исключений быть не должно; несмотря на то, что для нас он родной, его изучение продолжается каждый день и не закончится до последнего из них. При этом по человеку сразу видно, сколько внимания он уделяет языку: вы явно заметите, если кто-то рядом с вами будет говорить не привычное «я думаю» раз за разом, а будет перемежать его с «я полагаю», «я предполагаю», «я считаю». Все это – синонимы, по частоте появления которых в речи можно легко отделить человека, не забывающего про свой язык.

Fancy words тоже являются синонимами, но особой, более редкой группы. Представьте, что, помимо вышеперечисленных эквивалентов «я думаю», ваш собеседник начал свое суждение так: «я помыслил». А может, и еще с какого слова, о котором я, к своему стыду, не ведаю, так как читаю на русском не так много, как хотелось бы. А надо бы.

Я подвожу вас к тому, что в английском языке все то же самое. Существует ряд слов и словоформ, которые нечасто встретишь в речи обывателей и которые могут обогатить и украсить вашу речь, выделив вас среди других изучающих английский. Это также подтвердит вашу любовь к языку, ведь без любви к языку, повторяю я и еще много раз буду повторять, изучать его затруднительно и безынтересно. В этом вторая функция fancy words – показать, насколько разнообразен и красив в этом своем разнообразии изучаемый язык, чтобы развить к нему особое чувство.

В этой статье я предлагаю ознамиться с совсем небольшой частью арсенала слов высокого стиля английского языка. В качестве первой порции – слова, тщательно и бережно собранные мною из книг, как старатели собирают золото из приисков. Все они имеют в качестве синонимов более или менее общеупотребительные слова, так что у вас будет шанс, если вы общаетесь лично или по переписке с иностранцами, вставить одно-другое в свои реплики. Обратите внимание, что я говорю «одно-другое», ведь с fancy words очень важно не переборщить, чтобы про вас не подумали, будто вы свой словарный запас выставляете напоказ. Не забывайте, что к этим словам обычно стоит пометка либо «книжное», либо «устаревшее», то есть их чаще всего употребляют все-таки в художественной и исторической литературе. Поэтому я вовсе не советую их заучивать – наоборот, советую не заучивать, ведь их знание вызвано не необходимостью, а интересом. В своей первой статье для этого сайта «Как я запоминал слова» я писал, что наверняка запоминаются только те слова, которые, когда вы их произносите, оставляют приятный привкус на языке. Зубрежка подавляет это ощущение. Не зубрите – просто познавайте.

Скорее всего, такое собрание, будучи первым, не станет последним – в целях удовлетворения своего и вашего интереса я продолжу искать синонимы высокого стиля и к другим словам, которые часто используются в повседневном общении. А пока что – до новых!

behest [bɪ’hest] — распоряжение, директива, указание, приказ = order

beseech [bɪ’sɪ:ʧ] — заклинать, молить, упрашивать = beg

besmirch [bɪ’smɜːʧ] — пятнать, чернить, позорить (репутацию, имя) = spoil

blithe [blaɪð] — веселый, жизнерадостный = happy

countenance [‘kaunt(ə)nən(t)s]- лицо, выражение лица = facial expression

demur [dɪ’mɜː] – возражение = protest

to disport [dɪs’pɔːt] oneself — развлекаться, веселиться = to have fun

doughty [‘dautɪ] — бесстрашный, смелый, отважный = brave

evanescent [ˌevə’nes(ə)nt]- исчезающий, растворяющийся, тускнеющий = disappearing

famished [‘fæmɪʃt] – голодный = hungry

firmanent [‘fɜːməmənt] — небесный свод = sky

hirsute [‘hɜːs(j)uːt] — волосатый, заросший волосами = hairy

inebriate [ɪ’niːbrɪət] – пьяница = drunk

knave [neɪv] — жулик, плут, мошенник, нечестивый человек = con

mien [miːn] – манера = manner

methinks [mɪ’θɪŋks]- я считаю, я думаю, мне кажется = I think

morass [mə’ræs] – болото = marsh 

perfidy [‘pɜːfɪdɪ] — измена, предательство, вероломство = betrayal

provenance [‘prɔv(ə)nən(t)s] — происхождение, источник = source

rapacious [rə’peɪʃəs] — жадный, алчный = greedy

repast [rɪ’pɑːst] — прием пищи = meal

rive [raɪv] – разрезать = cut

sapience [‘seɪpɪən(t)s] — мудрость, рассудительность = wisdom

sortilege [‘sɔːtɪlɪʤ] – гадание = fortune-telling

stalwart [‘stɔːlwət] – верный, преданный, надежный = loyal

surmise [sə’maɪz] — догадка, предположение, прозрение = guess

susurrus [s(j)uː’sʌrəs] — шепот, шорох = whisper

valedictory [ˌvælɪ’dɪkt(ə)rɪ] – прощальный = concluding

variegated [‘veərɪgeɪtɪd] – разнообразный = various

wroth [rəuθ] — разгневанный, озлобленный = angry

Language specialists confirm that people with a good education, those who read more, and those who like to explore new things have a bigger and richer vocabulary. You might think this automatically means that using big words makes you intelligent. Well no, that’s not how it works. It often happens that people use big words to sound smart without even understanding what that word means. Needless to say, the effect is quite often the opposite. 

But besides knowing the meaning of words, you should also be aware of the appropriate situations to use them in. For one, even though the more common and the fancy word might have the same general meaning, a small nuance often makes them inapplicable in certain situations. On top of that, using high vocabulary words that belong in a textbook or a novel when you order a coffee or explain to a friend why you liked the movie you watched last night, sounds ridiculous, to say the least. Similarly, special words that are only understandable to people of a certain profession shouldn’t be forced into a conversation if you are not talking to your colleagues. They don’t make you sound smarter; they make you sound incomprehensible.  

That said, it absolutely does not mean that you should always stick to basic vocabulary. There are hundreds of beautiful words in English, same as in any other language, that can expand your vocabulary and make you an interesting and pleasant counterpart. Remember that the actual goal of every conversation is to find the perfect words to describe your thoughts and feelings, not to dazzle the person you are talking to with some long and arguably unnecessary words.

Below you will find a lot of interesting words with their definitions to help you expand your English vocabulary. How many of them did you already know? Make sure you use them responsibly and also tell us in the comments if there are any fancy words you especially enjoy.


Meaning: having the property of forming bubbles.



Meaning: lasting for an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time.



Meaning: lacking courage and resolution.



Meaning: to overwhelm with shock, surprise, or wonder.



Meaning: someone with a fear of long words.



Meaning: the act or habit of assessing something as worthless.



Meaning: marked by forceful and fluent expression (having a way with words).



Meaning: the highest point.



Meaning: showing or suggesting a lofty, courageous, noble spirit.



Meaning: the perfect example of something.



Meaning: having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying.



Meaning: marked by tremendous size.



Meaning: to confuse (someone).



Meaning: dedication, diligence and great focus.



Meaning: a great number / countless.



Meaning: a person’s list of talents and skills; a list or supply of dramas, operas, pieces, or parts that a company or person is prepared to perform.



Meaning: extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience, being beyond comprehension.



Meaning: the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings.



Meaning: brick-red in colour.



Meaning: subservient (useful in an inferior capacity); marked by a fawning attentiveness.



Meaning: resembling a statue especially in dignity, shapeliness, or stillness.



Meaning: physically beautiful.



Meaning: relating to or indicative of love.



Meaning: having no equal; matchless, incomparable.



Meaning: next to the last thing.



Meaning: a period of 14 days.



Meaning: a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction, boredom.



Meaning: an artistic style especially of the 18th century characterized by fanciful curved asymmetrical forms and elaborate ornamentation.



Meaning: a general truth, fundamental principle, or rule of conduct.



Meaning: honorable, highly regarded.



Meaning: the beginning of evening, dusk.



Meaning: a person who drinks too much wine.



Meaning: having a smooth rich flow; filled with something (such as honey) that sweetens.



Meaning: a word or name usually indicating small size.



Meaning: complete and confident composure or self-assurance.



Meaning: very obstinate, unyielding, willful.



Meaning: to make obscure or unclear.



Meaning: the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea.



Meaning: to give high praise.



Meaning: impressively direct and decisive (as in manner or presentation).



Meaning: present and capable of emerging or developing but not now visible, obvious or active. In other words — there, but not there.



Meaning: having or containing no flaw or error.



Meaning: extraordinarily or showily impressive.



Meaning: pleasing in appearance, attractive.



Meaning: marked by stately beauty.



Meaning: clever, shrewd.



Meaning: of acute mental vision or discernment.



Meaning: causing amazement or wonder.



Meaning: highly extraordinary, exceptional, remarkable.



Meaning: incapable of being expressed in words.



Meaning: a tender quality or condition, such as gentleness and affection.



Meaning: to engage in amorous embracing, caressing, and kissing.



Meaning: unusual, strange.



Meaning: mystic, oracular; fascinating, entrancing.



Meaning: physical discomfort or a general feeling of being under the weather.



Meaning: whatever makes something the type that it is; the essence.



Meaning: very dark or gloomy.



Meaning: proud.



Meaning: the legal right of using and enjoying the fruits or profits of something belonging to another.



Meaning: showing or suggesting that future success is likely.



Meaning: existing or being everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered.



Meaning: used when discussing a meeting of minds, a group of ideas, or a coming together of diverse people for a gathering.



Meaning: finely detailed. Can also help describe a meticulous level of detail in your own work, thinking, or planning.



Meaning: having substance and point, being brief, but very efficient.



Meaning: custom-made.



Meaning: shining brilliantly, characterized by a glowing splendor.



Meaning: nasty (and usually lengthy) tirade, whether spoken or written.



Meaning: bitterly harsh language or criticism.



Meaning: to speak or write in a showy, grandiose way.



Meaning: showing or demanding excessive delicacy or care.



Meaning: a self-seeking flatterer.



Meaning: loving of long words.



Meaning: work that you do just so that you look busy, but it isn’t actually useful.



Meaning: lively, cheerful and eager behavior.



Meaning: friendly, sociable, and generally agreeable.



Meaning: free from prejudice or malice, honest, sincere.



Meaning: showing or expressing respect and high regard due a superior or an elder.



Meaning: tending to associate with others of one’s kind, social.



Meaning: characteristic of an isolated people; an island unto itself.



Meaning: characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance.



Meaning: marked by precise attention to every detail.



Meaning: a remedy for all ills or difficulties.



Meaning: easily, clearly understandable.



Meaning: an established preference or bias.



Meaning: to reject or refuse to recognize as valid.



Meaning: something that stands out and is obvious.



Meaning: to give facts to support a claim.



Meaning: the quality of overabundance.



Meaning: temperamentally disinclined (unwilling because of mild dislike or disapproval) to talk.



Meaning: causing astonishment or wonder, marvelous.



Meaning: unusually attractive, pleasing, or striking.



Meaning: pleasing through beauty, fitness, or perfection.



Meaning: freed from ignorance and misinformation.



Meaning: having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving.



Meaning: extreme or excessive admiration or flattery.



Meaning: the act of being in love.



Meaning: to treat as illustrious, preeminent, or sacred.



Meaning: a word or an act (such as a caress) expressing affection.



Meaning: characterized by happiness, great success, and prosperity.



Meaning: to be brilliant or showy in technique or style.



Meaning: one that takes the lead or initiative, trendsetter.



Meaning: keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters.



Meaning: to brag or boast.



Meaning: traits that belong to a person’s character.



Meaning: displeasure, resentment, or anger.



Meaning: flagrantly wicked or criminal.



Meaning: formal debate or parley.



Meaning: feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection (lowness of spirits), or depression.



Meaning: comes from the Latin adjective lucidus (shining), a more fancy word to define a person for his intelligent thinking, capability of being understood or comprehended.



Meaning: to decrease in force or intensity.



Meaning: joking or jesting, often inappropriately.



Meaning: talent or natural ability.



Meaning: to lower in status, esteem, quality, or character.



Meaning: characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort.



Meaning: to explain very clearly.



Meaning: lasting a very short time.



Meaning: easily bent or flexed.



Meaning: a small portion; a limited quantity.



Meaning: a very subtle difference.



Meaning: a strong and continued inclination.



Meaning: studying with the intent to memorize.



Meaning: an abundance or extreme excess.



Meaning: marked by settled sedateness and often prim self-restraint.



Meaning: character trait involving diligent study.



Meaning: acting in accord with divine or moral law, free from guilt or sin.



Meaning: having a strongly attractive or enticing quality.



Meaning: having or showing shrewdness and an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp.



Meaning: characterized by sympathetic understanding or insight.



Meaning: to grasp the nature, significance, or meaning of.



Meaning: exceedingly or unexpectedly excellent or great.



Meaning: that is to be marveled at, extraordinary.



Meaning: earnest attachment to a cause, person, etc.



Meaning: honor or respect felt or shown, especially profound adoring awed respect.



Meaning: filled with or marked by a foolish or extravagant love or admiration.



Meaning: blindly or utterly infatuated.



Meaning: brilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty.



Meaning: a loud, obnoxious blend of sounds.



Meaning: a fair division between all parties.



Meaning: unnecessary, uncalled-for.


When it comes to fancy yet useful words, the English language has tons to offer. Here are 25 examples of smart words that you can use in daily conversation. 

As an English learner, one of the best feelings in the world is creating better English sentences. There’s just something very satisfying in knowing some smart words to use in a conversation and using them. We all had that “Yes, I did it!” moment after using something we learned in real life. 

Adding beautiful words in your vocabulary has some benefits as well. Some of the advantages of learning powerful words are
improving English pronunciation, better-articulated speeches, and better reading and listening comprehension. Besides, it makes you feel and sound smart, which you can use to your advantage professionally.

Why Sounding Smart Is A Good Thing? 

Did you know that there’s a benefit when you sound fluent
like a native speaker? According to a
Harvard Business Review study, an applicant’s voice and sound can affect the employer’s impression during interviews. The more confident and smart-sounding your voice is, the better you can fare in job interviews. 

Using big words can be frowned upon and even ridiculed by some English speakers. After all, there are times that these complicated words can be frustrating and irritating to the listener. If misused, they make you sound incoherent instead of smart. Make sure that you understand the word you’re going to use in a sentence. Here are other tips to sound smarter and more confident when speaking in English. 

  • Check and fix your posture (stand straight, but remain relaxed)

  • Speak loud and clear

  • Use matching body language 

  • Use appropriate words based on the audience.

  • Always practice your English daily.

25 Impressively Useful Words That Can Make You Sound Smarter

According to
Merriam-Webster, no one knows the
exact amount of English words ever created. However, an individual is said to use 20,000 to 30,000 words in daily conversations. New words are also made annually, primarily from interactions on the internet. If you want to spice up your speech and sound fluent, use these 25 smart words.

1. Repertoire

  • A person’s list of talents and skills 

  • In formal language, repertoire means all songs and plays a performer can perform without fail.


Chris knows how to play the piano, bass, drums, and guitar. His musical repertoire is quite extensive.

Damian has a wide repertoire of champions he can play in League of Legends. 

2. Accolade 

  • Acknowledgment of someone’s excellent performance

  • A similar term for award or honor


The team’s hard work has finally paid off! Receiving the highest accolade in the contest is worth all the sacrifices they made. 

Did you hear? Allan received the highest accolade from the Science Fair. What a lucky guy. 

3. Exacerbate

  • Worsen a situation that is already bad

  • Make bad things severe.


Steven thought opening the window can put out the fire. Unfortunately, this further exacerbated the problem. 

Shouting at her while she’s mad will only exacerbate her mood, so calm yourself before making a conversation. 

4. Quid Pro Quo 

  • A material or favor received for doing or giving something else. 

  • A favor for a favor; give and take


How about this? I’ll give you this book when you give me that book? Quid Pro Quo? 

Daenerys and Jon agreed on a quid pro quo: she will help him defeat his enemies in exchange for his loyalty. 

5. Rendezvous 

  • A meeting place and date agreed upon by two parties

  • The location and time where two or more parties can meet together 


Do you have any problem with the rendezvous? We can adjust the particular details when the boss gets back. 

Luffy is once again late for the rendezvous. I swear I’m going to give him an earful when he arrives. 

6. Touche 

  • Acknowledging someone’s good point during an argument

  • Can be used to appreciate someone’s clever point


Danny: Do you think Jon knows how to solve this math problem? 

Tyrion: He knows nothing about math. 

Danny: Hmm, touche. 

7. Fiasco

  • Can be used to describe something that failed miserably

  • A complete failure; a great disaster


Have you seen the last season of “Game of Thrones”? It was a total fiasco!

“The Room” is considered a fiasco by a lot of people. But the memes from that movie have been viral. 

8. Ostentatious

  • An act which is done to obviously seek attention

  • Giving a show to impress other people


Darius likes showing off his wealth. He’ll grab every chance to show his ostentatious lifestyle. 

Garen has been admired in the military due to his display of skills and humility. He was never ostentatious nor arrogant when teaching his juniors. 

9. Tranquil

  • The state of being relaxed/calm

  • Free from any distraction or agitation

  • A word to describe a peaceful and quiet environment


Nothing beats the tranquil ocean during the sunset. It’s a magnificent view worth seeing every day. 

The village is so tranquil, it’s a nice place to settle down and start a family. 

10. Flummoxed

  • Extreme confusion or bewilderment

  • A state of utter confusion; perplexed


The instruction was written poorly; no wonder he got so flummoxed and made a wrong input. 

Cristina cannot understand anything about the lesson; she was so flummoxed. 

I hope this example doesn’t make you flummoxed. 

11. Capricious

  • Sudden changes in mood or behavior

  • Unpredictable

  • Changing from time to time

She suddenly became angry and walked off, and I don’t know why. Women are so capricious sometimes!

Short-term stock trading is challenging when the economy and stock market are in a capricious state. 

12. Concur (Concurred)

  • To agree to an opinion or a statement

  • To have the same opinion as another person.

  • Synonym of “agree.”


The team concurred to spend the next vacation on a nearby beach resort. 

Now that I think about it, you’re right about the whole situation. I concur and support your decisions.  

13. Quintessential

  • Being the best example of something/someone

  • A perfect representation of a class or a quality


Macky is a very reckless driver. He’s the perfect quintessential guy insurance companies would like to avoid. 

Jack Ma’s from-rags-to-riches tale is a quintessential success story of not giving up. 

14. Red Herring

  • An idea or things  that takes the audiences’ attention away from the central matter

  • Is a term that refers to a thing that diverts people’s attention from the main focal point


He’s just redirecting the attention to other people to bury his controversies away from the spotlight. Please don’t fall on his red herrings. 

The investigation revealed that one piece of evidence found on the scene was actually a red herring. 

15. Cacophony

  • A loud and displeasing sound

  • Deafening or boisterous noises


The cacophony from my neighbor’s ridiculously large sound system never fails to wake me up each morning. 

Although the band has a lot of aesthetic qualities, the cacophony in their sound fails to maintain the crowd’s attention. 

16. Cajole

  • To persuade someone with gentle coaxing

  • Reducing reluctance  with praises and flattery


After a couple of voluntary housework and good grades, Rocky finally managed to cajole his parents to let him go on a hiking trip. 

The hardest thing to do when you’re under pressure is to cajole yourself to keep going. 

17. Revel 

  • To greatly enjoy doing something

  • To party and have a good time with other people

  • Feasting/celebrating


Happy Birthday! Let’s spend the night revealing with good food and good karaoke session. 

Chad is out and might not come back until tomorrow. He’s currently out with friends for their weekly late-night revels.

18. Dapper

  • Someone (usually a man) dressed up in a classy and dashing fashion

  • A man who is sporting a neat and elegant look


I remember him! He is that dapper gentleman who danced with me at the ball. 

Michael can’t seem to find the best outfit for a dapper-inspired look in his wardrobe. 

19. Fortuitous

  • A very unexpected surprise; accidental; by chance

  • When something pleasant happens unexpectedly

  • Fortunate or lucky


When Tom met Summer for the first time, he knew at that moment that it was a fortuitous event.

Norman deemed today’s routine walk fortuitous after bumping and catching up with an old childhood friend. 

20. Fastidious

  • A very detail-oriented person

  • Someone who likes everything to be perfect up to the smallest detail

  • Having high standards (adj)


Conny’s fastidious character makes her one of the best event organizers in the area. 

When it comes to food, the chef always makes sure that everything is perfect and passes his fastidious standards. 

21. Idyllic

  • Extremely pleasant, peaceful, and safe;

  • This word often used to describe time, place, or personal experiences


She remembered her childhood as one of the most idyllic times of her life. 

 If you want to live an idyllic lifestyle, consider living close to nature. 

22. Bonafide

  • A genuine classification

  • Authentic and real 

  • Can be used to describe a good intention


It is confirmed that the excavated jars and cutleries from the new digging sites are bona fide relics from the Pax Romana era. 

Take it, it’s a bona fide good offer if you ask me. 

23. Innocuous

  • Harmless in nature

  • Inoffensive

  • Innocent and friendly


That innocuous puppy look was all it takes to convince me. 

Even behind those innocuous smiles, you can tell that he’s planning something wicked. 

24. Prolific

  • Someone or something that has an abundant productivity

  • Being extremely productive

  • Fast growth or generation


The harshness of the weather in the wild prompted the prolific improvement of his survival skills. 

Beethoven was known as a prolific composer and pianist, as well as one of the best classical musicians ever.

25. Peevish

  • The state of being extremely irritable

  • Being irritated or frustrated over the smallest things

  • Someone who is bad-tempered


May is not very good at controlling her words and facial expressions when she’s peevish. 

Oh no, what have I done? She’s got that peevish face on, I’m in big trouble. 

The peevish patient has been waiting for the doctor’s arrival for 30 minutes.  

Final Thoughts

There’s nothing wrong with using fancy words that can make you sound smarter. The problem starts when you’re using words that you don’t fully understand. As always, practice makes everything perfect, so continue expanding your English vocabulary. Talk to other English speakers or learners to learn more about the language. 

Are you having some difficulties in learning how to use the words above?
Professional tutors from JustLearn can help you understand these words and practice real-life usages. You can arrange classes that fit your schedule and learning needs. Don’t forget to check other articles for tips on learning new languages. Enjoy learning! 

A translator to convert normal text to fancy text which you can copy and paste.

Generating fancy text

So perhaps, you’ve generated some fancy text, and you’re content that you can now copy and paste your fancy text in the comments section of funny cat videos, but perhaps you’re wondering how it’s even possible to change the font of your text? Is it some sort of hack? Are you copying and pasting an actual font?

Well, the answer is actually no — rather than generating fancy fonts, this converter creates fancy symbols. The explanation starts with unicode; an industry standard which creates the specification for thousands of different symbols and characters. All the characters that you see on your electronic devices, and printed in books, are likely specified by the unicode standard.

Unicode text

Amongst the hundreds of thousands of symbols which are in the unicode text specifications are certain characters which resemble, or are variations of the alphabet and other keyword symbols. For example, if we can take the phrase «thug life» and convert its characters into the fancy letters «𝖙𝖍𝖚𝖌 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊» which are a set of unicode symbols. These different sets of fancy text letters are scattered all throughout the unicode specification, and so to create a fancy text translator, it’s just a matter of finding these sets of letters and symbols, and linking them to their normal alphabetical equivalents.

Unicode has a huge number of symbols, and so we’re able to create other things like a wingdings translator too. Also if you’re looking for messy text, or glitchy text, visit this creepy zalgo text generator (another translator on LingoJam).

Copy and paste

After generating your fancy text symbols, you can copy and paste the «fonts» to most websites and text processors. You could use it to generate a fancy Agario name (yep, weird text in agario is probably generated using a fancy text converter similar to this), to generate a creative-looking instagram, facebook, tumblr, or twitter post, for showing up n00bs on Steam, or just for sending messages full of beautiful text to your buddies.

The only exception is if your paste destination has a font which doesn’t support some unicode characters. For example, you’ll might find that some websites don’t use a unicode font, or if they do, the font doesn’t have all the characters required. In that case, you’ll see a generic «box» in which was created when the browser tries to create a fancy letter. This doesn’t mean there’s an error with this translator, it just means the website’s font doesn’t support that character.

Mildly off topic, but you might also be interested in Facebook emojis — that’s a massive searchable list of all the emojis that you can use in your Facebook posts and chat. And actually, I made an 🐌 Emoji Translator 🎲 which you might like.

If there’s anything that I can do to improve this online fancy generator thing (e.g. by adding other font styles that you’ve found), then please let me know in the suggestions box! If you’ve some found new beautiful fonts that can be copy-pasted and that aren’t in this generator, please share them below as well. Thanks!

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