Fancy word for follow up


What is a word for following?

What is another word for following?

next subsequent
coming succeeding
ensuing later
successive after
consecutive consequent

What is a better word for follow up?

follow out, carry out, fulfill, follow through, implement, go across, execute, consume, experience, fulfil, go through, down, follow up, accomplish, carry through, action, run through, enforce, pass, put through, devour, apply, work through, see. follow upverb.

What is the same meaning of follow?

1 : to go, proceed, or come after followed the guide. 2a : to engage in as a calling or way of life : pursue wheat-growing is generally followed here. b : to walk or proceed along follow a path. 3a : to be or act in accordance with follow directions. b : to accept as authority : obey followed his conscience.

How do you follow up professionally?

  1. Rule 1: Be Overly Polite and Humble. That seems obvious enough, but a lot of people take it personally when they don’t hear back from someone right away.
  2. Rule 2: Persistent Doesn’t Mean Every Day.
  3. Rule 3: Directly Ask if You Should Stop Reaching Out.
  4. Rule 4: Stand Out in a Good Way.
  5. Rule 5: Change it Up.

How do you use follow up?

Should I use follow-up or follow up?

  1. Follow-up has a hyphen because it can act as either a compound noun or adjective. It describes a subsequent activity, usually an appointment or interview.
  2. Follow up has no hyphen because it is a phrasal verb. It refers to the action of doing a subsequent activity.

What do you call someone who follows you?

Some common synonyms of follower are adherent, disciple, and partisan. While all these words mean “one who gives full loyalty and support to another,” follower may apply to people who attach themselves either to the person or beliefs of another.

How do you secretly follow someone?


  1. follow. verb. to walk, drive etc closely behind someone in order to watch them.
  2. shadow. verb. to follow someone wherever they go, especially secretly.
  3. track. verb.
  4. tail. verb.
  5. hound. verb.
  6. stalk. verb.
  7. stick to. phrasal verb.
  8. trail. verb.

What is the word for watching someone?

intent look. Noun. ▲ The action or process of closely observing or monitoring something or someone. observation.

How do you tell people to follow you?

How do you ask someone to follow you on Instagram?

  1. Know your audience.
  2. Identify your brand voice.
  3. Consider length.
  4. Place the most important words at the beginning of the caption.
  5. Edit and rewrite.
  6. Use hashtags, but use them wisely.
  7. Pose a question.
  8. Give a shout-out with an @mention.

What are some good words to Describe Yourself?

This last set of words to describe yourself can be used in more casual, relaxed spaces, such as an online dating profile or a social media account. You could also use these words to describe someone else, such as a character in a work of fiction you’re writing.

What’s the best way to describe a person?

Simply ask them to write down a few words (adjectives or nouns) that best describe you and your academic or personal strengths, based on what they know about you. Finally, take care to avoid any describing words that exaggerate your strengths or make you seem different from who you really are.

Which is the best synonym for the word describe?

1 to give a representation or account of in words. he tried to describe the dream he had last night as accurately as he could. Synonyms for describe. delineate, depict, draw, image, limn, paint,

What’s the best way to list good words?

Keep reading and we’ll show you exactly how to do this. Let’s say you can think of a handful of good words on the spot. Or maybe you’re unsure if the words you think of are any good. Whatever you do, try to avoid simply listing descriptive words. Rather, give a short story to support your claim.

What can you use instead of follow up?

Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. A published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one Say something in response to something someone has said Find more words! What is the opposite of follow-up? What is the plural of follow-up?

What are the 5 best words to Describe Yourself?

One common interview question goes something like this: “What are 5 words to describe yourself?”. The stakes are higher, but the same rules from above apply (stay positive and be honest). The only difference is now you have to be more specific.

Are there any synonyms for the word follow through?

Synonyms of follow through (with) accomplish, achieve, bring off, carry off, carry out, commit, compass, do, execute, fulfill (or fulfil), make, negotiate, perform, perpetrate, prosecute, pull off, put through. Words Related to follow through (with)

Simply ask them to write down a few words (adjectives or nouns) that best describe you and your academic or personal strengths, based on what they know about you. Finally, take care to avoid any describing words that exaggerate your strengths or make you seem different from who you really are.

What kind of word is follows?

FOLLOWING (adjective, preposition, pronoun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is a word for beyond perfect?

pluperfect Add to list Share. The word pluperfect comes from the Latin phrase plus quam perfectum, “more than perfect.” The Latin perfect tense refers to the past, while the pluperfect references “more than past.”

Whats a better word for follow up?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for follow up, like: followup, reexamination, implement, debrief, dodge, follow through, forget, avoid, follow, follow-out and carry out.

What’s a fancy word for perfect?

What is another word for perfect?

flawless excellent
exquisite immaculate
impeccable pristine
defectless faultless
intact irreproachable

observe. verb. to watch or study someone or something with care and attention in order to discover something.

Whats a better word for use?

The words employ and utilize are common synonyms of use. While all three words mean “to put into service especially to attain an end,” use implies availing oneself of something as a means or instrument to an end.

Is it a tendency of or to?

a tendency (for someone/something) to do something: There’s a tendency for a new manager to make changes. have a tendency to do something: You have a tendency to avoid arguments.


1. 1) комплект, набор; коллекция

in sets — в комплектах, в наборах

a set of surgical instruments [of weights] — набор хирургических инструментов [гирь]

a set of teeth — а) зубы, ряд зубов; б) вставные зубы, вставная челюсть

well-chosen [valuable] set — хорошо подобранная [ценная] коллекция

2) сервиз

3) гарнитур

4) прибор

toilet /dressing-table/ set — туалетный прибор

writing /desk/ set — письменный прибор

5) (полный) комплект издания

a set of Pravda — комплект «Правды»

2. 1) серия, ряд

a set of assumptions — ряд допущений /предположений/

2) совокупность

3. 1) группа (); состав

a poor set of players — плохая команда, плохие игроки

four sets of dancers /partners/ — четыре пары танцоров

a new set of customers — новый круг покупателей /клиентов/

2) набор, состав ()

3) компания, круг

the political [the literary] set — политические [литературные] круги

the smart /the fashionable/ set — а) законодатели мод; б) фешенебельное общество

gambling set — картёжники, завсегдатаи игорных домов

he belonged to the best set in the college — в колледже он принадлежал к числу избранных

he is not in their set, he does not belong to their set — он не принадлежит к их кругу [ тж. 4)]

4) банда, шайка

he is not in their set, he does not belong to their set — он не из их шайки [ тж. 3)]

set designer — художник по декорациям; художник кинофильма


прибор, аппарат; установка, агрегат

6. приёмник

7. фигура (); последовательность фигур

we danced three or four sets of quadrilles — мы протанцевали три или четыре кадрили

8. завивка и укладка волос

9. сюита духовной музыки ()


меблированная квартира


брусчатка, каменная шашка



sing общие очертания, линия

the set of his back [of his shoulders] — линия спины [плеч]

the set of the hills — линия /очертание/ гор

2. строение; конфигурация; (тело)сложение

the set of smb.’s head — посадка головы

1) направление

the set of a tide [of a current, of wind] — направление прилива [течения реки, ветра]

2) направленность; тенденция

the set of public opinion /of public feeling/ — тенденция общественного мнения

a set towards mathematics — склонность к математике; математический склад ума


направленность, установка ()

4) наклон, отклонение

a set to the right — отклонение /наклон/ вправо


sing поэт. заход, закат ()

5. музыкальный вечер (

джазовой музыки)


молодой побег (); завязь ()

1) = set onion

2) посадочный материал ()


разводка для пил, развод зубьев пилы, ширина развода


остаточная деформация

to be at a dead set — завязнуть, застрять

to make a dead set at smb. — а) обрушиваться /нападать/ на кого-л.; резко критиковать кого-л.; ≅ вцепиться в кого-л. зубами и когтями; б) делать всё возможное, чтобы завоевать кого-л. /завоевать чью-л. любовь, дружбу, доверие /; в) вешаться кому-л. на шею, навязывать свою любовь, пытаться влюбить в себя ( о женщине); г) делать стойку ()

1. неподвижный; застывший

with a set face /countenance/ — с каменным лицом

2. 1) определённый, твёрдо установленный, постоянный

set wage — твёрдый оклад, постоянная заработная плата

the hall holds a set number of people — зал вмещает определённое количество людей

2) неизменный, постоянный; незыблемый

set programme — постоянная /неизменная/ программа

to dine at a set hour — обедать в определённые часы /в одно и то же время/ [ тж. 4]

to be set in one’s ways [ideas] — никогда не изменять своим привычкам [взглядам]

3) шаблонный; стереотипный

in set terms /phrases/ — в шаблонных /избитых/ выражениях, казённым /официальным/ языком

3. установленный ()

4. заранее установленный, оговорённый

at set hours — в установленные часы [ тж. 2, 2)]

5. упрямый, настойчивый; упорный

set rains — непрекращающиеся /упорные/ дожди

a man of set opinions — человек, упорно придерживающийся /не меняющий/ своих взглядов

his jaw looked too square and set — ≅ его лицо выражало упрямство

6. умышленный, преднамеренный


готовый, горящий желанием ()

all set — ≅ в полной боевой готовности

all set to do smth. — горящий желанием сделать что-л.

we were set for an early morning start — мы подготовились к тому, чтобы выступить рано утром

is everyone set? — все готовы?

8. встроенный, прикреплённый

set affair — вечеринка с очень хорошим угощением

set dinner — а) званый обед; б) обед за общим столом (); в) общий обед, не включающий порционные блюда ()

to be hard set — находиться в затруднительном положении /в стеснённых обстоятельствах/

to be sharp set — быть голодным, проголодаться

to get set — толстеть, терять стройность


1. 1) ставить, помещать, класть; положить, поставить

to set a cup [a glass, a dish] (down) on the table — (по)ставить чашку [стакан, блюдо] на стол

to set smth. in its place again — поставить /положить/ что-л. на своё место

to set a chair at /by/ the table — поставить стул около стола /к столу/

to set chairs for visitors — (по)ставить /расставить/ стулья для гостей

to set one’s hand on smb.’s shoulder — класть /положить/ руку на чьё-л. плечо

to set a trap /snare/ — поставить силки

to set a crown on smb.’s head — возложить корону на чью-л. голову

to set smb. on a pedestal — возвести кого-л. на пьедестал

he took off his hat and set it on the floor — он снял шляпу и положил её на пол

2) ставить на какое-л. место; придавать () значение

to set Vergil before Homer — ставить /считать/ Вергилия выше Гомера

to set smb. among the great writers — считать кого-л. одним из великих писателей

to set smb., smth. at naught — а) ни во что не ставить, презирать кого-л., что-л.; to set smb.’s good advice at naught — пренебречь чьим-л. разумным советом; б) издеваться над кем-л., чем-л.

to set much /a great deal/ on smth. — придавать чему-л. большое значение

he sets a great deal by daily exercise — он придаёт большое значение ежедневным упражнениям

to set little on smth. — придавать чему-л. мало значения

I don’t set myself up to be better than you — я не считаю себя лучше /выше/ вас


pass помещаться, располагаться

a house set in a beautiful garden — дом, стоящий в прекрасном саду

a little town set north of London — маленький городок, расположенный к северу от Лондона

blue eyes set deep in a white face — голубые, глубоко посаженные глаза на бледном лице

the pudding sets heavily on the stomach — пудинг тяжело ложится на желудок

3. сажать, усаживать

to set smb. by the fire — усадить кого-л. у камина /у костра/

to set smb. on horseback — посадить кого-л. на лошадь

to set a king on a throne — посадить /возвести/ короля на трон

4. насаживать, надевать

5. (in) вставлять

6. 1) направлять; поворачивать

to set smb. on the right [wrong] track — направить кого-л. по правильному [ложному] следу

to set the police after a criminal — направить полицию по следам преступника

2) иметь () направление, () тенденцию

public opinion is setting with [against] him — общественное мнение за [против] него, общественное мнение складывается в [не в] его пользу

7. подготавливать; снаряжать; приводить в состояние готовности

to set the scene — описать (в общих чертах) обстановку /положение/

to set the stage — а) расставлять декорации; б) (под)готовить почву ()

to set the stage for the application of a new method of therapy — подготовить почву для нового метода лечения

to be set for smth. — быть готовым к чему-л.

it was all set now — теперь всё было готово /подготовлено/

it /the stage/ was all set for a first-class row — всё предвещало первостатейный скандал

I was all set for the talk — я готовился к этому разговору; я знал, что меня ждёт /мне предстоит/ этот разговор

he was all set for a brilliant career — перед ним открывалась блестящая карьера, его ждала блестящая карьера

set! — внимание!, приготовиться!

8. устанавливать, определять, назначать

to set a limit /boundary/ — устанавливать границы /пределы/

to set a limit to smth. — установить предел чему-л., пресечь что-л.

to set bounds to smth. — ограничивать что-л.

to set the pace — а) устанавливать скорость шага /бега/; б) служить образцом, примером; [ тж. 10]

to set the style /tone/ — задавать тон

to set a time [a date] — назначить время [дату]

to set a price on smb.’s head /on smb.’s life/ — оценивать чью-л. голову /жизнь/, назначать сумму вознаграждения за поимку кого-л.

he sets no limit to his ambitions — его честолюбие безгранично /не знает пределов/

the time and date of the meeting have not yet been set — время и день собрания ещё не назначены

then it’s all set for Thursday at my place — значит решено — в четверг у меня

9. 1)

, часто ирон. идти, быть к лицу

do you think this bonnet sets me? — как вы думаете, идёт мне эта шляпка?

to set well /badly/ — хорошо [плохо] сидеть ()


устанавливать, регулировать

to set the pace — регулировать скорость [ тж. 8]


his star has /is/ set — его звезда закатилась

2. ставить ()

to set a clock /a watch/, to set the hands of a clock — (по)ставить часы (правильно)

to set one’s watch by the town clock [by the time-signal] — ставить свои часы по городским [по сигналу поверки времени]

to set an alarm-clock — поставить /завести/ будильник

to set a thermostat at seventy — поставить стрелку термостата на семьдесят

I want you to set your watch by mine — я хочу, чтобы вы поставили свои часы по моим

3. 1) ставить ()

2) задавать ()

the teacher set his boys a difficult problem — учитель задал ученикам трудную задачу

what questions were set in the examination? — какие вопросы задавали на экзамене?

to set good [bad] examples — подавать хорошие [дурные] примеры

5. 1) вводить ()

2) вводить, внедрять ()

to set a new model — внедрять новую модель /-ый образец/

6. 1) стискивать, сжимать ()

he set his teeth doggedly [hard] — он упрямо [крепко] стиснул зубы; б) принять твёрдое решение; упрямо стоять на своём, заупрямиться

with jaws set in an effort to control himself — стиснув зубы, он пытался овладеть собой

2) сжиматься ()

7. застывать, становиться неподвижным ()

the mortar joining these bricks hasn’t set yet — известковый раствор, скрепляющий эти кирпичи, ещё не затвердел

3) застывать ()

4) заставлять твердеть застывать ()

9. 1) загустеть; свёртываться (); створаживаться ()

2) сгущать (); створаживать ()

10. 1) оформиться, сформироваться ()

his mind and character are completely set — у него зрелый ум и вполне сложившийся характер

2) формировать (); развивать ()

too much exercise sets a boy’s muscles prematurely — от чрезмерного увлечения гимнастикой мускулы подростка развиваются слишком быстро ()

he set a record for the half mile — он установил рекорд (в беге) на полмили

he quickly set the table (for three) — он быстро накрыл стол (на три персоны)

the hostess ordered to have a place set for the guest — хозяйка распорядилась поставить прибор для (нового) гостя

13. 1) вправлять ()

to set a broken leg [arm, a dislocated joint] — вправить ногу [руку, вывихнутый сустав]

14. вставлять в оправу ()

to set diamonds — вставлять в оправу /оправлять/ бриллианты

15. приводить в порядок, поправлять ()

16. укладывать (); сделать укладку

to set one’s hair — делать причёску, укладывать волосы

to set a piece of music for the violin — переложить музыкальную пьесу для скрипки

to set a melody half a tone higher — транспонировать мелодию на полтона выше

19. точить ()

20. выставлять ()

to set guards [sentries, watches] — расставить караульных [часовых, стражу]

21. высаживать (;

set ashore)

to set smb., smth. ashore — а) высаживать кого-л. на берег; б) выгружать что-л. на берег

to set one’s hopes on smb. — возлагать надежды на кого-л.

23. накладывать ()

to set a veto on smth. — наложить запрет на что-л.

to set a punishment [a fine] — накладывать взыскание [штраф]

24. ставить, прикладывать ()

to set a seal — а) поставить печать; б) наложить отпечаток

25. сажать ()

to set seed [plants, fruit-trees] — сажать семена [растения, фруктовые деревья]

the young plants should be set (out) at intervals of six inches — молодые растения следует высаживать на расстоянии шести дюймов друг от друга


завязываться, образовывать завязи ()

27. разрабатывать, составлять ()

they had to set fresh papers — им пришлось составлять новую письменную работу

to set an examination paper — составлять письменную экзаменационную работу

to set questions in an examination — составлять вопросы для экзаменационной работы

to set a book — включить какую-л. книгу в учебную программу

28. 1) определиться ()

2) заставлять двигаться ()

to set close [wide] — набирать плотно [свободно]

the editorial was set in boldface type — передовая была набрана жирным шрифтом


распределять учеников по параллельным классам группам в зависимости от способностей


1. 1) () приниматься за что-л., начинать делать что-л., приступать к чему-л.

to set about one’s work — взяться /приняться/ за работу

to set about one’s packing [getting dinner ready] — начинать упаковывать вещи [готовить обед]

to set about stamp-collecting [learning the German language] — взяться за собирание марок [изучение немецкого языка]

I don’t know how to set about it — я не знаю, как взяться за это дело /как подступиться к этому/

2) () засадить кого-л. за какую-л. работу, заставить кого-л. приняться за что-л., начать что-л.

to set smb. about a task — заставить кого-л. приступить к выполнению задания

2. 1) приниматься за что-л., начинать делать что-л.

to set to work — приступить к работе, приниматься за работу

they set to fighting [arguing] — они стали драться [спорить]

2) () () заставить кого-л. приняться за что-л.; поставить кого-л. на какую-л. работу

to set smb. to work [to dictation] — усадить кого-л. за работу [за диктант]

to set smb. to saw wood [to dig a field] — заставить кого-л. пилить дрова [вскапывать поле]

who(m) did you set to do this? — кому вы поручили сделать это?

she would do what she was set to do with great thoroughness — она тщательно выполняла то, что ей поручали

3. энергично взяться за что-л.; твёрдо решить сделать что-л.

she set herself to put him at his ease — она делала всё возможное, чтобы он чувствовал себя свободно

it is no pleasant task but let us set ourselves to it — это не очень приятное задание, но давайте приступим к его выполнению

4. 1) быть готовым что-л. сделать

he was (all) set to go when I came — он уже был (совсем) готов (идти), когда я пришёл

2) твёрдо решить сделать что-л.

5. () очень хотеть чего-л.; поставить себе целью добиться чего-л.

to be dead set on smth. — упорно /страстно/ желать чего-л.

we didn’t much like the idea of his going back to New York but he was set on it — мы не очень одобряли его план вернуться в Нью-Йорк, но он твёрдо решил сделать это

6. () () быть категорически против чего-л., противиться чему-л.

he set himself against my proposal — он заупрямился и отказался принять моё предложение

the mother was violently set against the match — мать была категорически против этого брака

he (himself) was set against going there — он (сам) упорно отказывался идти туда

7. 1) () нападать, напускаться на кого-л.

to set upon smb. with blows — наброситься на кого-л. с кулаками

to set upon smb. with arguments — атаковать кого-л. доводами

they set upon me like a pack of dogs — они набросились на меня, как свора собак

I’d set about you myself if I could — если бы я мог, я бы сам отколотил тебя

2) натравить, напустить кого-л. на кого-л.

to set the dog on /at/ smb. — натравить на кого-л. собаку

to set detectives on smb. /on smb.’s tracks/ — установить за кем-л. слежку

he is trying to set you against me — он старается восстановить вас против меня

3) подбить (); подтолкнуть ()

to set smb. on to commit a crime — толкнуть кого-л. на преступление

1) противопоставлять что-л. чему-л., сравнивать что-л. с чем-л.

when theory is set against practice — когда теорию противопоставляют практике

when we set one language against another — когда мы сравниваем один язык с другим

against the cost of a new car, you can set the considerable saving on repairs and servicing — покупка нового автомобиля стоит денег, но, с другой стороны, это даёт экономию на ремонте и обслуживании

2) опираться чем-л. обо что-л., упираться

he set a hand against the door and shoved it — он упёрся рукой в дверь и толкнул её

9. () возвысить кого-л., дать кому-л. власть над кем-л.

to set smb. (up) over a people — посадить кого-л. на трон, сделать кого-л. королём, дать кому-л. власть над народом


1) выдавать себя за кого-л.

2) зарегистрироваться, записаться ()

11. принимать кого-л. за кого-л.

to set smb. down for an actor — принять кого-л. за актёра

he set her down for forty — он считал, что ей лет сорок

12. выдавать себя за кого-л.

to set up for a professional [for a scholar] — выдавать себя за профессионала [за учёного]

13. привести что-л. в движение


1) осыпать, усеивать что-л. чем-л.; украшать что-л. чем-л.

to set the top of wall with broken glass — утыкать верхнюю часть стены битым стеклом

tables set with flowers — столы, украшенные цветами

the sky set with stars — небо, усеянное звёздами

a coast set with modern resorts — побережье со множеством современных курортов

2) засевать что-л. чем-л.

15. иметь склонность к чему-л.

a soul that is set to melancholy — душа, склонная к печали

16. подносить, прикладывать, приставлять что-л. к чему-л.; приближать что-л. к чему-л.

to set a match [a lighter] to a cigarette — поднести спичку [зажигалку] к сигарете

to set one’s lips to a glass, to set a glass to one’s lips — поднести стакан ко рту

to set one’s hand /one’s name, one’s signature, one’s seal/ to a document — подписать документ

to set pen to paper — взяться за перо, начать писать

17. отводить, предназначать, откладывать что-л. для кого-л., чего-л.

to set apart funds for some purpose — выделять фонды для какой-л. цели

to set some food apart for further use — откладывать часть продуктов на будущее

the rooms set apart for the children were large and beautiful — комнаты, отведённые для детей, были просторны и красивы

18. излагать что-л. кому-л.

to set a plan [facts] before smb. — излагать /представлять на рассмотрение/ кому-л. план [факты]

he set his plan before the council — он изложил /представил/ совету свой план


1. :

to set a prisoner free /at liberty/ — освободить арестованного

to set afloat — а) спускать на воду; б) приводить в движение; дать () ход

anger set afloat all his inner grievances — гнев всколыхнул затаённые обиды

to set smb. wrong — вводить кого-л. в заблуждение

set your mind at ease! — не беспокойтесь!

to set smb.’s mind at rest — успокоить кого-л.

to set a question /affair/ at rest — разрешить какой-л. вопрос, покончить с каким-л. вопросом

to set smb.’s fears at rest — рассеять чьи-л. опасения

to set smb.’s curiosity agog — возбудить /вызвать/ чьё-л. любопытство

to set smb. on the alert — заставить кого-л. насторожиться

to set one’s affairs [papers, room] in order — приводить свои дела [бумаги, комнату] в порядок

to set going — а) запускать (); to set machinery going — приводить в действие механизм; б) пускать в ход, в действие

to set on foot = to set going б)

2) :

to set smb. laughing [in a roar] — рассмешить, заставить кого-л. смеяться [покатиться со смеху]

his jokes set the whole room [the table] laughing — все, кто был в комнате [кто сидел за столом], до упаду смеялись над его шутками

to set smb. (off) thinking, to set smb. to thinking — заставить кого-л. призадуматься

to set smb. wondering — вызывать у кого-л. удивление

to set smb. flying — обратить кого-л. в бегство

to set tongues wagging — вызывать толки, давать пищу для сплетен

this incident set everybody’s tongue wagging — этот инцидент наделал много шуму

to set the company talking — а) развязать языки; б) дать пищу злым языкам

I set him talking about the new discovery — я навёл его на разговор о новом открытии

to set foot somewhere — ходить куда-л., появляться где-л.

not to set foot in smb.’s house — не переступать порога чьего-л. дома

to set foot on shore — ступить на землю /на берег/

to set one’s feet on the path — пуститься в путь /дорогу/

to set one’s heart on smth. — стремиться к чему-л., страстно желать чего-л.

to set one’s heart on doing smth. — стремиться сделать что-л.

he set his heart on going to the South — он очень хотел /твёрдо решил/ поехать на юг

he has set his heart on seeing Moscow — его заветной мечтой было повидать Москву

why should it be that man she has set her heart upon? — почему она полюбила именно этого человека?

to set one’s wits to smb.’s (wits) — поспорить /помериться силами/ с кем-л.

to set one’s wits to smth. — пытаться (раз)решить что-л.; ≅ шевелить мозгами

to set one’s wits to work — ломать себе голову над чем-л.

to set people by the ears /at variance, at loggerheads/ — ссорить, натравливать людей друг на друга

to set smth. on fire, to set fire /a light/ to smth. — сжечь /поджечь, зажечь/ что-л.

to have smb. set — схватить кого-л. за горло, прижать кого-л. к стенке

to set the law [smb.] at defiance — бросать вызов закону [кому-л.]

You send a cold email. The prospects respond to it.

You jump on a demo with them.

And they sign up for the product.

It looks so smooth and simple, doesn’t it?

But that’s too good to be true.

The reality is–no replies, common ghosting, and prospects forgetting to attend demos. The best way to not give up after all this is to follow up effectively. Here’s why follow-ups are important: 

  • 80% of sales require 5 follow-up phone calls after the meeting.
  • 63% of people requesting information on your company today will not purchase for at least three months – and 20% will take more than 12 months to buy.
  • If you follow up with web leads within 1 minute, you’ve 391% more chances to convert them. 

Very clearly, fortune favors the salesperson who follows up. But how can you write effective ones for all the different stages in the sales process? In this article, we share a collection of sales follow-up email templates for different scenarios you can use in your sales email campaigns.

Before Sending a Sales Follow-Up Email

Before you follow up with a prospect, here are a couple of important points that you need to keep in mind.

1. Identify the Prospect’s Level of Intent Before Following Up

Know this: Your prospects are at different stages of their buying journey. Some are ready to buy. For some, it may not be the right time. Some may be using a competitor. 

Here are the different buying intent we’ve seen so far: 

  • High buying intent: A few highly personalized touches will land you that meeting with this prospect. 
  • Low buying intent: These prospects need more time and more nurturing from your end. These prospects have relatively low buying intent. You need to stay on top of their minds, build intent and send the right message when they are ready to make the buying decision.

Without identifying intent, you’ll be forced to send the same sales follow-up to every prospect, which means you miss out on many opportunities to book meetings and close deals with ready-to-buy prospects.

So, how do you identify your prospect’s buying intent? 

A sales engagement tool like Klenty helps you identify buying intent in prospects, automatically shift high-intent prospects to a different sequence of follow-ups, and focus your time on those prospects.

With the Cadence Playbooks feature, you set up automated triggers to pick up the prospect’s ‘Intent Signals’ (you can set what prospect action signals higher intent) and automatically move them to a hyper-personalized cadence when the trigger is activated.

2. Focus on the Follow-up Email Subject Line

You may have crafted a perfect email that offers a lot of value, but it’s wasted effort if the prospect never opens it.

No opens = No responses

Crafting a subject line for your sales follow-up email can be tricky. While there’s no one-size-fits-all rule to what will work, we’ve gathered some good subject line examples used by the top sales professionals at HubSpot to achieve high email open rates.

Here are a few good subject line examples for sales follow-up emails:

After No Response

Yesterday’s LinkedIn post

Solving {pain point} 

A few ideas for {company} 

Achieve {result} in {time frame}

General Follow Up

How can we improve your ]business goal]?

3 resources to solve {pain point} 

Did you like our gift?

A gift for you and your company 

Are you doing {task} wrong?

3. Track the Follow-up Email Opens and Link Clicks

Why should you track your sales follow-up emails?

Because knowing who opened your follow-up email, but didn’t respond, and who ignored it can change the context of your future follow-ups. On top of that, tracking allows you to plan out the best day and time to send your follow-up emails.

You retarget your prospects with follow-up emails based on their level of engagement with your past follow-ups. And yes, you should retarget the prospects that opened your follow-up emails or clicked the links but aren’t responding to your follow-ups, as well as the ones that are ignoring your follow-up emails.

Sales Follow-Up Email Templates for Different Sales Scenarios

1. Following Up After No Response

When to use: When the prospect has not responded to your cold email.

You write an engaging cold email to your prospects and are confident that they will love what your email has to offer.

Yet, 48 hours later, you are still waiting for a response. Do you find yourself in this situation more often than not?

What do you do then? Get disappointed and move on to the next list of prospects? Of course not! You have to follow up with them!

💡Here is a not-so-fun fact: Nearly 76% of the prospects won’t even open your cold email if the subject line is not appealing. So, we did our research and have compiled a list of 160+ subject lines that you can use to shoot up your open rates. Download the free e-book.

What Should Your Sales Follow-Up Email to a Prospect Who Has Not Responded to Your Email Look Like?

These are prospects who may have checked your email but didn’t respond for some reason. Or worse, they didn’t even notice your email because it was probably lost amongst other emails in their inbox.

Instead of merely checking in, your follow-up should provide some value to the prospect; try sharing a case study or a resource, helping them solve their pain point or improve their business.

In your follow-up, be specific on how you can help them and emphasize that you are reaching out only because you truly believe that they are a great fit for your product.

Sales Follow-up email sample templates to use when there is no response

Here are eight sample templates that you can use when the prospect has not responded to your email.

Template #1

Sub: Subject Line: How {prospect's company name} can achieve 
{a goal the prospect cares about}

Hi {Name},

I sent you an email a while ago about how {company name} can help you achieve {results}.

Still on the fence? Here's a snapshot of how we helped {competitor company} achieve 

I took a look at your {present metrics} of {company name}, and I believe 
we can achieve {similar results} within {time frame}.

Would you be interested in knowing more?


Template #2

Subject Line: A gift for you and your company

Hi {Contact Name},
I know how busy you must be managing your team and helping them increase 
{job function}. I sent you some information about {product} a while ago, 
and I noticed that you checked them out.

Why don't you take {company name} for a run? Here are a few vouchers that you can use to kick our tires for 2 weeks.

{TG} I know personally have boosted their productivity 3x after using {company name}. 
So, I'm positive your colleagues will feel at the top of their game upon using it. 

I'd love to show you how to take {name of solution} for a spin over a 5-minute 
call if you're interested.



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Template #3

Sub: A Few ideas for {prospect's company}

Hi {name},

You likely deal with {business pain}, so I thought I’d share a quick tip many of my clients 
have found helpful: {1-2 sentence actionable piece of advice}.

I have a few more ideas around {improving X}. Let me know if you’re interested in hearing them.

{Your name}


Template #4

Subject: {Prospect Name}, I reached out yesterday for this...

Hi {Prospect Name},

I reached out yesterday to discuss how you can tackle {pain point 1} as I saw your 
LinkedIn post on how you are struggling with it.

I understand how frustrating this is, especially when achieving {result} is hugely 
dependent on tackling {pain point} at the earliest. Ignoring {pain point} for a longer time 
can result in {pain point 2} and {pain point 3}, according to {relevant study}.

{Company name}, one of our previous clients, had a similar challenge last year, and they 
tackled it within {time frame}. If you are interested, I can send along the case study on how they did it. 

Template #5

Subject: I’ve got something for you

{Prospect Name},

In my previous email, I had mentioned how {product} can help you improve/reduce/solve {pain point}. We've done it for {competitors}. Is solving {pain point} not a priority for you?

To start with, here's a detailed write-up on how we helped {competitors}
 solve/reduce/improve their {problem areas} and helped them achieve {goal}. 
I hope it's useful to you. 

Have a productive day,

Template #6

Subject: I am super excited to share this with you!

Hey {Prospect Name}

I wouldn’t be following up so eagerly if I didn’t have this exciting news to share with you. 

Recently we launched {feature name} on our product and it has become a real head-
turner in our client circle. 

I am absolutely sure {feature name} was the missing piece to help solve most of 
{prospect’s company}’s issues. On top of my head, I can think of 3 key areas that will be 
addressed right away –  

[Pain point 1] 

[Pain point 2]

[Pain point 3]

If you’re available for a quick call any time this week, I can explain more about this.

Template #7

Subject: {Prospect Name}, Did you lose my gift?

Hello there! 

I'm reaching out to you because I wanted to make sure that you received 
my previous email.

I sent you an ebook about how companies like yours solved {pain point} by adopting 
{your product category} tools.

It's free for a limited time, and I'd hate it if you missed out on it. 

I am sending it to you again to be sure.
Let me know if it's valuable to your business' growth. 


Template #8

Subject: Are you doing {task} wrong?

Hi {Prospect Name},

Are you spending a lot of time on {task} and not able to track {metric1} 
and {metric 2} accurately?

We speak to a lot of {prospect's designation}, and these are some of the things we hear all the time.

Too much time on {task}
Inaccurate {metrics 1} and {metrics 2}
Poor performance overall

If any of these issues sound familiar, we could help you. Let me know if you would like to discuss this further.


PS: For starters, here is a study we did on the relationship between time spent on {task} 
and your overall performance. I am pretty shocked by the results, 
and I'm sure you'll be too.

2. Following up Asking for a Referral

When to use: When you don’t think you have reached out to the right decision-maker.

Not every prospect on the list that you reach out to will be a decision-maker. And that could be a reason why your emails are not getting a response.

You may have reached out to a company that may need your solution, but it is only that you are speaking to the wrong person. All you have to do is find the right decision-maker who can understand how your product/service can help them.

And you do this by following up with the prospect and requesting them to connect you with the right person.

Note: Sometimes prospects ignore you because they find your emails irrelevant. Here’s what Klenty’s CTO, Bhuvanesh Ram says about why he ignores most follow-ups: I never reply to follow-ups unless it is super-relevant to the problem I am trying to solve. But a lot of things catch my eye, like video prospecting, mention of a mutual connection, or even my regional language, but only one thing makes me reply to an email – its relevance to me.

How should your sales follow-up email be when asking for a referral?

In your follow-up, give a recount of your previous email and reiterate how your product will improve their business.

End your email by requesting the prospect to help you connect with the decision-maker.

Sales Follow up Email Sample Templates to use when Asking for a Referral

Here are three follow-up email samples templates that you can use when trying to identify the right decision-maker in a company:

Template #9

Sub: I hope you are able to set me straight!

Hi {name}

I sent you an email a few days ago about {company or product} and it was only afterward that it struck me that I might be barking up the wrong tree.

My company offers {what you offer} which I think would be a perfect fit for {company}. 
Are you the right person to speak to regarding this?

If not, could you help me find the relevant decision maker? I look forward to your 



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Template #10

Subject Line: Is this why I didn't hear back from you?

Good morning {Prospect Name},

I was wondering why I never heard back from you, even after a week.

That's when I realized maybe I was shooting emails to the wrong inbox.

Are you the person who's managing {area of operation}?
If not, could you point me to the right person?



Template #11

Subject Line: Re: Confirm {prospect role} at {company}?

{Prospect Name},

I sent you a couple of emails on how you can solve {pain points}. But since I've not heard back from you yet, I can't help but wonder if I am talking to the right person.

Can you confirm if you are the best person to talk about {pain point} and {results} in 
{company}? If not, I'd appreciate you pointing me to the appropriate contact.



3. Following up After a Trigger (link click, etc.)

When to use: When the prospect has engaged with your email but has not responded.

These are prospects who have shown an interest in your product by engaging with your email (clicking a link, watching a video, downloading an attachment, etc.) but have not responded yet.

There is a high chance of striking a conversion with these prospects by sending a timely sales follow-up email.

What should your follow-up email look like?

The goal of your email should be to turn their interest into serious consideration for your product.

With the prospect showing an interest in your previous mail, your follow-up should seize the opportunity and help you take the prospect closer to signing up or setting up a demo.

Your follow-up emails can ask if they are looking for any more information or share success stories of your customers, helping you build trust with the prospect.

Follow up Email Templates to use based on a Trigger

Here are three sample templates that you can use when the prospect has engaged with your email but not responded:

Template #12- After a cold email

Sub: Looking for more info, {name}?

Hi {Name},

I trust that you have had an opportunity to read my previous email and look at our 
website, so I figured it’d be worth checking in with you again.

Do you want to know more about how {your product} can help {their company} to {value proposition}? I’d be happy to have a quick chat at a time convenient for you.

What time would suit you best?

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4. Following up After a Trigger Event(new hires, etc.)

When to use: Right after the trigger event happens. Remember that your competitors also track these events. The sooner you reach out, the better.

Trigger events are important events that happen in your prospects’ companies. They can be anything—  new hires, funding, or your point of contact getting promoted.

Your follow-ups will have more chances of getting replied to during these trigger events. Why? Because all these events point to their interest in investing in things that would generate revenue, save time and money, or both.

Here’s what you can infer from common trigger events:

New hires – A growing team conveys their interest to double down on strategies, tools, or processes that will save them time, money, and effort.

New round of funding – A clear sign of growth and readiness to invest in tools or processes that can skyrocket their revenue, save time, effort, etc.

Your POC getting promoted – Most people who assume leadership roles are keen to revamp and streamline old processes.

A timely follow-up during these trigger events, with clear information on how your product can help them, will seal the deal for you.

What should your follow-up email look like?

The goal of your email should be to make them aware of your product and how you can help them. But never make a direct sales pitch.

Instead, start with a congratulatory note on their recent achievement and add a resource that might help them during the trigger event. Give a brief description of how that specific resource can help them.

End the email by posing a question about their plans for dealing with specific pain points or managing certain processes and your interest in helping them.

Template #13- When they make new hires

Subject Line: {X} new {designation}!

Hi {Prospect Name},

Did you get time to read the article I sent you about how to onboard new {designation} 
quickly? I thought it'd be useful to you as you have just hired {designation}.

On another note, since you grew your {team} recently, are you planning to double down 
on {result}? If yes, I've some ideas on how you can streamline {task} and achieve 
{result} in {time frame}.

For starters, here's a case study on how we helped {competitor company} achieve similar {result}. If you are interested, let's get on a call at a convenient time. 
Here's my {meeting scheduler link}.


Template #14- When they receive a new round of funding

Subject Line: Congratulations {Company Name}

Hi {Prospect Name},

Congratulations on the recent fundraise! It was inspiring to learn about your story and the company.

What are your plans around {goals} using {solution}?
I believe that we can help you {achieve goal} for {company name}. 


5. When the Prospects ask to Circle Back Later

When to use: When you are reconnecting with the prospect after they asked you to reach out sometime in the future.

These are prospects who may be interested in your solution, but it may not be a top priority at that time or what you offer may lack something they are looking for.

All you need to do is, mark your calendar and send a sales follow-up email to them at the right time.

Sometimes, you can approach them a little earlier. There is no harm in trying this, especially when you have something really exciting to share.

What Should the Follow-Up Email Look Like?

In your follow-up email, highlight the last conversation you had, refreshing their memory and helping them understand the context of your email.

If the prospect asked you to reach out later for a specific reason; for instance, if the prospect was looking for a particular feature that you didn’t have at that time, but you do now, then focus your message on that.

For prospects who felt that your product was a good fit, but the timing was not right, your follow-up message should give the prospects an overview of what has changed since the last time you spoke and why now would be the right time to sign up for your product.

Sales Follow up Email Samples to use when Reconnecting with the Prospect

Here are five follow-up sample templates that you can use when reconnecting with a prospect:

Template #15

Subject line: {{First name}}, quick update from {{your company}}

Hi {{First Name}}

Hope all is well.

Last time we spoke you didn’t think that {{your company}} was a good fit for your 
needs because of {{reason why they didn’t close}}

The good news is that we now {{new feature which addresses their concern}}. Based on 
our past conversations, I think we are in a better position to help you to {{achieve X by 
doing Y}}

Just say the word and we will set up a trial account for you and your team.


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Template #16

Subject line: {{First Name}}, Let’s take another look
Hi {{First Name}},

Last we chatted, you requested that I get in touch in November. I may be a month early, 
but I figured it’d be worth checking in.

Have you given any additional thought to my proposal? I’d be happy to do a quick review of it on the phone and answer any pending questions.

What does your calendar look like to talk?


Template #17

Sub: Can we pick up from where we left off?

Hi {name},

The last time we discussed {value proposition} you suggested it wasn’t the right time, 
asking me to connect some time around the end of the year.

So, should we pick up from where we left off?

Eager to hear from you!


Template #18

Subject: An early call!

Hi {prospect name}

I remember you asking me to reach out in February. I know I’m a few weeks early, but I 
wagered it’d be good to check up on you. 

We have some exciting new features added to our arsenal and I can’t wait to discuss them with you.

Do you think you can hop on to a short call sometime next week?


Template #19

Subject: We are brimming with ideas to help you

Hi {prospect name}

I know we are supposed to talk next month.

But I thought of reaching out earlier as I have tons of ideas on how you can improve 
{business goals} and lower {pain points} in the shortest timeframe possible.

If this interests you, can we get on call so I can share these ideas with you?

6. After Leaving a Voicemail

When to use: When the prospect hasn’t responded to your call, and you’ve left a voicemail.

If you couldn’t reach the prospect on the phone and have left them a voicemail, a follow-up email is a perfect complement to that, to increase the chances of your prospect noticing your message.

Here, you need to be quick, following up right after you send a voicemail.

What should your follow-up email talk about?

Being a reminder to your voicemail, keep your follow-up email short and succinct, reiterating the value proposition that nudges the prospects to call you back or reply to your email.

Sales Follow-up Email Templates to use after Leaving a Voicemail

Here are four sample templates that you can use when following up after leaving a voicemail:

Template #20

Subject line: Just tried to call you, {name}

Hi {Prospect Name}, 
This is {Your Name}. I'm calling from {Your Company}.

I've been helping {category} businesses like {Company 1} and {Company 2} in {City/Town} 
solve their {pain point} and was wondering if you'd be interested in discussing 
{how your product can solve prospect's problem}.

I'm dropping you an email with a case study of how we helped {competitor} solve the 
same problem. Let me know if you're interested to know more.

Again, that's {your number}, from [your company].


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Template #21

Subject line: Missed you earlier

Hey {name},

I missed you earlier and left a voicemail. I saw you’re {a specific action} and wanted to 
share a few tips about how you can {tips/suggestions related to their action }

I’ll give you a call back on {time} but feel free to reach out before then at {your number}.



Template #22

Sub: Is there a better time we can talk?

Hi {name},

I tried calling you some time ago but assume you’re busy at the moment.

When you have a moment, please call me back at {number} or let me know if there’s a 
better time for me to call you. Hope to talk soon.



Template #23

Subject Line: Solve {pain point}

It's {name} from {company name}. I tried reaching you today to discuss {pain point} as 
I saw your LinkedIn post regarding the same. If you got a chance to hear my voicemail, 
you would already know why I emailed.

Here's the document I mentioned in my voicemail. It's about ways to solve {pain points}. I thought this might be useful and a good starting point for you to deal with {pain point}.

If you have any questions or need more resources, feel free to shoot an 
email or call me at {phone number}

Ciao for now

7. Following up After a Demo

When to use: After you’ve given a product demo to the prospect.

These are prospects who may have a serious interest in your product and are curious enough to invest their time to learn more about how you can help them.

You might wonder, why you need to follow up with them?

The reason is, while everything is going on track, even at this stage there is a possibility that the prospect might forget about your product.

Besides, even if the prospect is interested, they might not share the same urgency as you, and a follow-up email prods them to sign up for your product.

How Should You Approach Your Sales Follow-Up Email After a Demo?

In your follow-up message, give a brief account of the key takeaways from your demo as well as clearly outline the next course of action.

Also, if the prospect hinted at any reservations or doubts during your demo, use your follow-up as an opportunity to address their concerns and walk them through the process.

Remember, your email shouldn’t sound too pushy but be a gentle reminder to keep the conversation moving.

Related: How to Follow Up After a Demo the Right Way! [7 Sample Templates]

Sales Follow-up Email Templates To Use After Demo

Here are eight templates that you can use to reach out to a prospect after a demo:

Template #24

Subject Line: Today's Demo with {product}

Hey {name}!

Hello, {Name}
Thank you, {name}, for such an engaging and insightful demo. I couldn't help but be 
amazed by the clarity and focus with which your team operates.

I just had one quick question for you – would you be able to share your timelines for 
closing this decision?

I'm asking because we have a few useful features in our product pipeline, and I was 
hoping to make them work with your timelines.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
{Salesperson's name}


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Template #25

Subject Line: Good news, we can arrange for your request!


I’m writing to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you on {day}.

As we discussed on the {call/demo/meeting}, I have checked with my team and wanted to let you know that we would be happy to arrange {their special request} as you requested.

Let me know when we can proceed!


Template #26

Subject line: Here’s the information you requested

Hi {Name},

I really enjoyed chatting with you earlier today and learning more about you and 
{prospect’s company}

I promised you some more info and here it is. Here are the {relevant resources} that you will find useful to {benefit}.

If you want to discuss anything, I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. Feel free 
to call me at {your number} or drop a mail any time.


Template #27

Subject Line: Let’s jog down the memory lane

Hi {Prospect}, 

Firstly, I would like to thank you for attending our demo. I really hope it was a productive and insightful meeting. 

Secondly, I wanted to revisit some of the major benefits of {product} tailored for 
{prospect’s organization}. 

- [insert benefit 1]
- [insert benefit 2]
- [insert benefit 3]

If you want more information or have any specific requirements that is holding you back, don’t hesitate to reach us. Let’s set up a call and discuss all your concerns in one go.

Template #28

Subject: What’s your favorite feature?

Hi {Prospect}, 

Did you find our demo on {product} useful? 

Usually, all our demo attendees love our {feature name}. What was your favorite?

Shoot us an email with your thoughts. 

Or if you have any more questions about our product, I would love to schedule another 
call to answer your questions.

Template #29

Subject Line: Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us

Hello {Prospect}, 

Thank you for making our demo on {product} super interactive.

Your comment about {something the prospect mentioned} helped us understand your 
perspective better.

I’ve taken the liberty of sending you about how {product} can help you. 

If you’re interested, please hit us with a reply and we can set up an appointment to 
discuss the next steps.

Template #30

Subject: Here are our answers

Hi {Prospect}

Thank you for attending the demo on {product}.

It took me some time to find what you asked for during the call, but I’ve attached the 
information you requested here. 

Do you have any other questions that I can help you with? Please let me know in 

Template #31

Subject Line: Need more info???

Hey {prospect name},

I hope you were able to go through the demo MoM that I had sent earlier. 

Wanted to understand whether you have any further queries over and above the points 
we discussed?

Reply to this email with all your questions or let me know a suitable time to call you.

8. After a Networking Event

When to use: When you have recently met someone at a networking event

Networking events and sales conferences are great places to make new friends and meet old friends. At the same time, it is also a great place to find people who are interested in your product/service.

While they were keen to learn about your product then, there is a high possibility that they might simply forget about your product once they return to work and get caught up with their own business.

You need to ensure that such prospects do not slip through and send a sales follow-up email, while their memory is still fresh about the event.

What should your follow-up email look like?

When following up, your email will depend on the level of interest that these prospects showed in your product.

If the prospect had expressed a serious interest in your product, use your follow-up to refresh their memory about your meeting that will help give them context before asking them for a meeting or getting them to sign up for a free trial.

Otherwise, your email should focus on taking the relationship forward.

If they were particularly keen on something; like tackling an issue, they are facing or growing their customers etc. use the follow-up email as an opportunity to send them a valuable resource or a case study that they’ll appreciate.

Your follow-up should foster a relationship, making them more likely to accept your request in the future.

Sales Follow up Email Templates to use after a Networking Event

Here are five samples templates that you can use to reach out to a prospect you met at an event:

Template #32

Subject Line: It was nice to meet you at {Event}

Hi {prospect name},

Really enjoyed talking to you at {event}. What really struck me was the comment you made on achieving {result}. Your passion for making this a reality was really inspiring, and since solving {pain point} and achieving {result} is right up my alley, I 
thought of helping you out.

For starters, here are 3 resources that might help you achieve your goal:
{resource 1}
{resource 2}
{resource 3}

{Resource 3} is a case study on how {your company} helped {competitor company} 
achieve {result}. Since you belong to the same industry, you can implement the same strategy to get similar results. If you need more information on how to do it, let me know, and we can get on a call soon.



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Template #33

Sub: So glad, we met at {the event}!

Hi {name},

It was great connecting with you at {event}

I was thinking about what you said about {their pain point} and thought you might 
appreciate this case study on how we helped a similar company achieve {their goal}.

Let me know if you found it helpful!

Template #34

Sub: We met at the {event}, remember?

Hi {Name},

What a great show. I hope you enjoyed it and learned more about email tracking software {tool} to improve your {problem facing business}.

I’m sure improving your sales team’s productivity {objective} is a top priority for you. I 
thought I’d share this {piece of content} which may be helpful to you.

If you’d like any additional information about how {details of content}, I’d be more than 
happy to have a quick chat over the phone.



 Template #35

Subject: Discussion at {event name}

Hello {Prospect Name}

I hope you remember meeting me at {event name}.

I thoroughly enjoyed our discussion on the different steps you are taking to improve overall business efficiency in your organization. 

I have a bundle of ideas that we can implement right away at your workplace. Using 
{product} is definitely one of the ways to achieve it. 

Can we get on a call so that we can discuss this at length? Thanks!

Template #36

Subject Line: Picking up where we left off at {event name}
Hi there,

This is {name}.

Do you remember our animated conversation at {event name}?

I for one could not forget it. I vividly remember you talking about {pain point} multiple 

I believe we should complete our discussion over a call and find a solution together. 
Maybe this call what the doctor really ordered for you.

Do you have an empty slot in your calendar this week?

9. When the Prospect Goes Radio Silent

When to use: When the prospect has gone cold after showing some interest.

These are prospects who showed an interest in your product, and engaged with your emails but suddenly went cold.

It could be because solving the pain point may no longer be a priority for them, Or they may have decided to go with another product;

Having shown an interest in your product, you cannot give up on these prospects, and you keep sending follow-ups to get a response

What Should the Follow-Up Email Look Like?

When following up, you need to learn why the prospect suddenly went cold; Since you have no idea, you simply have to take different approaches until you get a response:

  • Try sending a valuable resource that helps with a pain point they are facing
  • Or use social proof to convince the prospects
  • To follow it up, send an email that is funny, which might get them to respond.
  • The goal is to keep reaching out until you get a definitive answer; be it yes or no.

Sales Follow-up Email Templates to Use When Prospect Goes Silent

Here are four sample templates that you can use when the prospect has gone cold:

Template #37

Subject line: {prospect’s company} and {popular competitor in their industry}

Hi {prospect name},

“{testimonial from a popular competitor in the industry}.” That’s what {competitor company name}’s CEO told us when asked about the difference {product} makes in their {process/task}.

And here’s our promise: If {popular competitor} can do it, you can too! We can help you achieve:

{result 1}
{result 2}
{result 3}

If you are interested, let’s get on a 10-minute no-strings-attached call to discuss how we can help you. Just reply with a ‘yes,’ and I’ll take it from there.

PS: Still on the fence? Watch how {product} helped {popular competitor} achieve {results}.

Template #38

Subject Line: Hello from the other side!

Hello {prospect name},

I don't remember a lot of people whom I call. But I remember you vividly. Last time we 
talked, you were so enthusiastic about solving {pain point} and achieving {result}.

Your energy was infectious, and I couldn't help but send every helpful resource I found 
your way. But since I didn't get a response for any of them, it made me wonder if 
something has changed since we last met.

Are you still interested in continuing our discussion? If not, please let me know so I can 
stop being Adele.

{{Your name}

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Template #39

Sub: Are you okay?
Hi {{First Name}},

We previously had a discussion regarding {what you do} and you have gone AWOL 
since then!

This tells me a few things:

• You’re being chased by a T-rex and need my help.
• You’re interested but haven’t had time to respond.
• You aren’t interested.

Whichever one it is, please let us know as we’re getting worried!


Template #40

Sub: {prospect's name}, What should I do?

Hi {Prospect Name}
I've officially stalked you via phone, email, and social media. But here's the thing, I don't 
want to throw darts in the dark without knowing what you want from me.

So, how would you like me to proceed?

1. Keep calling you
2. Email you every two days
3. Take the opportunity out of the pipeline

Just reply the option number.


Template #41

Subject Line: See what our clients are saying…
Hey {prospect name},

{XYZ}, {ABC}, and {DEF} are some of the top names in the bay area that use {product} to drive 
their {business goal}.

Check out their testimonials here.

I’m quite certain that we could be similarly helpful for {prospect’s company} as well. Can 
we discuss this over a call?

TGIF (if it's a Friday)

10. Breaking Up

When to use: As the last follow-up email when the prospect has not responded to any of your previous emails.

There will be some prospects who wouldn’t have responded to any of your emails.

But before giving up on them, as one last effort, you try to get them to respond by sending a breakup email.

The idea behind breakup emails is to tell the prospect that you are “giving up” on them. While it is true to an extent, you are also counting on the principle of the Scarcity Effect here. By taking away the opportunity to purchase your product, once and for all, you are tempting the prospects to respond to your email.

How to write the breakup message??

The breakup email should never express any displeasure because the prospect didn’t respond to your email.

Highlight to them that you care about their organization’s success even if they’re not buying.

Your email should thank them for their time and leave room for a future conversation.

Sales Follow-up Email Templates to Use When Sending a Breakup Mail

Here are four sample breakup emails that you can use.

Template #42

Sub: Thanks from {company}

Hi {FirstName},

I know we haven’t been able to connect, which usually means one of two things: Either 
the timing may not be right or you no longer have a need.

In either case, I want to respect your time so I’m going to go ahead and close your file. 
Otherwise, if you’d still like to talk, let me know a good time.

Thanks again.


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Template #43

Sub: {First name}, would love your feedback
Hey {First name}

This is my last email, but I’d love your feedback so our product can get better.

What’s the main reason you didn’t want to hop on a call with us, {Prospect first name}?

{Your Name}

Template #44

Sub: Thanks from {company}

{prospect name},

I wanted to reach out to you one last time regarding {value proposition}.

If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume that the timing isn’t right and I won’t contact you again. If I can be of assistance, you can always reply to the message and I’ll be more than happy to help you.

Goodbye for now.

Template #45

Subject: We’re always there for you
Hi {prospect name}, 

I understand you’re not interested in {product}, but I wanted to send you some resources on improving {problem your product solves}. 

Regardless of whether you’re our customer or not, we’re all rooting for your success. 

If you decide to change your mind about {product}, send us an email any time and I’d be 
happy to help you out.

Template #46

Subject Line: Valuable resource for {result}

Hello [Prospect name],

I’ve reached out to you a couple of times to talk about {specific goal} over the last month. Since you haven't responded yet, I suppose you're busy. I totally get it.

But here’s a little something for you. I stumbled upon a couple of resources that might help you attain {specific goal}. And since I witnessed how enthusiastic you were about attaining {specific goal}, I couldn’t help but send these along your way.

- {Resource 1}
- {Resource 2}
- {Additional resources if any}

Hope you find this helpful. Feel free to email me if you have any questions regarding
these resources or our product in general.


{Your name}

11. Following Up After Prospect Visits Website

When to use: If a prospect has visited your website and you see they’re still on the fence, this can be a good way to follow up with them. (You’ll know they’re on the fence if they haven’t clicked on popups, submitted their info on an online form, etc.)

A follow-up email to a lead who has visited your website is one of the most challenging emails to write. It can sound really creepy to the prospects if done improperly. 

What should your sales follow-up email to a prospect who visited your website look like?

Ensure that your email has the following elements –

  • Talk about the specific product or the website they visited to quickly refresh their memory. People open hundreds of websites every day, and it is really hard for them to keep a tab of what they view.
  • These are really cold leads. To warm them up, request a low-commitment call of 15 minutes or less. Tell them it will give them a chance to learn more about the product and see if it can solve the pain point whose solution they are searching for.
  • Try enticing these prospects with some discounts, gifts, or offers.

 Template #47

Subject Line: A gift for a really special guest!


I hope you found all the necessary information about {product} on our website. I thought this might be a good time to let you know what {product} is really capable of. 

I’ve attached a few guest logins/vouchers you can use freely with your colleagues and 
staff. It will be really exciting to know what you all think about it. I look forward to hearing 
from you.

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Template #48

Subject Line: You left without saying a ‘hi’


I noticed that you were browsing through our homepage today afternoon at 1 pm (don’t worry! that’s just our harmless marketing tools at work). 

If you’ve got any doubts or are a tad skeptical about whether our product is the right fit 
for your business, then I recommend we get on a call to make it simple for you to decide.

Please let me know what time works and I’ll schedule a call to answer all your queries.

Template #49

Subject Line: You were spotted, {prospect name}

Hi {prospect},

You were spotted checking out {product} website today at 2:07 PM. And we thought we’d save you time by sending some essential information about {product} and how it can help you.

{resource 2}

Have some specific questions? Or too lazy to go over these resources? Book a 10-minute call with us today to know how we can help. 


Template #50

Subject Line: {Section header from downloadable resource}

Hi {prospect},

How do you like {the resource they downloaded from your website}? Just wanted to ensure {Section header from downloadable resource} caught your attention because that’s been a game changer for most of our clients.

It helped {customer company} go from {past metric} to {present metric} in {time frame}.
{customer company} achieved {result} by using strategy {number} in {time frame}.
{customer company} skyrocketed their overall productivity by coupling strategy {number} with their current strategy.

Want tailored advice on incorporating {section header from downloadable resource} into your business? Book a zero-commitment 5-minute call with me.


These templates have been customized for specific situations that sales reps face in common. You can also build your own templates for other situations using email template builders.

Automating Follow-Ups With Cadence Playbooks 

Automating follow-ups can be like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s automation, and it saves time. On the other hand, you won’t be able to personalize your follow-ups. So how can you ensure you’re following up with prospects with the right message?

Enter Klenty. Klenty’s nifty ‘cadence playbooks’ feature lets you follow up according to how the prospect engaged with your previous emails — their buying intent. We’ll explain how you can use Klenty to send the right message to the right prospect at the right time through the STAR method. 

#1. Situation: 

Imagine you have two prospects – Prospect A and Prospect B. 

  • Prospect A has opened your email multiple times and clicked on the links inside the mail. 
  • Prospect B, on the other hand, hasn’t opened your email yet. 

Now, automating your follow-up sequence entirely means sending similar messages to both of these prospects at the same time. It doesn’t make any sense as both these prospects are at different stages of the buying cycle. 

#2. Task: 

Your responsibility is to identify their intent and send a message that fits their intent. 

  • Prospect A has higher buying intent than prospect B. So, push them to take the last step of purchasing. Send discounts, offers, or urgent messages. 
  • Prospect B has lower buying intent, therefore, should receive more nurture follow-ups. 

#3. Action: 

Use Klenty’s playbooks feature to identify prospects A and B’s intent. When prospect A meets a threshold of predefined engagement activities in your outreach campaign, Klenty will identify its intent, i.e., whether it’s high or low. Once the intent is identified, you can either: 

  • Set up an automated workflow to add all prospects who meet an activity threshold to a sequence with emails that are more relevant to people close to buying the product. 
  • Or prioritize prospect A to receive a manual follow-up from the SDR.

#4 Result: 

Prospect A gets communication that is relevant enough to them that it pushes them to purchase the product, while prospect B gets nurtured until they turn into a customer.

In a Nutshell

Writing a follow-up email that triggers a response from a lead can be one of the most daunting tasks for your team. On one hand, you’re trying to elicit a response, on the other, you don’t want to turn off your lead by being perceived as pushy and annoying. 

The templates given in this post are a good place to start and strike a perfect balance between these two situations. They could also help you create digital newsletters to keep your prospects engaged.

Support these templates with Klenty’s Cadence Playbooks to automate and send well-timed sales emails with the right messages to your prospects. Together they can be the difference between losing a prospect and converting them into customers.

Resources You’ll Love

  • 5 Reasons why you MUST use an Email Outreach Tool for Sales Campaigns
  • 10 Factors That Determine the Success of Your Sales Email Sequence
  • Complete Guide of Mastering the Art of Timing Your Klenty Outreach
  • 8 Copywriting Secrets to Write Compelling Sales Emails


How do I know if a follow-up is too pushy?

Here is a checklist you should consider to know if your follow-ups are too pushy:
1. Are you guilt-tripping readers through intros like “I’ll be sad if I don’t hear from you”?
2. Are you following up without leaving much time between each email?
3. Are your follow-ups mostly about how awesome your product is rather than how you can solve prospects’ problems? If your follow-ups check even one of these, it indicates that they are pushy and reek of desperation.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my follow-up emails?

You can measure the effectiveness of your follow-up emails by tracking 3 metrics. They are:
Open rates– The percentage of people who opened your follow-ups.
This helps you understand
1. How great or poor your subject lines are, and
2. Prospect interest. 
Reply rates– The percentage of people who replied to your follow-ups. 
Click-through rates– The percentage of people who clicked on the links embedded in your follow-ups. This will help you identify the prospect’s intent and which links they clicked on the most.

Should I use an automated follow-up email or a personalized one?

Most of your prospects can sense auto-generated, pushy follow-ups from a mile away and avoid them at all costs. Hence, never use automated or generic follow-up emails unless you want to reduce the chances of getting replies further. Instead, send a personalized follow-up that opens with a pattern interrupting introduction, provides a clear What’s In It For Them(WIIFT), and concludes with a compelling CTA.

Что такое Фоллоу-ап (follow-up)

Что такое Фоллоу-ап

Вы удивитесь, но follow up – одно из самых любимых слов западных управленцев. На русский язык пресловутый «фолоуап» можно перевести только длинным словосочетанием – комплекс мер, сопровождающих выполнение задачи. Более четкое определение follow up дает в своем словаре Фарлекс:

  1. Действия по сопровождению какого-то процесса (отслеживание до конца, переоценка в случае новых вводных).
  2. Отчет или письмо, которые предоставляют последующую информацию по вопросу, обсужденному ранее.

Разберем понятие «фолоуап» на конкретном примере. На совещании вы обсудили и выбрали самый правильный способ решения поставленной задачи. Впоследствии все почему-то шло наперекосяк, задача выполнялась не вовремя. Самая распространенная причина такого сбоя – отсутствие follow up. Руководство определило сроки выполнения задания и его исполнителей, распределило обязанности, однако не провело необходимый комплекс действий по контролю за выполнением задачи.

Комплекс действий под названием «follow up» включает в себя ответы на вопросы:

  • Кто подготовит резюме принятых решений и разошлет их участникам собрания?
  • В какой форме будет осуществляться промежуточный контроль?
  • Нужна ли обратная связь руководителю? Если да, то когда именно?
  • Остались нерешенные вопросы? В таком случае, когда они будут согласовываться?
  • Обсуждался сбор дополнительной информации? Было бы неплохо заранее обсудить, кто же будет ее собирать и кому предоставит.

Таким образом, если в следующий раз перед вами будет поставлена задача, можете смело брать на себя инициативу выполнения «фолоуапа». Вы резюмируете разговор с начальством в письменной форме, излагая суть поставленной задачи, точные сроки ее исполнения, список действий, направленных на реализацию задачи, список пока несогласованных вопросов либо неполученных данных. В ходе выполнения вы сверяетесь с резюме, посылаете его руководителю в случае выполнения или небольшой коррекции.

Мы уже говорили, что в российской практике не существует точного перевода слова follow up. Его можно перевести как «развитие успеха» или «заключительное мероприятие». Точного перевода в официальной терминологии не существует, хотя нам хотелось бы предложить свой вариант «последействие». В русском языке такое слово есть, и оно как нельзя кстати отражает смысл. То есть, когда вы никоим образом не можете вернуть произошедшее действие, но что-то выполнить вдогонку всегда можно.

Теперь рассмотрим пример follow up в разрезе коммерции. По сути, «фолоуапом» можно считать абсолютно любые мероприятия, направленные на уже совершившего покупку клиента. Присланный по электронной почте буклет с рецептами всем, кто купил в магазине мультиварку или хлебопечку – это follow up. Вложенные в папку с чеком мятная конфета или жвачка – тоже «фолоуап». Применяется методика фолоуап в продажах с одной-единственной целью – повысить лояльность клиентов.

Подведем итоги. Вы только что сами убедились, что follow up достаточно простой инструмент. Справиться с ним сможет практически каждый. Благодаря ему, вы всегда будете помнить о своих клиентах, партнерах и подписчиках, пребывать в курсе событий. В конечном счете, ваши партнеры будут только признательны вам, и риск того, что дело «не выгорит», сведется к минимуму.

Запомните, что первоклассный follow up поможет не только сохранить действительно качественный контакт с нужным человеком, но и развить его до состояния настоящего делового партнерства. Большинство успешных предпринимателей никогда не обрывают коммуникацию, продолжают общаться и сотрудничать со знакомыми. Это значит одно – вы непременно добьетесь успеха.

They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

But the squeaky wheel can also be annoying and cause one to toss out the entire cart.

Translation: how you word your follow-up emails matters.

follow up email meme

So in this post, I’m going to show you how to write a follow-up email for just about every scenario and then provide copy and paste templates along with examples.

Table of contents

  • How to write a follow-up email
  • Inquiry follow-up email template
  • Content download follow-up email template
  • Discovery call follow-up email template
  • Quote or proposal follow up
  • Invoice follow-up email template
  • Request follow-up email template
  • Networking follow-up email template
  • Interview follow-up email template
  • Follow-up email after no response
  • Follow-up email words and phrases

How to write a follow-up email

There are different kinds of follow-up emails, so some of these tips will apply, others will not. And don’t forget general email copywriting best practices apply here—keeping things brief, in particular.

Be specific

If you’re following up after an interview, introduction, or meeting, personalize it by including something specific the person mentioned—ideally something that you could tell was particularly meaningful to them. This can help jog their memory while also showing that you were listening attentively.

Be genuine

Yes, follow-up emails are pretty predictable and formulaic. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be genuine in your communication. Don’t use generic, empty messaging. Actually reflect on the specific item you want to mention to jog their memory. And if it permits, keep a conversational tone if you can. This is easier to read and write, and the person won’t feel obliged to use formal tone in their response.

Include the original message

If you’re following up on a previous email, do not make the recipient search for the original email and do not rewrite the email. Reply all to your email and then remove yourself from the recipient list so the person can have all of the context they need.

Also, if the original email had an attachment, re-attach it.

Have one clear ask

With the above being said, don’t make them re-read the original email. Distill it down to the clear ask with something like, “Just following up on the request in my email below. Do you think you’ll be able to provide that data for the April 25-May 31 date range?”

Even if the original email had more than one request or data point, requesting something simple or smaller might increase your chances of a response.

Inquiry follow-up email template

Send this type of email to someone who has reached out to your business, such as through a general inquiry form on your website. If they left a phone number, call them first to leave a voicemail and then follow that up with an email like this one.

Subject line: In response to your inquiry

Hi [Name],

Thank you for reaching out to us. I just left you a voicemail. [Briefly answer their question].

I’m happy to share more details and answer any further questions you have—when’s the best time to reach you? Or feel free to stick with email correspondence if that’s easier.

Looking forward to connecting!


Contact info


Here’s an inquiry follow-up email example using the above template:

inquiry follow-up email example

Content download follow-up email template

Of course, the contact form on your site is just one of many ways to generate leads for your business. Content downloads are another big one. Ideally, you’d have a series of subsequent lead magnets set up to help keep them moving through your funnel, like:

  • a blog post or second ebook
  • an event invite
  • a case study
  • a free trial or consult

These emails could either be a drip series where you send each one at a pre-specified time all at a set time, or a nurture series where each offer and timing of the email depends on the prospect’s preceding action.

Here’s a general template you can model after:

Subject line: Thanks for downloading our guide!

Hi [Name],

Thanks for downloading [guide name] and congrats on taking the right steps to [achieve their desired outcome]!

As [outcome from tips in first guide], [introduce new pain point or need]. So I’m attaching our [additional resource name] that you might also find helpful—feel free to respond back with any questions you have.

Keep up the great work,



Using this template, here’s a content download follow-up email example:

content download follow-up email

Discovery call follow-up email template

Use this follow-up email after you’ve had an introductory or discovery call with a prospective customer.

Subject line: [Your company] x [Client] follow-up

Hi [Name],

It was a pleasure speaking with you about your [topic needs/goals] today.

I’ve attached the slides from our call in case you or anyone on your team wants to review what we discussed.

I’m sure you’re still in research mode right now, so I thought I’d include a few resources to help you figure out if we’re the right fit for you:

  • Resource
  • Resource
  • Resource

Any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out! You can also click here to schedule another call—I’ll be happy to chat.

Talk soon!



Here’s an example of a discovery call follow-up email using the above template:
discovery call follow up email examplel

Discovery call follow-up email with action items

This email is for the same situation as above, but with some more specific items.

Subject line: [Your company] x [Client] follow-up

Hi [Name],

Great speaking with you today! I just wanted to follow up on our meeting with a few things.

  • To answer your question about [topic], [answer question].
  • As we discussed I’m going to [action item]
  • I’ve attached the questionnaire for you to fill out and email back to me. If you have any questions, let me know!

P.S. You can check out this [resource] to see how other companies are using [product/solution] to [achieve goal].

Talk soon!


Quote or proposal follow up

Send this follow-up email if you haven’t heard back on a quote or business proposal. Depending on your business model and which number follow-up email it is, you might offer a demo and/or share a case study or resource.

Subject line: [Your company] x [Client] follow-up

Hi [Name],

I didn’t hear back from you after sending the quote over, so just thought I’d check in.

  • I’ve reattached it in case the original got lost in cyberspace.
  • You might find this case study for a similar client to be helpful.
  • If you have any hesitations at all, I’ll be happy to discuss them with you over email or phone.

Looking forward to hearing from you!



Here’s what that template might look like:

quote follow up email example

Here’s a different approach. You could quickly recap the quote you sent and/or end with a question.

Hi [contact name],

I wanted to follow up and check in on the quote I sent on [day], which covered the features we can offer [contact’s company name] to help you improve [pain point].

As a reminder, this would include

  • Feature
  • Feature
  • Price

Can I answer any other questions?




Invoice follow-up email template

No one wants to have to send this email, but it happens. Especially for B2B businesses when you have finance departments involved. Here’s a simple way to follow up on an unpaid invoice.

Subject line: Friendly reminder! Unpaid invoice #XXXX

Hi [Name],

I hope this note finds you well. I’m emailing to follow up on an invoice (#5824) that I emailed on [date]. I haven’t received the payment yet, so I just want to make sure you got it.

As a gentle reminder, payment is due on [date]. I’ve reattached the invoice in case you need it.

Thank you and have a great week!



Here’s an example of an invoice follow-up email using the template above:

invoice follow-up email example

Request follow-up email template

Use this email to follow up on a request you’ve sent someone, whether that’s to a business with high domain authority asking for a backlink or to a coworker asking for a piece of information.

Subject line: Re: [Original subject line]

Hi [name]

I just wanted to resurface my below request in case it got buried in your inbox. Have you given any thought to adding our link to your post?

Thank you in advance!



Here’s a request follow-up email example based on the template above:

request follow-up email example

Networking follow-up email template

Building relationships within your niche is one of the most important things to do for your business. Use this email when you want to solidify a connection you made with someone. We also have plenty of networking email templates here.

Subject line: Nice meeting you, [name]!

Hi [Name],

It was great to meet you last night at the [event name]. I enjoyed our conversation about [topic], especially [something specific].

Your mention of [something specific] reminded me of [this/these resource(s)], so I thought I’d share in case they’re of any use.

Stay in touch,



Here’s an example of a networking follow-up email using the above template:
networking follow up email example

Networking follow-up email to continue the conversation

Let’s say you’ve met someone that you’d like to build a relationship with or meet for coffee. Use this email template.

Subject line: Hello from [your name] (event name)

Hi [Name],

It was a pleasure talking with you at [event name]. It was so interesting to learn [something that stuck out to you]. As for grabbing a coffee sometime, I’d love to take you up on that!

Do you have any availability this or next week? Good times for me are [let the good times roll here], but I will be glad to work around your schedule. Let me know what works for you.



Interview follow-up email template

This is the most sensitive of the follow-up emails. It’s important to keep a pretty formal tone here. Not robotic, but formal. Use something like this:

Subject line: Thank you for your time

Hi [Name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today to learn about me, tell me more about [company name] and the [role].

I really admire/loved hearing about [something specific mentioned]. It’s clear that [something nice].

The prospect of using my [relevant experience] to [contribute to a clear initiative/mission] is an exciting one to me and I look forward to speaking with you again soon.

If there is any additional information I can provide in the meantime, let me know.

Thanks again,



Here’s an interview follow-up email example using the above template:

interview follow-up email example

Follow-up email after no response

It’s probably best to avoid open-ended questions here. If the person didn’t answer, they either don’t have the time or aren’t interested enough.

Subject line: Re: [Original subject line]

Hi [Name],

I haven’t heard back from you so I just want to ask—are you still interested? I know things can get busy and timelines can change, but I also don’t want to be a bother. Let me know where you’re at and I’ll adjust my communication accordingly.

Thank you!



And here’s one that makes it super easy for the recipient to respond:

Subject line: Re: [Original subject line]

Hi [Name],

They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease…but the squeaky wheel can also be really annoying—and I don’t want to be that! So in my final attempt to connect, you can indicate your response by writing back with just one of these numbers:

0 – I’m really swamped but still interested.

1 – Not interested




Based on the first template, here’s an example of a follow-up email after no response:

follow-up email example after no response

Follow-up email words and phrases

I’m going to close off with some words and phrases you can use in your follow-up emails. Some terms will apply more to B2B emails, so if you’re a B2C business, take what applies and leave the rest.

  • I thought I’d
  • I wanted to
  • I’m emailing to
  • I’m reaching back out to
  • Circle back
  • Drop you a line
  • Send over a friendly reminder
  • Resurface
  • Bring this email to the top of your inbox
  • Check in
  • Touch base
  • Put on your radar
  • Circle back
  • Remind
  • Revisit
  • Bump this to the top of your inbox
  • Gently remind

📫 More free email templates!  >> 30 Free Small Business Email Examples & Templates

Professional networking is integral to your business so getting your email networking follow-ups right is crucial.

Whether you’ve started an outreach campaign to begin to build your PR network or you’ve attended a networking event/career fair (or going to meet at an upcoming event) or meeting and want to continue to work on your relationships, knowing how to follow up will get you results.

You’ve come to the right place to learn how to do it; we’ve put together a range of follow-up email templates that are fully editable and ready for you to use.

We’ve got templates that will:

  • Help you build on existing relationships
  • Hone your digital PR strategy
  • Create productive collaborations

And ensure that what comes after your networking email subject line yields strong results.

Let’s start with our first set of email templates.

Author’s Note: When we use parentheses – (example) – we’re indicating that this field has to be filled in by you — the person who sends the email — before sending. When we use braces – {example} – we’re indicating that this field is a variable, meaning that it has to be adjusted based on the prospect you’re reaching out to.

Types of Networking Follow-Up Emails

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Category #1: Relationship-Building Follow-Up Email Templates

Kicking off a meaningful relationship can be difficult when the person you want to connect with is a busy person.

If you’ve already reached out to someone to start to create a business relationship and they’ve not had a chance to get back to you, it’s time to send a follow-up.

You don’t want to ask anything of the person you’re contacting – you’re simply dropping them a message to continue the relationship that’s already been established.

Here are some follow-up email templates you can use to keep building your business relationships.

Networking Email Template #1: The congratulatory one

Hey {first_name},

(Name) here from (Company).

Just wanted to follow up after the conversation we had a few months ago and say congrats on putting together the {something noteworthy}.

I know that this must mean a lot to you as the {position} in the company.

Keep it up, I’m really looking forward to seeing you achieving more things moving forward.


(Your name)

Use case:

Use this networking email when a person you’ve already started to build a relationship with achieves something for their business.

What to pay attention to:

Add some detail about their key accomplishment – you should be able to find relevant information on their LinkedIn profile, for example.

Template #2: The “I like your work” one

Hey {first_name},

It’s (your name) again with (Blog name).

As I already noted in my previous email, I’ve been following your blog for a while now and just wanted to say that I really like your writing style.

Since we’re both in the business of creating and publishing content online, I thought it’d be nice to connect.


(Your name)

Use case:

You’ve reached out to a blogger or writer in the past and want to keep lines of communication open.

What to pay attention to:

Be sure to have your social networking handles and contact information in your signature so they can connect with you on different platforms.

Template #3: The “we’ve mentioned you” one

Hello {first_name},

Just a heads-up that we’ve mentioned your article on {topic} in our latest post.

{Your post’s URL}

Your research is very informative and I’m quite fond of your style, and so is my audience. If you have time, I’d love to hear what you think.

Thank you,

(Your name)

Use case:

You’ve linked back to someone’s blog or mentioned one of their pieces of content and want to let them know why you chose their post.

What to pay attention to:

Your content piece needs to be top-notch so that if they click through, they’ll be proud you included them in your work.

Template #4: The “Thank you” one

Hey {first_name},

(Your name) again.

Don’t know if you’ve had time to read my previous email but don’t worry if you haven’t.

Wanted to follow up to make sure that you saw that I’ve been following your work for (time period) now and you’re among the people who’ve had the biggest impact on me and my business.

I still keep this phrase in mind every time (related story) happens.

“(Insert quote)”

For all this, I’d like to say thank you!

Keep inspiring us with your stories and articles.


(Your name)

Use case:

Someone you admire has given you quality business or career advice through their work and you want to show them how important their work is to you.

What to pay attention to:

There are lots of personalization points in this email so be sure to really pick one detail that’ll catch the eye of your email recipient.

Time for the next type of email to build your professional network.

Category #2: Influencer Outreach Follow-Up Email Templates

Whether you work with influencers on a regular basis or are just starting your email strategy to reach out to them, you’re going to need to follow up sometimes.

The following email templates work when you’ve already tried to make networking contact and are keen to prompt a reply from the influencer. 

Template #5: The “we really want to work with you” one

Hey {first_name},

It’s (Your name) again from (Company name).

Wanted to follow up to tell you about how much we want to work with you.

It’s interesting to see that your online audience is growing so fast and we definitely want to make you part of our upcoming (type of campaign) campaign.

Let me know how that sounds and we can jump on a call to discuss things further.


(Your name)

Use case:

The first cold email has already been sent to an influencer and you’re keen to get a response with a follow-up.

What to pay attention to:

You’re looking to build a professional relationship so be sure to let them know you’ve got a great opportunity for them.

Template #6: The straightforward influencer outreach one

Hey there {first_name},

It’s (Your name) again with (Company name).

I reached out to you last (day of the week) to discuss a potential collaboration between us but haven’t heard back.

I understand that producing great content must be time-consuming so thought I’d reach out again to tell you more about the partnership we’re looking to build.

We’re looking for people like you to partner up and help us spread the word about (Company name).

Is that something you’d be interested in?

Let me know how that sounds and we can jump on a call to discuss things further.


(Your name)

Use case:

When you’ve had no response from an influencer and you want to get a really effective follow-up email into their inbox.

What to pay attention to:

Timing – you don’t want to put off your potential new connection with a follow-up too soon after your first outreach.

Let’s jump over to follow-up emails for your digital marketing and PR campaigns.

Category #3: Digital PR Follow-Up Email Templates

Digital PR can encompass a lot of elements, including getting your content and products featured in publications and on other websites and videos.

Pitching your ideas takes time, patience, and following up!

As well as sending your pitch or press release at the right time and on the right day, you need to get your follow-ups just right to prompt a reply.

We’ve got some templates that you can use or personalize for your needs, coming right up.  

Template #7: The “we’ve got topics for your audience” one

Hi {first_name},

We haven’t been able to connect yet regarding my earlier messages but that’s ok — I’m sure it’s a busy time for you.

Let me just leave this here for you in case you get around to it later. I originally wrote to you regarding (subject). We’ve got some really interesting information for your readers, including:

– (Example)
– (Example)
– (Example)

All the details about this particular topic, along with information about us, can be found in our online newsroom, here (add link). We’re ready to help in any way we can if you’d like to learn more.

Thanks again and I hope I can reach out to you the next time we’d like to share information that your readers will find engaging.

(Your name)

Use case:

Use this email when you’re working on making new contacts to get your brand or business noticed.

What to pay attention to:

Give more detail about the relevant content than you did in the first email and match it as close as possible to the recipient’s existing audience.

Template #8: The case study pitch one

Hi {first_name},

I know you’re super busy and there’s a chance my last email got buried. Regarding the case study I sent over, we have a new, exclusive interview to go along with that.

Some interesting things discussed:

– (Interesting point 1)

– (Interesting point 2)

– (Interesting point 3)

Let me know if you’d like to feature it. I’ll link the case study again here.


(Your name)

Use case:

You’re reaching out to an editor or publisher to tell them about an informational interview that you’ve recently conducted in relation to a case study you’ve pitched in the past weeks.

What to pay attention to:

Read through the email you sent last time and ensure you reinforce the previous pitch with exciting and fresh content.

Template #9: The content promotion one

Hi {first_name},

Just a friendly follow-up. Were you interested in the article on {topic}? I’m sure your inbox gets bombarded daily, so no hard feelings if you’re too busy. It just got me thinking…

If you saw value in {competitor company’s} article, then you will definitely want a unique take on the topic.

Have a look at our resource here:

(link to resource)

Not trying to get anything from you. Just trying to impress!


(Your name)

Use case:

Your content marketing efforts went unanswered last time, so you’re pitching the resource again and relating it to a competitor.

What to pay attention to:

When comparing your work to a competitor’s, be sure that it’s relevant to the resource you’re pitching about.

Time to see some networking email samples when you’re working on setting up a collaboration.

Category #4: Collaboration Follow-Up Email Templates

Collaborating with companies and brands that are adjacent to your niche can be a great way to build up both you and them.

Setting up a collaboration can take many forms, such as guest posting, creating a podcast episode together, or sharing content to reach each others’ audience.

Whatever your collaboration proposal is, follow up from your first contact with one of these effective follow-up emails.

Template #10: The guest posting one

Hi {contact name},

Hope this finds you well!

Just a quick follow-up on the email I sent last week.

We’ve put together a list of topics that are missing from your (Company name) blog.

(link to sample list)

My team and I are convinced that covering these topics will help you expand your target audience.

To cut a long story short, because we totally understand how busy you are, we’d love to guest post for you and be your writers for a day – or more!

Can’t wait to hear back from you!

(Your name)

Use case:

A guest post pitch didn’t get an answer the first time, so you’re following up to remind them about your suggestion.

What to pay attention to:

Don’t make it sound like a job search and you want to be their writer – you’re pitching to collaborate on their blog.

Template #11: The “let’s work together” one

Hi {first_name},

Hope all is well!

Although I haven’t heard from you, I’m convinced that great results could come out of a potential collaboration between us.

I’ve checked your (product/service) on (Google/social media/your website) and I’m confident I could help you with (what you offer).

Let me know if you would be interested in discussing a collaboration between me and your company.


(Your name)

Use case:

After contacting a potential client, you’ve not heard anything back and you want to emphasize the value you can bring to their company.

What to pay attention to:

You’re pitching your services to business owners so try to understand exactly what they offer and what you can bring to the table when you contact them.

Template #12: The content collaboration one

Hi {first_name},

I’m reaching out again because we’d love to be featured in {article/post name with a link to it}.

We totally think our (content) might be useful for your audience.

If you’re interested, we can discuss the conditions of this collaboration via email or phone – whichever works best for you.

Let me know what you think.


(Your name)

Use case:

There’s a post or resource that your content would work perfectly in, and you want to suggest an online business meeting or discussion to set up a collaboration.

What to pay attention to:

Check if the company you’re pitching to have done content collaborations before so you know they’re open to your suggestion.

Template #13: The straightforward collaboration pitch one

Hi {first_name},

I know you’re very selective about the companies you work with, that’s why I only wanted to reach out to assure you that the co-marketing I’m offering will bring a lot of value to you and your audience.

Here are a few examples of our recent successful collaborations with high-authority resources:

– (Example)
– (Example)

Looking forward to your response,

(Your name)

Use case:

You simply want to make a good first impression and give your ideas about collaborating with the recipient’s company.

What to pay attention to:

Present your best quality, recent collaborations to really show the value you can offer.

Template #14: The collaboration offer one

Hey {first_name},

How’s it going in (country)?

Listen, you know by now I’m a huge fan of your work. You’ve been pushing some hard cold facts and truths on LinkedIn, and I have great respect for you in doing so.

It hit me the other day… why not reach out and see if you’d be up to take things to the next level?

(Describe one of their pain points)

Here’s how I can help you with this: (describe your collaboration offer).

Let me know your thoughts on this,

(Your name)

P.S. Would love to see us join forces.

Use case:

You’ve spotted a great opportunity to work with someone in your industry and see a way your skills can complement theirs.

What to pay attention to:

Pick pain points that the receiver has discussed in the past on their social media accounts, rather than assume their issues are the same as everyone else.

Looking for email examples to follow up on a request for a virtual or face-to-face meeting? They’re coming right up.

Category #5: Meeting or Call Request Follow-Up Email Templates

Maybe you’ve met someone at a networking event or you want to keep your recent job seeker interview in someone’s memory.

There are lots of reasons that you’ll want to follow up with someone and get on a call with them to discuss opportunities.

Our templates here cover a range of use cases and you can edit them to match your specific needs, where necessary.

Template #15: The “let’s have a call to discuss article ideas” one

Hi {first_name},

A few weeks ago, I sent in a query with a couple of feature article ideas to write for your resource. As I mentioned earlier, I have my sources lined up for interviews and I already have my preliminary research ready.

I wanted to share that I have time available in my calendar for additional ideation or for getting started on an article if that works for you.

If you’d like to suggest alternative approaches to my topic or title suggestions, please let me know and I’ll gladly send some additional ideas.

Alternatively, let me know if you’d like to have a call to discuss them.

Best wishes,

(Your name)

Use case:

You’ve pitched to a website or magazine to have your content featured and you think a real-life or virtual meet-up could get the ball rolling.

What to pay attention to:

Be clear that you’re good to go without any extra work for them.

Template #16: The one after having an interview

Dear {Hiring manager’s name},

Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me about the position of {the position you’re applying for} with {Company name} this morning. It was a pleasure to learn more about your {innovative strategy/upcoming challenges/core values/industry insights}.

The details you provided me with about the position convinced me that this is a job I’d enjoy and one where I could make a valuable contribution with my skills and experience {refer to your specific area of expertise and how it can benefit your employer}.

I was also thinking about what you said regarding {specific issue discussed during the interview}. In my last role as {your current or most recent position}, I found that {data-backed explanation of how you would tackle the issue in question}.

Finally, attached you’ll find the details of some of the projects we talked about. Please feel free to contact me if you find you need any more information.

I look forward to our call next week as discussed.

Thank you once again, {hiring manager’s name}.

Best regards,

(Your name)

Use case:

When you’ve had a great meeting with a recruiter and want to ensure your conversation stays fresh in their memory whilst they’re busy meeting other candidates.

What to pay attention to:

Show your enthusiasm for your potential new job title and send this follow-up within a day or two of the interview.

Template #17: The “I’m here to help you” one

Hey {first_name},

I understand that you must be very busy so thought I’d send you an email to remind you how much I could do for (Company name).

I’ve been blogging for over (years) and have a website that gets over (visits) monthly visits.

I heard about (Company name) from (source), checked you out on Instagram and Facebook, and really like your products.

Would you be interested in discussing a collaboration between us?

If you’d like to learn more, please book a call on my calendar for this week:


Looking forward to talking to you!

(Your name)

Use case:

When a contact has made a referral and you’re following up after your initial conversation to reinforce the value you can offer.

What to pay attention to:

It’s a good idea to include your mutual contact’s name so you demonstrate your mutual connection.

Template #18: The content collaboration one

Hey {first_name},

It’s (Your name) with (Company name)— yes, the (Something about the company).

Wanted to follow up on my previous email in case it slipped through the cracks.

I know you’re a busy person, so I’m going to make it quick.

We’re looking for blogs like yours; ones that cover topics around (topic), to partner with.

Would you be interested in setting up a call to discuss things further?

Here’s a link to my calendar in case you’re interested:

(Link to calendar)


(Your name)

Use case:

When you’re getting in touch for a meeting request about a collaboration and haven’t heard anything back so want to land in their inbox again.

What to pay attention to:

Be sure that the information you give about your company demonstrates value or highlights how your businesses resonate.

Next, we’ve got templates of email messages to follow up from a sales contact.

Category #6: Sales Follow-Up Email Templates

We’re sure you and your co-workers get a range of sales emails in your inbox on a regular basis.

So many sales pitches start as emails, you need to make sure that your sales email gets read and gets a positive response; a strong follow-up email can really make a difference.

Our email templates should hit all the points you’ll need to follow up on a potential sale for your business and a good sales cycle, so let’s check them out.

Template #19: The follow-up after having a talk

Hey {first_name},

I’m writing to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you on {day}.

I’ve checked with our {accounting department/boss/warehouse} and they would be very happy to arrange {special request}.

Please let me know how you would like to proceed from here.

Thank you,

(Your name)

Use case:

Use this follow-up email after networking at an event and securing interest for something your company can offer.

What to pay attention to:

Confirm the specific details of what the potential client or customer was looking for and copy in the contact within your company.

Template #20: The “we’re a great fit for your company” one

Hi {first_name}

I sent you an email a while ago about (Company name) and how I think we could be a great fit for you and (Company).

Did you know that our clients report a {client business outcome} when they use our {product}? We also offer {perk} and {benefit}.

If you’d like to hear about this in more detail, please let me know. I’d happily spend 30 mins telling you everything you need to know.

I look forward to your response.

(Your name)

Use case:

Requesting a follow-up meeting after a previous email where you pitched your product to a company.

What to pay attention to:

Give solid, measurable results that your existing clients have experienced to back up your pitch.

Template #21: The free trial one

Hi {first_name},

I know how busy you must be managing your team and helping them increase {job function}. I sent you some information about {product or service} a while ago and I thought this might be a good time to give you a practical demonstration.

I’ve {created/attached} a few guest {logins/free samples/vouchers} that you can use to {access/sample} {product or service}. Feel free to share these with your staff and colleagues. I’d be very interested to hear what they think of it.

I’d really like to have 30 mins of your time as I feel we can really add value to your (area of operations).

Can we book a phone call or a meeting?

I look forward to your response.

(Your name)

Use case:

Convinced your product will solve an issue in a company? Follow up your initial pitch with a freebie so they can learn the value for themselves.

What to pay attention to:

Make your freebie or trial period long enough that they will actually be able to see the value of your product, such as two weeks or one-month free access.

Template #22: The product launch one

Hi {first_name}!

We are super excited to announce our new {name of a digital product/service}.

{1-liner description about the product and its function}

During the past few months, we’ve been working really hard to improve our {product/service}, and we believe that {name of the offering} will help you enjoy your experience with {company} even more.

What’s {offering} all about?

{explain the purpose of your product or service, focusing on the features, add visuals}.

{if applicable} You can download our app directly from the App Store or the Google Play Store.

{CTA button}

Happy testing!


(Your name)

Use case:

Your new product or service is ready to hit the market and you want to drum up attention and interest with people you’ve networked with in the past.

What to pay attention to:

Have really strong copy that exudes the benefit of your product and is clear about the next steps they need to take to get on board.

That’s all of the follow-up email templates we have for you, so let’s close this out.

The Components of a Successful Networking Follow-Up Email

Now that we’ve seem some templates, let’s break down the exact components necessary to write a successful networking follow-up email of your very own.


If you know the name of the person you are emailing, it is best to use their first and last name in your salutation. For example: “Dear Mr. Smith,” or “Dear Ms. Jones,”.

If you do not know the name of the person you are emailing, you can use a generic salutation such as “Dear Hiring Manager,”, “Dear Human Resources Representative,”, or “To Whom It May Concern:”.

If you have a connection or mutual acquaintance that you are referencing in the email, you can use their name in the salutation. For example: “Dear Mary, (per our conversation with John,)” or “Dear Joe (as recommended by Jane)”.

Regardless of which salutation you use, make sure to capitalize the first letter of each word in the salutation. Additionally, be sure to close the salutation with a comma or colon.

For example:

  • Dear Mr. Smith,
  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear Mary (per our conversation with John),
  • Dear Joe (as recommended by Jane).


The introduction should be brief, but should include some relevant information about yourself and what you are looking for.

Start by introducing yourself and your purpose for writing.

If you are following up from a meeting or event, briefly mention it and thank the recipient for their time.

If you are reaching out for the first time, provide some background information about yourself and explain why you are connecting. If you have any mutual acquaintances, mention them as well.


After introducing yourself, explain the reason why you are reaching out to the recipient.

This could include asking for advice, networking opportunities, requesting an informational interview, or even asking for a job.

It is important to be specific and explain exactly why you are reaching out and what you hope to get out of the conversation.

Next Steps

Depending on the purpose of your email, the next steps can vary.

If you are looking to connect further, suggest a time and place for a meeting.

Give a few of your available dates and ask the recipient which would work best for them.

You can also suggest an online communication platform, such as Skype or Zoom, if a face-to-face meeting is not possible.

If you are looking for advice or feedback, suggest a specific timeline for when you would like to hear back from them.

Offer to provide additional information if necessary and be sure to thank them in advance for their time.

If you are looking for a job opportunity, ask for the next steps in the hiring process. Ask what information they need from you and provide it in a timely manner.

Offer to provide additional information if they need it.

By providing clear next steps in your networking follow-up email, you make it easier for the recipient to take the necessary action.

This will help to build a strong and lasting connection with them.


The closing portion of your networking follow-up email should be concise and polite. Start by thanking the person you are writing to for their time and attention.

You should also offer to help in any way that you can.

This could include providing more information or offering your services.

Finally, sign off with something like “Sincerely,” or “Best regards,” followed by your name. This will leave the recipient with a positive impression of you and your message.


An email signature serves two purposes:

  • Makes you look more professional
  • Proivdes your recipient with additional contact details

It doesn’t have to be super-fancy: just your company logo or headshot with your website link, phone number, and social media handles will do the job just fine.

Think of it as your business card.

Link building cheat sheet

Link building cheat sheet

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Now Over to You

We’re done!

That’s all the useful email templates we have for when you’re following up after networking with clients or collaborators.

Along with these networking emails that should get you a timely response, don’t forget you need a killer subject line to make sure your emails get clicks.

Your email subject line tells the reader what’s in store for them, and we’ve got some super useful networking subject line templates that you can use in conjunction with these networking email follow-ups.

We’ve got a range of resources to check out when it comes to follow-up emails that should help you target your email.

Check out these posts for more inspiration and don’t hesitate to start your 7-day free trial with Respona to see how we can help scale up your networking outreach efforts!

  • What is Outreach Marketing? (With Examples)
  • 22 Cold Email Templates for Every B2B Need (Updated for 2021)
  • 18 Follow-Up Email Subject Lines from Real Campaigns

Choose your words wisely

Choose your words wisely

Even if you can pronounce them, some fancy words may make you sound pompous if you’re not comfortable with them. Others will make you sound like you’re trying too hard to seem smart, which is the exact opposite of what you want. The bottom line: If you’re going to use big words, choose wisely. Your best bets are those that fit the moment and flow with ease, as if you’ve been using them in conversation for years. The vocabulary words listed below will instantly make you sound smarter. They’re simply fancier ways of saying everyday things, but they will help you freshen your vocabulary quickly and effortlessly.

Fancy word for second to last

Fancy word for second to last

Try: Penultimate. It’s a big word that simply means the next-to-last thing. For example, when you’re bingeing a television series that has nine episodes, you can tell your friends you’re about to start watching the penultimate episode when sitting down with a pizza and a glass of wine for number eight.

Here are 10 trendy words you throw around but probably don’t understand.

Fancy word for coming together

Fancy word for coming together

Fancy word for finely detailed

Fancy word for finely detailed

Try: Granular. This word alludes to the minuscule detail of small particles, and it can help describe a meticulous level of detail in your own work, thinking, or planning. If you literally thought of everything, then you got granular with your thinking!

Can you guess the most misused word in the English language?

Fancy word for a manner of speaking

Fancy word for a manner of speaking

Try: Parlance. Choose it when you want to describe a set of words used by a group, sometimes for a specific purpose. For example, the language or unique jargon of a particular region of the country could be thought of as “local parlance.”

Fancy word for a brief comment of substance

Fancy word for a brief comment of substance

Fancy word for hopeless

Fancy word for hopeless

Try: Despondent. If the past couple of years have taken a toll on you, go with a fancier word to indicate your hopelessness. Reserve depressed for a medical diagnosis and instead use despondent to articulate extreme dejection and hopelessness.

Fancy word for clear and intelligible

Fancy word for clear and intelligible

Fancy word for enthusiastic

Fancy word for enthusiastic

Try: Effervescent when you want to find a fancier word to describe your bubbly, excitable best friend. Effervescence literally means having the property of forming bubbles, so that happy-go-lucky person in your life is effervescent, naturally.

Fancy word for reduce or lessen

Fancy word for reduce or lessen

Try: Abate when you want to talk about how the rain is letting up or the pain from your nagging headache is finally going away. That’s right: Abate means “to reduce,” but using it will increase your fancy vocabulary.

Having fun with these new words? Check out these thesaurus jokes grammar nerds will appreciate.

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