Family the most important word

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Раф/Ева (ОЖП), учитель Сплинтер, Эйприл/Кейси, Караи, Лео/Венус, Бакстер Стокман, Хан и т.д.


Гет, Романтика, Ангст, Драма, Экшн (action), Психология, Повседневность, POV, Hurt/comfort

«Тем самым ребёнком, оставленным родной матерью на пороге чужого дома, и найденным четырьмя черепашками-мутантами являюсь я. Моё имя Ева. В ту ночь антропоморфные крыса и черепахи забрали меня в своё логово, и с этого момента началось моё путешествие длинною в жизнь!»

Последнее обновление: 14 октября 2014.

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Family is the most important and valuable gift that god has given us. It is the first lesson in relationships with others. Family is really an important word. It means to feel secure, to have someone who you can count on, whom you can share your problems with. But it also means to have respect for each other and responsibility.

What family means to me is love and someone that will always be there for you through the good times and the bad. It is about encouragement, understanding, hope, comfort, advice, values, morals, ideals, and faith.

These things are all important to me because it makes me feel secure and happy inside regardless of what is going on in my life. This is one of the main reasons why the family is important in our life. Here in this article it is important to emphasize on the importance of family in our everyday life.

Utmost Protection and Security

Family is important because it provides love, support and a framework of values to each of its members. Family members teach each other, serve one another and share life’s joys and sorrows.

Families provide a setting for personal growth. Family is the single most important influence in a child’s life. From their first moments of life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs. Parents and family form a child’s first relationships. Family provides all members with security, identity and values, regardless of age.

When a member of the family feels insecure or unsafe, he turns to his family for help. He learns about his sense of self and gains a foundation for the rest of his life. This foundation includes the family’s values which provide the basis for his own moral code. Spending time with family shows individuals the value of love, appreciation and open communication.

Following family traditions showcases the importance of family, as well. Family traditions are experiences that families create together on a regular basis, whether these involve holidays, vacations or even attending religious services together. Not only do these experiences create memories for years to come, they also give family members a stronger sense of belonging. Families bond together and make each member feel important.

First step of receiving basic values of life

A family is the first school in which a child receives the basic values of life. He learns good manners in the family. The morals and values learnt in family become our guiding force. They make our character. They lay the foundation of our thinking. I feel fortunate to be born in a family where values are inculcated in early childhood. Family is an important and strongest unit of society.

It holds great importance in social life. A society is made up of families. Our family has been known for discipline and values. We give great importance to values and morals in life. Since our early childhood we are taught to respect the elders and love the children.

We learnt the lesson of punctuality and honesty from our grandfather. It is due to the good education of our grandparents that we could excel both in sports and education. Since our childhood we have been put into the habit of rising early in the morning.

This has a natural effect on our health and physical fitness.

Making a right choice in choosing the right life partner family values influences each walk of our life. It is high time that family values be protected and be treated as a tool to eliminate corruption, hunger, inequality, and crime and hatred in our society.

To shape a child’s future

The family is your blood and they are the people who accept you for who you are, who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what. The family is one and only place where your life begins and love never end. You may have lots of people in your life, but you won’t find a single person who cares the most exactly same as your parents.

Some of you may not agree with me, but this is the truth that one day you will realize this by your own. A family is the only place where children study a lot after school. In school, teachers teach children about the subjects which will help them to find a good job in future.

But in the home, Family teaches children about habits, discipline which not only help them to find a job but also help them to live a perfect life in future. So the family is very important for kids.

When babies come out from mother’s womb, they see their parents first and thereafter they spent most of the time with their family until go to school. During that 3 or 4 years is really important for babies to get to know some basic habits from parents, sisters or brothers. So on that period, they get to know many things from family. None of you going to teach bad habits for your baby, I believe.

Parents have to be careful in actions in front of their babies because your baby learns habits and discipline from you only.

This is one of the main reasons why the family is important in our life. This is one of the great advantages of family and none of us ever realize this at any time. You may have lots of friends or relations or office mates. They will definitely be with you in your happy times or any successful achievements. But, your parents or sisters or brothers are the only ones will stay with you in your hard and difficult times.

Your parents are the only one who understands you much more than any other people do in the world. Because they are your creators and they are the only ones traveling with you from the beginning. So they understand your feelings and always there for you whenever you need someone abundantly. This is the power of family. There are many people can help you, but the family will help you whenever you are alone.

Helps building an ideal society

A perfect family is a great example of the whole society. Father, Mother, children all of them have to work in order to build a perfect family. If any one of them failed then the whole family collapsed. This happens very much nowadays.

The good name of the whole family ruined by a single member of the family. That is really sad but nothing to do for that. But if every family member works hard and builds an optimal family, then they are a good example of that whole society. Family impacts very much in society and society impacts very much in the country. So an ideal country not only builds by the government but also each and every family member. So each family is the principal key to the society.

This is why the family is important in our life.

Family values are a set of unwritten rules and codes that creates and helps build our perception, vision towards society and many things that we face in our day to day life. Strong family values can instill greater clarity in decision making regarding our life and leads to a relatively easier and more balanced life.

Giving strong values as a parent not only protects a child but also create a civilized conscious citizen and help move society towards a more harmless tomorrow. Strong family values can help check all the moral and ethical corruption in various walks of life which otherwise ultimately contributes to inequality poverty crime and what not.

In today’s hard and fast world the most successful person are those who can take quick decisions about what they want from life. Family value that helps you distinguish what is morally correct and what suits your value system.

Today the single largest task in hands of parents is protecting their children from outside influence which are majorly negative in nature. Injecting strong family values in child since childhood is one such measure that can ensure their safety in a time when direct supervision of child has become near impossible…

Why Family is the most important thing in my life

Why family is the most important thing

Family is the one of the most important and valuable gifts of our life. The word “Family” itself is so important that it means to feel secure with people around you whom you can always count on, whom you can always share your problems, whom you can play with all the time, whom you can freshen up your mood anytime.

What family really means to myself is love. Someone who is always there for me throughout my life, in both good and bad times. Family to me means encouragement, comfort, advice, values, morals, faith, understanding, hope and lots more. These things are extremely important to me as they make me to feel happy inside regardless of whatever is happening in my external life.

You can also read this in details about what family really matter to myself.

“The love of a family is Life’s greatest belssing.”

And that’s probably the only reason why I took up writing on why family is the most important thing in my life. And how it helps us and nurture us in our everyday’s life.

All time Support

Families are important because nobody can live alone all the time. We need others to support us in most of our journey of life. Whether you are been fired from a job or have been through a breakup, there is no one who could better support you other than your own family. Your family is always there to boost your self-esteem no matter how bad the situation is.

Sense of Security

One of the most important mental goal of anyone’s life is to be secured all the time. And family is the one which will provide you that sense of security. However, the strength of family is not an important factor here. All your need is few people around you, under whom you can feel secure and you are done.

Unconditional Love

Just like few of our basic requirements to live life. A human being also requires several other emotional needs like love, which is essential for mental happiness. Families are important because they give us unlimited love, laughter and a feeling of belonging.

Never Alone

No matter where you are roaming the entire day, you always have a home to go back to. In other words, you would never feel lonely in this world.

“Family. Where life begins and love never ends.”

Moral Values

Family is one of those first place where you learn most of the good things in life. From being kind to showing gratitude, to helping others in their bad times. All of these are some of the examples of moral values which only a family can create.

Easy Decision Making

If you have a family, you no longer need to worry about making bigger and challenging decisions in life, as you can always rely on folks who are really experienced and knows how to do it. Ultimately, having a strong family would help you to take proper decisions in life.

Forever Friends

Our family will be the one whom we can tell anything and everything. We can talk to them, cry in front of them, or even laugh until our stomach hurts. Friendship with our family members is in our blood.

“Family is not just an important thing. It’s everything.”

When we have family around us, we no longer feel alone in this world. There is always a whole bunch of folks watching you. So go out, the world is waiting for your success.

Though, in strict sense, we often think of families as either biological, ‘nuclear’ families, consisting of two parents and their children or extended family discussed above. However, there are many formats that a family can take, and all that truly matters is that people who consider each other to be family love each other and take care of each other. Some children are raised by their grandparents, for instance, whilst many families center around same-sex couples and their children.
Additionally, several people consider their friends to be their ‘real’ family as these are the people that they turn to when in need. Families are, after all, pretty flexible: children and adults can be adopted into the family and seen as part of the family for a variety of reasons.
The word ‘family’ can be traced back to the Latin word ‘familia’. This word referred to an entire household: not just the parents and children who formed the traditional nuclear family back then but also the household servants.
There are several occasions in life when you want that you don’t have any obligations at all. At such stages, you ponder why a family is important. For beginners, it offers you the most significant things in life – support, love, plus a feeling of belonging. In the subsequent paragraphs, we will mention 7 reasons why family is important in life.

7 Reasons Why Family is Important in Life

1. Support and security.

Families are important because human beings cannot live solitary lives all the time. We need others to support and to love us, even as we love and support them in our turn. Whether you are applying for a new job or just getting over a difficult breakup, there is no denying that it’s so much easier when you have your family there to support you with their love and care. Your family will boost your self-esteem no matter what thanks to their unconditional love for you!
The sensation of fear exists in every single human; every one of us must feel secure. A family will provide one with protection. The strength of the family members is not important; a nuclear family or maybe a joint family offers you a feeling of being secure. It is because you realize that your family is going to stand by you, regardless of what.

2. They love and understand you.

Just like the basic requirements, a human also has several emotional needs, the gratification of which is essential for mental as well as physical happiness. Everyone requires affection, understanding, feeling of belonging, love, and so forth. Families are important because they provide us with love, laughter and a sense of community.
Your family understands your habits and knows the trials that you have been through throughout your life. Of course, sometimes your mannerisms can provide a little entertainment for the other members of the family as well!

3. Protects from external influences.

Peer pressure might have a substantial impact on teenagers and adults alike. When individuals try to get other folks to perform things which aren’t morally correct, they make an effort to penetrate the family values. This means, if somebody possesses a strong perception of what is correct and what is wrong due to the values they had been raised with, they are more unlikely to become sufferers of deviant influences.

4. Giving earth a center!

No matter where you roam, you always know that you have a home to go back to – your family home. That means that you are never alone in the world, and always have somewhere to go whatever happens. Sometimes this sense of home is legally and financially cemented with shared (joint) ownership of the house.

5. Helps to raise a child.

Family play an important role in the raising of the child. Your loved ones can assist you to raise a child. In case you are in close contact with your household, it will be much easier for you to aid your kid to grow up healthy and happy. You will not just have a couple of people taking care of your child; you will have lots of people. Your family members will take proper care of your kid when you are sick or away, and assist you to cope with your youngster while things are tough. Whilst raising children is never simple, having powerful family relationships makes it a whole lot simpler.

6. Aids to make decisions.

Family values affect the decisions individuals make both in the family structure and also outside. Deciding about crucial topics can be challenging, and people might feel helpless if they are clueless which way to proceed. Consequently, having strong family values aids individuals to make the correct decisions in life.

7. They help to make you who you are.

Whether by providing you with your first steps in education (like learning to read and write) or instilling you with moral values, your family can shape your personality and beliefs for many years ahead. Many people say that the kind and wise words of their family helped to make them a better human being.


Our family can be whatever we make it: it can consist only of blood relatives or it can also include close friends. From promoting your inner growth to giving you financial support, your family will help you to achieve all of your goals.
When you have your family by your side, you never need to feel that you are alone as you step out into the world. There is always a whole team of people behind you who want the best for you and who will always be there to call upon when you need someone to talk to or a helping hand.

Families are essentially the building blocks of society. Family units serve as the nursery for the citizens that become the population of a society. In other words, families are responsible for the development of children into the adults will later collectively be society. As each of us in influenced and formed by our surroundings, so too is our society. Because society is a larger population, it may be harder to influence and change from singular events and yet it is a fluid thing that can be influenced for the good or the bad. Families are so important to society because they are the foundation society is built upon. The values of the families will be reflected in society at large.

Why Are Families Important?

why are families important to society

Why is family important? While everyone is born to a mom and dad, not everyone is born into a loving family. The lack of strong, loving families can lead to a downfall of modern society in so many ways. Being part of a family, or not being part of one, has a trickle-down effect on the decisions and actions we make. And those decisions and actions can eventually lead to problems in society if too many people are making poor choices that don’t benefit the group as a whole.

Why are families important to individuals and society? The role of the family in society is to establish in children a sense of belonging. Through this primary function of the family, children can learn social skills. This helps them learn to interact and work together for the betterment of all. With this foundation of caring for themselves and others, families are also responsible for educating children and instilling family values. This creates citizens that are working to reach goals in civic ways.

The Role Of Family In Society

The family is considered as the core of the society because it is the place where its members are most personally affected. This is the easiest place to instill values and create change. When families believe they can achieve and help others and lift each other up to prosper and reach greater heights, the society can do great things. On the other hand, if the families are held down in an abject state of poverty and despair, the society will not prosper. The impact of family on society is small when you speak of only one family. However, it is huge when you speak of families collectively. And because we all influence each other in our connected communities, we can all make a positive difference. The role of family in society is creating the foundational building blocks that shape the future of our society.

Impact of family on society

The Importance Of Family In Society

The family unit plays an important role in making us better people individually as well as better citizens of our society. The importance of the family in Western Culture has a long history and it is part of our social identity. Families are a major source of practical support on a daily basis. The end result of this is greater social stability and less poverty. The impact of family on society should not be underestimated.

Family Set Us Up for Future Relationships

As part of a nuclear family, children learn how to interact in an appropriate manner to their parents and siblings. A child’s first relationships often serve to set their expectations in life. These are life lessons they later take out into the world and use in their relationships with employers, friends, significant others, and even strangers. These familial relationships often form the basis for how people with interact with society. They effect the relationships they will form as members of the community. A strong family unit will teach them to value each other through differences and to work together to accomplish mutual goals. The importance of family here is to make sure we don’t become solitary creatures who are so withdrawn that we can’t communicate, trust, or work well with others. We have to learn that relationships with other people can be enriching and rewarding.

Families Provide a Safe Zone

A strong, loving family structure provides a place where children can feel safe. Kids will be comfortable to be who they are and know they’ll be loved and supported. Kids have a place to go when they’re dealing with a crisis and need help. They feel encouraged and have more confidence in themselves because they know they’re loved and appreciated. Young people learn to give and receive emotional support.

When people are functioning out of a level of safety, they will make more civic minded decisions than when they are functioning out of a level of survival. With the support of family, individuals can succeed and accomplish greater things for themselves and their community or country.

Families Teach Us How to Be Part of Something

Through family traditions, connections, and a sense of responsibility, families teach us to love and support others. Families teach us not to focus solely on ourselves. Being part of a family group teaches you how to be part of something bigger than yourself. It also teaches you how to accept people who are different from you.

This is a super important lesson because selfish people do not make good family members or good members of a society. When they are stuck focusing solely on their own well-being, they will miss the larger picture of how much more can be accomplished for everyone as a team.

families are important

Good Family Relationships Are Linked to Better Mental Health

Many studies have shown a direct correlation between family time and a child’s mental wellbeing. The more time a child has with their family, the lower their risk of depression. Healthy family relations have a positive effect and can encourage mental wellbeing. However, negative family relationships can trigger mental health issues. Close relationships provide a stable family life that helps the child’s life feel more safe and stable.

When families help children establish healthy coping mechanisms and healthy practices such a exercise and mindfulness, they are helping the individuals build resilience. Furthermore, resilient individuals helps the society have resilience too.

Families Teach Us Values

When children are part of a loving family that teaches discipline and family values, they learn right from wrong and become ingrained with strong values. These strong family values become the foundation of their identity. They’re so much a part of who they are. Our values teach us how to treat other people, respect ourselves, and find our purpose.

For example, if in our own families we teach equality of individuals and responsibility of individuals. These are also values that we will work to uphold in society. Families themselves are in fact a social institution that we can chose to value and support for our greater good. Married couples can usually offer greater financial support and devote more time to socialization of children.

Families Are the Strength of Our Society

Strong families lead to strong communities and strong communities lead to a strong society. It’s a domino effect that starts in the home and extends outward into our communities. When we have strong family support, we are more likely fill our basic needs. This allows us to be stronger more productive members for the continuation of society.

As the International Federation for Family Development says, family is the, “environment where ethical and cultural values are achieved in a natural way.” Further, they state, “Taking into account the broad experience of our Federation in dealing with families worldwide, we see every day that family is where the vast majority of people learn the fundamental skills for life.”


Importance of family is paramount. Families are important to society because they are the foundation of a civilization, social relationships, and the values of a population.

How do families benefit society? Happy, healthy families lead to individuals who are a contributing part of society. They have a support system to help build each other up. On the other hand, people raised in an unhealthy home environments struggle to be part of society. It hard for them to find their place in the world. They tend to struggle with social relationships and often substance abuse. The make up of the societal family units has profound effects on the values and actions of the whole.

Strong, healthy, happy families are a necessity to society. They teach us how to be part of our community, give back, and be our best selves. When we can do that, we can build a strong society and civilization. In what ways do you think families have an important influence on society? Do you think the important functions of the family are clear to the younger generation?

Check out my latest book, Welcome To The Family! Affiliate Amazon link below.

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