Family is a four letter word

«Family Is a Four Letter Word» is the fourth episode of the second season of AMC’s The Walking Dead: World Beyond. It is the fourteenth episode of the series overall. It premiered on October 24, 2021, the same night as «Six Hours», the second episode of the seventh season of Fear the Walking Dead. It was written by Maya Goldsmith and directed by Aisha Tyler.


Tensions rise as the group questions past events and plans for the future. Things get explosive as someone’s abilities and loyalties are put to the test. A surprising discovery is made.


In a flashback, a couple discovers Huck washed up on a river dock. They welcome her to Omaha.

In the present day, Indira greets Huck and Hope in the Perimeter. Iris and Hope reunite.

Felix and Will kill empties around the Perimeter. Felix sees Hope and tells Will to stay back, worried that Huck might harm Will.

Hope tells Iris that their dad, Leo, is doing well. Felix reunites with Hope and stares coldly at Huck.

Elton watches the reunion from a distance. Asha asks why Huck is with Hope. Elton says he doesn’t know.

Huck tells Indira that she’s come without Elizabeth’s knowledge. She asks to speak with Felix and Iris in private. Once alone, Hope tells Iris and Felix that she and Huck want to bring them back to the CR facility.

At the culling outpost, Webb, Grady, and Tiga lure empties to the kill zone with loud music. They kill the empties with explosives. Dennis barks out orders as the crew leads a chosen empty through the gate and into the warehouse. Silas gets distracted by a chopper overhead. Dennis orders Silas to pay attention, then notices his bandaged hand.

Hope tells Iris and Felix that she’s worried about what Leo will do if the CR doesn’t bring Iris to him. Felix accuses Huck of trying to entrap them.

Elton panics at the sight of Hope and goes into the woods alone. He has flashbacks to Hope’s confession about killing his mother.

Dennis stitches the cut in Silas’ hand. Silas asks if the loud music ever attracts people from the research facility. Dennis evades the question and says Silas will soon need to play a bigger role on the crew. Silas spots a brochure for an underground research facility.

Huck assures Felix and Iris that they’ll be safe at the CR facility, as long as they pretend they don’t know anything about the CRM code books. Iris accuses the CRM of destroying Omaha, but Huck doesn’t believe it. Huck says she secured Silas an assignment at a nearby maintenance post and that they can see him if they join the CR. Iris asks to speak with Hope alone.

Silas sneaks out of the culling facility in the middle of the night, with the brochure in hand.

Elton discovers a shed in the woods. Inside he finds a cooler filled with medical supplies from the CRM. Asha finds him and tells him that she’s sick.

Webb, Grady, and Tiga catch Silas sneaking out.

Huck takes a walk while waiting for Hope and Iris to wrap up. Felix joins her to keep an eye on her.

Hope tells Iris that she believes in the research that the CRM is conducting. She mentions that Leo has a girlfriend. Iris urges Hope to leave the facility, but Hope says the CRM would surely hunt them down before they ever reach Portland. Iris is unconvinced.

Huck tells Felix they lost Will during a reconnaissance mission. Felix knocks Huck to the ground, and nearly kills her with an empty but spares her life in the end.

Webb, Grady, and Tiga take Silas to a warehouse and instruct him to kill anything that moves. Silas starts whacking empties with a bat, then realizes all the empties are on leashes. Webb, Grady, and Tiga praise his kill count and explain it’s a training facility. They explain that Dennis tells his bosses about those that perform well in his crew, giving them a shot at joining the CRM.

Felix storms back to town and sees Percy sneaking around. He and Will realize that Percy is going to kill Huck—and get them all killed as a result.

Percy strides into the woods with a gun.

Dennis finds Silas packing a backpack and asks where he’s going. He says Webb just got accepted into basic training, so he’ll need Silas to step up. Silas explains that he’s looking for his friends, who are with a killer named Huck. Dennis says his friends are probably stronger than he thinks and warns Silas that he only gets one chance to mess up.

Percy aims an arrow at Huck from a hiding spot in the woods. Will jumps in front of Huck, who is shocked to see him alive. Felix runs up to join them. Will tells Huck that the CRM tried to kill him.

Asha tells Elton that only her mother and brother know about her illness. She asks what happened between him and Hope. Elton explains that he recently found out his mother and sister were dead. Asha comforts him.

Will tells Huck that the CRM tried to kill him because he suspected they were behind Omaha’s fall. Huck says that if the CRM had really destroyed Omaha, Elizabeth would have told her.

Hope says goodbye to Felix and Iris. Iris vows to help Hope and Leo escape.

Felix tells Will that it’s no longer safe for them to stay at the Perimeter, but Will reasons that Huck would be endangering herself if she reported them. Felix mentions that Silas is stationed at a culling outpost. Will recognizes the location and hatches a plan to rescue everyone.

Percy visits Iris in her room and admits he wanted to kill Huck. Iris empathizes with his need for vengeance and kisses him.

Elizabeth videotapes a speech to honor the fall of Omaha, and pledges to Portland and the Civic Republic that the military will fight for the survival of mankind. Huck walks into the room.

Elton lies in bed, holding his mother’s necklace.

Indira sits in the cabin, hooked up to a dialysis machine. Asha says that Elton will keep their secret because she told him that she was the one who is sick.

At the culling facility, Dennis and his crew send Webb off to CRM training.

Hope finds an envelope at her apartment. Inside is a Jenga piece and a friendly note from Mason.

Huck asks Elizabeth how many people survived at Omaha. Elizabeth says that information is confidential and warns Huck against making another error in judgment.

In a flashback, Huck joins Elizabeth moments before leaving for her mission in Omaha. Elizabeth tells Huck that she loves her. Huck holds out her arm. A soldier breaks her arm with his rifle.

In the present day, Huck cries.

Other Cast


  • Jesse Gallegos as Webb
  • Ry Chase as Tiga
  • Kellen Joseph Quinn as Grady
  • Kurt Rhoads as Daniel
  • Nance Williamson as Margaret


  • Christina Brucato as Amelia Ortiz (Archive Footage)
  • Ryan Hurst as Beta (Photograph)


  • None


  • First (and last) appearance of Daniel. (Flashback)
  • First (and last) appearance of Margaret. (Flashback)
  • First (and last) appearance (in World Beyond continuity) of Beta. (Photograph)
  • The title of the episode, «Family Is a Four Letter Word», possibly refers to Iris and Hope, being that both of their names are made of four letters.
  • Kurt Rhoads (Daniel) is mistakenly credited as Kurt Roads.
  • This episode was made available for streaming to subscribers of AMC Premiere on October 17, 2021.
  • This episode is played directly after the second episode of Season 7 of Fear the Walking Dead.
  • This episode begins immediately after the end of «Exit Wounds».
  • In Dennis’ office, a Half Moon album is visible on the wall. This is the second time that Beta has appeared outside of the TV Series in the form of a picture on an album cover.
  • While talking with Dennis, Silas ironically comments that Dennis doesn’t know Huck who is actually Dennis’ wife. Dennis in turn doesn’t recognize the nickname.
    • It’s implied that Daniel had given Huck her nickname when she first arrived in Omaha because she was too injured to talk when he and Margaret found her.

Episode Highlights

  • In flashbacks, Huck prepares for her mission to Omaha by scarring her face and having her left arm broken. She is later found on the shores of Omaha by Daniel and Margaret.
  • In the present, Huck and Hope arrive at the Perimeter where they attempt to convince Iris and Felix to come back to the research facility with them. However, after Huck confirms the destruction of Omaha and the Campus Colony, Iris accuses the CRM of being responsible rather than empties. Hope is unable to convince her sister to go back with her.
  • Huck reveals that Silas is at the culling facility near the Perimeter and that she was responsible for sending him there.
  • Felix makes an aborted attempt at killing Huck while a vengeful Percy tries to shoot her and is narrowly stopped.
  • Will is forced to reveal his survival and the CRM’s murder attempt to Huck who promises to keep his survival a secret, although she refuses to believe their claims about why the CRM did it and their role in the destruction of Omaha and the Campus Colony.
  • Elton grows closer to Asha and suffers a panic attack over Hope’s return and his struggle with Hope’s confession to killing his mother.
  • Elton discovers secret dialysis equipment from the CRM which he agrees to keep secret after Asha claims to be the one ill. Despite Asha’s encouragement, Elton is unable to bring himself to talk to Hope.
  • After learning about the attempted murder of Will, Hope is convinced of the truth, but she still returns to the research facility with Huck. Iris keeps Percy’s survival a secret from her sister and later shares a kiss with him.
  • After hearing of Silas’ location, Will reveals to Felix that he might know a way to get their friends out of the research facility.
  • At the culling facility, Silas aids in the ongoing destruction of herds, but he remains distracted by the facility’s proximity to the research facility and sneaks out in search of it, getting caught by Webb, Grady and Tiga and being taken to the Parade.
  • After a conversation with Dennis, Silas chooses to remain at the culling facility while Webb is taken for CRM training.
  • Indira is revealed to be the one with kidney failure and because of this needs dialysis which is provided to her in secret by the Civic Republic. Asha reassures her mother that Elton will keep the secret due to his believing that Asha is the one that’s sick.
  • After returning from dealing with an urgent matter at the Civic Republic Health and Welfare Center, Elizabeth Kublek makes an address to Portland and the Civic Republic about the destruction of Omaha and the Campus Colony.
  • After her mother is evasive towards Huck’s questions about survivors from the destroyed cities, Huck begins having doubts about whether or not the CRM was responsible for the destruction of Omaha and the Campus Colony as Iris, Felix and Will had insisted.

v  d  e

Episodes of The Walking Dead: World Beyond

Season 1 «Brave» • «The Blaze of Gory» • «The Tyger and the Lamb» • «The Wrong End of a Telescope» • «Madman Across the Water» • «Shadow Puppets» • «Truth or Dare» • «The Sky Is a Graveyard» • «The Deepest Cut» • «In This Life»
Season 2 «Konsekans» • «Foothold» • «Exit Wounds» • «Family Is a Four Letter Word» • «Quatervois» • «Who Are You?» • «Blood and Lies» • «Returning Point» • «Death and the Dead» • «The Last Light»

Ходячие мертвецы: Мир за пределами

  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews
  • Trivia
  • Episode aired Oct 17, 2021
  • TV-MA
  • 46m

Aliyah Royale in Ходячие мертвецы: Мир за пределами (2020)

Tensions rise as the group questions past events and plans for the future. Things get explosive as someone’s abilities and loyalties are put to the test. A surprising discovery is made.Tensions rise as the group questions past events and plans for the future. Things get explosive as someone’s abilities and loyalties are put to the test. A surprising discovery is made.Tensions rise as the group questions past events and plans for the future. Things get explosive as someone’s abilities and loyalties are put to the test. A surprising discovery is made.

  • See production, box office & company info

  • Review

    Terrible acting combined with nonsensical plot

    Terrible acting combined with nonsensical plot — i’m not sure how this show even made it to a second season.

    The actions of our protagonists make absolutely no sense whatsoever. I can’t even.

    • buzzpark
    • Feb 18, 2022

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    If you’ve spent some time here, read along with the story so far you may have noticed I don’t seem to spend much time with Family.

    “Why is that?” You wonder, “With so much loss you’d think the family would come together and support each other. Bloods thicker than water after all…”

    Yeah, except when it isn’t.

    Except when you spend the anniversaries of your parents deaths mostly alone, keeping busy with as many mundane things as you can find.

    When you get a phone call from your mother’s brother on the anniversary of your dads death, a man who only met him a few times over 30 years ago, and he is the Only Person to ask “How’re you doing?”

    When you remember the last moments of your dads life, holding his hand surrounded by strangers. Those two other people that share his DNA and a vague resemblance to you, those same two you haven’t seen since that fateful afternoon last August.

    Family, the way it’s portrayed by the media as this steadfast harbor in a storm, is a lie.

    Family is no more than those people who share a vague genetics connection to me. Who’s concern only extends as far as how I might be of use in their times of need.

    Family is a curse. A promised lie I can’t help but fall for each and every time it’s spoken. Like some pathetic dog returning to its master despite their indifference and neglect, when even the dog knows it’d do much better if it just stayed out alone.

    It hurts to know it’ll never be. I’ll never have the love and support I see taken for granted by so many.

    Que sera sera,

    August 30, 2021

    Previously on «The Walking
    d*ad: World Beyond»…

    — Hey there. I come in peace.
    — I don’t understand.

    We lure the d*ad in
    with lights and music,

    blow ’em up, then we clean ’em up.

    — SILAS: Where’s he going?
    — CR’s Research Facility.

    Why you asking? Know someone there?

    So I don’t give a damn about
    how you justify your lies.

    You find my daughter.

    — I thought you were…
    — Yeah.

    Yeah, I thought I was, too.

    Hope we’re not causing
    too many problems.

    I need you to take me to Iris and Felix.

    PERCY: What she did to my uncle.

    Huck is gonna pay for what she did.


    Daniel, get back. She’s turning.

    No, she’s still breathing.

    I think… I think she’s waking up.

    [LOUDER] There you are.

    Try not to move.

    Arm’s broke, but help’s on the way.

    Down here!

    Looks like you’ve been through it.

    Lord knows how long you’ve
    been floating down that river.

    Thank God the OPD is quick.

    Welcome to Omaha.

    Can you tell us your name, dear?


    Save your strength.

    — We’ll just call you…
    — INDIRA: Staff Sergeant Mallick.


    It’s been quite some time.

    What brings you out so far?



    — Hope?
    — Iris!






    You hesitated.


    The first two we’ve seen.

    Few more might’ve made
    it in from the breach.

    I’ll be sure that Indira
    knows about that.

    Hope? And Huck.

    What’re they…

    No, no. Hey, stop.

    — If she sees you right now…
    — No.


    Look, there could be more of them.

    All right, we gotta be smart about this.


    We do.

    — Stay here.
    — Felix…

    I can’t believe you’re here.

    Is Dad with you?

    Uh, no, it’s just us.

    Huck had to sneak me out.

    Where’s Dad? Is he okay?

    — Yeah, he’s fine. He’s fine.
    — Hope.

    — Felix? Felix!
    — Hi.

    HUCK: What do you know?

    Just like old times.

    ASHA: I don’t get it.

    Why’s Staff Sergeant Mallick
    here with your friend?

    I don’t know.

    You good?

    You all right?

    — HOPE: Yeah. Yeah.
    — Yeah?

    A lot’s happened.

    I hope you’re not bringing
    trouble, Jennifer.

    I’m not.

    Does your mother know you’re here?

    She doesn’t. And she won’t.


    I just want to talk to them.


    You’re aware this place
    has not seen bloodshed

    since its founding.

    I’d like to keep it that way.

    Yes, ma’am.


    — So, it’s Jennifer, huh?

    That’s nice.

    Why are you here, Jennifer?

    What do you want?

    HOPE: What we want…

    is for you and Iris to
    come back with us.

    MAN: , , , !





    WEBB: Clear a path! Grady, move in!

    Tiga, watch his six!


    ♪ I feel the truth, I feel the truth ♪

    ♪ In my bones, bones, bones ♪

    ♪ We’re gonna tear the
    place up, up, up, up ♪

    ♪ We’re gonna tear the
    place up, up, up, up ♪


    ♪ We’re gonna tear the place
    up, up, up, up, up, up, up ♪

    Open the gate!

    The gate, Plaskett!

    Grady, move!

    Tiga, eyes on Webb! Speed it up!

    Let’s go! Let’s go!


    ♪ I’m still a freak, I’m still
    a freak, I’m still a freak ♪

    Come on, let’s go!

    Grady, get that in the cage!

    Webb, Tiga… you got
    strays to put down!

    The hell’s wrong with you? Move!

    What died up his ass
    and came back to life?

    — ♪ We’re gonna tear the place up, up, up, up ♪

    ♪ Gonna feel it in your
    face, up, up, up, up ♪

    DENNIS: Plaskett!



    I said cut the music
    and prep for cleanup!

    — Yeah, sorry, I…
    — I don’t care.

    You’re not here.

    Unless you wanna end up on
    the wrong end of a killstick,

    pay attention!

    ♪ We’re gonna tear the
    place up up, up, up ♪

    ♪ We’re gonna tear the
    place up, up, up, up ♪


    ♪ We’re gonna tear the
    place up, up, up, up ♪

    ♪ We’re gonna tear the
    place up, up, up, up ♪

    When we’re done here…

    you’re coming with me.

    ♪ Up, up, up, up ♪

    ♪ We’re gonna tear the place
    up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up ♪

    FELIX: What are you talking about?

    Why the hell would we go with you?

    You wouldn’t.

    We’d take you most of the way,

    then you’d make like you
    found the place on your own.

    What is this about?

    Being together.

    Keeping you safe.

    — Keeping Dad safe.
    — You said Dad was okay.

    He is, okay? He’s… He’s worried,
    okay? And I’m worried…

    he’s gonna stir shit up if we
    don’t bring you back soon.

    Iris, he could get hurt.

    Or worse.

    Meanwhile, the CRM’s looking for you

    — back at the retirement home…
    — No. No.

    Not your mom.

    No, she was just here, with soldiers.

    Is that… Is that…
    Is that why you’re here now?

    Use Hope to lure us out?


    Hey. You okay?

    I don’t know. I-I-I can’t really, um…

    She knows. She knows I’m here.

    They can’t see us back here.

    I-I… S-She just knows, okay? I…

    I’m sorry. I can’t be
    here right now, um…

    — [COUGHS]
    — Where are you going?



    HOPE: There was a woman with a g*n.

    — It was your mom.
    — All right.



    Sit still.

    The more you squirm,
    the longer this’ll take.



    You a fan?

    My dad was into music.

    Well, rock, mostly, but…

    I was more into guitar riffs.

    — You play?
    — No.

    I’m not, uh, too coordinated.

    How’d this happen?

    So, does the music ever,
    like, bring people here?

    People from the Research Facility, or…

    people looking for the…

    The only people you need to worry about

    are the ones not breathing.

    Gonna have you down in the
    action with the crew soon.

    No point having you working
    the lights and sound forever,

    kid your size.

    Okay. Go like this.

    Just like that.

    You don’t exercise that hand,
    nerves won’t heal right.

    — _

    All you have to do is play dumb
    about knowing I was CRM,

    about the codebooks,

    the fuel caches, and you’ll be good.

    My mom will take you in.

    You’ll be safe.


    It’s just one lie.

    What about Omaha?

    That just one lie, too?

    Wait. Uh, you knew?

    I-I didn’t know that you knew.
    I was gonna tell you…

    FELIX: So it’s true?

    It’s just gone?

    The Campus Colony, too.

    The CRM couldn’t mobilize fast
    enough to save either one.

    Or maybe they were the
    ones who made it happen.

    It was the d*ad, a giant cluster.

    No. I think you k*lled those people.

    The empties were just a cover-up.

    We’re about bringing the world back.

    Why would we k*ll a hundred
    thousand people…

    Why don’t you tell us?


    This is crazy.

    Do you know something?

    If you’re asking if I
    can prove it, I can’t.

    But there is no way in hell I
    am going anywhere with her.

    — No.
    — Hey, no, where are you going?

    I have nothing else to
    say in front of her.

    This is not about her! It’s about Dad!

    — Don’t you wanna see him?
    — Of course I wanna see him!

    But we would be idiots to go
    back in there without a way out.

    Hey, hey, hey.

    She’s absolutely right.
    We are not doing this.

    What about Silas?

    What about Silas?

    He’s alive.

    At a culling and maintenance
    post not far from here.

    He’s being taken care of.

    I made sure of it.

    You come with us, you
    get to see him, too.

    Did you know? Have you seen him?

    This is the first that
    I’m hearing about this.

    — Because she’s lying!
    — It’s the truth.

    I just didn’t wanna complicate things
    any more than they already are.

    Come with us and you’ll see.

    I wanna talk to you. Alone.



    Hey! What’s up with you?

    You shouldn’t be out here.

    What is this place?

    Nothing. Just an old hunting blind.

    No, no, it’s got all kinds of
    medical supplies from the CR.

    Is someone from your group sick?

    — Why is it hidden?
    — Look,

    this doesn’t have anything
    to do with you, okay?

    Forget you saw anything.

    So then, what is this?
    Part of some secret side deal?

    Shouldn’t your mom know about this?

    She already does.

    I’m the one who’s sick.


    Going somewhere?

    Um, I was… Well, I was just…

    Looks to me like he was
    trying to bail on us.

    — No. No, I wasn’t.
    — Yeah.

    You were.

    Are you gonna tell Dennis?

    No. See, Plaskett… out here?

    We take care of our shit our own way.

    I’m taking a walk.


    No, you’re not.

    Not alone.

    [f*re CRACKLING]

    I know it’s only been a few days, but…

    you just seem older or something.

    — You’re the one who’s older.
    — [CHUCKLES]

    I-I can’t believe I missed
    your birthday, Hope.

    Oh, it’s okay.

    Dad put a candle in my eggs, so…

    — That sounds like Dad.
    — [BOTH LAUGH]


    This is the first time

    that he’s been distracted
    by work since I got there.

    Seeing him okay,

    with all those other doctors
    from Portland and Omaha

    that are just like him…

    I think I’m starting to get it,

    why he’s so into it, why…
    why it’s so important.

    So, Dad’s… happy?

    Not with the CRM, but…

    — He has a girlfriend.
    — What?

    — Shut up.
    — I’m serious.

    She’s really smart. She’s a scientist.

    This guy Mason says she’s,
    like, a really big deal

    — or something.
    — Mason? Who’s Mason?

    Oh, he’s just a guy.
    He’s in some of my classes.

    It’s not how it sounds.

    It sounds like you’re meeting guys.

    And talking about Dad’s
    girlfriend as if it’s…

    Iris, I’m trying to get us back together

    so we can figure things out

    — in a way that’s smart.
    — What’s smart is you staying here

    so we can get Dad out together.

    If I stay here,

    they’ll find us all before
    we even get a chance.

    Look, at the facility, we can…

    we can take our time, w-we
    can think things through.

    — We can plan.
    — We’d be prisoners.

    We’d be alive.

    Portland is , miles away,

    and there is no way we’ll get there

    with a target on our
    back, and you know it.

    Our home is gone.

    We are all we have.

    Yeah, I know.

    How’d you find out?

    About home.

    I don’t wanna talk about it.

    Just say you’ll come back with us.


    I can’t.

    [VOICE BREAKING] You can.

    And you should.


    But I get it.

    You won’t.


    I need to tell you something.

    Don’t. No, we’re not doing this.



    Leo and Hope don’t even know.

    Know what?

    My mother.

    She sent a team out on a recon mission.

    And, um…

    It went bad.

    They lost Will.

    I know what he meant to you.

    And I can’t even begin
    to tell you how…

    Then don’t!


    How the hell did it get in?




    They’ll come… They’ll come looking…

    And they’ll find you bit.


    Miles from here.

    Another d*ad assh*le roaming the Earth.



    No, I’m not gonna k*ll you tonight.

    No, I just wanted to know what
    it’s gonna feel like when I do.



    Enjoy your walk, Jennifer.

    — WEBB: Come on, move it.
    — SILAS: Where are you taking me?

    — TIGA: Shut up!
    — This is it.

    GRADY: So, what exactly happens
    if he doesn’t make it out?

    WEBB: Tough shit.


    What’s the point of being here

    if he’s just gonna screw shit up for us?

    He’s gotta learn.

    Swing at anything that moves.













    Holy shitballs.

    How many down is that?

    , ?

    In under two minutes.

    Almost broke your record.

    Yeah, right.

    I tapped a full baker’s
    dozen my first time.

    You know, for the record, I was
    only a little on board with this.

    — What the hell is this place?
    — We call it The Parade.

    It’s our training facility.

    It’s where we practice, keep sharp.

    It’s Dine and Dash.
    You dash or they dine.

    Theoretically, of course,
    on account of them

    not having working mouths or teeth.

    But… did Dennis set this up?

    We made it ourselves.
    But he knows about it.

    Look, we want outta here, too.

    Just in a different way.

    Why do you think we’re out here
    busting our asses every day?

    We put in the time, do well,

    Dennis tells the people upstairs.

    Then maybe we get bumped
    up into CRM training.


    That’s why we made this extra spicy.

    And we were ready to jump in, but damn.

    You handled it.

    And, look, you promise to have
    our backs, we’ll have yours.

    It’s all good, man.


    So… no hard, right?

    [f*re CRACKLING]

    — [SIGHS]

    FELIX: Hey.

    The hell’d you go?

    I know this is gonna sound crazy,

    but I think I just saw Percy
    coming from the armory.

    Look at this.

    This was here when I got in.


    I think this is Percy’s.


    Armory’s open.


    Wait, wait, wait, wait,
    wait! Where you going?

    Hey, I think he’s alive.

    Okay? I think Percy’s alive, and
    if he is, he’s going after Huck.

    And if we don’t get him first,
    he’s gonna get us all k*lled.

    DENNIS: Plaskett.

    You gonna tell me where you’re off to?


    Everybody’s running from something.

    The crew can be tough.

    And the work is… work.

    But this isn’t the end.

    This is us saving
    ourselves from the end.

    Webb just got accepted
    into basic training.

    He’s leaving tomorrow.

    I’m gonna need you to step up.

    I was trying to find my friends.

    We were going cross-country
    together before we got split up.

    And someone in the group…

    she’s dangerous.

    A-A k*ller.

    And the others might not even know.

    Maybe they do.

    Maybe they already handled it.

    You don’t know Huck.


    Kid, I don’t care what she’s done.

    You’re not allowed to be afraid
    of some battle-axe named «Huck.»

    I can’t just give up.

    I can’t.

    Well, you can be a part of
    something here, Plaskett.

    Your friends…

    they’re probably a lot
    stronger than you think.

    Just going off to find them
    in the great big nothing?

    How does that work, really?

    How do you do that?

    You don’t.

    Running away…

    … that’s giving up.

    Got an early morning.
    I suggest you get some sleep.

    Do me a favor?

    Take that bottle.

    I’m sick of staring at it.

    Use it to clean your hand.


    You get one screw-up here.

    That was your one.




    WILL: Yeah, it’s me.

    — No!
    — Will?

    Will, what the hell did you do?

    This doesn’t make any sense.

    I thought you were d*ad.

    Yeah. We had to make the CRM think I was

    to throw them off my trail.

    They’re trying to k*ll me.
    They k*lled Romano.

    They want me d*ad.

    So, as long as I keep
    the dialysis thing going,

    I feel fine.

    No big deal.

    — Nobody else knows, except…
    — My mom and my brother.

    Sucks having to rely on the CRM, but…

    I just don’t want people
    looking at me different.

    — You’re looking at me different.
    — [CHUCKLES]

    Sorry. It’s just, um…

    Y-You’re very…


    So, what was up with you
    bugging out back there?

    Well, uh… Things with
    my friend Hope are, um…


    We’re all scrambled up.

    You know, I used to believe
    that my mother and my sister

    were still out in the world somewhere.

    But, uh…

    that was just a dumb story
    I told myself to feel better.

    What do you think happens
    to things when they die?

    Well, they, uh…

    break down into their
    original compounds.

    But after they’re absorbed
    into the ground, then what?

    Then they’re reabsorbed by plants…

    plants that become food for an insect

    that’s eaten by a bird
    or another animal.

    The original thing’s now part
    of a bunch of other things.

    But just because their matter lives on,

    there’s… no proof their
    consciousness does.


    I have faith that it does.

    I should go find my mom.

    Thanks for keeping my secret.

    I… I th… I think you’re very brave.

    That’s what I was trying
    to tell you earlier.

    You should talk to your friend.

    Maybe she can make things
    a little less… scrambled.


    I was onto the truth about Omaha.

    That’s why they tried to k*ll me.

    To cover up what they did.

    They were just trying
    to keep Omaha quiet

    till we got Hope there,
    so Leo wouldn’t think

    — that his family was d*ad.
    — Oh, come on. That’s bullshit.

    — That doesn’t mean they were behind…
    — Are you blind?

    Or just really that stupid?

    If the CRM would’ve destroyed Omaha,

    it would’ve gone through my mother.

    — All right? She would’ve told me.
    — Open your eyes.

    She’s lying to you.

    You’ve spent your whole life
    lying to everyone around you.

    What makes you think
    she’s any different?

    Sun’ll be up soon.

    — I need to find Hope and go.
    — No. No.

    So you can tell them about Will?

    About all of us?

    I won’t.

    You have my word.

    You have every reason to hate me.

    But like it or not,

    I’m the closest thing to a
    friend in the CR you got.



    — Be safe, kid.
    — HOPE: Take care, okay?

    So, we’re really doing this?

    [CRYING] What they
    tried to do to Will…

    that means the CRM really…

    You should’ve told me.
    This changes everything.

    — I wanted to tell you.
    — Why didn’t you?

    I don’t know. I…

    Maybe I should’ve.

    Anything else I should know?

    Gonna miss you.

    We will get you and Dad out of there.

    We will.

    Just tell him not to worry.

    And that I’m okay.

    I wish I could.




    WILL: Did you talk to Percy?


    I read him the riot act.


    He was only doing what you wanted to.

    You know that, right?

    But I didn’t.

    Look, I’m glad that he’s okay.

    We can’t stay here.

    It’s not safe for us anymore.

    It’s not safe for you.

    The smart play for Huck
    is to keep this quiet.

    She tells the CRM, she exposes herself.

    It’s mutually assured destruction.

    I’m not gonna lose you again.

    We’ll find a way out of this.

    How’re we gonna do that? Hmm?

    I don’t even know how to
    save Hope and… and Leo.


    — Now Silas…
    — Silas?

    — Wait. He’s with them, too?
    — Oh, no.

    Huck said something about
    a… about a culling outpost?


    It’s a long sh*t, but if he’s
    where she says he is…

    I might know a way to get everybody out.



    I-I-I can, uh… can come later.

    No, it’s okay.

    Come in.

    How are you holding up?

    You know, k*lling has-beens,
    that’s, uh… that’s easy.

    I lost track.

    But a person?

    I never wanted something
    so bad in my entire life.

    You wanted justice.

    And I think we’re both
    willing to go a little further

    than most people to get it.

    I thought my sister was like that, too.

    Are you mad Will stopped you?

    You know, she shouldn’t
    be able to walk around

    like what she did doesn’t matter.

    But I-I sh… I should’ve been
    thinking about everyone.

    About Will. Felix.



    I-I should, uh…

    I should go.

    ELIZABETH: Today we honor a part of us.

    A part of our Alliance of the Three.

    The fallen city of Omaha
    and its Campus Colony.

    The tragedy that befell our sister
    city is an immeasurable loss

    that reminds us just how
    precious each and every life is.

    As the Civic Republic’s
    military emissary to Omaha,

    I feel this loss very personally.


    But now is not the time for doubt.

    — _
    — To question our resolve.

    We could lose everything.

    If Elton tells anyone…

    — if people find out…
    — They won’t.

    ‘Cause I told him I was
    the one who was sick.

    Now more than ever, we have
    to stand strong, united,

    as one alliance.

    DENNIS: Congratulations. Transport’s
    picking you up in two hours.

    ELIZABETH: For the Civic
    Republic and its military

    are forever bound to you,
    Portland, as you are to us.

    Today, on behalf of Major General Beale,

    I pledge to the citizens of Portland
    and the Civic Republic

    that these tragedies will serve as
    a clarion call for our military…


    … to stand even more
    firmly resolved…


    … ready to fight for our survival,

    for the survival of our alliance,

    and for the survival of humankind.

    And as we pray for the souls we’ve lost,

    we say to you, our allies in Portland…

    stay strong, stay vigilant,

    and may God bless us all.


    — Jennifer.
    — HUCK: Hey.

    Were you watching?

    I hope I didn’t come across as nervous.

    No. If you were, you
    did a good job covering.


    It’s been a bloody awful
    difficult three days.

    I’m sorry that I didn’t
    make your reinstatement.

    I… I got called to the CR

    on some urgent matter at the
    Health and Welfare Complex.

    It’s handled, but I was
    wondering if we could…

    How many people actually
    survived in Omaha?

    You have their names?

    — You said they were airlifted out.
    — [SIGHS]

    You know that that, uh…

    that kind of confidential information

    is above a staff sergeant’s rank.

    — I’m not asking as a staff serg…
    — Don’t.

    You’ve only just gotten
    back what you lost

    after a horrendous error in judgment.

    I would hate for someone…

    to think that you hadn’t
    learned your lesson.

    FELIX: You spent your whole life
    lying to everyone around you.

    What makes you think
    she’s any different?

    I’m ready.

    Why did you do that?

    Raft’s ready, team’s waiting.

    Can we just get this over with?

    I’m going to miss you.

    Always know that I love you.



    You’re going to turn yourselves in?

    We’ll approach from the south

    so it doesn’t look like we
    crossed through your territory.

    Corporal Pierce said that
    she found you in my office.

    Trust is everything.

    Wouldn’t you agree, Jennifer?

    Teams heading out to look for Iris

    — and Felix.
    — You can’t, you can’t.

    — I should’ve told you.
    — It’s okay.

    Not taking no for an answer
    has finally paid off.

    — Synced & corrected by[font color=»#E «] MementMori [/font]-
    — [font color=»# CE «]www.addic[/font] —



    Iris? Iris?!


    — Iris!
    — [BOTH LAUGH]

    On the Perimeter village side of things,

    we have this big reunion happening

    between Iris and Hope, and they realize

    that they’re not on the same
    page with things anymore.

    HOPE: What we want…

    is for you and Iris to
    come back with us.

    Hey, no. Where are you going?

    We would be idiots to go back
    in there without a way out.

    NEGRETE: And it ends on a
    note that is very bittersweet

    and that makes each side realize

    that they’ve actually grown apart
    in the time they’ve been apart,

    and that’s a huge wake-up call for them,

    and it presents a huge obstacle

    in terms of how are they ever
    gonna go up against the CRM

    if they’re not on the
    same page with things.

    Just say you’ll come back with us.

    I can’t.

    [VOICE BREAKING] You can.

    And you should.

    [DISTANTLY] She’s still breathing.

    I think she’s waking up.

    This episode starts with
    this flashback to Huck.

    It’s, in a way, her origin story

    in terms of how she ended
    up at the Campus Colony

    at the beginning of season one.

    Welcome to Omaha.

    She’s gone through a lot of change.

    She’s been through a lot in general.

    And what this flashback
    does is serve as a bookend

    that really reminds the audience
    of what she went through

    to get into Omaha.


    A lot of questions have
    been posed to her

    in terms of what the CRM may have done.

    I think you k*lled those people.

    Why would we k*ll , people?

    Why don’t you tell us?

    And if those questions
    turn out to be true,

    if some of those suspicions
    that Felix has, that Iris has

    about what the CRM has done,
    if that turns out to be true,

    that’s calling into question
    a lot of things for Huck.

    If the CRM would’ve destroyed Omaha,

    it would’ve gone through my mother.

    All right? She would’ve told me.

    Could her mother have been lying to her

    about something so big?

    That’s really a huge deal for her.

    And so, that’s something
    that’s also come into question

    by the end of the episode.

    You’ve spent your whole life
    lying to everyone around you.

    What makes you think
    she’s any different?

    If you think back to
    the end of last season,

    Huck was gonna k*ll Felix.

    It was only Hope at the very
    end who put a stop to it.

    But had Hope not done that,

    I think Huck would have k*lled Felix,

    and Felix hasn’t forgotten that.

    I’m sorry. [GRUNTS]


    So, from Felix’s perspective,

    it’s a little tit-for-tat
    scenario going on.

    Even though he wants to k*ll her,

    he wants nothing more to
    k*ll her in this moment…


    … he knows that’s not the smart play.

    He knows that if he kills her,

    the CRM’s gonna come looking,

    and that’s only gonna put himself

    and Iris and everybody else in danger.

    But I really do think, in that moment,

    he really wants to know what
    it’s gonna feel like to k*ll her

    — and he wants to see her scared.
    — [GRUNTS]



    And so it really is a literal turning
    of the tables, uh, in a way.

    I’m not gonna k*ll you tonight.

    No, I just wanted to know what
    it’s gonna feel like when I do.


    What’s kinda funny about
    this episode, in a way,

    is that, like, everybody
    kinda wants to k*ll Huck.

    When Percy sees Huck for the first time

    since his uncle’s death,

    he understandably wants revenge.

    I think for Percy in this episode,

    he’s just seeing red, and he’s not
    thinking through the ramifications

    of what k*lling her might mean

    not just to him, but to Will and
    to the community in general.

    And, you know, from
    Will’s point of view,

    you know, when he sees Percy
    about to pull the trigger,

    he sees the consequences
    of what this is gonna bring.

    And for Will, the only way
    he can do it in that moment

    is to make this ultimate sacrifice

    and expose himself to Huck,

    — who thought he was d*ad.
    — Hey!

    And he knows there’s a huge
    risk that comes with that.

    He knows that if he lets Huck
    go, and he’s going to have to,

    that she could go back and tell the CRM.


    Silas starts this scene
    kind of like a victim.

    You know, he is someone who
    was trying to escape this place

    — and he got caught.
    — Swing at anything that moves.

    And he’s thrust into
    this empty warehouse

    with nothing but a baseball bat on him,

    and he doesn’t know
    what he’s about to face.

    But this is the first real test
    that he’s been subjected to.

    Can he just k*ll them and
    not be affected by it,

    not still go kind of full aggro Silas?

    And he does it. He goes to town.

    He gets it done.

    And again, he’s not
    out of control angry.

    He’s not the Silas we
    knew from last season

    after he k*lled a bunch of empties.

    — [GRUNTING]
    — Silas!

    — Stop!
    — Silas!

    This is a Silas who can k*ll,

    who has that capability,
    and he can do it well

    and without losing control.

    It’s just that he ultimately
    feels betrayed

    by this group that did this to him.

    In episode two, the character
    of Grady describes a little bit

    of how this place works to Silas.

    Uh, and he says that,
    «Yeah, we lure in the d*ad

    with light and sound,»

    and they blow them up and
    then they clean them up.

    And what we see in episode
    four is that play out.

    This is a big Outpost culling in action,

    and it’s a huge action sequence.

    It was just an example of every
    department working together

    to make a spectacular
    sequence come to life,

    and I just love how it turned out.

    « Previous Ep.

    Next Ep. »

    Tensions run high within the group; someone’s loyalties are put to the test.

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    Guest Cast


    Maximilian Osinski

    as Dennis


    Anna Khaja

    as Indira


    Madelyn Kientz

    as Asha


    Jesse Gallegos

    as Webb


    Ry Chase

    as Tiga


    Kellen Joseph

    as Grady

    Nance Williamson

    Nance Williamson

    as Margaret

    Kurt Rhoads

    Kurt Rhoads

    as Daniel

    View full cast list »

    Cast Appearances

    Elizabeth Kublek

    Julia Ormond

    as Elizabeth Kublek

    Iris Bennett

    Aliyah Royale

    as Iris Bennett

    Hope Bennett

    Alexa Mansour

    as Hope Bennett

    Jennifer "Huck" Mallick

    Annet Mahendru

    as Jennifer «Huck» Mallick

    Elton Ortiz

    Nicolas Cantu

    as Elton Ortiz

    Silas Plaskett

    Hal Cumpston

    as Silas Plaskett

    Felix Carlucci

    Nico Tortorella

    as Felix Carlucci

    Will Campbell

    Jelani Alladin

    as Will Campbell


    Ted Sutherland

    as Percy

    View full appearance list »

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