Factual meaning of a word

LEXICAL PROBLEMS in TRANSLATION 1. Types of meaning 2. Rendering of different types of

LEXICAL PROBLEMS in TRANSLATION 1. Types of meaning 2. Rendering of different types of meaning in translation 3. Translation of monosemantic words 4. Translation of polysemantic words 5. Translation of pseudo-international words 6. Rendering of Contextual Meanings 7. Translation of “non-equivalents” 8. Rendering of emotive and stylistic meanings

Types of meaning • The systems of meaning in different languages are different.

Types of meaning • The systems of meaning in different languages are different. «Meaning, in our view, is a property of a language. An S. L. (Source Language) text has an S. L. meaning, and a T. L. (Target Language) text has a T. L. meaning». (J. C. Catford A Linguistic Theory of Translation, L. -1965 p. 35) • The semantic structures of correlated words of the Source Language and the Target Language cannot be co-extensive, can never «cover each other». A careful analysis invariably shows that semantic relationship between correlated words, especially polysemantic words, is very complex.

Types of meaning • Three types of lexical meaning are distinguished and are to

Types of meaning • Three types of lexical meaning are distinguished and are to be rendered in translation: referential, emotive and stylistic. • Referential meaning (logical, denotative) has direct reference to things or phenomena of objective reality, naming abstract notions and processes as well. We can distinguish between primary and secondary referential meaning.

Types of meaning • Emotive meaning, unlike referential meaning, has reference not directly to

Types of meaning • Emotive meaning, unlike referential meaning, has reference not directly to things or phenomena of objective reality but to the feelings and emotions, associated with them. • It is a connotative meaning created by connotations raised in the mind of the speaker and reader; • it is inherent in a definite group of words even when they are taken out of context.

Types of meaning • Stylistic meaning is based on stylistic stratification of the English

Types of meaning • Stylistic meaning is based on stylistic stratification of the English vocabulary and is formed by stylistic connotations. • Stylistic and emotive meanings are closely connected. • Stylistically marked words possess a considerable element of emotive meaning. • E. g. the slang-words «mug», «phiz» are undoubtedly more expressive than their neutral counterpart «face» and have a pejorative emotive meaning. • In addition to the emotive and stylistic meanings, proper to the word as a linguistic unit, some emotive connotations may be acquired in the context. Both are to be rendered in translation.

Referential Meaning and its Rendering in Translation • Causes of lexical transformations in the

Referential Meaning and its Rendering in Translation • Causes of lexical transformations in the rendering of referential meaning: 1. Different vision of objects of reality and different usage; 2. Different semantic structure of a word in the source language and the target-language; 3. Different valency or collocability.

1. Different vision and usage • One and the same object of reality can

1. Different vision and usage • One and the same object of reality can be seen by different languages in different aspects. This is reflected in different usage, • e. g. Hot milk with skin on it — Горячее молоко с пенкой. English singles out the outer covering and Russian the boiling form. • School-leavers — выпускники школы In English teenagers leave the school while in Russian the school «releases» them into the world.

Different vision and usage • The city is built on terraces rising from the

Different vision and usage • The city is built on terraces rising from the lake (The Times, 1957) — Город построен на террасах, спускавшихся к озеру. • Не folded his arms across his chest, crossed his knees (Taylor Caldwell) — Он сложил руки на груди, положил ногу на ногу. • This factor presents less difficulty for the translator into Russian than for the translator into English. The difficulty arises when such words are used figuratively as part of some lexical stylistic device.

Different vision and usage •

Different vision and usage • «Instant history, like instant coffee, can sometimes be remarkably palatable, at least it is in this memoir by a former White House aide who sees L. B. J. as «an extraordinary gifted President who was the wrong man from the wrong place at the wrong time under the wrong circumstance»(Time, 1969). • «Современная история, как и такой же современный продукт, как растворимый кофе, иногда бывает удивительно приятна, по крайней мере это так в рецензируемых мемуарах бывшего помощника президента, который характеризует Джонсона как «удивительно способного президента, который был неподходящим человеком, родом из неподходящего места, в неподходящее время, при неподходящих обстоятельствах» .

Different vision and usage • Sometimes, due to a different vision the meaning of

Different vision and usage • Sometimes, due to a different vision the meaning of a word in the source-language is wider and less differentiated and corresponds to two or more correlated words in the target language. E. g. «Blue» corresponds to two Russian words: синий, голубой. • The Russian equivalents of «purple» are «пурпурный, фиолетовый, синий» . The choice of the equivalent depends on the linguistic or extra-linguistic context: purple robes of Roman emperors — пурпурные одеяния римских императоров; purple ink фиолетовые чернила; purple shades — синие тени.

Divergences in the Semantic Structure • Divergence in the semantic structure is one of

Divergences in the Semantic Structure • Divergence in the semantic structure is one of the primary causes of lexical transformations. • Divergences are connected with peculiar features of a word or a group of words. Even words, which seem to have the same meaning in S. L. and T. L. are not identical. • Primary meanings of such words coincide while their derivative meanings do not. • «Semantic correlation between two languages is not to be interpreted as semantic identity. Due to complexity of semantic structure «one-to-one» correspondence between the semantic structure of correlated polysemantic words in the S. L. and T. L. is scarcely possible.

Divergences in the Semantic Structure • Similar meanings of Russian and English words may

Divergences in the Semantic Structure • Similar meanings of Russian and English words may differ in some components. This phenomenon is usually reflected in dictionaries where more than one Russian equivalent is listed under the same meaning of the English word. • E. g. , the primary and the secondary meanings of the adjective «gloomy» are rendered in English. Russian dictionaries by two Russian words: 1) тёмный, мрачный 2) мрачный, унылый. • The use of two Russian equivalents proves that the semantic volume of the English meaning is wider and requires two Russian words for an adequate rendering.

Divergences in the Semantic Structure • The analysis of the polysemantic word

Divergences in the Semantic Structure • The analysis of the polysemantic word «mellow» shows that it can apply to a variety of objects and notions: fruit, wine, soil, voice, man. Each sphere of its application corresponds to a different derivative meaning and each meaning has two or more Russian equivalents. • 1. спелый, мягкий, сладкий, сочный (о фруктах); • 2. а. выдержанный, старый; б. приятный на вкус (о вине); • 3. подобревший, смягчившийся с возрастом (о человеке); • 4. мягкий, сочный, густой (о голосе и красках); • 5. а) рыхлый; б) плодородный, жирный (о почве); • 6. разгов. весёлый, подвыпивший. /БАРС/

Different Valency • The aptness of a word to appear in various combinations is

Different Valency • The aptness of a word to appear in various combinations is described as its lexical valency or collocability. • The lexical valency of correlated words in different languages is not identical. This is only natural since every language has its syntagmatic norms and patterns of lexical valency. • Words, habitually collocated, tend to constitute a cliché, • e. g. bad mistake, high hopes, heavy sea (rain, snow), etc. The translator is obliged to seek similar clichés, traditional collocations in the target-language: • грубая ошибка, большие надежды, бурное море, сильный дождь (снег).

Different Valency • The key word in such collocations is usually preserved but the

Different Valency • The key word in such collocations is usually preserved but the collocated one is rendered by a word of a somewhat different referential meaning in accordance with the valency norms of the target-language: • trains run — поезда ходят; • a fly stands on the ceiling — на потолке сидит муха; • It was the worst earthquake on the African continent (D. W. ) — Это было самое сильное землетрясение в Африке.

Different Valency • Different collocability often calls for lexical and grammatical transformations in translation

Different Valency • Different collocability often calls for lexical and grammatical transformations in translation though each component of the collocation may have its equivalent in Russian • «Britain will tomorrow be welcoming on an official visit one of the most controversial and youngest Prime Ministers in Europe» (The Times). «Завтра в Англию прибывает с официальным визитом один из самых молодых премьер-министров Европы, который вызывает самые противоречивые мнения» .

Translation of Monosemantic Words • Monosemantic words are comparatively few in number. • There

Translation of Monosemantic Words • Monosemantic words are comparatively few in number. • There are the following lexical group of monosemantic words: 1) antroponyms, 2) geographic names, 3) names of institutions, organizations, periodicals, 4) scientific and technological terms. Monosemy is typical of numerals, names of months, days of the week, etc.

Rendering of Antroponyms • The function of antroponyms is purely nominative. They help to

Rendering of Antroponyms • The function of antroponyms is purely nominative. They help to identify a person. There are two ways of rendering them: transcription and transliteration. • Transcription is now universally accepted. • Mary — Мэри, Jack — Джек, Hailey — Хейли , etc. • Tradition, however, still plays an important role. • George Bernard Show — Джордж Бернард Шоу (not Шо). King George is — король Георг, King Charles I — король Карл Первый. • Some «telling names» in fiction are translated: • Тяпкин-Ляпкин — Slap-Dash, Humpty-Dumpty Шалтай-Болтай.

Rendering of Geographical Names • Tradition is very strong in rendering this group of

Rendering of Geographical Names • Tradition is very strong in rendering this group of words. They are often rendered according to the usage of earlier days, e. g. Dover — Дувр, Texas Техас, Hull — Гулль, etc. • But in some cases the tradition has been abandoned in favour of transcription. So Virginia is now Вирджиния, not Виргиния, and Hull is often rendered as Халл. • Extended names are often translated: the Cape of Good Hope — Мыс Доброй Надежды.

Rendering of the Names of Institutions, Periodicals, Hotels, Streets, etc. • Transcription is now

Rendering of the Names of Institutions, Periodicals, Hotels, Streets, etc. • Transcription is now universally accepted. General Motors — Дженерал Моторс, Times – Таймc, Hotel Carlton — отель «Карлтон» , Bayswater Road Байсуотер Роуд. • “Telling names» of old inns and the names of streets in historical novels are translated; • The Red Lion — гостиница «Красный Лев» . • The «Economist» publishing office is in Threadneedle street — Редакция журнала «Экономист» помещается на Треднидл стрит, • but «tailors lived in Threadneedle street» — Портные жили на улице «Иголка с ниткой»

Translation of terms • Terms are generally associated with a definite branch of science.

Translation of terms • Terms are generally associated with a definite branch of science. • They are characterized by a tendency to be monosemantic in a given branch of science and technology and therefore easily call forth the required concept: • E. g. calorie — калория, equator — экватор, polysemantic — многозначный, etc.

Translation of terms • One and the same term may have different meaning in

Translation of terms • One and the same term may have different meaning in different branches of science, • e. g. line 1) конвейер, поточная линия 2) трубопровод. • In some cases the recent terminological explosion has produced polysemy even within the same branch • e. g. , поджигающий электрод — in electronics may be keep-alive electrode or trigger electrode.

Translation of terms • A group of words of terminological nature: names of animals,

Translation of terms • A group of words of terminological nature: names of animals, birds, etc, • e. g. tiger-тигр, cat-кошка, swallow-ласточка. These words may acquire a figurative meaning in the source — language which has no equivalent in the target-language, • e. g. tiger had a transferred meaning (now rare) «smart-liveried small boy as groom» (Concise Oxford Dictionary) — маленький жокей, мальчик-жокей.

Translation of terms • Names of plants, e. g. oak - дуб, lily-of-the-valley -

Translation of terms • Names of plants, e. g. oak — дуб, lily-of-the-valley — ландыш, • names of natural elements, names of the days of the week, of months and numerals: oxygen кислород, Thursday — четверг, July — июль, thousand — тысяча, million -миллион. • Despecialization of terms in news media may occasionally pose a translation problem, • e. g. the launching pad for his career — трамплин для его карьеры.

Translation of Polysemantic Words • Different meanings of polysemantic words are revealed in the

Translation of Polysemantic Words • Different meanings of polysemantic words are revealed in the context. • The term «context» is understood as the minimum stretch of speech diagnosing each individual meaning of the word. The context individualizes the meanings, brings them out. • The context reveals concrete or abstract meanings of a word, its direct or transferred meaning

Translation of Polysemantic Words • e. g. the word

Translation of Polysemantic Words • e. g. the word «truth» is used in its concrete everyday meaning in the phrase «Tell me the truth» — «Скажи мне всю правду» , • «To understand to know the reality, it is necessary to have a theory of knowledge corresponding to truth (R. Fox, Marxism and literature) — the word «truth» is used in its abstract philosophical meaning «истина» . – “Для того, чтобы постигнуть и понять действительность, необходимо иметь теорию познания, соответствующую истине”.

Translation of Polysemantic Words • The context reveals direct and transferred meanings of the

Translation of Polysemantic Words • The context reveals direct and transferred meanings of the word «to cripple». «Smith was crippled in the war» — «Смит был искалечен на войне» (direct meaning), «Reactionaries cripple the national movement in Africa» — «Реакционеры подрывают национально освободительное движение в Африке» (transferred meaning).

Translation of Polysemantic Words • The context also reveals a free or bound use

Translation of Polysemantic Words • The context also reveals a free or bound use of the word. • He made a pace or two forward, (free) — Он сделал шага два вперед. • Не kept pace with the times (bound) — Он не отставал от века. In this case the word «pace» forms part of a phraseological unity and is translated by a corresponding phraseological unity.

Translation of Polysemantic Words • Sometimes macro context ( a paragraph, a chapter or

Translation of Polysemantic Words • Sometimes macro context ( a paragraph, a chapter or even a whole book) is necessary for a correct interpretation of the meaning. • E. g. , describing Becky Sharp Thackeray writes: «The wretched woman was in a brilliant full toilet». Knowing Thackeray’s negative attitude toward Becky, of the two meanings of the word «wretched» — (1) несчастная, (2) негодная, the latter should be used in the translation of this sentence: Негодная (коварная) женщина была в ослепительном туалете.

Translation of Pseudo-International Words • The so-called pseudo-international words constitute a special difficulty for

Translation of Pseudo-International Words • The so-called pseudo-international words constitute a special difficulty for the translator • The pseudo-international words differ in meaning from language to language either completely, • e. g. commutator- коллектор, complexion цвет лица, • or partially, e. g. elevator- 1) элеватор, 2) лифт.

Translation of Pseudo-International Words • They are known as the translator's

Translation of Pseudo-International Words • They are known as the translator’s «false friends». Translators are often deceived by formal resemblance into making errors. • E. g. , There were attempts to sabotage key services in Santiago (the Economist, 1974) Делались попытки вывести из строя основные объекты коммунального обслуживания в Сантьяго.

Translation of Pseudo-International Words • The word «прогресс» is monosemantic and has positive connotations.

Translation of Pseudo-International Words • The word «прогресс» is monosemantic and has positive connotations. The meaning of the English «progress» is neutral and can apply to any movement • E. g. , Hogarth‘s picture «Rake’s Progress» «Жизнь повесы» , • Her progress about London during that first week was one thrilling adventure (H. Walpole) Её знакомство с Лондоном в ту первую неделю было сплошным увлекательным приключением.

Translation of International Words • Sometimes the meaning of international words is identical in

Translation of International Words • Sometimes the meaning of international words is identical in English and in Russian but the collocation pattern is different which prevents the use of the Russian word in translation. • E. g. , Never before in the history of the world have there been so many persons engaged in the translation of both secular and religious materials (E. Nida and Ch. Taber, Theory and Practice of Translation).

Translation of International Words • Although the meanings of the words

Translation of International Words • Although the meanings of the words «religious» — религиозный and “materials» материалы are identical, the collocation «религиозные материалы» is quite impossible in Russian. • An adequate translation would be: • Ещё никогда в истории человечества столько людей не занималось переводом как светской, так и духовной литературы.

Rendering of Contextual Meanings • A contextual meaning arises in the context. • It

Rendering of Contextual Meanings • A contextual meaning arises in the context. • It should not be regarded as part of the semantic structure of the word. • Every word possesses an enormous potentiality for generating new contextual meanings. These occasional contextual meanings are not arbitrary, but are always predetermined by the semantic structure of the word. It largely depends upon the semantic context. • A contextual meaning possible in one language is impossible in another.

Rendering of Contextual Meanings • In an atomic war women and children will be

Rendering of Contextual Meanings • In an atomic war women and children will be the first hostages (D. W. ) — Первыми жертвами в атомной войне будут женщины и дети. • In this sentence the contextual meaning of the word «hostage» is the «victim». This contextual is evidently implicit in its dictionary meaning. A similar contextual meaning cannot be generated by the Russian word «заложник» . Thus the word «жертва» is the only possible equivalent.

Rendering of Contextual Meanings • Britain's worldwide exploitation was shaken by colonial Liberation Movement.

Rendering of Contextual Meanings • Britain’s worldwide exploitation was shaken by colonial Liberation Movement. (D. W. ) • The contextual meaning of “exploitation” was formed metonymically: every colonial system is based on exploitation which is the foundation of colonial power. The Russian word «эксплуатация» can not generate similar contextual meaning. • A possible equivalent will also be formed metonymically: • Колониальное могущество Англии было потрясено до основания национальноосвободительным движением в колониях.

Rendering of Contextual Meanings • Contextual meanings often produce a strong effect, performing a

Rendering of Contextual Meanings • Contextual meanings often produce a strong effect, performing a stylistic function of «deceived expectancy». • The translator is confronted with a double difficulty: • he should avoid toning it down and must not violate the norms of the target-language.

Translation of

Translation of «Non-equivalents» • “Non-equivalents» are the words of the sourcelanguage which either have no equivalents in the target language or no equivalent denotatum in the target culture. • 1) the so-called realia-words denoting things, objects, features of national life, customs, habits, etc. , e. g. House of Commons, thane, coroner, teach-in, drive-in, cricket, etc. • 2) words, which for some linguistic reason have no equivalent in the target language: conservationist, readership, glimpse, etc.

Ways of Rendering Non-Equivalents 1) direct borrowing (transliteration or transcription): impeachment - импичмент, thane

Ways of Rendering Non-Equivalents 1) direct borrowing (transliteration or transcription): impeachment — импичмент, thane — тан, mayor мэр, know-how — ноу-хау. 2) translation loans. House of Commons — Палата общин, backbencher — заднескамеечник, braindrain — утечка мозгов. 3) descriptive or interpreting translation. Landslide победа на выборах с огромным перевесом голосов, a stringer (Am. ) — частично занятый корреспондент, труд которого оплачивается из расчета количества слов, wishful thinking – принимание желаемого за действительное.

Ways of Rendering Non-Equivalents • The action of Congress and of North Carolina and

Ways of Rendering Non-Equivalents • The action of Congress and of North Carolina and Tennessee statesmen, aided by gifts of wise conservationists, have set this land aside as a Great Smoky National Park. (National Geographic, 1964). • Эта местность на берегу реки Смоуки-хилл была превращена в Национальный парк благодаря усилиям Конгресса и государственный деятелей штатов Северная Каролина и Теннеси, а также благодаря пожертвованиям любителей природы, понимающих важность ее сохранения.

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • Translation of words with emotive meaning •

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • Translation of words with emotive meaning • Emotive meaning may be regarded as one of the objective semantic features proper to words as linguistic units and should not be confused with contextual emotive meaning that words may acquire in speech. • Emotive meaning varies in different word classes. In some of them, for example, in interjections, the emotive element prevails whereas in function words it is practically non-existent.

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • The emotive meaning is based on connotations

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • The emotive meaning is based on connotations — positive, negative or neutral. Russian is rich in emotive suffixes whose meaning is rendered by using additional lexical items • e. g. домишко — small, wretched house • or different lexemes • cf. : дом — house, домишко -hovel.

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • Some words may acquire a negative or

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • Some words may acquire a negative or positive connotation in different contexts. The noun «glamour» and the adjective «glamorous» may illustrate this point. • R. was captivated by the vulgar glamour and the shoddy brilliance of the scene before him. • P. был пленен вульгарным блеском и дешевой роскошью окружающего. • (As a matter of fact both collocations «vulgar glamour» and «shoddy brilliance» are synonymous):


RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • . . . who were attracted for the moment by the glamour of the dancer or the blatant sensuality of the woman. -. . . которых на мгновение привлек романтический ореол танцовщицы или её откровенная чувственность. • Cf. : the following example from a newspaper review: • Hirsh’s Richard is not lacking in glamour. Facially he is a smiling fallen angel (The Observer Review, 1973). Ричард в исполнении Хирша не лишен обаяния. У него лицо улыбающегося падшего ангела.

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • Sometimes differences in usage or valency do

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • Sometimes differences in usage or valency do not allow the use of the Russian referential equivalent, and the translator is forced to resort to a lexical replacement with the emotive meaning preserved. • In the general strike, the fight against the depression, the antifascist struggle, and the struggle against Hitlerism the British Communist Party played a proud role (The Labour Monthly, 1970). • Во время всеобщей забастовки, в борьбе против кризиса, в антифашистской борьбе и борьбе против гитлеризма Коммунистическая партия Великобритании играла выдающуюся роль.

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • The emotive meaning of some adjectives and

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • The emotive meaning of some adjectives and adverbs is so strong that it suppresses the referential meaning (I. R. Galperin. Stylistics. M. , 1971, p. 60. ) and they are used merely as intensifies. They are rendered by Russian intensifies irrespective of their reference. • Even judged by Tory standards, the level of the debate on the devaluation of the pound yesterday was abysmally low (M. S. , 1973). • Даже с точки зрения консерваторов дебаты в Палате общин по вопросу о девальвации фунта происходили на чрезвычайно /невероятно/ низком уровне.

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • The emotive meaning often determines the translator's

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • The emotive meaning often determines the translator’s choice. • The English word «endless» is neutral in its connotations, while the Russian бесконечный has negative connotations — boring or tiresome (бесконечные разговоры). • «the endless resolutions received by the National Peace Committee” — the word «endless» should be translated by Russian adjective «бесчисленные» or «многочисленные». • Многочисленные резолюции, полученные Национальным комитетом защиты мира.

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • The Russian word «озарила» conveys positive connotations,

RENDERING OF EMOTIVE AND STYLISTIC MEANINGS • The Russian word «озарила» conveys positive connotations, • e. g. «Ее лицо озарила улыбка», • where as its English referential equivalent is evidently neutral. • Horror dawned in her face (Victoria Holt). — Её лицо выразило ужас.

Rendering of Stylistic Meaning in Translation • Every word is stylistically marked according to

Rendering of Stylistic Meaning in Translation • Every word is stylistically marked according to the layer of the vocabulary it belongs to. Stylistically words can be subdivided into literary and nonliterary. (See I. R. Galperin, op. cit. — p. 63. ) • The stylistic function of the different strata of the English vocabulary depends not so much on the inner qualities of each of the groups as on their interaction when opposed to one another. (l. R. Galperin, op. cit. — p. 68. ) • Care should be taken to render stylistic meaning

Rendering of Stylistic Meaning in Translation • “If you don't keep your yap shut“…”

Rendering of Stylistic Meaning in Translation • “If you don’t keep your yap shut“…” (J. Salinger) — “Если ты не заткнёшься” (пер. Э. Медниковой) • Then he really let one go at me (ibid. ) — Тут он мне врезал по-настоящему. • It would be an error to translate a neutral or a literary word by a colloquial one.

Translation of Phraseological Units • According to academician Vinogradov phraseological units may be classified

Translation of Phraseological Units • According to academician Vinogradov phraseological units may be classified into three big groups: • phraseological fusions, • phraseological unities and • phraseological collocations.

Translation of Phraseological Units 1) Phraseological fusions are usually rendered by interpreting translation: •

Translation of Phraseological Units 1) Phraseological fusions are usually rendered by interpreting translation: • to show the white feather — быть трусом; to dine with Duke Humphrey — остаться без обеда. • Sometimes they have word-equivalents: red tape — волокита, to pull one’s leg — одурачивать, мистифицировать. • The meaning of a phraseological fusion may often be rendered by a series of alternative phrases, • e. g. to go the whole hog -делать что-либо основательно, доводить до конца, не останавливаться на полумерах, идти на всё (словарь А. Кунина).

Translation of Phraseological Units 2) According to the principles of their translation phraseological unities

Translation of Phraseological Units 2) According to the principles of their translation phraseological unities can be divided into four groups; • 1) Phraseological unities having Russian counterparts with the same meaning and similar images. They can often be traced to the same prototype: biblical, mythological, etc. • All that glitters is not gold. — He всё золото, что блестит. • As a man sows, so he shall reap. — Что посеешь, то и пожнёшь. • 2) Phraseological unities having the same meaning but expressing it through a-different image. • То buy a pig in a poke. — Купить кота в мешке.

Translation of Phraseological Units • Phraseological units of the source-language sometimes have synonymous equivalents

Translation of Phraseological Units • Phraseological units of the source-language sometimes have synonymous equivalents in the target-language. The choice is open to the translator and is often determined by the context. • Between the devil and the deep sea — между двух огней, между молотом и наковальней; в безвыходном положении. • In the absence of a correlated phraseological unity the translator resorts to interpreting translation. • A skeleton in the closet (cupboard) — Семейная тайна, неприятность, скрываемая от посторонних.

Translation of Phraseological Units • Target-language equivalents having a local colour should be avoided.

Translation of Phraseological Units • Target-language equivalents having a local colour should be avoided. • «To carry coals to Newcastle» should not be translated by the Russian — ездить в Тулу со своим самоваром. • In this case two solutions are possible: • a) to preserve the image of the English phraseological unity — ездить в Ньюкасл со своим углём, • b) to resort to interpreting translation заниматься бесполезным делом.

Translation of Phraseological Units 3) Phraseological unities having no equivalents in Russian are rendered

Translation of Phraseological Units 3) Phraseological unities having no equivalents in Russian are rendered by interpreting translation. • Little pitches have long ears. — Дети любят слушать разговоры взрослых. 4) Phraseological unities having word equivalents: • shake a leg — отплясывать, • hang fire — мешкать, медлить, задерживаться.

Translation of Phraseological Units • Phraseological collocations are motivated but they are made up

Translation of Phraseological Units • Phraseological collocations are motivated but they are made up of words possessing specific lexical valency which accounts for a certain degree of stability in such word groups. • They may be translated by corresponding phraseological collocations of the targetlanguage: to take part — принимать участие, to throw a glance — бросить взгляд. • They may be also translated by a word (to take part — участвовать) or a free word group (to take one’s temperature — измерить температуру).

are three classical theories of meaning:

or referential
Saussure’s disciples)

is the relation between the object or phenomenon named and the name

John Locke, A.I. Smirnitskiy, etc.)

is a certain representation
of an object / phenomenon / idea / relation in the mind;

contextual (L. Bloomfield)

is the situation in which a word is uttered, i.e. its context.

22. Types and aspects of word meaning.

of Meaning

aspect (denotation): word ↔ referent;

aspect, i.e. significant features common for classes of objects
(signification): word ↔ sense;

aspect, i.e. the speaker’s attitude to the referent (connotation);

or differential aspect, i.e. the relations of the signified word with
other words within a word-group or in speech.

of meaning:

is not homogeneous but is made up of various components the
combination and the interrelation of which determine to a great
extent the inner facet of the word.


is the meaning which unites words into big groups such as parts of
speech or lexico-grammatical classes. It is recurrent in identical
sets of individual forms of different words, e.g. stones,
apples, kids, thoughts
the grammatical meaning of plurality.


is the meaning proper to the word as a linguistic unit; it is
recurrent in all the forms of this word and in all the possible
distributions of these forms, e.g. the word-forms write,
have different grammatical meanings of tense, person, aspect, but the
same lexical meaning ‘to make letters or other symbols on a
surface, especially with a pen or pencil’.

of Lexical Meaning

meaning is not homogenous either and may be analysed as including
denotative and connotative components.

(denotational) (Lat. denotatum
‘signified’) component is the conceptual content of the word
fulfilling its significative and communicative functions; our
experience is conceptualised and classified in it.

(connotational) (Lat. connoto
‘additional meaning’) component conveys the speaker’s attitude
to the social circumstances and the appropriate functional style,
one’s approval or disapproval of the object spoken of, the
speaker’s emotions, the degree of intensity; unlike
denotations or significations, connotations are optional.

of Connotations


is concerned with the situation in which the word is uttered, the
social circumstances (formal, familiar), the social relationships
between the communicants (polite, rough etc.), the type and purpose
of communication, e.g. father
(stylistically neutr.), dad
(colloquial), parent


is acquired by the word as a result of its frequent use in contexts
corresponding to emotional situations or because the referent
conceptualised in the denotative meaning is associated with certain
emotions, e.g. mother
(emotionally neutr.), mummy
(emotionally charged); bright
neutr.), garish
(implies negative emotions).


expresses approval or disapproval, e.g. modern
is often used appreciatively, newfangled
expresses disapproval.


expresses degree of intensity, e.g. the words magnificent,
gorgeous, splendid, superb

are used colloquially as terms of exaggeration.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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If something is factual, it can be proven, like your mother’s story about the bear that is factual because she took a picture of it standing next to the family car.

Something factual is real. It is based in fact, meaning it can be proven, repeated or observed. In fact, fact is the root of the word factual, from the Latin word factum, meaning «event, occurrence.» The factual part of a story is the part that really happened — the rest gets more outlandish every time someone tells it. Evidence makes something factual.

Definitions of factual

  1. adjective

    existing in act or fact



    existent, real

    being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory

  2. adjective

    of or relating to or characterized by facts

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘factual’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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: of or relating to facts

the factual aspects of the case


: restricted to or based on fact

She tried to separate what is factual from what is not.


Example Sentences

That statement is not factual.

a report filled with factual errors

the factual aspects of the case

Recent Examples on the Web

But some tests showed that getting factual information from the chatbot seemed to be hit or miss.

Margaret Osborne, Smithsonian Magazine, 23 Mar. 2023

Instead, these benchmarks should be established with historical data and real-time intelligence to inform the most holistic GTM and always operating strategies and ensure decisions are being made objectively based on factual information.

Mike Carpenter, Forbes, 17 Mar. 2023

However, they’re also known to generate convincing errors when reporting factual information.

Benj Edwards, Ars Technica, 13 Mar. 2023

The public docket includes factual information on the crash, such as weather conditions, road treatment and car speeds.

Dallas News, 20 Jan. 2023

The report includes factual information but not a probable cause.

Jennifer Sinco Kelleher, Fortune, 14 Jan. 2023

The way these stories are iterated by our memories is actually key to something that is far more important than factual information.

Meredith Blakestaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 22 Dec. 2022

Bench trials are typically held in cases involving complex legal and factual issues, and in matters where the defense’s theory may be more technical.

Melissa Quinn, CBS News, 30 Mar. 2023

In making that seemingly contradictory move, Karen Price’s attorney expressed concern that the state was going let the court order authorizing Gunches’ execution expire before factual issues in Karen Price’s litigation could be resolved.

Jacques Billeaud, ajc, 27 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘factual.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


fact + -ual (in actual)

First Known Use

circa 1832, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of factual was
circa 1832

Dictionary Entries Near factual

Cite this Entry

“Factual.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/factual. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on factual

Last Updated:
9 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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