Expressions with word thing

Here you will learn 7 English expressions with the word THING.

I covered this recently in a lesson with my students. You might be interested in reading about it or refreshing your memory about the topic.

Table of Contents



Harry is a native English teacher with over 10 years of experience both online and in face-to-face lessons. With his extensive experience in business, he specialises in Business English lessons but happily teaches ESL students with any English learning needs. 

English Expressions with the Word THING

English expressions with the word THING. From intermediate to advanced English with #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

THING is often a word we use when we are stuck for (cannot remember) another more appropriate word or we do not actually know what this THING is really called. For example, you often hear “Pass me that thing over there!!” or “Could you pass me that thing, you know the thing for opening this bottle!” So THING has many uses and people always seem to know what we are referring to.

However, THING is also used in many English expressions with real meaning.

The following are useful English expressions with the word THING.

Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • What you’ll learn:
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  • This marathon is for you if you’re:
  • stuck at an intermediate English level
  • tired of confusing explanations
  • a mature student
  • shy & introverted

Useful English Expressions with the Word THING

1️⃣ a thing of the past

We use this to describe something no longer in use or that is outdated.


The fax machine is a thing of the past. Who uses them today? The typewriter is a thing of the past. Everyone uses a word processor.

2️⃣ to have a thing for something (somebody)

We use this expression when we remember something or somebody we really liked or enjoyed or still enjoy today.


When I was young I had a thing for postage stamps and I had a huge collection. As I got older I lost interest.

He has a thing for Julia Roberts the actress. He really thinks she is beautiful and watches all her movies.

3️⃣ Just one of those things

When we cannot explain something fully but know it is an issue then we often use this expression. For example, if someone is trying to explain why he likes or dislikes something without being able to give a specific reason then you will hear them say “ah it’s just one of those things”.


– Why do you not like going on a rollercoaster? Are you afraid?

– No, not really I cannot explain it. It is just one of those things.

– Do you not like travelling on trains? Why? Is it the noise or the movement from side to side?

– I don’t really know it is just one of those things.

4️⃣ one thing led to another

When a series of events take place resulting in an action then we can say ‘one thing led to another… ‘


– Why are you home so late? And you are a little drunk!

– I know, I am sorry. I met my old school friend we got talking then had a beer. Then one thing led to another and we decided to have a few more!

English Expressions with the Word THING

English expressions with the word THING. From intermediate to advanced English with #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

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5️⃣ The IN- thing

Fashions come and go and come again or so it seems. When something is in fashion we say it is the in- thing! So at the moment a particular hairstyle or a particular style or design of clothes will be the in-thing.


– Hi how are you? Wow, I love the shoes. Where did you get them?

– They were my Mum’s they are the in thing these days all the 70’s clothes are back in fashion.

6️⃣ for one thing

A very popular way to give a reason or reasons why we like or dislike someone or something.


– Are you going to the match on Sunday?

– No, for one thing, the tickets will be a crazy price and I think I have to work as well.

7️⃣ it’s a good thing that

We use this expression in situations where we are fortunate or lucky that we did something without really thinking about it.


Oh dear, it’s raining really heavy outside. Well, it’s a good thing that I brought the umbrella!

It’s a good thing we left early for the airport. The traffic is terrible there must have been an accident.

Now you know most of the useful English expressions with the word THING. And you know what we mean when we ask you to pass that THING over there!

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By Robby

If you are new here please read this first.

English Phrases with

We foreign English speakers often speak too complicated. Why go the extra mile every time you want to say something and explain the whole situation in the very detail?

Compare the two sentences “So what do you think about our management trying to recoup some of the lost profits by cutting our wages?” and “So what do you think about the whole wage cuts thing?”

The first sentence details the topic you’re discussing; the second one gets straight to the matter without wasting much time on explaining what’s already known to both people involved in the conversation. Also, it sounds more friendly and casual, and you can definitely ease any tension that’s present between you and the person you’re taking to ❗

Say for instance, you find yourself sharing a launch break with someone you haven’t spoken a lot with, so you’re a bit uncomfortable with that person. Then he or she makes a casual comment about something going on in the company, it’s just small talk really. Now, if you respond with “Yes, the whole thing looks pretty bad all right!” it’s going to sound much better than “Yes, I agree, there’s not enough resources available to our management to complete the new building”.

The first phrase is a very common way of confirming the other person’s opinion and sounds friendly enough. You really don’t need to repeat what the other person said to you, so a short phrase “The whole thing about…” is totally OK as a reply.

Of course, if you’re having a formal conversation you wouldn’t risk being taken for a person with bad manners, so you would probably explain everything in more detail. If you’re chatting with a friend of yours, on the other hand, why beat around the bush? It’s so much more convenient to use the amazing English word “THING” to describe nearly everything you want!

Yes, if you just think about it, you can use “THING” in plenty of small talk phrases, and it makes it so much easier for us foreign English speakers to communicate effectively.

English Small Talk Phrases With “THING”

What do you think about the whole … thing? – a handy way to ask for someone’s opinion on something that the other person is already familiar with. Basically you don’t need to explain the problem in detail, you just use one or two words before the word “thing” that would make it clear what the story is about. Moreover, you don’t have to make sure they correspond to the rest of the sentence in terms of grammar, just stick them in – “So what do you think about the whole who gets the best score thing?” “What do you think about the whole promotion thing?”

This whole … thing looks really messed up (pretty bad etc.) – the same as previous phrase – just stick the relevant word or words in between the words “whole” and “thing” – and there you go! You have a perfect way of making a comment about some problem. “This whole bank bailout thing looks really messed up!”

The thing is that … – this is a great way to start explaining your point when someone asks you to explain something. A more formal way of responding to a question would be “The reason for… is the following…” or “Let me explain you why…” or whatever would be the most fitting sentence for a particular occasion. “The thing is that…” is a universal phrase you can use in nearly all situations when you’re asked to explain something!

The funny thing is that… – here’s a variation of the previous small-talk phrase, and pretty much the only difference is the word “funny” attached to the phrase which makes it useful in situations when you’re describing something ironic. For example, you’ve gone to the gym with your friend and just before entering the shower you’re saying: “The funny thing is that I forgot to put the towel into my gym bag… How am I going to towel off now?!”

Here’s the thing … – this English small talk phrase is a brilliant way to start a conversation if you want to make an offer, ask for a favor or advice, or explain a problem. “OK, here’s the thing – I can’t make it to 9:30 tomorrow morning, can you fill in for me?”

How are things? – a typical greeting phrase you can use when addressing people you’re familiar with or if you get to know them in a less formal setting – “Hi Tom, how are things?” You can also say “How’s things?” – and don’t get confused by bad grammar in the phrase. Conversational English is full of grammar “mistakes”! 😉

Things are looking up – means that you’re satisfied with your life and everything seems to be happening for the better.

Things are pretty bad – this is what you’d say if you’re asked “How are you?” or “How are things?” and you have to admit that you’re in a pretty bad situation at the moment. Normally though, unless you’re in really deep trouble, don’t start crying on someone’s shoulder. On 9 occasions out of 10 the average person would say that everything is fine even if they had some issues. It’s a way of programming yourself for success ❗

There’s one more thing – just another way of saying “I have something else to say in this regard”.

The great thing about… is that… – here’s how you start a sentence when describing positive side of something: “The great thing about smartphones is that you can browse the Internet just as if you’re using a tablet!”

English Collocations With the Word “THING”

Do the right thing – this is a typical way of saying that one has to do what’s right and listen to one’s conscience.

Sure thing – this collocation which is also an idiom at the same time (but do we really need to know what exactly it is to be able to use it in real life conversations?) can be used both as an affirmative reply and part of a sentence where you explain that something is very certain. So if your friend invites you round to his house tonight, you can tell him – “Sure thing!” And if you’re asked what type of a beverage you’re going for, your response could be “Come on, don’t you know beer is a sure thing for me?”

The real thing – you can use this collocation to describe something you really like or something whose authenticity can’t be disputed. Let’s say for instance, you’re looking at a very expensive sports car on the street – you can use “the real thing” to say “Yeah, that’s the real thing!”

Sort of thing – is a collocation used in phrases like “I’m not into that sort of thing” or “That’s the sort of thing I like!” It’s a casual way of commenting on something that your chat partner talks or asks you about. “How about we do a parachute jump?” “Sorry pal, but I’m not into that sort of thing!”

Type thing – similar to a collocation “sort of thing”. Most commonly used in phrases beginning with “It’s a type of thing…”

Nicest thing – I’d imagine this collocation is normally used by girls in phrases like “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!”

The next big thing – when you’re describing a breakthrough in science and technology, you can describe it as the next big thing“Did you know cloud computing is the next big thing?”

In the thick of things – this is a way of describing buzzing activity. “Sorry, I’ll get back to you later on, I’m in the thick of things now!” – is what you’d say if you were very busy at work and a friend of yours rang you to have a chat about something. “I got caught up in the thick of things” – you can use this phrase to explain that you got very busy with something due to certain circumstances.

First thing in the morning – when you promise someone to do something very early in the morning, you can use this collocation. Typically it’s used at work when you make promises to your customers or superiors – “OK, our technician is coming to your house first thing in the morning, so may rest assured you’ll even get to watch the morning news when he’s gone!”

It’s a thing of the pastyou can use this phrase to refer to traditions people don’t observe any more, or when talking about outdated things in general. “Analogue phones are the thing of the past, and now it actually would be cool to own one!”

To have a thing for – you can use this English idiomatic expression to refer to someone having a crush on a member of the opposite sex. Typically it’s used when talking about some guy liking a girl – “I think Jesse has a thing for Jessica, but he’s too shy to admit it!”

“THING” Can Substitute Nearly ANY Word You Don’t Know!

It’s not uncommon for native English speakers to use the word “thing” instead of finding the right word – especially if they’re in a hurry. I’m not saying you have to start speaking using super-simple language – my point is that you don’t have to stress out whenever you’re stuck for words.

“Can you pass me that thing, please?” is a typical example of how you would ask your work colleague to give you a hole punch from her table if the name of the item had slipped your mind. It does happen to me every now and then and instead of trying to strain my memory to remember the name of the particular item by all means, I just point at it and use the word “thing”.

Here in Ireland, by the way, we have another word for “thing” which is “yoke”. It’s got nothing to do with the English word “yoke” because its origins are in the Irish language, I guess. Anyway – it’s used quite often in small talk and practical conversations. I recall an Irish work colleague of mine once complained that everything for her son is “yoke” these days – yoke this and yoke that. Well, it goes to show that once even natives go into such “extremes”, it’s totally OK for foreigners like us to use “thing” here and there when having a quick chat with someone! 🙂


P.S. Would you like to find out why I’m highlighting some of the text in red? Read this article and you’ll learn why it’s so important to learn idiomatic expressions and how it will help you to improve your spoken English!

P.S.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out my English Harmony System HERE!

English Harmony System

P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!

English Harmony System

In this spoken English lesson you will learn how to use the word ‘Thing’ figuratively in your English conversation. The word ‘THING’ is very commonly used in the English language. It is used when we talk about something that does not have life or something which may not have a particular name. However, this word thing or the word things can be used in various useful English expressions, let’s see how.

What do you think of the whole… thing?

Use this phrase when you want to ask someone for their opinion on a topic.
Example: What do you think about the whole taxes thing?

This whole…. thing looks messed up

Use this phrase to talk about an issue/problem
Example: This whole virus thing looks messed up.

The thing is that

Use this phrase to explain something
Example: The thing is that I have a very important client meeting to attend so I can’t attend the party.

The funny thing is that

Use this phrase to talk about something that happens which is unexpected
Example: The funny is that I forgot to get my purse even though I knew I had to go shopping.

Here’s (here + is) the thing

Use this phrase to make an offer/ ask for a favor
Example: Here’s the thing I will give you 60% of the profit if you help me run the business.

How are things?

—use this phrase to ask how are you? Or how is everything?
Example: Hi peter, how are things?

Things are looking up

Use this phrase to say that everything is going well in life
Example: Things are looking up, I just got promoted and also bought a new house.

Things are pretty bad

Use this phrase when you are in a tough phase of life/things are not very good
Example: I just got fired, things are pretty bad right now, but I’ll be okay.

The great thing about …. is

Use this phrase to talk about something very positive
Example: I have just joined yoga class and the great thing about Yoga, is that it makes you feel so fresh.

Luis Alvarez/DigitalVision/Getty Images

by Kate Woodford

‘Thing’ may not seem the most exciting word to base a blog post on, but it features in a very large number of informal expressions that are often used in conversation. If you’re interested in improving your English conversation, you might want to spend ten minutes reading this post!

Starting with a very common spoken phrase, the main thing means ‘what is most important in this situation’: I don’t know how much money she earns but she’s happy and that’s the main thing.

The whole thing can be used to mean ‘everything related to a particular activity or situation’: I love everything about teaching – the kids, my subject, being part of a team – the whole thing. / He had a really miserable few months there. I think he just wants to forget the whole thing.

The informal phrase the thing is introduces a fact that is relevant to a situation, often because it could cause difficulties: I’d invite Olivia too but the thing is, she doesn’t get on with Lucy. / I’d join you but the thing is, I have to be home by nine o’clock.

You might say the funny / sad / strange, etc. thing is before you mention a particular aspect of a situation: She made us go to this really expensive restaurant, but the funny thing is, she ate almost nothing. / The sad thing is, he died before his company became a great success.

People often ask whether something new or strange that they have just noticed is a trend by saying Is that a thing? So, socks and sandals on men – is that a thing now? You can also say that a particular thing that people do is a thing, meaning that it is a trend: Putting butter in your coffee. Apparently, it’s a thing now.

If someone doesn’t understand something that you have mentioned, you might explain by saying It’s a boy / girl / vegan, etc. thing. meaning that it is something that only that particular group of people know about: ‘What was that word you used – ‘aquafaba’?’ ‘Yeah, it’s bean water. Don’t worry, it’s a vegan thing.’

If you say someone is onto a good thing, you mean they have discovered a way to have an easy life or to make lots of money: He just assumed she was wealthy and thought he was onto a good thing.

If you say it’s a good thing something happened, you mean it is lucky that it happened: It’s a good thing we got tickets early. They’re sold out now.

If you’ve had a lot of problems in a short space of time, you can say it’s been one thing after another: The last few weeks have been so difficult. It’s been one thing after another.  

Someone who does their own thing does what they want to do, without considering other people: Tom’s very independent – he’s always done his own thing.

‘Thing’ is often used after the adjectives ‘poor’, ‘sweet’ and ‘lucky; to refer to a person or animal: That’s a horrible cough, you poor thing! / You’re not working this week? You lucky thing! / Have you seen Amy’s new puppy – it’s such a sweet little thing!

Finally, the plural form things is often used to mean ‘life generally’: Things have been going pretty well recently. / How are things, then?

«Surely you would not call the Thing complete without a tail.»

All we ask of the Thing is to carry us through the air.

‘Of a sudden things became mortal that before had learnt to be immortal, and things unmixed before mixed.’

Things are censured either as impossible, or irrational, or morally hurtful, or contradictory, or contrary to artistic correctness.

I never yet heard of a useless thing that was not ground out of existence by evolution sooner or later.

The thing before you is no longer an animal, a fellow-creature, but a problem!

He merely classified the things that hurt and the things that did not hurt.

He was aware only of curiosity in all the things about him.

Concerning the old carpenter who fixed the bed for the writer, I only mentioned him because he, like many of what are called very common people, became the nearest thing to what is understandable and lovable of all the grotesques in the writer’s book.

Rather would I succumb than disown this one thing; and verily, where there is succumbing and leaf-falling, lo, there doth Life sacrifice itself—for power!

We are at all times during our waking life receiving a variety of impressions, which are aspects of a variety of things. We have to consider what binds together two simultaneous sensations in one person, or, more generally, any two occurrences which forte part of one experience.

Indeed, it seems that in defining contraries of every kind men have recourse to a spatial metaphor, for they say that those things are contraries which, within the same class, are separated by the greatest possible distance.

As in a city when the evil are permitted to have authority and the good are put out of the way, so in the soul of man, as we maintain, the imitative poet implants an evil constitution, for he indulges the irrational nature which has no discernment of greater and less, but thinks the same thing at one time great and at another small-he is a manufacturer of images and is very far removed from the truth.

I now began to consider that I might yet get a great many things out of the ship which would be useful to me, and particularly some of the rigging and sails, and such other things as might come to land; and I resolved to make another voyage on board the vessel, if possible.

He says a great deal more about things past than about things to come; and though he does not always hit the truth in every case, most times he is not far wrong, so that he makes us fancy he has got the devil in him.

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