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Expressions in English with the word «life»
№ | На английском | На русском |
1 | Active life | активная жизнь |
2 | Adult life | взрослая жизнь |
3 | Animal life | жизнь животных |
4 | Bird life | жизнь птиц |
5 | Busy / hectic life | насыщенная, беспокойная жизнь |
6 | City life | городская жизнь |
7 | Cloistered life, solitary life | уединённая жизнь |
8 | Difficult / hard / tough life | тяжёлая, трудная жизнь |
9 | Dissipated / dissolute life | жизнь, потраченная впустую |
10 | Dull life | скучная, монотонная жизнь; безрадостная жизнь |
11 | Easy life | простая жизнь; спокойная, неторопливая жизнь |
12 | Exciting life | восхитительная, интересная жизнь |
13 | Full life | полная, наполненная жизнь |
14 | High life | светское, аристократическое общество |
15 | Idyllic life | идиллическая жизнь |
16 | In the prime of life | в расцвете сил, во цвете лет |
17 | Life member of the club | пожизненный член клуба |
18 | Life of movement | жизнь на колёсах |
19 | Lonely life | одинокая жизнь |
20 | Long life | долгая жизнь |
21 | Married life | семейная жизнь |
22 | Miserable life | жалкая, несчастная жизнь |
23 | Modern life | современная жизнь |
24 | Monastic life | монашеская жизнь |
25 | Not on your life | ни в жизнь, никогда |
26 | Peaceful / quiet / serene life | спокойная, мирная жизнь |
27 | Personal life | личная жизнь |
28 | Plant life | жизнь растений |
29 | She took her own life | она покончила жизнь самоубийством |
30 | Short life | короткая жизнь |
31 | Simple life | простая жизнь |
32 | Stormy / turbulent life | бурная жизнь |
33 | The accident claimed many lives | этот несчастный случай унёс много жизней |
34 | The statue took on life in the sculptor’s skilled hands | статуя ожила в умелых руках скульптора |
35 | There is (still) plenty of life left in smth. / smb | что-то (кого-то) ещё рано списывать со счетов |
36 | To breathe (new) life into smth | вдохнуть (новую) жизнь во что-л. |
37 | To claim one’s life, to snuff out one’s life, to take one’s life | уносить чью-л. жизнь |
38 | To devote one’s life (to smth.) | посвятить жизнь (чему-л.) |
39 | To enter upon life | вступить в жизнь |
40 | To give / lay down / sacrifice one’s life | отдать жизнь, пожертвовать жизнью |
41 | To hang on for dear life | цепляться за жизнь |
42 | To have plenty of life left | не исчерпать ресурс, сохранять работоспособность |
43 | To lead a busy life | быть очень занятым |
44 | To lead a hectic social life | вести бурную светскую жизнь |
45 | To make a new life for oneself | начать новую жизнь |
46 | To prolong one’s life | продлить жизнь |
47 | To restore smb. to life | возродить, вернуть кого-л. к жизни |
48 | To risk one’s life | рисковать жизнью |
49 | To ruin smb.’s life | разрушить, сломать чью-л. жизнь |
50 | To save a human life | спасти человеческую жизнь |
51 | To show signs of life | проявлять признаки жизни |
52 | To spend one’s life (doing smth.) | провести жизнь (делая что-л.) |
53 | To stake one’s life on smth | ручаться своей жизнью |
54 | To take on life | оживать |
Образные выражения – отличный способ сделать речь яркой и емкой! Сегодня добавьте в свой словарный запас 13 английских идиом со словом «life».
I can’t for the life of me
Это немного напыщенное выражение означает, что вы совершенно не способны сделать то, о чем говорите. Впрочем, обычно это все-таки лукавство: «can’t for the life of me» употребляют в связи с каким-то сильным эмоциональным дискомфортом; так не говорят о том, чего действительно не могут сделать физически.
I can’t forget her beautiful smile for the life of me.
Life of the party
Так называют тех, кто всегда полон энергии, весел и радуется жизни.
A friend of mine is the real life of the party. I’m even jealous.
To lead a charmed life
Бывают люди, которых всегда преследует удача – они выигрывают в лотереи, сдают все экзамены и первыми получают повышение на работе. Эта идиома именно про них.
I’m so jealous of Chris! She’s leading such a charmed life!
Put your life on the line
Осознанно пойти на риск, угрожающий жизни. Естественно, с благородной целью – так говорят про героев, спасающих других людей.
He put his life on the line to safe little girl from the fire.
Hold on smth for dear life
Схватиться за что-то очень крепко и не отпускать. Люди делают так в опасных (например, на большой высоте) или просто страшных ситуациях. «Hold on for dear life» подразумевает связь с материальным объектом. Вы, конечно, можете сказать, что кто-то держится подобным образом за отношения или работу, но это будет не совсем правильно.
I’m afraid of ocean, so I was holding on boat for dear life.
To have a time of smbd life
В русском есть очень похожая идиома – «лучшие годы жизни». Имеется только одно отличие: «to have a time of live» употребляется в отношении более коротких временных промежутков. Так можно сказать про отличный отпуск, поездку или даже про праздник.
Girls had a time of their lives on last weekend.
A new lease on life
По-русски это звучало бы как «новая страница жизни». Впрочем, у нас под этим имею в виду что-то новое, но неизвестное: страница может быть как негативной, так и позитивной. «A new lease on life» всегда подразумевает нечто хорошее и светлое.
Quitting my job was a new lease on life for me.
Not on your life!
Никогда! Не в этой жизни! Выразите так категорическое несогласие с собеседником.
— Would you eat a worm for $100?
— Not on your life!
To get a life
Это выражение переводится дословно – «завести жизнь (свою собственную)». Так говорят про людей, которые от безделья лезут в чужие дела. Всем было бы лучше, если бы они «завели жизнь» — нашли бы себе друзей и увлечения.
She’s calling every hour. I can’t stand it. I wish she’d get a life!
That’s life
Такова жизнь. Этим выражением можно подбодрить друга в ситуации, в которой уже ничего не изменишь.
— I got an F for test.
— That’s life, man.
A way of life (life style)
«Образ жизни», то, как человек живет.
I used to have a bohemian life style, but now I’m leading a healthy way of life.
Walk of life
Жизненный путь. Это формальное выражение, оно отлично впишется, например, в эссе, но в устной речи может звучать странно.
He took a dangerous walk of life, but we must respect his choice.
As big as life (and twice as ugly)
1) Что-то очень значимое, важное и крупное.
This work was as big as life.
2) То, что появилось внезапно и этим вас напугало. В этом случае можно дополнить выражение словами «and twice as ugly». Они не имеют никакого отношения к внешности объекта – просто подчеркивают, что вы действительно напуганы.
I opened the door and Mike was there, as big as life and twice as ugly.
3) Размера 1:1; такой же, как в жизни.
This gun model was as big as life.
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They have not yet become men, those terrible ones: may they preach desistance from life, and pass away themselves!
The game of life is good, though all of life may be hurt, and though all lives lose the game in the end.
«A future life?» Prince Andrew repeated, but Pierre, giving him no time to reply, took the repetition for a denial, the more readily as he knew Prince Andrew’s former atheistic convictions.
First and always in considering any piece of literature a student should ask himself the question already implied: Does it present a true portrayal of life—of the permanent elements in all life and in human nature, of the life or thought of its own particular period, and (in most sorts of books) of the persons, real or imaginary, with whom it deals?
But as this work is chiefly recommended to those who know how to read it, and how to make the good uses of it which the story all along recommends to them, so it is to be hoped that such readers will be more leased with the moral than the fable, with the application than with the relation, and with the end of the writer than with the life of the person written of.
Now he was one of those who came from heaven, and in a former life had dwelt in a well-ordered State, but his virtue was a matter of habit only, and he had no philosophy.
Well do I remember the first time in my waking life that I saw an oak tree.
Eighty feet beneath, I could see the agonized strain of his muscles as he gripped for very life. The sail emptied and the gaff swung amid-ships.
He thought of his own life, the high hopes with which he had entered upon it, the limitations which his body forced upon him, his friendlessness, and the lack of affection which had surrounded his youth.
To follow that way is an initiation, by which they will become able to distinguish, in art, speech, feeling, manners, in men and life generally, what is genuine, animated, and expressive from what is only conventional and derivative, and therefore inexpressive.
With his good friends Coleridge spent all his remaining life from 1816 till 1834, when he died.
Often Levin had admired this life, often he had a sense of envy of the men who led this life; but today for the first time, especially under the influence of what he had seen in the attitude of Ivan Parmenov to his young wife, the idea presented itself definitely to his mind that it was in his power to exchange the dreary, artificial, idle, and individualistic life he was leading for this laborious, pure, and socially delightful life.
He had retrieved his position partly by a fortunate marriage, partly by the slow persistent thrift characteristic of provincial life; for in the provinces people pride themselves on accumulating rather than on spending, and all the ambition in a man’s nature is either extinguished or directed to money-getting, for want of any nobler end.
At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.
Even people whose lives have been made various by learning, sometimes find it hard to keep a fast hold on their habitual views of life, on their faith in the Invisible, nay, on the sense that their past joys and sorrows are a real experience, when they are suddenly transported to a new land, where the beings around them know nothing of their history, and share none of their ideas— where their mother earth shows another lap, and human life has other forms than those on which their souls have been nourished.
That’s the story of my life…
Usually spoken when something goes wrong.
I spent seven years writing a novel, but no publisher wants to accept it. That’s the story of my life.
all walks of life
All socioeconomic groups; all professions and lines of work.
A good teacher has to be able to communicate with students from all walks of life.
A clever politician doesn’t alienate people from any walk of life.
bet one’s life
To feel very sure; have no doubt.
Was I scared when I saw the bull running at me? You bet your life I was!
between life and death
In danger of dying or being killed; with life or death possible.
He held on to the mountainside between life and death while his friends went to get help.
The little sick girl lay all night between life and death until her fever was gone.
big as life
large as life
big as life and twice as natural
The same size as the living person or thing.
The statue of Jefferson was big as life.
In person; real and living.
I had not seen him for years, but there he was, big as life and twice as natural.
change of life
The menopause (primarily in women).
Women usually undergo a change of life in their forties or fifties.
charmed life
A life often saved from danger; a life full of lucky escapes.
He was in two airplane accidents, but he had a charmed life.
During the war a bullet knocked the gun out of his hand, but he had a charmed life.
come alive
come to life
To become alert or attentive; wake up and look alive; become active.
When Mr. Simmons mentioned money, the boys came alive.
Bob pushed the starter button, and the engine came alive with a roar.
To look real; take on a bright, natural look.
Under skillful lighting, the scene came alive.
The President came alive in the picture as the artist worked.