Expressions with word business

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A ……… represents written documentation of the vital issues necessary to convince investors that a particular opportunity is worthy of investment.
business class
business card
business park
business plan

Whether you are looking for a job or running a company, giving out ……… is crucial to marketing your skills or services.
business studies
business cards
business hours
business plans

……… passengers have a lavatory reserved for their exclusive use.
Business hours
Business park
Business class
Business card

The Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center ……… are 8 am through 5 pm Monday through Friday.
business hours
business cards
business suits
business parks

Today, it is rare to see a ……… worn with a waistcoat in North America, although it is still popular among conservative-minded businessmen in the rest of the world.
business park
business card
business suit
business plan

Well, here we are rapidly approaching the ……… of the season.
business card
business park
business end
business suit

The Economics & Business Education Association represents teachers and lecturers of ……… and related subjects in schools and colleges throughout the UK.
business hours
business studies
business parks

Our ……… attitude is reserved entirely for the way we behave at work.
business wise
business card

We offer ……… e-mail services that give you superior spam and fraud protection and a custom domain name in your e-mail, all for a reasonable price.
business card
business class
business end
business plan

Data marts can be a good way to serve the data needs of a particular set of ……… users, allowing specialized functions such as data cleansing, joining, formatting and transformations to be performed automatically.
business plan
business card
business end
business suit

Mar 30, 2022

English has some interesting expressions with the word
“business” – and many of them AREN’T related to work.

Today you’ll learn
10 expressions with «business»:

  • funny business
  • [someone] means business
  • [do something] like nobody’s business
  • make it your business [to do something]
    … and more!

If you are learning English for work, my Business
English Course
will teach you the phrases and
vocabulary you need. You’ll learn what to say in interviews,
meetings, negotiations, phone calls, presentations, networking
events, and more.

You’ll also expand your vocabulary in the areas of management,
finance, marketing, human resources, entrepreneurship, and many
other topics.

👉 Learn more inside the Business English Course:

    • See Also:
      • burglary
      • burial
      • burn
      • burned out
      • burning
      • burp
      • burrow
      • burst
      • bus
      • bush
      • business
      • businessman
      • bust
      • buster
      • bustle
      • bustling
      • busy
      • but
      • but for
      • butcher
      • butler
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Collocations for «business»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «business» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. a (large) corporate business
  2. a [niche, specialized] business
  3. a [successful, failing] business
  4. a family business
  5. a family-owned business
  6. a family-run business
  7. [international, local] business
  8. the [manufacturing, sales] business
  9. a [United States] (owned) business
  10. [runs, started, opened] her own business
  11. went into business with his [friend, co-worker, brother]
  12. [does, conducts] business in [China]
  13. will (not) do business with you
  14. [find, search for] businesses (near you)
  15. the business had to [close, shut down, declare bankruptcy]
  16. [expand, sell] your business
  17. studies business in [school, college]
  18. is in the business of [family, selling dreams, helping people]
  19. is open for business
  20. business is [slow, booming, up, struggling]
  21. no more of your [funny, silly, monkey] business!
  22. mind your own business!
  23. (is) none of your business!
  24. let’s get [on with, down to] business
  25. I’m [sick, fed up] of the whole business
  26. had no business [going, asking, interrupting]

n as adj

  1. (normal) business [days, hours]
  2. a (new) business name
  3. a business deal
  4. in a business directory
  5. have a business plan
  6. [give, hand] out business cards
  7. business [cases, models, management, opportunities]
  8. is a business [student, major]
  9. business-to- [business, customer] (sales)
  10. business-class [seats, flight, tickets]
  11. [travel, fly] business class

business‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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15 авг. 2018

  • Японский
  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

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  • Английский (британский вариант)
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  • Английский (американский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

  • Финский

To (not) be someone’s business.

«It’s none of your business.»

The subject is not something the hearer should hear/be worried about.

  • Английский (британский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

  • Английский (американский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

  • Финский

Let’s get down to business!

The speaker wants to end sweet-talking and start the serious discussion.

  • Английский (британский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

  • Английский (американский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

  • Финский

To mind someone’s own business.

«Mind your own business!»

To stop interfering with someone else’s affairs and focus on things of their own.

  • Английский (британский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

  • Английский (американский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

  • Финский

Business before pleasure.

You should finish your work/task before relaxing.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

«He really means business» — generally to mean that the person is serious, and not joking around. Trying to get something done and not just playing

  • Японский

@Fudanshi thank you so much for coming up with many examples 😊

  • Японский

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    @Claire002 more natural to use «abundant» though plentiful can also be use. it just depend on the formality of the sentence.

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    Мы обычно используем это слово как вещи

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    «A bunch of» is more informal than «a lot of». I use «a lot of» most of the time :)

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