Expressions with the word job

How to use ‘job’ and ‘work’

Look at the man in the picture. Does he have ‘a hard job’ or ‘hard work’? In English, the nouns work and job can have similar but also quite different meanings. Let’s look at the differences and then answer the question.


A job is something that you do which you receive money for (your salary or wages). It’s a synonym for profession or occupation. It refers to something specific and official. For example, a salesman is a job.

Job is a countable noun. You can have one job or more than one job.

My job is very hard.
In my country, there aren’t many well-paid jobs.


The noun work has a more general meaning than job. It means the general activities that you do to achieve a goal. It can be connected with your job or something else.

Work is an uncountable noun. You cannot say ‘a work’ or ‘two works’.

My work involves meeting customers and talking to suppliers.
Being a mother is non-stop work.

In many sentences, work can have a very similar meaning to job:

Being a manager is a hard job. (= the specific job itself)
Being a manager is hard work. (= the general things that a manager does)

Special expressions

There are a number of specific expressions which can use work or job:

Some expressions with job and work

Job Work
job hunting place of work
do a good/bad job at work
jobless (= unemployed) out of work (= unemployed)
a full-time/part-time job Keep up the good work!
quit a job go to work

‘He has hard work’ or ‘he has a hard job’?

Back to the man in the picture. We can say that he has a hard job. But we cannot say that he ‘has hard work’ because someone cannot ‘have work’. Work is general. We can say he has a lot of hard work to do, because we are talking about general activities and tasks, not his specific occupation.

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Inflections of ‘job‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

Collocations for «job»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «job» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. need a new job
  2. am looking for a new job
  3. [founded, landed] a new job [as, in]
  4. was fired from my job
  5. lost my job [last week]
  6. interviewed for a job [as, in]
  7. [quit, left] her job to [open, start, go]
  8. [change, move] jobs
  9. I got the job!
  10. what do you do for a job?
  11. do you have a job?
  12. I’m only doing my job
  13. he [loves, hates] his job
  14. learn on the job
  15. [fell asleep, got hurt] on the job
  16. an advertisement for a job
  17. a job for [life, one year, a season]
  18. a job in [advertising, sales, show business]
  19. is a [thankless, rewarding] job
  20. it’s a tough job (but someone’s got to do it)
  21. did [a good, a great, an amazing] job (on)
  22. [nice, great] job!
  23. UK: it’s a good job you (didn’t)
  24. has the job of [mowing, cleaning, emptying]
  25. I was called out on a job
  26. [gave, assigned] me the job of [telling, informing]
  27. had quite a job [convincing, persuading, finding] her
  28. you had one job (to do)!
  29. that’s not my job!
  30. it is not your job to
  31. do odd jobs for [friends, neighbors, cash, money]
  32. do odd jobs around the [house, yard, neighborhood]
  33. [planned, pulled off] a bank job
  34. sexually explicit, slang: gave me a [blow, hand] job
  35. slang: has had a nose job

n as adj

  1. go to a job interview
  2. have a job interview (tomorrow)
  3. how is the job search going?
  4. [new, good] job opportunities
  5. a job advertisement
  6. is part of the job [title, description]
  7. a [good, bad] job market
  8. have job training (tomorrow)
  9. look at job postings
  10. is a job creator
  11. job [skills, creation]
  12. on-the-job training


  1. UK: job out the [position, work]
  2. UK: job about from [place to place, show to show]
  3. UK: job as [an actor, a builder]
  4. UK: job the [stocks, shares] (at a profit)

job‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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«Plain words is more than you’ll get from Job,» Lethbridge replied gloomily.

‘Because they live one hundred miles from here, sir,’ responded Job Trotter.

‘There is no fear of my forgetting it, sir,’ replied Job Trotter.

Jingle and Job had gone out together, that their luggage was packed up, and that they had ordered a chaise.

He knew that his purpose was in the main a good one, and he placed implicit reliance on the high-minded Job. it was dull, certainly; not to say dreary; but a contemplative man can always employ himself in meditation.

What was his astonishment when he just peeped out, by way of caution, to see that the person who had opened it was—not Job Trotter, but a servant-girl with a candle in her hand!

No cleaner job had ever been carried out in the bloodstained annals of the society.

When a few weeks later it was reported in the papers that Wilcox had been shot at from an ambuscade, it was an open secret that McMurdo was still at work upon his unfinished job.

Glassdoor is one of the world’s largest job and recruiting sites, featuring all of the latest jobs online paired with nearly 45 million reviews and insights from employees on more than 830,000 companies in 190 countries.2 Glassdoor welcomes nearly 62 million unique users, on average, to its desktop and mobile platforms each month.3 The top reason people visit Glassdoor is to search and/or apply to jobs.4

As a result, the association iscallingon federal officials to double funding for career and technical education within five years, enact immigration reform and expand apprenticeship and other job training opportunities.

Job Search provides a comprehensive listing of jobs across the web benefiting job seekers in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The previous article of this series introduced the unemployment rate, and like this index, the active job openings-to-applicants ratio is an index that indicates the demand and supply relationship in the labor market.

The message on the site says it’s «a complete resource site for those seeking medical assistant jobs, with hundreds of job listings, as well as, resume and interviewing tips.” In addition to providing job openings, the website covers a variety of job-hunting topics, such as advice on job search strategies and tactics, cover letter writing, resume construction and interviewing skills.

With an intuitive domain extension that appears at the ends of Web addresses like .com (commercial), .edu (education), .gov (government), and .mil (military), .jobs has already been adopted by numerous employers, making it easer to find opportunities through easy-to-remember URLs that take job seekers directly to the jobs sections of large employers’ Web sites.

« «I know I got a big job, Jimmie, but I want to make a man out of you, temper, laziness, gambling, and all.

I want to take hold of your life and finish the job of making it the kind we can both be proud of.

«Lost your job, hey?«

I found you in one, and as yellowfingered and as loafing as they come, a new job a week, a« «Yeh, and there was some pep to variety, too.

She thought of starting a store or taking a government job so she could earn money to take care of the missionary work.

Cartwright knew Brown‘s habits when he gave him the job, although, in an important sense, the job was Lister‘s.

« «All the same, at the beginning, I held up the job.

As they‘re such good boys, I don’t suppose they‘ll try anything of the kind; but we might undertake the job, and do it for them.

«I‘m out of work and would like a job, sir.

You can go and see if any of the other fellows want a job.

« «Man,« I said, «what made you leave a clean job for the ravings of yesterday?«

«On the track you‘re all right if you know your job; at headquarters you need qualities I don’t know are mine.

Then came the evening when the Boy was so late the Colonel got his own breakfast; and when the recreant did get home, it was to announce that a man over at the Buckeyes had just offered him a job out on Indian River.

Many a younger and stronger person than Mary would be afraid to tackle the job she had planned to do.

Thought he might mean trouble and I‘d better come along« «Well,« he resumed, «I‘m sorry I handled the job clumsily, since I might have hurt you worse; but I hated the fellow on my own account and saw red.

« «Ifif you keep running around till all hours of the night, with me and ma waiting up for you, kicking up rows and getting your name insinuated in the newspapers as the tall, handsome blonde, II’m going to throw up my job, I am, and you can pay double your share for the running of this flat.

It took the Circus CottonTails and Bunny and Susan just exactly one hour and sixteen minutes to put up the merrygoround, and Grandpa Grumbles bossed the job.

But when he lost his swamper, smitten without warning at the noon halt, Salty quit his job; he said it was «too durn hot.«

We would have only a few hours of sleep before we would all be on duty again at 9 a.m. to complete the last minute jobs before the festival got started.

This would be possible and probably certain under the scheme proposed, but barring this, it is surely an open question whether the pretty thoroughly standardized curriculum now in operation would not be considerably modified to advantage if it is recognized that the prime object of education is character rather than mental training and the fitting of a pupil to obtain a paying job on graduation.

I‘m selfish enough to want youthat is about 99.9% of me is selfish, the other infinitesimal part cries out for me to play the manand do the square thingI am making a bad job of this, but maybe you understand.

I know how she keeps her job all right, all right.

«I‘m glad you want me to go,« he said, renewing the conversation as they started around the house, «because I wanted to and, well, anyhow it‘s my job« «What do you mean your job?«

Shabby and hungry, he sought a «job« at anything, avoiding all acquaintances, for his pride would not allow him to make this sort of an appeal to them.

« «For example?« «You‘ll probably get bored, but in Canada I turned down a pretty good job because it was monotonous.

Idioms about Job! The following article provides a useful list of idioms relating to job in English with their meaning and examples and ESL images.

Job Idioms List

  • Learn the Ropes
  • Get the Sack/ Be Sacked
  • Off the Hook
  • Hanging by a Thread
  • Burn the Candle at Both Ends
  • Rank and File
  • Pink Slip
  • Out of Work
  • Move Up in the World
  • Give Someone The Old Heave-Ho
  • All In A Day’s Work (Excl.)

Idioms about Job with Meaning & Examples

  • Learn the Ropes

Meaning: Become more familiar with a job or field of endeavor; be trained

Example: It will take me several months to learn the ropes, but I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with my performance.

  • Get the Sack/ Be Sacked

Meaning: To be fired

Example: I just got the sack, and so did 20 other people. I have three hours pack up my things and leave the office.

Note: “Be sacked” is known and understood on the USA, but “get the sack” is much less common.

  • Off the Hook

Meaning: Free from blame or responsibility to do something

Example: Jason said he’d finish the project tonight, so you’re off the hook.

Note: You can also be “on the hook.”

  • Hanging by a Thread

Meaning: In great danger of elimination or failure

Example: After you botched a third sales presentation, your job is hanging by a thread -you really need to improve.

  • Burn the Candle at Both Ends

Meaning: Work very long hours

Example: I’ve been working two jobs so we can buy a car, but I’m very tired. I’m burning the candle at both ends.

  • Rank and File

Meaning: The ordinary members of an organization

Example: Labor leaders announced that they have agreed to a new contract, but the rank and file still don’t like it.

  • Pink Slip

Meaning: A layoff notice; loss of a job, typically because of layoffs

Example: After teaching for ten years in that district, I got a pink slip last Tuesday.

Note: You can also say “pink-slipped” – I was pink-slipped.

  • Out of Work

Meaning: Unemployed

Example: I’ve been out of work since December. Hope I find a new job soon!

  • Move Up in the World

Meaning: Become more successful

Example: You’re driving a Lexus now. I can see you’re moving up in the world.

  • Give Someone The Old Heave-Ho

Meaning: Fire someone, remove someone from a group or team

Example: Linda hasn’t done a bit of work in months. I think it’s time we gave her the old heave-ho.

  • All In A Day’s Work (Excl.)

Meaning: That’s what I’m here for; although I have accomplished something, it is part of what I’m expected to do .

Example: Jim, you really did well on that presentation! – Oh, all in a day’s work!

Job Idioms | Image

Idioms about Job


В этой статье разберем понятия, относящиеся к работе и карьере. Узнаем, в чем заключается отличие work от job, есть ли разница между profession, career и occupation, а также какие устойчивые выражения существуют со словами post и position.

Разница между job, work, profession, occupation и другими синонимами

1. Job, work, labour и employment

Начнем с разницы между job и work.

Job — работа, труд. Это конкретная работа, которая приносит деньги.

Mike’s job hardly lets him make ends meet. — Работа Майка с трудом позволяет ему свести концы с концами.
I got a job in an advertising agency. — Я получила работу в рекламном агентстве.

Второе значение — задача. Это какое-то дело, которое нужно сделать.

The first job in planning a wedding is to make a list of guests. — Первая задача при планировании свадьбы — формирование списка гостей.
I can spend several hours doing various jobs around the house. — Я могу потратить несколько часов на выполнение разных дел по дому.

Следующее значение — обязанность. Синонимы — duty, responsibility.

My job is to book tickets for our managers in advance. — Моя обязанность — заблаговременно бронировать билеты для наших менеджеров.
I am your mother and my job is to take care of you. — Я твоя мама, и моя обязанность — заботиться о тебе.

Поговорим теперь про work. Его основное значение — работа, за которую платят деньги. Отличие work от job заключается в том, что слово job — исчисляемое, может употребляться во множественном числе, а work — неисчисляемое. Сравните:

A janitor has hard work indeed. — У уборщика действительно трудная работа.
Mike has a hard job as a janitor. — У Майка трудная работа уборщиком.

Другое значение — место, где вы обычно работаете.

Do you have to commute to work? — Тебе приходится ездить на работу в город?

Глагол to work обозначает «работать», «выполнять задачу».

My son wants to work in IT when he grows up. — Мой сын хочет работать в IT, когда вырастет.
Now I’m working on that challenging project. — Сейчас я работаю над этим многообещающим проектом.

Рассмотрим два других похожих слова — labour и employment. Существительное labour (труд) — неисчисляемое, обычно оно используется в отношении физической работы.

He has loved manual labour since he was a child. — Он любил физический труд с детства.

Еще одно значение labour — люди, персонал.

Lots of big companies look for cheap labour. — Многие большие компании ищут дешевую рабочую силу.

Employment — это постоянная занятость, работа, за которую вам регулярно платят.

My neighbour Bill found the employment with a law company. — Мой сосед Билл нашел работу в юридической компании.
Employment has decreased among teenagers recently. — В последнее время занятость среди подростков сократилась.

Еще одно значение слова employment — использование, применение.

The employment of capital punishment is prohibited in many countries. — Применение смертной казни запрещено во многих странах.

Давайте посмотрим на устойчивые выражения со словами labour, employment, job и work.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a job seeker соискатель
a permanent job постоянная работа
a temporary job временная работа
a full-time job занятость на полный рабочий день
a part-time job частичная занятость
a well-paid job хорошо оплачиваемая работа
a low-paid job плохо оплачиваемая работа
an odd job подработка, разовая работа
jobs for the boys трудоустройство по блату
job losses сокращение числа рабочих мест
between jobs, jobless безработный
to apply for a job откликнуться на вакансию
to take a job, to accept a job принять предложение по работе
to be out of a job быть без работы
to create jobs создавать новые рабочие места
to shed jobs сокращать количество рабочих мест
to take on a job взяться за какую-то задачу
paperwork работа с документами
all work and no play сплошная работа без отдыха и развлечений
to work for smb сработать кому-то на руку
to work against smb сработать против кого-то
to be at work быть на работе
to get to work on smth, to go to work on smth, to set to work on smth начать работать над чем-то
to be in the works быть в работе, быть в процессе разработки
to have your work cut out for you выполнять сложную работу
to make short work of smth, to make light work of smth, to make quick work of smth быстро справиться с задачей
to work in smth, to work with smth работать с чем-то
to work for a company работать на компанию
to work your socks off много и упорно работать
to work things out разобраться в чем-то
a labour shortage нехватка рабочей силы
sweated labour тяжелая низкооплачиваемая работа
manual labour физический труд
skilled labour квалифицированный персонал
unskilled labour неквалифицированный персонал
casual labour временные сотрудники
organized labour рабочие, которые состоят в профсоюзах
fruits of your labour плоды трудов
labour law трудовое право
forced labour принудительный труд
labour-saving экономящий трудозатраты
labour-intensive трудоемкий
an employment office биржа труда
an employment agency агентство по подбору персонала
an employment agreement, an employment contract трудовой договор
employment rates, employment levels уровень занятости
unemployment безработица
employment conditions условия приема на работу
employment rights права наемного работника
smb’s place of employment чье-либо место занятости
casual employment временная занятость
permanent employment, continuous employment постоянная занятость
employment data, employment figures, employment records статистические данные о занятости
to look for employment, to seek employment искать работу
to take up employment, to gain employment, to secure employment найти работу
to provide employment, to create employment, to generate employment обеспечить занятость
to give smb employment, to offer smb employment предложить кому-то работу
to boost employment, to increase employment повысить уровень занятости

2. Profession, occupation, career, vocation и calling

Перейдем к разнице между profession и occupation. Profession — это профессия.

The medical profession is respected by plenty of people. — Профессию медика уважают многие люди.
People in his profession are committed to their jobs entirely. — В его профессии люди посвящают себя работе целиком.
My father is a vet by profession. — Мой отец ветеринар по профессии.

Второе значение слова — представители профессии.

The legal profession tells us we should know all the laws in order not to break them. — Юристы говорят нам, что мы должны знать все законы, чтобы их не нарушать.

Occupation — это род деятельности, занятость, работа. Это синоним слова job, который используется в формальном языке.

Fill in this form: state your full name, phone number, and occupation. — Заполните эту форму: укажите ваше полное имя, номер телефона и род деятельности.
According to the research, the majority of respondents are in manual occupations. — Согласно исследованию, большинство респондентов заняты физическим трудом.

Еще это существительное используют для обозначения регулярной деятельности или увлечения.

I have to admit that my favourite occupation is lying on the sofa. — Должна признаться, что мое любимое занятие — лежать на диване.
Playing board games is our usual weekend occupation. — Игра в настольные игры — наше обыкновенное занятие по выходным.

Есть слова, синонимичные profession и occupation. Career — это карьера, профессия, которой человек посвящает большую часть своей жизни.

Richard was 25 when he decided on his academic career. — Ричарду было 25, когда он решил строить научную карьеру.

Слова vocation и calling синонимичны и означают «призвание», «дело всей жизни».

Not so many people in the world are lucky enough to find their true vocation. — Не так многим людям в мире везет найти свое настоящее призвание.
I don’t think that management is my calling, I’d rather switch to science. — Не думаю, что менеджмент — мое призвание, я бы лучше переключилась на науку.

Если не удалось найти свое призвание, говорят to miss one’s vocation, а фраза to have a vocation for smth — иметь призвание к чему-либо.

To become an astronaut, you should really have a vocation for it. — Чтобы стать астронавтом, нужно иметь настоящее призвание к этому.

Если вы усвоили разницу между profession, career и occupation, обратите внимание на устойчивые выражения с этими словами.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a member of a profession представитель профессии
the caring professions социальные работники; няни; медсестры
to go into a profession, to enter a profession, to join a profession, to enter a profession приобрести профессию
to leave a profession уйти из профессии
to reach the top of your profession, to be at the top of your profession достигнуть вершины в профессии
an occupational hazard риск, связанный с работой
the main occupation основной род занятий
current occupation текущая деятельность
previous occupation предыдущая деятельность
occupational health охрана труда
blue-collar occupations занятость в рабочих профессиях
white-collar occupations занятость умственным трудом
to take up an occupation, to enter an occupation заняться деятельностью
a chequered career карьера с чередой успехов и провалов
a distinguished career, a successful career, a glittering career выдающаяся карьера
the peak of smb’s career, the height of smb’s career пик чьей-либо карьеры
career-minded нацеленный на карьеру
smb’s career takes off чья-то карьера идет в гору
to pursue a career, to embark on a career, to follow a career выбрать карьеру
to launch a career начать карьеру
to end smb’s career, to ruin smb’s career погубить чью-либо карьеру

3. Post и position

Слова post и position переводятся как «пост», «должность» и зачастую взаимозаменяемы. Однако post чаще всего используется в значении, когда человек назначается на должность, которая связана с переездом в другой город или страну и носит временный характер, например a diplomatic post (дипломатический пост). Position же употребляется в отношении должности в какой-то конкретной компании, например the position of the head of human resources (должность начальника отдела кадров).

She was offered a good teaching post in Texas. — Ей предложили хорошую должность учителя в Техасе.
There are three vacant positions in the company. — В компании сейчас три вакантные должности.

Давайте запомним несколько устойчивых выражений со словами post и position:

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a senior post/position, a chief post/position, a key post/position руководящая должность
to take up a post/position, to accept a post/position вступить в должность
to hold the post/position, to remain in a post/position занимать должность
to fill a post/position нанять на должность
to advertise a post/position дать объявление о вакансии
to resign from a post/position, to leave a post/position покинуть должность
to be removed from a post/position, to be dismissed from a post/position быть снятым с должности
to appoint smb to a post назначить кого-либо на должность

Надеемся, вы разобрались в отличии work от job, разнице между profession, career и occupation, а также запомнили устойчивые выражения со словами post и position. Предлагаем пройти тест, чтобы закрепить изученное.

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Here are some English words and expressions related to work.

Work (the job we do) and working take up a significant part of our day, week, month and years. 

If you’re still unsure whether to use work or job, learn the difference between job and work.

Table of Contents



Harry is a native English teacher with over 10 years of experience both online and in face-to-face lessons. With his extensive experience in business, he specialises in Business English lessons but happily teaches ESL students with any English learning needs. 

English Words and Expressions related to work

Advanced English words and expressions connected with work. Advanced English learning at #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #อังกฤษ #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

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As much as we complain about it the majority of us actually enjoy working. Without it what would we do?

We all dream about winning the “lotto” and perhaps never having to work again but in reality we would miss it if we did not have to get up in the morning and travel to our jobs.

God makes work for idle hands is a well known English expression.

If you are idle (not doing anything) it will not last a long time as someone will ask you to do something very quickly!

So let’s learn some words and expressions related to work.

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working schedule

Meaning: This is the timetable or the duties you have to complete daily. Sometimes it can be referred to as a roster or more informally as a “to-do list”.


When I started my new job my boss gave me my working schedule. I was working in the mornings from 8 to 1 pm from Monday to Thursday then from 4 pm to Midnight for Friday and Saturday. I only had one day off per week.

work to rule

Meaning: working the hours according to your contract but not doing anything more

When the workers are in dispute with their employers and are demanding better conditions the trade union representing them will suggest that they work to rule. This will put pressure on the management.


We had been in dispute for almost 4 weeks with no sign of any agreement. Our union then advised us to work to rule. We were not allowed to work overtime and we had to take our breaks and lunch hour. Everybody left the office at 5 pm every evening. The management got tired of this after one week and they agreed to most of our demands very quickly.

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working conditions

Meaning: One of those expressions related to work that you often hear in the news or read in newspapers. This relates to everything connected with your employment. It covers (includes) issues such as your hours, your holidays, your place of work and how generally you are treated by the company.


My friend got a new job last week. His working conditions were much improved. He got his own office, he started at 9 am and left before 6 pm every day.


Meaning: When you are busy and all of the work cannot be finished in your normal working hours your boss might ask you to work late for a few days to get the orders completed. This is referred to as overtime. It is usually official overtime when the boss agrees to it as normally you are paid extra for working “non-sociable hours” (hours when other people are at home with their families).

However, many people work unofficial overtime when they stay late to complete their work and get no additional pay.


I work overtime at least twice a month to get the orders completed. I do not mind as I get double pay (twice the hourly rate) when I work past 6 pm in the evening. It, however, has to be approved by my boss otherwise I get nothing.

English Expressions related to Work

Advanced English words and expressions connected with work. Advanced English learning at #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #อังกฤษ #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

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Meaning: Most people like their work. Some people can do nothing else. They work as many hours as they can including weekends. They are addicted to their work and we refer to them as workaholics in the same way as we refer to someone addicted to alcohol!


When Peter started his new job he lost interest in everything else. Now he works six days a week and on his time off he works from home. He is a real workaholic.

to take time off work

Meaning: Most people in work (a job) get specific days off as holidays. Most people also work only from Monday to Friday so enjoy the weekends relaxing. These holidays and weekends are official. Sometimes we need additional time away from work because we are ill or someone close to us has died or we have some personal issues deal with.  These days over and above the official holidays and weekends is referred to as “time off work”.


My wife gave birth to our first child. The boss was very good. He recommended that I take a few days “off work” to help my wife when she got out of hospital. This time off work was a real bonus.

Other English words connected with work can include:


Meaning: this is an adjective to describe how much someone loves their work and works as hard as they can to be successful.


He is really committed to his work. He always has his mobile phone switched on and is constantly sending emails to his bosses and their clients.


Meaning: Another adjective similar in meaning to ‘committed’. Dedicated means that an individual will do all that he/she can to fulfil his targets, achieve his goals and will not let anything else get in the way.


David was a dedicated employee. Working at weekends was not a problem for him. In fact, he even took his laptop with him on holidays and worked remotely from his hotel.

Difference between Dedicated and Committed

Difference between ‘dedicated’ and ‘committed’ — video lesson


Meaning: someone you can depend on. In relation to work, it means they arrive on time, work hard when needed and deliver as their boss requires.


Colin was a very reliable employee. He worked most of his lunch hours and when the boss required some overtime to be done he was always the first to volunteer (to agree). He was really reliable.

English Expressions related to Work

to be up to your eyes in something

Meaning: to be very busy doing something


I’m up to my eyes in work this week, I have to finish this report before month-end.

to be snowed under

Meaning: to have too much work to deal with


We don’t have enough employees in our department, everybody is completely snowed under.

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Work and Job Vocabulary


Work and Job Difference

Details about Work

Prepositions usage

Look at the expressions with the verb work. Add the prepositions to each group.


I work …. an office

I work …. a school

I work ….  a labOratory

I work ….  a hospital

I work ….  a shop


I work ….  a sports club

I work ….  a telephone company

I work ….  a bank

I work ….  a multinational company


I work ….  seven and eight year olds
I work ….  people

I work …. animals

I work …. computers

Use the expressions to to describe one of the jobs. Others try to guess the job.


  • company — компания
  • branch — отрасль, филиал; ветвь
  • firm — фирма
  • enterprise — предприятие (промышленное)
  • free enterprise — частное предпринимательство
  • plant / factory — завод, фабрика
  • aircraft factory — авиазавод
  • automobile works — автозавод
  • steelworks — сталелитейный завод
  • electric power plant — электростанция
  • oil refinery — нефтеперерабатывающий завод (refine – очищать)
  • coal mine — угольная шахта
  • engineering works — машиностроительный завод
  • shipyard — судоверфь


  • to earn money — зарабатывать деньги
  • What do you do for a living? — Чем Вы зарабатываете себе на жизнь?
  • wage — оплата рабочим
  • salary — жалованье служащим
  • pay — платеж, выплата
  • fee — гонорар; взнос
  • income tax — подоходный налог
  • rate of pay — ставка оплаты


  • construction worker — строитель
  • foreman — мастер; прораб; начальник цеха
  • joiner — столяр
  • fitter — слесарь
  • turner — токарь
  • welder — сварщик
  • electrician — электрик
  • lawyer — юрист
  • scientist — ученый
  • shop assistant — продавец
  • programmer — программист
  • waitress — официантка
  • waiter — официант
  • personnel manager — менеджер по кадрам
  • head of the sales department — начальник отдела сбыта
  • assistant director — заместитель директора
  • accountant — бухгалтер
  • nurse — няня, сиделка, медсестра
  • official — должностное лицо
  • chief — начальник

Work Benefits

Look at this list of benefits workers get in some companies. Work and Job Vocabulary

Which benefits are usual in your country?

Which three benefits do you think are the most important?

Listen to four people talking about their jobs. What are they?

Listen again and complete the table with the best and worst things about each job.


Best things

Worst things


  1. working with children

     2. _________________

  1. ____________


  1. _________________

  2. _________________
  1. ____________


  1. pension

  2. _________________

  1. ____________


1. _________________

2. _________________

1. ____________



Proverbs and Sayings about Work

Work benefits = perks («плюшки»)

Free meals is one of the perks of the job, which makes employees more satisfied – Бесплатное питание – одна из “плюшек” работы, которая очень ценится работниками


28 million Americans don’t get any paid holidays. – У 28 миллионов американцев отпуск не оплачивается.


The employer pays the sick pay for the first 16 days – Первые 16 дней больничного оплачиваются

If you want to work fixed hours, you must inform your manager in writing. – Если вы хотите фиксированное рабочее время, письменно уведомите об этом своего менеджера

Companies acquire a high quality medical insurance product at a discount – Компании преобретают отличные планы страховки со скидкой

incentives = any reward that makes people work harder

Some employers offer vacations or parties as incentives if the team hits its sales targets. – Некоторые работодатели предлагают отпуск или вечеринки в качестве стимулов, если команда продаж достигает поставленных им целей.

day release programmes = programmes of training or education when employees can spend entire days out of work

I feel that employers should be much more flexible regarding training, for example by subsidising day release programmes or job exchanges with other companies. – Я считаю, что работодатели должны быть более гибкими в отношении обучения, например, инициируя обучение во время работы или предлагая сотрудникам “работу по обмену” в других компаниях.

Ways to make more money

= move up the career ladder

Having a side job is a great way to add some extra income to what you currently make  – Вторая работа это отличный способ заработать еще чуть больше к тому, что вы уже зарабатываете

bonuses = money given in addition to salary, usually in return for achieving targets

Apparently some investment bankers can earn millions of dollars in bonuses. – По-видимому, некоторые инвестиционные банкиры могут зарабатывать миллионы долларов в бонусах.

Issues related to work

Work-related stress can be a cause of illness – Стресс, связанный с работой, может стать причиной заболеваний

The practice of unsocial hours increased with the expansion of the service sector – Тенденция работать в нестандартное время возросла с расширением сектора услуг

redundancy = a situation where a worker loses their job because of changes in the company (not because of personal mistakes) 

to make someone redundant

In my home town, the textile factories have closed and many people have been made redundant. – В моем родном городе текстильные фабрики закрылись, и многих людей сократили.

-> a resignation (сущ.)

уйти в отставку

Not only can a heavy workload be tiring, it often drives you to work for longer hours than you would really like. – Большая нагрузка подразумевает не только утомительность работы, но и когда вы остаетесь доделывать работу после окончания рабочего дня.

The changes will affect any women on maternity leave or taking a career break while they raise children – Изменения повлияют на женщин в декрете и тех, кто находится в отпуске по уходу за детьми

 = the ability to work hard but also enjoy a good quality family and social life 

People are working long hours these days, and so their work/life balance is affected, leading to stress. = Люди сейчас много работают, их баланс работы и личной жизни нарушен, что приводит к стрессу.

a change in the organisation of a company, usually in order to make it more effective or to save money.

We used to have a large training department in my office, but in our recent restructure it was eliminated and the staff were made redundant. – В моем офисе у нас был большой отдел обучения, но после нашей недавней реструктуризации он был ликвидирован, а персонал сократили.

to downsize = to make an organisation smaller and employ fewer people

My father’s college used to employ almost one thousand people, but then it downsized and now has less than five hundred. – В колледже моего отца работало почти тысяча человек, но потом был сокращения, и теперь количество человек насчитывает менее пятисот.


the workforce = the total number of people working in an organisation, company or country = рабочая сила

The workforce in Northern Europe is skilled, but it’s also inflexible and much older than in other parts of the world –  Рабочая сила в Северной Европе квалифицирована, но она также менее гибкая и намного старше, чем в других частях мира

“Синий воротничок”, человек, занятый физическим трудом

Japan may loosen immigration rules for blue-collar workers


To have the best results at freelancing, Dorothy Nabatanzi, the director Rota Tech Luzira, notes that you need to work extra hard


About half (45%) of leaders lack the proper training to detect signs of distress among employees

человек на испытательном сроке

My niece was hired as a probationary employee of a private marketing company

“Белый воротничок”, офисный работник

General Motors hoped at least 7,000 white-collar workers would sign up by noon Monday for a buyout offer

Самозанятый, работающий на себя

The vast majority of the country’s self-employed professionals are struggling with economic difficulties, insecurity and a lack of financing


 Small employers don’t sponsor retirement plans

Describing a job / work

I find retirement more stressful than having a nice, steady job – Пенсия мне кажется гораздо более стрессовой, чем ходить на стабильную работу

A nine-to-five job has set hours for work – Пятидневка подразумевает установленные рабочие часы

Temporary work can also be a great way for unemployed individuals to make a positive impression upon an employer – Временная работа может быть отличным способом для неработающего оказать хорошее впечатление на работодателя

Voluntary work is a great way to use your skills to help others – Волонтерская работа это отличный способ применить свои умения для того, чтобы помогать людям

Many studies suggest that the irregular hours of shift work can have a negative impact on workers’ health. – Исследования предполагают, что работа по сменам может оказать негативное влияние на здоровье человека

You have to understand that being self-employed does not mean a shorter work week – Нужно понимать, что работать на себя не означает работать меньше

Repetitive work that contribute to the development of upper limb disorders – Однообразная работа может вызвать развитие болезней верхних конечностей

This could be your ticket out of this dead-end job. – Это может послужить возможностью покончить с этой работой без перспектив

Web Development is a very lucrative career choice for you. – Веб-разработка – это очень прибыльная работа

It also gives you the power to negotiate for the other components of a fulfilling job, such as the ability to work on meaningful projects – Это также дает вам возможность обсудить другие моменты работы, которая приносит удовлетворение, как например работа над значимыми проектами

an entry-level job is at the lowest level in a company or organization

Interesting facts


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