Expressions with the word garden

The backyard of a house also usually has a garden. Let’s look at some expressions with the words ‘garden’ and ‘backyard.’

to lead someone up / down the garden path
= to intentionally mislead or deceive someone; to intentionally cause someone to believe something that is untrue; to give someone false information or to promise something that never materializes. The result of this false information is that you’ve wasted your time waiting for something that is never going to happen.

The politicians have been leading us all down the garden path with their talk about creating jobs.

The hotel we stayed in was terrible. Our travel agent lead us down the garden path. We were expecting a luxury hotel!

He was promised a generous raise by his boss, but he was really being lead down the garden path.

garden-variety (adjective)
= common, ordinary, unremarkable, nothing special, unexceptional

My daughter is sick today. It’s nothing serious – just a garden-variety cold.

I didn’t think the band’s new album was anything special. It sounds like a garden-variety rock album.

Have you seen Leonardo DiCaprio’s new movie? Is it interesting or is it just a garden-variety thriller?

in your backyard
= in addition to the area directly your house, in your backyard could also mean the general area around or close to your home or neighbourhood.

If you’re looking for an inexpensive vacation, look no farther than your own backyard. There are some great places to visit within a 30-minute drive from here.

You don’t have to go very far for a good education. There are some great colleges and universities in our backyard!

I want to try a new restaurant for dinner tonight. I’m looking for something in my backyard!

«not in my backyard»

A neighbourhood or community may be opposed to something being built or developed in their area, but are not opposed to the idea in general (and will support it being built / developed somewhere else)

For example, wind farms are a very controversial issue in my province. People are generally supportive of wind energy, they just don’t want the actual wind turbines erected in their community for a variety of reasons.

We support the building of wind turbines, just not in our backyard!

Another example:

Local residents say, «not in my backyard» to the construction of a nuclear reactor.

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Collocations for «garden»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «garden» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. a [flower, vegetable, kitchen, herb, rose] garden
  2. a [botanical, botanic] garden
  3. UK: in my [back, front] garden
  4. US: in my [back, front] yard
  5. [plant, grow] a garden
  6. grows [flowers, vegetables, roses] in her garden
  7. water the garden
  8. in the Garden of Eden
  9. a garden in [the wilderness, a dry region]
  10. is out (working) in the garden
  11. UK: [planting, playing, sunbathing] in the garden
  12. UK: [planting, playing, sunbathing] in the yard
  13. [weed, decorate, landscape, mow] the garden
  14. build a [shed, hut] in the garden
  15. have always wanted a garden
  16. have [dinner, a barbecue] in the garden
  17. vulgar, slang: [see, shave, trim] her lady garden

n as adj

  1. a garden [hoe, shovel, till]
  2. garden [furniture, products, maintenance, services]
  3. the home and garden [store, department]
  4. home and garden supplies
  5. talking over the garden fence
  6. a garden city


  1. garden for [fun, a hobby]
  2. gardening [fruits, vegetables, herbs]
  3. garden [ecological, organic, bio] [fruits]
  4. [loved, began] to garden
  5. garden in retirement
  6. gardening with [her children, the grandchildren]
  7. garden and landscape

garden‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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In spring and summer, territorial garden situated under open sky: a continuously flowering garden, arboretum, stone garden and bonsai-garden.

Весной и летом работает территориальный сад под открытым небом: сад непрерывного цветения, дендрарий, каменистый сад и сад-бонсай.

The only garden that you must cultivate is the garden of your own personality.

Единственный сад, который вам нужно возделывать — это сад вашей собственной личности.

We call our Japanese garden the garden of partnership since the creation of the garden takes place on a voluntary basis.

Японский сад мы называем садом партнерства, поскольку создание сада происходит на добровольных началах.

They can also section off different parts of the garden if the garden is quite large.

Они могут также разделять различные части сада, если сад довольно большой.

Cultivate this like a precious garden in the midst of poisonous weeds, for then this garden will grow and give you sustenance.

Взрастите это подобно драгоценному саду посреди ядовитых сорняков, поскольку тогда, этот сад вырастит и поддержит вас.

Japanese garden designers feel that good stone composition is one of the most important elements in creating a well-designed garden.

Дизайнеры японских садов считают, что хорошая композиция камней это один из самых важных элементов в создании успешно спроектированного сада.

Your garden is as if painted from various historical paintings with a garden.

Ваш сад словно срисован с различных исторических картин с садом.

In a vegetable garden, crop rotation involves changing the planting location of vegetables within the garden each season.

Севооборот на огороде подразумевает изменение места посадки овощей в саду каждый сезон.

Residents of this house also will benefit from their own private pool, impressive garden and lavish roof garden.

Жители этого дома также смогут воспользоваться собственным бассейном, садом и впечатляющим прекрасным садом на крыше.

A small garden bridge will look attractive in a smaller garden and draw attention to a specific area.

Небольшой сад мост будет выглядеть привлекательным в меньшего размера сада, а также вытяжки сосредоточиться на конкретном регионе.

The garden was founded in 1621 as a medicinal garden with plants for medical research.

Сад был основан в 1621 году как аптекарский огород, выращивающий растения для лекарственных исследований.

This work helped the client to clarify his ideas about the future structure of the garden and garden restaurant.

Заказчику эта работа помогла понять, каким именно он хочет видеть будущее устройство сада и ресторана в саду.

Initially garden impresses with its abundance of vegetation, but eventually evolved a garden landscaping.

Изначально сад поражал своим изобилием растительности, но со временем озеленение сада видоизменилось.

Take garden synthetic grass as garden flooring is a low maintenance and cost-effective idea.

Возьмите сад синтетической травы, как сад полы это низкие эксплуатационные расходы и экономически эффективные идеи.

The garden has a fully automatic, industrial grade irrigation system, which makes for effortless and trouble-free garden maintenance.

Сад оборудован полностью автоматизированной системой полива промышленной категории, что позволяет обеспечить удобный и легкий уход за садом.

Japanese country garden is a non-traditional garden, in a natural environment.

Японский загородный сад — нетрадиционный сад в естественной среде.

Visit the garden can be anyone, but the land is privately owned garden.

Посетить сад может любой желающих, но земли сада являются частным владением.

It had a beautiful garden, big garden.

У него был прекрасный сад, большой огород.

The city garden was built around 1820 and the farm garden in 1840.

Городской сад был построен около 1820 года, а фермерский сад — в 1840 году.

If you do not want to use waste products after squeezing juice into food, use them in your garden or garden.

Если Вы не хотите использовать отходы после отжима сока в еду, используйте их в своем огороде или саду.

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I will put that poor little boy on the top of the tree, and then I will knock down the wall, and my garden shall be the children’s playground for ever and ever.» He was really very sorry for what he had done.

So he crept downstairs and opened the front door quite softly, and went out into the garden. But when the children saw him they were so frightened that they all ran away, and the garden became winter again.

He could not play about any more, so he sat in a huge armchair, and watched the children at their games, and admired his garden. «I have many beautiful flowers,» he said; «but the children are the most beautiful flowers of all.»

These three, their patient nurse, myself, the gardener, and the gardener’s assistant, are the only people who ever go into my garden, but then neither are we ever out of it.

In the first ecstasy of having a garden all my own, and in my burning impatience to make the waste places blossom like a rose, I did one warm Sunday in last year’s April during the servants’ dinner hour, doubly secure from the gardener by the day and the dinner, slink out with a spade and a rake and feverishly dig a little piece of ground and break it up and sow surreptitious ipomaea, and run back very hot and guilty into the house, and get into a chair and behind a book and look languid just in time to save my reputation.

What a happy woman I am living in a garden, with books, babies, birds, and flowers, and plenty of leisure to enjoy them!

He turned about to the orchard side of his garden and began to whistle—a low soft whistle.

He come out of th’ nest in th’ other garden an’ when first he flew over th’ wall he was too weak to fly back for a few days an’ we got friendly.

He began to dig again, driving his spade deep into the rich black garden soil while the robin hopped about very busily employed.

The confidential Ivan opened the door and ushered in Commandant Neil O’Brien, whom he had found at last pacing the garden again.

«Ivan,» said Valentin, «please go and get the Commandant’s sword from the library.» Then, as the servant vanished, «Lord Galloway says he saw you leaving the garden just before he found the corpse.

On Sundays, after Phoebe had been at church,—for the girl had a church-going conscience, and would hardly have been at ease had she missed either prayer, singing, sermon, or benediction, —after church-time, therefore, there was, ordinarily, a sober little festival in the garden. In addition to Clifford, Hepzibah, and Phoebe, two guests made up the company.

And then, while the yellow richness of the declining sunshine still fell into the open space of the garden, Phoebe brought out a loaf of bread and a china bowl of currants, freshly gathered from the bushes, and crushed with sugar.

At last, with a grand design burning within his brave heart, he begged them to do it once more with him clinging to the tail, and now a hundred flew off with the string, and Peter clung to the tail, meaning to drop off when he was over the Gardens. But the kite broke to pieces in the air, and he would have drowned in the Serpentine had he not caught hold of two indignant swans and made them carry him to the island.

Nevertheless, Peter did reach the Gardens at last by the help of Shelley’s boat, as I am now to tell you.

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Garden Vocabulary

“A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry* and thrift**; above all it teaches entire trust.”

Gertrude Jekyll, a British horticulturist***, garden designer, craftswoman, photographer, writer and artist

* industry – hard work and effort (formal)

** thrift – the practice of spending money carefully so that you do not waste any

*** horticulturist /ˌhɔː(r)tɪˈkʌltʃərɪst/ – an expert in garden cultivation and management


In British English, a garden is a piece of land next to a house, with flowers, vegetables, other plants, and often grass. In American English, the usual word is yard, and a garden refers only to land which is used for growing flowers and vegetables.


This is a house with a garden (Br.E.) / yard (Am.E.).



  • cold frame – a large box with glass sides that you keep young plants in before you plant them outside: No matter what your climate is like, cold frames expand your gardening options.
  • cloche /klɒʃ– a transparent plastic or glass cover used for protecting plants from cold weather: Traditional garden cloches were made of glass and protected plants from frost.
  • patio /ˈpætiəʊ/ – a flat area covered with stone, brick etc. at the back of a house, where people can sit outside: Transforming your backyard or patio into a dining area ​involves very little effort.
  • cane the long, hard, hollow stem of particular plants such as bamboo, sometimes used to support other plants in the garden: To prevent flowers and saplings (young trees) from slumping over, garden canes offer a practical way to guide the growth of flowers and other plants.
  • stake – a wooden or metal post that is used for supporting something: I’d like to buy a tree planting stake. 
  • conservatory – a room with glass walls and a glass roof, built next to a house and used for relaxing in or for growing plants: Today, the distinction between conservatory, garden room, orangery /ˈɒrɪndʒəri/ and sunroom has become blurred.
  • greenhouse – a building made of glass that is used for growing plants that need protection from the weather: I grow a lot of tomatoes in my greenhouse. 
  • pergola /ˈpɜː(r)ɡələ/ – a wooden frame for growing plants on outside a house and for sitting or walking under: Pergolas are not designed to completely block the sun, but to provide relief from direct sunlight, while allowing air to circulate freely.
  • trellis – an upright frame for plants to grow on, made of narrow pieces of wood that cross over each other: Adding a trellis to your garden is highly recommended in some instances, especially if you’re growing vegetables.
  • plantera large container in which plants are grown for decoration: I need an indoor planter. 
  • flowerpota container, usually made of clay or plastic, in which a plant is grown: When talking to other plant people, the terms “pot” and “planter” will be used interchangeably. Pots are generally smaller, round and are usually meant to contain one plant. Planters are generally meant for outdoors, are an irregular size, and can contain many plants.

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  1. lawnmower /ˈlɔːnˌməʊə(r)/
  2. gas (Am.E) / petrol (Br.En) can
  3. sprinkler – a piece of equipment used for automatically sprinkling water on plants or grass in a garden
  4. (garden) hose
  5. nozzle – a narrow part at the end of a tube through which a liquid flows
  6. wheelbarrow
  7. watering can
  8. rake
  9. hoe /həʊ/ – a tool with a long handle used for turning over the soil in a garden
  10. trowel /ˈtraʊəl/ – a small tool that is used in gardens for digging small holes or digging plants out of the ground
  11. shovel /ˈʃʌv(ə)l/
  12. hedge clippers
  13. work gloves
  14. vegetable seeds
  15. fertilizer
  16. grass seed (note that “seed” can be both countable and uncountable)
  17. flashlight (Am.E.) / torch (Br.E.)
  18. fly swatter – an object used for killing flies that consists of a flat piece of plastic etc. on a long handle (to swat /swɒtis to hit something, especially an insect, with your hand or with a flat object)
  19. extension cord – an extra length of cable that can be added to an electric lead
  20. tape measure – a tool for measuring things that consists of a long narrow piece of cloth, soft plastic, or thin metal with numbers on it
  21. step ladder
  22. plunger
  23. yardstick – a stick that is one yard in length, used for measuring things (1 yard is equal to 0.91 meters)
  24. mousetrap
  25. batteries
  26. lightbulbs/bulbs
  27. fuses – parts of a piece of electrical equipment that make it stop working when there is too much electricity flowing through it
  28. electrical tape 
  29. oil
  30. glue
  31. bug/insect spray
  32. roach (Am.E.) / cockroach killer


  • to have a green thumb / to have green fingers (Br.E.) – to have the ability to make plants grow and be healthy: My sister has a green thumb, but I kill most plants that I buy.
  • kitchen garden – a garden in which vegetables and fruit are grown for the people in a house: A kitchen garden contains plants that are grown to be eaten.
  • butterfly garden – garden which is designed to attract butterflies: A butterfly garden is a great way to attract a variety of different butterflies to your yard.
  • to lay out a garden – to plan, design, create a garden: I’ve always wanted to lay out a garden but I’m so lazy.
  • to tend a garden – to take care of a garden: What I hate about tending the garden is weeding (removing weeds from he ground). 
  • the bottom of a garden – the end of the garden: There is a bench at the bottom/end of the garden.
  • wow-worthy garden – impressive garden: You don’t have to have a green thumb to have a wow-worthy garden.
  • infertile/poor/barren soilfertile/rich/good soil: Even the poorest soils can be improved to yield /jiːld/ (to produce) a productive crop by adding beneficial amendments (changes), which will help improve plant growth and health.

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Salad days


Seed money

начальные инвестиции

To cherry-pick smth


придирчиво что-то выбирать

To go/run to seed

перестать развиваться; 

приходить в упадок

To grasp the nettle [‘netl]

решительно взяться за проблему

To hear on the grapevine [‘greɪpvaɪn]

узнать о чем-то по слухам; 

через сарафанное радио

To let the grass grow under one’s feet

отложить действия; 

действовать медленно; 

сидеть сложа руки

To put down roots

обосноваться; пустить корни

As you sow [səu], so shall you reap.

Что посеешь, то и пожнешь

A tough row to hoe [həu]

сложная задача

To have green fingers / a green thumb [θʌm]

способность к садоводству;

 садоводческое искусство

To call a spade a spade

называть вещи своими именами

To dig deep

докопаться; раскошелиться

To dig oneself into a hole

сделать себе же хуже; ухудшить ситуацию самому себе

To give it some welly

приложить больше усилий

To have a dig at smth

попробовать взяться за что-л

To kick the bucket [‘bʌkɪt]

умереть, «сыграть в ящик»

To lay it on with a trowel [‘trauəl]

грубо льстить; очень сильно преувеличивать

Common-or-garden [ˌkɔmənɔː’gɑːdn]

банальный; обычный; рядовой, заурядный

To lead up/down the garden path

обманывать кого-либо; вводить кого-либо в заблуждение; водить кого-либо за нос

To make a mountain out of a molehill [‘məulhɪl]

делать из мухи слона; раздувать проблему из ничего

To mend fences [fens]

восстанавливать хорошие, дружественные отношения после ссоры

To shake like a leaf [liːf]

дрожать как осиновый лист; дрожать от страха

To turn over a new leaf 

начать с чистого листа

Small dog, tall weeds [wiːd]

человек, неспособный выполнить какое-либо задание

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«Their house is surrounded by beautiful gardens.«
(beautiful, lovely, pretty, lush, landscaped)

«She has a big garden behind the house.«
(big, large, small, tiny)

«They’re working in the backyard garden.«

«She’s trying to keep the birds out of the vegetable garden.«
(vegetable, herb, fruit)

«These came from the rose garden.«
(rose, flower)

«They toured the community gardens.«
(community, public, private)

«There is an art show at the botanical garden.«

Used with verbs:

«They are planning a new community garden.«
(be + planning, be + designing, be + creating)

«She planted the garden yesterday.«

«She tends her garden on the weekend.«
(tends, weeds)

«They maintain the old gardens by the school.«
(maintain, keep)

«I need to water the garden before I leave.«

«The room overlooks the garden.«

Used with nouns:

«We need to get more garden plants.«
(plants, flowers, soil, tools)

«She tries to deal with garden pests without chemicals.«

«I bought a new garden hose.«

«I’ll wait by the garden gate.«
(gate, path, shed, wall)

«We’re going to the garden store tomorrow.«
(store, center)

Used with prepositions:

«She is out in the garden.«

«I want to turn this part of the yard into a garden.«

garden — перевод на русский


There are hundreds in the garden picking all the flowers.

Сотни в саду, рвут остатки цветов.

Westminster at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

Вестминстер в саду Мэдисон Сквер в Нью-Йорке.

Well, we’ll have breakfast in the garden together.

Мы позавтракаем в саду — вместе.

You are expecting him to come to see you on this lovely garden.

И ты отсчитываешь минуты до вашей встречи в этом чудестном саду.

I don’t know if we’re in a garden Or on a crowded avenue

Я не знаю, в саду ли мы сейчас или на оживленной улице.

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Don’t go by Miss Gulch’s place. Then Toto won’t get in her garden, and you won’t get in no trouble, see?

Идешь домой — не ходи мимо ее дома, тогда Тото не полезет в огород и у тебя не будет хпопот.

That’s the vegetable garden.

Здесь огород.

On one occasion he made a wide detour in order to run through a vegetable garden and enter the back door of a small cottage.

Однажды он сделал большой крюк, чтобы обогнуть огород и проникнуть через черный ход в домик.

You might like to start your own garden.

Может тебе захочется создать свой собственный огород.

Just look at my beautiful garden.

Только взгляни на мой прекрасный огород.

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We encounter each other as if by chance in a public garden. What could be more proper?

Прогулка в обществнном парке — в этом нет ничего предосудительного.

On a bench next to the town hall garden.

На скамейке в городском парке.

He’s in the center garden of the Palais Royale near the colonnade.

Он в центральном парке Пале-Рояля, там, где колоннада.

the Palais de la Decouverte and the Aquarium du Trocadero, you saw the rose gardens of Bagatelle, Montmartre by night, les Halles at first light, Saint-Lazare station in the rush-hour, Concorde at midday on August 15.

посмотрел на розы в парке Багатель, ночной Монмартр, Ле-Аль на рассвете, вокзал Сен-Лазар в час пик, площадь Согласия в полдень 15-го августа.

In the first photo, Anne is wearing a short black slip with nothing underneath but her stockings. And the simple garter belt like the one I already admired in the Bagatelle Gardens.

На первом маленькая Энн была только в черной нижней рубашке, чулках… и прозрачном пояске, похожем на тот, которым я уже имел возможность восхититься в парке Багатель.

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Reading, hunting, gardening.

Чтение, охота, садоводство.

Sounds as if we need a lot of gardening here.

Звучит так, как будто нам здесь понадобиться серьезное садоводство.

Gardens For All Seasons.

Садоводство на все времена года.

Gardening, fishing beach combing.

Садоводство, рыбалка.. прочесывание пляжа.

— but he doesn’t really care for gardening.

Садоводство его не привлекало. — Это Колет.

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It’s up under the roof on the Eighth Avenue side of the Garden.

Это прямо под крышей, вход в «Гарден» со стороны Восьмой авеню.

The Garden’s filling up.

«Гарден» заполняется народом.

Tramp found dead in Covent Garden.

Хм. «Бродяга найден мертвым в Ковент Гарден.»

We used his taxi which he left in Covent Garden.

Мы встретились вчера вечером, или скорее сегодня рано утром. Мы воспользовались такси, в котором он приехал в Ковент Гарден.

Up to that, the most charismatic event I covered… was Mick’s birthday when the Stones played Madison Square Garden.

Вплоть до этого,самое харизматическое событие которое я освещала был день рождения Майка когда Ролинг Стонс играли Мэдисон Сквер Гарден.

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You know, my dream is a small house and garden.

Моя мечта — домик, садик.

300 don’t amount to much nowadays 300 acres , with the costs involved, are as big as a priest’s garden.

120 Га в настоящее время ничего не стоят. Даже при интенсивном земледелии, не говоря уж об экстенсивном, 120 Га — это всего лишь садик.

I’d like to have a spice garden someday.

Я бы тоже хотела иметь садик со специями.

where we can have a little garden and you can raise ducks and geese.

Там у нас будет небольшой садик, где вы будете разводить уток и гусей.

I have a much freer life and unusual space and oxygen privileges and better rations and even a vegetable garden, but… Lots of women would like to be in your place, Carol.

» мен€ больше свободного времени и замечательное место и кислородные привилегии и лучший рацион и даже свой зелЄный садик, но -— ћногие женщины хотели-бы оказатьс€ на твоЄм месте, эрол.

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A homesteader can’t run but a few beef, but he can grow grain… and then with his garden and hogs and milk, he’ll be all right.

Поселенцу некуда бежать, но разводя скот, сажая зёрна,.. ..потом он получит урожай, двор и молоко, и у него всё будет хорошо.

This is the back garden.

Это задний двор.

I’m asking you to come to the school garden at four o’clock.

Через полчаса, ровно в 16 часов приходите все на школьный двор!

All right, bring him into the back garden.

Ладно, перенесите его на задний двор.

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Eden Gardens.

— Иден Гарденс!

Not if I can help it. Driver dont pay no attention, take us to Eden Gardens

Извозчик, не обращайте внимания на его слова, мы едем в Иден Гарденс!

-61 A Charrington Gardens. -Harrington?

Черрингтон Гарденс 61 А.

Thurlow Gardens.

Терлоу Гарденс…

Thurlow Gardens.

Терлоу Гарденс.

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Oh, Dionin, who dwelt in peace in the Garden of Eden.

О, Дионин, явившийся из тьмы. Дионин, мирно пребывавший в райском саду.

Dionin who dwelt in peace in the Garden of Eden,

Дионин, мирно пребывавший в райском саду…

I remember all the trouble in the Garden of Eden.

Я помню весь переполох в райском саду.

# A Garden of Eden just meant for two

В райском саду лишь для нас двоих

From now on, sex will be presented in a more natural setting, with the man in the picture, you know, a Genesis pictorial with Adam and Eve getting it on in the Garden of Eden.

Теперь секс будет в естественном виде, т.е. фото женщины с мужчиной. Сотворение мира в картинках. Адам и Ева в райском саду.

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What do you think this is? Kew Gardens?

По-твоему здесь что, Королевский Ботанический Сад?

To Botanical Gardens.

В ботанический сад.

The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew in London.

Королевский Ботанический Сад в Кью, в Лондоне.

Then I must go to the Botanical Gardens.

Я должен идти в Ботанический сад.

Uncle Edvard took us on an outing to see… — …the Botanical Gardens.

Дядя Эдвард водил нас… на прогулку в ботанический сад.

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At length, a little before sunset, I saw Veenah and her three cousins enter the garden.

Meantime Mr Macmichael, having gone to see what course the water had taken, and how it had left the garden, found that, after a very circuitous route, it had run through the hedge into a surface drain in the field, and so down the hill towards the river.

Other friends ploughed and planted her garden, and performed numberless kind offices.

When I first saw this central garden, the most extensive and regular of all the beepastures of the State, it seemed all one sheet of plant gold, hazy and vanishing in the distance, distinct as a new map along the foothills at my feet.

It was a very large room, overlooking the garden on the right side of the house.

The fields were stripped to the ground, and the old men of our villages, who had given their lives to cultivating these gardens and vineyards, came out of the synagogues where they had been praying and wailing, and looked on the ruin with dimmed eyes.

After seeing what was to be seen of the rooms, we visited the gardens, in which are noble conservatories and hothouses, containing all manner of rare and beautiful flowers, and tropical fruits.

Now you cross a wild garden, now a meadow, now a ferny, willowy stream; and ever and anon you emerge from all the groves and flowers upon some granite pavement or high, bare ridge commanding superb views above the waving sea of evergreens far and near.

and I dare say Nebuchadnezzar employed a few helpers when he was laying out his hanging gardens.

I remember walking round and round the vegetable garden at the back of the Villa with an Italian friend of mine, trying both to face the facts and to draw some comfort from them.

When I had somewhat recovered I began to examine the spot in which I found myself, and truly it seemed to me that I had reached a garden of delights.

CHAPTER XXX ~Srataparna Cave, or Cave of the First Council~ Out from the old city, after walking over three hundred paces, on the west of the road, the travellers found the Karanda Bamboo garden, where the old vihâra is still in existence, with a company of monks, who keep the ground about it swept and watered.

A summer palace was erected on the heights of Mount Lebanon, having gardens filled with everything which could delight the eye or captivate the senses.

Next day, in the channel of a tributary that heads on Mount San Antonio, I passed about fifteen or twenty gardens like the one in which I sleptlilies in every one of them, in the full pomp of bloom.

Toser, situate in a plain, is commanded from the northwest by a little rocky mountain, whence an abundant spring takes its source, called Meshra, running along the walls of the city southward, divides itself afterwards in three branches, waters the gardens, and, after having irrigated the plantations of several other villages, loses itself in the sand at a short distance.

«When I walked up your garden before coming in, and saw the hives all of a row, I said to myself, Where there‘s bees there‘s honey, and where there‘s honey there‘s mead, But mead of such a truly comfortable sort as this I really didn’t expect to meet in my older days.«

And the moon rose, showing the gardens, apparently empty, and silent.

The children who have to think of their clothes before playing with the dogs, digging in the sand, helping the stableman, working in the shed, building a bridge, or weeding the garden, never get half their legitimate enjoyment out of life.

Also, he spent money in planting out a vineyard and orchard, and in making a garden.

At present she is filling NIBLO‘S GARDEN with her voice and its admirers.

The cloisters which surround the garden, in the centre of which is a well, and beneath which is the distillery, are very memorable, not only for their beauty but for the sixty and more medallions of saints and evangelists all round it by Giovanni della Robbia.

After my work on th farm, I keeps all three gardens going and a patch of allotment down the valley as well.

and I wanted them to enjoy the garden.

If they are making a village at their little tables, one builds the church, another workshops and stores, others schools and houses, while the remainder make roads, lay out gardens, plant trees, and plough the fields.

Where he was now, he could see the fence that separated the front garden from the road, and he was not more than ten or twelve feet from the front door on his left.

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