Expressions with the word finger

Finger Idioms and Sayings! List of common phrases and idioms with finger in English with meaning, ESL picture and example sentences.

List of commonly used Body Idioms in English.

List of Idioms with Finger

  • Finger-Pointing
  • Not Lift a Finger
  • Point the Finger At
  • Someone’s Fingerprints Are All Over (Something)
  • Work One’s Fingers to the Bone
  • Have a Finger in Every Pie
  • Keep One’s Fingers Crossed
  • Keep/ Have Your Fingers on the Pulse

Finger Idioms with Meaning and Examples


  • Meaning: Blame; a situation within a group where each member attempts to blame others
  • ExampleI’m not going to get into finger-pointing because the sales campaign failed. The lesson is that we need to work better as a team.

Not Lift a Finger

  • Meaning: Do nothing to help
  • ExampleI worked all night on the new ad campaign. Jacob was in the office for most of the evening, but he was playing video games. He didn’t lift a finger to help me.

Point the Finger At

  • Meaning: Blame (someone)
  • ExampleShareholders pointed the finger at the board of directors for the losses, and voted most of them out.

Someone’s Fingerprints Are All Over (Something)

  • Meaning: Someone’s influence is evident
  • ExampleColin isn’t listed as an author on this report, but his fingerprints are all over it.

Work One’s Fingers to the Bone

  • Meaning: Work very hard over an extended period
  • Example: I’ve been working my fingers to the bone, and you have the nerve to ask me to stay late again? I can’t believe it.

Have a Finger in Every Pie

  • Meaning: To be involved in many activities and to have influence over a lot of people
  • Example: She likes to have a finger in every pie.

Keep One’s Fingers Crossed

  • Meaning: To wish for good luck
  • Example: The exam’s at two. Will you keep your fingers crossed for me?

Keep/ Have Your Fingers on the Pulse

  • Meaning: To be/stay familiar with the most recent changes or improvements
  • Example: The situation changes daily, so you’ve got to keep your finger on the pulse.

Common FINGER Idioms | Picture

FINGER Idioms: Useful Expressions & Idioms with FingerPin

Body Parts Idioms

List of Body Idioms in English with meaning and examples.

  • Head Idioms
  • Face Idioms
    • Nose Idioms
    • Eye Idioms
    • Ear Idioms
    • Mouth Idioms
    • Teeth Idioms
    • Chin Idioms
    • Lip Idioms
  • Heart Idioms
  • Hand Idioms
  • Finger Idioms
  • Foot Idioms
  • Leg Idioms
  • Thumb Idioms
  • Neck Idioms
  • Heel Idioms
  • Arm Idioms
  • Belly Idioms
  • Shoulder Idioms

Last Updated on December 17, 2020

«But of what value are these imprints,» asked Tarzan, «when, after a few years the lines upon the fingers are entirely changed by the wearing out of the old tissue and the growth of new?»

But if imprints have been taken of the thumb and four fingers of both hands one must needs lose all entirely to escape identification.»

So while they stood laughing at the shattered stone he placed the ring, as if in play, upon the third finger of his left hand.

But the youth had no mind to do that; on the contrary, he went farther off, then put the ring on the little finger of his left hand, and soared into the air like a bird.

«I wonder whether it would condescend to alight on such a great clumsy finger as mine?

By the artist’s direction, Annie touched her finger‘s tip to that of her husband; and, after a momentary delay, the butterfly fluttered from one to the other.

«I get the subject to pass the fingers of his right through his hair, so as to get a little coating of the natural oil on them, and then press the balls of them on the glass.

He passed his fingers through his crop of short hair, and pressed them one at a time on the glass.

Presently his fingers ceased their play; his eyes popped wider than ever as they fastened upon the door through which Thurid had disappeared.

The lips moved under her fingers, and she answered, «Yes.»

Next came a long, steady, upward pull of the ear, the ear slipping slowly through the fingers to the very tip of it while it tingled exquisitely down to its roots.

To herself she said that of course she should at once undo the absurd work of her niece’s fingers, and put her hair up properly again.

«Life was a rose-lipped comrade With purple flowers dripping from her fingers.» —The Author.

As Tarzan let the pebbles from the recovered pouch run through his fingers, his thoughts returned to the pile of yellow ingots about which the Arabs and the Abyssinians had waged their relentless battle.

‘She was exercised for several weeks in this way, until her vocabulary became extensive; and then the important step was taken of teaching her how to represent the different letters by the position of her fingers, instead of the cumbrous apparatus of the board and types.

Finger Idioms: The symbolism of the hand is well-endowed and diverse in nature. Finger related idioms are used in the expression of certain abstract concepts. Finger phrases are often used to point in any direction and also to provide guidance.

Hand gestures, along with the sign language of fingers, helped in the amalgamation of linguistically separated Indian nations. Pointing finger idioms are often used to indicate or to provide any particular direction.

Enrich your Vocabulary by practicing the English Idioms that are commonly used in everyday conversations and understand their actual meaning.

  • Meaning and examples of some finger related idioms

List of Finger Idioms

  • Point the Finger At /Keep One’s Fingers Crossed
  • Work One’s Fingers to the Bone
  • Not Lift a Finger
  • Someone’s Fingerprints Are All Over (Something)
  • Have a Finger in Every Pie.
  • Finger-Pointing
  • Keep/ Have Your Fingers on the Pulse
  • Have sticky fingers
  • Let slip through fingers
  • All fingers and thumbs
  • Put something on the long finger
  • Hang on by the fingernails
  • Put a finger on something
  • Get your fingers burned
  • Five-finger discount
  • Stick out like a sore thumb
  • Under your thumb

Meanings and Examples of some common Finger related Idioms

Point the Finger At

Meaning: This idiom describes the act of accusing someone openly

Example: It is not right to point the finger at someone without any proof.

Keep One’s Fingers Crossed

Meaning: This idiom describes someone hoping for something good to happen

Example: She kept her fingers crossed for him to safely reach Germany

Work One’s Fingers to the Bone

Meaning: This idiom describes someone who is working very hard

Example: He had worked his fingers to the bone to get into his dream university.

Not Lift a Finger

Meaning: This idiom describes the act of not making any attempt to help

Example: The husband never lifted a finger to help with the child’s homework

Someone’s Fingerprints Are All Over (Something)

Meaning: This idiom describes a visible influence of someone on something

Example: He is too innocent to pull off this act without having someone else’s fingerprints all over it

Have a Finger in Every Pie

Meaning: This idiom describes being involved in a lot of different activities

Example: The monitor wanted to have a finger in every pie in his class


Meaning: To blame somebody else for something

Example: This is not the right time for pointing fingers at each other.

Keep/ Have Your Fingers on the Pulse

Meaning: To keep a note of the daily and latest information

Example: Anish always says that he has his finger on the pulse of the textile industry he owns

finger Idioms 1

Have sticky fingers

Meaning: This idiom describes the act of having an intention to steal something

Example: The manager doubts that the new cashier has sticky fingers

Let slip through fingers

Meaning: This idiom describes someone failing to get an opportunity

Example: You are getting a golden opportunity, don’t let it slip through your fingers.

All fingers and thumbs

Meaning: Someone who is very clumsy

Example: She is all fingers and thumbs when it comes to hosting a program

Put something on the long finger

Meaning: Delaying something for a long time

Example: I have been putting this work on the long finger since yesterday

Hang on by the fingernails

Meaning: Someone who is somehow trying to survive a difficult situation

Example: He is hanging on by the fingernails after being thrown out of the office

Put a finger on something

Meaning: To have a knowledge of something and precisely identify them

Example: He was unable to put his finger on the note that sir has given us

Get your fingers burned

Meaning: This idiom describes the action of suffering consequences of some work done previously

Example: If you get involved in that matter, you might get your fingers burned

Five-finger discount

Meaning: This idiom describes the act of owning something by stealing that thing

Example: To get the necklace for his wife, he used his five-finger discount

Stick out like a sore thumb

Meaning: Be unique from the surrounding people or things

Example: The entire class was punished because of one naughty boy who stuck out like a sore thumb

Under your thumb

Meaning: This idiom describes the action of being completely influenced by someone

Example: She was entirely under the thumb of her instructor.

finger Idioms 2

What is a finger?

A finger is one of the four long thin joints that are attached to the hand. The plural is ‘fingers’.

HOT TIP – The remaining digit is called a ‘thumb‘ (with a silent ‘b’), which also has some idioms too.

Let’s look at some popular body idioms that contain the word ‘finger’.

  • all fingers and thumbs
    meaning – a clumsy person
    example – Don’t pass the ball to Hannah, she’s all fingers and thumbs.
  • five-finger discount
    meaning – shoplifting, stealing
    example – Do you like my new shoes? I got them with my five-finger discount.
  • have green fingers/green fingered
    meaning – good at gardening
    example – My nan was green fingered. I must get it from her.
  • have one’s fingers in lots of pies
    meaning – be involved in many different things
    example – She does yoga, Pilates, running and karate. That woman has her fingers in lots of pies.
  • keep one’s fingers crossed
    meaning – hope for good luck/a good outcome
    example – Good luck with your driving test tomorrow. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.
  • not lift a finger
    meaning – do nothing to help
    example – My teenagers don’t lift a finger around the house. I’m fed up of being treated like a slave.
  • point the finger
    meaning – accuse/blame someone
    example – Someone stole money from my desk. I don’t want to point the finger, but I think it was Katy.
  • pull one’s finger out
    meaning – stop wasting time and start working/concentrating
    example – Logan has pulled his finger out and is working to support his child.
  • put one’s finger on something
    meaning – identify something
    example – I can’t put my finger on which employee is stealing from me. I’ve narrowed to down to 3.
  • sticky fingers
    meaning – a tendency to steal things
    example – Don’t leave your bag lying around. I bet the people who drink here have sticky fingers.
  • work one’s fingers to the bone
    meaning – work very hard
    example – My dad worked his fingers to the bone then dies a week after he retired.
  • wrap around one’s little finger
    meaning – have complete control over somebody
    example – I caught my teacher doing something wrong. Now, he’s wrapped around my little finger.

finger idioms list with pictures

Here’s some real life picture examples.

idiomatic expressions with body parts - finger

common body idioms (finger) - all fingers and thumbs meaning

common body idioms (finger) - five-finger discount meaing

finger idioms and eapressions in English- have green fingers

finger idioms - have one's fingers in lots of pies

finger idioms list - keep one’s fingers crossed meaning

finger idioms in English - not lift a finger

finger idioms list - point the finger

finger idioms list - pull one’s finger out

common body idioms (finger) - put one’s finger on something meaning

common body idioms (finger) - sticky fingers meaning

common body idioms (finger)- work one’s fingers to the bone meaning

finger idioms in Emglish - wrap around one’s little finger

You can download a table of ‘finger’ idioms and expressions below.

If you’ve enjoyed this page, don’t forget to check out some more body idioms by clicking on the links below.

act of God

the fickle finger of fate

An occurrence (usually some sort of catastrophe) for which the people affected are not responsible; said of earthquakes, floods, etc.

Происшествие, за которое люди не несут ответственности, например землетрясение или наводнение.

Hurricane Andrew destroyed many houses in Florida, but some types of insurance did not compensate the victims, claiming that the hurricane was an act of God.

Despite all Acts of God, we continue to destroy our planet.

Несмотря на все стихийные бедствия, мы продолжаем разрушать нашу планету.

at one’s fingertips

Within easy reach; quickly touched; nearby.

Seated in the cockpit, the pilot of a plane has many controls at his fingertips.

Readily usable as knowledge or skill; familiar.

He had several languages at his fingertips.

He had the whole design of the machine at his fingertips.

burn one’s fingers

get one’s fingers burned

To get in trouble doing something and fear to do it again; learn caution through an unpleasant experience.

Попасть однажды в трудную ситуацию, и боятся снова попасть в такое-же положение.

He had burned his fingers in the stock market once, and didn’t want to try again.

Some people can’t be told; they have to burn their fingers to learn.

My father burned his fingers in the stock market and he does not want to invest money there again.

Мой отец обжег руки на рынке ценных бумаг и не хочет больше вкладывать туда деньги.

He got his fingers so badly burnt in the last elections that he decided to withdraw from politics.

Он так обжегся на предыдущих выборах, что решил уйти из политики.

cross one’s fingers

keep one’s fingers crossed

keep your fingers crossed

To cross two fingers of one hand for good luck. To wish for good luck.

Скрестить пальцы на удачу; надеяться что все пройдет гладко. Желать удачи.

Mary crossed her fingers during the race so that Tom would win.

I have a job interview today. Keep your fingers crossed for me, will you?

У меня сегодня собеседование на работу. Скрестишь пальцы на удачу, хорошо?

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we got passing grades on that college entrance exam.

Jerry kept his fingers crossed that the good weather would hold up for the picnic he was planning for the coming weekend.

Keep your fingers crossed while I take the test.

I crossed my fingers for you.

Я держала кулаки за тебя.

To cross two fingers of one hand to excuse an untruth that you are telling.

Johnny crossed his fingers when he told his mother the lie.

finger in the pie

Something to do with what happens; part interest or responsibility.

Готовить предстоящее событие, быть вовлеченным, участвовать.

When the girls got up a Christmas party, I felt sure Alice had a finger in the pie.

The Jones Company was chosen to build the new hospital and we knew Mr. Smith had a finger in the pie.

Jack is a boy with a finger in every pie at school, from dramatics to football.

For information about the town development project, you should talk to John Brown. He has a finger in every pie.

Если вам нужна информация о проекте развития города, вам следует поговорить с Джоном. Он в курсе многих дел.

Did I tell you my boss is threatening to fire me because I’m too weird? But I don’t really care because I’ve got all my other jobs. On Monday I’m a fire eater, on Tuesdays I’m a brain surgeon, on Wednesdays I’m a clown, on Thursdays I’m an astronaut and on Fridays I’m… a traffic warden. I’ve got my fingers in many pies!

Я говорил вам, мой шеф грозится уволить меня, потому что я слишком странный? Но меня это действительно не волнует, потому что у меня есть много других профессий. В понедельник я глотатель огня, по вторникам я нейрохирург, по средам я клоун, по четвергам я астронавт, а по пятницам я… инспектор дорожного движения! У меня действительно много занятий!

have a hand in

have a finger in

have one’s finger in

To have a part in or influence over; to be partly responsible for.

Участвовать в чем-либо; быть частично ответственным за что-либо.

Sue’s schoolmates respect her and she has a hand in every important decision made by the Student Council.

Ben had a hand in getting ready the Senior play.

I didn’t have my finger in that event.

Я не участвовала в том событии.

lay a finger on

To touch or bother, even a little. Used in negative, interrogative, and conditional sentences.

Don’t you dare lay a finger on the vase!

Suppose Billy fakes his brother with him; wilt the mean, tough boy down the street dare lay a finger on him?

If you so much as lay a finger on my boy, I’ll call the police.

lift a finger

lift a hand

raise a hand

To do something; do your share; to help. Usually used in the negative.

We all worked hard except Joe. He wouldn’t lift a finger.

The king did not lift a hand when his people were hungry.

    • See Also:
      • filthy
      • fin
      • final
      • finalize
      • finally
      • finance
      • financial
      • find
      • finding
      • fine
      • finger
      • finish
      • finished
      • fir
      • fire
      • fired
      • fireplace
      • firing
      • firm
      • firmly
      • first
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Collocations for «finger»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «finger» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. my [index, pointer, middle, ring, pinkie] finger
  2. [long, short, stubby, dirty, sticky] fingers
  3. have a broken finger
  4. have [10] fingers
  5. [gave, flipped] me the (middle) finger
  6. UK: stuck two fingers up at him
  7. put his finger to my lips
  8. pointed her finger at [me, the door, the bird]
  9. [push the button, flip the switch] with your finger
  10. [strumming, tapping] with his fingers
  11. put a ring on her finger
  12. slammed my finger in the [door, window]
  13. got my finger trapped in the [door]
  14. stuck her finger in the [water, cake, pie]
  15. scraped his fingers [on, along] the desk
  16. licked his fingers after (eating) the [donut, cake, chicken]
  17. count on your fingers
  18. has his fingers in [different, many, several] pies
  19. UK: she has green fingers
  20. fish fingers
  21. a finger of [fish, toast, chocolate]
  22. a finger of land
  23. the finger of [God, fate]
  24. the finger seems to point [at, to]
  25. [quick, eager, easy] to point the finger
  26. no pointing fingers

n as adj

  1. will be no finger-pointing (here)
  2. is eating finger food
  3. playing with finger puppets


  1. finger the [suspect, criminal, robber]
  2. [suspect] was fingered (by police)
  3. fingered the [fruit, gun, handle, keys]
  4. don’t finger the [fruit]
  5. sexually explicit: fingering [her, yourself]

finger‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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Vocabulary from the body are often used in common every day expressions in the English language.

Words found in English expressions include:

  • Eye – turn a blind eye

  • Feet – get cold feet

  • Finger – fingers crossed

  • Hand – give free hand

  • Head – lose your head

Here we are going to look at expressions with FINGER

If you accuse someone of doing something wrong you point the finger at someone.

  • One of the clearest literal examples of this is when the police have an identity parade. Here the witness* to a crime looks at a row of 4 or 5 similar looking people, if the witness can identify the person who committed the crime they have to point their finger at that person

Not all examples are so literal:

  • John didn’t like his colleague Mike taking the blame for the grave miscalculation in pricing. He told the Sales Director that it wasn’t Mike’s fault and, without mentioning names, pointed his finger at Mike’s boss.

 When you are not successful with a financial deal you get your fingers burnt:

  • George invested in a new company, which made special doors for apartment blocks. Unfortunately most the orders were cancelled due to the collapse of the housing market and George got his fingers burnt for 100,000 dollars.

If you hope for good news you often keep your fingers crossed:

  •           I went for an interview for a great job yesterday. They said they would phone me on Friday to tell me if they want me.
  •           That’s fantastic I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.

If you can’t identify something properly you can’t put your finger on it:

  • – When I first met Arthur Smith there was something about him that I didn’t like, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
  • – Well, now you know. He’s in prison for extortion!
  • I think the young people put their finger on it when they said that the government seemed more interested in having more power than serving the people.
  • Expressions with EYE
  • For more English language expressions go to Vocabulary Index

  • Tags

    English expressions, vocabulary

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So today, I will go over some idioms using the word finger in them. Here we go!

I’m all fingers and thumbs.

This means that you are not good with your hands, you lack manual dexterity.

Cross your fingers or Keep your fingers crossed

You say this when you hope or wish that something will happen or become true.

A: I hope we have a long vacation this year.

B: Keep your fingers crossed.

Give someone the finger

This is when you lift your middle finger to someone to tell them to F*#K off or F#*K you!

This morning this guy cut me off in traffic so I gave him the finger!

Have sticky fingers

This means that someone often steals things.

Chris has sticky fingers so he’s going to jail.

Not lift a finger

This means you do nothing to help someone.

My friend fell down and hurt himself and no one lifted a finger to help him!

Point the finger at someone

This means that you blame someone for something bad that happened

Why are you pointing the finger at me? YOU ARE the one who decided to eat at this bad restaurant!!!

Wear/work your fingers down to the bone

This means you are working very hard for a long time.

I’ve been working my fingers down to the bone trying to finish this project on time.

Wrap around your little finger

This means that you someone will do anything you want.

Man your girlfriend has you wrapped around her little finger~!

Slip through your fingers

1- This means that something you are trying to do, doesn’t work.

I failed my interview, that job just slipped through my fingers.

2- This is also used when you are chasing someone and they escape.

A: Did you catch the prisoners?

B: No, they managed to slip through my fingers…

A: What?!?!? Your in big trouble now!

Hmm, it is getting late. Time for bed, sweet dreams everyone!


Sign language: English from a non-verbal side — OTUK

как по английски палец

With the help of sign language, you can understand the attitude of the interlocutor to your words and even to your own statements. What the body says is no less important than the verbal embodiment of our thoughts.

Non-verbal communication includes kinesics or sign language — a set of body movements that we make during communication. The English picture of the world, like any other, has its own set and interpretation of gestures. The same sign can mean diametrically opposite concepts in different cultures. And although it is generally accepted that the British rarely gesticulate, in many areas sign language is still gaining a place for itself.

We invite you to find out what non-verbal signs are used by native English speakers while studying at OTUK and from this article.


First of all, during a conversation or presentation, you should pay attention to hand movements. By working with our hands and fingers, we can make speech much more expressive. Here are some examples of such gestures:

thumb up or down, the rest of the fingers are gathered in a fist (thumbs up / thumbs down) — «I like», «I approve» / «I do not like», «I do not approve»;

index finger pointing at a person Is an impolite sign, if you want to ask someone to speak up or just point to someone, use whole brush, the same when you point to yourself;

rotate the palm in the wrist towards yourself, combined with a look in someone’s direction — ask someone to come up, if you rotate more intensively, the person should understand that you are asking him to come up as soon as possible; the main thing is not to confuse this gesture with when someone shows that the room is stuffy or hot;

raising palms upward and shrugging your shoulders, you can say that you do not know anything about the subject of speech, but if you raise your hands higher and combine such a gesture with an expressive raising of eyebrows, it will mean that you are perplexed about what is happening around;

you can also emphasize important points of your speech with clear and expressive hand movements, list important points, counting them on your fingers, but do not forget that the British and Americans are starting to finger counting from straightening the index finger, which means «one», straightening the little finger — «four», thumb — five.


Eye expression is considered by many body language researchers to be the best indicator of how a person actually feels about your words. You can understand a lot by following the direction of gaze interlocutor:

right in the eye — usually a good sign that expresses interest, but if the interlocutor is constantly staring at you, without looking away, your words are unlikely to linger in his head; among other things, such a look may belong to a skillful liar who is trying to confuse you;

up and left — pondering the words of the interlocutor and trying to relate them to your past experience and emotions;

left — an attempt to remember any sound or find ways to escape;

up and right — a person is trying to understand how logical and correct what you say or remember some recent experience;

up — a long sign shows that the interlocutor is carefully considering your words, a short «raising his eyes» does not predict anything good, this means that the interlocutor is tired of explaining something to you or listening to you and looks up to the sky in search of help;

down — the person was embarrassed, felt insecure or guilty in your presence, at the same time this may be a sign of indifference and lack of interest, or, on the contrary, thinking about how useful the information you are giving.


It is also important to remember the meaning of the poses. Closed ones (with crossed legs and / or arms) should warn you that the person is not in the mood to take your words and arguments. If the interlocutor leans back in his chair and takes a relaxed position, he does not take you seriously and does not have much interest in what you are saying. If, on the contrary, he moved closer to you, this shows interest.

Sign language is full of its own unique «words» and «expressions.» Today, many English and other books are published with research on this topic, a kind of encyclopedia of non-verbal communication. With their help, you can not only get more information about your interlocutor, but also try to make communication richer and more effective.

Read also


как по английски палец

Many English learners are familiar with the finger game and the song “Father finger, father finger, where are you?” Do you know what the names of fingers sound like in English? Set aside for a while studying grammar topics and memorizing slang words and expressions. Let’s turn to simple, but no less interesting and important things that can be encountered in real life.

  • Fingers — 5, and names — 10
  • Idioms with FINGER

Fingers — 5, and names — 10

So, let’s start with the thumb: in English it is written like this — thumb, and pronounced like this — / θʌm /. Please note that when pronouncing a word, the sound / b / at the end of the word is not readable. Thumb does not need to be supplemented with the word finger, while all other names require clarification — the use of the word finger or toe (if we mean toes).

The index finger has more names than the rest. He and forefinger / fɔːfɪŋɡə /, and trigger / trɪɡə / finger (the finger that is held on the trigger) and index / ˈɪndɛks / (finger), which corresponds to the Russian «index», since the word index is translated as «pointer».

The middle finger in English is proudly called long / ˈlɒŋ / finger or middle / ˈmɪd (ə) l / finger. To remember these names, just look at your palm. Everything is simple and clear.

The etymology of the ring finger, although obvious, is very poetic. Natives of the language nicknamed him ring / rɪŋ / finger (the finger on which the ring is worn). There is also a simpler name — fourth / fɔːθ / finger, which means the fourth finger in a row.

This finger is sometimes referred to as the medical finger. This is due to the ancient belief among the British that the ring finger is directly connected to the heart with the help of a nerve. By touching the medicine with this finger, a person could find out whether it is useful or not.

The smallest of the fingers — the little finger — is called in English little / ˈlɪt (ə) l / finger or pinkie / ˈpɪŋki /.

Idioms with FINGER

There are many idiomatic expressions in English with the word finger. One of the most common is — to put one’s finger on something — to indicate exactly something, to hit the very spot.

Expressions with the word finger in American slang are especially popular. So, the noun a finger is translated as «snitch».

The verb to finger means to give out to the police, to knock.

Example: She fingered her insulter.

The expression to burn one’s fingers means «to burn yourself on something,» «to burn your wings.»

Example: She burns her fingers twice. But she didn’t become hard-hearted.

The British compare the thumb with an awkward, awkward person, they say about him his fingers are all thumbs, that is, “he has all thumbs” (the equivalent in Russian can be considered the expression “he has both left hands”).

This finger also symbolizes strength. The expression to be under smb.’s thumb means to be completely under the influence of someone, to be under the shoe.

Example: «He is under my thumb», — said Mrs. Stick proudly.

The verb to thumb translates as «catch the car by raising your thumb», because this is how we try to stop the ride.

The little finger did not go unnoticed either. It is used in the expression to turn somebody round one’s (little) finger — «to twist ropes from someone.»

Example: Melanie turns her mother round her little finger.

Now you know not only the name of the fingers in English, but also their etymology and some idiomatic expressions with their use.


Exercise or Exercise in English

как по английски палец

It is difficult for children to sit in one place during classes. Therefore, in order not to break away from the process of learning English, you can spend physical education or play various outdoor games also in English.

Here are the options for «English exercises» for toddlers and older children.


One, one, one  (showing index finger)

I can run! (running in place)

Two, two, two (show 2 fingers)

I can jump too!(we jump in place)

Three, three, three (show 3 fingers)

Look at me!(the child freezes in a funny pose)

Children like this counting rhyme very much, they ask to repeat it again and again.


Stand up, sit down (get up, sit down)

Clap, clap, clap. (clap our hands)

point to window, (pointing to the window)

Point to the door  (pointing to the door)

point to the board,  (pointing at the board)

Point to the floor.  (pointing to the floor)

Stand up, sit down (get up, sit down)

Clap, clap, clap. (clap our hands)

You can leave this warm-up for theme «Home», eg.


Make your right hand clap, clap, clap. (we clap the right palm on the left)

Make your left hand clap, clap, clap. (we clap the left palm on the right)

Turn around 1,2,3. (turn around)

It is easy, you can see!

Make your right foot tap, tap, tap.(we stomp with our right foot)

Make your left foot tap, tap, tap. (we stomp with our left foot)

Turn around 1,2,3. (turn around)

It is easy, you can see!


Before charging, you need to agree that the children will lift (pears, bananas — if the topic is «Food»; cubes, dolls — if theme «Toys»; plastic animals — if theme «Animals» etc.). These can be both real objects and imaginary ones.

Pick up, put down, stand up, turn around.

Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down.

Look left, look right, look up, look down.

Turn around, sit down, touch something brown.

The last word can be changed every time, thereby fixing the colors.


We are running(running in place)

We are jumping (we jump in place)

Trying sky to get. (we rise on toes, hands up)

We are skipping (we jump from foot to foot in place)

Trying sky to get.  (we rise on toes, hands up)

We are flying a real jet. (arms out to the sides, showing the plane)

We are hopping (we jump in place on one leg and then on the other)

We are climbing (how udto we climb up)

funny cat.(draw a mustache in the air like a cat)

mew. (sit down)


Jump, jump, jump to the party music. (we jump in place)

Dance, dance, dance to the party music. (we dance in place)

Shake, shake, shake to the party music. (shake our head)

Clap, clap, clap and stamp your feet. (clap our hands, stamp our feet)


When the middle finger became an obscene gesture

Daniel Nasau BBC, Washington

Image copyright Getty Image caption MIA gestured inappropriately during Madonna’s performance in the American Football Championship final

A U.S. broadcaster has apologized after pop singer MIA threw her middle finger during a broadcast of the American Football Championship final. But what does this gesture mean? And why is it perceived as offensive?

Imagine the following picture. A well-known intellectual resorts to a gesture familiar to all, thus expressing dissatisfaction with the statements of a vacuous politician. He shows his middle finger and declares: «This is a great demagogue!»

This story did not happen during a television talk show, and not in one of the salons in London or New York. It took place in Athens in the fourth century BC: in this way, in the presentation of historians of a later era, the philosopher Diogenes, without hesitation in expressions, described his attitude towards the orator Demosthenes.

It turns out that the middle finger, put forward with the rest of the fingers pressed to the palm, has been a symbol of insult and humiliation for more than two millennia.

Phallic symbol

“This is one of the oldest gestures we know of,” says anthropologist Desmond Morris.

“The middle finger represents the penis, and the clenched fingers represent the seminal glands. This is a phallic symbol. It shows that you are demonstrating a phallus, and this behavior has primitive roots, ”explains the expert.

Image copyright Other Image caption Diogenes was not only as social as he lived in a barrel

During the Sunday broadcast of Super Bowl — the most watched television program on American television — British singer MIA threw her middle finger as Madonna began her performance. In this regard, the American National Football League (NFL) and NBC broadcaster apologized to viewers.

«An indecent gesture during a performance was completely unacceptable,» said NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy.

The ancient Romans had a special name for this gesture: «digitus impudicus», that is, shameless, obscene or offensive finger.

The hero of one of the epigrams of the poet Marcial, who lived in the first century AD, boasts of good health and shows three doctors an «indecent» middle finger.

The ancient Roman historian Tacitus wrote that the soldiers of the Germanic tribes showed the middle finger to the advancing Roman soldiers.

But many centuries before that, the Greeks used this gesture as a direct indication of the male genitals.

The ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes wrote the comedy «Clouds» in 419 BC, in which one of the heroes first gestures with his middle finger, and then with his genitals.

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Squirrel monkeys exhibit middle finger gestures

The origin of the gesture is perhaps even more ancient: according to Morris, scientists are aware of the habits of the South American squirrel monkeys, which gesticulate with excited genitals.

Overcoming cultural differences

According to the anthropologist, Italian immigrants most likely brought the indecent gesture to the United States. It was first witnessed in America in 1886, when a Boston Biniters baseball pitcher showed it off in a group photo with the rival New York Giants.



15 August 2017 28 February 2020 0

Choose the size of the ring? It would seem, what could be simpler? Go to a jewelry store and get the help of a specialist or try to determine the size yourself? Both options have their own nuances. GoldPrice consultants tell.

Why it is important to choose the right ring size1

How correctly you choose the size of the ring will determine whether you enjoy wearing it, how comfortable you will be in it, and how long it will last. An incorrectly sized ring can fall off, or, conversely, cause unpleasant sensations if it is too tight.

It is a shame to lose a piece of jewelry dear to your heart simply because you did not understand the intricacies in time. Of course, modern technology has made great strides forward. Often a ring that does not fit very well is taken by many to the workshop in order to slightly reduce or, conversely, increase the size. But this is not always possible.

For example, rings — «paths», rings with many stones, intricate and complex work, most likely will not work to fit. A jeweler who succumbs to your persistent requests runs the risk of deforming the ring or sacrificing inserts.

In addition, in most cases, it is possible to reduce or increase only by half a size, maximum by size without losing the appearance and proportions of the product.

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A ring that is large for you is more likely to lose its original appearance. An adornment that dangles on your finger, with which you constantly touch it, twist it on your finger, take it off and put it on the table when you cook or work, it will scratch and deform much more than an adornment that fits perfectly in size.

How to choose the size of the ring in the store

So, the surest way not to be mistaken with the size of the ring is to take measurements in a jewelry store using a special tool — a ring gauge (or finger gauge).

    What is important to consider here:

  1. Remember that the active hand and the size of the fingers are slightly larger.
  2. The size of the fingers changes depending on the time of day, weather.
  3. Rings with large stones should fit snugly.
  4. The finger gauge is designed for the selection of narrow rings, up to 3 mm in diameter.
  • The right hand for right-handers and the left hand for left-handers are considered active. If you don’t know which hand to wear the ring on, measure and write down all measurements.
  • Puffiness, heat and cold affect the size, albeit only slightly, by about 0,25 mm.
  • If there is a large stone on the ring, it will outweigh it with a loose fit, and the ring will rotate around the finger.
  • If you like wide rings, or multiple finger jewelry at the same time, add a quarter size to your regular size.

How to determine the size of the ring yourself

If you do not have the ability to measure the size with a finger, a simple, but also quite accurate method may be useful to you.

  1. Wrap your finger with a piece of thread, paper, lace.
  2. The measuring ring must not get stuck on the phalanges.
  3. Make a mark where the edges of the line meet.
  4. Cut off the excess length with scissors.
  5. Measure in millimeters the length of the resulting segment.
  6. Determine the size by dividing the value by 3.14

How to choose the right ring size in the international size chart

It is important to take into account that various systems for measuring ring sizes are adopted in the world. In Russia, the size of the ring is the diameter of the circle, in Europe, for example, its length, and in the USA, measurements are made in inches. There is no single size system: along with the Russian ones, there are European, American, Japanese, English sizes. So, Russian size 16 will correspond to English size L, US size 5 ½, Japanese size 11.

To choose the right ring size,

  1. Measure your finger around the circumference, using one of the methods described above
  2. Round the resulting value down if you want to wear thin rings, and up if wide, and you need a margin of size
  3. Find the resulting value in millimeters and compare it with the size of the selected country

How to choose the right ring size for each finger

Most often, when they talk about choosing the size of the ring, they mean the ring or middle finger. But how do you choose the size of your ring if you want to wear it on your little finger, on your index finger, or even on your thumb? Let’s sort it out in order.

  1. The thumb can be close in size to the middle one, but it can be much larger due to the wide phalanx. When choosing a ring on your thumb, keep in mind that it can be difficult to put on and take off. In this case, it will sit on the finger freely.
  2. The index finger, or the finger that gave its name to the ring, will require a wider or larger piece of jewelry that will fit snugly on the finger, but will allow it to bend easily and not get in the way.
  3. The middle finger can be the same size as the index finger. If you are convinced of this, choose rings that you will wear on both fingers.
  4. Engagement or wedding rings are worn on the ring finger. They, of course, should be selected in size especially carefully. As for the rest of the rings, the advice is the same: take into account the width and size of the product, then it will be comfortable to use.
  5. Choosing the size of your pinky ring is not an easy task. It is the least involved in gestures and daily activities, and therefore the least controlled finger: the likelihood of losing the ring is high. Choose small, tight-fitting, streamlined rings.

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