Expressions with the word belt

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Collocations for «belt»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «belt» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. a [leather, woven, rope] belt
  2. a belt to hold your [pants, shorts] up
  3. a belt to hold up your [pants]
  4. went [up, down] a notch on my belt
  5. need a new notch in my belt
  6. a [black, brown] belt (in martial arts)
  7. [hit, struck, whipped] her with his belt
  8. [hit, punched] below the belt
  9. No punching below the belt!
  10. [That, The comment] was (a bit) below the belt.
  11. a [product, car] fresh off the conveyor belt
  12. The [fan, timing, drive] belt [snapped, broke].
  13. need to replace the [fan] belt
  14. [get, have] experience under your belt
  15. sports: [won, retained] the [heavyweight] belt
  16. in the [Bible, grain, rust] belt
  17. lives in the [green, commuter] belt


  1. he can belt out a [song, tune]
  2. belt him [across his face, in the stomach]
  3. belt [out of, along, down]
  4. belt up [for safety, before you start driving]
  5. UK: just belt up, would you!

n as adj

  1. a [silver, gold, brass] belt buckle
  2. the belt loops on his pants
  3. a belt drive [motor, system]
  4. use a belt sander

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I expect him to challenge for the belt again.

Мой план был в том, чтобы снова драться с ним за пояс.

Little polka-dot robe that goes with this belt.

Маленький халат в горошек, с которым носят этот пояс.

Suppose your belt feels too tight.

Предположим, вы чувствуете, что у вас слишком сильно затянут ремень.

I brought my mistletoe belt buckle.

Я принес мой ремень с пряжкой из омелы.

An automated all-round belt cleaning (inside-out + belt edges + conveying side).

Полная автоматическая чистка ленты (внутри-снаружи + края ленты + транспортировочная поверхность).

See this belt here in action.

Вы можете увидеть эту ленту в работе здесь.

And I never liked using a belt or knee wraps.

И мне никогда не нравилось использовать обвязку с поясом или коленом».

I want to face whoever has the belt.

Теперь хочу драться с теми, у кого есть пояса.

Actually it was a time warp belt.

Ну, не полем, а поясом, что искажает время.

Providing it’s not below the belt.

При условии, что они будут не ниже пояса.

I’m thinking perhaps you stole his belt.

Я думаю, возможно, вы отобрали у него ремень.

Everything below that belt is private territory.

Всё, что ниже этого ремня — частная территория.

Prada belt, 30-inch waist, highlights.

Ремень от Прада, талия около 70-ти, обесцвеченная прядь.

Such accusations are below the belt.

«Подобные обвинения — это удар ниже пояса.

The belt cleaning mechanism keeps the belt problem-free, preventing material flowing under the belt.

Механизм очистки ремня предупреждает появление проблем, предотвращая попадание материала под ремень.

This belt is the perfect belt for everyday wear.

Этот пояс идеально подойдёт для повседневного ношения.

Green belt is the third belt, requiring 25 hours of training.

Зеленый пояс — третий пояс, требующий 25 часов тренировок.

Sometimes you’ll see a large inner belt and a small outer belt.

Иногда вы можете увидеть большой внутренний пояс и небольшой наружный пояс.

Built-in support holds the belt in place and prevents the belt from rolling.

Встроенная поддержка держит ремень на месте и предотвращает пояс от прокатки.

The belt is transported through the device during full production to ensure clean belt.

Лента проходит через агрегат в течение всего производственного цикла, что гарантирует чистоту ленты.

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below the belt

hit below the belt

In the stomach; lower than is legal in boxing.

В живот; ниже чем разрешено в боксе.

He struck the other boy below the belt.

In an unfair or cowardly way; against the rules of sportsmanship or justice; unsportingly; wrongly.

Совершать что-то нечестное или трусливое; удар ниже пояса.

It was hitting below the belt for Mr. Jones’s rival to tell people about a crime that Mr. Jones committed when he was a young boy.

Pete told the students to vote against Harry because Harry was in a wheelchair and couldn’t be a good class president, but the students thought Pete was hitting below the belt.

I think it was a hit below the belt when he lied to her.

Я думаю, это было немного нечестно, что он лгал ей.

My friend was hitting below the belt when he criticized me after I told him my true feelings.

Мой друг ударил ниже пояса, когда начал критиковать меня после того, как я рассказал ему о своих истинных чувствах.

belt out

To sing with rough rhythm and strength; shout out.

She belted out ballads and hillbilly songs one after another all evening.

Young people enjoy belting out songs.

corn belt

The Midwest; the agricultural section of the United States where much corn is grown.

Kansas is one of the slates that lies within the corn belt.

green belt

Полоса зеленых насаждений вокруг городских построек.

Our city has a policy to increase the green belt around the city.

Мы получили установку расширить полосу зеленых насаждений вокруг города.

seat belt

A strong strap used to protect a person in a moving car or other vehicle by holding him in his seat.

When the plane began to land, Billy and his mother fastened their seat belts.

Passengers in automobiles should wear seat belts for safety.


A portion of the southern United States where the winter is very mild in comparison to other states.

The Simpsons left Chicago for the sunbelt because of Jeff’s rheumatism.

tighten one’s belt

tighten one’s belt another notch

To live on less money than usual; use less food and other things.

Жить в ситуации, когда в распоряжении есть меньше денег (достатка) чем обычно; «затянуть пояс».

When father lost his job we had to tighten our belts.

Another bill? I’ll have to tighten my belt this month!

Ещё один счёт? Мне придется затянуть пояс потуже в этом месяце!

I lost my job yesterday so now I need to tighten my belt.

Вчера я потерял работу, так что теперь придётся затянуть пояса.

Often used in the expression tighten one’s belt another notch.

When the husband lost his job, the Smiths had to do without many things, but when their savings were all spent, they had to tighten their belts another notch.

under one’s belt

In your stomach; eaten; or absorbed.

Once he had a good meal under his belt, the man loosened his tie and fell asleep.

Jones is talkative when he has a few drinks under his belt.

In your experience, memory or possession; learned or gotten successfully; gained by effort and skill.

Jim has to get a lot of algebra under his belt before the examination.

With three straight victories under their belts, the team went on to win the championship.

пояс, ремень, приводной ремень, зона, подпоясывать, гнать, опоясывать


- пояс, кушак, ремень; портупея

cross /shoulder/ belt — перевязь /ремень, лента/ через плечо

- пояс (с подвязками); корсет; бандаж
- пояс, зона, район; полоса

- лес. шпалера

belt of trees — кулисы (деревья, оставляемые при сводке для лесовозобновления)

- воен. пулемётная лента

ещё 10 вариантов


- подпоясывать; затягивать поясом (тж. belt on)

to belt on the shoulders — надевать через плечо

- опоясывать; очерчивать (кругом)

the beaver belted the tree with his teeth — бобёр обгрыз дерево кругом

- вешать на пояс

he belted on his sword — он прицепил к поясу саблю

- пороть ремнём
- сл. ударить кулаком, треснуть
- амер. сл. пить (спиртное)

to belt the grape — пьянствовать

- сл. двигаться рывками; мчаться сломя голову

to belt downstairs — кубарем скатиться по лестнице

Мои примеры


a belt made of tooled leather — пояс, изготовленный из тиснёной кожи  
a blue dress cinched at the waist by a wide belt — голубое платье затянули на талии широким поясом  
to buckle / fasten one’s belt — пристегнуть ремень  
to undo one’s belt — расстегнуть ремень  
shoulder belt — поясной, диагональный ремень безопасности  
to belt on a sword — надевать меч на пояс  
to lace a conveyer belt — сшивать конвейерную ленту  
wire belt — сетчатая транспортерная лента  
inspection belt — инспекционный конвейер  
belt brake — ленточный тормоз  
belt conveyer — конвейер  
belt-type levelling device — ременный выравнивающий механизм  

Примеры с переводом

He holds the black belt.

Он — обладатель чёрного пояса.

Fasten your seat belt.

Пристегните ремни.

She wore a belt around her waist.

Она повязывала пояс вокруг талии.

Just belt up, will you!

Заткнись, ладно?

Fuck knows where is your belt.

Хрен знает, куда девался твой ремень.

She unbuckled her seat belt.

Она отстегнула ремень безопасности.

Black Belt

Черный пояс (южные районы США, где преобладает негритянское население)

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

America’s farming belt

His bathrobe was loosely belted.

That was a bit below the belt, Paul.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

belt down — выпивать, закладывать за воротник
belt off — убежать, улизнуть, убегать
belt out — громко петь, громко играть на музыкальном инструменте
belt up — притихнуть, замолчать, пристегнуться ремнем безопасности, одевать пояс

Возможные однокоренные слова

belted  — опоясанный, имеющий ременный привод
belting  — ременная передача
unbelt  — снимать пояс, расстегивать пояс

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: belt
he/she/it: belts
ing ф. (present participle): belting
2-я ф. (past tense): belted
3-я ф. (past participle): belted

ед. ч.(singular): belt
мн. ч.(plural): belts

belt — перевод на русский


And belts will be worn tighter this winter.

А пояс зимой придётся затянуть потуже.

Here, take my belt!

Прими от меня пояс!

Would you believe, Hussein-Husliya, this morning we have forgotten our favorite belt in the garden.

Но ты поверишь, Гуссейн-Гуслия, сегодня утром мы забыли в саду наш пояс, любимый пояс.

Stopped the car in Piazza di Spagna, Condotti st, bought belt.

Остановилась на площади, купила пояс.

I like the way he tucks his thumbs into his belt.

Мне нравится, как он засовывает пальцы за пояс.

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He even put in a belt buckle with an «R» on it… hoping we would think it was Rosebreen… an old enemy of Wynant’s who disappeared years ago.

Он даже положил туда ремень с буквой «Р» надеясь, что мы подумаем, что это Роузбрин старый враг Винанта, который исчез много лет назад.

Belt too tight.

Ремень туго затянут.

Where is it? Where’s my gun belt?

Где мой ремень?

Need a good leather belt, lieutenant?

Хотите хороший кожаный ремень, лейтенант?

You’ll be all right by the time you fasten your seat belt.

Пристегивая ремень, вы будете в полном порядке.

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— Fasten your seat belt.

— Пристегнем ремень безопасности.

Just tell me where the seat belt is at!

Где ремень безопасности?

— Buckle my seat belt?

Ремень безопасности!

Hey, a seat belt? Oh, yeah.

Ремень безопасности?

— I meant seat belt.

я хотел сказать, ремень безопасности.

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You better put your seat belt on, man. I’ll tell you that much.

Лучше пристегнись, братан — вот те мой совет.

Tighten your seat belt.


Honey, get in that seat and put a seat belt on.

Сядь, детка, в то кресло, и пристегнись.

Fasten your seat belt, please.

Пристегнись, пожалуйста.

Fasten your seat belt, Daphne.

Пристегнись покрепче, Дафни.

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I’m in a bit of a bind here, so put on your seat belt. We’re getting on the freeway.

Лучше пристегни ремень, мы выезжаем на скоростное шоссе.

Put on a seat belt.

И пристегни ремень.

Fix your seat belt, honey.

Пристегни ремень, милая.

Put on your seat belt.

Пристегни ремень.

Well, put the seat belt on.

Пристегни ремень.

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And that would be my belt buckle.

А это моя пряжка.

My belt buckle.

Моя пряжка.

Belt buckle says «what’s crackin’?»

Пряжка пишет «Чё почём?»

I got a big Texas belt buckle!

У меня большая пряжка Техас!

I remember why the belt buckle on the pants looks so familiar -— it’s from the old 10 point ranch.

Я вспомнил, почему пряжка показалась мне столь знакомой… она с ранчо Тэн Поинт.

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— He’s buckling his belt.

— Он пристегнут

Every traveller fasten your seat belts, so that he’s not going to eject.

И каждый путешественник у нас пристёгнут, чтобы он не вылетел.

Jackie, you got your seat belt on?

Джек, ты пристегнут?

Two guys in a car, one’s wearing a seat belt, the other one isn’t, they’re doing 60 down Mulholland they blow into a telephone pole.

В машине едут 2 человека. один пристегнут, другой нет. Они едут со скоростью 60 миль/час и врезаются в столб.

And the guy without the seat belt gets decapitated.

А тот, что не был пристегнут остался без головы.

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And the seat belt is compulsory.

И пристёгиваться — обязательно.

If you don’t want to wear your seat belts, you don’t have to.

Если не хотите пристегиваться, можете не делать этого.

Next time warn us about seat belts!

— В другой раз буду пристегиваться.

Theo should’ve worn his safety belt.

Тео должен был пристёгиваться.

No, I will not put my seat belt on! Don’t!

— Нет, я не буду пристегиваться!

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Now, not every family would go by on a conveyor belt for you… but mine would because—

Не каждая бы семья проехалась на ленточном конвейере для вас… но моя это сделала, потому что—

Now, not every family would go by on a conveyor belt for you… but mine would because—

Не каждая бы семья проехалась на конвейере ради вас… но моя это сделала, потому что…

Now, not every family would go by on a conveyor belt for you… but mine would because—

Не каждая бы семья проехалась на ленточном конвейере для вас.. но моя это сделала, потому что…

You’re just, like, floating along… on a conveyor belt of conformity.

Ты, как будто, движешься на конвейере условностей.

Dangled upside down on a conveyor belt, their throats are slit, and they are left to bleed to death.

Подвешенный вверх тормашками на ленточном конвейере, их горла разрезаны в длину, и их оставляют, чтобы кровоточить до смерти.

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It’s not for rich-assed, snot-nosed kids dragging’ on the Orange Belt.

Здесь нет богатеньких сопляков, которые гоняют по Оранж Белт.

You must be Mrs. Belt?

Вы должно быть миссис Белт?

God bless you, Mrs. Belt.

Благослови вас Гсоподь, миссис Белт.

What? So Mrs. Belt let me write them on the board.

— Миссис Белт разрешила мне написать их на доске.

Yeah, Kelsey had a bit of a girl crush on Mrs. Belt last year.

Да, Келси ну очень хорошо относилась к миссис Белт.

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That comment was really below the belt.

Aquele comentário foi realmente um golpe baixo.

(Literalmente: abaixo do cinto)

Of experience.

De experiência.

I have three years of teaching under my belt.

Eu tenho três anos de magistério.

(Literalmente: sob meu cinto)

Be quiet.

Ficasse quieto.

I wish he would belt up.

Eu gostaria que ele ficasse de bico fechado.

Drink quickly.

Beber rapidamente.

He can belt down an entire bottle of whiskey!

Ele pode secar uma garrafa inteira de uísque!

Extra secure.

Muito seguro.

We have a belt and braces approach to security.

Nós temos um sistema de segurança inviolável.

(Literalmente: cinto e braçadeiras)

Por hoje é só. Amanhã tem mais. See you.


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Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts _________.
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I should judge, however, onless there is a change in the program, that when this «cruel war is over,« you will wear the belt as the champion Blackeyed man of Urope.

If, as often happened, we failed of finding game, we buckled our belts the tighter and went on, consoling ourselves with the hope that fortune would favor us before nightfall.

Will youtake themout of my« The priest unbuckled a travelstained buckskin miner‘s belt and laid it on the floor.

Then swiftly Beltane took off the belt of Sir Gilles and buckled it tight about the wrists and arms of Sir Gilles, and, rending strips from Sir Gilles mantle that lay near, therewith fast gagged and bound him.

« So saying, Beltane tightened his belt, drew on his hood of mail and laced it close, and turning, found Sir Fidelis close by to aid him with the hooded smock; and Beltane wondered to see him so pale and his slender hands atremble.

Searching in the car, he found a leather belt.

He must go round and find a landing to lee, but to go round he must cross the belt of breaking water, with the savage wind abeam.

So Roger gave him the belt, wherefrom Giles forthwith cut the last notch, which done, they together, like mischievous lads, turned to look where their lord rode far ahead; and beholding him all unconscious and lost in thought, they sighed their relief and mounting, went on together.

The sea is pure and free, the land is firm and stable,but where they meet, the tide rises and falls, leaving a little belt of sodden mud, of slippery, slimy weeds, where the dead refuse of the sea is cast up to rot in the hot sun.

And straightway came one from the rear, where rode the servants and menatarms, a great, bronzed fellow, bearded to the eyes of him, loosing his swordbelt as he came; who, having tossed aside cap and pourpoint, strode toward Beltane, his eyes quick and bright, his teeth agleam through the hair of his beard.

The thin bark is streaked and sprinkled with resin, as though it had been showered down upon it like rain, so that even the green trees catch fire readily, and during strong winds whole forests are destroyed, the flames leaping from tree to tree, forming one continuous belt of roaring fire that goes surging and racing onward above the bending woods, like the grassfires of a prairie.

While he was at it, he bought a belt made of the same heavy leather.

He had thrown his own belt on a chair; and now he fixed his eyes on the weapons of Anderson.

Little by little, amid all these hostile forms, he seemed to recognise a certain pair of legs that went on just before: sturdy legs, that yet faltered now and then in their stride, and, looking higher, he saw a broad belt whose edges were notched and sawlike, and a wide, mailclad back that yet bent weakly forward with every shambling step.

After coming out above timber, we reached the belt of alders through which we were working upward, when one of the sheep appeared upon the rugged skyline some half mile above us.

On another occasion Mochuda sent a golden belt to Fergus Mac Criomhthan who suffered from uncleanness of skin arising from kidney disease and upon application of the girdle, by the blessing of Mochuda he recovered.

So bring to woeful Pentavalon and to us all and every, peace at last and prosperityand to sorrowful Roger a belt wherein be no accursed notches and a soul made clean.

Putting packsaddles together, covering waterbelts, etc.; light wind from south, ship making from one to four knots; course north by east.

She kept on the belt of grass, which got narrower, so that the path ran close to the hedge.

Rustem seized the girdlebelt of his antagonist, and threw him from his saddle.

During the past two years we have made and sold over five hundred leather link belts, which are all in actual use and doing excellent service, as is proved by many testimonials which we have received.

« At this Donnegan‘s protector shifted his belt so that the holster came a little more forward on his thigh.

The bundle in the arms of the latter unrolled and showed two cartridge belts, with guns appended.

The gentleman has lost a belt?« «Dear me!a belt!

At 6.50 a.m. steered southeast; we soon entered a grassy plain with ironbark ridges and belts of acacia scrub, trap, and limestone on the plains, and sandstone on the ridges; at noon passed a belt of cypress and entered extensive open downs covered with beautiful green grass.

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